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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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Love your pronunciation/spelling! Can't wait to watch this one. You made my day.


Thanks.  I love it even more when she shouts out YOU'RE A HUSLAH!!!  A HUSLAH!  (hustler).  Truly, she screams "SQUATTAH" about 12 times!!


In the stolen Swiss Army Knife backpack/laptop, the Defendant, who was the Plaintiff's college room mate, looked about 14.  I though maybe he was a Doogie Howser type who went to college at 12, but it said he was 21. i was thinking maybe he traded the laptop for Pokemon cards.

Edited by WhineandCheez
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Ugh, this morning's reruns included the case with, in my opinion, the most despicable plaintiffs I've ever seen.  The Gorzalski family suing their deceased son's friends for crap like razors and glasses even after the friends had voluntarily sent them the son's $45,000 bank account.  I detest that family.

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Ugh, this morning's reruns included the case with, in my opinion, the most despicable plaintiffs I've ever seen.  The Gorzalski family suing their deceased son's friends for crap like razors and glasses even after the friends had voluntarily sent them the son's $45,000 bank account.  I detest that family.

I recall that one.  The sister made a telling slip-up in the hallterview about "We wanted his phone so we could get into his voic....I mean listen to his voicemail greeting so we could hear his voice again".  Or something along those lines.


For anyone who is good at finding dirt on prior litigants:  Mr. Funky was curious about the girl who was on in a repeat the other day.  She had long dark hair.  Her mother was prone to taking off for Mexico for long periods of time, and leaving the daughter alone.  She had friends over who broke into a woman's apartment and stole her inherited jewelry, her special needs son's video game console, an iPod, and some other stuff.  She managed to recover some of it, but not all of it.  Absent mother defended the daughter left and right.  Daughter had a bad attitude.  He wondered whether the daughter got into any more trouble/was in jail/etc.  If anyone knows, please share.

Edited by funky-rat
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And JJ lit into her for expecting a 19-year-old to be responsible. Haven't we seen her say the opposite? That by the time you're 19-20, you should be taking care of yourself, unless you're in school (and even then)? By the time my kids were that age, I knew that if they were left alone for awhile there might be parties, but the house would be clean by the time we got back and the pets would have been taken care of.

It always bugs me when JJ goes off on her rant that young people can't be trusted. According to JJ, we should all assume a teenager is lying if their lips are moving. Teenagers are all irresponsible and can't be trusted to keep a house clean and feed the dog? She'll go off on one of her rants about how she knows teenagers are untrustworthy and irresponsible because raised she kids and has seen how they and her grandchildren act. I don't know how true that was/is, but I'd be insulted to hear my mom or grandma say that.

In this case, this wasn't some underaged teenage kid who threw a wild party, but a teenage adult. These guys were legally adults and should be held responsible, provided the plaintiff had the evidence. Unfortunately, as JJ hinted at, I think the plaintiff was suing for the wrong things. She presented a list of property that she said the defendant stole and sold. Almost immediately she had to back step and admit some of the property on the list was still in the house, ie the snake was lost, but she later found it in the house. I think JJ pretty much dismissed the stolen/lost/damaged property at that point. I DO think she should have at least looked at the vet report. If the vet said the dog had been neglected, the defendant should have had to pay those bills, but not if the vet made no reference to neglect and treated a sick dog. JJ implied a 19 can't be trusted to feed the pets - wow in MY WORLD a 13yo should be responsible enough to care for a dog. I was feeding my animals at 10yo, and started buying the food when I started working part time as a hs freshman.

JJ told the defendant she would have won a suit for back rent, but rent wasn't part of this case. I think the judgement would have been very different if plaintiff had come to court as a landlord suing tenant for rent and property damage (with pictures of house and damages and receipts for the cleanup/repairs).

Edited by SRTouch
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The dog case today wasn't bad and the defendant was well spoken and in the right.

I was mopping the kitchen when this came, and actually restarted it because the litigants could actually speak intelligently. The defendant spoke with an accent and was used to dealing in metric rather than feet and inches, and I wasn't surprised to read she is a research scientist. After listening I agreed with the ruling and JJ's reasoning. Just to bad the little dog was hurt, but I believe the plaintiff let his dog walk up to the big dog. Not smart when you don't know the big dog and you're walking a miniature daschund.
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The defendant .... was used to dealing in metric rather than feet and inches

Like the residents of every country in the world except the US, Burma and Liberia.  I almost expected JJ to bark "This is America, I don't do metric!".


Boat selling lady had the most annoying combination of vocal fry and up-speak.

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Like the residents of every country in the world except the US, Burma and Liberia.  I almost expected JJ to bark "This is America, I don't do metric!".


Boat selling lady had the most annoying combination of vocal fry and up-speak.


Seriously.  I thought she was going to start shilling for Doctor On Demand.

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The dog case today wasn't bad and the defendant was well spoken and in the right.

She sure was. She did everything she should have done and the other dumbass didn't reel in the retractable leash. I hate those things.  Especially at the vet's office. The last time I took my dog to the vet, some idiot was busy looking at her phone while her dog on a retractable leash wandered all over the waiting area, sniffing everything and royally pissing off a cat in a carrier. Right when I was about to say something, the lady at the desk told her to reel her dog in or wait outside.


The defendant husband in the boat case had the first case of horizontal earlobes I've ever seen. I had to do a triple take. His wife sure had a lovely mustache.

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She sure was. She did everything she should have done and the other dumbass didn't reel in the retractable leash. I hate those things.  Especially at the vet's office. The last time I took my dog to the vet, some idiot was busy looking at her phone while her dog on a retractable leash wandered all over the waiting area, sniffing everything and royally pissing off a cat in a carrier. Right when I was about to say something, the lady at the desk told her to reel her dog in or wait outside.


The defendant husband in the boat case had the first case of horizontal earlobes I've ever seen. I had to do a triple take. His wife sure had a lovely mustache.


Yes, Ms Taylor's mustache was quite impressive; I think she even has Bieber beat in that regard.

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The dog case today wasn't bad and the defendant was well spoken and in the right.

let me just add that it's a sad day in JJ's world when the best segment of the day is about a dog fight. Besides that case we had bf suing ex gf over car loan for an old junker. If I heard right, car has already been impounded, then sold, but they may be back because it doesn't sound like there was a clean title. Friends fight over as-is boat sale because boat is floating crap - well actually it doesn't float, so it's just about crap. The 4th case was --- I forget

And tomorrow's guide says 2 cases about dogs on the first episode. We need someone to take over for Wapner's animal court, but then I guess no one would watch and it'd be canceled - again

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The defendant husband in the boat case had the first case of horizontal earlobes I've ever seen. I had to do a triple take. His wife sure had a lovely mustache.


Best line I've heard in a while on this show--in answer to the allegation that the boat had a crack in it:


JJ: " Well why didn't you have the boat checked out before you bought it"

Defendant:  "Well we aren't maritime people"


They are both in the 300-400 pound range.  Methinks I know how the boat got cracked...

Edited by WhineandCheez
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First episode, first case -- Mr. Hayes hit Ms. Reed's parked car, and Mr. Hayes said it was her fault....but Ms. Reed was sleeping in her apartment at the time! Mr. Hayes said, no, Ms. Reed was outside, and she jumped in front of his car! Mr. Hayes' face showed that he was very pissed off. Ms. Reed's video left no question --- it showed him driving his uninsured car too quickly in a parking lot and frightening a girl crossing the street. JJ told his pissed off face that he needs to stop trying to say that everything is someone else's fault. He continued to be mad in the hallterview.


Sidebar -- JJ was wrong about her orthopedic boot theory.  I wore one on my left leg for 6 months. My car was an automatic; I didn't need to push in a clutch pedal. My doctor at Penn Orthopedics told me I could drive the whole time.


First episode, second case -- Holy shit, Solomon's hair game. On his head and on his face. Plaintiff LaQuita Normil sported an Erica BaDON'T hairdo, and she claimed that Solomon stole her phone. Dumbass Solomon, who obviously lives life stoned, made a video of him rambling about finding (stealing) a phone and needing the code to unlock it. (Get ready for a lot of dropped possessives.) Solomon says the plaintiff and her man are drunk all the time and lose things. JJ didn't take the opportunity to let her comments fly on this case; how disappointing. She ordered the defendant to pay the cost of the phone. Everyone in the courtroom may have gotten a contact high from Solomon.


First episode, third case -- 1D!  1D!  This case involves two tickets to a One Direction concert. The plaintiff was selling the tickets for $200. The defendant paid $100 and then wanted to use a gift card to cover the other $100. That was total BS, so the defendant had to pay the other $100 for real. During this case, please notice the chick in the red sweater sitting left/behind the plaintiff.  WTH is going on with all her faces??


Second episode, first case -- Plaintiff Mr. Faux and Defendant Mr. Yates already had beef because of the Yates' unleashed dog. Mr. Yates likes his trash. I got some Making a Murderer vibes from him. He got so mad that his neighbor, Mr. Faux, tried to clear out some of the garbage that was on the Faux property, he had him falsely arrested. Yates had a counterclaim for the cost of a surveillance camera (that shows Faux removing the trash) and the cost of some of the trash. JJ told Yates and wife that they're annoying.


Second episode, second case -- This case involves an adorable Shih-tzu. Plaintiff Courtney Jones said ex-boyfriend Brian Cooper bought the puppy as a Christmas gift. When they broke up, she took back her newly purchased TV set, and Mr. Cooper kept the puppy. Ms. Jones was suing for the puppy, but her case was weak. JJ told her to keep the TV and Mr. Cooper keep the puppy. Mr. Cooper said he might give her visitation rights.

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Well done CoolWhipLite on the recaps. Several comments:


Driving with a boot on the left foot (in left side driving) may open a can of worms, most likely the car crasher was driving with an automatic, but many people even with an automatic drive with right foot only so the boot is not an issue. However if you drive your automatic with both feet (one for gas, one for braking), the boot may be a serious impairment. Many years ago, the one foot versus two foot operation of an automatic was argued extensively, largely I suspect because those of us raised on (and still driving) manual transmissions always used the right foot for gas and brakes, the left strictly for clutch. The downside of two foot driving with an automatic was argued as either you rest your left foot lightly on the brake pedal (accelerating wear and possibly overheating the brake disk) or you let your left foot rest on the floor which tends to put your foot under the brake pedal and may prevent hitting the brakes quickly in an emergency situation. These days since almost everybody drives automatics there is not much arguing going on, but those of us with manuals have learned to never do valet parking because the sound of our transmissions being destroyed by valets who have never driven a manual is a painful sound.

Yep, Mr. Solomon was so toasted that he could barely keep his eyes open, but that hair (face and head) was so cool that I think I’ll try to copy it (may need to get some weaves or extensions to make it work).

And red sweater woman in the One Direction case looked that she was doing some of those facial exercises that are supposed to keep you looking young. I also first thought that the plaintiff and defendant were a little "mature" for One Direction, but later one of them mentioned a granddaughter.

Edited by DoctorK
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The car crash case is one of the all-time greats, JJ fans. He really plowed into those three cars, and he looked like he was driving way too fast for a parking lot. And all caught on a perfect video. And of course no insurance! 'Cause his doctor told him he could drop the insurance. Whoa.

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The car crash case is one of the all-time greats, JJ fans. He really plowed into those three cars, and he looked like he was driving way too fast for a parking lot. And all caught on a perfect video. And of course no insurance! 'Cause his doctor told him he could drop the insurance. Whoa.

Yep doctor told it was ok to drop insurance, but keep driving

Edit: Actually, thinking back I think he said the Dr cleared him to drive, but I don't remember him claiming Dr said he could drop insurance. JJ cut him off when he tried to explain why he didn't have insurance.

Edited by SRTouch
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First episode, first case -- Mr. Hayes hit Ms. Reed's parked car, and Mr. Hayes said it was her fault....but Ms. Reed was sleeping in her apartment at the time! Mr. Hayes said, no, Ms. Reed was outside, and she jumped in front of his car! Mr. Hayes' face showed that he was very pissed off. Ms. Reed's video left no question --- it showed him driving his uninsured car too quickly in a parking lot and frightening a girl crossing the street. JJ told his pissed off face that he needs to stop trying to say that everything is someone else's fault. He continued to be mad in the hallterview.

defendant should have cut and run when JJ told him things didn't look good for his case if plaintiff was bringing video to court. JJ was right, too, video (and fact he had no insurance) made ruling foregone conclusion.

"IT WAS SOMEBODY ELSES' FAULT" don't forget to make the hand gestures "IT WAS SOMEBODY ELSES' FAULT" altogether now "IT WAS SOMEBODY ELSES' FAULT"


First episode, second case -- Holy shit, Solomon's hair game. On his head and on his face. Plaintiff LaQuita Normil sported an Erica BaDON'T hairdo, and she claimed that Solomon stole her phone. Dumbass Solomon, who obviously lives life stoned, made a video of him rambling about finding (stealing) a phone and needing the code to unlock it. (Get ready for a lot of dropped possessives.) Solomon says the plaintiff and her man are drunk all the time and lose things. JJ didn't take the opportunity to let her comments fly on this case; how disappointing. She ordered the defendant to pay the cost of the phone. Everyone in the courtroom may have gotten a contact high from Solomon.

For some reason I have the munchies. A couple times Solomon looked like he was having trouble standing - which must be way JJ didn't tell him to stand up straight and stop holding onto table. Solomon made his own clip to submit to World's Dumbest Criminals.

First episode, third case -- 1D!  1D!  This case involves two tickets to a One Direction concert. The plaintiff was selling the tickets for $200. The defendant paid $100 and then wanted to use a gift card to cover the other $100. That was total BS, so the defendant had to pay the other $100 for real.?

Kind of pitiful to think defendant pays that amount of money, when she has to make payments, to go to boy band concert (I'm out of touch, but have never heard of One Direction) really no defense, and defendant knew it judging by her face as JJ made ruling.

During this case, please notice the chick in the red sweater sitting left/behind the plaintiff.  WTH is going on with all her faces??

had me wondering if there might have been a monitor where she could watch herself while filming was going on.

Second episode, second case -- This case involves an adorable Shih-tzu. Plaintiff Courtney Jones said ex-boyfriend Brian Cooper bought the puppy as a Christmas gift. When they broke up, she took back her newly purchased TV set, and Mr. Cooper kept the puppy. Ms. Jones was suing for the puppy, but her case was weak. JJ told her to keep the TV and Mr. Cooper keep the puppy. Mr. Cooper said he might give her visitation rights.

Hallterview made it plain that defendant was using dog to hang onto plaintiff. Reminded me of bootie call / dog visitation case the other day. This plaintiff also seemed awfully full of self.
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The car crash case is one of the all-time greats, JJ fans. He really plowed into those three cars, and he looked like he was driving way too fast for a parking lot. And all caught on a perfect video. And of course no insurance! 'Cause his doctor told him he could drop the insurance. Whoa.


Dipshit Extraordinaire.

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Yes, Ms Taylor's mustache was quite impressive; I think she even has Bieber beat in that regard.

I know. That bitch looked like Dirty (Diana) Sanchez.


First episode, second case -- Holy shit, Solomon's hair game. On his head and on his face. Plaintiff LaQuita Normil sported an Erica BaDON'T hairdo, and she claimed that Solomon stole her phone. Dumbass Solomon, who obviously lives life stoned, made a video of him rambling about finding (stealing) a phone and needing the code to unlock it. (Get ready for a lot of dropped possessives.) Solomon says the plaintiff and her man are drunk all the time and lose things. JJ didn't take the opportunity to let her comments fly on this case; how disappointing. She ordered the defendant to pay the cost of the phone. Everyone in the courtroom may have gotten a contact high from Solomon.


Yeeeah, Solomon looked like Cowardly Lion in the Wiz, but you know, as a real person. He looked like he stole her phone and then eased his ass on down the yellow brick road...to the liquor store. The point is, why are you making videos of yourself on other people's shit?


Second episode, second case -- This case involves an adorable Shih-tzu. Plaintiff Courtney Jones said ex-boyfriend Brian Cooper bought the puppy as a Christmas gift. When they broke up, she took back her newly purchased TV set, and Mr. Cooper kept the puppy. Ms. Jones was suing for the puppy, but her case was weak. JJ told her to keep the TV and Mr. Cooper keep the puppy. Mr. Cooper said he might give her visitation rights.


Yeah, I think JJ softened because he was holding the puppy. He had a pretty big tattoo on his clavicle that made me think EX-CON but he was also well-spoken and seemed...reasonable. Miss Thing who was suing him was on some bullshit.


First episode, third case -- 1D!  1D!  This case involves two tickets to a One Direction concert. The plaintiff was selling the tickets for $200. The defendant paid $100 and then wanted to use a gift card to cover the other $100. That was total BS, so the defendant had to pay the other $100 for real. During this case, please notice the chick in the red sweater sitting left/behind the plaintiff.  WTH is going on with all her faces??


$200 for One Direction tickets? Shiiiiit. That lady seemed like she doesn't make good dietary or monetary decisions. It seems like dietarily and monetarily she likes to eat her cake and have it too (BTW, I think that's the actual correct way you say that phrase..."have your cake and eat it too" sounds weird because it's like, why have a cake if you can't eat it? Are you supposed to save it for someone else? No. You want to eat your cake and still have cake...). She said she bought 1D tickets for her goddaughter. First mistake. Tell her damn mother to buy her tickets to One Direction. You can buy her something for a birthday and/or Christmas, but that's crazy as hell to spend all that money just to take her to see 1D and you can't pay the shit back. It's a nice gesture, but I wouldn't go in debt trying to do shit for godchildren unless I'm the legal guardian. Other than that, I think she just wanted an excuse to go see those British Mofos herself.

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Yeah, I think JJ softened because he was holding the puppy.


It was quite a visual, this burly guy with a shaved head and black glasses having a puppy casually tucked in his arm the entire case.  The puppy didn't squirm either, I was looking for the white cloth tag that says "do not remove under penalty of law." Plaintiff at one point said to JJ, "May I elaborate?"  I thought I heard some typical JJ litigant gibberish like "May I elaborative," but when i played it back, she was very well spoken.  Rats, no snark here, move along...

Edited by WhineandCheez
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Why have concert tickets if you don't plan to use them?  That's what I didn't understand.  Maybe she won them in a radio contest or something.  I'm surprised JJ didn't ask.

It's happened to me more times than I'd like. Usually it's something coming up on my schedule and screwing things up. A couple of times I've won tickets concerts I had no interest in attending, so I unload those on StubHub. Also, I have season tickets to my alma mater's games, and I'm never able to go to all of them. Those I usually give away to clients as gifts, since our basketball team is pretty good (despite losing to freaking Colorado the other night) and it's hard to get tickets.

Dude that plowed into all those cars was one of my favorite video cases in a while. You'd think we'd have more cases with videos, seeing how cameras are so ubiquitous now. There's a whole show on Discovery ID that features murder victims who were caught on cameras during the time leading up to their killings. It's creepy how often we're on camera now.

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I don't think car guy was trying to avoid the pedestrian either, his swiping of the cars appeared to be starting before he could have seen her and if he had seen her a huge over correction.

I have concert tickets to see Billy Joel in July, my husband is due for orders (he's a Marine) this year so I may not be able to use them. I had to buy them last month (bc they do sell out) but the concert is in July.

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Favorite moment from the parked car collision case:


Judge Judy (eyeing the video screen) "who brought the video"?

Plaintiff:  "I did."

Judge Judy (eyeing the defendant) "that's probably not going to be good for you."

When JJ asked the defendant if he had seen the video before he said no. He would have come across a whole better if he had just admitted guilt once he HAD seen it, instead of still trying to insist "IT WAS SOMEBODY ELSE'S FAULT" His story started going south when he said it was the plaintiff taking out the trash, and the witness testified she had to wake the plaintiff to tell her of the crash. Every piece of evidence showed he was in the wrong to everyone except the defendant. Let's face it, he's one of those people who will never admit wrong doing, in spite of the evidence, because, in his mind he did nothing wrong.
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So I'm watching the curious case of Mr. Guzman right now. Holy smokes! I just can't even explain this one. For those of you who missed it, bummer. If someone else can find a way to describe this circus, please go ahead! A car, beauty marks, lots and lots of brown, cell phone batteries for a car, dazzling lapel pins, a false police report, etc. Hallterview:  "An end to a great friendship."  That he met and knew for a couple of weeks (?) before he handed out cash to fix her car, blah blah fishcakes.

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Man, the case with the Deca-Dad and the Air Jordans was amazing. Clearly the guy has no self-control, since he cannot keep his zipper or his mouth closed. But then the twist ending: the kids DID get their Christmas gifts. They weren't stolen. That is some M. Night Shyamalan shit.

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What is the consensus on the Air Jordans and deadbeat Dad case:  A) Was the daughter there for rent money from a dad who has skated on taking care of responsibilities, but got creative and added some high ticket items to pad her pockets  or B)  Did she dream up this whole case as a cash grab and a free trip to LA, but forgot to coach her brothers ?   And, was the father in on it or just brought in as a scapegoat?


Edited to add:  Just saw the 2nd case - with the chick who bonded out her babydaddy with her mothers money and her tax return from 2012.  it's a scammer bonanza today!

Edited by patty1h
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First episode, first case -- Ms. Williams has been the custodial guardian of her three brothers because Mr. Nathaniel Green, a neck-tatted father of ten, gives ZERO shits. Mr. Green sickened JJ and all viewers with his flippant attitude about his excessive procreation and deadbeatation.  Ms. Williams (also Green's child) let him move in for four months. She said that she thought he had a job, but he lounged on the couch and mooched. How a youngster working in fast food afforded three pairs of Jordans at Christmas is beyond me. She claimed Mr. Green stole them when he was forced to move out. Mr. Green had a 'tude that just would not quit; even Byrd had to step to him. Either Ms. Williams didn't have enough evidence, her brother's testimony negated her story, or JJ detected BS -- she dismissed the case very quickly.


First episode, second case -- Two litigants with early '90's style were arguing about a drunken night and a pool sticks and crap in her impounded car. Mr. Jordan added to his unflattering ensemble with a wonky arm restraint. They each claimed the other threw a tantrum in a pool hall. Ms. Foster walked home. Mr. Jordan peeled off in her car. He got pulled over, the car was impounded. Of course, there was no insurance involved. This case would have been so much better if there was a video of her pool-cue smashing tanty.


First episode, third case -- The plaintiff Jomeka Denson was nice enough to coordinate the color of her bangs and her sweater. She said she paid the defendant's bail. He's the father of one of her kids, but he said he hadn't called her -- he didn't know who bunded him out of jail....and he doesn't know if he's the father of that child.  JJ either thought Jomeka was a liar or both Jomeka and whatshisname were liars running a scam on the show for the money. She beat feet.


Second episode, first case -- Sioban said she and her car were assaulted.  Why would she get outside of the car to get the frigging floormat while defendant Sheldon Henderson was having a conniption on the car? Sheldon has nice teeth, but he has the eyes of a Lifetime movie bad guy. Their story involved Sheldon running from the cops...you know, it was Thanksgiving weekend, yowmasayin'? JJ said Sheldon had to pay for some car damage.


Second episode, second case -- I was on a work call, so I could only give one ear to this one. The litigants were in an on-and-off relationship. The plaintiff said that she had given money to the defendant. He said his 65-inch TV was stolen in a robbery. The plaintiff said she wanted the TV "for her daughter." JJ called her out on that asinine excuse, saying that a 5-year-old doesn't need a 65-inch TV. There was some story about the defendant's time in jail, something about them not having a child support order, and some mention of the plaintiff "harboring" a child. JJ ordered the defendant to give the plaintiff a few hundred dollars.

Edited by CoolWhipLite
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What is the consensus on the Air Jordans and deadbeat Dad case:  A) Was the daughter there for rent money from a dad who has skated on taking care of responsibilities, but got creative and added some high ticket items to pad her pockets  or B)  Did she dream up this whole case as a cash grab and a free trip to LA, but forgot to coach her brothers ?   And, was the father in on it or just brought in as a scapegoat?


That was such a disappointment.  My jaw dropped when Jediah said the boys all got Air Jordans for Christmas.


The rent -- I think daughter wanted to believe that her dad either had a job or would get one -- JJ was too quick on the trigger dismissing the rent issue. 


The sneakers though -- that was sad.  I don't think the boys were coached.  She looked kinda panicky when the brothers were taken out before she could bring up the sneakers.  She wanted the brothers to hear her story, and she must have thought they'd go along with it rather than expose their sister as a scammer on national TV. 


So my opinion is that it was part true (the rent) and part cash grab. 


And I don't know where a fast food worker gets $600 to spend on three pairs of shoes. 

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Second episode, second case -- I was on a work call, so I could only give one ear to this one. The litigants were in an on-and-off relationship. The plaintiff said that she had given money to the defendant. He said his 65-inch TV was stolen in a robbery. The plaintiff said she wanted the TV "for her daughter." JJ called her out on that asinine excuse, saying that a 5-year-old doesn't need a 65-inch TV. There was some story about the defendant's time in jail, something about them not having a child support order, and some mention of the plaintiff "harboring" a child. JJ ordered the defendant to give the plaintiff a few hundred dollars.

Well, you didn't miss anything. Defendant admitted owing $300 which plaintiff paid in partial payment for tv which was supposedly stolen before she finished paying and took delivery. All the other claims and counterclaims were thrown out, since they had kissed and made up since the events happened. Litigants were definitely friendly, and probably went out together and celebrated with their appearance money.
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And I don't know where a fast food worker gets $600 to spend on three pairs of shoes.


She said relatives gave her the money to buy $200 sneakers for teenagers. I wonder how much she gets from the government to care for her brothers. She's a big fat liar and Daddy? We have a new winner for "Worst Piece of Shit EVAH on this Show." Byrd had to give the incoherent A-hole the verbal smackdown. It seems only one part of Daddy's anatomy works. I just can't go on...


We had some comic relief with the repeat of Mr. Guzman, who sadly found out that Elisha is not nearly as "noble" as he thought she was. Best part of this case was that it highly amused Byrd, who showed an interest very unusual for him.

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She said relatives gave her the money to buy $200 sneakers for teenagers. I wonder how much she gets from the government to care for her brothers. She's a big fat liar and Daddy? We have a new winner for "Worst Piece of Shit EVAH on this Show." Byrd had to give the incoherent A-hole the verbal smackdown. It seems only one part of Daddy's anatomy works. I just can't go on...

Poppa sure got quieted down when Byrd stepped up and had a quiet word. Could it be that he learned that behavior in jail? Unfortunately, he has such poor impulse control it didn't last. Poppa sure did torpedo daughter's case when he got JJ sent the boys out. She tried to protest, but JJ ignored her protest. Then daughter turned on the fake tears when Byrd was sent to bring back in 17yo. Edited by SRTouch
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During Jamocha's case (cool hair!), when JJ asked her how she supported her numerous children, she hemmed and hawed and I was waiting for JJ to say, "No! Byrd supports them!"   I played my own drinking game with the baby daddy - "You understand what I'm sayin'?"  Bazinga! (hic!)


As for daughter with the brothers, I've got no problem with her receiving assistance to raise three siblings. What an awful situation, and "parent." Just awful. (Although, there was a moment of "good job"-yness when he sent the boys out).  I do have a problem with spending $200 a piece on shoes at least two of them will outgrow in about 20 minutes. Not my value system, but I gotta wonder who's money it was, and if that $600 couldn't have been put to better use - a car for the oldest one, groceries for 3 growing young men, savings accounts, etc.  I'm in the camp of a certain amount of scamming going on, but would be hard pressed to say exactly what.

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First episode, third case -- The plaintiff Jomeka Denson was nice enough to coordinate the color of her bangs and her sweater.

Wonder which came first: the bangs, her top, or the hoops in her ears

JJ either thought Jomeka was a liar or both Jomeka and whatshisname were liars running a scam on the show for the money. She beat feet..

Her story didn't make much since. She says she and her 5 kids are supported by her mom. I agree, I think Byrd does his part, too. And, seeing how big a hurry she is to get jailbird to paternity court, I think there's some baby daddys contributing something. Bail money supposed to have come from mom, too. When that didn't fly with JJ, she said it was from tax refund from 2012.

Watch for their appearance on "Paternity Court"

Edited by SRTouch
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During Jamocha's case (cool hair!), when JJ asked her how she supported her numerous children, she hemmed and hawed and I was waiting for JJ to say, "No! Byrd supports them!"   I played my own drinking game with the baby daddy - "You understand what I'm sayin'?"


Twenty seven years old and four kids weren't enough. She really needed another one for her mother - or whoever -  to support. After the third, "Understand what I'm sayin'?" I had to click off. I had already had two glasses of wine and didn't want to get alcohol poisoning with this particular drinking game.

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Twenty seven years old and four kids weren't enough. She really needed another one for her mother - or whoever -  to support. After the third, "Understand what I'm sayin'?" I had to click off. I had already had two glasses of wine and didn't want to get alcohol poisoning with this particular drinking game.


NO!  Not a flippin' word!

Edited by Brattinella
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Best line I've heard in a while on this show--in answer to the allegation that the boat had a crack in it:


JJ: " Well why didn't you have the boat checked out before you bought it"

Defendant:  "Well we aren't maritime people"


They are both in the 300-400 pound range.  Methinks I know how the boat got cracked...


Still cackling about this. See y'all in hell!



After the third, "Understand what I'm sayin'?" I had to click off. I had already had two glasses of wine and didn't want to get alcohol poisoning with this particular drinking game.


Ha! No kidding!  Too funny.

Edited by SandyToes
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Deadbeat dad can't support his damn kids, but he's got tattoo money. He had them strategically placed to assure he'll probably never get a job that pays enough for him to pay support. What a vile piece of crap he is.

I'm saddened that his daughter lied. She probably could have come up with a legitimate reason to sue him. I'm sure there are many.

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Do you think if some of these guys had good steady jobs, maybe they'd make fewer babies?  If you're working, you have something to lose.  If you're unemployed and likely to stay that way, there's no paycheck, tax refund, or bank account that can be garnished to support those kids. 


I was mildly curious about the mother of those three boys but I was glad JJ didn't ask.  Daughter accused dad of abandonment -- what about mom? 

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