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Rob & Chyna - General Discussion


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7 minutes ago, itsadryheat said:

Lot more interesting, entertaining and lively than watching this Rob slow drip. What is more depressing- his physical appearance, sluggishness, listening to him talk, or knowing a child will be involved with this.

His family should be ashamed...while they are going to the bank.

Shame and Kardashian? They don't know the meaning of the word. 

  • Love 4

What possibly could this chick see in this guy other than the obvious?

Agree, He needs SERIOUS help, and apparently I do to cause I'm watching this.

His SERIOUS help needs to include a speech coach-his street/thug slang is: a. not convincing (especially from a Kardashian), b. pitiful, c. a cry for help, d. PAINFUL

  • Love 9

Top it off he has no manners. Did he even get up  off his ass to greet Chynas mom? Has he ever met her before?

I did think her mom's  speech to Rob at the end was the one honest thing in this show. Sadly, it's too late. Chyna is going to be a single mother of 2.

And Chyna, he doesn't have insecurities. He's fucked up. 


That random call to Kris about her leaving a bat for him to use as protection? Wtf? She sounded drunk.

And if those were my roots, that disgusting strip club is the last place l'd bring my boyfriend. That glimpse of her mom shaking her ass? OMG, what class. 

  • Love 5

Yes, Rob is obese but he's not into My 600 lb life territory where he's waddling around and has to wear tents . He puts ZERO effort into looking presentable. He's got Kardashian money and access to nice clothing for larger men - slacks , Sport coat too much to ask to meet your significant others family and friends ?? ( last week he spent 2 seconds trying on clothes - so lazy) At least he wore long pants to dinner. He could shave , maybe get one of those $500 haircuts with a little product. ( if balding bothers him , use some of his millions for hair club for men - take off the damn baseball cap or find a nice fedora for a nite out )  Robs new way of speaking  too ... If he says " a grip" one more time. ?pow?

i don't want to diminish what people who are depressed go thru - but Rob seems mostly spoiled lazy & entitled. Start interviews for Nannys now Rob cuz you don't seem up to the job and it's obv you'll have a seperate residence when babyK arrives . Way toooo annoying  to have someone living with you expecting you to actually leave your room , shower & conversate and function like a Human being. 

Edited by DNR
Ninja edit
  • Love 2

I'm on a posting rampage after watching Rob&Chyna tonite ! He's such a whiny little bitch.  There are people in the world who have NO ONE.  Oh the horror of walking into a family gathering and Fam & friends are happy to see you and hug you.  " they swarmed Chyna & I  it's exactly what i don't want". He's so convinced everyone is only focused on him all the time . No one gives a shit after 2 seconds Rob. ( you're going to be filmed at a party? - don't wear gym clothes - you'll feel more confident - Boom , not hard ) Kris must have bribed him with a 2 million dollar deposit into his bank account to do this train wreck show. If Chyna wasn't preggers , i doubt she'd put up with this bore much longer. Get that mon-aaayyyyyyyy$$$

Edited by DNR
Ninja edit
  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, DNR said:

I'm on a posting rampage after watching Rob&Chyna tonite ! He's such a whiny little bitch.  There are people in the world who have NO ONE.  Oh the horror of walking into a family gathering and Fam & friends are happy to see you and hug you.  " they swarmed Chyna & I  it's exactly what i don't want". He's so convinced everyone is only focused on him all the time . No one gives a shit after 2 seconds Rob. ( you're going to be filmed at a party? - don't wear gym clothes - you'll feel more confident - Boom , not hard ) Kris must have bribed him with a 2 million dollar deposit into his bank account to do this train wreck show. If Chyna wasn't preggers , i doubt she'd put up with this bore much longer. Get that mon-aaayyyyyyyy$$$

She put the check in Chynas account, why else would she fuck this self centered, selfish, unwashed, unmotivated dullard, let alone get knocked up by him? 

I hate the way Chyna motivates him with a promise of some booty the way a parent rewards a toddler for using the potty. How gross. 

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 4

Rob keeps track of what he ordered in Subway?

If he's really doing weight loss program or regime, he probably has to keep track of everything he eats. The calories.  The list had more junk with all the chocolate bars on it than anything. Then later he admits he gained weight and he's talking about not feeling well with his diabetes? Well duh? I wonder why!  

He needs major discipline with his food, he only whines about the weight he gains when he has no control to stop eating the junk.

Holy crap at Chyna's dad having 12 kids, 3 of them within 5 months of each other. Are all the kids by 12 different women?  It's nice at least Chyna's trying to have relationships with all her siblings. 

I don't like that Treasure girl. 

I loved Scott at the BBQ at Chyna's. Like seeing him try with Rob and being there in his life with Chyna. 

Rob seemed more at ease with Chyna's family in DC than he did at Khloe's birthday party. Interesting since it was only days apart. The whole family thing of all the photos/Instagrams and production of his family I think is what he's not into. I think he called Khloe's birthday and the family "theatrics." He lasted an hour and got out. Yet with Chyna's family he flew there, did dinner at restaurant with a group setting, did the bowling, then the 4th of July party. He's a lot more comfortable with real people and isn't into his own show his family puts on for the public. 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 10

I am over Rob "oh, poor me, I'm just not comfortable in my own skin" "oh, poor me, I don't look good" "oh, poor me, I gained some weight" "oh, poor me, I'm in the same black sweats & sandals with a bad moustache" Oh poor ME for watching this crap. He gets 6 whatchamacallits & complains about his weight & his diabetes? Everything is so friggin' hard for him, he can't go anywhere, he can't do anything, he's just a waste of space.

Chyna's family is pretty rachet, her father had 3 kids in 5 months? Who are these women he was having sex with? And what is wrong with their brains? I wonder if any of the 12 kids have the same mother.

I LMAO when Treasure & Chyna were talking about Paige & Treasure said 'who's Paige" & Chyna said "Charmeika" & Treasure said "Oh, Paige is her LA name" 

I don't know what the restaurant was where they got the crabs, but it looked like it was some takeout place & I want some.

Edited by GaT
  • Love 5

Yeah eat 6 candy bars and then whine about how horrible you feel because of your diabetes. Idiot.

The whole "I have nothing to wear thing" is pathetic and simply Rob being obnoxious. I know someone who is heavier than Rob and while he doesn't have Rob's money or accessibility to stylists he always manages to look nice and well put together especially for business dinners. Rob is just lazy.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, howmanywords said:

Yeah eat 6 candy bars and then whine about how horrible you feel because of your diabetes. Idiot.

The whole "I have nothing to wear thing" is pathetic and simply Rob being obnoxious. I know someone who is heavier than Rob and while he doesn't have Rob's money or accessibility to stylists he always manages to look nice and well put together especially for business dinners. Rob is just lazy.

I call bs on Chynas mother not knowing about 2 other baby mommas. Unless he was a traveling salesman, people talk, especially women, she had to know then, or later. Chyna never told her? She waited to sandbag her on TV? If true, nice. That's a true Kardashian trick! She'll fit right in the family. 

  • Love 4

When I have to start watching this show on the sly from my family and deleting it right afterwards so it doesn't show up on the DVR list...I might have a problem.  My friend and I were discussing the trashy tv shows we watch and when I copped to this one, she looked at me like, "Wow, you win."


Rob's depression and despondence is palpable through the television screen.  He is uncomfortable with BC showing him any affection on tv.  He's rarely seen eating on the show, even when food is right in front of him.  He complains that he wears the same clothes day after day, yet he still wears the same clothes day after day.  He hates his facial hair, but doesn't shave.  He's filmed in his bed as much as Kris Jenner is filmed in her kitchen.  He says he's diabetic and yet doesn't take his insulin, feels sick and scared, but doesn't do what he knows he needs to do to manage his health.  He feels like all eyes are always on him, hates getting his picture taken, hates being the center of attention.

In turns, this breaks my heart and enrages me.  He is clearly depressed, I don't think there's any arguing that.  It all begs the question - what is this man doing playing out his mental health issues for entertainment television?  It's disturbing to watch, but someone in that family, or several people, more likely - think that this is a great idea, because MONEY.  Oh, and RELEVANCE.  Gotta keep the Kardashian name out there, lest the viewing public forget all about them and they fade into obscurity.

I'm past the point of wondering why he is on television in the first place, because we already know this family has and will continue to sell their souls, as well as their sickest family members, for ratings.  What I am fearful of is turning on the news to hear something much worse has happened to Rob.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 16

Wardrobe is not witless Rob’s most crucial problem at this moment when he’s being led like a lamb to the slaughter. If he had any working brains cell left, he would cancel the wedding and at least foil half of Chyna’s master plan.  He could then just concentrate on being the best father possible to the poor innocent child soon to be born into this messy set of families and not complicate his life even further with crafty would-be Mrs. Angela Kardashian and company. Doesn’t anyone in his family and friends circle care enough to try to advise him or at least not join in and profit from this depressingly insane and seedy exhibition?

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, howmanywords said:

Yeah eat 6 candy bars and then whine about how horrible you feel because of your diabetes. Idiot.

The whole "I have nothing to wear thing" is pathetic and simply Rob being obnoxious. I know someone who is heavier than Rob and while he doesn't have Rob's money or accessibility to stylists he always manages to look nice and well put together especially for business dinners. Rob is just lazy.

How is his style of dress much different than what Kanye usually wears?

  • Love 2

So I can see why Rob would have a complex about his appearance living in LA, but pretty much anywhere else in the US he'd fit right in. 

If Chyna has never met her siblings, why bother having them on the sho ---- oh right, drama to distract the audience from the fact that Rob is boring, this relationship is boring (and still a hot mess at the same time!) and the Kardashians, E! and Seacrest have done run out of ideas.

Did they get rid of that cartoon effect and the Comic Sans?

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Veronique Bette said:

Wardrobe is not witless Rob’s most crucial problem at this moment when he’s being led like a lamb to the slaughter. If he had any working brains cell left, he would cancel the wedding and at least foil half of Chyna’s master plan.  He could then just concentrate on being the best father possible to the poor innocent child soon to be born into this messy set of families and not complicate his life even further with crafty would-be Mrs. Angela Kardashian and company. Doesn’t anyone in his family and friends circle care enough to try to advise him or at least not join in and profit from this depressingly insane and seedy exhibition?

What kind of father will he be? He wanted a son not a daughter, his disappointment was obvious. I suspect he'll have little to any interest in or eventually contact with this poor child.  Which maybe a good thing for the kid. What can Rob offer a child now? He can barely function enough to wipe his own ass.


9 hours ago, Artsda said:

Rob seemed more at ease with Chyna's family in DC than he did at Khloe's birthday party. Interesting since it was only days apart. The whole family thing of all the photos/Instagrams and production of his family I think is what he's not into. I think he called Khloe's birthday and the family "theatrics." He lasted an hour and got out. Yet with Chyna's family he flew there, did dinner at restaurant with a group setting, did the bowling, then the 4th of July party. He's a lot more comfortable with real people and isn't into his own show his family puts on for the public

I think it was because they kind of ignored him. He could enjoy watching them without feeling like he had to be the life of the party. I don't think they were impressed with a "Kardashian" in their midst.


42 minutes ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

If Chyna has never met her siblings, why bother having them on the sho ----

She didn't meet them till she was 16. She was raised an only child.

Was it weird that when her mom saw her dancing(stripping?) instead of dragging her home by the ear, she got up and tossed her some money? But then is that somehow different from Kris making buck and a career off Kim's tape?


59 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

How is his style of dress much different than what Kanye usually wears?

It's not, but Kanye seems to like dressing like a slob.  He should have Rob model for him.

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, Artsda said:

If he's really doing weight loss program or regime, he probably has to keep track of everything he eats. The calories.  The list had more junk with all the chocolate bars on it than anything. Then later he admits he gained weight and he's talking about not feeling well with his diabetes? Well duh? I wonder why!  

Why keep track if that is what he's actually eating?  If he's cheating, he's not following his diet anyway, so why bother?

I love how every time he's at his mother's house, she just happens to have a "chicken and broccoli plate" ready for him.  Too bad he already stopped at In and Out on the way over and will again when he leaves.

Can't someone at least iron his Tshirts? They look like he just picked them up off the floor and put them on...Oh that's right.. that's just what he did.  I imagine he smells like sweat, funky ass and balls mixed with some mildew, and a faint note of onions and chocolate. And that's on a good day.  

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, laurakaye said:


When I have to start watching this show on the sly from my family and deleting it right afterwards so it doesn't show up on the DVR list...I might have a problem.  My friend and I were discussing the trashy tv shows we watch and when I copped to this one, she looked at me like, "Wow, you win."


Rob's depression and despondence is palpable through the television screen.  He is uncomfortable with BC showing him any affection on tv.  He's rarely seen eating on the show, even when food is right in front of him.  He complains that he wears the same clothes day after day, yet he still wears the same clothes day after day.  He hates his facial hair, but doesn't shave.  He's filmed in his bed as much as Kris Jenner is filmed in her kitchen.  He says he's diabetic and yet doesn't take his insulin, feels sick and scared, but doesn't do what he knows he needs to do to manage his health.  He feels like all eyes are always on him, hates getting his picture taken, hates being the center of attention.



You make a good point. Rob certainly does a lot of self-sabotaging.  He is getting a payback or he wouldn't do it. He really seems unable to handle the public or even family and friends in a social setting.

  • Love 2

I call bs on Chynas mother not knowing about 2 other baby mommas. 

She knew they existed, it's the ages she didn't know they played out, 


If Chyna has never met her siblings, why bother having them on the sho ---- oh right, drama to distract the audience


She knows them and has relationships with them now. She just didn't grow up with them, which is understandable if there's 12 baby mommas. To coordinate a play group could be difficult. lol

  • Love 2
59 minutes ago, Artsda said:

She knew they existed, it's the ages she didn't know they played out, 

She knows them and has relationships with them now. She just didn't grow up with them, which is understandable if there's 12 baby mommas. To coordinate a play group could be difficult. lol

Unless they were from way different towns or all from some big city, I find it hard to believe there was no gossip about 3 women having a baby with the same guy. But I guess it could happen. Odd that she never found out in all the years after. AND cold of Chyna to drop it on her at the table, especially when she practically bragged about her mom "not giving two fucks". Was she hoping for a brawl? Delivering the drama they expect for the big money she must be getting paid.

I did think her dad was sort of nice, not sure though if he's not just in it for the money.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, iwasish said:

Why keep track if that is what he's actually eating?  If he's cheating, he's not following his diet anyway, so why bother?


Chyna was reading off his Postmates, an on-demand food delivery service like UberEats. She knew he wasn't leaving the house so the easiest way to see what he's eating is to check his Postmates because he sure as hell isn't cooking anything himself.


16 hours ago, DNR said:

Did Chyna make her way out of Sinsational on her own or she went the golddigger route and got her nails into Tyga? 

Lmao, there was no gold for her to dig with Tyga. She'd already been name-checked by Drake and featured in Kanye's video for Monster by the time she was in Tyga's video for his only hit, Rack City. She danced at King of Diamonds in Miami which got her more video girl gigs and she eventually opened her own salon and cosmetics line.

As loathe as I am to defend anyone involved in the KarJenner circus, the Kardashians have done a good job of making it seem like Chyna is a random hoodrat who came out of nowhere to suck poor Rob dry when that's not the case. Khloe tries particularly hard with her "I don't know her that well, I don't even have her phone number" schtick.  Kim latched onto Chyna the second she got with Kanye to try to raise her street cred. Chyna was the one that got them into the waist trainers, they were papped shopped and eating those damn salads a lot, Kylie babysat King, Kim went to King's birthday parties and they've even vacationed together. She's not a stranger trying to horn in on their money, she's a friend they villainized when her fiance started bonking their underage sister. Chyna's trajectory is very similar to Kim's, she just didn't have the benefit of rich parents and "victimhood" to help society absolve her of daring to sell her sexuality to get ahead.

  • Love 13

If the genders were reversed here and Chyna was the depressive with the body image issues who never wanted to go anywhere or do anything, we'd all be calling her a psycho and every name in the book and yelling through the TV screen for Rob to dump her ass.  But since a guy is the one struggling with body image issues, hiding  under the blanket all day, and generally giving zero F's about everything, we're all playing armchair psychiatrist, poor Rob this and that, and looking to Chyna have the strength for both of them to pull this whole child-rearing and wedding thing off.  Did anyone read his slut shaming rant a few years ago on twitter?  Maybe Rob is just a miserable personality-minus who never had to grow up, so he didn't?  And the one thing he had going for him was his youth/good looks (and Dad's inheritance)?  And now he's almost 30 (the horror) and 70+ lbs overweight and running out of $$ and realizes he's not a special snowflake and life doesn't owe him sh*t.

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

If the genders were reversed here and Chyna was the depressive with the body image issues who never wanted to go anywhere or do anything, we'd all be calling her a psycho and every name in the book and yelling through the TV screen for Rob to dump her ass.  But since a guy is the one struggling with body image issues, hiding  under the blanket all day, and generally giving zero F's about everything, we're all playing armchair psychiatrist, poor Rob this and that, and looking to Chyna have the strength for both of them to pull this whole child-rearing and wedding thing off.  Did anyone read his slut shaming rant a few years ago on twitter?  Maybe Rob is just a miserable personality-minus who never had to grow up, so he didn't?  And the one thing he had going for him was his youth/good looks (and Dad's inheritance)?  And now he's almost 30 (the horror) and 70+ lbs overweight and running out of $$ and realizes he's not a special snowflake and life doesn't owe him sh*t.

I for one, would not. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, luvly said:

Chyna was reading off his Postmates, an on-demand food delivery service like UberEats. She knew he wasn't leaving the house so the easiest way to see what he's eating is to check his Postmates because he sure as hell isn't cooking anything himself.

Thanks for the info, I thought Postmates was just a Notes to myself kind of APP.

Interesting though, that he makes no effort to hide that he isn't following his diet. You'd think he'd try and cover his tracks. I see it very passive aggressive.  I  wonder what a delivery from Subway costs, probably way more than driving his ass down to pick it up. Or even sending a flunky down to get it. Oh well, rich people's problems..       

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 3

This series is only 6 episodes long, right?  So we're half way through?  By this point we should be at the climax of the storytelling arc.  We know Chyna isn't going to put her foot down and make Rob accountable for his behavior because they already used the closest footage they had of that in the first episode with texting bitches/flowers in the pool scenes.  I know we still have footage of Kim delivering advice through what is left of her nasal passages to look forward to in the remaining 3 episodes, but that's it?

The ratings for Sunday's episode don't even show up on the Nielson report (they did for the 2 prior Sundays):


  • Love 1
2 hours ago, luvly said:

Lmao, there was no gold for her to dig with Tyga. She'd already been name-checked by Drake and featured in Kanye's video for Monster by the time she was in Tyga's video for his only hit, Rack City. She danced at King of Diamonds in Miami which got her more video girl gigs and she eventually opened her own salon and cosmetics line.

Ahhhhh ok ! I didn't know the BC history ! 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, luvly said:

Lmao, there was no gold for her to dig with Tyga. She'd already been name-checked by Drake and featured in Kanye's video for Monster by the time she was in Tyga's video for his only hit, Rack City. She danced at King of Diamonds in Miami which got her more video girl gigs and she eventually opened her own salon and cosmetics line.

Being name-checked by Drake, being just another ex-stripper video vixen or “friends” with Kim Kardashian or even having a salon and cosmetic line does not give one access to a multi-million dollar fortune such as the Kardashians have. But having a child who will be an eventual heir to this fortune and even better, marrying into the family will do the trick. Yeah, I’m cynical as hell and there’s no way I believe that Angela magically fell in love with emotionally messed up, overweight, sloppy Rob and decided then and there to make him her husband and father of her child while altruistically helping him get his life on track. Girlfriend had an agenda and she’s working it.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, iwasish said:

 wonder what a delivery from Subway costs, probably way more than driving his ass down to pick it up. Or even sending a flunky down to get it. Oh well, rich people's problems..       

Edited 54 minutes ago by iwasish.

I didn't know Subway delivered. How lazy, just go get it . Wait no - subway isn't a drive thru.  You wonder how this clown would get thru life if the money suddenly dried up.  Pay bills , go food shopping lol .  He'd really crack up?

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, iwasish said:

I don't think he's getting a break. I do think most of us think Chyna's in it for the money to some extent, so she has to at least look like she's putting forth some effort.

But if Chyna were truly a gold-digger....why wouldn't she go after Scott or Lamar (there is no way he blew threw all of that NBA $$) or Cheban (can't believe I typed that) or someone in that inner-Kardashian circle that we never see on camera who earns trickle-down millions off of this family and their business ventures?  She picked the loser of the bunch.  Hustlers don't do long con jobs (that work is more for sociopaths like Scott), they like to get in and out fast.  She's clearly invested in this guy. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

Maybe Rob is just a miserable personality-minus who never had to grow up, so he didn't?  And the one thing he had going for him was his youth/good looks (and Dad's inheritance)?  And now he's almost 30 (the horror) and 70+ lbs overweight and running out of $$ and realizes he's not a special snowflake and life doesn't owe him sh*t.

^this.  KingBabyRob no doubt is battling a depressive disorder- possibly a low grade depression called Dysthmia.  ( just a layman observation )

BUT - the longer I watch this show- add in :  he definitely has been babied n coddled his whole life , hasn't worked for a thing ,  he's watching all the sisters & PMK rake in millions with all the things they're involved in . Wouldn't surprise me if he's jealous & envious at times over it. Now he's looking in the mirror at 30 and he's a mess. Mr. Failure-to-Launch!  It sure it must  piss shallow  PMK off when she sees her sloppy son lol so what does she do ? No, not use her unlimited resources available to help him  ... She puts him on TV . They're a disgusting greedy bunch of hoes (and I'm ashamed I watch haha)

The Beetus is no joke /just stopping insulin , candy bars , processed junk food. Let's hope for his baby's sake he can think big picture and somehow get it together for Baby Kardashian . He may look into his daughters eyes and it'll bring him the happiness he's been searching for . ?

Edited by DNR
Ninja edit
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Veronique Bette said:

Being name-checked by Drake, being just another ex-stripper video vixen or “friends” with Kim Kardashian or even having a salon and cosmetic line does not give one access to a multi-million dollar fortune such as the Kardashians have. But having a child who will be an eventual heir to this fortune and even better, marrying into the family will do the trick. Yeah, I’m cynical as hell and there’s no way I believe that Angela magically fell in love with emotionally messed up, overweight, sloppy Rob and decided then and there to make him her husband and father of her child while altruistically helping him get his life on track. Girlfriend had an agenda and she’s working it.

But having a child who will be an eventual heir to this fortune heir to the allowance PimpMommy gives daddy. Fixed that for you.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

But if Chyna were truly a gold-digger....why wouldn't she go after Scott or Lamar (there is no way he blew threw all of that NBA $$) or Cheban (can't believe I typed that) or someone in that inner-Kardashian circle that we never see on camera who earns trickle-down millions off of this family and their business ventures?  She picked the loser of the bunch.  Hustlers don't do long con jobs (that work is more for sociopaths like Scott), they like to get in and out fast.  She's clearly invested in this guy. 

She played him for a couple years over the phone. If I understand it correctly,  they finally met in person (he might have met her before, as a friend of Kim's but I don't think so) and two weeks later, she's knocked up. 

Lamar was/is married and I don't know if she's dumb enough to get involved with a drug addict.

Scott? I think he wouldn't be interested. I don't think she's his type and inspite of everything he's done to fuck things up, I do believe he truly loves Kourtney. 

No, Rob is a likely target. Dumb, dull and dirty. All she needs is a baby. Child support and maybe something extra to help her keep her "memories" of their time together and any family secrets he shared with her "out the tabloids" as Baby Huey would say.

  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, FanOfTheFans said:

It could be both too. She may be using him and also have feelings for him. Humans are complicated. 

I do think she cares for him. But I don't believe that the kind of person she is, tough and ambitious, is going to tolerate his flakiness and immaturity. She's had to fight for whatever she has. She's not going to coddle 2 babies and a baby daddy too. She's looking for a partner in life, and if that doesn't work out, the money she needs to "take care herself and her kids"

  • Love 3

According to TMZ, Rob and Chyna have been broken up for a while, and barely speak.  So the K's planned a shower for Rob without inviting Chyna.  I guess someone else is throwing Chyna a shower this coming Sunday.  So for some reason Rob is pissed about Chyna not getting an invite for his family shower so he tweets out his sister's phone number.  Huh?

Anyhoo, I guess we can stop watching the show now!

1 hour ago, iwasish said:

I do think she cares for him. But I don't believe that the kind of person she is, tough and ambitious, is going to tolerate his flakiness and immaturity.

I wouldn’t want to deal with a flakey, immature man that I had to coddle like a baby either.  So guess what? I wouldn’t purposely choose to be with someone like that, much less make sure to become impregnated by him only weeks after our first real date.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

According to TMZ, Rob and Chyna have been broken up for a while, and barely speak.  So the K's planned a shower for Rob without inviting Chyna.  I guess someone else is throwing Chyna a shower this coming Sunday.  So for some reason Rob is pissed about Chyna not getting an invite for his family shower so he tweets out his sister's phone number.  Huh?

Anyhoo, I guess we can stop watching the show now!

I think there's going to be a battle (real or reality show real)over this baby. The Kardashians are going to throw their "family is everything" card into the ring and act as if this baby really means something to them and every nasty bit of it will be played out on film.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Veronique Bette said:

I wouldn’t want to deal with a flakey, immature man that I had to coddle like a baby either.  So guess what? I wouldn’t purposely choose to be with someone like that, much less make sure to become impregnated by him only weeks after our first real date.

I think her feelings developed while they were texting and talking on the phone. Rob probably talked a good game about how his family fucked him up, and she wanted to believe it because of her history with Tyga/Kylie/Kim. Their story is that they met and in two weeks she was pregnant. Now she's realizing just how fucked up he is, but she doesn't want to be stuck again as a single mom. Sadly, unless pimp mom can sell them both on a wedding show, it's going to turn out just like that.

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