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S18.E26: Power Of Veto 9

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9 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Yea, I don't have an issue with their being an indoor and outdoor version of the outfit. My query was why Corey's unitard gets a pair of shorts to wear over it? I don't remember seeing that before. 

Yeah, and I wondered how many versions of that outfit they had to make, in order to ensure they had one to fit whomever "won"  that prize.  

10 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Yea, I don't have an issue with their being an indoor and outdoor version of the outfit. My query was why Corey's unitard gets a pair of shorts to wear over it? I don't remember seeing that before. 

Presumably it's because the unitard is so tight-fitting, production doesn't want anyone to see his meat and two veg...

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1 hour ago, candall said:

If his shtick is normally to represent us ALL by saying "You're an idiot to throw your game away on a showmance" and "Shut the fuck UP with your stupid catchphrases"--that's extremely satisfying.

Zingbot compilation (seasons 12-16!)

They were definitely more brutal in years past. A lot more puns (which were funny), mixed with game critique. Definitely a different voice earlier, but as recently as season 16.

Oddly enough, this year, I enjoyed the competition much more than the zings. I usually find the competition grating (build the Zingbot a wife, a baby, a dreamhouse), but as others have said, I could barely hear the zings with the Zingbot speaking at a pitch only dogs can hear.

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19 minutes ago, backformore said:

It's amazing, isn't it?  I see him  now, and I wonder how he was the best-looking guy in the house when the season started, and how the hell he got a goddess like Zakiyah to give him more than a passing glance.  What the hell happened?  Is it just that his vile personality leaked out and spoiled his looks?  Because gaining a few pounds doesn't usually have that big an impact! 

Well, getting a haircut that made him look like a human Whack-A-Mole certainly didn't help.  Neither have the Baby Elvis porkchops currently attached to the sides of his melon.


17 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Yea, I don't have an issue with their being an indoor and outdoor version of the outfit. My query was why Corey's unitard gets a pair of shorts to wear over it? I don't remember seeing that before. 


5 minutes ago, AbsoluteShower said:

Presumably it's because the unitard is so tight-fitting, production doesn't want anyone to see his meat and two veg...

My thoughts exactly.  TPTB may have been concerned about Nicole's Secret Desire getting too much attention on-camera.  They are recording in HD now, yaknow....  ;>

  • Love 4

I too noticed that Cory was spooning Paulie when the announcement came over the speakers.  They showed them talking in bed, then cut to them asleep, Cory being outside spoon, startled awake, then showed them apart but in the same bed.  Rewound it just to make sure I saw what I thought I saw (figured they spliced another couple in between, but no)


I also noticed for the first time in one of the early diary room segments that Cory's left eye travels to one side. It was really distracting!  I have that problem myself, so I'm not mocking the condition (though mine was repaired in childhood) -- just found it weird to only notice now.  It wasn't as noticeable in later clips, so maybe it gets worse with stress?

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 I keep hoping he'll get bored enough to shave the beard.  I have a feeling there's a very handsome guy under there.

Very handsome? Maybe not. But definitely not bad-looking if he'd lose the facial hair. The same was true of Austin last summer; if he'd cut his hair and lose the ridiculous ZZ Top beard, he wouldn't have been bad looking either. I don't get why guys do this to themselves.

I'll be very interested to see if Paulie's brother, parents, besties, etc., end up on tonight's eviction show, and to see how they "spin" and defend Paulie's obnoxious behavior. I can sort of see it now. "Oh, no, he's not like that, it's just game play, he respects women, he was just joking," blah blah blah. It will be very telling about the way Paulie acts, because I suspect he's one of those kids that was raised to believe he was a special snowflake who could do no wrong and deserved a trophy just for showing up. He's been enabled and validated all his life.

What I also found interesting is that when Paul started giving him the stink-eye that seemed to rattle him more than anything else. Once the girls joined in on confronting him he was kind of over it, because he doesn't really care what they think or say. It was Paul calling him out that really make him look uncomfortable. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Skycatcher said:

They were supposed to get swimsuits that matched their costumes.  Could Corey just be wearing board short type swimwear?

Getting into a quasi-spoilerish territory here, but... Ahhh, no.  

(I figured mentioning the existence of alternate costumes was ok, since Paul's alternate was shown on-screen; describing details of the alternate costumes which haven't been shown on-air, however, is a little different.)

Details below, under the spoiler tag:


Corey's alternative costume involves a Speedo, not board shorts.  

And Corey is none too happy with it - it's a trifle, ah, snug.

Nicole seems pretty ok with it, though.  ;)

Edited by Nashville

 if it's not ok for it to happen to someone nice or well-liked, it's not really ok to do it with an asshole.

Agree to disagree.

I don't know if Paulie was really thinking this through or if he's even capable of doing so, but taking the veto from "his boy" Corey and sticking him with the Patriotard was a shitty thing to do to the one person in the house who gave a damn about him. He had to know there was no way in hell he was keeping that veto. I get that he didn't want to wear the patriotard himself but why not take the vacation instead? Nicole was already wearing a unitard anyway.

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8 minutes ago, mojoween said:

It was the best possible scenario and the worst possible scenario for Paul to win that particular punishment.

I was uncomfortable with the kitchen gang-up because if it's not ok for it to happen to someone nice or well-liked, it's not really ok to do it with an asshole.

The issue (for me, anyway) isn't whether the recipient is nice or an asshole; its whether the "gang-up" in question is strategic move vs. a personal attack.  If it's strategic, I'm ok with it whether the target is Paulie or Mother Teresa.  And the goals of this particular dogpile were strategic: to rattle Paulie immediately pre-comp so he wouldn't do well.

  • Love 3
31 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I don't know if Paulie was really thinking this through or if he's even capable of doing so, but taking the veto from "his boy" Corey and sticking him with the Patriotard was a shitty thing to do to the one person in the house who gave a damn about him. He had to know there was no way in hell he was keeping that veto. I get that he didn't want to wear the patriotard himself but why not take the vacation instead? Nicole was already wearing a unitard anyway.

Agreed. There was no point in taking it, because he knew he could not hold onto it with Victor still in the game. I think Paulie would have been fine sticking the patriotard; he seems like quite a show off. Now he has to bake pies, instead. Hafuckingha. 

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Agreed. There was no point in taking it, because he knew he could not hold onto it with Victor still in the game. I think Paulie would have been fine sticking the patriotard; he seems like quite a show off. Now he has to bake pies, instead. Hafuckingha. 

Doesn't happen often, but every now and then BBKarma gets it juuuuuuuuuuust right.

Judging from Paulie's reaction, I don't think any of the other punishments would've hit him where it hurts quite so hard.

  • Love 2

Thank the BB heavens that Paulie did not get Paul's punishment.  That could've been brutal for everyone except Paulie (and maybe Corey).


44 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Doesn't happen often, but every now and then BBKarma gets it juuuuuuuuuuust right.

Judging from Paulie's reaction, I don't think any of the other punishments would've hit him where it hurts quite so hard.

Again, he is baking pies and waving a flag.  The fact that he's being such a complete snotty baby about it is just beyond ridiculous.  I mean, Paul spent half the summer baking Friendship muffins, for crying out loud.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 3
8 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

You know why Paulie's lowest moment came while waiting for the pie to cook?  That was woman's work! No more humiliating or demeaning thing could happen to an old world misogynist than kitchen chores on camera.

This is why the pie baking was far and away the biggest ZING! of the night.

  • Love 2

We know that, but does Paulie? Wasn't he the one who said Natalie was going to have to clean up the kitchen after James made a mess, because "you're his woman?"  Maybe it was someone else, but going by the way he talks about his home life and the way he treated Z, he seems like an old fashioned male chauvinist who believes women belong in the kitchen and men don't.  It just seems like the perfect punishment to me, Paulie would enjoy strutting around pretending to be a secret service man, but doing something his mother usually does? Ewwww. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Again, he is baking pies and waving a flag.  The fact that he's being such a complete snotty baby about it is just beyond ridiculous.  I mean, Paul spent half the summer baking Friendship muffins, for crying out loud.

Part of it may be because, unlike the unitards and the Security Alerts, the Pie Punishment was for the rest of the entire season.  I missed that on the first go-round.

But look on the bright side, Paulie - odds are that for you, "the rest of the season" translates to... oh, about three hours, give or take...?

( Visualize... Visualize... Visualize... )


  • Love 3

Paulie should have let Corey keep the Veto, because there was a chance Victor/James would let Corey keep it, but there was no chance he'd be allowed to hold on to it.  If he takes Nicole's vacation (and SuperSafety keeps her safe from the PatrioTard, I guess) then James takes the $5000, as before, but Vic has to choose between grabbing the cash and keeping Corey on the block.  I think he goes for the Veto, anyhow, but it's a little more dramatic this way.  And either way, Paulie would have been able to take Corey on a nice, bromantic vacation, far away from all those icky girls!  Awww…such a missed opportunity.  Oh, well.

I've always enjoyed Zingbot, even if all the zings haven't been as good as the one landed on Nicole this year, just because I love the concept of advanced technology being used for such a frivolous purpose.  But even if I hadn't, the whole seven years' worth of zings would be redeemed by telling Paul to STFU!  Now, why couldn't that be the punishment to last all summer, I beg you?  Any time the obnoxious try-hard even attempts a catchphrase, he gets cut off. That would have been perfect.  Sigh.

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

Why would he think Nicole might win? And how would that make his chances of staying worse?

I just meant so that he could throw it back at michelle , have a witty comeback which would have caused her to sulk. But after thinking about it, i realize that Paulie made the right choice in picking Nicole. If nicole wins she'd remove corey from the block and Paulie would have 2 guaranteed votes to stay in the house.

14 hours ago, JudyObscure said:


We know that, but does Paulie? Wasn't he the one who said Natalie was going to have to clean up the kitchen after James made a mess, because "you're his woman?"  Maybe it was someone else, but going by the way he talks about his home life and the way he treated Z, he seems like an old fashioned male chauvinist who believes women belong in the kitchen and men don't.  It just seems like the perfect punishment to me, Paulie would enjoy strutting around pretending to be a secret service man, but doing something his mother usually does? Ewwww. 


I think it was actually Paul that said that. He was having a real attitude during that Hide the Veto comp. I was pretty disgusted by the idea that Natalie would need to clean up James's mess. But at least Paul, from what I've seen, has SHOWN more respect to the women than Paulie has. 

Personally, I think I would like being given the pie punishment because it would keep me busy. Whenever I watch this show, I think - what do they DO all day? Can they have books in there? I would die in that house without some books, a deck of cards, something. 

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

We know that, but does Paulie? Wasn't he the one who said Natalie was going to have to clean up the kitchen after James made a mess, because "you're his woman?"  Maybe it was someone else, but going by the way he talks about his home life and the way he treated Z, he seems like an old fashioned male chauvinist who believes women belong in the kitchen and men don't.  It just seems like the perfect punishment to me, Paulie would enjoy strutting around pretending to be a secret service man, but doing something his mother usually does? Ewwww. 

Excellent work, Mama and Papa Cauliflower, for raising such a misogynistic, whiny, entitled, spoiled, and altogether icky son.

That said, is it safe to assume that next summer's BB cast will include the Cauliflower sister among the houseguests?

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On 8/18/2016 at 2:35 AM, backformore said:
On 8/17/2016 at 9:45 PM, Fatkat said:

Did anyone hear what Zingbot said to Corey after "wedding bells?"

I played it back a few times, and couldn't catch it.  But everyone reacted, so I know it had to be good.   I put my closed-captioning on, and it said that Zingbot said "JASON".

SO -  I think the joke was Nicole hears wedding bells, and then Zingbot called HAYDEN.

Unless someone heard something that makes more sense.  Hayden WAS the other guy she hooked up with her previous season, right?

Yeah, Zingbot's Zing was " Corey . . . what do you call the man who sweeps Nicole off her feet, sends her heart to flutter, and makes her hear wedding bells. . . . . . . . Hayden"  And yes, it was Hayden who was Nicole's showmance in season 16 that failed after the show.  And really, it was Nicole who got zinged twice, since the failed showmance zing was used again for her turn.  

The other zings were pretty good, except for Natalie's, which was stupid.  Victor's wasn't much better.

Paulie is such a baby.  Oh, the vote/game isn't going your way, cry cry cry.

I love that James was smart enough to keep the $5,000 prize, knowing with certainty that Victor would claim the PoV (and probably knowing that chances were good it was another booby prize that Paulie would end up with).

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Hanahope said:

Paulie is such a baby.  Oh, the vote/game isn't going your way, cry cry cry.

I think he ended up pitching more of a fit than Vanessa. He should have taken a page from "your boy" Paul's book. Remember when Paul was tight with Jozea and Victor? Remember when that group was being taken out by the Eight Pack? Remember how Paul stayed calm, got tight with YOU, and threw Victor the wolves? He did it in a very strategic and level-headed way and effectively got the target off his back. Paul should have been next. It was very close for him. But he handled it correctly, and now he is still here. 

I'm not saying Paulie could have done anything to turn people around, I would hope not. His behavior has been far more egregious. But he's not the only one who has been on the block. Others have been up there several times and didn't have a temper tantrum about it. I can deal with emotions, I know the isolation and mind fuckery of that house have got to be hard. But I can't deal with people who play victim if they don't get their way each and every time. 

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