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Vicki Gunvalson: Her Love Tank Runneth Over

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

No politics.  That means none.  Zero. Zilch. Nada. 
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15 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

Do we know if Mr. Icki won his city council seat or not??

He was in second place by 108 votes.  Tough road for Vicki, she can move to a lower income area of Anaheim to live with him but he cannot move to her house as he would not be eligible to serve.  I guess if he gets caught living with Vicki, she will say she was working a lot and didn't notice him living there. 

  • Love 5
19 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

He was in second place by 108 votes.  Tough road for Vicki, she can move to a lower income area of Anaheim to live with him but he cannot move to her house as he would not be eligible to serve.  I guess if he gets caught living with Vicki, she will say she was working a lot and didn't notice him living there. 

It's already suspected he doesn't live in his district.

  • Love 1
On 11/12/2016 at 1:49 PM, zoeysmom said:

He was in second place by 108 votes.  Tough road for Vicki, she can move to a lower income area of Anaheim to live with him but he cannot move to her house as he would not be eligible to serve.  I guess if he gets caught living with Vicki, she will say she was working a lot and didn't notice him living there. 


On 11/12/2016 at 2:09 PM, biakbiak said:

It's already suspected he doesn't live in his district.

Yea, he lives sixty miles away in Murietta when he isn't filling Vicki's love tank.  The tiny, empty apartment he is renting in West Anaheim is his way of defrauding the voters.  He shouldn't have even been on the ballot.  It could be another week for the official results to be posted.

  • Love 5
On 11/2/2016 at 10:47 AM, PrincessSteel said:

Never waits in line anywhere. Expects staff at grocery stores and restaurants to hover in large numbers and yet ignores said hoverers. Vic once cut me dead in line at Trader Joe's because I had the nerve to talk to her grandson who was adorably trying to give me his stickers. Never in the history of mankind has 'Have a nice day' sounded more like 'Fuck off at once'. 

Good thing I don't live in OC.  If that bitch ever tried to cut in front of me at a grocery store, she'd be wearing the cart on her head.

  • Love 10
24 minutes ago, Snarky McSnarky said:


Yea, he lives sixty miles away in Murietta when he isn't filling Vicki's love tank.  The tiny, empty apartment he is renting in West Anaheim is his way of defrauding the voters.  He shouldn't have even been on the ballot.  It could be another week for the official results to be posted.

Water sinks to its own level.  No so hard to believe these two charlatans found each other.

  • Love 8
On October 28, 2016 at 7:04 PM, HunterHunted said:


This is actually stupider than Tamra's cyst and deceased. Tamra got the name of what she was doing wrong, but she still understood the purpose behind it. But Vicki's legal warning shows a cartoonish level of arrogance and ignorance. There are basically no district attorneys who will prosecute someone for criminal defamation. Plus I'm sure there is some poor person at the Sheriff's Department or in the county attorney's office who has been tasked with formulating a response to her stupid warning:

"Mrs. Gunvalson,

Thank you for contacting the Orange County Sheriff's Department about your concerns regarding defamation. Unfortunately, California no longer has a criminal defamation law. It was repealed in blah blah. California still has a civil defamation statute and you are free to file a civil claim against Mr. Real Housewife also known as blah blah. Typically, in a civil action neither the Sheriff's Department or the District Attorney would be involved. 

However if during your pursuit of civil remedies for your defamation you discover evidence of criminal wrongdoing, you are free to forward that information to the Sheriff's Department or this office. If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to contact us.


A county employee who is completely over it"

This made laugh out loud much needed! 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Vicki needs to remember to not tick off bloggers or they will expose her lies! LOL It seems that Vicki/Coto Insurance "owns the "KAC" name/site, not someone else. BUSTED!!!! http://www.realmrhousewife.com/2016/11/15/vicki-gunvalson-kill-all-cancer-domain-registered-to-vicki-proof/

So that would mean Vicki created the name/site and then faked it and had someone "pitch it" to her?  Tsk, tsk and typical Vicki creating storylines.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Vicki needs to remember to not tick off bloggers or they will expose her lies! LOL It seems that Vicki/Coto Insurance "owns the "KAC" name/site, not someone else. BUSTED!!!! http://www.realmrhousewife.com/2016/11/15/vicki-gunvalson-kill-all-cancer-domain-registered-to-vicki-proof/

I'm sure we're about to be subjected to another legal warning letter.

"Realmrhousewife, you need to immediately cease searching for information that is publicly available regarding Kill All Cancer, an organization Vicki Gunvalson is not affiliated with nor is she listed in the articles of incorporation or the owner of the Kill All Cancer domain name. The FBI has been copied on this communication.


Publicity and management for Vicki Gunvalson, Coto Insurance, V by Vicki Perfume, Diamonds by Vicki, Kill All Cancer, Vicki's Vodka, Wines by Wives, and Vicki Lynn Jeans."

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 7

So that would mean Vicki created the name/site and then faked it and had someone "pitch it" to her?  Tsk, tsk and typical Vicki creating storylines

I knew it!  It was her own thing - not a separate entity.  She is such a shyster!  It's like Vicki's Vodka all over again. This woman is so shady.  I would never go near one of her "businesses" with a 10 ft pole.  She just keeps trying new scams.

  • Love 9

Last season Vicki is seen unpacking an award from Allianz insurance.  This past year she is schlepping a new company AdvisorsExcel.  Granted agencies can have more than one carrier but I am wondering if she was asked to find a new carrier for new accounts.  The company could not have been happy with the exposure and especially Brooks.    It just seemed odd that she claimed now that Brooks is gone she claims her insurance company is back on track.    

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, Almost 3000 said:

I'm now rather obsessed with when this was in relation to all her surgeries. I actually think Vics has been looking rather nice and I like her hair. There I said something nice.

This is how she looked her first season! tumblr_npu95wt7UL1qds5ako1_500.gif


This is now! tumblr_ogcmqiPgUd1ql5yr7o1_500.gif

I think the crying photo was right before her PS. Right before Tamra's bachelorette party in Mexico I think.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

She must be so bummed she won't be 1st lady of anything.  Vicki, you can stop practicing your parade wave.

Or she can be like "First Lady" from the Hotwives of Las Vegas. Her husband was the honorary mayor of the Las Vegas strip. Or Dr. Maya Angelou who insisted that everyone call doctor when the only doctorate she had was honorary. As long as Steve has some sort of honorary award or title, Vicki can be first lady of something. If Steve has a mug saying he's #1, then Vicki must at least be #2. Do we really think the #1 guy would be with someone who isn't ranked in the top ten?

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

Or she can be like "First Lady" from the Hotwives of Las Vegas. Her husband was the honorary mayor of the Las Vegas strip. Or Dr. Maya Angelou who insisted that everyone call doctor when the only doctorate she had was honorary. As long as Steve has some sort of honorary award or title, Vicki can be first lady of something. If Steve has a mug saying he's #1, then Vicki must at least be #2. Do we really think the #1 guy would be with someone who isn't ranked in the top ten?

Oh, Geeze.  If Ladera Ranch KinderCare awarded Vicki an honorary doctorate, she'd start insisting everyone refer to her as Doctor Gunvalson.  She'd be like The Maestro on Seinfeld.

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, WireWrap said:

This is how she looked her first season! tumblr_npu95wt7UL1qds5ako1_500.gif


This is now! tumblr_ogcmqiPgUd1ql5yr7o1_500.gif

I think the crying photo was right before her PS. Right before Tamra's bachelorette party in Mexico I think.

Vicki did need a nose job, but the other surgeries fucked her face up.  The chin implant threw the dimensions of her face off, resulting in a long potato face.  The eye work makes her eyes look very deep set and shadowed.  Her eye color doesn't pop as much.

She used to have noticeable dimples which went a long way in making her prettier.  She used to smile more and her eyes were pretty.  Vicki is a classic case of using plastic surgery to change a face, instead of enhancing it.  It usually doesn't work.  

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, FamilyVan said:

Yes her face was cute before. There was something about her eyes that are very different.  The big eyes and upturned nose were what made her her, and that is gone now.  She let people get to her about her nose.

I have no idea why someone thought she needed a chin implant maybe she got a two for one surgery.  witches-oz1.jpg

  • Love 4

So I've been binge watching from season 1 and I think Vicki is very hypocritical and a mean girl. I feel like the last couple of seasons that she basically reaped what she sowed the early years on the show. She was mean and judgemental and heaven forbid if you tried to stand up for yourself. And welcome to her world. I don't like Tamra ( Tamrat  lol that's how I think of her now thanks to the comments I've read) either but at least she finally stood up to the beast. 

And at least Slade, as slimy as he is didn't fake cancer.

Edited by riffraff
  • Love 2
On 08/12/2016 at 0:35 PM, ghoulina said:

No, but his son HAS cancer and he hasn't done fuckall in his life unless it makes him look good. 

True. Brooks and Slade are both slime balls.  I can't believe Gretchen stuck with him all this time. All the crying she did about his debt and how love wasn't enough. She is just as fake as she accused Alexis of being.

Edited by riffraff
  • Love 5

Vicki wants everyone to know that Steve Lodge bought her an LV suitcase for Christmas.  And in case you aren't sure it's LV, she included the box it came in (including the price tag would be tacky, after all).  List price is $3,100.  


Vicki-Gunvalson-Louis-Vuitton (1).jpg

Edited by Snarky McSnarky
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, What In The said:

Oh, now Vicky claims that Heather and Meghan were too nosy to be on her show and that she Vicky got them fired. Its on v's twitter.

That isn't the real Vicki, it is someone pretending to be her. LOL If you look at VG twitter name it ends in son, the fake one ends in s0n! Also, Heather blew that rumor out of the water a few days ago and I checked Meghan's account, she says no final decision about the OC cast has been made that she knows about. They are not filming yet.

  • Love 2
34 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

That isn't the real Vicki, it is someone pretending to be her. LOL If you look at VG twitter name it ends in son, the fake one ends in s0n! Also, Heather blew that rumor out of the water a few days ago and I checked Meghan's account, she says no final decision about the OC cast has been made that she knows about. They are not filming yet.

I thought they started filming a few weeks ago when Vicki treated about the new woman's first OC dinner.

3 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I thought they started filming a few weeks ago when Vicki treated about the new woman's first OC dinner.

I don't think so. I looked on all of the others twitter accounts and none of them are claiming they are filming, none, not even Kelly. I believe Meghan's tweet, that final decisions about the cast have not been made, which would mean filming hasn't started.

8 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I thought they started filming a few weeks ago when Vicki treated about the new woman's first OC dinner.

I can't find it on her twitter but thought it was interesting that her boyfriend is front and center on her Christmas card. Isn't that bad luck like getting a tattoo? Anyway, she's now shilling one step gel nail polish.

  • Love 1
29 minutes ago, Almost 3000 said:

I can't find it on her twitter but thought it was interesting that her boyfriend is front and center on her Christmas card. Isn't that bad luck like getting a tattoo? Anyway, she's now shilling one step gel nail polish.

It was on IG and linked on one of the threads her because I don't follow her on any SM.

22 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

It was on IG and linked on one of the threads her because I don't follow her on any SM.

Here it is.... She doesn't say that this person has joined the cast, only that she is new to the OC (area) and she wished Kelly was with them. It is possible that she is joining the cast but no official word on that or that filming has started.  

9 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Well the #rhocinthemaking, #season 12 lead people to speculate that it was filming. I believe even yourself.

Yes, I did wonder but after looking at the others tweets and after finding nothing, I changed my mind. Gretchen was also at this dinner with Vicki and Brianna and I do not see her coming back ever! LOL

  • Love 1
Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

No politics.  That means none.  Zero. Zilch. Nada. 
See the Primetimer Politics Policy

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