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S18.E31: Live Eviction 10, Head Of Household 11

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53 minutes ago, NoirDetective said:

Paulie has a truly awful poker face. You can read every thought and reaction clear as day.

Frank's puppet who speaks like a child without a shred of confidence or conviction being a feminist is laughable, but I guess that's what even educated young women today believe feminism is all about, sadly? Merely getting a man to listen to you and a gaggle of mug-clinking shrews is empowerment?

Paulie is a mean little asshole, for sure, but from what I saw Z willingly made herself his doormat, as did Bridgette, whenever the "cute" (ick to both!) boy glanced their way/told them they were special/better than the rest of "those girls." I don't think feminism is about treating men as badly or worse than feminists claim men treat women, or about infantilizing women by blaming their results on a man/circumstances/privelege/whatever imaginary culture is offensive to the victim-peddling groupthink this week. Bridgette's version of feminism reminds me of that Roseanne episode where she sees the 1950s version of herself.

"But I'm only a woman!"

"God! Leave her, Dan!"

Day is a straight up bitch. She's done very poorly and won nothing two seasons now, and I would've given it back to her a lot harder than "catty" if she was cackling and hair flipping in my face like that. Again, Paulie sucks, but there are no heroes in that jury house. Or the actual house.

Also, I find Victor just ick! (Icktor?) But to each his/her own.

I agree with all but your last sentence.  

How Bridgette thinks of herself as a feminist when she followed Frank's lead like a One Direction* groupie is beyond me.  And that whole THANKING him thing was just crazy!

Seems like every time I see/hear/read a woman talking about feminism, all she's really doing is bashing men.  Isn't feminism supposed to be a charge for equal rights and equal treatment.... not special rights and superior treatment?  I've read a lot of man-hating posts both here and elsewhere and I don't get it. No man is going to be persuaded to change his antiquated views or be inspired to open his mind and listen to ideals that differ from his own when the person doing the talking is making male-bashing, back handed comments about wanting to kick men in the nuts.  

You catch more flies with honey......ahem.

*I love One Direction.  So shoot me.  :D

Edited by J.D.
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7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

The highlight of this episode was absolutely seeing Paulie enter jury house and the girls did NOT go easy on him. He was trying SO hard to stay calm, because he knew how it would look. But you just know he had all kinds of thoughts floating around in there. Because, you know, his behavior was purely the result of "catty girls" in the house, not his own shortcomings. When the girls were clapping at his downfall, right next to him, I was just thrilled! And surprised that Z finally seemed to be standing up to him. 

Not so happy to see Vic instead of Corey go. I was really hoping Paul's plan would work. But I think all it did was put the focus on Paul. There wasn't enough talk about Corey and Nicole's part in all of it. Victor should have put more emphasis on THAT, as if Nicorey were trying to bring Paul in. Now Vic is gone and Paul has an even bigger target on his back. Oooops. 


I really kind of hope that Victor is the one sent back in, just because it would be hilarious. You can't kill this guy! 

Yes he was trying so hard to keep it together but he's not very good at playing it cool.  I thought it was obvious that he was barely containing his rage.  He was seething!!! He kind of scares me in that he seems like he is very, very angry and could lose it at any minute of there were no cameras.  Like when he did that clapping thing when Natalie left the HOH the night he held his filibuster (thank you to whoever came up with that, it was perfect) he clapped and the cry last clap was so angry, almost like a slap, and I thought I could totally picture him hitting someone.

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, wait.what said:


2 questions: why was Julie's legs so shiny? And why is Paulie's shorts so short?


LOL, there was SUCH a stark difference between his shorts, and Victor's (his went all the way to his knees). I'm sure it was just one more way for him to show off his "enviable" muscles. 


6 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I understand what you mean, but Paulie fueled the fire every single time he opened his mouth, and his posture and facial expressions made it clear what he thought of the women.  He absolutely cannot stand to not have the last word.  His folded arms and smug smile makes it clear that he feels far superior to those three crazy witches ganging up on poor widdle Paulie.  Until and unless he loses the attitude, I have a really hard time garnering any sympathy for him.

Exactly. If he had shown one smidge of regret, gave even an attempt at an apology for his behavior, I might cut him some slack. But he's a perpetual victim, being harassed by a bunch of "catty girls". Poor Paulie. 

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Unpopular opinion alert: Even though Paulie's beat down by the women started out as my dream come true, I thought it went on too long and began to look like the sort of bully-fest where they run out of points to make and things to say and just start repeating themselves to impress each other.  Paulie deserved it , but by the time it was over, I thought they were all three starting to seem a little bit hysterical and cray-cray.

I didn't like it when they made fun of his height, there's a lot to bitch about in regards to Paulie but his height is something he can't help.  He deserved what he got but the height thing took it to far in my opinion.  

  • Love 5

Well it wasn't height bashing, it was that he has 'little man's syndrome' which is pretty spot on. It details a lot of why he reacts to things the way that he does. He just so happens to be symptomatic of LMS... so if the (small) shoe fits...

19 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

LOL, there was SUCH a stark difference between his shorts, and Victor's (his went all the way to his knees). I'm sure it was just one more way for him to show off his "enviable" muscles. 

Speaking of fits... those shorts were so high especially on the sides you could see his thigh tattoo on his left leg, looked like some kind of team logo?

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 7
50 minutes ago, J.D. said:

Seems like every time I see/hear/read a woman talking about feminism, all she's really doing is bashing men.  Isn't feminism supposed to be a charge for equal rights and equal treatment.... not special rights and superior treatment?  

Every time? I'm hoping that's hyperbole. :)

Yes, feminism is about equal rights rather than putting women above men, and multiple people commented on that on these boards. (Obviously you are going to find vocal members of the feminist movement whose ideas on rectifying the situation are more radical than others. That's true of any movement.)

That said, with this crew it's just so damn easy to bash both the men and the women, because wow. Maybe we just aren't always doing it in the same post.

Mostly my observations have been that the casting for BB could really use a change, and that due to the cast, women who don't play passive enough games get sent home fast. I wouldn't consider that statement to be men bashing at all. It's not a statement about men in general but rather about the casting (men and women), competitions, and environment of BB.

Also, if Bridgette considers herself a feminist, then let her be. I once had someone tell me I couldn't be a true feminist because I "submitted to the patriarchal dominance" by shaving my legs. Oh. The horror. I think maybe there's a range of overlap of important issues we can focus on. And as humans, we're all works in progress.

ETA: Please, God, let Paulie evolve a lot, and the women lose the phone number of their helium supplier.

Edited by simplyme
  • Love 12

Paulie sucks, but there are no heroes in that jury house. Or the actual house.

That's a valid point. None of the women on that jury played very good games. Bridget and Zakiyah both attached themselves to two of the most reviled players in the history of the show and DaVonne was given a second shot at this game and still blew it. It's all well and good to say that Paulie was horrible to Zakiyah, because he certainly was, but he showed his true colors when he was vague about using the Veto on her and even more so when he didn't, and still she trusted him. It's hard to put all the blame on Paulie when she was such an idiot. And I've never gotten past Bridget whining that Frank "didn't deserve to get voted out." 

So, great that Paulie has to suffer at the hands of these morons but still, I wish Julie had done her job and called him out on his abominable behavior in the house instead of greeting him with a cheering crowd like he was some kind of fan favorite.

Edited by iMonrey
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6 hours ago, laprin said:

Paulie was not bullied. If merely being an ass is the same as bullying, then Paulie was one of the biggest bullies in the house. The way the standards have lowered for what is being classified as bullying truly undermines real bullying. By making every occassion where someone argues with you or is unpleasant towards someone for longer than 5 minutes, a bully, then I guess we all are bullies. 

I agree with you that the term "bullying," is thrown around too much and, no, it's not the same as being an ass,  but I thought the scene in the jury house met  the classic definition of bullying:   Several people ganging up on one for the purpose of making him feel humiliated, intimidated, hated and small.

 It wasn't arguing, that's an exchange of differing ideas.  I love arguing, I'm doing it right now.  This was different. This was Nelson's"  Hah hah, you're a loser." You could see  Paulie's face turn dark red with embarrassment and his smug smile quiver at the edges, I thought he was going to cry a couple of times.  Another clue that it was bullying was the clear enjoyment of the three women and the way they kept looking at each other for affirmation. Da was full on performing to an audience and Bridgette was so excited she was bouncing in her seat and almost hyperventilating -- she reminded me of a four year-old who has discovered some trick to wow the grown-ups  and keeps doing it over and over, but can't quit grinning while doing it.  No one dislikes Paulie's smug arrogance more than I do, I was kept awake with anger at him several times this summer.  The trouble is, now I don't like those three women any better.

As for "small man syndrome."  There are plenty of short men who are not smug and arrogant and plenty of tall ones who are. Making fun of Paulie for his height is worse than talking about Natalie's implants -- at least she had some choice about that.

  • Love 5

I finally watched the episode. A lot to be said, especially about jury.

I believe that Bridgette is a feminist. Sure, her actions with Frank were questionable, but being a feminist doesn't mean that you have to follow a specific set of rules and have to be completely anti-men. It can be as simple as wanting equal rights for both sexes. Paulie's line of thinking about feminism might be considered more of the "feminazi" territory, while Bridgette may consider herself just a feminist in general. There are different levels to feminism and I don't think discounting Bridgette's feminism because of her actions with Frank are the right approach. It's not like she's like Paulie, in which she wanted all the men to be gone and have only women as F8 and making fun of solely men. 

And I say all of this as being a non-Bridgette fan (although I root for her in the competition because she's the best out of the five for me to win) and didn't like her team-up with Frank. 

I think I liked her approach to Paulie the best, although Zak getting to yell at him was satisfying. Day seemed like she was just trying to get cute, funny quips in, in my opinion. Her and Zakiyah seem the most aware that there are cameras around. Paulie was certainly still acting like a douche so he provoked every single comment made toward him. "Oh, I get to hang out with three catty girls". Yeah, dude, that'll get the girls to hang out with you, not that they would have in the first place. Even in the "few days later" second jury segment, it was clear that nobody was friendly with Paulie. Zak stood far from him, Bridgette had her body language totally closed off from him, and Day didn't seem to want to acknowledge him. I'll bet his week in jury wasn't that pleasant, especially with his Game Face. The last thing he'll want is to stay in jury another week if Victor wins buyback and he gets sent back to that tension-filled jury house with three girls. He wants another guy there to 'defend' him, clearly. 

And that is why I partially want Victor to win if Bridgette doesn't. Paulie being stuck in a house filled with women for another week? Great. And if Nicole/Natalie/Michelle gets evicted next week? Even better. 

I noticed that even Natalie gave Paulie a hug when they all came back into the house, but Paulie/Corey's hug was certainly the longest. Corey didn't seem to want to let go! Or Paulie. Either one. 

  • Love 6
14 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

As for "small man syndrome."  There are plenty of short men who are not smug and arrogant and plenty of tall ones who are. Making fun of Paulie for his height is worse than talking about Natalie's implants -- at least she had some choice about that.

Would everyone prefer that the old phrase "Napoleon Complex" had been used instead?  Because Paulie clearly suffers from it (unless "small man syndrome" refers in HIS case to overcompensation for the diminutive stature of a specific part of his anatomy).

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, cgogis said:

I'm not sure. My husband thought they were straight from Marty McFly in Back to the Future. Either way, they are bonkers! 

I don't think they're Yeezys, but I'm not 100% sure. Definitely in the same family (I actually like the all white Yeezys). They looked fly from the side but when they showed him straight on, I saw the overly big tongues which seem to be all the rage now and when you're shorter they cut off your legs that much more which isn't a good look. Paulie just seems like the type of cornball to buy sneakers like that even though they do him no favors smh.

  • Love 2
54 minutes ago, Frootloop Dingus said:


What about when Paulie stepped out of the car at jury house.  His shoes! I instantly thought douche shoes! They also made me think of something Frankie G would wear.  I would never date a dude who wore those shoes.  Ick. 


I honestly don't even remember the shoes? I think I was more concerned about how tight his jeans were. 

  • Love 3

Hilarious to for once see a Jury House segment that wasn't all "we had rough times when [this year's jerk] first showed up, but being in Jury really lets you decompress and we're all friends now" and the usual kumbaya.  Paulie continues to be Paulie, and the women can't stand him.  Heheheheh.

OTOH, that was SOME bro-hug he gave Corey when he got into the house.  "I missed you, too, homie!  And I'm coming back [inaudible]…" Aww, Paurey, the true showMANce of the summer is on again!  And the sound of projectile vomiting is heard throughout the land…

Can't join the crew bagging on the short-shorts, though; they were once pretty popular among certain appreciative segments of the population.  I even remember an NBA on NBC cross-promotion ad from the '90s where the female characters from Friends were lamenting that nobody in the NBA (bar John Stockton)  wore the classic "gym shorts" any more.  If I'm given the chance to look at Bridgette and Zakiyah in their shorts, I can't complain about Paulie's, I suppose.

Although I do wonder where Paulie might be looking…I'm remembering the "Hashtag" HoH when the "Internet Trolls" came out and you could hear Paulie exclaiming in delight, "I can see all of their bulges…"  Down, boy.  Both metaphorically and literally, if you don't mind.

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Even Paulie's Dad and Cody think he deserved what he got from those women, especially Z. 

It seems like bully because all of them were going at him at once instead of one on one.  But I can't blame them for that cause they had reason to go after him but unfortunately the production crew probably didn't want it to be a one on one argument with each of the ladies because of time restraint and all that jazzy.  So at time it might have come off as them picking on him when they had legitimate reasons (especially Z) to go off on him.

I don't feel sorry for him. I just hope he, all of them, learn from this experience and become better people. 

  • Love 1

Even Paulie's Dad and Cody think he deserved what he got from those women, especially Z. 

It seems like bully because all of them were going at him at once instead of one on one.  But I can't blame them for that cause they had reason to go after him but unfortunately the production crew probably didn't want it to be a one on one argument with each of the ladies because of time restraint and all that jazzy.  So at time it might have come off as them picking on him when they had legitimate reasons (especially Z) to go off on him.

I don't feel sorry for him. I just hope he, all of them, learn from this experience and become better people. 


ETA: The way the production crew used creative licensed for editing in favor of Paulie from the start until he was OTB, I can see why people might think the girls went too far. 

Paul lies as smoothly as a psychopath, but Victor's not very good.  His face keeps trying to smile (his tell) before he wrestles it back into solemn mode.

All of this homie business reminds me of a funny mother/teenage son text conversation: 

Mom texts son and refers to him as homie.  He texts back - Did you just call me homie?  Mom - No, I texted you.  If I had called you you're phone would have a number next to "phone".

  • Love 2

On twitter his Dad basically tweeted that Zakiyah would smack Paulie down. After the show someone tweeted and asked him how he felt about it. He said she had a right to be pissed at him.

Here is Cody's repspnd: 


Edited by SevenStars
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On August 26, 2016 at 1:27 PM, JudyObscure said:

I agree with you that the term "bullying," is thrown around too much and, no, it's not the same as being an ass,  but I thought the scene in the jury house met  the classic definition of bullying:   Several people ganging up on one for the purpose of making him feel humiliated, intimidated, hated and small.

 It wasn't arguing, that's an exchange of differing ideas.  I love arguing, I'm doing it right now.  This was different. This was Nelson's"  Hah hah, you're a loser." You could see  Paulie's face turn dark red with embarrassment and his smug smile quiver at the edges, I thought he was going to cry a couple of times.

I didn't see a person about to cry because of sadness. I saw a person who was doing everything to conceal rage to the point of tears. There are some people that cry out of anger. I'm one of them. 

Bullying has (3) elements. The first is aggressive and unwanted negative action. Check. The second is that it is a pattern of behavior over time. Whether or not this behavior was sustained is unknown. We only saw the first day, which, understandably, would elicit the most negative reaction. The third element is an imbalance of power which makes the victim feel threatened. At no point does Paulie feel threatened. His entire outlook on life is predicated on being superior to women. He could never feel powerless against three people he has so little regard for.  

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Oh, it is so f great to sit here and read what you boys think of Feminism. I'm so relieved. I just wouldn't know what to think if I didn't have you men to tell me all about the "gaggle of mug-clinking shrews" waiting for "your boy" Paulie (a man). I mistook them for strong, angry, women. I'm so foolish.

I want a man to "cuddle" me but I'm old and ugly. I will just go die now of shame for my worthlessness.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, zibnchy said:

I'm so foolish

I agree with that diagnosis. Whining about not finding your very own personal echo chamber on the Internet where you want one to be is quite foolish. Especially when there are sites that sell themselves as echo chambers for this type of myopic, double standard perspective.

Again, Paulie sucks, no doubt, and for a variety of real reasons, but those women lost because of the game they played/choices they made for themselves. Full stop. Being a man's puppet/doormat is what they chose. Happily! Z and B loved it while it was working. Much like Natalie's baseless claims of harassment, it instantly becomes totally and unacceptably wrong the moment it didn't. Had the jurors played better/made different choices they might have done better in the competition. But now Paulies the bad guy because they chose something that didn't get them the desired results and he talked about boobs. That's where the undercurrent of "But we're only women! How dare a man not take action to save us from our feeble female minds and the choices we gladly made at the time!" comes from. It's a hypocrisy designed to absolve all "strong" women as victims and cast all men as predatory. If that's one's view of the genders, fine, but don't try and tell me that's what feminism, or anything, should actively be trying to achieve.

And why can't men speak on their perceptions of feminism, or anything, either positively or negatively? Isn't one of the feminist drumbeats about wanting women's voices to be heard on all issues, not just the "women's issues" so labeled by the patriarchy? So, women should have that ability, but men shouldn't? Sticking fingers in ears and screaming "no contrary opinions" is a great way to protect a sick herd, not be an actual activist advancing any cause, feminist or otherwise, in any meaningful way.

If one doesn't want "to sit here and read what you boys think of Feminism" maybe that person should educate themselves by reading a wider range of female Feminist perspectives than the perpetually assaulted commenters at Jezebel and messed up famewhores like Natalie. Opposing female perspectives are plentiful. Maybe then you can trick yourself into thinking you are open-minded?

Like Bridgette, maybe you no feminist so good.

  • Love 3

Paulie is repulsive and I'm glad the girls didn't go along with BB's victim/good guy edit. Every bit of that raking over the coals was earned, the best moment of the season. I guess the only good thing that could come out of the rewind is for Paulie to have to suffer through another week in the jury house without a guy there to bromance.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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