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AM Joy - General Discussion

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Thanks for posting this, car54.  I'm sure she will do really well in her new job.  She brings a unique perspective to everything she does.  And I love how she doesn't let those talking heads get away with their nonsense.

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I thought that Joy's eyes were going to roll out of her eyes when she got the twit to explain how IUDs and hormonal BC were equivalent to abortions.  I bet the pro-life people were pissed that she became the face of the movement for a little while.

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Ok, now I am squicked out. I am getting caught up on Saturday's show, and she references The Fourth Turning as a Bannon touchstone. He is perverting generational theory as apocalyptic prediction!!! I am an advocate of Strauss and Howe's theories as they relate to how to view history in patterns, but he is twisting it into horribly ugly knots. They do NOT promote war, nor othering non-whites, nor any of his other pet opinions. Basically, bad things happen when generations forget the lessons of history, usually every 80 years or so. 


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I think Joy's reached a point where she just can't stand to have Trump's henchmen on. On Saturday morning, she was almost rude to the one guy, really bristling at his use of what she called the pejorative term of Democrat Party instead of Democratic Party and she had no interest at all in discussing his talking points, she just basically called them all lies and abruptly moved on.

I don't know if she's being forced to have at least one Trump toady on every weekend but she sure didn't look happy about having to let him talk. Almost made me laugh because of course I feel the same way about them and I love it when she puts them down and refutes their 'facts' but as I said, her attitude towards them may get her into a little trouble.

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Joy has a firm rule that it is always the Democratic Party, and to say Democrat Party is to be rude, which is the Repubs ' whole point. So, she doesn't let anyone get away with it, because it is the beginning to a whole slippery slope and indicates that the panelist has no respect for her control over her show. 

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OMG, did anyone catch Saturday's show?? She had Rosie Perez, Maria Hinojosa and former Republican congressman, JD (I don't remember his last name) to discuss the mass deportation of immigrants.

Needless to say, the JD was a massive, arrogant jerk. Not only did he try to monopolize the segment, he dismissed Rosie and Maria's concerns as hysterics; tried compared his being stopped by law enforcement (?) at check point to the plight of undocument workers being stopped by feds; and when Joy asked him about a recent incident of a woman who was deported after seeking a protection order qfrom her abusive ex, he incredulously tried to pivot toward Latino/Latina violence--that was just tip of the iceberg.

Dude was so horrible that Joy nearly lost it, and she ultimately had to cut his mic. I hope to never see him again.

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Yes, I saw it!  JD was so disrespectful.  He just kept talking (louder and louder) over the other panelist.  When asked questions he never answered them he just pivoted his slimy ass off.  He needs to quit politics and go back to his true calling as a third rate used car salesman.

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Good grief. He was atrocious. I think his whole point of being on the show was to then later use his appearance as a talking point for how intolerant liberals are to his side and treated him so badly. It's pointless to allow them to be on the show, they add nothing of value, refuse to stay on topic, and are incapable of answering questions. There's no reason other than ratings to have those lying liars who lie on the show.

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Hear, hear, Maxine Waters!  This wonderful woman pulls no punches in her assessment of tyrannical trump, and I couldn't love her more for it.   What a bundle of energy!  I don't live in her district, but she still represents me well. 

Joy is such a delight...A.M., P.M., whenever.

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Kathy Griffith is going to be on. I never liked her humor or personality.  

There are good guests on today but often with 4 at a time there are too many to have a good conversation.  Joy was too controlling of the conversation because of how things were staged.  I'm a huge fan of Joy's but the show didn't work for me today when the panel included 4 people.

Sunday's show has lately been better than the one on Saturday, which frequently repeats what happened during the week.  That is something that the MSNBC  other shows already did during the week so I don't need to hear it all again.



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22 hours ago, madfortv said:

I'm a huge fan of Joy's but the show didn't work for me today when the panel included 4 people.

It always works best when all the panelists are in the studio, that's when it gets more conversational and naturalistic, and less contrived.

22 hours ago, madfortv said:

That is something that the MSNBC  other shows already did during the week so I don't need to hear it all again.

I always that AM Joy was for people who don't watch MSNBC all week (like me), who like to get their weekly TV news in one lump.  It's playing on Saturday morning while I clean up the apartment, and playing on Sunday while I'm reading the NYT.  Perfect weekend fare.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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Saw a picture tonight somewhere in my travels round the net of Joy with a lovely glass award for Journalist of the Year 2016. Not sure which organization gave it to her but whoever it was, good choice! She looked thrilled to bits.

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Kathy Griffin was on again this weekend. I have to admit I enjoyed seeing her on AM Joy. 

Before this, I could not stand her and changed the TV channel whenever she was on.  She was vulgar and her humor had a mean edge to it. 

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Kathy told a fascinating story this morning. She was a guest of Valerie Jarrett at a correspondents dinner (not the big one) and Kathy started giving lip to Roger Ailes, calling Fox News a propaganda machine. But Kathy was shut down by Rahm Emanuel, who told her, "We're not doing this tonight." Douchebag.

It just goes to show that when they're done whipping the rest of us into partisan frenzies, these hack elites are all pals at the end of the day. And probably snickering about the rest of us.

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Good panelists and good discussions this morning, particularly Frank Schaeffer and his patented fire-and-brimstone take-down of the con artists of the religious right.  Jay Sekulow won't know what hit him.  Joy also had a panel talking about the R&R of the ACA.  One guy was a RWNJ talking-point-spewer and boy did Joy yank him back when he would try to blather the usual "free market, buy across state lines, the Medicaid cuts aren't really cuts" bullshit.  

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On 7/1/2017 at 11:49 AM, navelgazer said:

Frank Schaeffer and his patented fire-and-brimstone take-down of the con artists of the religious right.

This guy was great....why haven't we seen more of him and his obvious experience with televangelists and money-raking 'religious' right? 

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I've always really enjoyed Jonathan Capeheart as a guest when he's been on and I thought he did pretty well as a sub-in for Joy this weekend, but I really wish he'd gone harder at the National Review guy. One thing I really love about Joy is that when people make claims, she doesn't hesitate to push back. It's one of the things that makes her show a must-watch for me. I thought Jonathan landed in the more typical pundit space of letting everybody have their say.

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I had a lot of fun this morning watching Joy be a squeeing fangirl of Game of Thrones.  And this was after I had even more fun watching her use Snopes to debunk the talking points her conservative guest tried to spew.  She even tried to be kind when she said [paraphrasing] "I don't know if you know that what you said wasn't true.  I'm trying to help you."  Aw, Joy, how sweet.  Lol.  

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Being all trivial and superficial- I've noticed Joy not wearing false eyelashes lately and I think she looks great without them. Tonight she's on Lawrence and wearing glasses. Is she having eye problems?

She's one of my favorites on MSNBC (with Rachel and Chuck)- just hope she's ok.

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Being all trivial and superficial-

I've noticed also that Joy seems to be slimming down quite a bit, and I hope she doesn't over-do it.  She has such a pleasant face, but is beginning to look a little skeletal in the mouth/teeth area.  JMO

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Well Ms. Rump was annoying today.  Loved how she commiserated with Trump, in that it must be hard to say things in an "eloKent" way.  But then she went on to suggest "someone" needed to be the "bigger person" and apologize for betraying the "dignity of this grieving family", clearly suggesting that Congresswoman Wilson is one of these someone's.  Followed up by the claim that Wilson ran up to the reporters to tattletale.  It was good to see Joy set her straight.

On ‎10‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 5:11 PM, Tunia said:

I've noticed also that Joy seems to be slimming down quite a bit, and I hope she doesn't over-do it.  She has such a pleasant face, but is beginning to look a little skeletal in the mouth/teeth area.  JMO

She's looked exhausted, or even ill the last few weeks.  I'm not sure if she looks that way because she no longer wears false eyelashes, or if she's not wearing the lashes because she's having eye issues, or if it's neither of these things.  Hopefully the weight loss isn't due to illness or exhaustion.

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1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

She's looked exhausted, or even ill the last few weeks.  I'm not sure if she looks that way because she no longer wears false eyelashes, or if she's not wearing the lashes because she's having eye issues, or if it's neither of these things.  Hopefully the weight loss isn't due to illness or exhaustion.

Joy's been subbing an awful lot when weekday hosts are off, and they're all over the clock.  It's got to be hard on the bod to host a 10am two-hour show Sat/Sun - then Chris at 8pm, Rachel at 9pm and/or Lawrence at 10pm Mon-Fri.

Didn't she also squeeze in a report from the Virgin Islands?  Yet as always, when she's on camera she is sharp as a tack.

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20 hours ago, spiderpig said:

Joy's been subbing an awful lot when weekday hosts are off, and they're all over the clock.  It's got to be hard on the bod to host a 10am two-hour show Sat/Sun - then Chris at 8pm, Rachel at 9pm and/or Lawrence at 10pm Mon-Fri.

Didn't she also squeeze in a report from the Virgin Islands?  Yet as always, when she's on camera she is sharp as a tack.

Maybe she's exhausted and the false eyelashes bother her eyes.  I noticed she was wearing glasses yesterday, so maybe her contacts are bothering her, too.  If I had it my way, she would be the designated substitute host for every MSNBC show, but that's probably not humanly possible.  I do know that I don't watch her show when someone else subs, no matter how much I like the substitute.  

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Joy cross-examining that lady from the Washington Examiner this morning was EVERYTHING. I love the way Joy asks factual questions and doesn't brook the whataboutism that some of her guests try to pull. Her show is actually informative and useful. Somebody start throwing some awards her way!

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As they were winding down the all-Republican panel this morning, Rick Tyler absently said "Democrat Party" in one of his answers and Joy didn't let it go by.  "We say 'Democratic Party' on this show, my friend."

I heart her for that.  I really do. 

Edited by navelgazer
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And then at the end of the show she brought it back and said that they wanted to make sure the audience didn't come away misinformed due to things said by the panelist that were not true, and she gave references to correct information.

I love her.

It bothers me that this kind of dedication to accuracy is anomalous in the media, but in the age of misinformation, I still give her credit for insisting.

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I thought I heard someone on the crew laugh-out-loud when Malcolm Nance was talking about Jared talking about "do you think they'll get the president" in the Mueller inquiry and then he (Nance) went on to say "having done a, you know, a sh -- you know, a boat load of wire-tapping in my time..." I laughed, too.

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I really wish Joy would just stop having Jen Kerns from the Washington Examiner on the show.  It's like Joy enjoys how easy it is to debunk this woman's generalities of who she's quoting, where did she read the talking point she just spewed out, etc.  Sorry for the cliche, but Joy is shooting fish in a barrel.  It's not a real contest of wits since the woman is so used to spewing her nonsense in the soft, comforting arms of the RW media machine. 

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I wonder if the network mandates that she have guests "from all sides" and the stronger ones refuse to go on her show because they know Joy Reid won't let them get away with stuff like other hosts so often do. Or maybe Joy just decided she's not giving a forum to powerful BS, and if she has to showcase BS she's going to only allow the ones that are easier to debunk, so as not to give air to the others. Though I doubt anyone watching AM Joy is really that easily fooled.

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OMG, @navelgazer, she’s been driving me bonkers! I kept trying to FF her on Saturday, but she was there for almost the whole show. ?

In a rational world, I’d prefer to have discussions that include a variety of viewpoints, but I can’t deal with the constant spewing of canned (often false) talking points in lieu of reasoned discourse. At this point, I can’t even stomach Katon Dawson, who used to be a conservative voice I could appreciate on these panels.

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I've noticed that when Joy has conservative guests on her show, they always try to smile and play jolly and gaslight her and I LOVE that Joy doesn't play that. I watch Joy's show for two big reasons: 1) I get a different perspective on politics that is sorely lacking and 2) Joy knows her shit inside and out. She doesn't let her guests get away with trying to change the facts and she doesn't get mad, she just calls it out. Note to MSNBC, more Joy Reid, please!

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5 hours ago, JasmineFlower said:

If you missed it.

We got a twofer this weekend with Joy refusing to tolerate the bile spewing from Stephanie What's-Her-Name.  She was all "you are not answering my question" and kaboom.

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