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Carol: One Day You Just Change

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Oh, I'm totally fighting the ship thang, mainly because I've shipped in the past and have always, ALWAYS been fucked over by TPTB. I love Daryl and I love Carol. I love their friendship and their deep connection. As far as the characters not having hooked up yet, I think it makes absolute sense. I don't think either of them has ever had a hand laid on them in love.


From Carol's perspective, can you imagine how frightening it must be? I mean, Ed might have been a d-bag in the beginning of their relationship, but I'm betting the physical abuse didn't start until after they were married and he could view her as his property. Just being able to leave herself physically and emotionally vulnerable to someone has got to be terrifying.

I love Daryl and I love Carol. I love their friendship and their deep connection. As far as the characters not having hooked up yet, I think it makes absolute sense. I don't think either of them has ever had a hand laid on them in love.

From Carol's perspective, can you imagine how frightening it must be? I mean, Ed might have been a d-bag in the beginning of their relationship, but I'm betting the physical abuse didn't start until after they were married and he could view her as his property. Just being able to leave herself physically and emotionally vulnerable to someone has got to be terrifying.

Carol has loved & been loved: Sophia, sometimes Ed, perhaps her family of origin &/or earlier relationships. Now CDB.

Carol's self aware, and struggling to make better choices. That, to me, was the biggest takeaway from "Consumed": Do not give up.

Carol has loved & been loved: Sophia, sometimes Ed, perhaps her family of origin &/or earlier relationships. Now CDB.

Carol's self aware, and struggling to make better choices. That, to me, was the biggest takeaway from "Consumed": Do not give up.


I'm sorry, I wasn't clear. I don't count Sophia or Carol's family of origin. That's a parent/child thing. I was referring to adult physical affection. 


In her relationship with Ed he was her abuser. I believe if he saw her trip he'd let her fall and then mock her for being clumsy. Carol obviously had a messed up notion of love and I'm assuming that her sexual relationship with Ed was no different from her non-sexual relationship: all about control and power. 


Judging by what we know about Daryl, my guess would be that any sexual encounters he's had have been about scratching an itch rather than developing from a loving relationship.

I'm sorry, I wasn't clear. I don't count Sophia or Carol's family of origin. That's a parent/child thing. I was referring to adult physical affection. 


In her relationship with Ed he was her abuser. I believe if he saw her trip he'd let her fall and then mock her for being clumsy. Carol obviously had a messed up notion of love and I'm assuming that her sexual relationship with Ed was no different from her non-sexual relationship: all about control and power. 


I think that she probably had what she thought was a loving relationship with Ed, in the beginning.  But when he showed his true colors, that would have made her doubt everything she initially felt.  Almost making it worse in the long run.  She might feel like she can't trust her own feelings. 

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I am very worried that Carol will not survive the MSF.


TPTB put her front and centre this season, more so than any other, which is an automatic red flag to me. Throw in that they've diagnosed her with "internal injuries" and I can't see how she can bounce back from that to re-join the group.


I know this show tends to focus on someone before they kill them off in order to maximize the impact and that Carol had a big 'hero' moment with Terminus, but I will still feel very sad if she dies (in general, but in particular now) because she's still not in a good place, y'know? I would just find her story to be a bunch of sadness and pain, then ending in her death, and I find that utterly depressing. At least the other characters were generally happy or in good places before they were shuffled off this mortal coil, whereas Carol is still in pain. I don't want her to go out like that...

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I dunno. With the exception of BobbyQ, I think the recurring theme of the show has been clean deaths with lotsa closure are a luxury rarely afforded in the postapocalypse.


I'm not referring specifically to closure but more...their general mental state or mental health. T-Dog, Lori, Andrea, Dale, Hershel, Bob...all of them, to my recollection were in decent places before their lives ended. Whereas Carol, despite saving her people at Terminus, is still struggling with the events of The Grove. I would prefer her to have found some kind of...mental peace(?)...before she kicks the bucket. I also hate the idea of her being snuffed out by, essentially, getting hit by a car.  It seems kind of an undignified end. :)

Then the title of this thread would be a little creepy.

Especially if she becomes a walker.


How dare you, ma'am! How dare you! ;) 


It would be an extra kick when I'm down, especially since Daryl was gearing himself up to have to kill a walkerized Carol back when she was missing at the prison. It was a fake-out then...if they go through with it here, I'll totally cry. Particularly because of what happened with Sophia!!!


And how much would a walkerized Carol destroy Daryl? Ugh. No. Please no.

Edited by NoWillToResist
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I was thinking back to the criticisms of "Consumed" for having flashback scenes of Carol, especially the criticism of scenes like her wiping mud off her face (insert jokes about whether we'd see somebody taking a dump, etc.). 


I'm really happy that the show gives Melissa McBride scenes like that, because it's a matter of trust. You have to truly trust an actor to give them that type of moment, because it can easily be seen as padding, or meaningless. Yet I think Melissa made it so much more. There was such a heartbreaking quality to these simple everyday moments, mostly because they're the only time Carol does (literally) take off the mask.


When I read the biography for Grayson Hall (probably best known for Dark Shadows, or Night of the Iguana), they mentioned that when her husband became headwriter for Dark Shadows, he wrote a lot of material which showed her vulnerability, because she'd never been allowed to play this material in her career. 


I feel like that's also been the case with Melissa, where Gimple and others have allowed Carol to move beyond the limited role of the first few seasons (struggling wife and mother), with strength, and a quiet type of ache, and wry humor, and sort of a stinging undercurrent of loss. It's not TV-friendly grief, where she gets the magical children to help her become whole again. Yet she also isn't the damaged mother who should have died with her child. She has no real idea what she is - she's been a very different person every season. 


I guess that's why I hope she isn't going to go, because I feel like there's so much left to explore. Carol was just starting to truly question who she was and to act instead of react. That shouldn't end this soon.

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I feel like that's also been the case with Melissa, where Gimple and others have allowed Carol to move beyond the limited role of the first few seasons (struggling wife and mother), with strength, and a quiet type of ache, and wry humor, and sort of a stinging undercurrent of loss.

That's why I'm excited that episode 5.9, the first episode of the back eight, is written by Gimple---who wrote the Sophia/barn episode, and the episodes "Clear" and "The Grove". All very strong, deep episodes with great character revelation.

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I guess that's why I hope she isn't going to go, because I feel like there's so much left to explore. Carol was just starting to truly question who she was and to act instead of react. That shouldn't end this soon.


I wholeheartedly agree. I've always felt like Carol over-corrected herself after abandoning the sniveling, weak woman she was with Ed, the woman that died with the farm. She became a little too hard, a little too reactionary. I understand why. She spent her prior life doing nothing. She said that she was just sitting around, waiting for something to happen. Now that Carol has shed that woman, she swung a little too far to the other side and just started doing stuff. Things. She didn't want to wait around anymore. But she wasn't thinking everything through. She was JUST reacting. I think the Grove helped Carol realize all this, but she still has some more to figure out. She's having a hard time dealing with a lot of this, and believing the group can truly accept her. I will just be heartbroken if her story is over tonight, but I'm trying to prepare myself....because I can kind of see it coming. I hope to God I'm wrong. 

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Oh, I so agree ghoulina! I would be so disappointed if we didn't get a chance to see Carol truly develop into the woman she is capable of becoming. I do believe that she over-corrected in an effort to never be a victim again. Now she is aware of that over-correction, and she also knows that being strong does not equal being alone. She can be strong and still accept help from others. I hope we get the chance to find out who she will become. I am preparing myself for her demise though. I wouldn't put it past TPTB to telegraph one character's death (Beth) in order to surprise us with another. :-(

That's a really good take and I think that's kind of what they were going with in Consumed. The weak woman who stood by and let Ed abuse her, the one that didn't run after Sophia died on the farm.

I can see Carol thinking that she can't be weak anymore and in doing so pulled a 180. Instead of doing nothing, not reacting or even having a voice/make a decision she's over compensating.

In a way I see the same progress between Carol and Rick, they've both done 180s. Rick of S5 would have killed the Vatos rather than deal.

In the end I hope both Carol and Rick find their way towards the middle of the road. I personally think there's way more story to tell with Carol, so I hope she doesn't die any time soon.

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And I still want to see Carl, Rick, and Carol at the Grand Canyon in the end!!! Because for some reason that promise Rick made to Sophia in the car after leaving the CDC really stuck with me.


Me too.


Rick and Carol have a very interesting, underwritten relationship (Glenn/Rick/Carol all have very underwritten relationships with each other for people who have been there from near the start). I hated seeing it torn apart last season. I hope we get to see more of it. Not romantically or with Carol as the Grimes mother, but just as equals, and seeing two people who both navigate such a dark place.

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I, too, am worried for tonight.  I keep telling myself they won't go for the obvious death, and Carol with her internal injuries is too obvious.  I would also be sad to not see the stories they still have to tell about Carol.  As someone mentioned in the Michonne thread, it would be great to see a friendship with Carol and Michonne explored.  They have a lot in common, having both lost a child and having refined themselves into warriors out of the ashes of their old lives, although those lives started out in very different places.  Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they're a lot alike.   Just that it's one of the many stories/relationships I'd like to see them explore with Carol.  The Rick relationship also has layers upon layers that are both spoken and unspoken  that would be interesting to explore.   Of the early cast, Rick, Carol and Daryl seem to have the most threads wound between them, and it'd be sad to see any of them go because of that.  (Not sure why Glen doesn't have the same sort of backstory/links to the others, except that they sort of wrapped him up in Maggie and drew him away from the rest of the family.. first figuratively and now literally.)


Pete Martell, I want to read that book about Grayson Hall!  I've always been a fan, and I've always felt that she played her Dark Shadows characters as tough women with a vulnerability that really made them unique.

I would like to nominate Melissa McBride's eyes for an award. Honestly, that woman can convey more with those tear-filled eyes than most actors can with lines of dialogue.


Loved that she reached for Beth's hand before the prisoner exchange went down. That was sweet.


I am so relieved that Carol was spared. For now, anyway.

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How in the hell did Carol restrain Daryl, then walk out of the hospital?! No wonder the character inspires such hatred. Very badly done, writers!


I don't think she restrained him at all. She merely put her hand on his shoulder...at least that's what I saw.


The doctor said he thought she had internal injuries but he wasn't sure. Carol was moving slowly, limping and left the hospital while being supported by Tyreese. She's clearly not totally ok. And who knows, maybe the shot Beth gave her helped something along.


I'm just glad that Carol had nothing to with Beth's death and was shown to mourn her loss.

Edited by NoWillToResist
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I'm chalking her being able to walk to TV physics.  If a van can go over the side of an overpass nose first and land on its wheels, of course a character can get hit by a car and walk with minimal assistance the next day.  I can't even bring myself to care.


I thought it was a nice small character moment of her putting her hand on Daryl's shoulder since the last time we saw them together he was basically talking her down off the ledge to convince her to go on.  She had no dialogue this episode but still managed to do a lot with her eyes and just holding Beth's hand before the prisoner exchange.  But I'm sure there will still be complaints about how she was somehow making it all about her.

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Pete Martell, I want to read that book about Grayson Hall!  I've always been a fan, and I've always felt that she played her Dark Shadows characters as tough women with a vulnerability that really made them unique.




I'm sure there are other ways of getting it at other prices.


It's a good read - has some stuff about her I hadn't heard before (I enjoyed the anecdote where she stopped a child actor from deliberately ruining scenes for everyone else by stepping on his foot). It's a very balanced look at her life and career, with a lot of pictures I hadn't seen, and extensive details on her theater work, as well as some of her films that were never released. 

I don't think she restrained him at all. She merely put her hand on his shoulder...at least that's what I saw.


The doctor said he thought she had internal injuries but he wasn't sure. Carol was moving slowly, limping and left the hospital while being supported by Tyreese. She's clearly not totally ok. And who knows, maybe the shot Beth gave her helped something along.


I'm just glad that Carol had nothing to with Beth's death and was shown to mourn her loss.


Yeah, I don't really think she had a miracle recovery either. She was barely walking and that may have been to get down the stairs and get out of that place. Even if she has had a miracle recovery, this show isn't real life. Although if we get a story where she bonds with a sexy physical therapist, I wouldn't really complain. 


I'm fed up with what the show has done with Tyreese, but I'm glad he was the one helping her out of the hospital. I think Melissa and Chad forged a believable bond last season and any slight glimpses of it please me. It feels natural.

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Carl gets shot in the gut and it up and about fast.

Rick looked like a steamroller hit him after the prison fell. A couple days later, he's fresh as a daisy, ready for more. 

Hershel's leg is amputated in primitive conditions and there isn't a trace of infection.

Abe keeps ripping open the same gash on his hand, a gash bound by some filthy rag or another, with no ill effect (yet).

Carol is hit hard by a car and she's up and about quickly. 


So yes, it is strange that she is seemly okay but there's plenty of precedent on this show. 

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I'm fed up with what the show has done with Tyreese, but I'm glad he was the one helping her out of the hospital. I think Melissa and Chad forged a believable bond last season and any slight glimpses of it please me. It feels natural.


I would love to know how Carol would react if Tyreese admits that he lied to her about killing Martin...

That would be interesting. I imagine she'd be disappointed, and would question whether or not she should tell the group, given that she and Tyreese have a certain trust. And she's a tough person who is questioning some of this about herself, while he's a softer person who is almost trying to convince himself he can't be anything else.

I will also be interested to see if Carol can pull herself out of her own head in order to be there to support Daryl who will no doubt be in massive amounts of pain over Beth's death. Perhaps this will be just the thing that snaps her out of her navel-gazing and realize that she needs to reconcile things with herself and be in the now again.


She was there for him in the early days, he's been there for her lately, so I guess it's time for the pendulum to swing back now?

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I would like to nominate Melissa McBride's eyes for an award. Honestly, that woman can convey more with those tear-filled eyes than most actors can with lines of dialogue.


Loved that she reached for Beth's hand before the prisoner exchange went down. That was sweet.


I am so relieved that Carol was spared. For now, anyway.


Carol's eyes tore me up.  Everyone's reaction was amazing - Tyreese was very emotional as well.  I think Rick and Sasha were both covered in her blood.  Even when the show ruins a character, they seem to give them a loving cast surrounding them.  Andrea, Lori, and Dale were all mourned by the gang, even though much of the audience seemed to hate them.


I'm fed up with what the show has done with Tyreese, but I'm glad he was the one helping her out of the hospital. I think Melissa and Chad forged a believable bond last season and any slight glimpses of it please me. It feels natural.


I agree.  It's one thing when the show is deliberately portraying them as assholes, another when the writers indirectly damage a character's integrity.  The writing has really missed the mark with Tyreese and Maggie this season, in my opinion.

Sure, Carol may heve been hit by the car, but all that cushy cardboard was lying around the street to soften her landing.


Ohhhh, so that explains it. So the next time my husband and I are on the run from the ensuing apocalypse and he gets annoyed that I stop to throw all of our old cereal boxes on the street, I can say - "Hey, I'm doing this for the good of humanity! You never know when you might get hit by a pack of a lollipop-loving rapists driving a cop car at full speed". 

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Carl gets shot in the gut and it up and about fast.

Rick looked like a steamroller hit him after the prison fell. A couple days later, he's fresh as a daisy, ready for more. 

Hershel's leg is amputated in primitive conditions and there isn't a trace of infection.

Abe keeps ripping open the same gash on his hand, a gash bound by some filthy rag or another, with no ill effect (yet).

Carol is hit hard by a car and she's up and about quickly. 


So yes, it is strange that she is seemly okay but there's plenty of precedent on this show. 


Don't forget Eugene getting smashed repeatedly in the face by Abe and face planting on asphalt and yet his face in the fire truck has no wounds or bruising.

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Regarding Carol's reaction to Tyreese not killing Martin, if she hasn't forgotten her own actions I would think she would understand someone not owning up to their actions. She should also understand making a unilateral decision that wasn't the best course of action.

Somewhere the comment was made that if Rick and Carol knew Tyreese didn't kill Martin he(Tyreese) would be left by the side of the road. If Rick owes Carol and part of that is because Judith lives, Rick owes Tyreese AT LEAST as much where Judith is concerned.

Tyreese should have some good will from the Emperior and Carol best go along otherwise she might find herself hit by a car again and this time find a bullet in her skull LOL

Edited by GodsBeloved
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I do see a parallel as far as Carol and Tyreese each having done something that needs forgiveness but I do think their two acts are quite different. Carol killed two people because she thought they were a threat to the safety of the group. Rick ran over that cop who had hurt Sasha and jeopardized their mission to rescue two of their own. Tyreese? He didn't take out an enemy who is part of the group that kidnapped their friends. And on top of all that, the guy threatened to kill an infant, rather than just sit his fucking ass down and chill. He wasn't going to be harmed by them but in response to their civil treatment of him, he pulled that shit?


I'm not sure how cool Rick OR Carol would be about letting someone like that live. Throw in that Tyreese LIED about Martin no longer being a threat because he'd killed the guy...that's a big concern. I would not trust Tyreese to have my back. And that's not good.

Edited by NoWillToResist
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Regarding Carol's reaction to Tyreese not killing Martin, if she hasn't forgotten her own actions I would think she would understand someone not owning up to their actions. She should also understand making a unilateral decision that wasn't the best course of action.

Somewhere the comment was made that if Rick and Carol knew Tyreese didn't kill Martin he(Tyreese) would be left by the side of the road. If Rick owes Carol and part of that is because Judith lives, Rick owes Tyreese AT LEAST as much where Judith is concerned.

Tyreese should have some good will from the Emperior and Carol best go along otherwise she might find herself hit by a car again and this time find a bullet in her skull LOL


THANK YOU!!  As I recall, Carol stood by, with the bodies of Karen and David still smoking, while Rick beat the shit out of Tyreese.  That beating could have been avoided if she had admitted to killing the two there and then.  So if anybody should give Tyreese a pass about Martin, it better be St. Carol.

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I do see a parallel as far as Carol and Tyreese each having done something that needs forgiveness but I do think their two acts are quite different. Carol killed two people because she thought they were a threat to the safety of the group. Rick ran over that cop who had hurt Sasha and jeopardized their mission to rescue two of their own. Tyreese? He didn't take out an enemy who is part of the group that kidnapped their friends. And on top of all that, the guy threatened to kill an infant, rather than just sit his fucking ass down and chill. He wasn't going to be harmed by them but in response to their civil treatment of him, he pulled that shit?


I'm not sure how cool Rick OR Carol would be about letting someone like that live. Throw in that Tyreese LIED about Martin no longer being a threat because he'd killed the guy...that's a big concern. I would not trust Tyreese to have my back. And that's not good.


And thank YOU.  At least Carol didn't lie to people about not killing Karvid.  When Rick asked her, she told him the truth - that she did it.  Tyreese out and out lied to Carol and the others, saying he'd killed Martin - that he had to do it, and that he could do it.  So Carol killed people she perceived to be a danger to the group, and Tyreese didn't kill someone he knew was a danger to Judith and himself.  Totally different.

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At least Carol didn't lie to people about not killing Karvid.  When Rick asked her, she told him the truth - that she did it.  Tyreese out and out lied to Carol and the others, saying he'd killed Martin - that he had to do it, and that he could do it.  So Carol killed people she perceived to be a danger to the group, and Tyreese didn't kill someone he knew was a danger to Judith and himself.  Totally different.


Well, a lie by omission is still a lie. She could have confessed either upfront or as soon as the bodies were found, but she didn't. Rick and Daryl, IIRC, took kind of a beating from Tyreese when he flew into a rage at discovering their bodies.


What's worse, Carol was on her way in to take care of Martin, freeing him from delivering that justice. So why did he stop her?


I presume because he didn't want people to realize his ass was a liability and/or he didn't want Martin's blood to be on anyone's hands. He probably figured that not killing Martin wouldn't change anything either way since their group didn't plan on sticking around.


Really though, pacifism is nice and all but it's the fucking ZA. There are some fuckers who just need to die and if Tyreese just can't handle doing that, he needs to at least be honest before his issues get someone killed...

Edited by NoWillToResist
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Since Karen has been brought up again, I just wanted to point out the blatant double standard going on when it comes to Rick and Carol's actions. I personally love both DoneTakin'Crap!Rick and Carol, but I can't help but notice that Rick isn't getting anywhere near the hate/condemnation for his current kill everybody first, ask questions later actions.  Meanwhile, Carol was quickly and vocally labelled as a cold-blooded killer/murderer/psycho by so many last season.

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I think the (a) difference is that Rick killed an "other" while Carol killed two of "us."


Yea, that's how I see it. I don't hold Karvid against Carol (mostly because I believe it was completely OOC and bad writing), but killing a member of your group because they might unintentionally infect you is a lot different from killing someone who was actively trying to harm you or your group.

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Somewhere the comment was made that if Rick and Carol knew Tyreese didn't kill Martin he(Tyreese) would be left by the side of the road. If Rick owes Carol and part of that is because Judith lives, Rick owes Tyreese AT LEAST as much where Judith is concerned.


Yes.  Tyreese dropped the ball where Martin was concerned, but if he hadn't been there to take care of Judith, Carol couldn't have gone off to rescue everyone from Terminus.  Talk about needing a babysitter on Saturday night!


Tyreese is pretty messed up, but most of the group seems to be suffering from PTSD and it's manifesting different ways.  Rick hallucinated Lori and went through a "I can't hold a gun" phase himself.  Carol swung too far the other way and shut down.  Maggie shut down (I think that's why she didn't mention her sister, she was stuffing everything down as best she could just to cope).  Tyreese is afraid of his own shadow.  Abe became a mission zealot.  Michonne had a shut down phase of her own, and for a while it looked like Carl was wandering too far into sociopath territory.  Daryl went through a depression and might again.  There are emotional dials swinging wildly all over the place in this group.  But, yeah, if Tyreese can't pull the trigger he needs to be honest about it.  "Don't make me cover someone with a gun, I can't shoot. Just let me feed the baby, and no one changes diapers better than me."

Edited by GreyBunny
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