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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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W&C, I get those, too.  I can't record any of them, though, because their description is the same as the real new eps that air later in the day. Anyway,


Today's repeats:  Ms. Budney (suing her ex for $5000 in medical bills over a fight she started about a DVD. Best part of THAT was the JJ thought it was "an X-rated video.").  Another one of those throw-my-shoe-at-the-TV cases. Holy smokes!  What a brat! I found it interesting that the parts of her face she claims were injured were the same parts of her face with piercings. Hmmm. Very few plaintiffs have been this unlikable, IMO. Blech. I wish the def. had counter-sued!


Side note - Ms. Budney had red hair, as does the second plaintiff. It IS a theme!


The reruns are winning my attention so much more than the new episodes. The best part of the Budney biting case was when the goofy 18 or 19 y.o. defendant approached the stand to show JJ his scar from being bitten, and then he sheepishly told Judge Judy, "You are a very pretty lady." You could tell JJ just wanted to howl with laughter but was holding it in!

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I am all for her.

But she never got the money and JJ dismissed the case without giving her her money.

I liked the defendant very much. She was obviously an intelligent, successful business person. She explained that she owned a ranch and that she maintained trailers on the land for her employees. It was one of those trailers that the plaintiff vandalized during a fight with her bf.

The plaintiff was a real double-talking obfuscator. First, she asserted the trailer belonged to her bf, when she knew full well that the defendant owned it. Then, plaintiff repeated several times that she couldnt afford to pay the last $80 installment on the paltry $385 judgment against her. I didnt buy that at all. She just didnt want to pay any more. Probably figured the defendant was "greedy" and had enough money.

The plaintiff was a gainfully-employed, educated woman, but her temper and stubbornness are her demons. If I understood, she's worked for the same company for 8 or 13 years as a nurse. It wasnt the defendant who jeopardized the plaintiff's job -- the plaintiff did that all by herself. I believe the defendant employed her letter-writing campaign because it infuriated her that plaintiff was not only willfully reneging, but also involving her coworkers in lying for her to avoid being served with follow-up papers. Would I have gone to those lengths to collect $80? No. But that's why I will never own a ranch, with trailers, and employees enough to fill those trailers. Owner-lady didnt get where she is by allowing people to get over on her.

I assumed it's because she didn't counterclaim for it.

Yes. It was a wasted opportunity. That plaintiff had a lot of nerve filing today's suit, and I wish defendant had been compensated with more than a moral victory. (Smoochies, Toaster. Thinking of you. <3.)

Any ideas on what the "event" in Nashville was all about? Concert? Strip show?

Since "models" were mentioned, I thought it was a hair-products, hairstyling event, including cosmetics.

Overall, from what I'm seeing of this season, something doesnt seem right. I guess because they cut "the people are real; the cases are real; the rulings are final," from the intro, my suspicious-bone has engaged. Of course, I strongly, highly, vehemently doubt that JJ would ever risk her rep by knowingly hiring ringers, but what is it that's bothering me about some of this season's litigants? I'm not a regular viewer, so maybe I'm not getting a full, accurate picture.

Edited by sleekandchic
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The $80 outstanding payment plaintiff - wow. Her stories turn around on a dime - she says something, JJ points out the evidence against her, she carries on as if she'd never said the opposite at all. There was no court case, yes there was. It was her BF's property, it was the defendants. She didn't pay $80 because she just didn't, her co-workers lied to process servers about her not working there because - I don't even know; I sure as hell wouldn't stick my neck out for her - and she just smugly sits there acting like someone telling the gospel truth about her is the worst thing ever. Has consensus reality ever once registered with her?

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Maybe the plaintiff could have skipped a couple of tattoos so she'd have had money to pay the $80.


And we were treated to another dose of "I'm a single mother" as justification for not paying bills.  She appeared to have money to spend on what she wanted to spend . . . but sometimes we have to pay for things we don't want to pay for.  Especially when we vandalize someone else's property.  She needs to put on her big girl panties and start behaving like a mother, not a party girl.

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I couldn't take my eyes off those butterfly tats on her boobs.  I thought they were kinda cute, but what do they look like when the boobs aren't in harness?  There will be at least six inches between those wings -- and what will they look like in 10-20 years?


When we were in our early thirties, a friend asked what I thought about her getting a very modest rose tattoo on her boob. I told her it was a great idea, as long as she wouldn't mind having a long-stem years down the road. All thoughts of tattoos were immediately abandoned.

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I believe the lying, vandalizing Vaquel Lofton did pay the $80 after the defendant sent the letters. I think she held up a copy of a money order or something and said she finally did pay it. The only reason the defendant was there was because Vaquel decided to try to squeeze $5000 out of her for telling her employer what a deadbeat loser she is. I was all for the defendant doing what she did and I was cheering her on the whole time. I got the feeling Vaquel does shit like this all the time and NOTHING has ever been her fault. It warmed my cranky, old heart to see her get slapped down by JJ.

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The plaintiff was a real double-talking obfuscator. First, she asserted the trailer belonged to her bf, when she knew full well that the defendant owned it.


And a brute. I loved her explaining the broken windows. See, she and her ex were having an altercation (of course) which "caused" her to bust out all the windows. Simple cause and effect, right. Who doesn't smash someone's windows if you have a disagreement? What a nasty brute. Loved the defendant, string mop and all.


The case with fucking Slingblade and Joyce Half-Sleeve just wont end. I could listen to their Southern accents all day, but what the fuuuuck?


Slingblade? Bwahahaha!!! I really expected the def. to have a name like "Lula Anne" or something. Llstening to her was excruciating.


Sarah Budney, in the repeat? Whoa:


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Sarah Budney, in the repeat? Whoa:



AngelaHunter, I bow low in  respect to your service to this Forum.  Taking it upon yourself to daily scan the obituaries all over the country searching for the Litigants on the day's show.  Wow-- i was just about to make a snark on ole Sarah when I saw your post that she died but now....... oh WTF,  At the end she was showing the scar she received from MONTREALLE (spelling?) (who I believe was NOT from Quebec and did NOT speak French) and proclaimed that she can't have a scar because she models.  If Georgia May Jagger can have a 3 inch gap between her front teeth, I think Estee Lauder won't mind your scar.


Ange-- When I was thinking about the old timers here, there was one really active poster who lived in NYC, had 2 kids and whose husband was a dr.  rememeber the name?


-I think fixed the wrong episode problem and on Monday i shall report for duty.....

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proclaimed that she can't have a scar because she models.


I very much doubt that the kind of "modelling" she did required a flawless complexion. Or a brain.


At the end she was showing the scar she received from MONTREALLE (spelling?)


"Montreale"  - I noted that because without the final "e", I thought he was named for my city of birth. Did anyone notice the extreme stinkeye Byrd was giving him when he was sucking up to JJ?


active poster who lived in NYC, had 2 kids and whose husband was a dr.  rememeber the name?


Alas, I do not.

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[quote name="WhineandCheez" post="1684623" timestamp="1446913658"


Ange-- When I was thinking about the old timers here, there was one really active poster who lived in NYC, had 2 kids and whose husband was a dr.  rememeber the name?


Was it a name like Wormlegs? I could be delusional. Hey, maybe I could be a JJ plaintiff!

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Was that related to the case that made it to the show?


That must have been for some other offense. "Montreale" didn't press charges against her for biting him so badly he still has a scar.


I don't think I've seen the case with Sarah Rose Budney.  What was it about, and how did she die?


She was seeing this guy, Montreale, who apparently couldn't take her brand of crazy any more. But she left some DVD at his house. This DVD belonged to someone else and was so precious she had to psycho call him to get it back. He met her, gave her the DVD and then she wanted a physical altercation, punched him on his boil and bit him really hard, so he punched her back which is why she was suing. JJ rightly said that Sarah started the fight - even though she proclaimed that she didn't put HIM in the hospital so she should prevail -  and got the worst of it, so tough luck.


From the blog it sounds as though she killed herself. It's very sad when someone so young decides life isn't worth living, even someone as woefully dumb as Sarah.

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I was out celebrating the Marine Corps birthday all weekend, so I just caught up on Friday.

Parents who won't take responsibility for things their kids obviously did are so obnoxious. This is twice in two weeks, this one with a non related witness and the other where the kid told the truth and the parents didn't.

I'm not sure I would have gone to all that trouble for 80 dollars but good for her!

I wonder if we will be getting double new episodes still? I sit sweeps still?

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I'm not sure I would have gone to all that trouble for 80 dollars but good for her!


This was one case where I think it really was all about principle and nothing else. Defendant has probably worked hard, paid her bills and been responsible her whole life. Had the windows been broken by some accident, instead of maliciously smashed by some out of control beast, no doubt the $80 would have been forgiven. It's not defendant's fault the plaintiff can't act civilized and has four kids to pay for. That was her choice.  I'm sure she sets a fine example for them.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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A great repeat last night (Sunday).  Red-haired, tall, skinny woman in a short, red sleeveless dress (perfect for court!) suing her much-shorter ex over expenses involving their kid.  The details don't matter.  What does matter is that at the end of the case, which she was losing by a mile, she stormed out: not the back door, but the front door on the right side of the set.  Went through it and slammed it shut.  There have been other litigants who have done this, or tried to, but it's very rare.  I remember a young, effeminate, high-strung black man suing his uncle.  When it became clear that he was going to lose, he ran over there and tried to get out that door.  But I think it was locked.  Anyway, after Red left, Judy found in favor of the ex.

Edited by Sarcastico
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Today's Episodes



Sisters, Funerals and Guns!; Ex-Lovers Laptop Fight!"
New, 11/09/2015, Reality, Crime, Courtroom
While her sister claims that she broke in and stole her possessions, a woman maintains that her nephew shot her in the head with a BB gun; a man says that he wanted to help his ex by purchasing him a computer, which his ex maintains was a gift.
Credits: Judge Judy (Host) 



"Friends with Partial Benefits; Chill Dog Wreaks Havoc!"
New, 11/09/2015, Reality, Crime, Courtroom
A landlord claims his tenant was abusing drugs, while the tenant says he grabbed her and smashed her television to the ground; a teenager maintains that her friend's service dog went crazy and ruined thousands of dollars of her property.
Credits: Judge Judy (Host)


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-sister claims that she broke in and stole her possessions

-woman maintains that her nephew shot her in the head with a BB gun

-tenant says he grabbed her and smashed her television to the ground

-My son has permission to punch girls now



For some reason, that old song, "A Day in the Life of a Fool" keeps running through my head.


I remember a young, effeminate, high-strung black man suing his uncle.  When it became clear that he was going to lose, he ran over there and tried to get out that door.  But I think it was locked.


That was epic. He stood in the corner, moving his feet in a kind of moonwalk, trying to get through the door while everyone watched. I think the audience was too terrified of JJ to laugh, but it was truly a comedy gold moment.

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My husband has two granddaughters -- sisters -- who remind me of the Vasquez sisters.  One is blonde and a head-turner, the other is dark-haired and considers herself "plain" compared to her blonde sister.  That's where the resemblance ends.  There's no way they'd pull the kind of BS the Vasquez sisters got up to.  These granddaughters would kill for each other.  Well, not actually "kill", but at least help bury a body.


I think Anita did tell her son "Go ahead and shoot!" and I believe the other sister did burglarize Anita's room.  See?  I'm doing it myself -- I remember the pretty blonde's name but not the name of her sister.  The sister who vacations in Bali while the other is living with mom and dad and kids and has three jobs in four months.

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Ep. 1, Case 1 - This case was sister vs. sister. The plaintiff, Andrea, was dowdy and had crazy-eyes. She likes to call the cops, and she even wears her sister's pants to court. Anita, obviously the glamorous one, played innocent but seemed to be a shit-stirrer. Maybe she didn't tell her son to shoot her sister between the eyes; maybe she did - who knows? They're a messy family.


Ep. 1, Case 2 - The very tall plaintiff didn't want his boyfriend touching his tablet, so he took his bf to the electronics store and got him a computer. The whole it's a gift - it's a loan thing, blah blah blah....and JJ kicked his butt out because he lied to her producers.


Ep. 2, Case 1

Defendant Mr. Denton, who needed a shave, a comb, and a better-fitting shirt, decided to keep the 55 inch Rent-a-Center TV of his former roommate (a friend with partial benefits) because she hadn't paid him rent. They had an argument, the TV screen cracked. Plaintiff Ms. Norwood got all twitchy, JJ made a phone call...there was all sorts of back and forth. The bottom line was neither litigant had sufficient paperwork.


Ep. 2, Case 2

A girl offered to dogsit for free, and the dog "destroyed" her house and somehow had the tactile talent to lock itself in the bathroom twice. She wanted the dog's owner to pay up. She got a loud "GOODBYE" from Judge Judy. The girl should have asked for a dogsitting fee from the get-go....then she could have purchased some putty to fix up any gnawed wood and used the leftover money on a box of Nice n Easy (she needed it).

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Since "models" were mentioned, I thought it was a hair-products, hairstyling event, including cosmetics.

Hair stylists are always trying to recruit people to be hair models. I actually was the hair model for a friend who was taking her initial cosmetology exam because I had virgin hair (never dyed or permed, get your minds outta the gutter ya kerfufflers) I had my hair rolled, dried, fluffed, and even had half my head Marcel combed (apparently something African American ladies do - I looked like a bad dandruff commercial with half my hair fluffed up in a blue haired grandma style and half flattened to my head) 

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Ep. 1, Case 1 - This case was sister vs. sister. The plaintiff, Andrea, was dowdy and had crazy-eyes. She likes to call the cops, and she even wears her sister's pants to court. Anita, obviously the glamorous one, played innocent but seemed to be a shit-stirrer. Maybe she didn't tell her son to shoot her sister between the eyes; maybe she did - who knows? They're a messy family.


Yeah, I don't know about that case. They all seemed a little weird. The whole family seemed a little messy, and the fact that Anita lives right next door to her father kind of punctures the whole thing about her living on her own. It's fine to be like, "my house, my rules" when you're truly on your own, but if your sister watches your kids and you live next door to your dad...I'm sorry, but you haven't fully left the nest.


Ep. 1, Case 2 - The very tall plaintiff didn't want his boyfriend touching his tablet, so he took his bf to the electronics store and got him a computer. The whole it's a gift - it's a loan thing, blah blah blah....and JJ kicked his butt out because he lied to her producers.


Weird case. The Plaintiff was kinda bitchy, but I laughed when he said he didn't want his bum-ass boyfriend to use his tablet. You're 33-years-old and still accepting "very generous gifts" from exes? FOH. Also, does the Defendant have his top row of teeth? To quote Destiny's Child: "I. Don't. Think. You. Do."


Ep. 2, Case 1

Defendant Mr. Denton, who needed a shave, a comb, and a better-fitting shirt, decided to keep the 55 inch Rent-a-Center TV of his former roommate (a friend with partial benefits) because she hadn't paid him rent. They had an argument, the TV screen cracked. Plaintiff Ms. Norwood got all twitchy, JJ made a phone call...there was all sorts of back and forth. The bottom line was neither litigant had sufficient paperwork.


Why is it that people who rent furniture on this show never have proof that they're making payments on it. And, why does it always come up that JJ wants to see proof that they're making payments on their furniture? The Defendant seemed kinda funny, but that whole situation seemed shitty.


Ep. 2, Case 2

A girl offered to dogsit for free, and the dog "destroyed" her house and somehow had the tactile talent to lock itself in the bathroom twice. She wanted the dog's owner to pay up. She got a loud "GOODBYE" from Judge Judy. The girl should have asked for a dogsitting fee from the get-go....then she could have purchased some putty to fix up any gnawed wood and used the leftover money on a box of Nice n Easy (she needed it).


Uh, yeah, that seemed like a bullshit case. I don't even know why they booked them on the show. Of course the girl isn't responsible for what the dog did in the Plaintiff's care and custody.


Some of these cases seem kinda fake. My guess is they've been having a hard time booking guests with JJ's weird filming schedule, so they're interspersing bogus cases in with real ones.

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Chill Dog Wreaks Havoc!

I keep reading this title, and both here and on my onscreen guide, I see it as "CHILI Dog Wreaks Havoc," which 1)is plausible, especially digestively, and 2)is a case I would watch the hell out of.

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Defendant Mr. Denton, who needed a shave, a comb, and a better-fitting shirt,


and a brain. To JJ's, "Who is in the room now?" he answers, "Duhhhh - I am?" thinking she meant who is in the courtroom. OMG.


His girlfriend, with whom he's enjoyed "partial benefits" (forcing us to visualize them "making out". UGH) was beyond irritating, with her rented bed, rented TV and fake evidence.


The best, or the worst, was the rerun featuring "Mayra", nasty druggie/slut who spreads for any guy who comes along and then regularly squats and squirts out another kid - 5 of them with 4 different sperm donors -  and then walks away, leaving them all for others to care for. In my world, she'd have been darted outside the courtroom and bundled off to be spayed and released.


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Hair stylists are always trying to recruit people to be hair models. I actually was the hair model for a friend who was taking her initial cosmetology exam because I had virgin hair (never dyed or permed, get your minds outta the gutter ya kerfufflers) I had my hair rolled, dried, fluffed, and even had half my head Marcel combed (apparently something African American ladies do - I looked like a bad dandruff commercial with half my hair fluffed up in a blue haired grandma style and half flattened to my head)

Pics or it didn't happen!!!
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You're 33-years-old and still accepting "very generous gifts" from exes? FOH. Also, does the Defendant have his top row of teeth? To quote Destiny's Child: "I. Don't. Think. You. Do."



Thanks, that explains his funny way of talking.  I just thought it was a rural accent.  I was also surprised to learn he was 33; I'd have guessed 40.

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I keep reading this title, and both here and on my onscreen guide, I see it as "CHILI Dog Wreaks Havoc," which 1)is plausible, especially digestively, and 2)is a case I would watch the hell out of.


I read CHILI dog too! That was the only interesting part of the case. Plaintiff informed JJ that she disagreed and thought she would argue her way to a win.


I hope she learned that no one can ever guarantee the actions of any living creature, but I doubt it. I was told a dog I adopted was great with cats, but since I didn't know if she'd be great with MY cats I kept her gated away from them for over a week, until I could be sure.

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Pics or it didn't happen!!!

 Seriously!!! It was about 25 years ago in Alabama and we had to go to Montgomery (capital) to some state building. It was the most bizarre thing but I did get a free year's worth of haircuts out of the gig. 



Ep. 1, Case 2 - The very tall plaintiff didn't want his boyfriend touching his tablet, so he took his bf to the electronics store and got him a computer. The whole it's a gift - it's a loan thing, blah blah blah....and JJ kicked his butt out because he lied to her producers.

I always look at couples (female-male, male-male, whatever) and try to figure out the attraction on JJ. They were definitely an interesting couple. The defendant was a little squished/ short looking, like somebody leaned on the top of his head really hard and compressed him. And I was imaging the plaintiff doing his job as a nurse "Now let's start this I.V. and get you feeling better, sugar". (yes, too much imagination lol) 

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OMG, this morning's rerun was a perfect example of what is wrong with today's gun culture.  "I'm not some dumb redneck."  Uh, right.

What assholes! My blood was boiling at these IDIOTS! I wish Byrd had slapped the snot out of them. And that second one yelled at her to take a test to be a judge! Don't you be dissing JJ, you dumb redneck!

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Even I, as a redneck, laughed at him. Makes us all look bad!  I don't think I've ever heard the words "moron" and "idiot" said by JJ that many times. Imagine if we'd been drinking game this ep!


Did Judy fine each of the idiots $450 on top of the damage, or just as a way to make them pay? I got the impression she was adding to the award when she tossed the short one out. But then at the end it sounded like she just divided the award into $450 each. Bummer, if that's the case.


Lottery girl with terminal illness was all kinds of messed up.  Wow.  And I cannot even put words together about the green car / $2 a month rent / new X-box  case.  Breathe in, breathe out...


More wine!

Edited by SandyToes
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You know, I'm really sorry!  But I just CAN'T copy and paste today's episodes!  I don't know if it's my laptop or the website I am copying from, BUT I AM DONE!  I really am sorry.  Gotta go throw this POS out the window now. :(





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Appalled !! at today's renter, brother of the condo owner, who thought that the damage his kids did to the walls should have been appreciated as art.  That was one scary dude.  What must the kids' mother be like, for him to have custody?  Unless they did all that damage on visiting days. 


The aunt-nephew eviction was puzzling.  So if a landlord sees damage being done, they can't evict without a month's notice?  Not that this was actual damage, or that I believe there were beer bottles filled with urine or a mattress dripping urine, but damn.


People's living arrangements are interesting.  I've never lived in anything but a single-family home, with immediate family.  Sharing a house with a non-relative (or even a distant relative), renting a room to a stranger -- that takes some special socialization skills.  Which I don't have.

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And I cannot even put words together about the green car / $2 a month rent / new X-box  case.  Breathe in, breathe out...


I join you in your speechlessness. THIS is where hard-earned tax dollars go - to support lazy, moronic fools as they play with toys.


The woman who moved that chinless, irresponsible and broke-ass loser/sponge into her home after knowing him two weeks and then started shelling out money to pay for their 17K, fairy-tale wedding. Oh, please! Both of them were beyond ridiculous, but I see why he called it all off. Think of how many women he can make happy while he's footloose and fancy free!

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The woman who moved that chinless, irresponsible and broke-ass loser/sponge into her home after knowing him two weeks and then started shelling out money to pay for their 17K, fairy-tale wedding. Oh, please! Both of them were beyond ridiculous, but I see why he called it all off. Think of how many women he can make happy while he's footloose and fancy free!


How long were they together?  I couldn't make it out.  They moved in together after two weeks, then I thought she said they broke up after just six weeks.  Was that right?  They planned and abandoned a wedding in four weeks?  $8K for rings? 

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[\quote]The woman who moved that chinless, irresponsible and broke-ass loser/sponge into her home after knowing him two weeks and then started shelling out money to pay for their 17K, fairy-tale wedding. Oh, please! Both of them were beyond ridiculous, but I see why he called it all off. Think of how many women he can make happy while he's footloose and fancy free!

Word to this. I am so tired of gainfully employed, married-previously, middle aged women justifying their stupidity by saying, " I was just crazy, head-over-heels in LOOOOOOVE!"

Put down that Harlequin paperback and smell the coffee, woman! That sort of nonsense is forgivable when you are in high school, but not at your stage of life.

Edited by Intocats
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Appalled !! at today's renter, brother of the condo owner, who thought that the damage his kids did to the walls should have been appreciated as art.  That was one scary dude.  What must the kids' mother be like, for him to have custody?  Unless they did all that damage on visiting days. 


The aunt-nephew eviction was puzzling.  So if a landlord sees damage being done, they can't evict without a month's notice?  Not that this was actual damage, or that I believe there were beer bottles filled with urine or a mattress dripping urine, but damn.


People's living arrangements are interesting.  I've never lived in anything but a single-family home, with immediate family.  Sharing a house with a non-relative (or even a distant relative), renting a room to a stranger -- that takes some special socialization skills.  Which I don't have.

I have to agree with you regarding the hinky defendant: He looked like death warmed over.  Meth, I am certain.  And his sister was supposed to APPRECIATE the artwork that his kids/he did, involving holes and doors and defaced walls?  Good lord, man, get into Rehab!


I must tell you that the bottles of urine is something I have seen before.  This comes from someone who is so deep into mental illness/drugs that they refuse to leave their room, even for calls of nature.

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Appalled !! at today's renter, brother of the condo owner, who thought that the damage his kids did to the walls should have been appreciated as art.  That was one scary dude.  What must the kids' mother be like, for him to have custody?  Unless they did all that damage on visiting days.


And they were teenagers!  I was shocked when I heard that.


I really hated that aunt suing her nephew.  She acted like he was the one who had left all of the trash behind, not his roommate.  There had to be something else going on there. I also didn't understand why JJ awarded her damages when there was a security deposit.

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And they were teenagers! I was shocked when I heard that.

I really hated that aunt suing her nephew. She acted like he was the one who had left all of the trash behind, not his roommate. There had to be something else going on there. I also didn't understand why JJ awarded her damages when there was a security deposit.

She came off like a total psycho. She didn't give a damn what happened in the house until she decided to move back into it. Then she showed up and caused a huge scene. I didn't believe a thing she said, either. She told him to get out of her house, and he obliged. But it wasn't good enough for her. JJ was right; she treated him like a nephew instead of like the paying tenant he was. I wish she'd awarded money to the nephew for being constructively evicted.

The nutjob graffiti artist had me channeling John McEnroe. I was yelling, "you cannot be serious" at my TV. Appreciate the artwork? In someone else's home? When you buy your own house you can do that shit, not in someone else's property. Reason number three bazillion why I'd never rent our my house.

Also, he was paying $500 per month for rent In a condo in LA? When did his sister buy it, 1953? You can't even rent a condo here in low-priced Tucson for that little money. Did they mention Section 8 in this case?

What an untreated ass he was. And then he lied about getting his mommy to pay the little rent his sister was charging him, when mommy was sitting right there to refute his testimony.

Edited by teebax
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 Seriously!!! It was about 25 years ago in Alabama and we had to go to Montgomery (capital) to some state building. It was the most bizarre thing but I did get a free year's worth of haircuts out of the gig. 


I always look at couples (female-male, male-male, whatever) and try to figure out the attraction on JJ. They were definitely an interesting couple. The defendant was a little squished/ short looking, like somebody leaned on the top of his head really hard and compressed him. And I was imaging the plaintiff doing his job as a nurse "Now let's start this I.V. and get you feeling better, sugar". (yes, too much imagination lol) 


I have baby fine straight blonde hair and one day when I was picking up a prescription at the drugstore I also picked up a packet of hair conditioner from a "Free Sample" basket sitting on the counter. I used it on my hair the next day and from the heavenly aroma I could tell that cocoa butter was one of the main ingredients. I should have taken the time to read the packet, because it was a product intended for black hair care and it stayed very waxy/oily all day. I had to go to work looking like Duke Ellington with my hair plastered to my scalp.


I wondered what type of work the tablet-owning-but-not-sharing plaintiff did since he was so very....flamboyant. I couldn't picture him as anything other than a hairdresser or maybe fashion designer. So, yeah, I too laughed when the caption said "Nurse" and tried to picture him with a patient. ("Oh, honey, these hospital gowns are not flattering anyway, so you might want to think twice about eating all that Jello. It won't do your butt any favors....")

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The brother with the wall art, his kids were teens? I missed that and assumed they were toddlers. Wtf writes on walls as a teenager? He did look like a face of meth.

I think the Aunt was a liar and the nephew tried to be reasonable. At least the show will pay his 500 bucks.

I got engaged in six weeks, but I was 19 and waited to get married for two and a half years. If you have to move a guy in bc he can't take care of himself in his late 30s/40s? Well you should find someone else.

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