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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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I don't know why the plaintiff didn't just file a homeowners claim. Oh, that's right. JJ litigants never have insurance.


Even if she had insurance (haha, what a concept!) would they have paid if she told them she snagged some foolish 17 year old half-wit on Craigslist, handed her the housekey and walked away? Having never done anything that stupid myself, I really don't know.

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Even if she had insurance (haha, what a concept!) would they have paid if she told them she snagged some foolish 17 year old half-wit on Craigslist, handed her the housekey and walked away? Having never done anything that stupid myself, I really don't know.

Homeowners isn't my specialty, but I think so. Insurance policies cover people's stupidity all the time, as long as they're not intentionally complicit. While she did give up her keys to a stranger, she didn't intend for said stranger to rip her off.

I had a friend who left his car running while he ran into a Circle K to get smokes. Someone jumped in his car and took off. His insurance paid for the damages once the car was recovered. Granted, he didn't hand the guy his keys, like this plaintiff probably would have, but what he did was really stupid. Unfortunately, people do that sort of thing all the time.

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I'm so lucky I live in a smaller city. I once left my keys in the car and the car running while I did my weekly grocery shopping! I was so embarrassed when I came back, but at least my car was still there.

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My mad Googling skills* tells us they attended the Ultra Music Festival in Miami. A bunch of DJs and, I assume, bunches of drugs. I am old and hate that music. **

Oh lawdie, you would have HATED Ultra. (disclaimer: I live in South Florida). It's a crazy scene with so many drugs and crazy people spilling all over the place. It's electronic music (so think DJ and thousands upon thousands of thrashing drug-addled bodies in the Florida heat). During the 2014 show a large group people attempted to crash the party by literally knocking down a chain link fence and squishing a security guard, giving her a brain hemorrhage. There were over a million people there over the course of the festival. 

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But that face would probably intimidate a good number of tenants; she looked like she fell face down into a pack of Botox-filled syringes.


This makes me once again so happy I got directed here after TWoP folded. Missing out on this kind of world class snark would be sad indeed.


It's electronic music (so think DJ and thousands upon thousands of thrashing drug-addled bodies in the Florida heat).


Sounds like THE event of the decade. I'm sorry I missed it.

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During the 2014 show a large group people attempted to crash the party by literally knocking down a chain link fence and squishing a security guard, giving her a brain hemorrhage.

They were probably knocking down the fence to get in because they all bought bogus tickets from some rando on craigslist. Too bad the security guard didn't sue each and every one of them on JJ. Now THAT would have been an interesting case.

Also, your post made my skin crawl, ItsHelloPattiagain. I can't imagine a worse way to spend two days.

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"I am not going to go there" - Phew, OMG, phew, a bullet was dodged.  Thank you JJ for saving us a traumatizing peek into the lives of these self-serving perverts and their sordid porno-photographic evidence.  Thank you.  Thank you. Thank you.


So Many Exes - Blerch, so the ex-GF lied to the police about him shoving her and he ended up in the big house, but having his ex-ex-GF always coming over with the daughter and flipping the ex-GF should be grounds for arrest in my America.


Lease Release - pretty boring except for the hallterview where the defendant repeated at least six times "I have nothing to say" and then the editing monkeys showed her exiting in a flash.  Pteeeew!  Whoosh!  Hilarious!


Angeleque "Slit Eyes" and her Bra - That see-through shirt the plaintiff was wearing was a truly gorgeous shade of coral that looked fabulous on her.  I also enjoyed seeing her bra with the black straps and the good quality black and white lace on the cups.  I wonder how many soap bars the defendants would yield if rendered.

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Oh lawdie, you would have HATED Ultra. (disclaimer: I live in South Florida). It's a crazy scene with so many drugs and crazy people spilling all over the place. It's electronic music (so think DJ and thousands upon thousands of thrashing drug-addled bodies in the Florida heat). During the 2014 show a large group people attempted to crash the party by literally knocking down a chain link fence and squishing a security guard, giving her a brain hemorrhage. There were over a million people there over the course of the festival. 

Sounds like Black Friday at Walmart/Target.

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Thank you JJ for saving us a traumatizing peek into the lives of these self-serving perverts and their sordid porno-photographic evidence.


Secret lives and deviant behavior! The defendant seemed to think it was all a big joke, and yeah, I certainly didn't want to either of them gettin' their kink on.


Mr.Hill? Yeah, JJ, his charms are hidden as deeply as Jimmy Hoffa's corpse, but in comparison to the vile liar, Cherie, I guess you could say he's quite a catch...whatever. The way so many mature and middleaged people live their lives never stops making me shake my head in befuddlement.

Cherie had a little problem answering questions:


JJ: What..did...you...say...to...the...police??

Cherie: His ex-wife and daughter were in two different cars in the parking lot.

JJ: WTF???



defendant repeated at least six times "I have nothing to say" and then the editing monkeys showed her exiting in a flash.  Pteeeew!  Whoosh!  Hilarious!


That was really wonderful! And JJ telling her to have renter's insurance? *cue sound of crickets"



Angeleque "Slit Eyes"


The seemingly drug-addled Angeleque, from "ChicaRgo, IlinoiSE, was so manly in appearance I was surprised to hear she had a kid. No baby daddy around to pay support, of course. Judging from Angeleque's demeanor, he's probably "presently incarcerated."



Quotewonder how many soap bars the defendants would yield if rendered


I couldn't help but ponder the fact that they need the taxpayers to foot the bill for their rent, yet seem to have plenty of money for very fattening food,and lots of it. Nice scam all these Sec.8-ers have. Get your rent mostly paid by poor slobs who work for a living, then rent out a sofa or a space on the floor to someone, so you're actually IN money every month. Outrageous.


I felt I needed closed captions for Angeleque and the two tons of defendants. Their unbelieveably horrible grammar hurt my ears.

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The man who allegedly had a secret, deceitful life made me roll my eyes with his "My kids need a superhero....my kids...my kids... my kids."  He was a really slimy dude trying to win extra points by pretending he was overly concerned for his children.  And JJ totally believed that the ex-girlfriend was freaky deeky, with pictures to prove it.  She DID NOT want to see those pictures!


Mr. Blain and the wife/ex-wife/girlfriend/daughter shit hit the fan in a restaurant parking lot.  Was Miss Hill another one who says, "flicked me off" instead of "flipped me off?"  A couple of weeks ago some doofusy teens were saying flick, and I just figured it was because they weren't all that bright.  But maybe it's a regional dialect thing.  Oh, and I hate those Charlie Sheen style shirts (Mr. Blain was wearing one).


My boss called during the orange shirt/animal print bra/surly-faced Angelique case, so I didn't hear any of it.  I had it on mute until the part when she was saying she got the furniture from Aaron's.  I don't know why people think renting furniture long-term is a good deal.  I can only imagine the interest charges.  I can imagine that someone might find a need to rent an extra couch or dining set for a holiday party or the Superbowl or something.  Once in a while, I'll see some really decent furniture sets in Goodwill....with the amount spent renting long-term from Aaron's, people could probably furnish their entire home after going to a few Goodwills.  I'm wondering if Angelique paired some smartmouthing with her nasty squinting....  the other woman's daughter seemed pretty burned up as she, with arms crossed, mumbled, "Ya just don't speak to my mother that way."  It's the way that she said it that made me laugh.  But I do agree with her on this: if/when someone speaks to my mother disrespectfully, out comes my teacher voice and a vicious dressing down, my pointer finger, and an evil glare, no matter what their age may be.  

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My boss called during the orange shirt/animal print bra/surly-faced Angelique case, so I didn't hear any of it.  I had it on mute until the part when she was saying she got the furniture from Aaron's.

I was thinking Squinty Angelique was channeling Jamie Foxx in Pootie Tang. And that she might have been high. Not a good combo. I honestly think she was confused in the hallterview because JJ didn't believe her stories (of which she had an answer for everything, don'cha know she paid Aaron's in cash?) I have the feeling she rented from Aaron's and dashed with all that furniture. Girlfriend didn't have two nickels to rub together unless you count all her benefits and her EBT card and all the moolah she was making under the table (which enabled her to double dip and keep her benefits )

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I don't know why people think renting furniture long-term is a good deal.  I can only imagine the interest charges.


I think there's a couple of reasons people do this. They are unable to look ahead, live in the moment and just think, "Oh, wow! This furniture/Playstation/55" flat screen only costs $27.50 a month!" OR, they do it knowing they have no intention of paying for it, as all the people we see here doing this live a mostly transient lifestyle, "staying" here and there and know the rental place probably won't track them down. I think Angeleque is in the latter category.


I was thinking Squinty Angelique was channeling Jamie Foxx in Pootie Tang.


STOP! You're killing me here. Just joking. Please carry on!

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Let's see:  Free Rent? Check.  EBT Card? Check.  Making money under the table? Check!  Yeesh what a suck on the teat of society!


ETA: ALSO free baby-sitting!


Hey now! I bet all of them are disabled...or something.


"They give you free munny!!"

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Secret lives and deviant behavior! The defendant seemed to think it was all a big joke, and yeah, I certainly didn't want to either of them gettin' their kink on.


Mr.Hill? Yeah, JJ, his charms are hidden as deeply as Jimmy Hoffa's corpse, but in comparison to the vile liar, Cherie, I guess you could say he's quite a catch...whatever. The way so many mature and middleaged people live their lives never stops making me shake my head in befuddlement.

Cherie had a little problem answering questions:


JJ: What..did...you...say...to...the...police??

Cherie: His ex-wife and daughter were in two different cars in the parking lot.

JJ: WTF???


That was really wonderful! And JJ telling her to have renter's insurance? *cue sound of crickets"


The seemingly drug-addled Angeleque, from "ChicaRgo, IlinoiSE, was so manly in appearance I was surprised to hear she had a kid. No baby daddy around to pay support, of course. Judging from Angeleque's demeanor, he's probably "presently incarcerated."



I couldn't help but ponder the fact that they need the taxpayers to foot the bill for their rent, yet seem to have plenty of money for very fattening food,and lots of it. Nice scam all these Sec.8-ers have. Get your rent mostly paid by poor slobs who work for a living, then rent out a sofa or a space on the floor to someone, so you're actually IN money every month. Outrageous.


I felt I needed closed captions for Angeleque and the two tons of defendants. Their unbelieveably horrible grammar hurt my ears.


Let's please not go there, please?

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I am immune to the charms of women wearing see-through blouses (the privileges of being a gay man I guess). Angeleque (is that really how she spelled it?) was no exception and I thought that the overall result was in particular poor taste and nasty effect.


Plus, I think that the shade of colour she chose was irradiating all over her and it fried a good chunk of her neurons and that is why she seemed so confused at many of JJ's questions.

Edited by Florinaldo
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I'm so lucky I live in a smaller city. I once left my keys in the car and the car running while I did my weekly grocery shopping! I was so embarrassed when I came back, but at least my car was still there.

Where I live, during the winter, sometimes half of the parked cars are idling while the drivers are inside the store (and no one else is in the car). Some started locking the doors in their homes at night only about 10 years ago, and there are many who have yet to begin locking up. Lotsa elderly who live alone leave doors unlocked for early morning home health care visits. Not me! I'm locked up during the day! Having lived in other states (CA and AZ), I tell people that "big city ways are coming" but this goes largely unbelieved which has me SMH on a daily basis. (We have a state university here and our population is about 100,000 but the pervasive mentality is old-school rural).  

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Oh, Angeleque. What a nut.  "Is the light hurting your eyes?" //Squints harder and tilts head.  Cracked me up. I actually recorded this one: Squinty-fun litigant, excellent fashion advice (heh), plus Section 8ers!!   It is amazing how many Section 8ers have huge flat screen TVs, computers and internet service, cable TV, brand new iphones, weekly manis and pedis, etc.  They've lived in our rent houses and it boggles my mind.  (To be fair, some are genuinely deserving, and wonderful clients. But me thinks there are far too many on the other end of the spectrum.)   And I think JJ was spot on regarding the furniture - that's why she left town! Loaded up "her" stuff, and fled. Hope Aaron's finds her.   And I really, really, don't mean to offend, but for a minute, when she said the defendant had pulled her hair, I thought, "Oh, that explains it."

SandyToes, I don't know, but do hope that Angeleque and the scammers like her who are milking the system are the exception, not the rule, when it comes to governmental assistance.

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Did anyone notice in the Charlie Sheen case, how the girlfriend on his side jumped off the chair?  It looked like she was itching to beat someone up.

Yes! I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who saw that. I rewound the DVR just so I could watch that again. The lady was definitely itching to say something to JJ  during the case.


Neal, the plaintiff whose charms were invisible to JJ (and probably everyone else but Cherie and the girlfriend in the hot seat) looked like he was trying to channel some aging rock star. Steve Miller? Don Henley? Mike Love of the Beach Boys?

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Angeleque's squinting bugged me from the beginning, even before JJ asked her about the lights. My impression was that she needs glasses and wasn't wearing them. Girlfriend sure was wearing some expensive-looking shoes, though.


I thought the defendant, the mother, in Angelique squinty eyes case was very nicely dressed. I liked the whole combo, the color of the shirt, the jean jacket and the scarf thingy.


Me, too! I really loved her outfit, especially the scarf. Very smart-looking.


Anyone remember the surname of Plaintiff Eric "Secret Double Life" with the sex pictures of his defendant wife? I wanted to see if I could find out anything about him, but now I can't remember his last name. I just remember (thanks to Mr. Ouisch's commentary) that it rhymed with "chlamydia."

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Angeleque's squinting bugged me from the beginning, even before JJ asked her about the lights. My impression was that she needs glasses and wasn't wearing them. Girlfriend sure was wearing some expensive-looking shoes, though.  [snip]



That was also my impression.  Not being able to see ten feet in front of me without my spectamacles, I recognized that squint.  And while I agree with the posters stating that she was something of a double-dipping scammer, I actually kinda felt bad for her.  Once upon a time, I was employed by the DCF in a predominantly black, low-income area and met folks like her everyday.  Education is NOT a high priority (among the folks I personally worked with) and level of bleak hopelessness that pervades every corner of their lives is like something out of a Theodore Dreiser novel.  Anyway...before I go off on some completely OT tangent, my point is that she touched a nerve inside me that made me want to sign her up for remedial English or JTPA or some shit.


Mr. Kinky Boots?  Bless his superhero needin' heart.  Something tells me that there was a LOT more to that story than we saw on JJ.  Super relieved that JJ tossed out the case and we were spared the gory details of their Dan Savagery. 

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SandyToes, I don't know, but do hope that Angeleque and the scammers like her who are milking the system arethe exception, not the rule, when it comes to governmental assistance.


The scammers we see on these shows are not the norm and having worked with poor families (of all races) for many years I sometimes take personally the flippant generalizations sometimes used regarding those receiving government assistance.  For example, they ALL have big screen TV's, designers clothes, and manicures.  I know I shouldn't take these remarks personally but I've worked with families where the parent(s) were working 2 sometimes 3 low wage jobs, while living in subsidized housing, and trust me there wasn't a big screen TV or designer outfit to be found.  Obviously, we see some scammers on these shows, I just feel obligated to speak for the many hard working people who deserved of our help and are not "working the system".  end soapbox//

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Angelique looked like she had a gang of ladyfingers in her hair. And she was like "I had a quick weave I don't know if you know what that is". Lol. I do.

What was the point if JJ wanting to see receipts for her furniture if she had established that it was hers and there in the house? Whether she made payments on it would matter if the store sued her.

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The washer/dryer case was more of the same as well, with the added twist of "won't somebody think of the children?" How are those kids supposed to survive without a washer and dryer? By the way, if he financed it through Conn's that place is barely a step above Rent-A-Center. They recently opened one here, and the ads promise they can finance anyone. So he's probably paying steep interest on those appliances she feels so entitled to have.


Did I hear him correctly?  Did he say he still owed $2100 on the washer/dryer?   *in my best Judge Judy voice*  Outrageous!  I can only assume he made some payments in the past for those machines so they must have cost way more that approx 1050 apiece.  If lazy heifer can't buy a washer or dryer for her kids, what was she doing with such expensive ones to begin with?

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No intent to offend, or paint with a broad brush, those requiring government assistance. Absolutely there are hard-working families who need the help.


My sincere apologies to those who may have felt I was disparaging an entire population.

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With regard to government benefits: we see on JJ an inordinate amount of people scamming the system. In insurance, we call this soft fraud. People who are legitimately entitled to something look around and think no one's watching them, so they take more than they should. Think of a person who injures himself at work and then is on work comp. While on work comp, he decides he'd rather watch JJ all day than go back to work. So he claims he's still hurt when he's not. His initial claim was legitimate, but now he's milking it. 


Speaking of insurance, there was an old case on yesterday I hadn't seen previously. A woman who owned an insurance agency was suing a former employee for taking cash premium payments but not forwarding them to the insurance company. The case reminded me of an experience I had in my early 20s. After I was out on my own and off of my parents' insurance, I purchased a policy from an agent who represented Erie Insurance. I paid the deposit, and he gave me an insurance ID card. A few months later, I got rear-ended by another driver and called in the claim, which is when I discovered I had no insurance.  Thankfully, the other driver was liable and had coverage, so my car was taken care of. It turned out that my agent was pocketing premiums instead of forwarding them to Erie. He had done this to a bunch of people in our community and got caught when a few of us tried to file claims. He finally ended up going to prison for it.

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Absolutely there are hard-working families who need the help.


Of course there are.  A friend of mine and her husband - who have both worked hard since they were 18 - got into a bind and lost their home through no fault of their own and needed a helping hand once for them and their three children. They did everything in their power to get back on their feet and off public assistance and they did so but it was a hard struggle. There are many, many people and families like them who need and deserve a little something to tide them over.


But these are not the types we see on JJ. We see people who make careers of living on other people's money and have a huge sense of entitlement, buying whatever they want, stiffing merchants, leasing cars they can't pay for, using multiple addresses for welfare cheques, having babies because it means more money, charging people to live with them in their subsidized apartments, selling their food stamps, and learning every single way to work the system in their favour because nothing is stronger than their desire to never have to get a job.


My own sister, her husband and all their friends are like this.:(

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JJ's Joy In Life: The defendant's witness started out with every intention of obfuscating JJ but she was in fine form and he was no match for her.  He is now inducted to the JJ Hall of Fame of Crumbling Witnesses - I don't recall JJ ever having so much fun.  The defendant himself was a used-car selling,  scamming drug-addled lowlife who was forced to reveal at least some of his criminal history in front of 10 million people.  I was very glad that my favorite judge made that poor plaintiff whole.  I loved how the con man spread the blame on everyone in the hallterview: "it was just a business deal gone bad!" Yeah, because of YOU, moron!


Shirley Temple: Just like JJ doesn't often rule in favor of women in cases of domestic violence, she is rarely sympathetic with parents that sue their own children.  This car repo/rental/repair case was a hot mess but I couldn't fathom why a parent wouldn't thrilled that their child is saving money, and decide to launch a lawsuit.  Shirley Temple looked like she spent a lot of money on her hair, and the mother didn't look like she was deprived, either.  So, why?  Mother was a loser.


Next half hour is a trifecta! 


Barrack Racket: Wow.  Unbelievable.  Two women with a total of 5 children, and one's income-less mother, get together to rent a house and enter into a ghastly living arrangement.  The defendant brought up the pity card that her husband was deployed in Afghanistan at least twice, but she got no love from me since she got the younger woman to pay for security, her first 2 weeks' rent, and the whole rent of the following months while being sketchy about paying her back ever because stupid reasons.  No shit the plaintiff moved out after that.  Then she had the nerve to counterclaim for moving expenses?  She can go to hell in a hand basket.


Anime Raccoon: A mother is suing the boyfriend of her adult daughter (an anime raccoon) for her pregnancy & delivery medical bills.  LOL.  If he had given her the clap or genital warts, would she be suing for the tests and the antibiotics, too?


And if you do have insurance, don't use it: The defendant admitted multiple times that she was responsible for the accident.  She claims she was insured and paid the plaintiff some money... but then later she wanted to claim with the "insurance now?"  I think she actually didn't have insurance, got it after the fact, and probably wanted to scam the insurance and pretend the accident happened at a later date.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
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The sample of social assistance people we see on the show is not representative of all of the people who receive public money; nor are the litigants who have regular jobs representative of the bulk of citizens with jobs. Most of the people who land on JJ are there because they find themselves in exceptionally bad situations because of bad choices they (or someone in their lives) made or stupid courses of action they decided to pursue. The premise of the show skews the selection process towards some very specific sub-populations. I can't think of anyone I know who was ever involved in a situation similar to the ones depicted on the show, where the most trivial conflicts escalate into WW III.


That being said, there are some JJ litigants who are good people going through a bad situation because they are being sued by assholes or have been scammed by a shady vendor, landlord or roommate. I always get irritated by JJ in those cases when she says she does not care about the clothes, cookware or small appliances they are trying to recover. She says these things do not matter, but for some of those people it would be a real budgetary hardship to replace all that stuff in a short amount of time. JJ may have lost sight of that reality; I know it could be difficult to assess some of those claims and enforce them, but she rarely even considers.

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The case with the lady who sued the guy who sold her a car for more than he paid was weird. She gave the friend -- who seemed like a nice enough guy -- more of a hard time than him and he's the one who scammed her.


I ain't never seen a bitch in real life with hair like Catherine Baldwin. I need everyone to go to Google and do a image search for Baby Doll Batman and I can almost promise you will laugh your ass off. Seeing these Gotham commercials interspersed with that case was too much. I was over here getting my fucking life. The mother better watch out because that chick is gonna get Killer Croc to bust that ass in the parking lot.

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Shirley Temple looked like she spent a lot of money on her hair, and the mother didn't look like she was deprived, either.  So, why?  Mother was a loser

Lately I have been so distracted by the hairdos and basic body habitus of the litigants that I cannot even concentrate on the cases. What the FRICK was up with Shirley Temple? She does some kind of caregiving? Like a home health aide? Can you imagine being an older person and having her show up to help you take a bath or do some personal care on you or try and feed you animal crackers with your soup? 


Baby Doll Batman!!! LMAO! 

Edited by ItsHelloPattiagain
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When litigants come on and tell Judge Judy that they were arrested, but there were no charges or they were just let go without much discussion, do they think JJ will believe them?  I mean, this is a woman who "eats car salesmen for breakfast" and has a robust history in the legal system --- they think this gibberish is going to fly in that courtroom??  I did enjoy when friend John said to Judge Judy, "Yais, yer priddy."  Well, bless his heart.


Jesus, Shirley Temple worked in Home Care at, what, 19 years old?  {Moment of prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, please end my time on earth before I ever have a need for these clowns claiming to be "helpers."}  I think Shirley would have been more credible looking (and probably better looking) if she had gone with her natural brown hair color and toned down the Taylor Swifty makeup.  

Anime Raccoon: A mother is suing the boyfriend of her adult daughter (an anime raccoon) for her pregnancy & delivery medical bills.  


HAHAHA!!!  On that episode, I thought JJ showed some warmth for humanity when she said, "If it was my 18-year-old daughter, I'd pay her medical bills."  Sure, a parent would be within their rights to refuse to pay the charges for their adult child's labor & delivery...so I surprisingly found myself saying, "Oh, Judge Judy, that's nice of you."  I was hoping that JJ would've borrowed some lines from Divorce Court's Judge Lynn Toler for a short lecture on "controlling your fertility."  


In the last case, with the nicely dressed young man and his mother....and that harsh-looking thing...I saw that they were from Pleasantville, NJ.  When that flashed up on the screen, it all became clearer.  That rough troll has got to be a stripper in one of Atlantic City's "other side of the street" STD shanties.  Trying to run over kids on her way to work, I guess.


Tomorrow's episode looks like a real gem!  A thumb-sucker-overbite girl heckles the other litigant, and JJ puts a halt to her gross 'tude.  Can't wait.

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I ain't never seen a bitch in real life with hair like Catherine Baldwin. I need everyone to go to Google and do a image search for Baby Doll Batman and I can almost promise you will laugh your ass off. 

Hilarious!!!  Catherine must have printed out a pic of Baby Doll Batman and brought it to her stylist (though I suspect that the only place that would agree to doing those tight sausage curls is still being called a "Beauty Parlor").  I can envision her saying, with a big, red-lipped smile, "I want it just like this."

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Anime Raccoon: A mother is suing the boyfriend of her adult daughter (an anime raccoon) for her pregnancy & delivery medical bills. 

This is funny as hell, and true too, because that's what they looked like. Really, it looked like Sailor Moon and her mother took Tuxedo Mask to court and I don't really have time for it. I just don't. I never did. I never will. And neither did JJ.


And Catherine looked like she went to the Damn Bitch What The Fuck hair salon like the lady earlier this week who fought his husband's mistress. DBWTF is making some money for real.

Edited by CuriousParker
Removed Misogynistic Term
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Tomorrow's episode looks like a real gem!  A thumb-sucker-overbite girl heckles the other litigant, and JJ puts a halt to her gross 'tude.  Can't wait.


Yes!  Yes!  I think I heard one mumble "you're ugly" and the other answered something along the lines of "your ass is fat."


Trained Shakesperian actresses finally!


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The defendant himself was a used-car selling,  scamming drug-addled lowlife


You forgot "sweaty and bloated". The instant I heard the name, "Ricky Lee" i started singing, "Someone's gonna GET it!" and I had a feeling it would be ol' hillbilly, meth-lab, oily shyster Ricky Lee. Who is middle aged and now sponging off his mommy and daddy. His witness, John, paled in comparison although he was good for a few laughs.


A mother is suing the boyfriend of her adult daughter (an anime raccoon)



But...Mom is an anime raccoon too and they looked much like twins. I can see them preparing for their big appearance here:

Mom: Dear, you need a LOT more eyeliner. Don't you want to look just like Mommy?


Two women with a total of 5 children, and one's income-less mother, get together to rent a house and enter into a ghastly living arrangement.


I'll never understand adults with kids (or even without them) thinking this stupid idiotic "roommate" nonsense is going to work.  It's difficult enough to live with someone you love. God! I so agreed with JJ when she said she'd rather live in one room alone than in a house with  virtual strangers.


The defendant admitted multiple times that she was responsible for the accident.


Loved the skin-tight skirt she wore, which camethisclose to actually exposing her ass cheeks, and the riot of nasty tats all over her chest. Classy! I think she must be a lap dancer or a prostitute.

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Loved the skin-tight skirt she wore, which camethisclose to actually exposing her ass cheeks, and the riot of nasty tats all over her chest. Classy! I think she must be a lap dancer or a prostitute.


I love ratchet women who don't know how to dress for court. She had on that tight dress and that dress and those JustFab.com ass ankle boots and she looked fine in a low-budget JWow kind of way. And I actually think a small tattoo on a woman's breast is kinda sexy (as long as it's something cute like a heart or something, not their name or their kid's name), but I don't understand the chicks who get those fucking Fruitopia commercial tattoos across their clavicles like it's fierce. No, bitch, it's not.

Edited by 27bored
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Divorce Court's Judge Lynn Toler for a short lecture on "controlling your fertility."


Judge Milian said it better the other day to some stupid 19 year bitch who can't pay her part of the rent because of course she got knocked up: "Use birth control!" Yeah, as if...


I don't understand the chicks who get those fucking Fruitopia commercial tattoos across their clavicles like it's fierce. No, bitch, it's not.



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