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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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Repeat after me:  "What is the world coming to?!?!?"


Here's the plaintiff, with her husband as a witness, suing her boyfriend for loans, and the boyfriend is there with his girlfriend.


Like Berta said once on Two and a Half Men, "You're all just a box of hamsters!"


To put a cherry on top of JJ's ice cream sundae of the sad state of society these days, the girlfriend supports the boyfriend using money she gets because her dead husband was disabled.

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Repeat after me:  "What is the world coming to?!?!?"


Here's the plaintiff, with her husband as a witness, suing her boyfriend for loans, and the boyfriend is there with his girlfriend.


Like Berta said once on Two and a Half Men, "You're all just a box of hamsters!"


To put a cherry on top of JJ's ice cream sundae of the sad state of society these days, the girlfriend supports the boyfriend using money she gets because her dead husband was disabled.


I swear - why do people even bother getting married these days, if all they're going to do is sleep with anyone and everyone who'll give them the time of day?  Imma go have a bottle of wine before this shows.  And you kids get offa my lawn!  ::shakes cane::

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if all they're going to do is sleep with anyone and everyone who'll give them the time of day?


OH, yeah, like YOU wouldn't have fallen into bed with Thomas "Snaggletooth" Wray and immediately dished out $3800 to him. When we saw his old girlfriend, I realized that Linda the plaintiff was a HUGE step up for "Nobody gives me nuthin'" Thomas. Damn. There must be a drastic man shortage in Kansas City, MO if ol' Tom can get more than one woman to pay his bills.


She called him a thief


I can't believe she spent time arguing with that POS hustla. She should have had Byrd give him the bum's rush way before he got his panties all in a bunch.


Dollar Store crown with a stuffingless tiger doll strewn over his shoulder


That was odd. Today he was so put together and well-dressed - almost preppy. At the competition he seemed to want to look like a low-rent Halloween party version of Shaka Zulu. He could have at least left some stuffing in that poor flat tiger.

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Yes, but I expect you would need to do a manual search as opposed to online for most Small Claims Court jurisdictions.

They also solicit cases in the credits. I imagine if you contact the show about settling your beef you are instructed to go file a real case in your local court. Then they know where to find it.

Edited by GussieK
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If I hadn't watched a documentary on PBS about hairstylist competitions, I never would have believed those things existed and how much work/practice the stylists  do in preparation for those competitions.


Anyhow, I think JJ was abusive during that case because she made us watch the video not a-once, but a-twice! I don't know what was worse, the plaintiff's not-haute couture or the defendant's drag queen gear (at least he was clean shaven...drag queens with five o'clock shadows are too, too much!)

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Best part of the hair stylist competition case for me was telling Mr. AZC we needed to watch it before going out to run errands.  I knew that the MC was the defendant, and had also read about the tiger on the plaintiff's shoulder.  Mr. AZC didn't.  I still chuckle at the look on his face while watching.

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The defendant was the emcee at the mic and in drag (looking great, much more put-together than his male appearance), and the winner (the plaintiff) had on a Dollar Store crown with a stuffingless tiger doll strewn over his shoulder. He got a 6 foot tall trophy and was supposed to get $3,000....but the $3K never appeared.



That was odd. Today he was so put together and well-dressed - almost preppy. At the competition he seemed to want to look like a low-rent Halloween party version of Shaka Zulu. He could have at least left some stuffing in that poor flat tiger.

He was channeling Prince Akeem from Coming To America.


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The defendant was the emcee at the mic and in drag (looking great, much more put-together than his male appearance), and the winner (the plaintiff) had on a Dollar Store crown with a stuffingless tiger doll strewn over his shoulder.


Okay, one of y'all is going to have to provide a screen shot. I'm currently in Non-JJ-land and can only imagine what this must have looked like.  Although, the Prince  Akeem reference sounds pretty close!

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A Facebook friend of my brother posted something I really liked. So as I occasionally do, I "stalked" this guy's page reading a lot of his back posts. I became intrigued when he posted that the Judge Judy show contacted him about appearing with the small claim case he has filed (somewhere in Minnesota). All this guy's friends were posting about how they either didn't watch the show, or how they didn't watch the show but knew how trashy it is. Humph!

The article posted earlier stated the show has sixty researchers around the country looking for cases. I knew one of them had to be in Minnesota given how many plaintiffs and defendants were from there.

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A Facebook friend of my brother posted something I really liked. So as I occasionally do, I "stalked" this guy's page reading a lot of his back posts. I became intrigued when he posted that the Judge Judy show contacted him about appearing with the small claim case he has filed (somewhere in Minnesota). All this guy's friends were posting about how they either didn't watch the show, or how they didn't watch the show but knew how trashy it is. Humph!

The article posted earlier stated the show has sixty researchers around the country looking for cases. I knew one of them had to be in Minnesota given how many plaintiffs and defendants were from there.

I know almost nothing about MN, other than things about their sports teams, but I know when we hear a litigant confuse borrow and loan they're almost always from there. I wonder why that is.


I have a house full of folks for the holiday, as usual, so I am out until some new episodes air. I want to wish my fellow boardies a very happy holiday, regardless of whatever and however you celebrate! You really are the reason I continue to watch JJ, who I vacillate between loving and hating on an almost-daily basis. I love the snark you provide and can honestly say this board is one of my favorite internet hang outs.


Please be safe. Don't drink and drive. Don't text and drive. Don't drive without insurance. Don't hit someone and run. Don't slash anyone's tires. Don't put sugar in anyone's gas tank. Don't throw a brick through anyone's window. Don't shoot at anyone from your car (or anywhere else.) Don't let the horrific traffic cause you road rage. Don't file a false report against an officer who pulls you over. Don't cosign for anyone, ever. Don't let your horses rape other horses. Don't wear a dreadlocks wig in order to disguise yourself. Don't advertise a pregnant cow for sale if it's not knocked up.


Well, that escalated quickly. I may have watched a little too much JJ lately. It's probably good I'm taking a break.

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You really are the reason I continue to watch JJ, who I vacillate between loving and hating on an almost-daily basis. I love the snark you provide and can honestly say this board is one of my favorite internet hang outs.



My feelings exactly, teebax!!  Happy Holidays to all my fellow JJ posters.

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O. M. G. !!!!  You are not kidding -- good catch, funky-rat!

It's in my top 10 of all-time favorite movies.  Seen it so many times that I can quote chunks of it verbatim.  I recognized it immediately.


Just let your Soul-Glo......

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Please be safe. . . .  . Don't advertise a pregnant cow for sale if it's not knocked up.

And don't cash checks for ANYBODY, even if they promise you a slice of the pie!!! 


Merry Christmas and happy everything to my fellow boardies. . . you folks are the only people who understand my JJ obsession. . . . 

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And don't let your unleashed dog run around the neighborhood and borrow your car to your second cousin's unlicensed boyfriend so he can look for your dog.



(Merry Christmas)

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I hope all you wonderful snarkers have a fabulous Christmas, and please, PLEASE try to remember these immortal words of wisdom we heard right on this very show:


"Don't get drunk at Christmas parties at family members' houses that you don't belong to."





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Man, JJ really pissed me off in a case in a rerun show this morning.  A woman is suing the soon-to-be ex-brother-in-law for a loan.  Now, I suppose the guy owed her the money, so I have no problem with the ruling per se, but for some reason, JJ was really obnoxious towards the guy.  He said that the sister-in-law didn't file for reimbursement on the loan until after he had filed for divorce from her sister.  JJ said, "You should never say bad things about your children's mother."  Now, we never saw him say anything bad about her.  There may have been something in the paper work, but we never saw any of that.  Then he said, "I can't say anything bad about her, but she can walk out on her family after 20 years?"  And JJ said, "Maybe she had good reason."  That was entirely unnecessary.

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Man, JJ really pissed me off in a case in a rerun show this morning.  A woman is suing the soon-to-be ex-brother-in-law for a loan.  Now, I suppose the guy owed her the money, so I have no problem with the ruling per se, but for some reason, JJ was really obnoxious towards the guy.  He said that the sister-in-law didn't file for reimbursement on the loan until after he had filed for divorce from her sister.  JJ said, "You should never say bad things about your children's mother."  Now, we never saw him say anything bad about her.  There may have been something in the paper work, but we never saw any of that.  Then he said, "I can't say anything bad about her, but she can walk out on her family after 20 years?"  And JJ said, "Maybe she had good reason."  That was entirely unnecessary.

I was also wondering about the background info that JJ and her elves had collected. She definitely insinuated that she knew something about the reason why the ex-wife left and the things he says to the kids.


You all give me so many laughs, and I love it here!I hope you all have a wonderful holiday, and here's hoping your handmade Christmas apparel arrives on time; your party's DJ, caterer, and photographer are not one-and-the-same; your neighbor's dog doesn't attack while you and the fam are hanging in the garage having brewskies; the kids out on winter break don't create scooter-dents in your door or throw rocks at your car; and your pointsettia plants remain vibrant instead of wilting and ruining your photos and your entire 2015 holiday season.

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I saw that episode today.  Some of the reasons JJ might have not liked the guy:


- He had written (text) documentation that the money was a LOAN, and had even detailed a payment plan.  

- He suggested that the s-i-l not tell "Cole" (her boyfriend) if there was a loan.

- Any "addendums" were verbal, and all in his favor.

- It doesn't matter if the s-i-l got a multi-million dollar settlement and didn't need the money from the defendant.  It was a totally separate issue.  HE didn't get the settlement, she did.

- The man mentioned his wife walking out and taking up with FOUR guys on national television.  That's more than enough reason for JJ to take him to task for bad-mouthing the mother of his children.


He was nice looking, but as I've often heard, "Beauty is only skin deep.  Ugly goes all the way to the bone."  His insides weren't very pretty.  If he's that verbal about the ex to strangers, one can only imagine that he might not be cautious about what he says in front of the kids.  

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your party's DJ, caterer, and photographer are not one-and-the-same;


... and that he doesn't get arrested the day before your event. I hope that your pregnant cow truly is not, in fact, barren, that none of your mares get raped, and that if your life partner throws a lamp at your head, your noyum remains unripped. May your insurance not be cancelled without your knowledge, may you have no warrants out on you, and if you "borrow" a shitload of money to your boyfriend/girlfriend to pay for his/her bail, child support, fake boobs, vasectomy or giant flatscreen, may you get it in writing.

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The man mentioned his wife walking out and taking up with FOUR guys on national television.  That's more than enough reason for JJ to take him to task for bad-mouthing the mother of his children


I agree. And It may be just me, but I  had the impression he was as much interested in telling the world of his ex-wife's amorous activities as he was in defending himself for not paying the loan.


Happy holidays everyone  and may all your animals - dogs, turtles, cows, and horses - be healthy and well behaved. Especially the horses.

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Mr.Hawn, 52 year old disabled lecher with a douchebag teenage hairdo, is a romantic philanthropist! He comes to the aid of needy young skanks and expects nothing in return. His latest is a slutty looking 20(!!) year old who I'm sure doesn't even know what a "shawl" is, never mind have the sense to cover up her vast expanse of exposed flesh in court. I can just imagine the hilarity of her and her boyfriend over the ridiculous old fool who gives her money.


He was nice looking


Each to his own, but if my husband were a sawed-off, non-working little shit who looks as though he spends more time landscaping his facial hair than he does looking for a job and who had to bum money from my sister to fix his POS Intrepid, I never would have lasted 20 days with him, let alone 20 years. Another one who thinks he's owed something because someone has more money than he does.


Finally, we had Mr. Lasik. I was shocked to find out he's 31 years old and buys a 7 year old car for 17000$ when he can't even pay the insurance on it. I would expect that from a kid of 19.


We're getting some goodies to usher out the year. Oh, and we had a repeat of one of the best exchanges this year:


JJ: "Is this your son?"

Plaintiff: "No. He's my fiance."

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I am determined to stay in a pissy mood until I pull out of my flipping sister in laws driveway tomorrow night after at most a 15 minute visit


So, basically, you won't even have time to get drunk and get into it/become to tussle/start an altercation? What kind of Christmas is that?

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Regarding today's noon reruns: wow, that case with the defendant who went to extremes to fake having breast cancer so the plaintiff would keep giving her money....that was an especially sickening case to watch on Christmas Eve. She wore a bandage with an IV needle in her hand (not on TV but as part of her ruse)! JJ was right, she is one mentally sick person. Karma is a bitch, honey, you better be looking over your shoulder the rest of your life and pray that future mammograms are clear. She should be ashamed to appear on national TV but I guess it's all about attention for her. If I were the plaintiff, I would have taken her to real court to get the entire $8,000, not just JJ's limit of $5,000.

And in the bloody prime rib case (words I never thought I'd type), I was so distracted by the defendant's dimple piercings. I know it's a symbol of self-expression, but I just don't get it. It hurts like heck when I accidentally bite the inside of my cheek, I can't imagine a piercing. That just sounds so painful.

The husky custody case had me in tears. That Plaintiff was so mature in letting the dog go when she was clearly torn up emotionally. Glad she got her money for the dog expenses.

Edited by Spunkygal
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I am determined to stay in a pissy mood until I pull out of my flipping sister in laws driveway tomorrow night after at most a 15 minute visit

Can't you just drive by, honk, wave, and speed off?


Merry, happy Christmas holidays everyone! I'm getting drunk and staying drunk for the next 24 hours and binging on my saved JJs!

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I can't believe the timing of this one.....this morning's episode of Let's Make a Deal had an apostrophe situation!  Please pardon the imperfect video quality -- I couldn't find a clip on the internet, so I took a video of it playing on cbs.com and posted it myself.  This is a good one, and it may explain the hidden powers of the apostrophe.  (??)    


Every name under the sun was made up by someone.  I'm curious as to why some names receive scorn and some are deemed "acceptable". 

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Earlier this week I watched a rerun of Judge Mathis (with all of his truly yucky litigants).  He told one of them that they should be glad they're not on "Judy" because she would yell at them.  They deserve more than yellling.  Merry Christmas, fellow JJ fans/snarkers.

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I'm curious as to why some names receive scorn and some are deemed "acceptable".


An apostrophe is a punctuation mark that has specific uses although I do realize many people these days have no clue as to those uses. Sticking it meaninglessly in a name makes no sense, any more than it would to stick a question mark or a semicolon into someone's name.


I feel like I have a link to several states, like y'all are my pen pals or something.


Don't forget your pen pals in Canuckland, or I just might feel disrespected! Hee.

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Ms Sessions is DEFINITELY a nasty person and the source of the troubles.  Shame on her for destroying this relationship!


OMG. My heart broke for that poor young man, Andrew.

Rot in hell, Miss Sessions, you worthless, lying bitch. I loved that they didn't bleep out Judy calling her one.


How is it being determined that she is lying about anything?  Even if the plaintiff knew nothing about computers, she didn't say she didn't know how to read.  She said that insurance for his cell phone was being paid for with her debit card and he had access to all of her financial information.  She also said he was using the computer for his benefit and took a long time to help her.  If he was stealing from her, he and only he is the one who destroyed the relationship.  He's a poor man, but he keyed her car?  My feelings have been hurt plenty of times, but I never keyed a car over it.


It was great hearing JJ say "Bitch." I was hoping she would add, "You ARE a bitch."  Ms. Sessions stuck in the word "black" and was trying to play a race card because that always goes over so well. Obviously she didn't know that JJ memorizes every word of the complaints/answers.


Just because she didn't put a word in her statement doesn't mean that he didn't say it.  The viewers weren't there to know if he said it or not, but I don't recall him denying it.  Conjecture isn't fact.  It seems that the defendant was stealing from the plaintiff and Ms. Sessions pointed it out to her.  What a "bitch" to stop her friend from being stolen from.

Edited by Talented Tenth
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An apostrophe is a punctuation mark that has specific uses although I do realize many people these days have no clue as to those uses. Sticking it meaninglessly in a name makes no sense, any more than it would to stick a question mark or a semicolon into someone's name.


The English language itself isn't consistent.  I remember my Spanish teacher said "fish" could be spelled "g-h-o-t-i" based on sounds.  Take the "gh" from enough, the "o" in women and the "ti" in motion and there you go.  I have never heard any complaints, about the names O'Reily and O'Donnell.  The litigant on Judge Judy named her son C'Andre which follows the pattern of those Irish names.

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I have never heard any complaints, about the names O'Reily and O'Donnell.


These are Irish names in which an apostrophe takes the place of other letters, in this case normally  "Of" or "Of the", which is what apostrophes are designed to do.


named her son C'Andre which follows the pattern of those Irish names.


What letters or words would the apostrophe be replacing in that usage?

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Talented Tenth - It's not really about acceptability, it's about phonetic creativity!


And creativity in spelling.  Parents aren't doing their kids any favors by bestowing names that will be misspelled, mispronounced, or made fun of.  "Alicia" is a pretty name.  "Aleasha" just means mom didn't know how to spell, and the "leash" part conjures up a dog reference.  An odd spelling of a common name makes no sense -- it sounds the same, so the only time someone will know about the unusual spelling is when it's written down.  So Stephanie will always sound like Stephanie, even when it's spelled Stefanie, Stephoknee, Stephenie, Stefannii, etc.


It's hard enough to grow up in today's world.  I don't know if odd names influenced the lives of some of JJ's litigants, but it's a possibility!

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These are Irish names in which an apostrophe takes the place of other letters, in this case normally  "Of" or "Of the", which is what apostrophes are designed to do.


What letters or words would the apostrophe be replacing in that usage?


From my understanding, the apostrophe represents the missing diacritical mark, a long accent that goes over the "O" before Irish names were Anglicized.  While the "O" represented that someone was a descendant of, the apostrophe does not represent missing letters, it's just a modern way of spelling a name that formerly had an accent.  That all goes to my point that when it comes to names, people have made all sorts of changes throughout history.  I'm just not seeing why the name "C'Andre" deserves scorn just because it isn't traditional, run-of-the-mill or typical.  For a lot of American names with apostrophes like his, the apostrophe denotes that it's not pronounced "can-drey" and that the "c" is pronounced just like someone decided the "O" in "O'Donnell" means descendant of and when it was anglicized that the apostrophe was replaced by the accent mark.

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