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Vicki Gunvalson: Her Love Tank Runneth Over

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

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Here is the infamous girlfriend claiming Brooks doesn't have cancer.  I apologize in advance this is so poorly written and really open to interpretation:  http://stoopidhousewives.com/2015/09/01/rhoc-from-the-sh-archives-why-there-is-doubt-about-crooks-cancer-story-line/


This one gets better and goes way back to when Vicki was renewing her vows and texting Brooks: http://stoopidhousewives.com/2015/05/11/crooks-the-womanizer-crooks-the-cancer-survivor-how-many-cancers-has-crooks-had-vgunvalson-rhoc-brooksayers/


This girlfriend sounds a little off and I have yet to see any evidence Brooks doesn't have cancer  http://stoopidhousewives.com/2012/06/22/vicki-gunvalson-vicki-in-florida-over-weekend-brooks-ayers-headed-for-arizona-brooks-wants-to-see-his-ex-this-weekend/

Ummm, those were all exGFs of Brooks not Meghan. So far on the show, Meghan has not said that Brooks doesn't have cancer. She has only repeated what the "psychic" said and she has questioned his treatment choice (as has Shannon) but she has never claimed he is lying about having cancer. Is there another link with Meghan making the claim that Brooks is in fact lying about having cancer? 

  • Love 1

I don't remember hearing Meghan say that Brooks doesn't have cancer but if you say she did, I have no reason not to believe you.  Meghan does need to tone it back, learn to take a much softer approach and use some discretion.  


Don't you think there's a huge difference in the scope of Vicki's power way back when with Lauri Peterson and now?   Vicki has a high opinion of herself and she's just not "all that" anymore.

I wish Vicki's power was diminishing.  I would like to see her reduced to friend of the HWs.  Every other year they seem to have to bring some huge ordeal Vicki has to find her way through.  I think anytime one of these other woman try and take Vicki down with a half baked story they will suffer the wrath of Vicki.  Lauri's story and Gretchen's retelling of it is off and I am tired of the "game of telephone excuse".  Here is what I take a look at after the season has concluded-who spends time together?  This year there is no one except Jeana Keough with Vicki.  Even the Beadors and Tamra and her motley crew have been pictured together.  Vicki has pretty much said she and Shannon are okay but not the same after the dinner.


This is Vicki who thinks Briana should have been cast instead of Meghan.  No offense to Briana but she is an overweight, mother of two living in OKC with a enlisted marine for a husband whose biggest claim to fame is she fights with her mother and her marine husband chews out old ladies for putting their feet on the couch.  Oh and Briana is always tired. 

Ummm, those were all exGFs of Brooks not Meghan. So far on the show, Meghan has not said that Brooks doesn't have cancer. She has only repeated what the "psychic" said and she has questioned his treatment choice (as has Shannon) but she has never claimed he is lying about having cancer. Is there another link with Meghan making the claim that Brooks is in fact lying about having cancer? 

I didn't mention Meghan.  They are just random stories about Brooks and his ex girlfriend.  She has said it, implied and passed it on and it is in the previews.  She has said it interviews since the show has wrapped.  Meghan does not believe Brooks has cancer.  She does not KNOW one way or another.  There will be no definitive answer this season.

Edited by zoeysmom
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There must be a preview that I haven't seen yet because I don't remember Meghan saying anything about trying to get Brooks' medical records. I also don't remember her saying that she doesn't believe he has cancer. She said the psychic said it.....maybe I missed that too. Her main focus seems to be that he's not going to the best doctors or getting the most aggressive treatment available.


Meghan has said Brooks does not have cancer, on the show and post show.  She says it interviews currently.  



 So far on the show, Meghan has not said that Brooks doesn't have cancer. She has only repeated what the "psychic" said and she has questioned his treatment choice (as has Shannon) but she has never claimed he is lying about having cancer. Is there another link with Meghan making the claim that Brooks is in fact lying about having cancer? 



I didn't mention Meghan.  They are just random stories about Brooks and his ex girlfriend.  She has said it, implied and passed it on and it is in the previews.  She has said it interviews since the show has wrapped.  Meghan does not believe Brooks has cancer.  She does not KNOW one way or another.  There will be no definitive answer this season.



OK .  It's time for me to bow out of this discussion before my head explodes. 


I thought I was confused earlier about what Meghan did or did not say but now I've graduated from confused to confuddled.



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Here is the problem with the crack editors at Bravo/Evolution Media.  Vicki, Shannon, Heather and Tamra have all said Meghan said Brooks didn't have cancer.  So then Meghan claims she is only questioning the treatment and it makes no sense.  They have edited it so the comments are off camera and Meghan is carefully crafting her words to allow herself wiggle room on camera. 

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The cancer discussion confuses me honestly. Something seems off and yet it's so obviously not Meghan's place to ask questions about it, especially when her goal is to upset and hurt people. But ever since Cobie Smulders announced that she had ovarian cancer while on HIMYM and went on to have two healthy pregnancies and apparently no chemo was needed, I've realized there's a lot I don't understand about diagnosis and treatments.

I don't trust Brooks in general though. And I still find Vicki entertaining! She's a lunatic.

  • Love 4

As a follow up to the blog I posted here from Vicki's Twitter Account...

Brooks Ayers and Vicki Gunvalson Talk Stopping Chemo Exclusive

Written by: Matt Richards on September 10, 2015

The Real Mr. Housewife

Brooks Ayers and Vicki Gunvalson Talk Stopping Chemo Exclusive

‘Chemo Isn’t The Only Route’

This morning, we exclusively revealed that, even though they are broken up, Real Housewives of Orange County star Vicki Gunvalson and Brooks Ayers remain friends. One of the hardest things both have had to battle this season are insinuations that Ayers is faking cancer. Today, Gunvalson shared a blog post on her Twitter from a woman named Jaclyn Dixon. What did the post have to do with and what are Ayers and Gunvalson exclusively telling us about it?

The blog post, which can be read here, is titled “Why The Real Housewives of OC Need to ZIP IT on Cancer.” In the post, Dixon takes major issue with the OC women assuming that by Ayers choosing a route other than chemotherapy it must mean he doesn’t have cancer.

We reached out to Ayers and Gunvalson for comments regarding the blog.

Ayers told us that, “It’s refreshing to hear from others who have battled cancer and beat it. In particular, Jaclyn Dixon’s own husband has been in remission for 3 years. Her perspective gives her personal insight, other than my own, and resonates with my soul, body, and mind.”

“My only goal in sharing my journey in a public way was to give others hope when chemotherapy wasn’t working,” Ayers added. “As in any illness, we must do research with our medical team, make calculated decisions, listen to our bodies, and go with what our mind/soul tells us to do regardless of the ‘noise’ from other people. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Ayers wrapped with saying that, “There are so many treatment options to consider and it is very much a personal decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly.”

Gunvalson also commented, telling us that, “One’s healthcare choices are a private matter and something that needs to remain private.“

“It’s irresponsible for anyone to say chemo is the only route,” she added.

Gunvalson wrapped with a supportive statement, telling us that, “Whatever Brooks chooses to do for his treatment plan I support his decision.”

It’s nice to see these two supporting each other and sharing such an inspirational blog post that touched them.

Read more at http://realmrhousewife.com/2015/09/10/brooks-ayers-and-vicki-gunvalson-talk-stopping-chemo-exclusive/#0URJJ5GUikrfuMOk.99

Edited by talula

Vicki's side of Spa Story--GATE, lol!

Vicki Gunvalson Spa Story Is Slanderous Exclusive

Written by: Matt Richards on September 4, 2015

The Real Mr. Housewife

A Slanderous Story!

This week, an article in Star Magazine reported that Real Housewives of Orange County star Vicki Gunvalson was in a San Diego spa and flipped out when given the bill. We reached out to Gunvalson’s representative, Clay Edwards, to get a statement on what happened. So what did Gunvalson have to say via her representative?

Via Edwards, he told us that Gunvalson has the following statement that we could exclusively share:

“Last weekend, while spending time with a very close friend in San Diego, we met two young ladies while out to dinner who offered to give my friend and I a facial and body wraps. It has been a rough few weeks for me and my friend and I thought it would be a nice stress free service which unfortunately turned out to be anything BUT that.

The ladies told me they wanted to ‘comp’ the services, however I didn’t feel comfortable with that and wanted to give them both a generous tip. When I was getting ready to check out, Ria from Work of Art Body Wraps started to talk to me about purchasing water reducing pills, exercise gels, cellulite creams and on and on. I told her I did not want to spend $500 on creams and pills that I was just planning on paying her for her services.

It got uncomfortable when I told her ‘I do not need these other items nor do I spend money like that on items I won’t use,’ and then she got offended. I ended up paying Melanie from HD Beauty Skin Boutique $200 and Ria a check for $300 in order to keep peace.

When my friend and I left, we both felt very awkward and what was supposed to be a nice Sunday afternoon turned into a stressful and tense moment.

Ria called me after I got in the car and told me she was sorry for any misunderstanding that she was not planning on cashing my $300 check. I called her back and left her a message saying she should cash the check and told her once again I just didn’t want to spend the money on all of the other items.

There were numerous text messages afterwards and she got very rude and disrespectful. She contacted Star Magazine to try and defame me and even though Star knew it was slander, chose to print the story regardless. Star had copies of the numerous text messages we sent to them proving to them I was mislead and taken advantage.

Melanie, from HD Beauty Skin Boutique gave me an incredible facial and was shocked when she heard that Ria contacted the press about this as she was there and saw how disrespectful Ria got to me. I had an amazing facial by Melanie and will definitely be back and if you’re ever in the Rancho Santa Fe area, please visit her. She understands how hard it is to be an honest, small business owner.

To say that I am disappointed is an understatement. It’s people like Ria at Work of Art Body Wraps in Racho Santa Fe, California and Star magazine that give people a bad name. Since Ria has chosen to spread a slanderous story against me I have no choice but to take further legal action.”

We appreciate Gunvalson’s representative sharing Gunvalson’s side with us.

Read more at http://realmrhousewife.com/2015/09/04/vicki-gunvalson-spa-story-is-slanderous-exclusive/#77BZbMq5VxIIK3pR.99

As a follow up to the blog I posted here from Vicki's Twitter Account...

Brooks Ayers and Vicki Gunvalson Talk Stopping Chemo Exclusive

Written by: Matt Richards on September 10, 2015

The Real Mr. Housewife

Brooks Ayers and Vicki Gunvalson Talk Stopping Chemo Exclusive

This morning, we exclusively revealed that, even though they are broken up, Real Housewives of Orange County star Vicki Gunvalson and Brooks Ayers remain friends. One of the hardest things both have had to battle this season are insinuations that Ayers is faking cancer. Today, Gunvalson shared a blog post on her Twitter from a woman named Jaclyn Dixon. What did the post have to do with and what are Ayers and Gunvalson exclusively telling us about it?

The blog post, which can be read here, is titled “Why The Real Housewives of OC Need to ZIP IT on Cancer.” In the post, Dixon takes major issue with the OC women assuming that by Ayers choosing a route other than chemotherapy it must mean he doesn’t have cancer.

We reached out to Ayers and Gunvalson for comments regarding the blog.

Ayers told us that, “It’s refreshing to hear from others who have battled cancer and beat it. In particular, Jaclyn Dixon’s own husband has been in remission for 3 years. Her perspective gives her personal insight, other than my own, and resonates with my soul, body, and mind.”

“My only goal in sharing my journey in a public way was to give others hope when chemotherapy wasn’t working,” Ayers added. “As in any illness, we must do research with our medical team, make calculated decisions, listen to our bodies, and go with what our mind/soul tells us to do regardless of the ‘noise’ from other people. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Ayers wrapped with saying that, “There are so many treatment options to consider and it is very much a personal decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly.”

Gunvalson also commented, telling us that, “One’s healthcare choices are a private matter and something that needs to remain private.“

“It’s irresponsible for anyone to say chemo is the only route,” she added.

Gunvalson wrapped with a supportive statement, telling us that, “Whatever Brooks chooses to do for his treatment plan I support his decision.”

It’s nice to see these two supporting each other and sharing such an inspirational blog post that touched them.

Read more at http://realmrhousewife.com/2015/09/10/brooks-ayers-and-vicki-gunvalson-talk-stopping-chemo-exclusive/#0URJJ5GUikrfuMOk.99

I think this is as good as it gets for Vicki and Brooks.  I sure hope Brooks got a paycheck this year-he has been the central character.  If they can pay Briana and Ryan they should be paying Brooks.

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I actually do not think Megan has said on the show that Brooks does not have cancer. Not outright. She did relay that the psychic said it. And the way she questions his treatment and states what SHE would do in his position, does imply that she doubts him. But I think she was being very careful not to actually "go there". But yes, she did give an interview outside that show that states she does not believe it and we will see why by the end of the season. 



I actually very much agree with Brooks's point about chemo not being the only route and respecting people who make their own medical choices. But I still am skeptical about a lot of the other shit.

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When Seasons 2 and 3 had message boards on TWOP, this was talked about repeatedly. Unfortunately, TWOP and FORT allegedly bowed to pressure from George Peterson and swept all RHOC comments. Vicki's reasons for disliking Colby were spoken of often. By the other cast members, especially Lauri Waring.  Scandals were popping off all over the OC back in the day, especially  from George's ex-in-laws when he got with Lauri. ( Anyone remember Pizza Girl?)

Yeah, those were the days... I do not recall Vicki disliking Colby, but I do recall her saying bigoted things in the past: "chinky-chink Chinaman"; "no scratchie the woodie!"; dancing with a Peurto Rican dwarf; etc.
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I feel confident that the Brooks/Vicki break-up in a break-up of convenience and once the cameras go away, they will be back together. I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone, but, I really hope Brooks isn't lying. Years ago I had a co-worker whose behavior and attendance became erratic. She claimed it was because her granddaughter had just been diagnosed with sickle cell. Our supervisor was a real tight ass and asked others to report any suspicious behavior of the co-worker. I Defended the co-worker saying no one would ever lie about their granddaughter having sickle cell. Turns out, the FBI got involved (I knew nothing about that) and my co-worker was charged with embezzlement and ended up in federal prison. The granddaughter was fine. My co-worker made the whole thing up playing on the sympathies of her co-workers. So, people do that crap, but, I hope Brooks isn't one of them. It just really taints the show. Also, would someone in CA. Go slap Megan for me. K? Thanks!

Edited by Bronzedog
  • Love 7

As a follow up to the blog I posted here from Vicki's Twitter Account...

Brooks Ayers and Vicki Gunvalson Talk Stopping Chemo Exclusive

Written by: Matt Richards on September 10, 2015

The Real Mr. Housewife

Brooks Ayers and Vicki Gunvalson Talk Stopping Chemo Exclusive

This morning, we exclusively revealed that, even though they are broken up, Real Housewives of Orange County star Vicki Gunvalson and Brooks Ayers remain friends. One of the hardest things both have had to battle this season are insinuations that Ayers is faking cancer. Today, Gunvalson shared a blog post on her Twitter from a woman named Jaclyn Dixon. What did the post have to do with and what are Ayers and Gunvalson exclusively telling us about it?

The blog post, which can be read here, is titled “Why The Real Housewives of OC Need to ZIP IT on Cancer.” In the post, Dixon takes major issue with the OC women assuming that by Ayers choosing a route other than chemotherapy it must mean he doesn’t have cancer.

We reached out to Ayers and Gunvalson for comments regarding the blog.

Ayers told us that, “It’s refreshing to hear from others who have battled cancer and beat it. In particular, Jaclyn Dixon’s own husband has been in remission for 3 years. Her perspective gives her personal insight, other than my own, and resonates with my soul, body, and mind.”

“My only goal in sharing my journey in a public way was to give others hope when chemotherapy wasn’t working,” Ayers added. “As in any illness, we must do research with our medical team, make calculated decisions, listen to our bodies, and go with what our mind/soul tells us to do regardless of the ‘noise’ from other people. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Ayers wrapped with saying that, “There are so many treatment options to consider and it is very much a personal decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly.”

Gunvalson also commented, telling us that, “One’s healthcare choices are a private matter and something that needs to remain private.“

“It’s irresponsible for anyone to say chemo is the only route,” she added.

Gunvalson wrapped with a supportive statement, telling us that, “Whatever Brooks chooses to do for his treatment plan I support his decision.”

It’s nice to see these two supporting each other and sharing such an inspirational blog post that touched them.

Read more at http://realmrhousewife.com/2015/09/10/brooks-ayers-and-vicki-gunvalson-talk-stopping-chemo-exclusive/#0URJJ5GUikrfuMOk.99

Ok, maybe I am reading this wrong but his comment....

"“My only goal in sharing my journey in a public way was to give others hope when chemotherapy wasn’t working,” Ayers added. “As in any illness, we must do research with our medical team, make calculated decisions, listen to our bodies, and go with what our mind/soul tells us to do regardless of the ‘noise’ from other people. Nothing more, nothing less.”"......

reads as if he had made the decision to quit chemo before the show started filming, not after. Which goes against what we saw/heard in the beginning of the season from both Brooks and Vicki.


As for the cast commenting on or questioning his cancer, Vicki should have respected Brooks decision/desire to keep it off the show and not use it as a storyline. Both of them, especially Vicki, have been on the show long enough and have seen the producers twist things to know that nothing is off limits and that they, the producers, would use this as a main storyline for ALL of the HWs. IMO, Vicki put her need for a storyline ahead of Brooks, plain and simple.

  • Love 3

Yeah, those were the days... I do not recall Vicki disliking Colby, but I do recall her saying bigoted things in the past: "chinky-chink Chinaman"; "no scratchie the woodie!"; dancing with a Peurto Rican dwarf; etc.

I remember Vicki not liking the relationship early on, and especially when Brianna chose to stay in OC instead of going away to college (no matter what Brianna says NOW). My impression was that she wanted Brianna to wait until she was older to be so serious and to end up with a doctor/lawyer/businessman type. I also remember her being upset that Brianna was doing a nursing program instead of pre-med. I remember it being more of a class issue and a fear that Brianna would follow in Vicki's footsteps by marrying young and having kids before she was ready (irony thy name is Real Houswife)than racial. But Vicki has made many, many racial comments so who knows?

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OLD articles from 2012 that may be relevant to today's RHOC


June 29, 2012


(2) Brooks Ayers Accused Of Being A Deadbeat Dad On 20/20!

by Mary on July 1st, 2012



Yep, in front of the whole nation, on a nationally syndicated immensely popular news show, Brooks was outed as a deadbeat dad by his ex-girlfriend Nicolette Catanzarite. How’d you like them apples? Or oranges, if you will. I say Karma is a bitch, and I love her for it!

{snipped article}

Nicolette shares that Brooks seemed so upfront about his past and his life, that she didn’t think he was hiding anything. “I just believed everything that he said. I bought it hook, line and sinker,” she admits.

He also told her had a vasectomy – another story she believed whole-heartedly. Until she got pregnant! “I was like, this is gonna be the best kid in the world,” Nicolette recalls, believing she would be with Brooks forever. “I just couldn’t wait to have him and really always thought that this was such a blessing.”

Sadly, shortly after their son’s birth, the affirmation cards dried up – and so did Brooks‘ interest! “Within two or three weeks I started seeing kind of a different behavior from him,” Nicolette remembers. “He was obsessive, angry, moody and controlling with me. It was very strange.” Their relationship quickly dissipated.

Nicolette says she started noticing his many lies, claiming he even lied about having nose cancer! LOL! (Sorry – I couldn’t resist. What a fraud!)...

Edited by talula
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OLD online article-Brooks Ayers

Heather Dubrow Defends ‘Deadbeat Dad’ Brooks Ayers

Posted on Jul 11, 2012 @ 7:30AM


The Real Housewives of Orange County star Vicki Gunvalson has been tirelessly defending her boyfriend Brooks Ayers to her family and friends, insisting that he isn’t really a “deadbeat dad,” and her co-star Heather Dubrow is now jumping on the bandwagon to support him too.

On Andy Cohen’s Watch What Happens Live show Tuesday night Heather was asked by a caller what she thought of Brooks following the ABC 20/20 episode that aired recently calling him out for being a deadbeat dad.

“I’m very fond of Vicki and I’ve had nothing but lovely interactions with Brooks,” Heather said diplomatically.

Edited by talula
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Does anyone remember the 20/20 episode that featured the mother of his youngest child discussing his avoidance of child support payment?  I'm trying to remember if she said anything about him having cancer.  It was several years ago and I have lost a lot of brain cell since then due to being an old ass woman.

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OLD online article from June 29, 2015- Video Interview with Tamra Judge and Brooks Ayers responses to fake cancer accusations on Twitter

Brooks Ayers addresses fake cancer rumors

JUN. 29, 2015 | Author : ASA HAWKS





This season of The Real Housewives of Orange County is yet another emotional and dramatic roller coaster, as The OG of the OC Vicki Gunvalson assists her boyfriend Brooks Ayers in his battle against stage three non-Hodgkins lymphoma.That’s the emotional part of the ride. The drama comes from Vicki’s co-stars Tamra Judge and Meghan Edmonds, who have publicly stated that they are suspicious that Brooks doesn’t even have cancer!

TAMRA Judge:

However, as I mentioned above, not everyone is remaining positive about Brooks’ cancer diagnosis. In an interview with Perez Hilton, Tamra Judge spoke at length about her suspicions regarding whether Brooks has cancer or not.“When it comes to Brooks it’s a touchy subject because you never in a million years want to think that someone you know is lying about cancer,” Tamra says. “How it all plays out is very suspicious, and it just makes you want to think, ‘Is he telling the truth, or is he not telling the truth?’ At the end of the day, nobody really knows except for him and a doctor.”Tamra adds, “I always say, ‘If he’s lying, I hope he gets help, and if he’s not lying I hope he gets help.’ Nobody wants anybody to have cancer. But then again, you don’t want somebody to be lying about it.”

MEGHAN Edmonds:

New Real Housewives of Orange County cast member Meghan Edmonds was quick to toss in her two cents as well, and she was a bit more straight forward about it than Tamra. “I think he’s faking his diagnosis,” Meghan bluntly told Star of Brooks earlier this month. Meghan thinks that fans will also be suspicious after watching this season. “I believe the little questions that unfold will intrigue the audience.”

Tamra's Interview


Edited by talula

Brooks' Twitter responses that I found today...there are comments and his responses in the article above. I notice he said he got a out of court defamation settlement from ABC...I wonder if it's from his lawsuit against them for the 2020 segment? Therefore Nicolette/ABC may have had some incorrect information.

Here's some OLDER Twitter responses

Brooks Ayers

Brooks Ayers – ‏@BrooksAyers

@mrusmarine @vgunvalson I have lost 38 pounds since October. Yes, of course I have cancer. I haven't had chemotherapy since January.

8:38 PM - 11 Jun 2015

Brooks Ayers

Brooks Ayers – ‏@BrooksAyers

@mrusmarine @vgunvalson Of course I am speaking the truth! What are you talking about? Why doubt and not encourage? This is serious!

9:25 PM - 11 Jun

Brooks Ayers

Brooks Ayers – ‏@BrooksAyers

@coffee6666 @mrusmarine Really? People respond differently to chemo, I did not lose my hair. How about being sick from chemo treatments?

9:25 AM - 16 Jun 2015

Brooks Ayers

Brooks Ayers – ‏@BrooksAyers

@coffee6666 @mrusmarine You only see on what is aired on TV. I wish I was lying about having cancer, it'd be much easier. #maketodaycount

9:35 AM

Brooks Ayers

Brooks Ayers – ‏@BrooksAyers

@tammy7231753 @coffee6666 @mrusmarine Thank you! Very "smart" of you to realize that the media sensationalizes "reality" for a story.

8:54 AM - 30 Jun

Brooks Ayers

Brooks Ayers – ‏@BrooksAyers

@coffee6666 @hairgal123 @mrusmarine Also note that ABC settled with me out of court for defamation. Lack of education on twitter is rampant!

3:01 PM - 30 Jun 2015

Here's some NEWER Twiter responses

Brooks Ayers

Brooks Ayers – ‏@BrooksAyers

@dawngpsalm63 @LauraKaesheimer @vgunvalson @LoveslikeWinter @Bravotv Stay tuned! Vindicated? Really? I know the truth. #truthisrevealed

1:00 AM - 11 Sep 2015

Brooks Ayers

Brooks Ayers – ‏@BrooksAyers

@dawngpsalm63 @LauraKaesheimer @vgunvalson @LoveslikeWinter @Bravotv That actually isn't true.I did film with one of my doctors. Stay tuned!

12:17 AM - 11 Sep

Brooks Ayers

Brooks Ayers – ‏@BrooksAyers

@laurenbeauchamp @BrennaGuinan @ShannonBeador @vgunvalson Faking cancer? Really? Walk in my shoes the past 11 months! #editedrealitytv #sick

4:40 PM - 10 Sep

Brooks Ayers

Brooks Ayers – ‏@BrooksAyers

@BarefootLympho Bless him and you! I am "only" stage 3 currently but my alternative treatments are working! I am going to stay positive!

11:15 AM - 10 Sep 2015

Brooks Ayers

Brooks Ayers – ‏@BrooksAyers

@RHOCJunkie Really? It is a show designed for drama. Viewers don't see everything that is filmed. It is disgusting. Stay tuned. #cancersux

8:34 PM - 7 Sep

Brooks Ayers

Brooks Ayers – ‏@BrooksAyers

@RHOCJunkie Yes it will, when I show my medical records, "sweetie". Have a good night and good riddance.

8:58 PM - 7 Sep 2015

Brooks Ayers

Brooks Ayers – ‏@BrooksAyers

@jtennier7 @RHOCJunkie I did, they just haven't showed it yet. They will in a later episode. #realityeditedtv #comeonfolksitisforratings

10:52 PM - 7 Sep 2015

Edited by talula
  • Love 1

Are the old accusation from the 2012 20-20 segment coming back to haunt Brooks? Not paying child support to his former wife and girlfriend were very serious...he was jailed for it. Vicki had to be devasted. Tamra and Briana were very worried Brooks was taking advantage of easy to manipulate desperate Vicki. No doubt they genuinely believed Brooks moved from girlfriend Nicolette to a new target Vicki. At the time Heather Dubrow defended the dead-beat dad. Though it appears from his Twitter account Brooks won a defamation settlement from ABC regarding the 20-20 segment.

His past baby momma, Nicolette, says he faked "nose cancer." Could it have been skin cancer on his nose? My light blue eyed husband has had surgery to remove skin cancer on his nose. After the doctor received biopsy results he operated. Those areas that weren't cancer were frozen to prevent them from turning cancerous. He goes back to the doctor every three months for check ups.

We now know from Brooks' Twitter account that he and Vicki are filmed at his doctor's office and that he presents medical records to back up his claim of having cancer later in the season.

Meghan playing Sherlock Holmes on the Internet and spreading rumours and gossip to Vicki's workmates and friends is one thing, but challenging Brooks' cancer diagnosis based on Brooks' decision to choose an alternative cancer treatment is quite another.

Brooks is sick one way or the other...either he has cancer or is mentally deranged for faking it. Either way it's bad for him. In the event he does have the disease, Meghan is both cruel and the personification of stupidity for using a vulnerable person as a weapon to exact her pound of flesh from her perceived HW enemy, Vicki. Meghan's quest for justice just might be her own undoing.

  • Love 3

It is my personal opinion that speculating on anyone's cancer diagnosis on the basis of rumors and innuendo is vile and despicable, which is why I'm avoiding all this nasty business. 


I do hope that Meghan, Tamra and all the others who participated are taken down several hundred pegs.  There's plenty of time to vilify Brooks if and when there is credible proof that his cancer is a scam.  Until such time, they should zip it.  But of course, they won't - because, anything for a storyline, eh.


This seemed like such an innocently FUN little show in the early days.   :-(

  • Love 8

It is my personal opinion that speculating on anyone's cancer diagnosis on the basis of rumors and innuendo is vile and despicable, which is why I'm avoiding all this nasty business. 


I do hope that Meghan, Tamra and all the others who participated are taken down several hundred pegs.  There's plenty of time to vilify Brooks if and when there is credible proof that his cancer is a scam.  Until such time, they should zip it.  But of course, they won't - because, anything for a storyline, eh.


This seemed like such an innocently FUN little show in the early days.   :-(

As bad as Tamra and Meghan are in all of this, I put just as much blame on Vicki, if not more. In her last blog she admits he didn't want to talk about his cancer on the show at all and she talked him into it. Of all the HWs on all the HW shows, she has been on the longest and has seen how the shows format has changed over the years and knows full well how production respects no one and no subject is off limits as fodder for the show. She also knew that production had no problems using Brooks's already shaky/sketchy past against him, so I have to question why she did this and the only thing I can come up with is that she was desperate for a storyline, a sympathetic storyline too boot. And although Vicki did not know Meghan and what she would do/say, she certainly knows Tamra and knew what to expect from her with anything regarding Brooks, especially with a little encouragement from production.

  • Love 3

As a nurse, I have friends and family that ask me to look at their medical tests as kind of an informal audit to make sure nothing is overlooked. Brianna has experience in oncology nursing, and should ask Vicki to get copies of Brooks medical records- in fact it seems odd that they haven't discussed his treatment with Brianna. Sometimes having a nurse friend go over your medical issues as a sounding board can be very helpful. If Vicki or Brooks had any objections, then that could be a red flag that something isn't quite above board.

  • Love 3

Somewhere??? I posted that the blame for this cancer/non-cancer storyline falls on Vicki and Bravo so I agree with WireWrap on that. However, I also agree with walnutqueen that it is despicable. I happen to think Vicki is despicable too. She not only used Brooks' cancer for a storyline but capitalized on her own mother's death for screen time. She's still doing it with her repeated "I want my mommy" nonsense. Both scenarios did make the show less fun. Snarking about how absurd the HWs are is much more fun than discussing anyone's illness.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 7

Somewhere??? I posted that the blame for this cancer/non-cancer storyline falls on Vicki and Bravo so I agree with WireWrap on that. However, I also agree with walnutqueen that it is despicable. I happen to think Vicki is despicable too. She not only used Brooks's cancer for a storyline but capitalized on her own mother's death for screen time. She's still doing it with her repeated "I want my mommy" nonsense. Both scenarios did make the show less fun. Snarking about how absurd the HWs are is much more fun than discussing anyone's illness.


I agree.  The entire franchise has devolved into a constant "how low will they go?" scenario; all sense of decency and decorum has evaporated in the quest for fame, fortune and ratings.

  • Love 9

As a nurse, I have friends and family that ask me to look at their medical tests as kind of an informal audit to make sure nothing is overlooked. Brianna has experience in oncology nursing, and should ask Vicki to get copies of Brooks medical records- in fact it seems odd that they haven't discussed his treatment with Brianna. Sometimes having a nurse friend go over your medical issues as a sounding board can be very helpful. If Vicki or Brooks had any objections, then that could be a red flag that something isn't quite above board.

First off Briana is a emergency room nurse so I am uncertain where her oncology training comes in. It would be part of her general studies as a BSN degree. Second Briana loathes Brooks.

Available to patients are nurses and MDs who can lookover the patients records and  they are called second opinions. Briana is not a friend to Brooks so I question why she would be asked to lookover anything regarding a NHL diagnosis. If Brooks were trolling for free medical advice I would think he would ask Terry Dubrow or maybe a physician or expert he worked with when he was in the health insurance field. Again I can't imagine Terry Dubrow asking to once over Brooks medical records.

II would be very offended if a medical friend or family member offered to go over my records,  If I asked that would be one thing. My turning down of the offer would be a red flag to that person and they expressed that opinion I would be livid. Most doctors and attorneys we know politely handle the social ask for advice. That would be the person asking about their divorce case and wanting advice from an attorney or judge.  In the medical equivalency the person who asks a doc about their shoulder pain at a party.


What Brooks has said is he is not getting desired results from the six rounds of chemotherapy and has decided to go another way. I fail to see how Briana, emergency room nurse, Jim Edmonds, retired professional baseball player, Meghan King Edmonds, third wife of a retired baseball player and concerned person about her husband of four months first ex-wife's colon-rectal cancer or anyone else on the cast would be beneficial in reviewing his records.

I am pretty much a nut about confidentiality and would be so angry if a nurse family member or acquaintance held themselves out as suspicious of my condition because I didn't share my medical records. I mean angry to the point if they expressed that opinion to a third party I would want their license yanked.  Vicki's son Michael has an undergrad degree in psychology if Brooks was going to a psychotherapist, should Michael offer up to review the psychologist/psychiatrist notes as an informal audit or review prescribed medications?  BTW I do think the whole Vicki Gunvalson clan including significant others should avail themselves to therapy.


I have to say when Jim Edmonds asserted he would march into his ex-wife's doctors office and demand the file to prove her cancer, Vicki did shut him down. 

  • Love 9

Earlier today I started to post I had my doubts about Brooks ex-girlfriend-just because she seemed to parrot what was on the show and say -that is what Brooks did with me.  I found this statement from ABC news which was issued after the bit on Brooks ran: http://absurdtosublime.net/2012/10/10/abc-news-issues-statement-about-brooks-ayers-story/


I think it is unfortunate that this woman subjects herself and children to this scrutiny.  Obviously she is playing it up a bit she had no idea how to contact Brooks.  I also question this woman listing her occupation as "model, hairdresser".  On what planet was she a model?


Here is Absurd to Sublime original story:  http://absurdtosublime.net/2012/06/30/2020-does-an-expose-of-brooks-ayers/


So perhaps this was Brooks settlement with ABC?

  • Love 2
I have to say when Jim Edmonds asserted he would march into his ex-wife's doctors office and demand the file to prove her cancer, Vicki did shut him down.


This makes me angry. People demanding medical records is completely offensive. Even if records are produced, people will think they are fake. I am not a Brooks fan, but these people questioning the cancer are sickening. Meghan digging around under the guise of "caring" is the worst of all of them. Meghan is one crazy, scary b*&^%!

  • Love 8

As bad as Tamra and Meghan are in all of this, I put just as much blame on Vicki, if not more. In her last blog she admits he didn't want to talk about his cancer on the show at all and she talked him into it. Of all the HWs on all the HW shows, she has been on the longest and has seen how the shows format has changed over the years and knows full well how production respects no one and no subject is off limits as fodder for the show. She also knew that production had no problems using Brooks's already shaky/sketchy past against him, so I have to question why she did this and the only thing I can come up with is that she was desperate for a storyline, a sympathetic storyline too boot. And although Vicki did not know Meghan and what she would do/say, she certainly knows Tamra and knew what to expect from her with anything regarding Brooks, especially with a little encouragement from production.

I have to think that normally, had it not been Brooks and Tamra was not out of storylines, would Bravo ever drum up this kind doubt surrounding Brooks diagnosis.  I am thinking Tamra and Vicki were not speaking prior to filming but way back before filming Vicki was tweeting away about cleanses and shakes and juices and the like.  Shannon and Vicki both claim that Vicki called Shannon immediately after learning of Brooks reoccurrence.


I also found a couple of things odd when it came to Vicki.  Vicki claimed that after the booty class Brooks was subjected to a lot of questions by the ladies about his cancer.  So when Shannon tried to bring it up that night-Vicki who already had a text from Tamra about needing to speak the next day, shut Shannon down. The story really lost its steam when Meghan said she had received a text from Vicki the night of the dinner.  Which means of course Vicki either did not want it brought up on camera or production had told her they wanted to film it the next day at her home with Tamra.  Then there was all kinds of action with the RHs stepping in the dung and dragging it in on the white carpet.  Heather, Meghan were misinformed, Vicki had almost a nothing reaction when told by Tamra-as Tamra had told her the night before.  Even Brooks wanted to know-so I do believe Vicki and Tamra were very complicit in moving the storyline along as to accusing Meghan of saying Brooks doesn't have cancer and production has been very cagey as not having those actual words come  out of her mouth.  Heather has said she has said it, Tamra has said she has said and Shannon has said she said-I think Meghan has said it..  So if production has now in fact excluded scenes of medical records or doctor visits that is just all kinds of bad.

As bad as Tamra and Meghan are in all of this, I put just as much blame on Vicki, if not more. In her last blog she admits he didn't want to talk about his cancer on the show at all and she talked him into it. Of all the HWs on all the HW shows, she has been on the longest and has seen how the shows format has changed over the years and knows full well how production respects no one and no subject is off limits as fodder for the show. She also knew that production had no problems using Brooks's already shaky/sketchy past against him, so I have to question why she did this and the only thing I can come up with is that she was desperate for a storyline, a sympathetic storyline too boot. And although Vicki did not know Meghan and what she would do/say, she certainly knows Tamra and knew what to expect from her with anything regarding Brooks, especially with a little encouragement from production.


Didn't Andy come out and say he pretty much told Vicki she had to be on with Brooks and talk about his cancer or she would be fired? I remember that being discussed on the New York board because Bethenny got to film without mentioning her boyfriend.


For me that's a hard thing to put all on Vicki because part of her income is the show. Brooks could have said no and then left for awhile while they were filming. They've had no problem taking breaks from each other before, and currently.  I think he secretly or not so secretly likes being on the show and she's saying she talked him into it now so he won't look any worse than he already does. I think Vicki loves Brooks in her own Vicki way and she's trying to protect him now that she sees the backlash he's getting from the cancer storyline. 

  • Love 1

Earlier today I started to post I had my doubts about Brooks ex-girlfriend-just because she seemed to parrot what was on the show and say -that is what Brooks did with me.  I found this statement from ABC news which was issued after the bit on Brooks ran: http://absurdtosublime.net/2012/10/10/abc-news-issues-statement-about-brooks-ayers-story/


I think it is unfortunate that this woman subjects herself and children to this scrutiny.  Obviously she is playing it up a bit she had no idea how to contact Brooks.  I also question this woman listing her occupation as "model, hairdresser".  On what planet was she a model?


Here is Absurd to Sublime original story:  http://absurdtosublime.net/2012/06/30/2020-does-an-expose-of-brooks-ayers/


So perhaps this was Brooks settlement with ABC?

Ok, so his lawyer say that Brooks insurance paid "most" of the hospital expense when his son was born but then says nothing about him paying the remaining, non covered/possible copay, amount. That makes both Brooks and his ex GF telling partial truths, his insurance paid some but not all and she had to pay the cash/out of pocket portion herself.  


He saw his son until he was 19 - 20 months old but then had not seen him in over a year since the last visit and he did not say that Brooks saw his son on a regular basis, which means it could have been only 2 or 3 times after they broke up. Once again, both Brooks and his ex are telling partial truths. BUT, he was not paying child support or his lawyer would have stated that clearly and although the lawyer says that Brooks paid the rent he does not state that Brooks paid the rent or anything else after they broke up. Also, being in "contact" with someone does not mean you have a current mailing address for them.


IMO, the ex exaggerated things a bit and Brooks tried to minimize things. I am sure the truth lies somewhere in between with it being closer to her side than his.

Her saying "That is what Brooks did to me" was in reference to how he uses platitudes/Hallmark sayings with/to Vicki ALL the time, which he does. LOL



I have to think that normally, had it not been Brooks and Tamra was not out of storylines, would Bravo ever drum up this kind doubt surrounding Brooks diagnosis.  I am thinking Tamra and Vicki were not speaking prior to filming but way back before filming Vicki was tweeting away about cleanses and shakes and juices and the like.  Shannon and Vicki both claim that Vicki called Shannon immediately after learning of Brooks reoccurrence.


I also found a couple of things odd when it came to Vicki.  Vicki claimed that after the booty class Brooks was subjected to a lot of questions by the ladies about his cancer.  So when Shannon tried to bring it up that night-Vicki who already had a text from Tamra about needing to speak the next day, shut Shannon down. The story really lost its steam when Meghan said she had received a text from Vicki the night of the dinner.  Which means of course Vicki either did not want it brought up on camera or production had told her they wanted to film it the next day at her home with Tamra.  Then there was all kinds of action with the RHs stepping in the dung and dragging it in on the white carpet.  Heather, Meghan were misinformed, Vicki had almost a nothing reaction when told by Tamra-as Tamra had told her the night before.  Even Brooks wanted to know-so I do believe Vicki and Tamra were very complicit in moving the storyline along as to accusing Meghan of saying Brooks doesn't have cancer and production has been very cagey as not having those actual words come  out of her mouth.  Heather has said she has said it, Tamra has said she has said and Shannon has said she said-I think Meghan has said it..  So if production has now in fact excluded scenes of medical records or doctor visits that is just all kinds of bad.

I do believe that Vicki and Shannon have a friendship that goes beyond filming, so I can see Vicki calling her about this in private. Talking to Shannon about Brooks cancer before filming begins has nothing to do with Vicki talking Brooks into sharing it on camera unless she, Vicki feels that Shannon would not/could not keep her mouth shut ON camera once filming started, which says little of their friendship IMO.


I do think Vicki is using Brooks's cancer as her main storyline and I would not be surprised to learn that Tamra is helping her. So many things do not add up with this storyline this season, like Vicki's reaction to Meghan repeating what the psychic said but not that Tamra asked him that question to begin with and that Tamra also asked Brooks questions at CUT. It is very possible that Tamra is playing both sides, Vicki/Brooks and Meghan against each other with help/prodding from production.

I still go back to the simple fact that Vicki talked Brooks into changing his mind about talking about his cancer on camera as part of the show knowing how production loves to make fools out of any and all no matter how serious the subject.


Production editing out scenes where HW X said something on camera is not new, it is standard operating procedure for all the HW shows. LOL It is how they heighten the drama with the viewers because somewhere along the line, some of us will realize that we never heard HW X say what she is being accused of saying and question whether she actually did say it or maybe did she allude to it. LOL

  • Love 1

Didn't Andy come out and say he pretty much told Vicki she had to be on with Brooks and talk about his cancer or she would be fired? I remember that being discussed on the New York board because Bethenny got to film without mentioning her boyfriend.


For me that's a hard thing to put all on Vicki because part of her income is the show. Brooks could have said no and then left for awhile while they were filming. They've had no problem taking breaks from each other before, and currently.  I think he secretly or not so secretly likes being on the show and she's saying she talked him into it now so he won't look any worse than he already does. I think Vicki loves Brooks in her own Vicki way and she's trying to protect him now that she sees the backlash he's getting from the cancer storyline. 

Vicki didn't want her relationship with Brooks on the show again, even though they were living together at the time. Andy told her that she had to include him or else because of them living together. He, Andy, never said that they HAD to talk about his cancer on the show that I heard/read about and it was not known to the general public that he had cancer before filming began so had they not mentioned it, no one would have known at all.

  • Love 2

Wire-my issue with Vicki is she films so very little.  I was wasting time reading her Facebook page- during filming she had one trip to Florida and Disneyworld, two trips to Illinois one for the funeral and one to sell her mother's house, a trip to Oklahoma for five days, and then Briana back out here and a trip to Anaheim-I realize they live in OC and of course a trip to Bali.  So I just think it is time they retire her-her children aren't interesting, who grandchildren are not of an interesting age and all she has is Brooks and he seems like "Dial a Dude" appears whenever Vicki needs a man next to her.  I am thinking the sex party was filmed before she went to OKC.  Anyway her Facebook provides a pretty good timeline. 


I agree that Vicki should not get to have a side of Brooks and keep it from the viewers.  This show started with mostly couples and neighbors getting together (Matt Keough obviously didn't work out) and for Vicki to just pretend this and that about Brooks is not really very genuine.  Terry has managed to film, Jim has filmed, Eddie has filmed, David has filmed and Christian has filmed.  Now if the producers are saying Brooks and Vicki need to be arguing that is a different story.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 1

Vicki didn't want her relationship with Brooks on the show again, even though they were living together at the time. Andy told her that she had to include him or else because of them living together. He, Andy, never said that they HAD to talk about his cancer on the show that I heard/read about and it was not known to the general public that he had cancer before filming began so had they not mentioned it, no one would have known at all.


Oh, okay. Even still, Brooks could have left and lived somewhere else while filming if he didn't want to be on the show. Vicki may have talked him in to talking about his cancer on camera, but he still enjoys being on the show and being the center of drama, in my opinion only. 

  • Love 2

Wire-my issue with Vicki is she films so very little.  I was wasting time reading her Facebook page- during filming she had one trip to Florida and Disneyworld, two trips to Illinois one for the funeral and one to sell her mother's house, a trip to Oklahoma for five days, and then Briana back out here and a trip to Anaheim-I realize they live in OC and of course a trip to Bali.  So I just think it is time they retire her-her children aren't interesting, who grandchildren are not of an interesting age and all she has is Brooks and he seems like "Dial a Dude" appears whenever Vicki needs a man next to her.  I am thinking the sex party was filmed before she went to OKC.  Anyway her Facebook provides a pretty good timeline. 


I agree that Vicki should not get to have a side of Brooks and keep it from the viewers.  This show started with mostly couples and neighbors getting together (Matt Keough obviously didn't work out) and for Vicki to just pretend this and that about Brooks is not really very genuine.  Terry has managed to film, Jim has filmed, Eddie has filmed, David has filmed and Christian has filmed.  Now if the producers are saying Brooks and Vicki need to be arguing that is a different story.

 IMO, Vicki realized this (what you said about nothing interesting in her life)  and that is why she wanted Brooks to reveal his cancer on camera on the show, it gave her a storyline and a sympathetic storyline to boot. IMO, had not Vicki/Brooks brought up his cancer, she would have had almost no camera time outside group events. Now, because of the "does he/doesn't he" storyline, she gets a big chunk of the show on camera and if she isn't on camera, she/Brooks are the subject of the others much of the time. Which all keeps her front and center to the entire show. Vicki is not stupid when it comes to the HW games, she knows all the tricks or she would have been fired long ago. LOL



Oh, okay. Even still, Brooks could have left and lived somewhere else while filming if he didn't want to be on the show. Vicki may have talked him in to talking about his cancer on camera, but he still enjoys being on the show and being the center of drama, in my opinion only. 

I think Brooks loves the fame but I also think he did this for Vicki, so that she could keep her HW job, more than anything else. Without his cancer debate, Vicki has nothing else for the show storyline wise.

  • Love 2

 IMO, Vicki realized this (what you said about nothing interesting in her life)  and that is why she wanted Brooks to reveal his cancer on camera on the show, it gave her a storyline and a sympathetic storyline to boot. IMO, had not Vicki/Brooks brought up his cancer, she would have had almost no camera time outside group events. Now, because of the "does he/doesn't he" storyline, she gets a big chunk of the show on camera and if she isn't on camera, she/Brooks are the subject of the others much of the time. Which all keeps her front and center to the entire show. Vicki is not stupid when it comes to the HW games, she knows all the tricks or she would have been fired long ago. LOL



I think Brooks loves the fame but I also think he did this for Vicki, so that she could keep her HW job, more than anything else. Without his cancer debate, Vicki has nothing else for the show storyline wise.


True. But that's true of all of them this season really. This board is way more entertaining and exciting than the show! 

  • Love 7
This makes me angry. People demanding medical records is completely offensive.



It won't happen.  It's not easy to get medical records.   My children have Durable and Health Care Powers of Attorney for their father who's in assisted living because of dementia.  They have to jump through hoops every time to get any sort of outside care or information for their father--for HIM...to help him, not to foster gossip.   Also, I have stated previously that I think Jim Edmonds was speaking hypothetically about getting hospital records...definitely not his ex-wife's.

  • Love 3

Didn't Andy come out and say he pretty much told Vicki she had to be on with Brooks and talk about his cancer or she would be fired? I remember that being discussed on the New York board because Bethenny got to film without mentioning her boyfriend.


For me that's a hard thing to put all on Vicki because part of her income is the show. Brooks could have said no and then left for awhile while they were filming. They've had no problem taking breaks from each other before, and currently.  I think he secretly or not so secretly likes being on the show and she's saying she talked him into it now so he won't look any worse than he already does. I think Vicki loves Brooks in her own Vicki way and she's trying to protect him now that she sees the backlash he's getting from the cancer storyline. 

Yes, both Vicki and Andy have said she had to include Brooks if he was still part of her life....




I have no idea if Brooks is faking or not, but I will have to say that it is this story that makes me scratch my head. My guess is it is part of what has the others confused.


Brooks and Vicki announced he had cancer last October. At the time, I thought that Vicki had a guaranteed storyline for S10. She has never been one to shy away from throwing her personal life at the camera, so why change now? Especially when the drama involved Brooks - who is hated or at least distrusted by so many? It seemed to be perfect for her. She has an actual reason to move him into the house, gets to look like good caregiver, and Brooks is perhaps given the opportunity to look sympathetic. If this is what is going on in their lives, why be shy about showing it? This is a couple who who filmed the guy getting a whole new set of teeth. Why back away from something so real and tragic? Now my thoughts are that perhaps they made up the cancer deal back in October as a way to keep him away from the cameras. Vicki was sick to death of the heat he took on the show, and if they said he had cancer then surely he wouldn't be expected to participate in the show. But then Bravo threw them for a loop by saying he had to be on the show. Then they were kind of stuck and they had to finish what they had started. They could hardly just pretend like he didn't have it, not after all the interviews they gave back in October. I just have to believe that if it were all real, Vicki wouldn't have tried to keep him away from filming. 

Thanks for the link.  At the Reunion last year Tamra did indicate Vicki did not do much all season. Kind of a double standard at Bravo-Bethenny did not have to bring her real life boyfriend on. 


I am going to guess that Vicki said she did not want Brooks on because of the discord with her daughter.  To me this means Brooks gets a paycheck-how can you force someone to work?  They kind of reached deep with the cancer storyline this year-a rookie's first ex-wife and Brooks.  I still have a hard time with showing someone who has terminal cancer as part of a storyline and that is all it was for Meghan.   For the most part Brooks is pleasant and I think the day he had to go to the spa for his birthday party/inquisition was probably the day he vowed not to go back on camera around the others.  I also think Briana got a big pay cut and that is why she is picking up nursing shifts.  Vicki did not do much Season 9 and they do not want to pay her for underperforming.  Short of Vicki finding a female lover, famous person or ex-con man in her life I think her time may become part time next season.  Shannon who had been loyal to her stopped hanging around because Vicki seems to be gone during filming.  She missed NASCAR, and wine country and instead we got Vicki in OKC at Mickey Mantle's Steakhouse.  The only other way for her to stay on-Briana gets divorced and moves back in with her.  Now that would be boring.

  • Love 1

One of my big questions is why did Vicki only call Shannon after learning of Brooks diagnosis? If I was in her shoes I would have called both Shannon AND Heather. Terry may be a plastic surgeon, but I am sure he is part of the OC Medical Society and other professional organizations that would make him a great resource. Regardless of the Terry we see on the show he is an accomplished man.

  • Love 6

One of my big questions is why did Vicki only call Shannon after learning of Brooks diagnosis? If I was in her shoes I would have called both Shannon AND Heather. Terry may be a plastic surgeon, but I am sure he is part of the OC Medical Society and other professional organizations that would make him a great resource. Regardless of the Terry we see on the show he is an accomplished man.

There was an argument between Tamra and Vicki over whether Terry had been in touch with Brooks. Vicki claims he has been and Tamra claims he was not.  I think this goes to the essence of the Vickster-she does very little off camera with her co-stars.  Last year after the Reunion, Terry and Heather were needing a few friends and there was no VIcki.  Vicki also did not do the Napa trip-where is the support?  Heather and Terry have always been kindly towards Vicki and Brooks.  There is a part of me that thinks Terry intentionally distanced himself from Brooks and his health issues.

  • Love 2

There was an argument between Tamra and Vicki over whether Terry had been in touch with Brooks. Vicki claims he has been and Tamra claims he was not.  I think this goes to the essence of the Vickster-she does very little off camera with her co-stars.  Last year after the Reunion, Terry and Heather were needing a few friends and there was no VIcki.  Vicki also did not do the Napa trip-where is the support?  Heather and Terry have always been kindly towards Vicki and Brooks.  There is a part of me that thinks Terry intentionally distanced himself from Brooks and his health issues.

OR, Vicki distanced herself from Terry/Heather because she feared them saying something on camera about Brooks/cancer. I do NOT believe that either Terry OR Heather would betray a confidence, especially a "medical" one but Vicki thinks that everyone will do/say/act like she does, which is spill the beans about someone ON camera. JMO

  • Love 5

Here is the latest from Vicki on Brooks-someone post a comment essentially saying she had just lost her father and if Brooks was faking, it was low.


Kathie, he isn't lying.  Unfortunately, Brooks has cancer and the truth will come out very soon.  I am so sorry to her about your father and wish you all the best,  You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.


I am thinking the next slam will be his cancer isn't as serious as they claim it to be. 

  • Love 1

One of my big questions is why did Vicki only call Shannon after learning of Brooks diagnosis? If I was in her shoes I would have called both Shannon AND Heather. Terry may be a plastic surgeon, but I am sure he is part of the OC Medical Society and other professional organizations that would make him a great resource. Regardless of the Terry we see on the show he is an accomplished man.

It is very odd that Terry has not been involved in any conversation about Brooks' cancer.  Could it be that they all know it is just Vicki's storyline this season and he wants no part of it since he is a doctor?

  • Love 4
Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

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