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Current DCCs: My Boots Do the Talking

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6 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:


OT: I know I'm overposting to the point where yall wanna cram me into the HVAC system, but it's the last week before school/work start and I won't be able to post but once a week. Thank you for bearing with the special child that I am.


Awww I will miss you! 

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1 hour ago, GAgirl said:

So...are they switching point every game? I believe Jenna was point last night based on her Instagram

Don't know but game day girl isn't the same as point. Sometimes they have two game day girls, and usually seem to go by seniority. 

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On 2 September 2016 at 2:21 AM, heatherrrrz said:


Group 3 photo above:

Is it just me... because I'm thinking wow, such a bad angle for the shorts. The shorts look yuck on everyone except for Amy. Jenna's shorts look like they're Brazilian cut; most others look pretty much the same; and Yuko's shorts are like 2 inches higher on the waist than anyone else's. Ick to all but Amy's...

I mean, they all look super-wedgilicious uncomfortable...

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On 9/1/2016 at 0:03 PM, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Lauren, I'm glad you brought that up. You're going to be speaking with heads of state, Roger Goddell, Army Generals, the President of the United States of America, celebrities, celebrity ghosts, celebrities' pets, celebrities' pets' ghosts, and Billy Ray Cyrus. We need natural, fluid speakers. I don't feel like I can trust you and for that reason, tonight will have to be your last night. I'm sorry that I've broken your spirit, your cat's spirit and the spirit of anyone who looks like you or your cat, but the decision is final.

Sorry mods.

You kill me! :)

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On 9/1/2016 at 1:47 PM, KellyAnn3 said:

I noticed how absolutely small Yuko is in some of the audition photos. Her wrist looks like it's probably no bigger than 4" around and she seems really short (but well proportioned) Is she on the end of the kick line? 

I have 4 inch wrists. I can loop my thumb & forefinger around my wrist and still have lots of space left. Wish the rest of me was that skinny! 

Edited by SopranoKris
Auto-correct changed "space" to "suave"
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4 minutes ago, SopranoKris said:

I have 4 inch wrists. I can loop my thumb & forefinger around my wrist and still have lots of space left. Wish the rest of me was that skinny! 

We share the same struggle. Skinny wrists, evenly proportioned where I shouldn't be 

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26 minutes ago, SopranoKris said:

I have 4 inch wrists. I can loop my thumb & forefinger around my wrist and still have lots of space left. Wish the rest of me was that skinny! 

RIGHT???!!! 4 inch wrist, size 5 wedding ring, and built like Kim freaking Kardashian over here!  

Back on topic, has anyone said how Simone is? As far as her concussion? 

Edited by JessB
Simone.....NOT Simon!
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33 minutes ago, KellyAnn3 said:

Sorry about the wrist thing. I didn't mean it in a bad way at all, just that Yuko has a very slight ("bird person" as my grandma says) bone structure. I'm over here with 7" wrists feeling like a neanderthal.

Nah, we're not picking on you.  I just find it funny that body mass index charts are based on wrist measurement vs. weight and height.  If I went by that calculation, my "ideal" weight would be 119.  My ribs stick out if I'm under 130.  I'm 5'8" and very busty.  Skinny arms & long legs. No way could I ever be a healthy 119 pounds.  I used to think I was so "fat" in high school at 125 lbs and my friends were all saying "eat a sandwich".  Ugh!  I'd kill to have that old body back. I could rock a bikini back in the 80s :)

Back on topic so this thread doesn't de-rail further:  I agree, @BritFan, the shorts seem to be much shorter in the back this season.

Edited by SopranoKris
spelling correction
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13 hours ago, JessB said:

RIGHT???!!! 4 inch wrist, size 5 wedding ring, and built like Kim freaking Kardashian over here!  

Back on topic, has anyone said how Simone is? As far as her concussion? 

I know she said on IG that she would be performing in the last game, so I'm guessing she's OK. I still never heard how she got it.

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The weight thing has always bugged me.  These girls are already thin, but they have completely different body types.  To tell one girl that she must weigh the same as another of the same height who likely has a completely different shape is completely bogus, like telling Amy T she has to weigh the same as Jinelle.  I don't know if they're the same height, just pulling random names but you get my point.

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53 minutes ago, PixieDust said:

Yes, I saw this too! To me Jenna has always had a little extra spark. Glad she had a chance at point. 

I thought she'd be too short, but she is rocking it! Jenna somehow isn't lumped with the really technical dancers, maybe because she has more of a cheer background, but she makes every move look effortless. She's also like Whitney I, where every move is so pretty, that she never takes an awkward photo. Admitting that Jenna has never been my favorite, but she is perfect at point. Gotta give props where they're due.

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On 9/1/2016 at 3:29 PM, MyFavShows said:

No one in Holly T's rookie class has a shot at point unless Holly leaves.   I wouldn't be surprised if Holly is point next year, I really wouldn't.   And I say this as someone who is not a Holly fan.

I agree that Holly is one hell of an exciting dancer...but point...no way. She doesn't photograph consistently.  No neck, duck pout/pursed lips, cute but not a glamor gal...just a couple reasons she doesn't belong at point imo. 

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On 9/1/2016 at 3:29 PM, MyFavShows said:
8 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

Sarah Gourley was never a looker, and she danced at point. Holly has a shot, for sure.


Holly's a fantastic dancer. I'm probably in the minority here but I rarely think her photos are flattering.  I give her credit for getting her figure in shape, yet her pics aren't that pleasing. Even that cute pic above...with the kiddo's...it'seems like her head is sitting on her shoulders...no neck. 

I see point as the complete package.  Terrific dancer first. Beautiful woman who always takes amazing photos. Danielle is certainly gorgeous but not the best technical dancer.  Whitney, Holly A, Jacie....had it all. That giant screen is unforgiving these days. Was Gourley around for it, I can't recall?

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These discussions always remind me that people may agree that the point girl has to have it all, but they disagree on who has it all :)  Like, I think Crystal Trevino was one of the most adorable girls they've had in the last whatever many years - once her mullet grew out - WOW! She was just...sparkly. Such a fun dancer, great smile, etc.  And I think Jenna is super cute too and takes nice photos, but still to me doesn't compare to Holly Arielle or Nicole Hamilton.  

All that to say - I like how they are rotating point this time.  They have a couple great girls for it and it's fun to see more than one girl get a shot at it.  It just makes me sad that this may very well mean Jenna and Jennifer have both said they are retiring soon :( Jennifer 100% seems like the type of person to me that would be like, "hey, can Jenna split the point with me?" if she knew she was also leaving. 

One reason I think Holly P would be fantastic at point is girl does not mess up.  She is SO consistent.  She may have facials that you don't love in pics but she always seems confident and in step.  They sure could trust her to bring it every time lol 

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1 hour ago, PrincessLeia said:

Sarah Gourley was never a looker, and she danced at point. Holly has a shot, for sure.

When was Sarah point? I don't remember her. My all time favorite is Whitney!!

Edited by nmvrn
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1 hour ago, Annette said:

Holly's a fantastic dancer. I'm probably in the minority here but I rarely think her photos are flattering.  I give her credit for getting her figure in shape, yet her pics aren't that pleasing. Even that cute pic above...with the kiddo's...it'seems like her head is sitting on her shoulders...no neck. 

I see point as the complete package.  Terrific dancer first. Beautiful woman who always takes amazing photos. Danielle is certainly gorgeous but not the best technical dancer.  Whitney, Holly A, Jacie....had it all. That giant screen is unforgiving these days. Was Gourley around for it, I can't recall?

I can't remember if Sarah retired the year before Cowboys Stadium opened, or if she danced one season there. I know I remember seeing Crystal Trevino at point one year at Cowboys Stadium. 


You're not alone.... Holly doesn't always photograph well. She's not as photogenic as Whitney or Holly. 

30 minutes ago, nmvrn said:

When was Sarah point? I don't remember her. My all time favorite is Whitney!!

Sarah danced at point after Nicole Hamilton retired. I'm not sure if she danced at point 100% or rotated. I know Crystal Trevino was also at point- I'm not sure if she and Sarah rotated or did separate years. We are going back almost a decade! I can't remember!

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I'm thinking Sarah wasn't point for Thunderstruck, but was rotated for the breast cancer show, etc., sort of like Lauren Williams was. 

If Holly isn't point next year I'll be shocked. They love her and she's more of a "Holly and the DCCs" than just a DCC. If she's point next year I also think she'll move on after. 

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41 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

These discussions always remind me that people may agree that the point girl has to have it all, but they disagree on who has it all :)  Like, I think Crystal Trevino was one of the most adorable girls they've had in the last whatever many years - once her mullet grew out - WOW! She was just...sparkly. Such a fun dancer, great smile, etc.  And I think Jenna is super cute too and takes nice photos, but still to me doesn't compare to Holly Arielle or Nicole Hamilton.  

One reason I think Holly P would be fantastic at point is girl does not mess up.  She is SO consistent.  She may have facials that you don't love in pics but she always seems confident and in step.  They sure could trust her to bring it every time lol 

I don't think anyone on the team right now measures up to Nicole Hamilton. Holly can dance as well, but Nicole had other qualities that made her such an amazing cheerleader. They just had some really amazing cheerleaders during those years.

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Love seeing Jenna at point. She's always been one of my faves, and she just pops without looking like she's trying, unlike Holly (current DCC Holly), who just looks to like she trying so hard to be sexy. I actually cringed in the episode that just passed when she walked off the dance floor after her solo. It's just too much IMO. However, her boss, Kelli, obviously likes it, and that's really what matters. 

If Melissa was struggling, it appears that she got her issues under control, since she's in a prime position in the triangle. 

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2 hours ago, Oranaiche said:



32 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

Love seeing Jenna at point. She's always been one of my faves, and she just pops without looking like she's trying, unlike Holly (current DCC Holly), who just looks to like she trying so hard to be sexy. I actually cringed in the episode that just passed when she walked off the dance floor after her solo. It's just too much IMO. However, her boss, Kelli, obviously likes it, and that's really what matters. 

If Melissa was struggling, it appears that she got her issues under control, since she's in a prime position in the triangle. 

It's Holly's "mugging" that actually makes me laugh. That pursed lips thing she does.  I'm kinda surprised that Kelly hasn't reminded her about the "sometimes a pretty smile is best" point. 

I also enjoy seeing all the differing women at point. It proves the depth of talent & beauty. The current ladies at point photograph beautifully. 

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After being described by a next door neighbor to the person who would later become my husband, that a homely girl had moved in next door, I would love to look that any of these girls that are deemed not cute or photogenic.  As I lost weight many years ago, I realized  that no matter how much weight I lost, I would never be pretty.  So I have learned to settle

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50 minutes ago, Hummingbird24 said:

I heard Cersten wasn't very nice so I'm speculating it's her. 

I believe dalgal said it wasn't Cersten, which left everyone speculating between Kesley, Tasha, and Selina.

Edited by Oranaiche
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5 hours ago, Annette said:


It's Holly's "mugging" that actually makes me laugh. That pursed lips thing she does.  I'm kinda surprised that Kelly hasn't reminded her about the "sometimes a pretty smile is best" point. 

I also enjoy seeing all the differing women at point. It proves the depth of talent & beauty. The current ladies at point photograph beautifully. 

Early on I saw Lacey as a no brainier for point. Very technical, great performer, and to me she is so pretty. I'm surprised she is never really discussed anywhere to be in the triangle. I guess there are a lot of girls in front of her in line for the throne :(  but like you said so much beauty and talent on the squad right now. 

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We can talk about Holly's smugness and facials all we want but I think she may be the most popular girl on the squad. She has a bunch of fans, male and female.  

I think point should be swapped more often. The whole squad of girls are chosen because they are great dancers, beautiful, great ambassadors, so why not swap them around. Jenn K and Jenna are great but I would love to see any of the 3yr+ vets on showgroup as point. 

I also think Erica/Melissa/Amy T will be point before Holly. Not just because of how they dance, but I feel like being point, you are also being looked to for leadership and I don't see K&J picking an 18/19yr old over these girls, at least for another couple of years.

Edited by JayDKay
Grammar - derp
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I love love love Holly, but I don't think she'll be point next year. Who do they have if Jenna, Jenn K, Danielle and I forgot who else leave? Maybe Jessica if she stays, I don't see her as being charismatic enough on the field for point. Lacey? Not sure if I could see her at point but she's damn good. Jinelle...hmm idk.

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19 minutes ago, heatherrrrz said:

I love love love Holly, but I don't think she'll be point next year. Who do they have if Jenna, Jenn K, Danielle and I forgot who else leave? Maybe Jessica if she stays, I don't see her as being charismatic enough on the field for point. Lacey? Not sure if I could see her at point but she's damn good. Jinelle...hmm idk.

Jessica is leaving after this year unless she pulls an Angela (caption below):

8 hours ago, JayDKay said:

We can talk about Holly's smugness and facials all we want but I think she may be the most popular girl on the squad. She has a bunch of fans, male and female.  

I think point should be swapped more often. The whole squad of girls are chosen because they are great dancers, beautiful, great ambassadors, so why not swap them around. Jenn K and Jenna are great but I would love to see any of the 3yr+ vets on showgroup as point. 

I also think Erica/Melissa/Amy T will be point before Holly. Not just because of how they dance, but I feel like being point, you are also being looked to for leadership and I don't see K&J picking an 18/19yr old over these girls, at least for another couple of years.

I adore Holly but do think Erica should be point before she is. If Erica stays another year and Jenna and Jennifer really do retire, it should be Erica.  She was a 'touchdown' with the judges, facial beauty, perfect figure, amazing performer and I am still looking for a bad game day photo of her - can't find one!! lol 

I also feel like it could be Mandy down the road if she stays long enough lol  She really is so very pretty and seems like a strong, mature dancer. 

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True about Erica, but to me that recent SG piece where Holly is literally "doing show group by herself" speaks volumes.   Has there ever been a DCC piece where a 2 year vet is so highly featured?  Has anyone ever been that highly featured?  It was like the Holly show.

I think she's on the fast track to point both politically (friends w/ Kelli's daughter, tons of social media followers, etc.) and dance-wise.   It annoys me cause it seems like it was all very calculated on her part and has been her primary goal since prelims (she just seems like the type that isn't happy till she's front and center), but I think she's gonna get it.

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On 8/28/2016 at 10:39 AM, flightlevel said:

What the heck could be so bad in DCC land that it would require a long extensive report? I hope a little attitude doesn't get someone dismissed from the squad.  They have let others slide by with much worse issues.

It sounds like much more than a little attitude. I'm sure Jessica would not waste her time writing a report over something small. 

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10 hours ago, JayDKay said:

I also think Erica/Melissa/Amy T will be point before Holly. 

Based on absolutely nothing concrete, I have a feeling this is going to be Melissa's last year.  I think her weight issues are just going to be too much for her.

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On 8/30/2016 at 0:56 PM, Oranaiche said:

I wish we were trying to figure that out. I know a guy who ran across Turner Field in a wedding dress during a Braves game. That was hilarious, and what you described being done by a DCC would be epic.

Anyway, not trying to derail the thread. I'll go. ?

Wow. I live in Georgia too...hate I missed that game!! lololol

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44 minutes ago, DCCFAN71 said:

It sounds like much more than a little attitude. I'm sure Jessica would not waste her time writing a report over something small. 

@flightlevel posted above, "I hope a little attitude doesn't get someone dismissed from the squad."

No one has suggested or posted that any of the rookies in Group 4 - Cersten, Kelsey, Selina, or Tasha - has been dismissed or suspended for the "mean" behavior that @dalgal214 alleges in a previous post was exhibited by one "somewhat fake" rookie in that group (not Cersten, she was specifically exonerated), and which supposedly moved Jessica (as Group 4 Leader) to write up and submit a report on such alleged behavior.

Perhaps @flightlevel has some insider knowledge and is alluding to something we don't know yet?  If so, that would certainly be unexpected.

I don't think so, though, as I have seen game day photos from the Cowboys most recent game against the Texans, of Cersten, Kelsey, and Tasha.

Edited by California Girl
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The organization should re-think its weight restrictions. If they're so stringent that nearly everyone on the team has been on weight watch, then the expectations are unrealistic. If great dancers are retiring because they can't stick to the restrictions in a healthy manner, then the organization loses out. I'm not advocating for fat cheerleaders, but other pro squads have been able to make it work without turning everyone into a "boy with breasts" and so can the DCC. Few women can maintain the exact same weight year in and year out as they age, and no one should understand that more than the women leading the organization. Blaming the Jumbotron for the restrictions is weak.

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