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S05.E01: Legacy

Tara Ariano
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19 minutes ago, looptab said:

Laura's words were both hilarious and sad. SHE DIDN'T KNOW SHE WAS ABOUT TO DIE, FFS. Why would she wish for him to have a part of her always with him? So. Stupid. And kinda creepy.

Just when I think they can't do worse on her, they prove me wrong. I'm thinking SC general is loaded up on primo drugs, though. No wonder their shipments used to get held up so often. That stuff has to be more potent than Vertigo. Additionally, this is another one that goes in my Oliver-offed-Laurel column. She was threatening with stalking him from the great beyond! Sadly, it doesn't seem to have worked, since it's been six months since her words of stalkerdom and Oliver has not only not found another Canary, but has been opposed to the concept before getting pushed and prodded by Felicity and Dig. Which is how things have always been on the show, so it's fine by me.

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Oh, yeah!  The OG is back!  I still have a fondness for the man in the green hood, no matter how much the seasons can go off the rails admittedly from time to time.  If nothing else, I remind myself that no matter how badly Oliver can mess things up, at least he can't fuck things up as badly as Barry can over on The Flash!

Anyway, Oliver's struggling with the whole "Mayor in the day, crime fighter at night" thing; especially since he only has Felicity has his back-up because he desperately wants to believe that both Diggle and Thea will come back eventually.  But it seems like he is coming around and it already looks like he's got one with this Wild Dog character.   Also, Curtis pretty much just invited himself into the group, so we'll see where this goes!

Two new villains.  First one is Church played by Chad L. Coleman (The Wire!  The Walking Dead!  The Expanse!), who both menacing and intelligent, and already has got his men inside all of the separate criminal gangs out there, so I'm guessing he's going to use that to form one big-ass gang for Oliver to fight.  And then there is this other mysterious guy in the hood, who I have no idea what he is about and what he wants.  Could be fun!

Felicity was looking great in that blue dress, but she's already got another boring boyfriend who will either die or become evil.  I'm not sure who these writers think they're fooling.  I guess at least he isn't Ray the Stalker....

And then there was the Laurel stuff.  First, the big promise was that Oliver has to make sure there is alway is a Canary with him because Laurel apparently really believes that they are soulmates for life or whatever (I have to believe this is all Katie Cassidy, since none of the writing has ever backed this at all and Stephen Amell still looks like he doesn't know what the hell is going on in this scene), and she really wants everyone to forget about the cooler Canary played by her cooler sister, who is currently heading a.... well, I wouldn't go as far as to say cooler, but still a fun show. And then there is the statute.  That looks like it was made out of chocolate.  And even Oliver was like "Yeah, I know this is probably a waste of our budget and resources, but maybe it will be a nice play for the birds to hang out or something!"  Man, even in death, she brings the unintentional humor.

I so hope the flashbacks improve after last season's disaster.  Freaking Poppy.  I still fear that she'll somehow rise from the dead.

Oliver's back to his murderous ways, I see.  At least this will allow the writers to not have to bother with the whole "No, he just shot the henchmen in the arms/legs/soft tissue!" excuses, and be like "Oh, they're totally dead!" over all the bodies that get dropped.

Not enough Diggle, but David Ramsey still made the most of his one scene.  But MVP for me was Paul Blackthorne and Quentin.  Hope he is used well this season.  

Edited by thuganomics85
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Omg the boyfriend is so random.......like so so random!

Even if I look at it objectively at least they could set it up like Ray! Why so random?!

Overall I quite enjoyed the episode. They do some things so well and then it's like they have the worst brain farts littered throughout.

Forgot to add the hubby and I are liking the fact that Oliver is dropping bodies again! None of this namby pamby don't even kill evil villains crap!

@bijoux thanks!

Edited by Mellowyellow
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I wonder why they cut the stuff they showed in an earlier promo - about Oliver going at it alone. I think that was way more poignant - even if it was the 127th time he was told that - and what MG referred to when saying that Laura's last words would inform the whole season, rather than this "Find a new Canary" stuff.

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The episode was okay but it felt like it dragged a bit. The fight scenes were a definite improvement over last season, as were the flashbacks, though when exactly did Oliver learn to speak Russian well enough to be able to converse so freely?  

In other news, Laurel is dead and still annoying me.  No part of her speech makes any sense because she didn't know she was going to die. It makes her look sad to keep trying to hold on to Oliver when he is clearly not interested. 

Does the SCPD have some sort of recruitment policy which requires only hiring people who all look similar to each other?  Have they never heard of diversity?  

Finally, I'm so, so, sorry Felicity but I *may* have fast forwarded through the tiny hand massage.  I will (try) not to do that again for your scenes with mayo cop, but if you could ditch him soon it would really help me out. 

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A couple people who saw the episode last week when it leaked thought it was Mayo who died at the end, instead of Mr. Poppy. And they all vaguely resemble Oliver from a distance. I wonder if they did go to the trouble of casting lookalikes on purpose JUST for the Mayo ~reveal twist~.

Felicity could be dating the 3rd cop we haven't nicknamed yet that isn't Tiny Hands nor Mr. Poppy, and it would've worked exactly the same.

Edited by dtissagirl
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46 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

A couple people who saw the episode last week when it leaked thought it was Mayo who died at the end, instead of Mr. Poppy. And they all vaguely resemble Oliver from a distance. I wonder if they did go to the trouble of casting lookalikes on purpose JUST for the Mayo ~reveal twist~.

Felicity could be dating the 3rd cop we haven't nicknamed yet that isn't Tiny Hands nor Mr. Poppy, and it would've worked exactly the same.

I can't blame them for thinking that. I couldn't keep any of the bland white cops apart, to the point where for a moment I thought the same - that Final Bland White Guy (specifically, the one who got killed) was Felicity's new boyfriend, until he mentioned picking up diapers/etc on the phone call. And even then, my first thought wasn't, ok, this is a different guy, but rather, wait, is Felicity's boyfriend cheating on his wife? Oh, no, this must be a different guy [DARK ARROW ENTERS, KILLS GUY BEFORE I CAN FIGURE OUT ANYTHING ELSE] So, no diapers, unknown person on the other side of the phone, but, you know, a) as it turns out, he wasn't cheating on you and b) on the bright side, now you can find someone who is more interesting AND remembers to buy diapers. Now, who was this guy again and was he in the episode earlier? 

It's not just the physical resemblance, either. It's that the only personalities I got from any of them were, kinda corrupt, dead, thinks Quentin is a sorta cool dude, comes up behind people without saying hello, can't remember to buy diapers unless you yell at him a lot, and dead. Nothing that really stood out, especially on this show where cops end up dead every other episode. 

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12 hours ago, Chaser said:

Oliver and bodyguards. It seems kind of stupid for Oliver to approve of that since he has to keep ducking to GA. Does no one ask questions here? 

I guess they assume he's hooking up like he lead Moira to believe in S1. Coming to that conclusion, I'm also less annoyed by Pike's blonde or redhead comment at the start of the episode. My first reaction was, what the hell, man. This dude was in a very public monogamous and committed relationship. I also doubt that he's been showing up to places with various dates over the summer. But taking his disappearing acts into consideration, this is a logical conclusion. One even Oliver might encourage.

Okay, so Oliver is a Greek mythology enthusiast? He read The Odyssey and he knew stuff in this episode. Was Oliver supposed to become an Ancient Civilizations college professor? Is this his true calling?

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1 hour ago, dtissagirl said:

A couple people who saw the episode last week when it leaked thought it was Mayo who died at the end, instead of Mr. Poppy. And they all vaguely resemble Oliver from a distance. I wonder if they did go to the trouble of casting lookalikes on purpose JUST for the Mayo ~reveal twist~.

Felicity could be dating the 3rd cop we haven't nicknamed yet that isn't Tiny Hands nor Mr. Poppy, and it would've worked exactly the same.

I legit wasn't even entirely sure that the guy in the loft WAS the cop for a second there, since his Ken doll hair was so different than than how we'd seen it before then and they showed him at an angle that made him look only slightly less bland for a sec. 

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First, posting this without reading the previous posts. Actually without reading a lot of posts from other threads as well. I've been cooling off to Arrow and wondering if its worthwhile to catch up on posts or not... I guess that will be an evolving decision.

Back to the episode. Congrats to those who predicted the Cop as the Boyfriend. Glad to see smart people are here and the writers are predictable as usual.

The episode existed. It just was. I did get pilot vibes, but that is because the writers decided to write a cheap knockoff of their pilot. So congrats to them, I guess. Also congrats to the casting department for finding a day player that sorta looked like an uglier version of Tommy and sorta sounded like CD. It actually got my attention to look at the screen.

For the first time ever, I can solemnly state that I would be fine if this entire season took place in Flashback time. We got the amazing Anatoly, a decent wig and entertaining plot. I vote for Bratva all the time. Maybe Chad Coleman can just time jump there and we will be all set. Since he was the only thing besides Bratva Time that was worth watching this episode.

Oh, and they are totally going to make Sara that new Black Canary. Those last words of LL basically sealed the deal.

Lastly, not looking to the new recruits or their entire story line. Sorry, writers you didn't sell me on why they are needed. Just let TQ or QL be mayor and OQ can fully commit to kicking ass as the Arrow.

Dear CW/Berlanti Inc. - Can somebody please start working on Arrow: the Bratva Files, with a time traveling Chad Coleman to cause some trouble. Plz & thx you! :)

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Introductory cast credits order (iirc):  SA, DR, WH, EBR, EK and PB, with KC listed as guest star.

After reading spoilers, I was hesitant about watching this episode. But I'm glad I did because, to my surprise, I really liked it (maybe because my expectations were low). Yes, the action and stunt sequences were fantastic, but more importantly, the episode had a cohesiveness that kept me riveted to the screen.  The Bratva flashback scenes were much better executed and connected to the present day storyline than last season. Yay - we find out Kovar's first name is Konstantin!  I loved Anatoly's re-appearance and his dialogue exchanges with Oliver. 

In the present day, I have to admit I love the badass Oliver who doesn't need three teammates to defeat the bad guy(s). Chad Coleman was fantastic playing a bad guy. Oliver's killing or not killing still seems a bit arbitrary.  He didn't kill Anarky but just told Felicity to call the SCPD to pick him up. (Maybe because they're saving Anarky for a future episode?)

Of course, I didn't like the minimal screen time given to Diggle or reduced screen time given to Felicity, but I understood it for this episode, which was setting up the season.  The primary focus of this show should be about Oliver. I liked that Oliver got to show off his fighting prowess again.  I loved the trick arrows - the arrow into the computer, the arrow to the helicopter, and especially the parachute arrow. Remember all those times last season when he appeared to shoot his arrow straight up into the sky?  Well, I guess we can now surmise that a parachute popped out and propelled him up into the air. I've never been a fan of Thea, so I didn't care for all of her screen time. However, that's just my preference.

As for the not-so-surprising "surprise" reveal of Felicity's new boyfriend at the end, I'm going to wait and see. This Detective Malone appears to be a good guy, and it's too early to know how serious it is.  I'm not crazy about it, but I'm resigned to it... And we still don't know his first name. I'm also curious as to how they even met. Where does Felicity go when she's not in the Arrow Bunker?

The weakest part of this episode, by far, was Saint Laurel - the repeated reference to WWLD, Laurel wouldn't want that, etc.  Just seemed like they retconned the actual Laurel that we've seen throughout the prevous four seasons (you know, the one who killed and advocated killing).

As for Laurel's last words to Oliver and what they mean?  After watching this episode, I don't think she was asking him to train another Black Canary. I think she was concerned that what happened to her would lead Oliver to go it alone again. Consider these exchanges from last night's episode:

Oliver: "After what happened with Laurel, how can you ask me to put more people in the crosshairs?" 
Felicity: "I am not the one who is asking, or do you not remember the promise that you made to Laurel before she died? Laurel was thinking about the future. You need to think about yours."

Laurel: "Please... please don't let me be the last Canary. That way, a part of me will always be out there with you." 
Oliver: "I promise."

Also, remember that the SDCC highlight reel back in July included a clip where Laurel says to Oliver: "I need you to promise me something. Your instinct has always been to go it alone. Ollie, you can't." That clip was cut from last night's episode, but it's an indication of where they were going with this episode - which was to convince Oliver to add newbies to his team. He promised Laurel back in the spring that he would not let her be the last Canary (meaning, the last hero vigilante fighting beside him), but then he subsequently chose to go it alone to avoid anyone else on his team getting killed.  But last night he finally left the land of denial and decided to recruit. 

Of course, I could be wrong and the EPs changed their minds since SDCC and are indeed setting the stage for a future new Black Canary and love interest for Oliver - but that would be kinda odd and icky - that Oliver would have an almost Pavlovian response to hook up with anyone called "Canary" (Sara, Laurel, new girl).

Of course, I think Laurel's second sentence - "That way, a part of me will always be out there with you." - was unnecessary and kinda stalkerish. It also doesn't do her character any favors, simply underscoring the fact that she was still in love with Oliver and wanted him to carry a part of her with him always.  If I were Oliver, I would've been creeped out by that last sentence coming from an ex-girlfriend.

And by the way, has Laurel forgotten about her sister Sara - the original Canary? She's still alive and kicking, so Laurel was not the "last Canary."

BTW, I noticed that Laurel's pic (you know, the photo that Oliver carried around on the island) is now framed and sitting on a table in Quentin's apartment. So to track that pic's journey: Laurel > Oliver > Laurel > Oliver > Quentin.

Hello... and goodbye to Mr. Poppy. Hello, Prometheus - a/k/a Dark Archer 2.0.

I'm actually looking forward to Oliver


collecting and training the newbies next week.

Edited by tv echo
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I remember thinking before the episode aired that if that is the only interaction with Felicity, we still won't know who that dude is. 

Laurel's last words and if they mean there will be another BC, it occurs to me that that isn't how Felicity and (I'm assuming) Oliver took it. Felicity wasn't looking for another BC she was just looking for another Team. That goes with what Laurel said in the promo for S5. I wonder if that's the sentiment they are going with, but they used that version in the episode to get a tease out of it. 

I still hate that Felicity is in the loft. Not because it's the special Olicity place or anything, but because it just doesn't make sense. I wish she had moved out and then Thea moved back in with Oliver.

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5 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Oliver: "After what happened with Laurel, how can you ask me to put more people in the crosshairs?" 
Felicity: "I am not the one who is asking, or do you not remember the promise that you made to Laurel before she died? Laurel was thinking about the future. You need to think about yours."

As I was watching, I appreciated the fact that Oliver shared this with Felicity at some point between April and now.

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The more I think about that scene, the more awkward it gets. Seriously. The lead up there with the whole 'you're the love of my life and I know I'm not yours...' Was she trying to guilt him into it? Maybe she was serious about him making a copy of her and he just ignored that part cause creepy.

Poor SA. So awkward.

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7 minutes ago, Chaser said:

The more I think about that scene, the more awkward it gets. Seriously. The lead up there with the whole 'you're the love of my life and I know I'm not yours...' Was she trying to guilt him into it? Maybe she was serious about him making a copy of her and he just ignored that part cause creepy.

Poor SA. So awkward.

I said it in the spoilers thread, she was up to something that night, that last sentence just confirmed it, haha.

Plus, seriously, she had just finished saying the team that she couldn't give up being the BC because it made her feel alive or whatever, and a minute later she is expressing her desire for a part of her to be always out there with Oliver? Even if, as far as she knew, she'd be up and running in a few days?

The continuity lady must be an alcoholic - poor woman.

Edited by looptab
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Or hey - maybe Laurel was trying to protect Oliver by telling him he had to add another sacrificial lamb to his team - you know, like the canary in the coal mine? As an advance warning system?

"A canary in a coal mine is an advanced warning of some danger. The metaphor originates from the times when miners used to carry caged canaries while at work; if there was any methane or carbon monoxide in the mine, the canary would die before the levels of the gas reached those hazardous to humans."

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I have never ever watched a show so terrible at making audiences buy what they're trying to sell. Stay cognitive dissonant, Arrow.

Sums up my experience with this premiere.


Of course, I didn't like the minimal screen time given to Diggle or reduced screen time given to Felicity, but I understood it for this episode, which was setting up the season. 

That was reduced time for Felicity....., I cant see how she could possibily have more with 3 other new characters joining the second episode and more after that. Then Diggle and Curtis who got a few scenes, added into the mix

Edited by DCLeague
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To revisit DRs 2 lies and a Truth.

The LP comes back - Lie

MM is on the Team - Lie

Olicity is together at the start - Truth

I thought he sucked but dude was going for literal. They were together. Also, I choose to believe he knows any Oliver and Felicity scene is an Olicity scene. 

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I've now spent 28 years of my life dedicated to 'shipping fictional couples. [Before that I was ten and thought boys were icky.] 'Shipping is really really hard, and not for the weak. O/F, on the other hand, is on the EXTREMELY SUPER EASY NO EFFORT to 'ship list, because the single requirement is to have eyes.

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That Craig dude did say in a comment after being criticized for the language of his review that we'd get the "Oliver and Felicity talk about their feelings episodes". So after all this time they must think that's what it's about.

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I don't really mind Felicity having a blandish boyfriend.  Considering her previous romances (psycho-hacker, reboot happy time manipulator, stalker boss, secretive vigilante) it's probably a nice change for her to be able to go home, kick her shoes off and get a no-hassle, drama-free backrub.

It's kind of horribly funny how Stephen Amell clearly enjoys doing scenes with Emily Bett Rickards and despises doing them with Katie Casidy.

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1 hour ago, kismet said:

Oh, and they are totally going to make Sara that new Black Canary. Those last words of LL basically sealed the deal.

I do think that is their first choice.  I think they made Laurel's last words as awkward as possible as a way to hedge their bets based on how LoT does.  If it gets cancelled and Sara can return to Arrow, she will be the Black Canary.  If LoT does well and she has to stay, then they will find another one (or many, I keep thinking of Buffy and her rows of slayers).

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1 minute ago, bijoux said:

Why would she need to be the Black Canary? She can still be White Canary on Arrow if LoT tanks, can't she? Laurel said last Canary, not last Black Canary. 

Yeah, I think Black Canary is dead (no pun intended). They wouldn't have put up a statue of her with BLACK CANARY written on the bottom if they were planning on having another one IMO.

We'll get the Aubergine or Chartreuse Canary next. 

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

Yeah, I think Black Canary is dead (no pun intended). They wouldn't have put up a statue of her with BLACK CANARY written on the bottom if they were planning on having another one IMO.

We'll get the Aubergine or Chartreuse Canary next. 

If I may just say, that is not a good colour for concealment.

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2 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Why would she need to be the Black Canary? She can still be White Canary on Arrow if LoT tanks, can't she? Laurel said last Canary, not last Black Canary. 

On the show, Sara is the one true Canary, but I think the Black Canary is the only Canary that comic book fans consider important and that the show would consider it a "promotion" if they gave Sara that role. I think that they would also want the Black Canary as a cast member on Arrow, even though in the comics she went off and had much better adventures when she was away from Ollie. 

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I get to finally post my thoughts. You guys are definitely hilarious and it made the experience of watching the premiere live (and absolutely forgetting about it - but that's due to that one entire bottle of wine, oops.) so much better.

After rewatching it this morning, I thought it was pretty good. Thank god for lowered expectations! 

- The stunts were way better

- I love the OliDig? DigOli? Bromance. Everything is always better with a healthy dose of John Diggle. 

- I enjoyed Wild Dog

- Relevant and enjoyable flashback! Yay! 

- Felicity's wardrobe is on point. 

- I very much appreciated Oliver and Felicity's chemistry. 

Aside from that I was pretty meh on everything else. And by meh, I mean pretty rageful. WWLLD? Don't care and I think I almost had a heart attack caused by second-hand embarrassment!  Those writers! 

Thea is back to season 1 selfishness isn't she? Ugh. 

And now. Le plat de résistance, with a side of mayo, of course. I think I LOLed my head off (might explain the migraine this morning). Um, what? I am sorry, I cannot take seriously somebody sporting  Lego hair. That is all. 

Edited by RussianRoulette
ETA: Oliver speaking 'fluent' Russian? Even after a few months? Epic LOLZ
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56 minutes ago, doesntworkonwood said:

Don't forget the lace gloves! I wonder if those will get passed on...

Fingerless gloves, if you please! Because Laurel stole them from an 80s Madonna cosplayer and forgot the purpose of gloves, which is so that you don't leave fingerprints, you bird-brained moron. Ahem. Sorry about that.

The episode? Eh. I usually don't spoil myself for shows I still give a shit about, but I'm glad I did, otherwise I would have been more pissed off about Detective KenHair TinyHands groping my girl. As it was, it was like a countdown to an explosion, so I could brace myself.

The rest? Ok, I guess. I liked some things, disliked others, and hated the prerequisite:

"Felicity can't be single because we can't think of anything else for her to do than jump on some guy's dick. Oh, and feel guilty about Haventown."

"Uh, that's Havenrock, sir."

"Whatever. You're fired."

And when Arrow goes for the cliches, it really goes for the cliches - I mean, the cop who died at the end wasn't just married, he had a baby. Does he have a dog, too? Was he days from retirement? Did he just come up with the cure for cancer, but never wrote it down anywhere?

And is the police station soundproofed? Because he fired his gun a lot.

Eh. Why do I expect logic in an Arrow episode. The best way is just to go with the flow, and hope for it to get better. It just makes me laugh that they were expecting people to be fooled by the cop's hands and then be all shocked in a Scooby Doo "huh?" moment that it isn't Oliver with her. Yo, Arrow guys! You know it's 2016, right? The only people you're fooling is some lost tribe who've never watched an episode of tv - even they would have called that obvious.

Edited by arjumand
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14 minutes ago, arjumand said:

The only people you're fooling is some lost tribe who've never watched an episode of tv - even they would have called that obvious.

You'd think by now they would have realized their audience isn't as stupid as they think. Alas.

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3 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

SA & EBR turn any scene with them in it into an Olicity scene. 

And I don't think they even try.  It just is.  They could literally be trying to kill each other on screen and it would still be Olicity.

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Just now, catrox14 said:

They could literally be trying to kill each other on screen and it would still be Olicity.

Now you're making me want a Mr. and Mrs. Smith kind of scene. Because I agree, it'd be totally hot and totally Olicity.

BTW, Felicity just casually mentioning Oliver shooting Wild Dog was too funny. Actually, there were lots of small moments like this that made me smile. 

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If they want me to believe Felicity is struggling with Havenrock, they should have shown her have a moment of doubt/hesitation over disarming those bombs. I mean, I get that this was the premiere setting up things but it didn't set up anything for Felicity aside from her stale loaf other half so...IDK what they're doing there but it's crappy and bad writing. 

I liked all of the O/F scenes and if Mayo Bread with Extra Mayo wasn't there, it could have been like they were never apart tbh. Just goes to show that Olicity and their chemistry/banter was never the problem. If only the writers realized this. 

Edited by Guest
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