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SCTV - General Discussion

David T. Cole
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The volume is too damn low, but please enjoy "Welcome Back, President Kotter".



It's actually not all THAT funny, but it's just a good example of how SCTV would often link a skit to something as threadbare as a pun, and yet make at least a half decent result of it (unlike a lot of SNL).

Another example of that tendency, "The Incredible Bulk".


Edited by Kromm
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Preteen World was one of my favorites...especially when the "band" played that song (Gone Gone Gone She's Been Gone So Long...).  Also, skits w/ Mrs. Falvo and John Candy as the kiddie clown.  And the Shmenge Brothers TV Shows.

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I suppose on some level this is very un-PC, then again it's essentially the same idea (sans celebrities) that SNL later adapted for it's "Celebrity Jeopardy" skits.

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My favourite's the truly epic Godfather parody, with Guy Cavalieri fending off a mob way between the networks. (One of the high points, of course, was Mr. Ed's head winding up in somebody's bed.) :)

SCTV tended to do these long multi-skit pieces that went leagues beyond what most other shows would attempt, and yeah, that was one.  I also recall one where the SCTV satellite is jammed by the Soviets and we got a whole episode of fake CCCP1 stuff.  (some below)



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Andrea Martin recently mentioned on Twitter that one of her favorite SCTV sketches was this early one with Catherine O'Hara. It's another that is probably un-PC these days, but I still have an idiotic grin on my face every time I watch it. Here's "English For Beginners."

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Sorry, I couldn't find a YouTube video for this, but I remember laughing so much I cried when I saw this the first time.

Perry Como: Still Alive



It's proof you don't have to get the reference for something to be funny because I had no idea who Perry Como was when I first saw that sketch when I was a kid but I was still laughing hysterically at Eugene Levy being so relaxed singing while energetic backup singers and dancers!


I also never watched the commercials she's spoofing until afterward but I still laughed at Andrea Martin as Brenda Vaccaro with her heavy breathing:


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Since it's Christmas and there is nothing but Christmas music on most radio stations, I found myself this morning listening to Perry Como barely singing a Christmas song. The man really sounded half asleep when he sang. Naturally I remembered the SCTV sketch which featured Perry Como flat on the ground next to a microphone covering a classic Police song.

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That sketch is hilarious. Supposedly Perry Como hated those sketches. I've always wondered how many celebrities weren't thrilled with these sketches; SCTV wasn't a cruel show, but they were still very sharp-edged. 


(Martin Short said that Denny Terrio accosted John Candy at the airport for the "blowed up real good" sketch featuring Martin as Denny - he said John had to try to convince Denny that it was a love letter).


This is probably my main favorite (and Lola was, like a lot of SCTV, very ahead of her time...).



I also loved these commercials spoofing Sophia Loren's perfume. I always bust a gut at that fast food speaker replica of a woman, with "Sophia" saying, "What is your passion?"




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Not the sketch with the Police song, but here's SCTV's Perry Como: Still Alive!



No surprise I got the two Perry Como sketches interwined. Como manages to stay upright during the entire Police cover although the two middle-aged woman might be holding him up.

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"The 5 Neat Guys" musical group commercial, with their songs "Who Made the Egg Salad Sandwiches?", "She Does It, She Does It", and "Don't Step On My Clip-On Tie"

Bob and Doug MacKenzie from "The Great White North"

"Taxi Driver", starring Woody Allen

"Dr. Tongue's 3-D House of Stewardesses" ("Would you like some.......ORANGE JUICE!!!!")

"The Gene Shalit Critics Special" with guests Rona Barrett, Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert

John Candy as "The Fishin' Musician", where he took Wendy O. Williams and the Plasmatics on a fishing trip with their vacation guide, "a Willie Nelson-lookin' fella".

"New from K-Tel: Connie Francis sings the most depressing songs ever written!"

So, so many others........

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It really would be easier to list my non-favorites. Though I actually can't think of many. I guess I was usually not too amused by Tony Rosato, but that was later days. 

Some faves:

Dave Thomas as Lee Iacocca. "Tie a Yellow Ribbon 'Round the Dodge Omni..."

Gene Levy as an ever-hairier Gino Vanelli. 

Gerry Todd. 

Lola Heatheron, natch!

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Good Lord, I loved the Five Neat Guys and the medley introducing their latest hits.  SCTV had a creepy episode where they introduced Martin Short's very weird character, Ed Grimsley, emerging from the steam in a basement of a building.  Oh, and then there was the TV talk shows: the one with Joe Franklin (a local NYC daytime talk show) and the faux TV talk show with the host, Sammy Maudlin.  Loved Jackie Rogers, Jr. as a guest.  Why can't a show like SCTV come back on TV?  Where are the writers and creators of these crazy characters?  They're certainly not employed by SNL.

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I concur, Five Neat Guys were always dead-on and hilarious. My favorite individual sketch is probably "Play It Again, Bob," with Moranis and Thomas doing astonishing extrapolations of Allen and Hope.  And yes, Lola Heatherton.

Several of the actors went on to meet or perform with those they'd parodied, and told stories about the experience: David Thomas with Bob Hope, Catherine O'Hara with Meryl Streep, Andrea Martin with Liza Minnelli.

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Sid Dithers: "So, you come from San Franciscy -- did you droven or did you flew ?"

Those jabs by Sid towards Linda McCartney were harsh.

Linda McCartney: "Mr. Dithers I'm a responsible musician"
Sid: "Lady, the only thing you were responsible for is holding that man back for 10 years."

Sid:  "Now I know why the band's on the run, they been running from you."

Oh, snap.

I remember that Michael MacDonald sketch -- it was just so random, but amusing.  And then how he was haggling over his pay between takes.

I still love the Farm Film report

"This is Big Jim McBob and Billy Saul Hurok saying May the God Lord take a liking to you and blow you up real soon."

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Now that Kids In The Hall is getting a revival, dare I hope that SCTV is also given the opportunity to get the gang back together? I know John Candy and Harold Ramis would be sorely missed, but I'd love to see a reunion with Joe Flaherty, Eugene Levy, Andrea Martin, Rick Moranis, Catherine O'Hara, Martin Short and Dave Thomas. Perhaps a launch party for a new SCTV website, app or streaming service? I can only imagine the joy of catching up with old favorites like Edith Prickley, Guy Caballero, Tex and Edna Boil, Lola Heatherton, 'Count' Floyd Robertson, Earl Camembert, Ed Grimley, Bobby Bitman, Dusty Towne, Lorna Minnelli, Sid Dithers, Mrs. Falbo and Bob & Doug McKenzie. Perhaps Moira Rose of Schitt's Creek could have a word with her friends over at Interflix now that her move "The Crows Have Eyes 3 - The Crowening" has become a huge hit for them?

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I think the best we can hope for is this, a Martin Scorcese-directed special. Unfortunately, it looks like it was announced in 2018 and hasn't materialized since. 😞


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Besides loving Schitt’s Creek because it’s wonderful, I also treasure the moments when I see Lola Heatherton peek out from Moira. There’s nothing I would love more than an SCTV reboot. Seriously, my all-time favorite show. 

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Not a revival, but Eugene Levy, Catherine O'Hara, Andrea Martin and Martin Short got together via Zoom last month to reminisce on the Stars In The House series, to help support The Actors Fund:


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