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Jeremy and Auj Poj

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If you read my ETA, you'd see that I amended it to saying that while their motivation to move was most likely based on Jeremy and Audrey's desire to grift off the farm, it's more that I don't think they were crying over the subsequent lack of diversity they got from moving to LA to Oregon. Not exactly the same thing.

And IMO the rise of Trump shows that racism is still a huge, huge problem in the US. Of course no one thinks they're a racist. But you don't have to put on a white robe and start burning crosses on the lawn to be one. 

  • Love 12

Sucker, I get your point, I just think the overall response of "Gosh, its too bad Jeremy needs to watch what he says" instead of a firm "Jeremy was wrong to say that" was a red flag to me about how little the parents cared about the behavior. Another red flag is Granpa Ron's lovely online missive about how only Christians who accept Jesus should be citizens and the rest stripped of their citizenship and deported adds to my disquiet. Couple that with the reality that, right or wrong, the evangelical movement, and specifically the crowd into Christian covenant marriage that Jer and Auj espouse tend to um... lack diversity.... and I wonder. Galaxy - As near as I can tell, Auj posted some instastories that imply she is supporting Trump. It wasn't as clear as "I support Trump" certainly, and people on her instagram began asking her to clarify it as apparently they're quite surprised she would support Trump. She of course then chided these people for their assumptions and for criticizing her based on those assumptions and then when people asked her again to clarify her point, she then stated that "social media is not the place of debate" and that she wants her online comments to be uplifting blah blah blah.... which is lovely but essentially she's making political posts and pitching a fit when she's called on it.

  • Love 7

Thanks, ZoloftBob. That's what I figured, I just wanted to know what exactly she posted to see what made so many people assume she was supporting Trump. I went to Spiritswander and saw this summary of her insta story:


Audrey then posted several Instagram Stories (the short video clips) from the debate. The clips were of  Donald Trump speaking about Hilary Clinton's faults, Trump mentioning Clinton's "criminal emails, (Audrey inserted smiley faces), clips of Trump asking how can Clinton run for President of the United States when she should be in jail?" Audrey finished it up with Donald Trump's closing words from the debate.. "We cannot take 4 more years of Barack Obama and that's what you get if you vote for Hillary Clinton". A female voice in Audrey's video (which her followers obviously assume to be her own) can be heard loudly exclaiming "That was GOOD!"

Yeah, sounds like a Trump supporter to me. And the fact that she refuses to clarify and say point blank that she's not supporting Trump is telling. Let's be real, people who don't support Trump are so horrified by him that they would be quick to explicitly say they don't like Trump if someone accused them of supporting him. 

And no, Audrey, you don't get to post shit like that and complain that people are pushing politics.

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 8

I don't give that blog/website any longer than the shows life... I think they got lucky with the Duggars issues likely helping them make a slight comeback, but it's pretty obvious the website wanes with the shows hiatus, so once the show is officially cancelled I can't imagine the website being able to sustain itself. 

I hate the homosexuality sin scenario, but I can understand believeing it when you live in a bubble. When I was younger I thought it was a sin, my family was staunch Christian and that's all I heard on the matter, but I'll say even then I didn't judge, my stance was that whether it was a sin or not I accepted them because it wasn't my place to judge what was right or wrong.  Now before anyone jumps on me, now that I am older and on my own etc my understanding is completely different, I don't believe it's a sin and I see the flaws in that line of thinking... my point being that I agree with the other posters, I'd respect their stance so much more if they would own it, but it's like they are trying to please everyone... either keep your mouth shut completely or be ready to stand up for your POV.

  • Love 6

Oh precisely Leighroda. . One thing I find hilarious about the Instagram fighting is that one the one hand, Audrey is openly sniping at people for making assumptions about her, and on the other hand is whining how the world needs more "compassionately curious" people and fewer "carelessly critical" people. So to be clear, a number of her followers are asking her to clarify her post because they want to know if she really does support Trump... and she's refusing to answer the curious and then getting pissy about people who are making assumptions over what she refuses to clarify.

Like Trump or don't, its a free country. But if you don't want people asking you your political leanings or judging your political leanings, you kinda have to shut up about them. And if you don't want people making assumptions, you have to address their questions. Refusing to clarify and then snidely mocking people for making assumptions after the questions have been asked and refused is pretty fucking rude and pretty fucking mean girl.

And I am not making any assumption. She was a rude mean girl to people who follow her.

  • Love 7
On 10/21/2016 at 1:52 AM, sucker4reality said:

I'm not going to defend what H said, but he was a teenager. I know I've changed a lot since I was a teenager and cringe at things I said back then. It's a bit far to base a judgement on their motivation to move based on comments one of them made as a kid.

Yeah, he's changed a lot since his teens.  He washes his own KKK white sheets now instead of his mother.

  • Love 7

Hilariously, Jeremy is now sagely noting on Instagram that


In light of recent events - Be wise with your posts, words, and comments. The internet is no place for winning people over, that is done best in person. Serious topics take a real conversation.

Which is hilarious considering these little facts.

1. Jeremy and Auj's current business is a blog where they depend on social media to spread their serious message of Christian covenant marriage.

2. Blogs make money off advertisers and advertisers look to followers and site hits and comments to see how popular a blog is.

3. Jeremy is telling people that serious discussions can only happen in person and to be careful what they post....


Clearly he's not getting great advice. His little rants in the past on Instragram and Twitter on how he dislikes social media and how everyone should unplug have been hilarious as well, but really, does he not understand that his entire "business" is social media based and he's just told people not to talk anything they read on the internet seriously?

Oh and Audrey is now snotting this.


"Some people just have a lot of time on their hands to be commenting novels on social media every 10 minutes"

And this


"If you're gonna have a debate take it to direct messages" [insert grinning smiley)

Sure sounds like lil Auj doesn't like it when her followers say anything other than "I LOVE YOU" - if you don't agree with Auj, she wants you to avoid any public comment. And you know, don't be lengthy - only Auj is allowed to post more than a sentence.

Edited by ZoloftBlob
needed to point how passive aggressive and entitled the marrieds are getting
  • Love 10

Celia - it's like watching five year olds, really. I mean really, if you don't want people hassling you about your politics then don't make public posts that strongly imply you prefer a certain candidate? This is an obviously contentious election, I personally have avoided the topic because its so unpleasant and I don't wish to debate it online. Audrey chose to make a political statement on public social media and now people are upset and asking her about it. Maybe it will be good for her to realize she's actually part of the problem here.... actions do have consequences.

  • Love 10

What a pair of assholes.  They are just so unforgivably stupid.  If you don't want to discuss a certain subject, don't make posts about it.  It's not that complicated.  I can't believe Oddball is actually insulting people for posting on her blog.  I actually find that really hysterical.  She should be glad anyone bothers to read her drivel at all, but nope, she's insulting her readers.  She's an amazing little ball of hateful intolerance.  

But I will say that Jerm suggesting people "unplug" is FABULOUS advice.   I would personally recommend the first thing people unplug from is his preposterous little website.  There is not a greater waste of time on the entire internet.   

Reading about all this with them and their blog is just exhausting.  I had been cutting these two idiots a tiny bit of slack because they are fairly young and I know at least one of them was raised by a pair of complete fools.  But these revelations about the way they talk to people and the homophobia and the Trump love is all just too much in addition to their standard foolishness.  I am now officially rooting against them.  I can't wait for this show to finally grind to a halt and the TLC paychecks stop rolling in so I can see Jerm and Oddball waiting tables and delivering pizza and turning on each other.  I just pray they don't breed before the inevitable divorce.  I wouldn't want an innocent child to suffer when these two turds get what is coming to them.  Which, in a word, is obscurity.  Ok, two words - obscurity and a JOB.  Their lives are going to suck and they completely deserve every last big of misery headed their way.

  • Love 15

LMAO, these assholes just want to have their cake and eat it, too. Anybody think they'd be willing to have an actual discussion via PM? Yeah, me neither. It must drive them nuts that they can't moderate Instagram comments the way they can on their blog. I'm actually surprised that they don't just delete the negative comments, but I guess that'd take too much work because their instagram critics are legion. I did find myself blocked from Audrey's account after leaving a comment saying that while Audrey had the right to her opinion, other people had the right to judge Audrey's opinion. 

  • Love 5

Oh see, Galax-arena - if you don't praise her, then you are hating her and trolling her.

And I honestly tire of the "we're just naïve kids putting it out there, trying to stay unplugged and innocent all while handing out our super duper marriage advice" façade. Frankly, they're both on Instagram and twitter more than average, and they're openly trying to increase blog readership.

For the record, no, I don't think they'd discuss anything in personal message. But here's the thing - if Audrey doesn't feel Instagram is an appropriate place for certain discussions, why is she raising the topic only to insist on shutting it down to private message when she's not being cheered for her views?

  • Love 3

LMAO, I've now also been blocked by Audrey on twitter for saying that she can't have it both ways and she shouldn't vaguepost about politics if she doesn't want people to take her up on it. 

As much as it pains me, I'll give credit to Jeremy where it's due: I've criticized him more than I've criticized Audrey - I think my aforementioned tweet was the first time I'd ever replied to her - and he hasn't blocked me. He might have muted me, but eh. I'm surprised that more celebs don't just mute instead of block. It's a more PR-savvy way of ignoring "haters" because then you don't just come off as a baby who can't take criticism. 

ETA: Jeremy doesn't like California transplants coming to Oregon. I'm not sure that someone who tried to make it in California is in any position to talk... 

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 2
On 10/25/2016 at 9:30 AM, galax-arena said:

I agree, and I include Matt.

Matt Roloff is a native Californian who, with his Michigan wife, moved to Oregon from San Francisco—an irony lost on the dim Jeremy. 

If that blighted California couple had just stayed where they were, maybe the neighborhood wouldn't have these annoying, sneering imposters and their constant traffic disturbing the rural peace.

BTW, I live very near Bend, a town that is—aside from Portland—the most precious, self-reverent, self-pleased place in the state. It is perfect for Jeremy and Audrey; they surely feel right at home.





Edited by Mike p.
  • Love 5

Oh I think these two will be fine until the money runs out. And I think TLC will flog this show until they get The Little Couple back or else a comparable show - something "We have "insert problem" but we are a *family* and together we can do anything" in tone.

And I will throw Auj a bone that I think I have thrown her before. Unlike the actual born Roloffs, she seems to have some awareness that the TLC thing will end and that they will want other income streams coming in. She is pushing her little devotional subscription, her "Always More" clothing line, her marriage website....

I mean, I don't think these businesses are making any money at all (I can't even get rabid Christian supporters who openly applaud Auj's every confused utterance to admit to subscribing nor will they admit to buying an expensive yet cheesy looking shirt with "always more" or giant red lips on it, and there's still no real advertisements on the marriage website even though it's been up for six months) but at least she's minimally trying.

That said... Matt and Amy are divorced and I suspect they both have enough personal dignity (tho I could be wrong) to flog dating in front of the other. Their drama gets ridiculous to viewers who think this is based in reality. They're divorced, they do not have to live on the same property. The kids are grown. They do not have to celebrate holidays together and they do not have to consider the personal problems and dramatics of the other. So the arguing between them comes off indulgent.

And the married couples? Zach and Tory are bland, and nice, and incredibly conscious of the cameras and incredibly aware that they are being observed and it really shows and makes them dull to watch.  Jeremy is also very conscious of the cameras and has various things he says that he knows are crowd pleasers - he loves the farm, he loves his family, he's excited about whatever dad wants to do, he's stoked about the project and he and Auj are married and want to raise their kids on the farm. That is all. Lather, rinse, repeat. Made worse that the long stringy curly hair and unshaven look that Auj prefers (and the fact that he's constantly pratting how married he is) makes him a pretty poor heartthrob. It's also increasingly clear that he's as dumb as a box of rocks and has the ambition of a slug.

And then there's Auj. Auj who pretty clearly loves the camera, and is ambitious as long as she gets to be a pretty princess and the center of attention and who just... kinda grates. Like, one of the few real dynamics I get from the new shows is that everyone seems to step around Audrey. I mean, am I just imagining it or is there a vibe that a year or two in that the other Roloffs aren't so entranced with having to claim lil miss Auj?

Anyway my point on the marrieds? They're boring and forced and fake on camera. What they need is a baby and preferably a dwarf baby.

For the record, I bet we don't see a baby any time soon. And I think Auj and Jer realize that all their carefree fun ends when baby makes three. I also think they both realize that a baby will make all the fucking they enjoy less fun... and I definitely think they are both shallow enough that their biggest concern is how Auj's body might not bounce back. But honestly, I'm glad they're waiting - my sense of Audrey is that once the baby pops out, all the energy she devotes to being married will pour into being the best mom ever and and Jeremy will find himself out of the loop. And I don't think Jer is gonna handle that well.

  • Love 5
On 10/22/2016 at 0:21 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

 . . . . I can't wait for this show to finally grind to a halt and the TLC paychecks stop rolling in so I can see Jerm and Oddball waiting tables and delivering pizza . . . .

LOL. If one of them ever waits on me—a possibility here in Bend—I'll leave a Bible tract in place of a tip. Because I just want to share the love.

  • Love 8

Jeremy is getting a lot of grief in the comments from people who are saying they liked him before he said that ... he's just so stupid.  

You don't make needless, potentially offensive remarks like that when you are trying to build yourself into a "brand" online.  He gained absolutely nothing but some momentary satisfaction from making that comment and it may have cost him a lot of fans.

Not that it bothers me - I don't think he or his smug little wife deserve any fans.  So by all means, keep running your mouths you two little snots! Keep showing people who you really are.  It won't be long until you have no fans left at all. And then you can turn on each other.  It's just a matter of time. 

  • Love 8

Well, it just proves Jeremy is a ball-less wonder. What a baby whiner he is.

I'm not an unreasonable person. If you don't want to discuss politics, then don't. If you want to post publically that you think the election results were a miracle, then you're clearly indicating what your preference was and playing this game is ol Jer Bear smirking like a fool "well, you people are ASSUMING AND I AM THE VICTIM! VICTIM JER ALWAYS! BECAUSE I AM A GROWN ASS MAN BUT I CANT EVEN OWN WHO I VOTED FOR EVEN AS I PUBLICALLY CALLED IT A MIRACLE!" I mean, how pathetic and sad. Apparently Audrey really did castrate him, it's obvious who controls that marriage


Hey Jeremy? What was the miracle? If you're not man enough to explain what the miracle was, then a) it wasn't much of a miracle and b) you're a completely inarticulate moron who really shouldn't be listened to.  At last check the only opinion Jeremy will state clearly is "I LIKE FUCKING MY WIFE!" and "DADDY GIVE ME THE FARM CAUSE I WANT IT"

  • Love 5

LOL, well even Jeremy finally blocked me on Twitter. I told him that it's obvious who he's voting for and people are capable of gleaning context. I also said that it's fine if he doesn't want to talk about politics at all, but that he can't have it both ways where he makes vague statements and then gets pissy when people read into them, and that what he and his wife are currently doing is cowardly. Guess he didn't like my calling him a coward, so he blocked me. Oops. 

  • Love 10

The problem is that he is a coward. I'll run down the logic since its well known that the Roloffs monitor social media sites for references to themselves so maybe Jeremy will learn something.

 I mean really, *somebody* voted for Trump and Jeremy is man enough to call the election a miracle but he can't find his balls and be man enough to say he voted for that outcome? What, did he vote for Clinton? Because if he did, why would he consider her loss a miracle? The choices are "Jeremy thinks it's a miracle because he wanted Trump to win and is now pleased" and "Jeremy is such an inarticulate idiot, he didn't realize that openly stating Trump being elected was a miracle is in fact a statement about who he supported."

Now I will admit, the possibility that Jeremy is such an inarticulate idiot is possible. But Jer, if you're reading and that was the case, that you made words on the internet and didn't understand what they meant? Then you need to stop blogger until you learn what words mean. And of course, this all hinges on Jeremy just straight up being too goddamn dumb to understand. (Possible, but not THAT likely)

The more likely answer is that Jeremy supported and voted for Trump and posted that it was a miracle because he was pleased with the election because everything, the *context*, that Jeremy and the Roloffs have revealed about themselves indicate that they are politically right leaning despite their veneer and usage of diversity laws and rulings.

Then Jeremy realized, after seeing the backlash, suddenly remembers, despite his joy, that a lot of his fans like the show because of the diversity message and are in fact somewhat appalled with his calling the election a miracle. So what does Jer-Bear do? Why suddenly he's the victim, poor precious Jer-Bear is just being assaulted *for something he didn't say* since calling the election of Trump a miracle is not exactly the same as saying he supports Trump.

So Jer? Poor little victim? You need to shut your mouth if you're too scared of the consequences. Right now you're a great big crybaby douche who cries like a bitch whenever you hear something other than "Jeremy is awesome". Men and women have opinions. crybaby children whiners whine and moan whenever they're called on their shit and deny... and guess what you are, Jer?

Little hint - you're not a man.

  • Love 6

I'm getting this secondhand via spiritswander since both Aud & Jer have blocked me on twitter (senpai noticed me!): apparently Audrey retweeted the following:

1944: 18 year old men storm the beaches of Normandy

2016: Millennials spend 2 days openly weeping because they're sad Trump was elected.

Oh, STFU, Audrey. I once read an excellent takedown of that stupid "1944: 18 year old men storm the beaches of Normandy..." meme, wish I could find it again. 

And god forbid people be distressed because their very existence in the US is now imperiled. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, galax-arena said:

I'm getting this secondhand via spiritswander since both Aud & Jer have blocked me on twitter (senpai noticed me!): apparently Audrey retweeted the following:



Oh, STFU, Audrey. I once read an excellent takedown of that stupid "1944: 18 year old men storm the beaches of Normandy..." meme, wish I could find it again. 

And god forbid people be distressed because their very existence in the US is now imperiled. 

Audrey does not realize that the 18 year olds had no choice.  But that both groups have/had a common enemy.

  • Love 4

Well, as I put it on Spirit's site, yes in 1944, 18n year old  men stormed the beaches of Normandy, and in 2016, a 26year old "man" is too cowardly to even admit who he voted for.

I mean really, Auj, your "man" hasn't even got the balls to stand up for himself. He sure as shit isn't on par with men and women who volunteer for military service and I respectfully point that Jeremy James Roloff is 26 and has no discernable  medical issues keeping him from proudly volunteering for military service. Matter of fact, there's nothing stopping ol Auj either so the only thing about military service that should be coming out of their mouths is "Thank you for stepping up when I wouldn't because I preferred the easy lifeof a reality show whore"

  • Love 10

Correct me if I'm wrong, but one of the reasons 18-year-old men were storming the beaches at Normandy was to preserve the right of generations of Americans yet-unborn to complain about the election of a leader they feel is dangerous and unqualified, wasn't it?

So referencing this particular historical event to denigrate the anti-Trump protesters is especially dumb, given that leader of the men the Americans were fighting against was the same kind of dangerous despot many people fear Trump will turn out to be.  I wonder, would Audrey have suggested the people in Germany who had the guts to complain about Hitler should have just shut up? That they were just being post-election crybabies and needed to move on?  

Mentioning the sacrifices made by those young men in their battle against the Nazis to support the argument that the people here speaking out against Trump need to be quiet is just ... demented.  The right to protest against a man many Americans fear will be a bad leader is exactly what those soldiers were fighting for.

  • Love 14
On 10/20/2016 at 10:52 PM, sucker4reality said:

I'm not going to defend what H said, but he was a teenager. I know I've changed a lot since I was a teenager and cringe at things I said back then. It's a bit far to base a judgement on their motivation to move based on comments one of them made as a kid.


And more than I think Jernauj aren't racist, I think crying "racist!" is the 21st Century version of crying "witch!" Judge me if want for thinking that.

I don't give him a pass based on his age.  He was born in a time when this shit wasn't tolerable (he was born in 1990 not 1960).  Not like back when I was a kid and I STILL never would have spoken negatively about other races.  I may have mentioned it before but my cousins wife is friends with Amy.  Wonder if Amy knows she is Lebanese?  I don't really speak to that part of my family or I would ask some questions.  I find this family horrible.  You would think that having had some challenges with small minded people themselves would give them a bit more empathy.  Nope.

  • Love 6

So, I will weigh in on the racism topic.

I would be much more forgiving of Jeremy's racist online comments from when he was 15-17 if that particular situation had been handled with anything other than smug irritation and disdain.  I'm not actually terribly mean or unforgiving. I think Jeremy earned the public shaming over the comments that made to the National Enquirer because I know online posters warned Matt in 2007 that his kids were online and not behaving like little princes. But if that was it, even though Jeremy never found his manhood and offered an apology, I'd probably let it go, under "he was young and dumb". I mean, I'd use it as a bitch point, especially with the more Christian fans who on other boards tend to be a bit more publically racist (one told me once that "blacks" were behind poor Precious Jer's waltz onto the National Enquirer, all the more hilarious that it was one of his white Christian friends) but if that's all we had, then it's valid that the asshole is 26 and has at least dropped the n-word from his online vocabulary.

Then he and the wife came out with the Christian covenant marriage website. You know, one of the words Jer was so fond of as a kid was "faggot" and based on his and Auj's stated view that they don't support gay marriage - which was since removed, likewise Auj's weird sort of stand against Covergirl, where she maybe kinda doesn't approve of a gay man being on the cover - and add in how even at 26, we've never seen Jer even speak to a non white person and I kinda think its fair to say there is some bigotry happening.

At 26 the asshole is old enough to know better.

  • Love 7

Oh look the kiddies are peddling a book!


Basically its a weekly "fill it in yourself" sort  of thing with questions for new marrieds to answer and no doubt compare as you endlessly discuss your relationship over and over.

What I find amusing/possibly a little sad isn't that it's essentially a notebook with the pithy wisdom of two 26 year olds whose biggest problems in marriage have been "how will we avoid each other's parents but still get money from them?" - although it IS essentially a notebook with some prepared questions that you fill in.

No, it's that in this blog post - http://beating50percent.com/our-6-questions-for-marriage/ - they very very clearly state that they got the entire idea and the name of the process "Navigators Council" from a book called "A Severe Mercy" that they both adore. Personally I don't think they're going to sell enough copies to warrant legal action but jeez.

  • Love 2
17 hours ago, sucker4reality said:

So, Jernauj are having a meet-up in  Asheville, NC this weekend (which is, if you didn't know, Hipster-town of the South) and the hubs and I were toying with the idea of going there sometime in December (to see Biltmore decorated for Christmas). Hmmm....

I was just looking at the event for this. 16 people have said they are going, although 151 people are interested. I'm not so sure they are as successful at being marriage "experts" as they think they are. If they didn't have the show they wouldn't have a single following of people who weren't in their circle of friends and family. 

On 11/30/2016 at 0:36 AM, sucker4reality said:

So, Jernauj are having a meet-up in  Asheville, NC this weekend (which is, if you didn't know, Hipster-town of the South) and the hubs and I were toying with the idea of going there sometime in December (to see Biltmore decorated for Christmas). Hmmm....

Man if I were close I would FOR SURE go.  These z list celebs never do anything near me (foot stomp!).  Dang it!

  • Love 1
18 hours ago, Mike p. said:
22 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Oh look the kiddies are peddling a book!


The Typo Fairy strikes even inside their book. Notice in the fifth illustration of its interior: "How are we stuarding our finances?"

A brand new word! Bless them.


But the Punctuation Fairy has blessed them with an abundance of unneeded commas.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

But the Punctuation Fairy has blessed them with an abundance of unneeded commas.

LOL. Now I've gone into full typo search mode.

I note that on example page 3 (the pink page), third paragraph, "to keep seeking your husband or wife means to keep on pursing them . . . "

I admit I don't know how to "purse" a mate. Must be a religious term.

(My wife carries the purse in the family. Should I grab it?)

  • Love 6
21 minutes ago, Mike p. said:

LOL. Now I've gone into full typo search mode.

I note that on example page 3 (the pink page), third paragraph, "to keep seeking your husband or wife means to keep on pursing them . . . "

I admit I don't know how to "purse" a mate. Must be a religious term.

(My wife carries the purse in the family. Should I grab it?)

Pursing makes sense.  It means to compress or tighten.  Being married to either one of them would be like having my head in a vise. 

  • Love 8
On 10/6/2016 at 11:38 AM, Absolom said:

I wish that they have to take actual jobs that entail real work.  They both need a major confrontation with the world as is actually is.

Is there only job the show? That's not good. I get the weirdest vibe form that girl. She clearly could care less about that kd and will head for the hills the second the show is cancelled. Maybe they are hoping for a spin off show?

  • Love 1

I think both Jeremy and Auj would claim to be self employed. In theory the marital website is a for profit site. I'm going to be more fair than snide and just say that it's clearly not attracting big advertising money. Auj calls herself a barre3 instructor (barre3 is some sort of yoga/dance exercise) and is peddling herself as a Christian speaker, all while also peddling some clothing line that, in my opinion, isn't terribly creative or interesting and Jeremy *was* doing wedding photography but no longer seems to be affiliated with his prior partner. He makes next to no reference to working in photography - the last reference to it was how Jeremy took pictures for the website start up party. .

I do wonder if she's as in love with the family as they like to portray on the show. Granted, I am just a viewer but sometimes it seems a bit laid on thick, that Amy and Matt just simply adore Audrey and they approve and applaud every decision that gets made. I won't get into whether they're actually in love or not. I assume they are but I also wonder if its beginning to dawn on Audrey that Jer isn't going to set the world on fire. And I wonder when Jer will get tired of being Auj's puppet

  • Love 3

There's such a difference between the 2 couples.  It's very clear that Zach and Tori adore other.  You can tell by the way they look at each other.  Tori wanting to surprise Zach was cute, and you can tell he was getting a little frustrated when she wasn't driving to where she should have been, but he didn't get angry with her.  Fauxdry would have been a pouty little bitch, so would Jeremy.

Jeremy and Fauxdry seem like brother and sister.  They won't beat 50 percent.

  • Love 3
54 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

North Carolina. Under MAJOR boycott by nearly everyone with a conscience for its Restroom Safety Act. But not by Jeremy.

I wonder if he was afraid to use the potty while he was there.

Edited by Mike p.
  • Love 3

I'm amused at how Jeremy (with Audrey in tow) has tried to reinvent himself as this thoughtful guy who reads a lot. I read the Beating 50 post about 50 reasons they're thankful for each other and Audrey wrote that she was thankful that Jeremy reads a lot. I might have cackled. We all saw what a dumbshit he was in high school and how he could barely get through a book. People can obviously change as they get older but I have a hard time believing that the guy who couldn't even name the major characters of To Kill a Mockingbird is now a total bookworm. Then again, I'm sure it helps that now he only ever seems to read things that validate his own worldview.  In any case, he certainly doesn't offer any insightful analysis about anything he reads. 

There was also an old ep where Jeremy tried to excuse his bad grades in Spanish by saying that the language was the devil's work. Joke or not, considering that he turned out to be much more of a batshit conservative evangelical than I was expecting... 

ETA: One of the books that they recommend on their website is Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerich. A progressive Christian blogger I follow did this review series about the book. 

Edited by galax-arena
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Galaxy - I don't believe Jeremy reads at all. I just don't. I also don't believe he writes any of the articles attributed to him on his blog. Frankly. I doubt very much that Audrey has read those books either because she surely doesn't practice what she preaches. But I am mostly amused at how they describe themselves sitting down once a year to reread A Severe Mercy. They want this image of Audrey sitting on Jeremy's lap by the fire as they hold the book together and sigh at the same time... I just find myself amused at their claims of hard work. At last check the marital website hasn't updated in almost a month (except to include a link for their grammar and spelling challenged notebook they're openly ripping off from A Severe Mercy)... I sorta can't wait for these two to have children.

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