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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

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I was disappointed that JJ didn't make Rebecca pay back the loan for her son's lawyer. However, after thinking about it I could see JJ's viewpoint. Plaintiff didn't have any evidence and she may have made the loan to her daughter for the lawyer rather than the defendant. There was no proof who actually asked for or received the money. I really wanted Ms Can't answer a Question defendant to have to pay up just for frustrating me. Oh well, not the way it works...

As for the motorcycle skulls, I heard some talk about texts proving the plaintiff liked the artwork or something. I got lost in that one.

  • Love 2

I was disappointed that JJ didn't make Rebecca pay back the loan for her son's lawyer. However, after thinking about it I could see JJ's viewpoint. 

I wondered if JJ saw it as a case of two addicts who manipulated their enabling mothers, and there was no telling how much money was truly at play and where it really went. Even though defendant Rebecca wanted everyone to believe the tall tale that she takes a hard line when it comes to her son, she was very unconvincing. It's too bad that the plaintiff had zero proof. 

  • Love 4

The fence case.....


I couldn't figure this out. The garage was built before the defendant bought the property. The plaintiffs wanted to put up a fence but couldn't due to the garage. Why? The fence posts would be more than 3 inch diameter, so why not use the garage as part of the 'fence' by building the fence up to each side? (Okay, I know that sounds too logical for JJ litigants but that really puzzled me!)

  • Love 3

The teaser before the commercial made it look like JJ was threatening to put a lien on her car.

I love when JJ says "I'm entering an order that the Office of XYZ in your home state do Such and Such".  She has absolutely no authority to do any such thing.  She is not sitting as a judge, she is playing judge on tv. Even if she were, she would only have authority in the jurisdiction in which she was appointed. The parties have agreed to submit to her as an arbitrator.   They're the only ones who have to do what she says.

  • Love 3

I have a feeling that defendant was a pain in the ass and if they had tried that she would have gone ballistic.

Also where I live your fence has to be 6 inches into your property, although that would make the fence issue moot since building it on the garage wouldn't have been possible.

I had a fence installed and made certain it was several inches in from my newly surveyed property line. My idiot next door neighbor promptly laid a raised paver patio across the back of his yard abutting the fence. Over time the pressure of the pavers and the additional snow load that builds up against the fence is starting to damage the fence. If that fence falls there will be some discussion with mr patio about who's paying to fix it.

A side note... I thought the garage owner looked like the Braxton family's mother.

Edited by iwasish


I'm easily frightened by skulls, skeletons, and those kinds of things. Not a fan of 'scary' stuff at Halloween either. The sketches and paintings were scary, and Mr. Paulson's face looked like he was about 10 pounds away from looking like them.

I got the feeling Mr. Paulson should have been hanging out with the Methhead Mama and Daughter team from the day before. Perhaps it's hard to come up with designs of the random hallucinations Mr. Paulson sees when he's tweeking. 


OH MY GOSH!!! What was up with Rebecca The Grifter aka the Real Housewife of Cummings, Georgia? Was that her audition reel? I was doing the 'rithmetic in my head during the case and if her son was 30 and she had him when she was, let's say 18, that made her 48 years old! No wonder she had to trowel on the makeup. I wonder what girlfriend looks like when she wakes up in the morning - perhaps it drove her son to whatever life of crime he's convicted of. I would most certainly run screaming from her house. 

  • Love 7

I had a fence installed and made certain it was several inches in from my newly surveyed property line. My idiot next door neighbor promptly laid a raised paver patio across the back of his yard abutting the fence. Over time the pressure of the pavers and the additional snow load that builds up against the fence is starting to damage the fence. If that fence falls there will be some discussion with mr patio about who's paying to fix it.

A side note... I thought the garage owner looked like the Braxton family's mother.



Oooo, if Mr. Patio doesn't want to pay for it, please bring it to JJ. You could take notes and give us insider information about the show. :-)

Edited by Milz
  • Love 3

Thermuthis was the name of the lady who found Moses in the Nile.



And people say you can't learn anything from watching this show. 


The fence case reminded me a little of That Is Not Bellini! from a couple of seasons back. 


I wanna see a case where Rebecca sues Thermuthis, or vice versa. Even Byrd would not be able to keep the two of them under control.

  • Love 2

I was doing the 'rithmetic in my head during the case and if her son was 30 and she had him when she was, let's say 18, that made her 48 years old!


I think she'd be thrilled to be 48. Judging by how tightly her skin is pulled, I'd say she's closer to 58. When she said "I'm paralyzed" I think she must have been referring to her face that had so many fillers, collagen and botox she's lucky she can still move her mouth.

  • Love 9

You all have picked over everything in the case of the kept drama girl, I think. So I'll just add a thank you for a much-needed laugh. I've been crazy busy at work and am behind on my JJ viewing. But I logged on, saw you all discussing new episodes and, in particular, this one. I knew I just had to watch it. So I did, and it did not disappoint.


Neither did the garage/fence case, which I also watched. I don't know what Thermos or whatever her name is was on, but that hallterview was epic. They should have cut the case short by about 10 minutes, and extended her hallterview. I, for one, definitely wanted to hear more.

  • Love 8

One of the things I really enjoy on this show is when a litigant appears with both old and new squeezes so we can see that people truly do have a "type."  Linda Waites' husband and boyfriend could have been twins, although I don't know if hubby had a mouthful of rotten teeth too.  Whatever Mr. Wray (B/F) had, LInda seemed to think it was worth $3800, well, until Mr. Wray stupidly said, "She LOANED me... I mean, she GAVE me the money." Mr. Wray's hall comment - "Nobody gives me nuthin'" .  Right.


The dog case was so disturbing to me I had to just skim through it. Anyone who owns a bunch of dogs and doesn't know that even if they may be sweet and gentle family pets, they're still capable of killing livestock when in a pack should not own any animals at all because he's a FRICKIN' idiot.

  • Love 7

I hate that Mr.Bryans' and cousin Mr. Bryans' and Ms. Leonard's animals were maimed/killed.... that case broke my heart. The poor cows in the photo. And the dog(s) who got shot because people let them run amok. It was so sad; I HATE animal death cases.  Can't deal with it. Mr. Ellard was handsome, but he needs to mind his dogs and stop wishing death/hell on people. That was really harsh. I'm going to try to forget that I ever watched that case.


Mr. Wray - nice belt buckle, but you need to giddy-up and go to the dentist. I guess all the money he sweet-talks out of women goes to cowboy gear.

  • Love 5

One of the things I really enjoy on this show is when a litigant appears with both old and new squeezes so we can see that people truly do have a "type."  Linda Waites' husband and boyfriend could have been twins, although I don't know if hubby had a mouthful of rotten teeth too.  Whatever Mr. Wray (B/F) had, LInda seemed to think it was worth $3800, well, until Mr. Wray stupidly said, "She LOANED me... I mean, she GAVE me the money." Mr. Wray's hall comment - "Nobody gives me nuthin'" .  Right.


The dog case was so disturbing to me I had to just skim through it. Anyone who owns a bunch of dogs and doesn't know that even if they may be sweet and gentle family pets, they're still capable of killing livestock when in a pack should not own any animals at all because he's a FRICKIN' idiot.

THIS is the reason I am not watching this episode.  Thanks for the warning!

  • Love 2

Sadly disappointed in today's new eps. Ditched the dog/livestock case early on. REALLY disappointed I missed yesterday's! Maybe I'll find it on one of those video sharing sites...  Time to set up the DVR, I guess.  Talk about guilty pleasures.


Re: the landlord/tenant case - I was pleased that JJ recognized that the landlord let her stay in the house for MONTHS with no rent, because she had been a good tenant (it appeared.)  We've done that, too - let good folks slide a while in hopes they get things together, but it's still a business and we still have mortgages to pay, so it's not an open-ended deal.  And she was so bent out of shape that she had to move!  The ones we have had to toss are  also so appalled.  Go find somewhere else to live for free, if you think you are so deserving. Surely there are lots of places that allow that....  /rant.


ETA:  Found Rebecca!  Oh, my. Hope to find the fence case.

Edited by SandyToes
  • Love 4

Go find somewhere else to live for free, if you think you are so deserving.


I know! All these people who don't make payments on rent, cars or whatever and just say, "I had other bills/lost my job/the landlord drives a BMW so doesn't need my money,"  etc. as though it's okay. This tenant owed 5,000$ and unless I missed something, hasn't paid one penny of that.  If someone wants to live rent-free they should go to a charitable organization, although they may not like the accomodations.

  • Love 5

I wanna see a case where Rebecca sues Thermuthis,


The paralysis! The trauma! The mysterious Sugar Daddy! The transplantation and blood pressure! The propitty!


They could put it on Pay-per-view and I'd cough up the dough. Or maybe I'd borrow it from someone else and pay them back when I get a big settlement my shyster lawyer is working on for me.

  • Love 3

Re: Rebecca of Sunnybrook Skank Farm:

It sounded to me like 40 years. I probably got it wrong.

I am nearly certain Anger Mom said "40 years." Which made my eyes roll back in my head because Face-wrecked Becky seemed to dismiss whatever his crime was with "oh, it was something that happened two years ago." Um, yeah, but you don't get 40 years for stealing a porn mag and some Mountain Dew. Maybe he murdered her first face?

Re: Rebecca of Sunnybrook Skank Farm:

I am nearly certain Anger Mom said "40 years." Which made my eyes roll back in my head because Face-wrecked Becky seemed to dismiss whatever his crime was with "oh, it was something that happened two years ago." Um, yeah, but you don't get 40 years for stealing a porn mag and some Mountain Dew. Maybe he murdered her first face?

Yeah, and I don't get how Mom can be even coherent with her son doing 40 years!  It really sounded like a throwaway line.

Oh man, y'all; the hallterview® producers/editors are stepping up their game this season! The rent case defendant mentioned an orgy(?), and of course "Nobody gives me nuthin'" from the trucker that already admitted he had two sugar mommas.


I didn't even know there are coyotes in Georgia -- stuff you learn from JJ.


And anyone else notice a new audience member/model? I'm calling her Botox Barbie. She's been in at least 3 of the new shows; mostly on the plaintiff side. Dark hair, unflattering glasses (too low on her nose), filled lips, and a generally frozen face.

  • Love 5

Having dealt with livestock killing/chasing dogs and their idiot owners, I was very bummed that I missed how the case ended. Anyone watch to the end of it? People who move to some acreage, get some dogs and think that because they're 'out in the country' it's a-okay to let their dogs roam free really make my blood boil. My idiot neighbor actually called the cops on us because we threatened to shoot her dog after the FOURTH time it was in the pasture chasing the horses and cows.  I laughed my ass of when she called the sheriff, a deputy came out and told her she was lucky no one had shot her dog yet. But, nothing beats the other idiot neighbor who came to my door with a vet bill for $500 and expected me to pay it because their dog was in MY pasture and my donkeys had a go at him and bit and kicked the shit out of him. 

  • Love 4

lovesnark, the plaintiffs got the fulll $5,000. JJ didn't buy the coyote defense. The defendant also made snide remarks during the hearing, including "I think they are all related" suggesting inbred hicks (I must admit the spokesman for the plaintiffs sure had an old fashioned bowl over the head haircut) and they killed the pastor's cousin's dog (the blasphemy!). He also said something about the plaintiffs will all  burn in hell during the hallterview. Very satisfying outcome.

Edited by DoctorK
  • Love 2

lovesnark, the plaintiffs got the fulll $5,000. JJ didn't buy the coyote defense. The defendant also made snide remarks during the hearing, including "I think they are all related" suggesting inbred hicks (I must admit the spokesman for the plaintiffs sure had an old fashioned bowl over the head haircut) and they killed the pastor's cousin's dog (the blasphemy!). He also said something about the plaintiffs will all  burn in hell during the hallterview. Very satisfying outcome.

Thank you! I also caught some of the snide remarks the defendant made. He held up his coyote paper just as I had to leave the room. Guess he's not smart enough to know coyotes don't chase and kill livestock for sport. They go after livestock because they're hungry and would much rather hunt rabbits or something small and easy to snag. Glad JJ didn't fall for it and ruled in favor of the plaintiffs!

  • Love 3

JJ is killing me lately....one of today's reruns broke my heart all over again. Mrs. Rogers (incredibly smug) sued her son for $2000 remaining on a truck loan. After he had paid $8000 of that loan back, he found out that he was afflicted with a pituitary tumor. The tumor/treatments left him blind, and he and his wife had financial difficulties due to the medical costs (sounds like they went for treatment at a very good, but out-of-town, hospital....and he had to stop working). My own mother is a real piece of work, but I'd hope that (if I owed her money) she'd let a couple thousand slide if I had become gravely ill. Mrs. Rogers had no shame and no compassion....when she was silently laughing at her son, she looked like Ursula from Little Mermaid. 


To make matters worse, Judge Judy was excessively tough on the son too. Sure, the guy has some faults....but, shit, he hadn't had his last MRI yet, and they already knew that the surgery couldn't remove all of the tumor. And, he's already had four decades with Mother of the Year over there. Give him half a break! 

  • Love 4

JJ is killing me lately....one of today's reruns broke my heart all over again. Mrs. Rogers (incredibly smug) sued her son for $2000 remaining on a truck loan. After he had paid $8000 of that loan back, he found out that he was afflicted with a pituitary tumor. The tumor/treatments left him blind, and he and his wife had financial difficulties due to the medical costs (sounds like they went for treatment at a very good, but out-of-town, hospital....and he had to stop working). My own mother is a real piece of work, but I'd hope that (if I owed her money) she'd let a couple thousand slide if I had become gravely ill. Mrs. Rogers had no shame and no compassion....when she was silently laughing at her son, she looked like Ursula from Little Mermaid. 


To make matters worse, Judge Judy was excessively tough on the son too. Sure, the guy has some faults....but, shit, he hadn't had his last MRI yet, and they already knew that the surgery couldn't remove all of the tumor. And, he's already had four decades with Mother of the Year over there. Give him half a break! 

If the show pays the winner, the son is not out of any money and the mom gets hers. Probably why they went on the show.

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Ms. Curry: "Narue is a master manipulator."


JJ: "It took you nearly twenty years to figure that out?"

Ms. C: "Yes."


But I understand. The frequently "incarcerated" Narue is one hell of a catch, so much of one that he's forbidden to even drive through the state of TN. Both he and Ms. Curry seemed to have eye problems, but maybe that's the result of all the boozing - oh, I mean all the "Cocktailing"(sounds so classy) -  and fighting and stabbing they did during the Romantic Years together. Is there a severe man shortage in Springfield? Narue has another woman and I can't for the life of me figure out why.


Loved Ms. Sneed, a really rough looking, overly dyed harridan, whose deadbeat, ball-less son, Daniel,  didn't have the guts to show up, was suing his ex-wife for some old beater car. Go take it up with sonnyboy, you vile witch.  


Merriann was wary of taking money from the plaintiff and her man (they were on a spending spree!) because "they're Greek" - but she took it anyway -  and who is so dumb I'm not surprised her produce business is in the toilet. Stupid bitch.


  • Love 6

Hey, if we've got new episodes startin' up, someone needs to wake up ToasterStrudel and get her back to work. We need our gavels and most excellent recaps!  Sometimes I need to do laundry and clean bathrooms and stuff, so would appreciate knowing which days are available for this.  ;-)


I have been busy and caught off-guard by new episodes... early recaps start after labor day!

  • Love 10

Here's my shitty recap in ToasterStrudel's absence (I'll make up some titles if I can think of something clever):


1st case: TVOne Presents... Yeah, I don't really know what all happened because I was too distracted by the fact that it looked like Bookman from Good Times got a shape up and decided to sue Shirley from What's Happenin', so that had me pretty fucked up for the majority of their case. Also, he seemed like he was one of those people that likes lawsuits.


2nd case: Damn, TN is like the 'hood, isn't it? They told the Defendant they better not see him in their trap or else they're gonna turn the choppers on his ass. And the Plaintiff was messy as hell for telling him she was getting dick in his incarceration, but dude, most women aren't going to wait around for you to get out of prison. If they get lonely enough, they will go and find some strange of their own. There are plenty of bums not incarcerated, don't y'know?


3rd case: Whoooo let the dawgs out?! I...actually think the kids let that lady's dogs out. JJ...didn't entertain that theory, enough, but she usually lurches her old ass out with her mind already made up. And that chick doesn't have medical insurance? The fuuuuuuck?


4th case: I kind of felt bad for the Plaintiff. I think she really thought she was helping out the chick who looks like the chick with the blue streak in the movie Bully. Very obscure, I know. But yeah, that was kinda/sorta bullshit, even though I think she should've brought Deadbeat Daniel to court instead of her fiance.


5th case: I Am Cait Uh yeah, I don't know what this case was about because of the freaky resemblance the Plaintiff had to Caitlyn Jenner. Was it about dogs? It seems like all of JJ's cases about dogs these days. So, yeah. It was about a loan/investment about a dog. Let's go with that.

  • Love 7

They told the Defendant they better not see him in their trap or else they're gonna turn the choppers on his ass. And the Plaintiff was messy as hell for telling him she was getting dick in his incarceration, but dude, most women aren't going to wait around for you to get out of prison. If they get lonely enough, they will go and find some strange of their own. There are plenty of bums not incarcerated, don't y'know?


Oh, you said that so much better than I did. I wish we could have seen the specimen who was itchin' to give her dick during LoverBoy's multiple periods of incarceration.


(ToasterStrudel has been)Cocktailin' and borrowin' and messin' around most likely.


That's really not an excuse, but we'll forgive it!

  • Love 2

I really enjoy when a litigant sues for a thing, and then JJ awards them the thing, they start protesting because they don't want the thing after all, but the money of the thing.  I love it when JJ shuts that scam down!  Like she did with today's car case.  Here.  I'm turning over that old broken car to you.  It's yours now, LOL.

  • Love 10

SUCH a charming chest-tat on Ms Dvorak! Nice that she displays that in court. Wowie, classy.

Of for f's sake -- what WAS that?! Obviously the tat was her kids' names but ... the hell was that supposed to be?

Also? Stop it. Stop getting the names of your damned kids tattooed in the middle of your chest "BECAUSE YOU LOVE THEM SO MUCH" when you're crying about not being able to afford the basic necessities in life. Jesus.

I can't believe the new season of JJ started so stealthily -- I remember last year we were waiting around until, like, October for new episodes and even then, they came in dribs and drabs.

Here's my shitty recap in ToasterStrudel's absence (I'll make up some titles if I can think of something clever):

1st case: TVOne Presents... Yeah, I don't really know what all happened because I was too distracted by the fact that it looked like Bookman from Good Times got a shape up and decided to sue Shirley from What's Happenin', so that had me pretty fucked up for the majority of their case. Also, he seemed like he was one of those people that likes lawsuits.

2nd case: Damn, TN is like the 'hood, isn't it? They told the Defendant they better not see him in their trap or else they're gonna turn the choppers on his ass. And the Plaintiff was messy as hell for telling him she was getting dick in his incarceration, but dude, most women aren't going to wait around for you to get out of prison. If they get lonely enough, they will go and find some strange of their own. There are plenty of bums not incarcerated, don't y'know?

Nice job, 27bored!

The plantiff, aka Bookman, aka Booger was so shady. His pin-striped suit kept reminding me of either prison stripes or gangsters. Neither of those images are a good idea to portray when appearing in court. The best part of the episode was when JJ called him out about the timing of his two lawsuits. I'm assuming he didn't volunteer this information & JJ's research team had the drop on him. The defendant (Yass! She was giving Shirley from "What's Happening" realness!) cracked me up staring daggers into the plantiff. Ultimately JJ decided he'd received enough compensation from his prior car accident settlement & was trying to double-dip on the same injuries. $100 for the dog scaring him.

That TN tidbit in the second case was hilarious! I can just imagine that small-town judge telling that jail-bird: don't ever come back to our state, matter of fact, don't even drive through here. Lol! I have to say that loser made a good point in the hallterview---if the local judge did indeed tell him to never come back, how was he supposed to appear? Then again he could've gotten a transcript to support that argument. But I digress. The case before JJ was soo messy! Drinking, fighting, in & out of jail...ugh! Once again, I agree with the jail bird, the plantiff should never have told him she took a lover while he was in jail. As a woman there are some things you just don't say to a man, no matter how mad you get. He was more bothered by that than the fact that she, you know, stabbed him...

  • Love 3

the fact that she, you know,  stabbed him...


Hey, what's the problem? My husband and I always resolve our differences in opinions with scissors and a steak knife.


Excuse any errors. Hubby and I were cocktailing and may have overdone it a bit, but still, we didn't need to call 911 or the police.


Edited because I shouldn't post after one too many glasses of wine.

Edited by AngelaHunter
  • Love 5

My favorite quote from the movie "The Big Easy" - and one my hubs and I have quoted maybe too often for no real reason: "That bastard. I stabbed him before and he didn't die." (when charged with murder of her spouse)


Um, more on topic -- I'm getting tired of biting dogs and deadbeat tenants and hope we get some more interesting cases in the new season. Though I did enjoy seeing Angry Mama-in-Law sputtering when Tattooed Ex so eagerly signed over the title to the still-not-paid-for beater car.

  • Love 6

Please forgive how woefully behind I am (my DVR is about to catch fire).


Re:  The Boat Case where the plaintiffs truuuusssttttted hiiiiiiimmmmmm (the defendant) because they had exchanged a few facebook messages.  I loved how the defendant never had to say a word and seemed to understand that he shouldn't because things were going his way as JJ beat up on the plaintiffs.  We don't usually see that level of awareness.  But in the hallterview, the defendant said that he offered to give them their money back for the return of the boat and the plaintiffs refused.  I would have loved to see how JJ reacted to that tidbit of information.

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