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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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JJ liked Rami, so much so that she overlooked the twenty year old student's illiterate text: "I believe your a person.... this will insure legitimacy.."  I guess she decided that when there's someone actually able to get out one coherent sentence not peppered with "likes" or "basicallys" she better not push her luck.  


Lame-brained "Huh?" defendant believes she "intimidated" everyone because she's one year older than they are? Okay. Another "Me and my friend went... " student. There really is no hope, is there?


Dumb Dog Park


I knew I should have skipped this. Ms. "I watch Judge Judy so I was hoping to profit hugely from my stupidity and laziness" Cooper was extremely annoying. I've had three dogs, none of which got into a fight at a dog park because I took them for several walks every day ( a very old-fashioned concept, I know) instead of going to a stupid dog park and sitting on my ass yakking while my dog got into fights. Anyway, two dogs get into fight, plaintiff's dog loses, that's life - you get nothing, you dumb bitch.


Some under the table car deal goes wrong


JJ: "You're not a stupid man, are you?" A rhetorical question, I assumed. And yeah, Byrd's "I have to walk over here for this nonsensical bullshit?" face was great.


Three kids from three different fathers with whom Mom of the Year


OMG. That disgusting, sloppy cow (no offense to upstanding cows everywhere) gets knocked up every time she spreads for some loser. Thirty-five years old, again gravid and thinks the whole situtation is worthy of her jackass-like braying laughter. The sire of her latest blessed event - the porky, stupid looking drug addict - thinks it will be just peachy to have a kid with that foolish slut he doesn't even know. Oh, and as JJ pointed out, he's twenty nine years old and can't spell "borrow" because his spellcheck is on the fritz. Poor kids.

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In Prepare to Pause, I enjoyed watching Biz Markie try to conceal the fact that he is a ticket scalper. I think he called himself a "ticket broker" that accepted cash only. Then, when JJ voiced her suspicions, he looked at her like 'Whaaaaa?'


The 3 x 3 in Stranded from Maury Povich was a real prize...and she found a lot of humor in her lot in life. She's excited to get another paycheck (a.k.a. child support check).


ETA: My favorite part of today: JJ chastising the man for misspelling borrow. I want more of that.

Edited by CoolWhipLite
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worth watching only to see Byrd's face when he is sent to fetch some "evidence," takes a look at it, and cannot hide his exasperation.


Oh, that was wonderful!  Rewound and watched again. Thanks for the heads' up, TS! And the plaintiff's "job" of choice? Ticket Seller.  In cash.  Uh huh. So obvious they were running a scam on JJ. Glad she recognized it early on and shut it down. Idiots.


Nice to see the plaintiff in the knifed car case came prepared with printouts of the texts, rather than just "here, scroll through my phone."  Defendant may be one of my all-time favorites.  Laughed and laughed. Just a piece of idiotic work. "Huh?"  Surprised JJ didn't call her out on the hand-on-hip-attitude business.


Great cases so far. Toaster's doing a bang-up job of setting them up for us. Yea!

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NOB reminded me of both Bonnie's sweet ole mama in Bonnie and Clyde and Vicki Lawrence's Mother Harper from The Carol Burnett Show



I'm almost embarrassed to admit this, but that nasty women reminded me so much of my mother it isn't funny {from whom I m happily estranged for reasons you can obviously see}.  I HATE nasty bitches who quote the bible, pass judgment and think they are doing God's work. I just wanna smack the bitch.

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Patricia A Bean must have the springfield Illinois police on speed dial. She's got a long record with the court system...both plaintiff and defendant. Go to sangamon county court site and search cases. She is 67 by the way.


I think they need to hire a recent parolee to put the moves on her. For real. They need to get a dude who just got paroled who worked out in prison and looks like Ed Norton in American History X, give him some flowers and a nice pair of shoes, to just start doing some work around her house for her. Then he can work his way into her heart, and maybe wax that ass once or twice (he has to pay his debt to society somehow!). If he puts the Corkscrew on her ass once or twice she'll just sit her ass on the side of her bed watching The Price is Right drinking coffee spiked with Bailey's. She won't call the police anymore because not only will she have her head together but she won't want to fuck ol' boys shit up. #IJS


The Wrong Car Knifing - Some young adults, possibly well off, host a party where some guests rummage through the drawers to steal valuables and get kicked out. In retaliation for being "unfairly" kicked out, the slack-jawed, mush-brained defendant knifed the hood of the Mercedes... of the wrong person. Judge Judy: "Let's get to the hood of the car!!!" Defendant: "Uh?"  You know she's guilty. 3.5 gavels because this level of stupidity is a spectacle worth watching.


I...kinda think she was telling the truth. I think she was just apologizing for what happened, not admitting to scratching his car. She wasn't that smart about it, but people don't think of lawsuits until someone sues. Maybe I'm giving her too much credit because she was a little bit of alright. With her deep, sonorous voice, dirty blonde hair, and Angsty Goth Chick From Early-2000s Teen Movie-ass makeup, she was doing it for me. I need to find her and ask her out on a date. We can get pizza and bemoan the lack of punk-rock on mainstream radio.


Stranded From Maury Povich -  Three kids from three different fathers with whom Mom of the Year hasn't even spent more than 3 years with the sum of the baby daddies.  One unfortunate child is 10, one is 7, the last still in the womb, conceived in a one-month long "relationship."  JJ made it quite clear that she was in the business of getting herself impregnated with human tomcats for child support.  She was suing her most recent stud for a loan of $600 for "rent and probation" for his drug charges.  JJ recommended a DNA test.  3 gavels from 3 different judges.


Before I turned to JJ, I was watching Alaska State Troopers and they showed them changing a flat tire they got while driving in the snow. Little did I realize that that would be a metaphor for Brenda Quinn's vagina. This giggly chick has the Bald Tires In The Alaskan Wilderness Pussy and it's on blow-out status. Two miracles by two donors? And a third by a dude who's 29 going on 43 with a drug charge? Sheeeeeee-it. If he *IS* the Father, he'd headed for a life of bullshit.

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I'm far from an expert, being a woman with no children by choice, but it seems to me it would be easier to get a job instead of being a professional baby mama. Aren't kids a lot of work? For as much as I complain about my job, I wouldn't trade places with her. I don't understand people who don't want to have their own. If one of her baby daddies loses a job, how is she going to collect that check? With the loser in this case, she also has to worry about him getting locked up, since he has drug issues. I don't get it.

And for as much disdain as I have for her, she's found three dudes who were stupid enough to go near her without at least a condom. If they weren't worried about being tied to someone they'd known for five minutes and on the hook for support for at least 18 years, were they not even remotely worried about an STD? I mean there are three guys she hooked up with and got knocked up by. Statistically speaking, it's safe to assume they're not the only three guys she's been with. And without protection. Gross.

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If they weren't worried about being tied to someone they'd known for five minutes and on the hook for support for at least 18 years, were they not even remotely worried about an STD?


Are you forgetting which show you're watching? No one we see appears to even have heard of birth control, never mind use it. They all have unprotected sex with near-strangers, then - Bingo! - "I found out I was pregnant." How the hell did that happen?


Aren't kids a lot of work?



Well, if you have nothing else to do... They're also a tremendous expense, but I knew people like this when I was growing up. They can't see past tomorrow afternoon and would have a kid, saying they would get a "whole bunch of money" (from welfare), never able to comprehend that the money is nothing compared with the cost of raising a kid. These people do NOT have the same thought processes as we do.

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I'm far from an expert, being a woman with no children by choice, but it seems to me it would be easier to get a job instead of being a professional baby mama. Aren't kids a lot of work?

I mean, really. There are easier ways to get money than nuturing a dependent human being to adulthood. And that money is not much, or guaranteed. Anyway I felt sorry for the guy and the kids. (More for the kids.)

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Excellent. She really doesn't get along well with people, does she? Not only is she in constant kerfuffles with neighbours, but I see that banks and hospitals have sued her and her hubby. Oh, and the credit bureau.

How is this possible??? According to Parricia A. Bean herself, she has PLENTY of money. I guess maybe that's true since she's not using any of it to pay her bills.

And what of that crazily placed infinity scarf around her neck?! Why was it draped halfway down her one shoulder?

I'm convinced that the morbidly obese woman tried to kill herself to finally get away from Patricia A. Bean. I know because if I had to live next to her nasty ass, the same thought would enter my mind.


Baby Jill Scott


Oh my people, I was late to watching the episode and looked forward to it with great excitement after reading all your posts. Did not disappoint one bit. This episode is EBay of Pig and Poleface Joe worthy.

Edited by Guest
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I'm convinced that the morbidly obese woman tried to kill herself to finally get away from Patricia A. Bean.


I swear I was thinking the same thing! She probably only started to kill herself when she saw Ms. Bean marching up the street towards her house.


For you poor souls who missed this, watch YT like a hawk. If the vid is put up it will probably last maybe a matter of hours or a day at the most, so be alert!

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In Prepare to Pause, I enjoyed watching Biz Markie try to conceal the fact that he is a ticket scalper. I think he called himself a "ticket broker" that accepted cash only. Then, when JJ voiced her suspicions, he looked at her like 'Whaaaaa?'

JJ comes on before I get home from work so I'm often behind in my watching until later that night (although I spend my lunch hour on here getting the low down before my viewings)

The whole time I was watching this case I could hear "YOU. . . . You got what I neeeeeed. . . but you say he's just a friend. . .  "

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We have a theme today!  Vehickles!


Why Did The Stupid Dog Cross The Road - I wasn't sure if I was watching Judge Judy because the plaintiff used words like "discombobulated" and "excreting" as an unintentional euphemism for "defecating" - but then the defendant said "rate of speed" so I was relieved it was the right program.  The plaintiff was all emo about her stupid dog getting hit by a hoopty and was doing a lot of holding-back-the-tears grimacing, and boo-hoo'ing in the hallterview.  I mean I get it, but get over it, and stop acting like it happened 5 minutes ago.  I hope she gets some help with her unhealthy emotional attachment to her dog or takes acting classes and learns to turn down the scenery-chewing dial, depending on the source of her problem.  1.5 gavel.


Hoopty's Buyer's Remorse - Some dude buys a hoopty from his sister and after paying for a year, has an epiphany: "sure looks like ah' paid too much money for this here hoopty right now!" and stops paying. Well guess what.  That's not a defense.  It's malarkey.  Malarkey, malarkey, malarkey.  One gavel.


Hoopty Love - More buyer's remorse, this time with a twist of lemon, pun intended.  Some lady with an unhealthy emotional attachment to cars falls in love with a 2000 Toyota with 86,000 sexy miles.  She is in such a rush to buy this gem that she balks at the lowest hurdle to get the car to a mechanic first, and surprise!  It needed $6000 in repairs and didn't pass smog... though it passed smog elsewhere 3 days before the sale... mmm... halfway through the case, JJ figured out that failing smog was a set up for her to get out of the deal.  I love you Judge Judy.  Three wheels.


Smashed Hoopty DUI - Two drunk girls at a bawhr, one leaves the bawhr, gets into the other one's cawhr, smashes a bunch of cawhrs in the parking lot.  She remembers nothing, but she didn't do it... and won't ever drink again.  Sounds a little guilty to me.  Have a nice trip back to New York!  One gavel.

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Hoopty Love


Ugh. Something I really, really hate: A middleaged woman, with her fake blonde curls and wide-eyed innocent stare, putting on a Shirley Temple act - "Ooooh,that bad old Kelly Blue Book just makes my little head go funny because I can't understand it! I really wanted this 15 year old beater with 182,000 miles on it because... (my grandmother died in a car like that/I lost my virginity in a car like that). Whatever. Of all the beaters in all the car ads on Craigslist, I wanted this one so badly I couldn't be bothered making the effort to get it checked out before paying for it. Oooh, my poor little head is all muddled! Give me my money back because I'm too stupid to know what I'm doing!"


Her personal mechanic, the red-faced Mr. Sniffle/Sniffin (?) sounded just as stupid.


Smashed Hoopty DUI


Hey, the plaintiff wasn't so hammered! She actually knew where she was. Kudos to her.  Most elegant chest tats both of them were sporting.


The little dog in the "Turn around" case was unbelievably cute. I just hope the plaintiff can learn not to automatically drop the leash whenever she gets rattled. Def., with her silly looking ringlet wig, was a liar. I'd be willing to bet she was sending illiterate "texes" when she ran the red light.




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If I ever have a hallterview in my lifetime, I might do this too: Malarkey. Malarkey. Malarkey.


If JJ continues with these dog/animal cases, I'm really going to be disappointed. I can't deal with them.


Mr. Bobmanuel had such impressive posture. I think the camera operator was also impressed.  The plaintiff- "I don't really know how the Kelly Blue Book works." Um, that's not cute. The KBB is easy to figure out if one decides to pay attention. And there's always google. When you're going to appear in court (especially on JJ), you need to stop with that airhead shit.

Smashed Hoopty DUI - Two drunk girls at a bawhr, one leaves the bawhr, gets into the other one's cawhr, smashes a bunch of cawhrs in the parking lot.  She remembers nothing, but she didn't do it... and won't ever drink again.  Sounds a little guilty to me.  Have a nice trip back to New York!  One gavel.

I really didn't hear a word either of them said except for cawhr. That accent is so distracting.

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Hoopty Love - More buyer's remorse, this time with a twist of lemon, pun intended.  Some lady with an unhealthy emotional attachment to cars falls in love with a 2000 Toyota with 86,000 sexy miles.  She is in such a rush to buy this gem that she balks at the lowest hurdle to get the car to a mechanic first, and surprise!  It needed $6000 in repairs and didn't pass smog... though it passed smog elsewhere 3 days before the sale... mmm... halfway through the case, JJ figured out that failing smog was a set up for her to get out of the deal.  I love you Judge Judy.  Three wheels.


I don't know. I think she was being too-clever-by-half. I think the Plaintiff wanted out of the deal once she heard there was $6K worth of work, and the smog issue was a convenient scapegoat. BUT, it's almost like selling a car with a lien on it. The buyer assumes certain risks when purchasing a used car (that includes any repairs the car might need), but the seller can't just sell a POS to any sucker dumb enough to give them money. If the car can't pass smog, it would seem to me the sale should be undone. I definitely think the seller was a HUSTLA (as JJ would say).


First of all, he knew that car was shitty...that's why he didn't want to have a mechanic at her mechanic's shop look at it. He said it was because of the price, but durr of course they're going to charge you a diagnostic fee. Second, while I agree she should've went directly to the place he got his questionable smog certificate, if she got it smogged at two places and it didn't pass, why is it incumbent upon her to go back to his place to have them verify whether it's real and/or pay them to do another smog test? I...don't know. Like the mechanic said, there are places where you can call them and get a smog test and they'll issue one. I don't know that 2 out of 3 smog inspection places would be wrong. I think she should've waited until the DMV got back with her before she went to court, but I doubt he got a smog test and then sold the car without knowing there was thousands of dollars worth of work that needed to be done. I think he might've known a guy or found a place that wouldn't ask any questions to write up a smog certificate just to give to her.


Why Did The Stupid Dog Cross The Road - I wasn't sure if I was watching Judge Judy because the plaintiff used words like "discombobulated" and "excreting" as an unintentional euphemism for "defecating" - but then the defendant said "rate of speed" so I was relieved it was the right program.  The plaintiff was all emo about her stupid dog getting hit by a hoopty and was doing a lot of holding-back-the-tears grimacing, and boo-hoo'ing in the hallterview.  I mean I get it, but get over it, and stop acting like it happened 5 minutes ago.  I hope she gets some help with her unhealthy emotional attachment to her dog or takes acting classes and learns to turn down the scenery-chewing dial, depending on the source of her problem.  1.5 gavel.




I thought she was a lovely woman, but she was a fragile femme. Her name was Destiny. I have a theory that chicks with fantasy/porno/stripper names (Angel, Precious, Destiny, Treasure, Amethyst, Heaven, Cherish, Missy, etc) are all feelings. Sensitive for no reason. And Chantal looks like Susie Carmichael all grown up!


Hoopty's Buyer's Remorse - Some dude buys a hoopty from his sister and after paying for a year, has an epiphany: "sure looks like ah' paid too much money for this here hoopty right now!" and stops paying. Well guess what.  That's not a defense.  It's malarkey.  Malarkey, malarkey, malarkey.  One gavel.


Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo. Buffalo?

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I still haven't watched today's cases, but I wanted to comment on the collusion car repo case from Tuesday.  What a couple of scammers.  I bet they cooked up that scheme to say, hey, the car was repo'd.  Let's pretend I sold it to you for $3,500 and get the money back on Judge Judy.  I'm glad she saw through that one.

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How is it that anyone on God's green earth buys a used car without a mechanic checkup and still thinks they can go on the teevee and get their money back?  Have they not seen the umpty zillion episodes where that doesn't happen on twenty-plus years of JJ and thirty-plus years of People's Court?  And I'm speaking to you, poor whiny boat buyer blond girl from last week who TRUSTED the seller.  Waaaah. 


Why does JJ/PC still run these?  It must be as a continuing public service for those who still don't know the drill.  Maybe some people are still educated by this.  Not the continuing line-up of plaintiffs, however.


If I never saw another used car case, it would be too soon.  Ditto for dog bites.  If JJ gave up cell phone cases, why doesn't she also give up dog bites?  That is all.

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why is it incumbent upon her to go back to his place to have them verify whether it's real and/or pay them to do another smog test?


It's on her because it's HER car. She chose to buy it without getting it checked in any way. You buy a 15 year old car, it's buyer beware and as is. Don't like those terms? Find the time to take it to a garage and get it evaluated. It's not up to the seller to pay the $150 for the diagnostic.


First of all, he knew that car was shitty


Maybe he did and maybe he didn't, but it doesn't matter.The plaintiff may have tried to act as though she's six years old, but she's an adult who could have easily found out just how shitty it is. He offered no warranty. So let her end up paying $8500 for that POS or have it turned into Coke cans and eat the loss. Maybe it'll teach her a lesson, although I doubt it.

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Ok--what the hell is a Hoopty?



Sir Mix-A-Lot


"My hooptie rollin', tailpipe draggin' heat don't work' and my girl be naggin'

Six nine Buick, deuce keeps rollin'

One hubcap cause three got stolen'...........

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It's on her because it's HER car. She chose to buy it without getting it checked in any way. You buy a 15 year old car, it's buyer beware and as is. Don't like those terms? Find the time to take it to a garage and get it evaluated. It's not up to the seller to pay the $150 for the diagnostic.


I agree, but I would think "as is" implies that the car is fit to be sold. Like I said, it seems like selling a car that can't pass a smog test would be similar to selling a car where the buyer can't register the vehicle. It's one thing to sell a car that needs some work done, but I'd think the car should at least be able to be fit to drive per the laws of that state.


Maybe he did and maybe he didn't, but it doesn't matter.The plaintiff may have tried to act as though she's six years old, but she's an adult who could have easily found out just how shitty it is. He offered no warranty. So let her end up paying $8500 for that POS or have it turned into Coke cans and eat the loss. Maybe it'll teach her a lesson, although I doubt it.


Yeah, her Barbie-I-Don't-Know-How-KBB-Works routine was annoying. I just think the better, more fair outcome would've been to have him return her money and give him his POS car back.

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Smashed Hoopty DUI - Two drunk girls at a bawhr, one leaves the bawhr, gets into the other one's cawhr, smashes a bunch of cawhrs in the parking lot.  She remembers nothing, but she didn't do it... and won't ever drink again.  Sounds a little guilty to me.  Have a nice trip back to New York!  One gavel.

Hmmmm, sounds like Drunk Girl #1 bashed up her car and was trying to get Drunk Girl #2 to pay for it. Even my work frazzled brain heard DG#1 slip a few times. JJ is a smart cookie to send them back to New Yawk. 



Sir Mix-A-Lot

"My hooptie rollin', tailpipe draggin' heat don't work' and my girl be naggin'

Six nine Buick, deuce keeps rollin'

One hubcap cause three got stolen'...........

Between Sir Mix-A-Lot and Biz Markie we got a whole 90s rap thing going this week. .. 



If I never saw another used car case, it would be too soon.

I have to admit. .  I do enjoy the used car cases. The plaintiffs are getting more and more creative in their attempts to get a 15 year old hoopty all fixed up via the "it was in excellent condition/ passed smog/said it ran good " defense. I particularly enjoy them since I've had my share of hoopties in the past (bought a car for $600 and couldn't get it registered because it had a lien on it for $700 lol - also bought a car for $200 that didn't run in first gear or reverse and had a hole in the sheet metal under the brake pedal - I could watch the world pass by as I was driving if I removed the mat- also bought a van that apparently had a salvage title and would continue to run when I turned the engine off for at least ten minutes).  I even had a car that honked when I made a left turn and at one point, the horn turned on permanently (ala Little Miss Sunshine) until we disabled the horn. But I was young and stupid back then. 

Edited by ItsHelloPattiagain
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I thought it interesting the two drunk girls talked about how many people had their cell phones out at the incident, were laughing about it, etc.  Where were these fine, upstanding witnesses?  Their excellent cell phone video evidence? No, she didn't know who she hit, no, she didn't have any information about them, but oh, yeah, they are suing her in another case.   Half a dead brain between them. And what the heck kind of accent was that, anyway? 


As for the used car sale - the only thing you are guaranteed is what is in the contract. Not all used cars run, or run well. Got a friend who just bought a hoopty (hee!) for parts only. Of course, he knows it doesn't run, and didn't pay waaaay over KBB value for it. Just like buying a house - it is the buyer's responsibility to check it out. Don't like the fact it has termites? You don't have to buy it. But if you buy it and find termites, then you get the expense. JJ was right on this one - if Blondie wanted to prove the seller of the car had defrauded her, she should have proved it. Maybe her mechanic just wanted to tag her for $600 for repairs. Who knows.

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I agree, but I would think "as is" implies that the car is fit to be sold.


No, it doesn't mean that at all. It means you're buying exactly what you see, exactly as it is. The only way you can get your money back or get the repairs paid for is if it can be proven that the seller knowingly defrauded you - for example if he/she turned back the odometer, gave you a warranty or if the car cannot be registered. Other than that, you're out of luck. "As is" means just what it says.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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No one has mentioned another of Drunk Girl no. 1's phrases....that the car she hit was "Auburn Orntch". I'm not sure if she was referring to Auburn university or not.

I love my ortnch juice in the morning!

Edited by Eliza422
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Patricia and her granddaughter were cleaning up the neighborhood. A noble pursuit, to be sure, but I'd bet good money that ol' Pat does this to gather intel on the neighbors.


I loved how Batshit Bean shared JJ's disdain for cell phones (and yeah, in the wrong hands they can be mega annoying just like any other tool). Yet, who does she end up running to when there's an emergency? Why, somebody with a cell phone!


Just one of the many yummy sprinkles on the delicious sundae that was this case.

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No, it doesn't mean that at all. It means you're buying exactly what you see, exactly as it is. The only way you can get your money back or get the repairs paid for is if it can be proven that the seller knowingly defrauded you - for example if he/she turned back the odometer, gave you a warranty or if the car cannot be registered. Other than that, you're out of luck. "As is" means just what it says.


Right, passing a smog check isn't one of the criteria for an As Is sale, unless the buyer puts it into the contract.


But if the car can't be registered because the seller doesn't have the registration, then the seller is selling in bad faith and the buyer can get the deal undone. Since if it can't be registered due to paperwork issues, it's no longer a car; it's a big paperweight. (And all the mechanical work you put into it would not turn it back into a car; the problem is in the red tape dispenser which the buyer has no control over)


As has been said on People's Court, an As Is sale is exactly as it says. But the Buyer and the Seller can always expand the contract for the As Is sale, and as long as both sides agree, that takes effect.


So if the seller says "It's an As Is sale that must pass a Smog Check and an inspection from Mechanic_X" and the buyer agrees to it (In writing, or at the very least on recording), then if the car doesn't pass the smog check, the deal can be undone. 

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Stranded From Maury Povich -  Three kids from three different fathers with whom Mom of the Year hasn't even spent more than 3 years with the sum of the baby daddies


Ladies and gentleman, I give you MISS WHITE TRASHISTAN 2015! And thanks so much for breeding. 


Re: smog checks--when they used to be required in the Detroit area, I know from personal experience how ridiculously easy it was to defraud the system. I'm sure that shifty seller knew how to get a fake certificate. Of course, the plaintiff was an absolute idiot, but that doesn't relieve the seller from an obligation to be honest. 

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Live Free and Drive - Judge Judy and I learn something new everyday.  Some of you will, too.  You don't have to have car insurance in New Hampshire!  Why insure your allegedly rarely used car that you let your nervous, inexperienced, frog-faced daughter drive?  Yes, that daughter, the one that thinks she has the right of way making a left turn on a green light.  Stretchy Linda on Intervention was right, left turns are cursed.  New Hampshire is safe now, they got insurance after the accident.  One gavel.


Wal-Mart Parking Lot Wheelin'N'Dealin' - A slice of life with people that live in trailer parks and mooch off neighbors with their kids, cat, and puppy. Talk about crowded.  They all dream of motorcycles that they have to sell quick and cheap when rent is overdue.  Rolly polly defendant could have a career doing voice-overs for the chipmunks or the Munchkins if they do a remake of the Wizard of Oz.  Two gavels.


Intervention - Speaking of Intervention and Stretchy Linda... we have Gambling Gabe's little brother and his enabler.  The defendant claimed that his employed girlfriend just happened to be taking out loan after loan to buy stuff like groceries, so he thought she might as well 'help' him with his drugs and his gambling.  By 'help' he meant pay his drug and gambling debts.  You can see a 'no expectation to be repaid' on the horizon but JJ had fun getting them to admit that she was giving him money for meth and that his dealer/bookie was demanding repayment.  Three gavels.


"I REALLY Don't Want To Hear 'Basically!'" - I think we have a record for overuse of 'basically.'  When I was young, and someone dared to speak ill of the nobility, we would signal our intention to challenge them with a sword duel to the death by dropping an embroidered handkerchief at their feet.  Nowadays, the most insignificant slight to a commoner gets labelled 'disrespect,' people get in 'each other's faces,' roll over with fisticuffs, and make a spectacle of themselves.  The world really is going to pot.  Medical pot.  Prescribed to healthy young adult that like to get high for legitimate medical purposes.  Mkay.  Two gavels.


Tomorrow's preview: dead cat :(

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your nervous, inexperienced, frog-faced daughter drive?


This I have to see!




JJ had fun getting them to admit that she was giving him money for meth and that his dealer/bookie was demanding repayment.


This too!

Edited by AngelaHunter
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So it looks like I get 4 new eps today. (But DVR only picks up the later ones Toaster recapped.) Anyone else? Got the episode with the teenagers sharing joint custody of a dog and a baby mama and daddy chasing each other ("jostling fetus.")  Oldies, or new ones? I must say, though, that the couple was dressed in such bright colors that it made the case at least visually appealing. Baby mama fastest talker we've seen in a while. Criminy. Oh, I mean, "Whatever!" 


Looking forward to the recapped shows. Once upon a time I had a real life....

Edited by SandyToes
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On the smog check case, they were in the state of California, the smog check the seller had done three days before the sale would be valid for 90 days, meaning that all the woman would have to do is take that smog check certificate, her pink slip and bill of sale to the DMV and the car would be transferred to her. She just had a case of buyers remorse, it's as simple as that. There was no reason for that car to need another smog check and in fact she never said it failed, she said her mechanic said it would fail and that the car needed serious repairs.

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In the first case - the defendant's mother wanted us to believe that her daughter was nervous while driving? Nervous, no. Trance-like, yes.  The vacant stare and mouth-breathing didn't motivate the mother to get car insurance? To hell with Live Free or Die...how about Look Alive and Wake Up.


In the Wal-Mart Motorcycle case, I couldn't ignore the fact that the defendant's facial features looked so small in contrast to the size of her head-neck.  She should try some bangs or something. And her mister's lip studs made me cringe.


WTH Intervention plaintiff? Chick, you are either one of the most desperate individuals we've seen in a while or you're in the thick of the drugs and gambling too. You spent Sept.-April with an unemployed meth-head gambler (who claimed that he was a window-washer turned IHOP worker with a hefty 401K account) who hit you up several times a month for more money than you earn. He claimed he and his family were being threatened because of the debts he racked up. I'm sorry, but I don't think a woman with such repeatedly poor decision-making skills should be working in any profession that involves children.


I'm sick of 'basically' and 'he/she disrespected me.'

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No, it doesn't mean that at all. It means you're buying exactly what you see, exactly as it is. The only way you can get your money back or get the repairs paid for is if it can be proven that the seller knowingly defrauded you - for example if he/she turned back the odometer, gave you a warranty or if the car cannot be registered. Other than that, you're out of luck. "As is" means just what it says.


That makes sense in general. But I don't think this woman had an unreasonable expectation that the car would pass a smog test since he gave her the certificate for it.


Re: smog checks--when they used to be required in the Detroit area, I know from personal experience how ridiculously easy it was to defraud the system. I'm sure that shifty seller knew how to get a fake certificate. Of course, the plaintiff was an absolute idiot, but that doesn't relieve the seller from an obligation to be honest.




Y'all have to excuse me for being naive, but I guess my thinking is, if you buy a car from someone, you're buying it assuming certain risks. The car may not run in pristine condition. The car may have cosmetic damages. There may need to be some work done. That's why it's assumed that when you buy a car from a private seller, you buy it "as-is". It's up to the buyer to do due diligence to make sure it's worth buying because it wouldn't be fair to the seller who may unknowingly sell a car that needs work to be able to ex post facto undo the deal because they don't want to pay for the repairs. Or, they could damage it then say it was sold to them that way. And so on and so forth. I get all of that.


But if you sell a car to someone, it's assumed the car is able to be sold. Of course that applies to selling a car that has a lien. If the buyer can't register the vehicle, they bought a car that they can't legally operate. As far as the smog test is concerned, it seems a little tricky because on one hand, if you buy the car as-is, that means you assume the responsibilities for any repairs, but in this case, the seller seemed to be misrepresenting the vehicle not unlike changing the odometer to read that the mileage was less than it is. As JJ said, a seller couldn't sell a car they claim has 80K miles but really has 180K miles even if it's an as-is sale, it would seem misrepresenting the ability of the car to pass a smog test would fall under that. The seller did try to imply the car could pass a smog test by giving her the smog certificate, so if that's past of the basis of her buying the vehicle, it would seem he was defrauding her accidentally on purpose.


I know it seems like I'm defending her, but I'm not. I just think in this specific instance it would've been right to have her return the car to the guy and give her her money back. She wasn't smart to buy a car like that without getting a diagnostic test done, but he shouldn't have sold a POS car to her. I don't think the point of the "as-is" tenet is to give you an opportunity to stiff people out of their money.


Live Free and Drive - Judge Judy and I learn something new everyday.  Some of you will, too.  You don't have to have car insurance in New Hampshire!  Why insure your allegedly rarely used car that you let your nervous, inexperienced, frog-faced daughter drive?  Yes, that daughter, the one that thinks she has the right of way making a left turn on a green light.  Stretchy Linda on Intervention was right, left turns are cursed.  New Hampshire is safe now, they got insurance after the accident.  One gavel.


The daughter looked like Hispanic Kelly Osbourne circa 2003. But yeah, JJ was carrying on over the lack of driver's insurance, as she tends to do. But I laughed when she called the dad a noodnik. That was such a genuine Jewish grandmother moment, with the Yiddish and whatnot.


Wal-Mart Parking Lot Wheelin'N'Dealin' - A slice of life with people that live in trailer parks and mooch off neighbors with their kids, cat, and puppy. Talk about crowded.  They all dream of motorcycles that they have to sell quick and cheap when rent is overdue.  Rolly polly defendant could have a career doing voice-overs for the chipmunks or the Munchkins if they do a remake of the Wizard of Oz.  Two gavels.


I thought we had vanquished Mama June and Sugar Bear.

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By 'help' he meant pay his drug and gambling debts.


It's easy to see why the pathetic and pathetically desperate Yasmina was willing to fork over money to Mr. Reyes. I mean, just look at him! 5 foot nothing little unemployed pudge, who is old enough to have gray hair, yet lives with mommy and daddy and spends his days in his no doubt messy little bedroom doing online gambling. He has a drug problem in addition to the gambling problem! What a catch. Yasmina could afford to keep paying for her paramour's company and to keep him from getting kneecapped, because she lives with her mommy and daddy too! Verily, a match made in heaven.


The Motorcycle Madness: I can only imagine what goes through JJ's mind when she comes out and faces a bunch of ridiculous misfits like these ones. OMG.


defendant's facial features looked so small in contrast to the size of her head-neck.  She should try some bangs or something.


No. Bangs will not help, not when you have a huge, wrap-around double chin that's wider than your head. Get a J-O-B. The husband? I can't even.



inexperienced, frog-faced daughter drive?


Not just frog-faced, but 18 and looking 40. She and Mommy (another parent who describes exactly what happened in the accident even though she was not there - it's a miracle!) looked like Me and MiniMe, with Mommy being the "Mini".

Edited by AngelaHunter
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I loved how Batshit Bean shared JJ's disdain for cell phones (and yeah, in the wrong hands they can be mega annoying just like any other tool). 

Annoying is an understatement. I'm no luddite. I have a cell phone, and I share JJ's disdain for them. I really miss the days of people not being able to reach me so readily. My boss actually asked me why I don't link up my cell to my work e-mail, and I said because it's my personal cell phone. If he wants me to have a business phone, he can pay for one. But even then, when I leave work I'm finished working for the day. So it would be useless for him to get me one. These companies want 24-hour-a-day employees. That's never going to be me. I work to live, not the other way around!


I have coworkers who are linked in liked that. Then they'll come to me and complain that they had to do something at 9:00 at night. Their clients are so used to them being available all the time that they now expect it. My clients know that you will not reach me after 6 pm, on weekends, or on holidays. So they don't even try. It can freaking wait.


And don't even get me started on people who can't even put the phone away long enough to have a conversation at dinner, sit through a movie, or drive their car. SO MUCH HATE. I've just re-entered the dating market. I was on a date with a woman my age (early 40s). We were having dinner at a restaurant. She kept taking out her phone to text whoever the hell she was texting. So I took my plate and moved to another table. When she questioned me, I told her she'd obviously rather have dinner with whoever was on her phone, so she should continue do that. I'd rather eat alone. Needless to say, we didn't go out again. I'd expect that from a 20 year old, not from someone our age.


Sorry for the JJ-style rant. I'm really starting to hate cell phones. Maybe I'm becoming a crotchety old bat like Ms. Pat is. 

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Annoying is an understatement. I'm no luddite. I have a cell phone, and I share JJ's disdain for them. I really miss the days of people not being able to reach me so readily. My boss actually asked me why I don't link up my cell to my work e-mail, and I said because it's my personal cell phone. If he wants me to have a business phone, he can pay for one. But even then, when I leave work I'm finished working for the day. So it would be useless for him to get me one. These companies want 24-hour-a-day employees. That's never going to be me. I work to live, not the other way around!


I have coworkers who are linked in liked that. Then they'll come to me and complain that they had to do something at 9:00 at night. Their clients are so used to them being available all the time that they now expect it. My clients know that you will not reach me after 6 pm, on weekends, or on holidays. So they don't even try. It can freaking wait.


And don't even get me started on people who can't even put the phone away long enough to have a conversation at dinner, sit through a movie, or drive their car. SO MUCH HATE. I've just re-entered the dating market. I was on a date with a woman my age (early 40s). We were having dinner at a restaurant. She kept taking out her phone to text whoever the hell she was texting. So I took my plate and moved to another table. When she questioned me, I told her she'd obviously rather have dinner with whoever was on her phone, so she should continue do that. I'd rather eat alone. Needless to say, we didn't go out again. I'd expect that from a 20 year old, not from someone our age.


Sorry for the JJ-style rant. I'm really starting to hate cell phones. Maybe I'm becoming a crotchety old bat like Ms. Pat is. 


AMEN, Sister!  I refuse to compete with a cellphone!  I used to walk away from customers in the shop if they were on their phone; "Hey, call me when you are done!"  And a DATE did that?  Jeez. uncouth.  Folks need to start protesting en masse against this culture where you can be rude as hell and have no penalties.

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I was on a date with a woman my age (early 40s). We were having dinner at a restaurant. She kept taking out her phone to text whoever the hell she was texting.


I'm sure her messages were simply urgent, right?I really shouldn't get started on that. Every person on the planet fancies him/herself so indespensible, so very important that they must be reachable 24/7? I heard someone yakking on her phone while she was taking a pee in a restaurant bathroom! I had a cell phone for 2 years on a special deal and at the end of it, I gave it up. Remember back in the dino days, when if we were out, NO ONE could get hold of us, and somehow our worlds didn't crumble?


Anyway, if I were out with a man who was staring at a screen during dinner, I wouldn't just change tables. I'd ask for a doggie bag, take my dinner (I'd never waste food!) and leave entirely, hurling a "Fuck you" at him as I flounce out in high dudgeon. I even refuse to enable "Call waiting" on my antedeluvian landline.

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