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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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No one has mentioned Preet, the little liar who killed Sasha the poodle. That kid lied. It was so obvious! "He told me to take her new places." Psy-co-path" in the making.

Oh, we discussed the heck out of that case the first time it aired. If I remember correctly, most of us commented that a lot of serial killers start out by killing animals. 

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Notice to all: do not save up 50 episodes of Judge Judy and try to recuperate from surgery by attempting to watch all of them in one sitting. I swear at some point, maybe nearing the 15th episode, they all become one swirling black hole of ugliness and despair with interchangeable litigants all bemoaning the same goddamn petty complaints.


My favorite so far was the rerun of the 54-year old lecherous buffoon who likes to "help" young girls out so that they'd give him some sexy times. He was suing some local meth addict who claimed their "trip to Wal-mart shopping spree" was because they were friends. Yes, I have friends, too. But not only do we not go to Wal-mart, we also spend our own money on anything we buy thus negating the need for one of our genitals to be in the other's mouth at the end of the journey. Life's funny like that.

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54-year old lecherous buffoon who likes to "help" young girls out so that they'd give him some sexy times. He was suing some local meth addict who claimed their "trip to Wal-mart shopping spree" was because they were friends. Yes, I have friends, too. But not only do we not go to Wal-mart, we also spend our own money on anything we buy thus negating the need for one of our genitals to be in the other's mouth at the end of the journey.


You seem to feeling just fine, GM. Glad to hear it!


A sugar daddy who takes to to Wal-Mart. Talk about low-rent.


Try to do a block of JJ, maybe 3 episodes at a time, then have some pain meds; should work like a charm!


You forgot about the Gravol. Don't forget it.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Yippee!!  JJ litigants do not rule the land ....  Niece's BF got into an accident on Friday.  The other driver, who was at fault, has full coverage, in effect, Allstate insurance and a valid driver license (so does the BF by the way, his insurance is with State Farm).  Saturday morning, my son lost his phone while out running errands.  A gentleman found it, when through the phone, found my son's gmail address (I guess this is common), emailed my son and offered to meet him and returned the phone.  Didn't want/ wouldn't take reward, or anything for returning this very expensive phone.  There is hope!!!

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My niece lives in Southfield, MI and that's where her BF was in the accident.  My son lives in Fenton, MI (outside of Flint, no his house isn't hook up to Flint water), but he lost his phone in a mall in Troy, MI.

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Actually, if you google "open range" you'll find that there are areas of the western US and Canada where open/free range still exit.


and a quote from (I added bold for emphasis)


"Idaho, and some other states, are “fence out” states where livestock owners have complete immunity to damage claims from the acts of their livestock. This includes not only damage from trampling and consumption of gardens, shrubbery, trees, but also bodily injury to people. It is the cow that has the rights, actually the cattle owner. If you harm the cow (livestock) in a collision with your vehicle, you will pay all the damages including injury or death of the cow or cattle. You cannot sue for bodily harm or unlawful death of a person."

Not knowing where they came from, we really say if defendant was right are not.

My sister and brother in law lived in Neveda for a few years and told us this was the case where they lived. Amazingly It seemed that the only cows that ever were hit and killed were the ranchers prized stock. The scrubs never got hurt. So if you were unlucky enough to mow one down, you not only had to most likely get a new car, but write a big fat check to the cows owner .

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But not only do we not go to Wal-mart, we also spend our own money on anything we buy thus negating the need for one of our genitals to be in the other's mouth at the end of the journey.


GiantMisfit, it's obvious that you have never been a hospital worker.


Sharmada Clinkscales, last weeks Cuiltihac _____ (I'm not looking it up, you guys know it) and  his co-litigant Dogwillow, or something of the like--lotsa crazee names recently. I was reading an article in OPRAH!! mag, and some old lady had a daughter who changed her name to Crescent Dragonwagon. Uh huh.

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But not only do we not go to Wal-mart, we also spend our own money on anything we buy thus negating the need for one of our genitals to be in the other's mouth at the end of the journey. Life's funny like that.

OMG GiantMisfit!  That's hysterical!  Glad you are on the mend.  Quite obvious they did not remove your funny bone.

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GiantMisfit, it's obvious that you have never been a hospital worker.


HA HA HA!!!!


changed her name to Crescent Dragonwagon.



I've found so many things online I never, ever wanted to know.  It seems there's a segment of the population that gets mightily turned on by the thought of dragons doing illicit, nasty things to cars. These people do artwork to graphically illustrate those fantasies. That's what that name makes me think of. Oh god.


Yippee!!  JJ litigants do not rule the land


Thanks for that bit of good news.:)

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Sharmada Clinkscales, last weeks Cuiltihac _____ (I'm not looking it up, you guys know it) and  his co-litigant Dogwillow, or something of the like--lotsa crazee names recently. I was reading an article in OPRAH!! mag, and some old lady had a daughter who changed her name to Crescent Dragonwagon. Uh huh.

I'm sitting at my desk in pain - I have literally snorted watermelon out my nose. I'm suing OPRAH!! for pain and suffering as well as punitive damages for putting such nonsense in her magazine knowing that hapless readers might snort watermelon chunks out their noses. And then I'll own part of the OWN Network and will broadcast Judge Judy episodes around the clock. And every day at 4 PM I'll run Patricia Bean. 


A girl can dream, can't she? lol

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I'm sitting at my desk in pain - I have literally snorted watermelon out my nose. I'm suing OPRAH!! for pain and suffering as well as punitive damages for putting such nonsense in her magazine knowing that hapless readers might snort watermelon chunks out their noses. And then I'll own part of the OWN Network and will broadcast Judge Judy episodes around the clock. And every day at 4 PM I'll run Patricia Bean. 


A girl can dream, can't she? lol


Don't forget about Queen Esther!!

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The plaintiff in today's first case wants a ridiculous amount of money with all the excuses in the world and played the victim. Pays no rent, an abandoned car, on disability, and in transitional programs. Then we get the deadbeat who caused the accident but had "lapsed insurance." He complains in the hallway that the plaintiff's car wasn't worth that much.


Always an excuse and no accountability was today's mantra.

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The rerun from this morning with Stephen McKisson, who obviously had been stalking the plaintiff because he apparently carried a rock in his car with the sole purpose of getting his revenge on her for her alleged assault on his car.  Mr. McKisson clearly needs professional help.  He may have had a case against the plaintiff, but he brought no paperwork, even though he had had a lawyer who could have helped him to get everything he needed


Anyway, I went to look him up to see if he has a criminal record (the plaintiff said he had 55 incidents), but I couldn't find anything.  But I did find this blog post from when the case first appeared:



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I don't think that dude was a stellar landlord but it's her own fault her car got towed, both because it was 10 years not registered and she called code enforcement.

Edited by califred
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He paid $600, the price the plaintiff paid for his '92 Miata. The plaintiff was asking for something like three grand, claiming that's what the car was worth and that he'd put two grand into it after purchase. Defendant was allegedly in the process of paying the owner of at least one of the other cars for their damages. The most interesting thing about this case (because we knew the "I have insurance now but shockingly it had lapsed at the time of the accident" scenario was inevitable) was that both plaintiff and defendant were driving 24 year old automobiles (excuse me: vehicles.)

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The plaintiff in today's first case wants a ridiculous amount of money with all the excuses in the world and played the victim. Pays no rent, an abandoned car, on disability, and in transitional programs.


Ugh.  JJ: "You're not following my questions!"  Oh, yes, she is. Completely. The fact that SHE called "code enforcement" herself and quoted the codes shows me she's a perfect example of using and abusing the system.  And suing him for money when she owed rent? Typical. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.  And why we will never rent to anyone on government programs again. Some folks are wonderful and absolutely deserving of the assistance. But you can't always spot the scammers in advance and we've been burned more than once.


Loved landlord's comment about "she cut the branch she was sitting on" by calling code enforcement herself. HA!  And if the place was so horrible, why move in in the first place? Me thinks she's run this multiple times. Gah. I can feel my blood pressure going up and up and up. Wish he'd countersued for at least what he was owed.


Thought the daughter was of interest.  Wow.

Edited by SandyToes
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The slouching daughter with the dead eyes and not enough energy to sit up semi-straight? Plus a grandchild was mentioned so there may be a dead-eyed, slouching baby in the picture. Morons beget morons who use their pea-brains to scam rather than learn or work steady.

Edited by Tosia
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Also tickled that JJ called out Ms. Walker for playing pool while on work comp after hand surgery.  Walker tried to say that stretching her arms was good therapy.  "I also have fibromyalgia." 


Years ago, I worked for work comp lawyers, on the workers' side.  One client who'd had shoulder surgery was seen by her employer's lawyer -- doing the butterfly stroke at a swim meet.  She got paid though -- her doctor said it was good therapy.

Bowling actually cured my husband of hip pain.  The chiropractor said he wasn't too surprised about it - that sometimes certain motions can relieve issues, but I find it hard to believe that playing pool is good for her "disability".  Disability is a sore subject with me.  At my last job, we saw too many "disabled" people through our doors.  One couldn't work due to a bad back, but had no issue running down the street, hopping two sets of railroad tracks and a high curb and speeding off to fire calls, and all that entails.....

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Bowling helps hip pain? I recently developed pain on my right side hip durng the past 6 mos. I may try that!

Think my insurance company will pay for lanes (and balls, and of course, custom-fitted shoes)?

Then when I fall on those slippery floors, and sue the Bowling Alley, Judge Judy will believe me?

Edited by Tosia
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The plaintiff in today's first case wants a ridiculous amount of money with all the excuses in the world and played the victim. Pays no rent, an abandoned car, on disability, and in transitional programs..

Plaintiff seemed to be someone expert at playing the system.

Then we get the deadbeat who caused the accident but had "lapsed insurance." He complains in the hallway that the plaintiff's car wasn't worth that much.

Having once owned a 25+yo vehicle, I don't doubt that the plaintiff's 24yo car could be worth much more than the $600 he paid for it. New or rebuilt engine, new suspension, body work, paint, etc - it could be he has lots of money in it. The problem would be proving what it's worth (especially if a lot of the work is not professional).

Always an excuse and no accountability was today's mantra.

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The repeat of the little bundle of rage, looney-toons Stephen McKisson, a 25 year old man who needs his long-suffering mommy to come to court with him was just as interesting this time around. I hope Ms. Blakeney(sp?) watched her back after this incident, since that nutty little shit is capable of anything.



Pays no rent, an abandoned car, on disability, and in transitional programs.


It was easy to see she's well-versed in talking her way out of (or into) anything. She should worry about her dopey daughter, who was too stupid to prevent getting knocked up and has to rely on her disabled/transitional/mooch/homeless mama, who says, about her POS car unregistered for 10 years, "I'm working with the DMV on that." What does that even mean? I guess she thinks all her hard luck stories entitle her to live rent-free. Why anyone would want to be a landlord these days, I cannot imagine.



Mr. McKisson clearly needs professional help.


Judging from his FB, he hasn't gotten it yet. In the comments on that blog I'm shocked and disgusted at the people who think it would be hot to have sex with this freak. Sad times we live in.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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The affect of the plaintiff with the sides of her head shaven off was odd.  She was really perky and she was citing code numbers, calling authorities on code violations, and had convenient excuses for the mess in the kitchen and not letting in the pest control guy, admitting that she wasn't paying rent with the tone of someone that's getting free candy.. 

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Bowling helps hip pain? I recently developed pain on my right side hip durng the past 6 mos. I may try that!

Think my insurance company will pay for lanes (and balls, and of course, custom-fitted shoes)?

Then when I fall on those slippery floors, and sue the Bowling Alley, Judge Judy will believe me?

It helped him, and the chiropractor said that the sliding motion may have loosened up the muscles that were causing him issues (he climbs in and out of a truck all day, and that created some issues).  He only bowls once a week on a league, so apparently it's enough.  He picked up a summer league so that he could keep loose, and it worked - he eased right back into his fall/winter league.  I WISH I could get the insurance to pay for balls, his weekly league fees, and his triple ball bag, which cost me $150......

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  I WISH I could get the insurance to pay for balls, his weekly league fees, and his triple ball bag, which cost me $150......


It's a good thing I didn't read the popcorn box at the movies posts then skip pages to this one 'cuz I would really be wonderin' if this was the Judge Judy forum or something else..........


Edited by Milz
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It's a good thing I didn't read the popcorn box at the movies posts then skip pages to this one 'cuz I would really be wonderin' if this was the Judge Judy forum or something else..........

**Disregard my prior comment.  I'm slow on the uptake after a medical procedure yesterday.  Hey!  Maybe I can sue for that!

Edited by funky-rat
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Having once owned a 25+yo vehicle, I don't doubt that the plaintiff's 24yo car could be worth much more than the $600 he paid for it. New or rebuilt engine, new suspension, body work, paint, etc - it could be he has lots of money in it. The problem would be proving what it's worth (especially if a lot of the work is not professional).


Yeah, JJ seemed really hung up on what he paid and the fact that it was so much less that KBB. It was fairly clear that he bought it in shitty shape and then put a lot of money and sweat equity into getting it up to snuff, so that its value did go from $600 to a couple thousand. It's not fair to penalize him for that.

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t was easy to see she's well-versed in talking her way out of (or into) anything. She should worry about her dopey daughter, who was too stupid to prevent getting knocked up and has to rely on her disabled/transitional/mooch/homeless mama, who says, about her POS car unregistered for 10 years, "I'm working with the DMV on that." What does that even mean? I guess she thinks all her hard luck stories entitle her to live rent-free. 

I'm noticing a nauseating increasing trend of well spoken people who are just milking the system- declaring their homes uninhabitable while continuing to live there so they don't pay rent or those who are fighting evictions cases by planting their butts in the property and just not leaving. She knew all the right answers and codes. She was pretty well versed in her "rights" until after a while even she didn't believe her own testimony and started tee-heeing when JJ called her on it. Makes me want to punch her in the eye. I've already regaled this board with my ex-neighbors who continued to live rent free because the landlord was afraid to evict them because they would trash the property. Turns out after they finally left the condo was trashed anyway (we're talking head-sized holes in the walls, bashed in microwave, debris that filled several large trash cans, etc) all to the tune of around $4000. Thank goodness the condo was finally sold and I now have neighbors who are weep-worthy - the guy knocked on my door to ask me if  I minded if he could plant some flowers out front. 

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I'm noticing a nauseating increasing trend of well spoken people who are just milking the system- declaring their homes uninhabitable while continuing to live there so they don't pay rent or those who are fighting evictions cases by planting their butts in the property and just not leaving


There are people who make a living this way (well, and by scamming dumb women looking for love in all the wrong places). It's a career choice and a lot of them do very well at it, getting others to pay for everything right down to being paid for caring for their own grandchildren. .

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The rerun I got yesterday was a couple suing a woman for vet bills as a result of her Presa Canario coming into their yard and attacking their dog. Defendant and her son were both lying pieces of shit and I'm glad JJ saw through them. Defendant claimed her dog had to be euthanized as a result of it being injured during the attack, even though the vet sent it home the next day. I knew she was lying her ass off and was glad the plaintiffs were able to get the info out there that it was euthanized because it killed another dog. If her dog had attacked a child, she would have blamed it on the child's reaction to the dog just like she tried to blame the plaintiffs for their reaction to finding her dog in their yard trying to eat their dog. I know dog cases upset some of you but, I love seeing these  arrogant, irresponsible idiots having their asses handed to them.


I agree that the non rent paying plaintiff in the new case was a pro at scamming the system. I wonder how many times she's taken a 60 day notice to move as a reason to stop paying rent? We've been really lucky with tenants and have only had to kick one out. When their rent was late after getting the 60 day notice, I served them with a 3 day or quit notice and they miraculously came up with both month's rent in less than 24 hours.


I also agree that JJ should have given the kid more leeway with the value of his car. I'm sure she'd call me a liar or an idiot because I carry full coverage on my 2003 Toyota Tacoma. I love my truck and know I'd want to get it repaired if some uninsured asshole crashed into me and did damage to the body.

Edited by lovesnark
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Just a comment on the Presa Canario case; when it was taken to the vet after it almost ate the plaintiff's dog, it killed another dog, a 10-yr old poodle IN THE VET'S OFFICE!  The Presa Canarios I have seen have been BEASTS; 120-200+ pounds.  A pair of them killed a lady in San Francisco, they are nightmare dogs (if they belong to someone else, that is) and the owner has to make sure they cannot escape!

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Just a comment on the Presa Canario case; when it was taken to the vet after it almost ate the plaintiff's dog, it killed another dog, a 10-yr old poodle IN THE VET'S OFFICE!  The Presa Canarios I have seen have been BEASTS; 120-200+ pounds.  A pair of them killed a lady in San Francisco, they are nightmare dogs (if they belong to someone else, that is) and the owner has to make sure they cannot escape!

OMG! I didn't hear that it killed the dog in the vet's office. That's beyond horrible. And, I'd bet the farm that it's owner blamed the poodle for the attack. I haven't had much interaction with Presa Canarios but, in both instances, it's been negative. One killed an entire herd of it's owner's goats and the other killed both of the family's  other dogs. I remember the case in San Francisco very well. Once again, the owners tried to blame the victim for the attack. The woman in yesterday's case was just so arrogant and such a liar! She should be banned from ever owning another dog in her lifetime.

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That was revealed in the halterview. The defendant's dog killed a 10 year old poodle in the animal hospital. So it looks like the animal hospital was negligent for not having Presa Canario under control either.

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A pair of them killed a lady in San Francisco, they are nightmare dogs


They didn't originate as nightmares. If you live on a vast ranch and need unruly cattle rounded up, wild boars caught or other tasks done for which they were bred, they're perfect dogs. Like other powerful guardian breeds, they unfortunately - for them -  became trendy with idiotic dipshits who want some sort of status symbol or attention and the results are usually not good. Most people are not equipped to own this breed.


I can't remember one owner in any dog cases who wasn't an irresponsible jerk and really shouldn't even own a guppy.

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Well, AngelaHunter, I DID codify that nightmare dog comment with the caveat that it wasn't a nightmare to you if YOU are the owner,  They are loyal and protective and very powerful.  I never did understand why that couple in SF had TWO of them living in their APARTMENT!  Wasn't it that their son was in prison, and they took care of the dogs in the meantime?

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I never did understand why that couple in SF had TWO of them living in their APARTMENT!  Wasn't it that their son was in prison, and they took care of the dogs in the meantime?


I don't remember the particulars of that case, but someone who is doing illegal things that land him in prison sounds like the type of person who thinks that having "macho" dogs improves his image. Another pathetic loser, I'm sure. There's a whole llst of dog breeds that are perfect in their proper environment, but a disaster in the wrong hands and it's always the poor dogs who end up suffering for human idiocy.


So far, I've only seen the rerun today of the woman suing for an old laptop because it seems that 600$ can ease the heartbreak of losing irreplaceable picture - pictures of her grandchild whose loving mother is in the slammer for burglary. Her niece, the ironically named "Angel" appeared with her heavily tatted and inappropriately dressed Mama.


Sorry for any errors. I'm drunk.

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New episode, first case -- The plaintiff's child, David, said he was innocently eating gummy bears and the defendant's dog bit his ass while he was responsibly disposing of his trash. The plaintiff's daughter said David was teasing her and the dog. She said David's butt got clipped when he enticed the dog with a treat and pulled it away, and the dog still tried to take the treat. With her hairdo and little homemade seashell necklace, the plaintiff's daughter Shayla seemed like she was 'young' for her age (in my day, she would have been considered age appropriate...but now, so many pre-teens are fast-tracking life). So, the pre-teen boys may have thought she was easy prey. I have a group of boys in my neighborhood around David's age (9-15), and the majority of the group are real shits. Shayla's mother and father shared some info about the dirtbag plaintiffs. I know this is mean, but I'm kind of glad Boo bit David's ass.


The second case was mildly entertaining. Judge Judy said that asking someone, "Are you having problems paying for your car?" is equivalent to approaching someone and asking, "Do you have hemhorroids?"

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I don't remember the particulars of that case, but someone who is doing illegal things that land him in prison sounds like the type of person who thinks that having "macho" dogs improves his image. Another pathetic loser, I'm sure. There's a whole llst of dog breeds that are perfect in their proper environment, but a disaster in the wrong hands and it's always the poor dogs who end up suffering for human idiocy.


So far, I've only seen the rerun today of the woman suing for an old laptop because it seems that 600$ can ease the heartbreak of losing irreplaceable picture - pictures of her grandchild whose loving mother is in the slammer for burglary. Her niece, the ironically named "Angel" appeared with her heavily tatted and inappropriately dressed Mama.


Sorry for any errors. I'm drunk.

The owner of the dogs was a high up the chain member of the aryan brotherhood and was doing time in prison. His two 'friends' that happened to be lawyers were taking care of the dogs and adopted the aryan brotherhood guy a day or so before the dogs killed that poor woman. I remember thinking how strange it was that these people adopted a grown man.  I agree with you that dogs in the proper environment can be perfect and it's humans that create the problems. Very few people are equipped to handle this breed and able to give them a job they're bred for.

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JJ missed the mark on this one, Angel Oberton, she of the perpetual side-eye and sneer; she borrowed a working laptop, didn't even return it (it had to be rescued) and she left a goddamn password on it!  I would have her fucking hide!


Of COURSE, Judge Judy; folks want all their peon stuff back!  They can't all afford NEW stuff like you can! God sometimes she drives me nuts with her better-than-YOU attitude!

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