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S06.E01: Put A Ring On It / S06.E02: Tweet Tweet

Tara Ariano
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35 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

When I was severely depressed, it was nearly impossible to even get up and take a shower. It's very difficult to understand if you haven't experienced it.

Been there. Absolutely. When it seems like a chore to even move from your bed to your couch (or vis-versa), the idea of leaving the house (let alone getting a baby & baby's bag ready to leave the house) seems like it's  impossible. 

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I'm going through a clinical depression myself right now.  I'm starting to recover, my meds are kicking in, I go to therapy regularly...but it has been a very, very rough road.  Tyler needs to drink a great big cup of Shut The Hell Up when it comes to Catelynn's treatment.  The girl has severe depression; she might be on meds for the rest of her life, and the last thing she needs is Mr. Know It All to give her grief about that.  GAH!  He is so ignorant, it actually embarrasses me to watch him.

Catelynn, if you are reading this: take care of yourself, girl.  Depression is a serious illness, no matter what your Circle of Suck might say.  Listen to your doctor and get yourself a new therapist.  And for heaven's sake, take your meds!  They can be the difference between life and death for you!

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4 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Been there. Absolutely. When it seems like a chore to even move from your bed to your couch (or vis-versa), the idea of leaving the house (let alone getting a baby & baby's bag ready to leave the house) seems like it's  impossible. 

Been there, too. It is god-awful. I feel so bad for those who are suffering from it. 

Never did I turn to alcohol, drugs, smoke pot, or go drop off my kids to my family's house for a week. During that time I also never went out to drink and party. I also didn't plan a huge castle wedding, go buy two more vehicles, or go take trips where I then had dolphin experiences, rode horses, and all the other things Tyler and Catelynn did on that trip. I didn't acquire any pets. I took medication and made sure to see a real professional therapist who helped me. I did all of this while working at a full-time job. Something Cate and Tyler know nothing about.

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If Cate takes her meds as directed, has regular bloodwork done and sees a real professional, impulse and seemingly poor decision making will lessen. Sleeping all day etc suggests she was not taking her meds on time, if at all, imo. Maintaining a balance can't happen if she skips doses either.

Edited by ginger90
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2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

If Cate takes her meds as directed, has regular bloodwork done and sees a real professional, impulse and seemingly poor decision making will lessen. Sleeping all day etc suggests she was not taking her meds on time, if at all, imo. Maintaining a balance can't happen if she skips doses either.

Cate was taking them, but she smokes marijuana and drinks. That is why her meds were not helping her. If there was one thing Dr. Drew was right about, was the fact antidepressants and marijuana don't mix.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Yea, she definitely shouldn't mixing anything else with her meds. I think this is another case of Tyler talking the supportive talk, but not walking the walk. While a spouse shouldn't have to change their life because the other has a problem, it makes you wonder what means more to them. He wants HER to lose weight, but he'll keep stuffing his face. He wants her to get better, but HE probably lights up/cracks a can right in front of her. It's just further proof that those two shouldn't be together. Cate is very insecure and weak willed right now. She needs to be on her own and build herself up before she should be in a relationship with ANYONE. And Tyler is super selfish and knows what to say to come across as "supportive", but his actions say otherwise. 

Also, he did make a comment about her working towards getting off her meds. How long has she even been on them? Does he not realize some people simply require long term medication in order to be able to function? I almost wonder if Cate doesn't skip her meds or take half of what she's supposed to, because she knows he doesn't like the idea of her needing them. 

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It would have been nice if instead of ragging on Cate about her "big ass" quesadilla as soon as she mentioned she was considering re-joining Weight Watchers, Tyler said something like "I'll eat a Weight Watchers Diet too, we'll do this together"......or SOMETHING other than immediately criticizing her and making her feel like crap.

Edited by starfire
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Tyler telling Cate to start weaning herself off her meds was atrocious and dangerous. She's not taking them because they're fun or because she wants to. She's taking them because she HAS to in order to function even a little bit normally. It's clear that her mental problems annoy him and all he wants is the perfect, hot wife. Guess what, dude. Cate's never going to be perfect, she's never going to be a model, and she could very well need to be medicated for the rest of her life. For the rest of TYLER'S life because he's the one who married her knowing she had all these issues. Catelynn's depression and weight gain didn't start up after their wedding; they were always present, and Tyler knew it. He had so many opportunities to break things off because they finally made it official. No sympathy. 

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I am not being melodramatic here: my psych meds saved my life.  I will be on them for the rest of my life, and I am okay with that.  I am married to a man who is okay with that.  He's a terrific husband and a very good man.

Catelynn needs to drop Mr. No-Heifer like, yesterday.  Not just because Tyler is an asshole, but for her own well-being and recovery.

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On September 2, 2016 at 4:06 PM, bethster said:

I'm going through a clinical depression myself right now.  I'm starting to recover, my meds are kicking in, I go to therapy regularly...but it has been a very, very rough road.  Tyler needs to drink a great big cup of Shut The Hell Up when it comes to Catelynn's treatment.  The girl has severe depression; she might be on meds for the rest of her life, and the last thing she needs is Mr. Know It All to give her grief about that.  GAH!  He is so ignorant, it actually embarrasses me to watch him.

Catelynn, if you are reading this: take care of yourself, girl.  Depression is a serious illness, no matter what your Circle of Suck might say.  Listen to your doctor and get yourself a new therapist.  And for heaven's sake, take your meds!  They can be the difference between life and death for you!

Sending you hugs and the strength to get up every day and try to kick depression's butt, Bethster.

On September 3, 2016 at 7:03 AM, ghoulina said:

Yea, she definitely shouldn't mixing anything else with her meds. I think this is another case of Tyler talking the supportive talk, but not walking the walk. While a spouse shouldn't have to change their life because the other has a problem, it makes you wonder what means more to them. He wants HER to lose weight, but he'll keep stuffing his face. He wants her to get better, but HE probably lights up/cracks a can right in front of her. It's just further proof that those two shouldn't be together. Cate is very insecure and weak willed right now. She needs to be on her own and build herself up before she should be in a relationship with ANYONE. And Tyler is super selfish and knows what to say to come across as "supportive", but his actions say otherwise. 

Also, he did make a comment about her working towards getting off her meds. How long has she even been on them? Does he not realize some people simply require long term medication in order to be able to function? I almost wonder if Cate doesn't skip her meds or take half of what she's supposed to, because she knows he doesn't like the idea of her needing them. 

Plus, doesn't Butch live with them? Is it really a great idea to regularly toke up or get drunk around a recovering addict (not to mention....I'm not sure his parole officer would like that situation). You know Tyler would be the first one bitching if Butch fell off the wagon, but here he (and Cate) are smoking up and drinking around him. 

And as for meds - yes, plenty of us need some type of meds for mental illness for the rest of our lives, just like some people need anti-seizure meds or allergy meds or whatever for their whole lives. Tyler can miss me with his 2006 version of Tom Cruise telling Cate she needs to get off the meds and take more walks or whatever. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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8 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Tyler can miss me with his 2006 version of Tom Cruise telling Cate she needs to get off the meds and take more walks or whatever. 

Did I miss Tyler getting his MD somehow?  What the hell does HE know??

I also suffer from depression.  Tyler needs to shut his yap, maybe actually learn something about this illness.  Cait seems to be suffering terribly and I'm so sad for her.

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I will say that marijuana greatly aided my severe depression and chronic PTSD, which Catelynn likely also has from her abusive upbringing. Chronic/complex PTSD is an entirely different disorder from PTSD itself and reflects more of what Cate has experienced. Antidepressants never helped me much (they generally don't if the problem is trauma more than genetics), but marijuana does. It's legal where I live for any kind of use, including recreational, so I guess it's different, but I really can't blame the girl for self-medicating. I found that the prescribed meds left me feeling much more like a druggie than a little weed. If the meds do work for her, she should work on slowly backing off the marijuana, and she should get more trauma-focused therapy, but there are a lot of "shoulds" with severe mental illness and not enough time in the world to explain why they generally don't happen. I have nothing but sympathy for her. 

The idea of working out, even a brisk walk, or even a shower would have been laughable on some of my worst days. You might as well have asked me to go to the moon. And if someone had constantly told me to just *get myself straightened out,* it would have been straight up abusive. 

Tyler clearly has some affection for Cate but wishes she was "hot" and more mentally stable, but no smarter or more successful than him. I really can't stand the guy. Re: the weight loss, Tyler eats the exact same foods Cate does. I don't exactly see him with a mouthful of fresh veggies or heading to the gym while she eats Burger King. And health isn't only dependent on weight. Weight is really just a marker you can use to gauge if you should test for certain things. Tyler's cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, etc., could be equally problematic. They should BOTH make a commitment to slowly eating healthier. And Tyler should take the lead with his own diet, or (gasp) cooking and shopping for healthier foods, since he's not the one suffering from anxiety, insecurity, and depression.

Edited by Lm2162
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On 9/1/2016 at 4:44 AM, Kellyee said:

Dr. Drew needs to have a sit down with all the Teen Moms and Dads and Dustin Diamond and Jon Gosselin, so that the latter can explain to the former where they are headed with no education, real jobs, or attempts to save their money. Why are Tyler and Catelynn buying another house?? Why do so few of these people seem to work at anything? What happened to last season when Tyler's mom was attempting to explain to him that his MTV "job" has an end date and he needs to be prepared?

Season after season, they sit on couches, find guys, and make more babies. And that's about it. I laugh the hardest at the idea that these girls are going to make social media their career. They're not famous or charismatic enough to pull that off.

Oh god, I agree with all of that except the Dr. Drew part. Knowing him, he'll probably bitch at Cate and Chelsea most for not losing weight/being nicer to Adammm, shame Farrah for doing porn but not Amber or Maci for bullying guys into marrying them, act inappropriately excited about Jenelle's and Maci's irresponsibility babies, and behave like Matt's best friend. PLEASE NO DREW

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On August 24, 2016 at 3:03 PM, kdl88 said:

Very good points. A lot of people do not understand those things so it's easy to look at a list on WW (which can't be totally comprehensive) and say, "sure, 7 points."  It's so unclear how much money they have - if she could afford it, it might even be better to go to a nutritionist who can go over portion size, how may servings of fruit and vegetables to eat, how to choose healthy meals even if she has to eat out, etc.  

I do WW and I've had some pretty good success, but it is nearly impossible to do it if you eat out often.  Especially with the latest recalculation it's really, really hard to get enough to eat and stay under points with most restaurant food. That works for me because while I love going out, I'm also cheap so I only do it for social occasions. On a normal day I cook every meal at home, I even pack lunches for work. So that works for me because I go out to dinner once or twice a month. The way C&T eat where they're getting a lot of take out, well there's just no way Cait is going to eat enough to feel full and stay under points.  I think Tyler is gaining weight too. They just eat out too much. Of course I don't think Cait's weight is the top priority so if she wants to change things that's up to her. I'm more concerned with the way her and Tyler interact. It's a very unhealthy relationship.  

Tyler you are such an asshole. You would rather lose Carley then MTV. You are the worst. And considering the company you keep that's impressive 

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On ‎9‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 7:47 PM, FozzyBear said:

I do WW and I've had some pretty good success, but it is nearly impossible to do it if you eat out often.  Especially with the latest recalculation it's really, really hard to get enough to eat and stay under points with most restaurant food. That works for me because while I love going out, I'm also cheap so I only do it for social occasions. On a normal day I cook every meal at home, I even pack lunches for work. So that works for me because I go out to dinner once or twice a month. The way C&T eat where they're getting a lot of take out, well there's just no way Cait is going to eat enough to feel full and stay under points.  I think Tyler is gaining weight too. They just eat out too much. Of course I don't think Cait's weight is the top priority so if she wants to change things that's up to her. I'm more concerned with the way her and Tyler interact. It's a very unhealthy relationship.  

Tyler you are such an asshole. You would rather lose Carley then MTV. You are the worst. And considering the company you keep that's impressive 

I've always found this pretty odd when it comes to these particular "teens/early to mid 20 something".  It doesn't seem like any of them are for any real life improvement.  Lets break it down into different areas.

Health:  If I had their money.  I would be going to the best gyms, working with the best trainers, eating the best foods that I can get my hands on.  There is no excuse why any of them should have any "avoidable" health problems.  As others have mentioned in regard to Cait, go schedule an appointment with a nutritionist who can teach you about eating properly, and possibly look into doing one of those meal service programs that cook you healthy meals and snacks for the day/week/month.  They would be relatively inexpensive for someone with their money.  For as much as they spend eating out every week that money would cover a week's worth of healthy meals for them.

Even when it came to my mental health there is no way I wouldn't be going to see the best psychiatrist in town, looking into alternative medicines/techniques I could use to get and feel better. 

Work:  Now I'll be the first one to say that If I were in their shoes I would of gotten my degree very easily.  With that said I am not as bothered with any of them not pursuing higher education as long as they are being smart with their money.  Investing in small business that are low overhead, hell even the house flipping is a good investment especially considering the rural areas that a lot of them live in.  It would be fairly inexpensive for them to purchase and fix up something halfway decent and still get a good profit.  I would much rather see them pursue things that they are actually interested in that they can figure out a way to make money than just sit around aimlessly spending it.

I mean hell what good is having this money if you aren't going to improve your health and station in life.  Now when it comes to someone like Farrah, I think a lot of her success is "postulating".  Now don't get me wrong I actually admire the girl's hustle (porn.... Oh I mean sex tape notwithstanding) but a lot of her is just fake.  From the fake plastic surgery that would of actually looked better if she ate right, got a trainer and worked out instead.  To the lavish homes she pretending to buy.

These parents are so extreme in either direction.

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38 minutes ago, JBC344 said:

I've always found this pretty odd when it comes to these particular "teens/early to mid 20 something".  It doesn't seem like any of them are for any real life improvement.  Lets break it down into different areas.

Health:  If I had their money.  I would be going to the best gyms, working with the best trainers, eating the best foods that I can get my hands on.  There is no excuse why any of them should have any "avoidable" health problems.  As others have mentioned in regard to Cait, go schedule an appointment with a nutritionist who can teach you about eating properly, and possibly look into doing one of those meal service programs that cook you healthy meals and snacks for the day/week/month.  They would be relatively inexpensive for someone with their money.  For as much as they spend eating out every week that money would cover a week's worth of healthy meals for them.

Even when it came to my mental health there is no way I wouldn't be going to see the best psychiatrist in town, looking into alternative medicines/techniques I could use to get and feel better. 

Work:  Now I'll be the first one to say that If I were in their shoes I would of gotten my degree very easily.  With that said I am not as bothered with any of them not pursuing higher education as long as they are being smart with their money.  Investing in small business that are low overhead, hell even the house flipping is a good investment especially considering the rural areas that a lot of them live in.  It would be fairly inexpensive for them to purchase and fix up something halfway decent and still get a good profit.  I would much rather see them pursue things that they are actually interested in that they can figure out a way to make money than just sit around aimlessly spending it.

I mean hell what good is having this money if you aren't going to improve your health and station in life.  Now when it comes to someone like Farrah, I think a lot of her success is "postulating".  Now don't get me wrong I actually admire the girl's hustle (porn.... Oh I mean sex tape notwithstanding) but a lot of her is just fake.  From the fake plastic surgery that would of actually looked better if she ate right, got a trainer and worked out instead.  To the lavish homes she pretending to buy.

These parents are so extreme in either direction.

Yeah, I don't know how to feel about Farrah. On the one hand, she's horrible and I do think mentally ill (I want to be clear I think those are two seperate issues. I hate the way mental illness gets confused with general bitchery. Some of the kindest people I know are mentally ill and some of the worst people I know are just bastards. But in Farrah's case I think both issues are at play). So I can't say I think she's made a ton of good decisions. And I'm starting to feel like she's becoming something of a scam artist. On the other hand, at least she has actually moved forward with her life. She's tried to do something with her life, even if it's a kind of weird icky something. None of the other girls have really tried to do much of anything. Self made porn star isn't exactly a goal of mine, but neither is depressed wife of Tyler so...

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Yeah, I've got to say that while Farrah is a big ol bitch, I respect her the most at the moment. She's set up boutiques, a restaurant, shilled books and pasta sauce and club appearances, did porn (hey, whatever does the job), appeared on a few other shows, and set up everything not just for herself but for Sophia. She hasn't had any other kids and has set up some of her stuff in Sophia's name. Like it or not she's the only one who's done anything for her or her child's future economic stability. 

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I wonder how much money it takes to forget that not only did you sit through a plaster molding of your vagina and anus (edited for language), but that there are NUMEROUS people out there actually fucking them. I'm fine judging those people, by the way. BUt I mean when those checks come in, every one of them is because some gross person is out there jamming their dick into a rubber mold of you, by themselves in a room. You can't escape it. 

Edited by Uncle JUICE
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15 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

I wonder how much money it takes to forget that not only did you sit through a plaster molding of your vagina and anus (edited for language), but that there are NUMEROUS people out there actually fucking them. I'm fine judging those people, by the way. BUt I mean when those checks come in, every one of them is because some gross person is out there jamming their dick into a rubber mold of you, by themselves in a room. You can't escape it. 

I think personally I'd laugh hysterically all the way to the bank. Lol! 

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14 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I think personally I'd laugh hysterically all the way to the bank. Lol! 

I think the first few times maybe, but eventually, I think you'd start to picture your customers, particularly as like the sales dwindled. THat's presuming there's like a royalties arrangement on the fake pussy, rather than the more likely one check up front, full stop arrangement. But when you went to deposit your $12.51 check like 7 months from now, you'd almost have to start picturing what's happening to your fake body for that money. 

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I hope there comes a day where Farah and Sophia sit together many years from now, Baby Goo having opened up mommy's memory chest, pulled out that lump of latex and both of them wistfully reminisce about "Remember these? Oh my god, I thought I'd lost them all! HOw funny!" like the way your grandma looks at old Christmas ornaments. "The number of weirdos who not only jacked off thinking about your sex tape, mom, but actually took a moment to grab this mold, it's amazing!" 

"Ah yes, my dear...look at how fresh my anus looks there, I'm so glad I got it immortalized."

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I especially couldn't stand Maci's, Catelynn's, and Tyler's high and mighty self righteous acts about Farrah. Maci, girl, your man has probably watched porn more times than you can count just today. He got you pregnant twice and had to be strong armed into marrying you. Tyler was filmed at a strip club being clearly more attracted to random strippers than he's ever been to Cate in his life, can't respect the basic rules of adoption and human decency, and openly calls his wife fat. But she's throwing herself away and exploiting herself? I missed the part where any of you went to school, got a job, or used anything other than procreating and whining skills to get $$$. And apparently it's ok to be a customer who watches and buys porn and pays strippers. That's not "slutty" at all, you guys. But being a person who caters to and makes money off of those desires is, apparently.

Edited by Lm2162
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1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

I especially couldn't stand Maci's, Catelynn's, and Tyler's high and mighty self righteous acts about Farrah. Maci, girl, your man has probably watched porn more times than you can count just today. He got you pregnant twice and had to be strong armed into marrying you. Tyler was filmed at a strip club being clearly more attracted to random strippers than he's ever been to Cate in his life, can't respect the basic rules of adoption and human decency, and openly calls his wife fat. But she's throwing herself away and exploiting herself? I missed the part where any of you went to school, got a job, or used anything other than procreating and whining skills to get $$$. And apparently it's ok to be a customer who watches and buys porn and pays strippers. That's not "slutty" at all, you guys. But being a person who caters to and makes money off of those desires is, apparently.

I could not agree more with this. These dummies shouldn't have gotten all pearl-clutchy at Farrah's self-exploitation...but on the other hand, the way Farrah pretended it was against her wished that this "private tape" with six camera angles and professional lighting (don't pretend you didn't watch it either :)) was released, or that she's somehow "above" the sex tape while getting a mold made of her privates, etc., does create some dissonance. I would have had way more respect for her if she'd just said yeah, I did a porn, because this show was off the air, and I wanted to capitalize on my opportunity." Or just said "What's wrong with doing porn, it's a legitimate industry, no one shames the men in these movies, this was my decision and I stand by it." But that's not at all what happens. Then they re-up the show, multiply their pay by a factor of four, and she regretted doing it, so she made up this unbelievable story.

Do you think she'd have done the porn if she knew this show would turn into 300K a year? When they shitcanned this show originally, I feel like the cast was making something like $50K - $75K a year, look at their humble domiciles, right?

Edited by Uncle JUICE
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1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

I especially couldn't stand Maci's, Catelynn's, and Tyler's high and mighty self righteous acts about Farrah. Maci, girl, your man has probably watched porn more times than you can count just today. He got you pregnant twice and had to be strong armed into marrying you. Tyler was filmed at a strip club being clearly more attracted to random strippers than he's ever been to Cate in his life, can't respect the basic rules of adoption and human decency, and openly calls his wife fat. But she's throwing herself away and exploiting herself? I missed the part where any of you went to school, got a job, or used anything other than procreating and whining skills to get $$$. And apparently it's ok to be a customer who watches and buys porn and pays strippers. That's not "slutty" at all, you guys. But being a person who caters to and makes money off of those desires is, apparently.

That INFURIATES me. Listen, porn isn't for everyone, and if you don't like it, you don't like it. But if you feel that the industry is "disgusting" or exploitative to women, then you hate ALL parts of it- and the number one group you should take your complaints to are the people who fucking WATCH it and therefore create a demand for it. I am sure every guy that Maci has ever dated has jerked off to porn AND probably watched Farrah's tape. Cate might be off the hook in that regard because I am not sure Tyler likes straight porn. But regardless, the idea that making your money off selling your dignity on a reality TV is somehow okay because you did it fully clothed while porn is demeaning is ridiculous.


Hey Maci and Cate- while you may have your fans, you know that most people who watch this show do it because they enjoy seeing people make asses out of themselves, right? That's the whole draw of reality TV. And since sometimes you guys are so frigging boring, the editing reserves the right to manipulate the show to make you look even more pathetic than you already were, and you have no control over that, because, again, your dignity and autonomy is for sale.

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I especially couldn't stand Maci's, Catelynn's, and Tyler's high and mighty self righteous acts about Farrah. Maci, girl, your man has probably watched porn more times than you can count just today.


Maci can go fuck off with that attitude. There was a link to her Instagram and it showed a video of her shaking her skinny ass with a bridal veil hanging off of it while wearing a bikini at one of the Las Vegas pools. Whether one is shaking their ass for the camera or getting fucked from behind for the camera, the end result is, LOOK AT ME! At least Farrah got paid for her video. cha-ching! Whatever morals come into play, that is for each of them to deal with, not me.

Edited by GreatKazu
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3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:


Maci can go fuck off with that attitude. There was a link to her Instagram and it showed a video of her shaking her skinny ass with a bridal veil hanging off of it while wearing a bikini at one of the Las Vegas pools. Whether one is shaking their ass for the camera or getting fucked from behind for the camera, the end result is, LOOK AT ME! At least Farrah got paid for her video. cha-ching! Whatever morals come into play, that is for each of them to deal with, not me.

Seriously. At least Farrah got paid! You just did it for free!

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8 hours ago, GreatKazu said:


Maci can go fuck off with that attitude. There was a link to her Instagram and it showed a video of her shaking her skinny ass with a bridal veil hanging off of it while wearing a bikini at one of the Las Vegas pools. Whether one is shaking their ass for the camera or getting fucked from behind for the camera, the end result is, LOOK AT ME! At least Farrah got paid for her video. cha-ching! Whatever morals come into play, that is for each of them to deal with, not me.

Yeah, before Maci casts any stones about "selling one's body" she might want to remember that SHE had to offer up blowjobs as compensation for Taylor to do his own household chores. I suppose she thinks that doesn't count because they're in a relationship, but to me, using sex to manipulate your partner into doing something is closer to prostitution than appearing in porn, MACI. She's prob just jealous Farrah got paid in cash while all Maci got was her deadbeat boyfriend's empty promise to eventually fold his own laundry-probably after he rubbed one out to Backdoor Teen Mom. 

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10 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Seriously. At least Farrah got paid! You just did it for free!

Right. Her stupid ass doesn't even realize that she had to endure two pregnancies to get what she wanted - a wedding.

5 hours ago, Tatum said:

Yeah, before Maci casts any stones about "selling one's body" she might want to remember that SHE had to offer up blowjobs as compensation for Taylor to do his own household chores. I suppose she thinks that doesn't count because they're in a relationship, but to me, using sex to manipulate your partner into doing something is closer to prostitution than appearing in porn, MACI. She's prob just jealous Farrah got paid in cash while all Maci got was her deadbeat boyfriend's empty promise to eventually fold his own laundry-probably after he rubbed one out to Backdoor Teen Mom. 

I keep wondering when Maci had that meltdown and tantrum, how much of that was because of what granny was telling her. Did granny get on her ass for being on a tv show with a girl who did porn? Was Maci trying to save face? Just a thought.

Agree that Maci is no different and at least what Farrah did was away from the show and something she did on her own time. Maci made it a bigger issue by bringing it up on camera. As I mentioned before, Maci had no problem having herself or her son on a show that frequently shows abuse in many forms, drug use, and all the other questionable behaviors.

Maci used sex to get her guy to marry her. She used it to get pregnant twice. She is no different than Farrah or any other person who uses their body to get what they want. Maci is getting what she wanted - that wedding!

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33 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Seriously, you're on a show with frequent abuse, violence against animals, broken marriages...and your deal breaker is porn? Which the majority of Americans watch and purchase at some point in their lives? Great. 

And as far as I know, making porn movies is not illegal. They get paid and pay taxes like any other worker.

Maci takes issue with a legit job when the bitch doesn't even want to work! She cries about being stressed over some part-time job at Check-Into-Cash. Try taking it up the ass Maci and see if you don't whine and cry! lol

Maci probably didn't want to tell Farrah about lying about the porn tape because Farrah likely would have shot back how Maci lies every single time she goes on her college tours and lies straight up to the students about safe sex and using protection. Even now, Maci is the one who is not truthful about her second pregnancy. This whole storyline is straight up bullshit.

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I thought it was amusing how Maci used the word "resign". "I think I'm going to resign from my job." I think using that word instead of "quit" made her not only think she sounded important but it made it sound like she was really giving up some high-up position.

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On 9/17/2016 at 0:52 PM, Lm2162 said:


Seriously, you're on a show with frequent abuse, violence against animals, broken marriages...and your deal breaker is porn? Which the majority of Americans watch and purchase at some point in their lives? Great. 


This. This is what bothers me so much. I am not a fan of the porn industry myself, but my word - the hypocrisy. What about those scenes of Amber punching the crap out of Gary? At least Farrah wasn't backdoored ON the show. Good Lord, calm your tits. 

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1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

This. This is what bothers me so much. I am not a fan of the porn industry myself, but my word - the hypocrisy. What about those scenes of Amber punching the crap out of Gary? At least Farrah wasn't backdoored ON the show. Good Lord, calm your tits. 

I think the animal abuse might get to me the most. 

The vast majority of people have watched porn. The way I see it, if you or anyone you've dated has watched porn and you've had no issue with it, you also can't have a problem with someone being in it, since there wouldn't be jobs for those folks without you/your partner. Which ends up meaning the vast majority of people who bitch and moan about "sluts" in porn are hypocrites. Really, Maci, Taylor doesn't watch porn? Riiiight. 

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Maci sure has no issues with girls "giving it away" for free on Teen Mom, moving in every boyfriend, playing "wifey" without the benefit of marriage and continuously getting pregnant without even knowing if the guy will stick around.

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I'm not so sure Maci actually cares about the porn or other adult industry business. I think Maci's major problem was that she wanted to be the star of the show, and was branding herself as Miss Goodytwoshoes. She knew that all of the attention would continue to go to Farrah. All four girls did the individual update specials, and Farrah's had the most viewers, comments and articles. Maci's major attention, if I recall correctly, was because she spanked Bentley when they were out and he was misbehaving.

When the three were approached about maybe bringing the original girls back, they were told Farrah was not going to be a part of it. Someone, probably Maci, told one of the Teen Mom sites (Ashley's ?) that the three refused to do it if Farrah was involved. Maci was asked during an audience Q&A when they had moms from both franchises about it, and she said that the decision was made my the network and none of them had any say in it. As much as she tries to cover her ass by lying, I believe that was the truth.  Several episodes aired of the first three, ratings were down and most comments were about them being so dull and lack of changes since the last time we saw them, along with comments about Farrah being excluded, so MTV decided to bring her back. She's a holy terror to the production crew and that is why I believe she wasn't originally signed; the fact she made a porn and lied about it was still getting attention, and that is all MTV cares about when it comes to these women.

Those girls don't have that much negotiating power, and it was clear to MTV and us viewers that they would sign on no matter what was going to happen.  Maci insisted that she was told Farrah wouldn't be a part of it, and if Farrah was, then she wouldn't be. That producer said, "We knew you would say that." She used Bentley as an excuse, and Taylor added "her brand." :gag: She told them not to film her and they stopped. When it was clear she wouldn't get her way, she had no choice but to fold since she and Taylor were not about to give up their fame. If Farrah hadn't been getting the attention she was receiving, with all the tabloid reports, etc., I don't think Maci would have said anything. She would still be comfortable with her thoughts of being better than Farrah. Alas, Farrah is the crazy that people wanted to watch, and ultimately no one at MTV cared if she stayed or not, although I'm pretty sure they knew her actually leaving was only a very slim chance.

I also think she held out on showing the baby's photo in the hopes she would sell them to a tabloid, but there were no takers. Someone suggested it a while ago and I thought it was probably a good call. Maci is every bit as hypocritical as Farrah. I do think Catelyn had a problem with it, and that's why Tyler went along with it even though he probably watched it, but don't remember seeing Amber say anything about it. Amber is probably the only one who doesn't get a feeling of superiority when it comes to Farrah. I wouldn't be all that surprised to find out she did say something negative, I just don't remember it like Maci, Cate and Tyler. All-in-all, they are all a bunch of hypocrites. 

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5 hours ago, Christina said:

 I do think Catelyn had a problem with it, and that's why Tyler went along with it even though he probably watched it, but don't remember seeing Amber say anything about it. Amber is probably the only one who doesn't get a feeling of superiority when it comes to Farrah. I wouldn't be all that surprised to find out she did say something negative, I just don't remember it like Maci, Cate and Tyler. All-in-all, they are all a bunch of hypocrites. 


Amber did specifically say she wasn't in any place to judge, which I thought was very mature of her. However, she said that on camera- who knows if she had anything derogatory to say about a porn involvement off camera, to someone who wouldn't call her on her own checkered, criminal past.


I am sure you are right that Maci does not have a problem with the porn industry at all (I mean, I'm sure she thinks that porn actresses are dirty sluts and that she is above them, but she doesn't have any kind of deep seated distaste for the industry, as long as it doesn't directly affect her). Her issue is both with Farrah as a person, and also- if she complains about Farrah's porn past, she gets the immediate support of those that are against the porn industry, and Maci is ALL about validation.

When Maci refused to be filmed (you know, for those two minutes before she realized the crew was calling her bluff) she got a LOT of support from fans for 'sticking to her principles'. There are a ton of people who are more than happy to pass judgment on the women participating in on camera roles without considering just who in their own  personal lives are contributing to the porn industry in indirect ways. Maci has become their champion, a role she happily embraces. The hypocrisy is sadly not limited to Maci. Remember when Ryan tweeted something about how Farrah didn't have the right to insult anybody after having a dick in her ass? As if Ryan wouldn't love to 5th base some girl, but being the one with the penis, he would still be above reproach while she's a dirty slut for allowing it. We can call him an idiot, but his opinion is unfortunately shared by a lot of people.


As far as Cate goes, I bet her beef with girls in porn is mainly limited to her own insecurities, not morals. She probably also hates strippers, Hooters waitresses, and bikini/lingerie models.

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Catelynn did apologize to Farrah for the things she said, which was a little better I guess. Amber never said anything except that with her life, she really can't judge. She has her moments. 

I totally agree about Maci's validation addiction. She's not smart enough to recognize hypocrisy, but she knew that if she made some fakey "stance" she could be rewarded with validation of her moral "superiority" from her fans. 

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