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Carol: One Day You Just Change

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I'm sure it also stuck in Carol's craw a bit that this child and this child's mother are so safe and complacent that he can go wandering around at night by himself and she was the worst thing he ran into.


Going by the rules in our world where presumably nothing will be trying to eat my kids and my son's biggest tragedy today will probably be that I won't make his favorite dinner but will make him do his homework, what Carol did is appalling.  But under the rules of her world and the stakes she believes she's dealing with, I can see why she did it.


The only problem I have with Carol's threat is that she gave it to protect herself and Rick's lies. IMO, if she and Rick really wanted to be upstanding people, they should simply tell Deanna "fuck you, lady. We don't know you or what might be coming. We've seen some shit, ok? Y'all are fucking weak and vulnerable. I'm keeping my gun and not leaving weapons at your discretion. Don't like it? Tough." Instead, they're sneaking around, siphoning off guns, which might cause larger problems down the line and festering mistrust. It's not a good recipe for peace and harmony.


I think there is a similar dynamic behind my lack of discomfort with Carol. Plus, screw that kid! What's his deal, anyway, running around stamping A's everywhere?


Hee. I didn't like that kid either. Who the fuck tails a stranger into an empty house and then confronts them? Who doesn't run to a parent or other authority figure to report it? The kid's either too dumb to live or has a death wish anyway. :D

Edited by NoWillToResist
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The only problem I have with Carol's threat is that she gave it to protect herself and Rick's lies. IMO, if she and Rick really wanted to be upstanding people, they should simply tell Deanna "fuck you, lady. We don't know you or what might be coming. We've seen some shit, ok? Y'all are fucking weak and vulnerable. I'm keeping my gun and not leaving weapons at your discretion. Don't like it? Tough." Instead, they're sneaking around, siphoning off guns, which might cause larger problems down the line and festering mistrust. It's not a good recipe for peace and harmony.



Hee. I didn't like that kid either. Who the fuck tails a stranger into an empty house and then confronts them? Who doesn't run to a parent or other authority figure to report it? The kid's either too dumb to live or has a death wish anyway. :D

Although it's possible that telling the leader of your new camp fuck you lady, y'all are fucking weak ,don't like it? tough

might also not be a good recipe for peace and harmony.


I think they're screwed because they want it both ways...let's be upstanding citizens and reap the benefits of a place with hot water, food, electricity, luxuries we didn't know still existed and saved us from dying...but let's lock and load so we'll be able to kill people who we think are liars.


Then of course, Rick and Daryl start sliding into, eh, I might have somethin' going here I guess we stole guns and now we don't know if we want them and Carol has to put them back while she is already at risk for having been seen the first time she sneaked into the "armory"

Make a commitment. Because they are alienating their new group and their old group. Playing both sides off each other they will end up with nothing.

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My thing is, I don't necessarily think they need to carry guns within the walls because the ASZhats might be dangerous, but because outsiders could come over those walls at any time. Seconds matter in a gunfight. But I guess if you opt to live in a pre-established community, you have to go by their rules. Or take over, haha. 


Re Carol and Ty - I definitely remember Carol being adamant about not telling anyone, and Tyrese being more "eh, whatever" about it. However, even if Rick doesn't know EXACTLY what went down, he still knows his baby daughter survived a week on the road and Carol was partially responsible for that. 

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Although it's possible that telling the leader of your new camp fuck you lady, y'all are fucking weak ,don't like it? tough

might also not be a good recipe for peace and harmony.


I think they're screwed because they want it both ways...let's be upstanding citizens and reap the benefits of a place with hot water, food, electricity, luxuries we didn't know still existed and saved us from dying...but let's lock and load so we'll be able to kill people who we think are liars.


Then of course, Rick and Daryl start sliding into, eh, I might have somethin' going here I guess we stole guns and now we don't know if we want them and Carol has to put them back while she is already at risk for having been seen the first time she sneaked into the "armory"

Make a commitment. Because they are alienating their new group and their old group. Playing both sides off each other they will end up with nothing.


My fake dialogue was hyperbolic.  :)  I feel like there could have been a happy medium between respecting the community's gun policy without giving up all their weapons (after all, Daryl has his crossbow and Michonne kept her katana). Hell, I don't even think they're past the point of no return now, but I'm sure no one will try to come clean and make everything ok before the shit hits the fan.


I felt bad for Carol because it seems like all three of them were on the same page but then suddenly Rick and Daryl backed off after Carol had already put herself at risk. I wish Carol would sit down with Rick and Deanna and just explain their concerns. Deanna has at least APPEARED reasonable...surely they could express their concerns without her laying down an anti-gun ultimatum. If they are upfront about wanting to have access to guns for defensive purposes, I have trouble believing that Deanna would be all "hell no! Get out!" But I guess that would lack the necessary drama... :D

  • Love 6

Okay, it was bugging me, and I'm a huge dork. I found the episode ("Strangers"), and here is their convo:


Tyreese to Carol: Talk to Rick? Some of them know what you did...at the prison. Daryl, Maggie, they accept it. Wouldn't be here if they didn't. (I'm going to/mumble, mumble??) talk to the rest of 'em. Tell them to accept it too.

Carol: They don't have to. 

Ty: No, they do. They just do. We don't need to tell 'em about the girls. I don't want to.

C: Why? 

Ty: I just need to forget it.

  • Love 2

My fake dialogue was hyperbolic.  :)  I feel like there could have been a happy medium between respecting the community's gun policy without giving up all their weapons (after all, Daryl has his crossbow and Michonne kept her katana). Hell, I don't even think they're past the point of no return now, but I'm sure no one will try to come clean and make everything ok before the shit hits the fan.


I felt bad for Carol because it seems like all three of them were on the same page but then suddenly Rick and Daryl backed off after Carol had already put herself at risk. I wish Carol would sit down with Rick and Deanna and just explain their concerns. Deanna has at least APPEARED reasonable...surely they could express their concerns without her laying down an anti-gun ultimatum. If they are upfront about wanting to have access to guns for defensive purposes, I have trouble believing that Deanna would be all "hell no! Get out!" But I guess that would lack the necessary drama... :D

I feel like them getting to keep their knives and crossbows and katanas was a happy medium.  We know they could repel intruders with just those--we've seen them do something along those lines many times before.  Bullets aren't a renewable resource for them at this point, so as Rick and Shane worked out a long time ago, they shouldn't be using guns as their primary weapons anyway.  I think carrying guns inside the walls where there are kids that have not been outside and are not trained how to act around guns is a bad idea.  (Remember Carl stealing Daryl's gun?  We could have that all over again, but with a kid like Sam who is even more clueless.)   Have guards at the gates, or sentries patrolling and let them have guns, sure, but people don't need to be walking around in there strapped with firearms. 


Thanks for the dialogue re: Carol and Tyrese. I wasn't sure, but I remember now. 

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Now that Tyreese is gone, does anyone but Carol know what happened to Lizzie & Mika?


No, which is why it bugs that we never saw Carol have any reaction to Tyreese's death.  I know she's pretty much shut it all down inside, but they went through something pretty horrific together even discounting the Karen and David mess.  Now she's carrying it alone.


Tyreese tells her in Strangers (second episode this season) at the scene filling water bottles at a creek that he's been gabbing to other members of the group about the K&D thing and how they have to accept it.  She says no they don't and his immediate answer is that he'll make them.  She's just looking at him like gee, thanks for putting all my business out there when he drops the news that he DOESN'T want anyone to know what happened with Lizze and Mika though because he just can't.


I remember thinking, what a putz, he's not even the one who had to do anything, he left it up to Carol to handle and thus have all the guilt, and now he doesn't want her unburdening herself to anyone because it would be hard for him.


I remember thinking this too.  So basically you want this woman who's already had problems with bottling up all her emotions to the point that she overreacts to things weirdly and inappropriately to bottle some more because you don't want to talk about it.  I get that losing Karen hurt him deeply and that what happened in the Grove seemed to break something in him, but he was basically shutting off any avenue for her to even try to deal with it in any way.  So she refuses to talk about it when Daryl tries to get her to open up and is ready to flee the church entirely rather than be around people acting whatever passes for normal in this world. When she does attempt to broach the subject later in Consumed, Daryl says he knows what happened because the girls aren't here even though he obviously doesn't.


Cross posted with mandolin helpfully posting the exact dialogue so yeah.

Edited by nodorothyparker
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My thing is, I don't necessarily think they need to carry guns within the walls because the ASZhats might be dangerous, but because outsiders could come over those walls at any time. Seconds matter in a gunfight. But I guess if you opt to live in a pre-established community, you have to go by their rules. Or take over, haha. 


Re Carol and Ty - I definitely remember Carol being adamant about not telling anyone, and Tyrese being more "eh, whatever" about it. However, even if Rick doesn't know EXACTLY what went down, he still knows his baby daughter survived a week on the road and Carol was partially responsible for that. 


It was definitely Ty that didn't want to tell about the girls, saying he wasn't ready for that yet.  It was just after he'd told her that everyone else would "have to accept" what she did to Karvid.   I doubt that Carol was wanting to stand up during the camp fire time and tell everyone about putting a bullet into Lizzie's brain, but I think that if Ty hadn't asked her to keep quiet, she might have told either Daryl or Rick at some point.  And she might yet.

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Bake Your Own Batch of Carol’s Cookies With This Recipe

In Episode 513 of The Walking Dead, Carol continues to play “Suzy Homemaker” for the Alexandrians. That is, until one resident catches Carol stealing guns. Soon that little guy has a big decision to make: meet a grisly end or eat more cookies. Lucky for you, you can just have cookies—lots of cookies—with the official recipe for Carol’s cookies.


And yes, it includes applesauce + "1/4 large chocolate bar." But I would use butter rather than shortening.

I feel like them getting to keep their knives and crossbows and katanas was a happy medium.  We know they could repel intruders with just those--we've seen them do something along those lines many times before. 


Well, it would work for a small batch of walkers, but since Rick explicitly stated that the walkers aren't the real threat, we don't want CDB to be Beth 2.0 (bringing knives to a gunfight). ;)

  • Love 4

I think the truth is actually somewhat more prosaic; the ASZhats permitted CDB to keep their non-firearm weapons simply because they don't view hand weapons as nearly effective as firearms.  Why?  Because since the ASZ occupants have never had to develop these skills themselves, they don't recognize the skills in others.  Perhaps having always had such a huge and varied stock of firearms and ammunition has colored their perceptions somewhat.  None of the ASZhats have ever displayed the same concern over ammo conservation as CDB.

  • Love 8

The more I think about it, I don't know what Carol was thinking by trying to frighten the life out of that kid.  There's no way that kid doesn't crack under the pressure before long.  And if Jessie (or Pete) is any sort of decent parent, she's going to pick up on why Sam is acting like that.


As crazy and outlandish as this sounds... maybe Carol wants the kid to rat her out??  So that way she can either prove him wrong and he'll be the "boy who cried wolf" [<-- yes, I meant that as an off-hand veiled reference to the 'Unfair' Wolves] for any next times he catches something and tries to tell;  or some other as-of-currently unknown reason.


I just can't buy the "keep your trap shut or I'll kill you!" speech if she isn't gong to take even more extreme measures to make sure he doesn't squeal on her/them, and he's going to be around his family all the time.

Bake Your Own Batch of Carol’s Cookies With This Recipe


And yes, it includes applesauce + "1/4 large chocolate bar." But I would use butter rather than shortening.

I've used applesauce before, for pancakes not cookies. I wasn't thrilled. It worked, but the texture was weird. Pancakes are supposed to be soft too, cookies might be a little mushy? Who's going to try the recipe and let us know?


As crazy and outlandish as this sounds... maybe Carol wants the kid to rat her out??  So that way she can either prove him wrong and he'll be the "boy who cried wolf" [<-- yes, I meant that as an off-hand veiled reference to the 'Unfair' Wolves] for any next times he catches something and tries to tell;  or some other as-of-currently unknown reason.


Absolutely agree, and I think it would be hilarious to see people blow off the kid and Carol in the background sticking her tongue out. Psych!

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Think about how many stories you read in the news about someone who has been preying on a child for years--the adult child always says he doesn't tell because the abuser threatened to hurt him and his family if he told. Those who abuse children use that tactic because it works. Adults are all powerful to little kids and they do believe if they talk bad things will happen.

  • Love 4

Carol is the ultimate ZA problem resolver. 


"Are they causing you problems, or just have that 'look' about them?  Or maybe they keep bugging you for some GD cookies??  Follow these simple rules & actions, and your ZA life will be much happier and stress-free.  First, give them a very scary warning about what will happen to people who cross you, and if that doesn't work; just Kill 'em!  (or have someone else do it for you - 'no muss, no fuss')  *bright warm smile*   Now, who's up for storytime, kids??"

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

I don't think Carol would have one single solitary problem with putting Pete down. I think she'd do it in a heartbeat.  I do think she's not going to risk getting exiled again, so she's going to bring it to Rick first.  They haven't finished their conversation yet, and I think if he were to respond "you think he's going to have to die, you take care of it," she'd go off whistling in her pastel cardigan, and Pete would probably wind up ground into the chili she feeds the old folks for dinner the next day or strung up on the main gate or quietly missing never to be heard from again...


I also really hope we get to see Carol bond with Sam and that just once she gets to keep a kid (even if it's not hers, a kid that she's close to that lives).  But kids don't have a great survival rate in this new world. I just hope if something happens to him she can handle it, because she's obviously already let him into her heart, even if she didn't want to.

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I saw in the episode thread people saying Carol was playing Lady MacBeth but is it possible the scene was intended differently? More informative than manipulating or insisting?

Carol comes back, says Pete is beating Jessie and possibly Sam. Then tells Rick we both know how this ends (or is going to end) you have to kill him. I know she uses present tense vs future but I do wonder if it's basically the same thought spelled out for the audience.

Basically we know how this will end, no matter what you do or say he won't stop, there are no courts, prisons, restraining orders, shelters, etc. Eventually you're going to face a situation where you're going to have to kill him.

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 9

Maybe both Pete and Jessie will die and Carol can take care of Sam. Just once I would love a child of hers to live.


I also really hope we get to see Carol bond with Sam and that just once she gets to keep a kid (even if it's not hers, a kid that she's close to that lives).

Interesting! I've been considering that Carol would make a good parent for Enid, who is the age Sophia would be by now; and is a tough little cookie so they both would both get each other. Plus, Enid really needs a woman to talk to at this stage of her life if you know what I mean.


I saw in the episode thread people saying Carol was playing Lady MacBeth but is it possible the scene was intended differently? More informative than manipulating or insisting?

Basically we know how this will end, no matter what you do or say he won't stop, there are no courts, prisons, restraining orders, shelters, etc. Eventually you're going to face a situation where you're going to have to kill him.

Yes, I don't think she was ordering him, I think it goes back to once thinking there'd be another, less drastic way to deal with Lizzie who had a problem.


Then that conversation with Tyreese---you can't send someone like that out alone, or to another group, or split us up and have someone guarding the person 24/7 or call a shrink or commit them or medicate them etc.

A sad talk to the only way in this new world to deal with someone who has a problem that can destroy other people.


(Actually Pete has 2 problems; even if he's not abusing anyone this alcoholism makes the protection of the only doctor in town kind of irresponsible---someday his inebriated interference with the sick or injured will kill someone.)

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I saw in the episode thread people saying Carol was playing Lady MacBeth but is it possible the scene was intended differently? More informative than manipulating or insisting?

To be fair, Lady MacBeth herself wasn't actually responsible for her husband's crimes. She told him what the course of action should be but ultimately it was his fault that he was so weak-minded that he did it without thinking it through. I feel like this is a bit of what's happening. Carol definitely wants Rick to push the issue with Pete but she didn't have to push that hard. He definitely wanted to go there. I'm curious about this, actually. Why does Carol need Rick to deal with this? Evidence suggests she's perfectly capable of taking care of this situation herself.

Carol is both fantastic and terrifying. I love her but the Alexandrians should never have let her in. They should never have let any of them in. Maybe their naivety would have killed them in the end but our gang seems to be hurrying along the violence. She's definitely my favourite part of this season. 

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Lately I've been thinking about how isolated Carol has been the last two seasons, either through deliberate writing choices (as she doesn't feel comfortable bonding with anyone - she spends a lot of time with Rick but that's mostly because of his power position in Alexandria), or just writing struggles due to many of her plots being about her and what she has to go through, which don't entail moments from other characters.


Then I start to think if the third season threw me off track in terms of her relationships with the group, that it was just an aberration, and for the most part (CDB, the farm, post-prison), Carol has always been on her own, either horribly patronized and/or ignored by the others (seasons 1-2) or respected but kept at a mutual distance (seasons 4-5). 


I'll give the prequel thing a try, but a part of me wishes they'd given Carol a spinoff. I don't think she has reached the end of her story potential by a longshot, but I do think that she will never be any particular part of the group, perhaps she never has been, and I wonder if she would be better off in fresh surroundings, without the "Caryl" baggage and expectations, without having to divide up airtime with a wide swathe of other characters, et al.

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I just rewatched and it does look to me like Carol has a slight smile during Rick's rant, and they show it just as he is saying (paraphrased), "you don't get to wait and see if things get better." This reminds me of when Hershel smiled when Rick told the Gov they could all live together. Hershel knew that Rick "got" his message. Now, Rick got Carol's message of being proactive (burning the bodies).

I just rewatched and it does look to me like Carol has a slight smile during Rick's rant, and they show it just as he is saying (paraphrased), "you don't get to wait and see if things get better." This reminds me of when Hershel smiled when Rick told the Gov they could all live together. Hershel knew that Rick "got" his message. Now, Rick got Carol's message of being proactive (burning the bodies).

It also reminds me of the things Carol said in the car when Rick was driving her away (to banish her).

How she did what needed to be done. Somebody had to. You don't have to like it, you just have to do it.

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Good article with GAH talking about Carol:




ETA:  Also here's the link to the article I was referencing yesterday:



Edited by Ocean Chick


Oh man, the comments on this article are fucking gold. Carol supporters vs Carol haters. Heh.


My favourite was a comment - in all caps lock, to boot - that Carol has gone total rogue. Burning Karen and David? Yes, I'll give 'em that. But I don't think she's really done anything rogue since then. She and Tyrese agreed on the Lizzie situation; the theft of the guns at ASZ was planned with Rick and Daryl; the issue with Jessie and Pete was addressed by her and Rick; heck, I think just about everything she's doing at ASZ has been carefully planned with Rick's explicit consent and involvement.


I suppose she 'went rogue' at Terminus when she fucking saved everyone, so perhaps she shouldn't have taken any action at all and just walked on by with Judith and Tyrese...?  ;)

Edited by NoWillToResist
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One thing this week made very clear, besides "Carol is an amazing killing machine," is that there isn't as big a difference between old Carol and new Carol as it often looks like. When she was swapping recipes with the other housewives, that wasn't her pretending to be a housewife instead of a survivor of countless dangerous situations. Because, to her, both are one in the same.


Sure, the stakes involved in fighting the Wolves are higher than they were in getting punched a few times by Ed, but each situation, at the time that it was relevant, was her world. What the other housewives hear as "Oh, isn't that clever, cleaning out the pantry like that and still having it taste good," was, in Carol's world "OK, I need to feed Ed something that he isn't tired of, that won't cost him money, that tastes good, and that Sofia also likes, because if she doesn't clean her plate she might get the shit beaten out of her..." Housewife Carol was already building many of the skills and outlooks that ZA Carol gets so much credit for.


The pretending to be passive, and then sneaking in with whatever she needs to do, was how she lived every day. So was being able to take a punch and still get things done afterward. Learning how to kill with a knife or gun certainly hasn't hurt, but in and of itself, it's not what makes her so dangerous. Who she is, behind the weapon, and everything she's been through in her life, not just in the last few years, is what makes her so effective.


I am certainly not saying that she in any way "owes" Ed for "toughening" her up.

What I am doing is giving her credit for knowing how to make lemonade.

Edited by CletusMusashi
  • Love 13

Great post, Cletus, and that was something I touched on in the episode thread - how we might see quite a few abused wives excelling in the ZA. Once they get some confidence, that is. But yea, someone like Carol already IS a survivor. She's used to thinking quickly and trying to avoid bad situations. She's used to keeping her feelings down and her guard up. And like you pointed out, she's probably used to being sneaky as well. Remember back in season 1 when she had Rick's grenade? I think that was typical of her, stashing stuff away for later because she never knew when something might come in handy. 

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Great post, Cletus, and that was something I touched on in the episode thread - how we might see quite a few abused wives excelling in the ZA. Once they get some confidence, that is. But yea, someone like Carol already IS a survivor. She's used to thinking quickly and trying to avoid bad situations. She's used to keeping her feelings down and her guard up. And like you pointed out, she's probably used to being sneaky as well. Remember back in season 1 when she had Rick's grenade? I think that was typical of her, stashing stuff away for later because she never knew when something might come in handy. 

That grenade scene was one of my favorites of the entire series.  Shane's sexist ass saying something about a nail file won't help and Carol pulling out a grenade....Classic

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I wish Carol was in every episode. Not simply because she's believable as an asswhupper (many actors are not) and attractive as hell, but she is BY FAR the most interesting character.

She has an arc. She actually learns and adapts. Which is my complaint with the rest of the gang - they...don't.

Next season needs to be "Carol and The Walking Dead."

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The kids who played Ron and Sam were interviewed in a clip on TD. "Sam" said his favorite scene was the first one with Carole. He called MMB "amazing", and "an absolute joy to work with". He called her his buddy. Ahhhh.

ETA: They showed a cast photo, and MMB and "Sam"'are holding hands.

Edited by RedheadZombie
  • Love 3

The kids who played Ron and Sam were interviewed in a clip on TD. "Sam" said his favorite scene was the first one with Carole. He called MMB "amazing", and "an absolute joy to work with". He called her his buddy. Ahhhh.

ETA: They showed a cast photo, and MMB and "Sam"'are holding hands.

And he said that they both like antiquing. Major Dotson is majorly adorable.

I'm curious where the show is heading with Carol. I wonder if Denise is going to be angry for her shooting Wolfie, but really -- an already-injured guy who needed to have his arm amputated by Dr. Denise Psychiatrist? I don't think the prognosis looked good.

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I'm somewhat optimistic that there won't be serious fall out between Carol and Denise. Denise seems reasonable enough to understand that Carol saw Wolf Boy as being nothing more than the man that kidnapped Denise and as a man who was part of the Wolf pack AZ invasion. Even if Denise tries to tell Carol he was showing signs of redemption, and Carol rejects it, Denise is still enough of a ZA newbie to take Carol's word for it that she couldn't take a chance on him. Denise didn't have time to get invested in Wolfie. As a side note, Wolfie's death freed up Denise to entirely concentrate on Carl.

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