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S08.E15: All Bets Are Off

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6 minutes ago, izabella said:

Sonja told Luann that she had been banging Tom for 10 years (insert eyeroll) long before the Joanne dinner.  Lu told Sonja she and Tom were in love when they were in Sonja's kitchen one morning, and then Sonja said it (Tom?  MY Tom?  The one I've been banging for 10 years?) - it was all on camera.  So she was not revealing any new info to Luanne at Joanne's.  Bethy already knew about it, too, but wanted to make it a big deal in front of everyone so she questioned Ramonja about the "lots of men they had shared with Lu"....which amounted to Harry Dubin.

I agree the bolded was said on camera - but it was in Sonja's TH shot not to Lu in her kitchen.

  • Love 4
On July 18, 2016 at 1:44 PM, izabella said:

Sonja told Luann that she had been banging Tom for 10 years (insert eyeroll) long before the Joanne dinner.  Lu told Sonja she and Tom were in love when they were in Sonja's kitchen one morning, and then Sonja said it (Tom?  MY Tom?  The one I've been banging for 10 years?) - it was all on camera.  So she was not revealing any new info to Luanne at Joanne's.  Bethy already knew about it, too, but wanted to make it a big deal in front of everyone so she questioned Ramonja about the "lots of men they had shared with Lu"....which amounted to Harry Dubin.

Sonja never said anything like that to Lu.  She said it in her TH. To Lu, all she said was "you know I've known him forever".  Zero mention they were ever friends with benefits on camera that we saw. Clearly Lu knew something had gone on, because she said on her TH that Tom had told her they had a one night stand. It is clear that all the gals knew they had had a prior relationship. I don't think they - or Lu knew - that it had gone on for years (supposedly). This news honestly seemed shocking to everyone - or at least was played that way. I still contend that Lu knew, just like she knew about Ramona and thought it an outstanding storyline. I also think it's possible she fell in love. Apparently Beth knows something more about Tom, according to what I have read.  It will be interesting to see if she reveals it, and if she does, if anyone cares/believes her. 

  • Love 4
33 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

The reason the Tom Luann story is so full of conflicting stories is essentially these women are not paying attention to the calendar.

Luann and Tom met right before Thanksgiving 2015, let's call it November 24, 2015-a few days after the Tipsy Girl Party.

Tom is first mentioned with Ramona in a RadarOnLine story on September 17, 2015:    http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/ramona-singer-boyfriend-dating-thomas-dagostino/  Notice several months, not exclusive, out to dinner.  Ramona in the Hamptons in December said a couple of dates, it then grew to seven and eventually 12 once the show aired.  In her Bravo blog she said she had six dates from August to September of 2015. 

So at the time of the Hampton's confrontation, Ramona had not "dated" Tom for three months, at the time Luann met him, she had not been with him for at least two months.  That is when Luann downplayed the great romance as she had Tom telling her he and Ramona had dinner a couple of times with friends.  In any event, Ramona had no expectation of Luann checking in with her.  Now Ramona's story has changed and Tom was dating the woman he arrived at the Mark Hotel for THREE MONTHS at the time Luann and Tom met at the Mark Hotel.  So that would mean Ramona was also dating Tom while he was dating unidentified woman. 

Add next and for purposes of this post, all the women knew of Ramona's dating Tom.  Sonja has said she would not have been with Tom if he had been dating Ramona.  So Sonja by her own admission was probably not with Tom during the three months prior to him meeting Luann.  Unless of course upon seeing the article Sonja intentionally contacted Tom. 

So on December 8, 2015, Luann announced to Sonja and Ramona her dry spell was over.  December 14, 2015, was the Hamptons blow out.  The last time these women got together in 2015 was Ramona's December 19, 2015, Christmas party.  Luann did say she had a date, sadly she was wearing the red lace jumpsuit.

On January 4, 2016,one of the nighttime Hollywood shows runs a blurb, the Countess is dating again and an engagement is not far off.  The next time Luann films with anyone is Ramona on January 6, 2016, when Luann cops to really liking Tom and Ramona drops the old girlfriend/gold bracelet bombshell.  On January 13, 2016, Luann films with Bethenny before Tommy Tune and she tells her she is over the moon in love.  Luann returns to Palm Beach and misses the stainless steel pizza party.  Luann is LA filming a show with Christy Teigen around Febraury 1st.  Another story appears on February 5, 2016, Luann getting hitched.  Between returning from LA and February 9th (Luann is now in Vail) the story appears in Page Six.  Bethenny starts trouble February 11th by announcing Tom had "bedded" both Ramona and Sonja.

My point is I think the relationship picked up steam after Ramona's holiday party.  So when Ramona is saying she has only known Tom four weeks it is really closer to 2 1/2 months.  Do I think Tom and Luann became exclusive on November 24, 2015?  No.  I do think by the time the new year rolled around they had become exclusive and these unwell wishers were really grasping at straws to try and diminish their happiness.  One of the harridans said, Luann had been married two or three times and he was just a playboy.  Reality is Luann had been married once and he has not been married.  When Ramona was going on and on about living four season with someone-well they will have been together for 13 months when they tie the knot. 

Anyway between exaggerate accounts of how they met up at the Mark Hotel, Ramona's ever changing story of how many dates.  I have to go with Tom's account of how vested he was in the relationship with Ramona (not) and the reality of his Sonja years.  Dorinda who arguably has know Tome the best seems pretty clear where he stood prior to meeting Luann. 

At least they DIDN'T get married right off the bat?

The only time I would offer any advice or comments about who was boinking each other is if I thought that person was headed into some kind of problem(s). We are all grown-ups and, should we go down that road and get a flat?

It's up to us to make sure that vehicle has a properly inflated spare or temporary tire.

  • Love 4
On July 18, 2016 at 1:51 PM, KungFuBunny said:

I agree the bolded was said on camera - but it was in Sonja's TH shot not to Lu in her kitchen.

Exactly.  Sonja never told Lu this prior to Joanne's as far as we saw. Of course, Lu doesn't care what happened "BL". Sure Lu, just keep telling yourself that. Tell yourself that as you are prepping your boyfriend to give interviews denying these claims. Keep telling yourself you don't care until maybe you start to believe it. 

  • Love 4

I'm actually with Lu on that.  My fiance used to date a mutual acquaintance back in the day.  I don't care in the least.  We've both dated multiple people over the years, and we don't really care who each dated before.  I'm actually not sure why Lu is supposed to care that Ramona or Sonja had "some kind of relationship" with Tom before her.  Seriously - why is she supposed to care?

  • Love 16
20 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Exactly.  Sonja never told Lu this prior to Joanne's as far as we saw. Of course, Lu doesn't care what happened "BL". Sure Lu, just keep telling yourself that. Tell yourself that as you are prepping your boyfriend to give interviews denying these claims. Keep telling yourself you don't care until maybe you start to believe it. 

Hmmm, Another way to look at it is ATCTPITFT - After The Count, Then Pirate In Between, Then Finally Tom?

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, ButterQueen said:

I didn't hear that Dorina introduced Tom and Lu over the phone.  Anyway, Ramona has changed her stories 100 times, so I don't believe her.

Both Dorinda and Tom talked about it at the dinner where we first met Tom. Can't remember off hand what epi that was. It was the epi though where Dorinda and Lu were running down Ramona, and at one point Tom rolled his eyes at them. Made me think that Ramona's stories were likely as factual as Tom's changing stories have been.

As far as meeting getting reaquainted at a bar with an old school friend, talking and dancing and eventually getting married I don't think that is unusual. I assume he didn't dump his date on the spot at the bar and leave with you? It does remind me of the meeting of one of my best friends and her hubby. They met at a wedding rehersal dinner (he was brother of the groom) and it was love at first site for both. The next day at the wedding Jim brought his date who was a friend, not a girlfriend. However he did not even so much as ask Anne to dance as he thought that would be rude to the woman he had brought to the wedding. Once the wedding was over and he had taken his date home he called Anne to make plans for the next day. They have been together ever since - 33 years later. I always thought "That is the kind of man my friend deserves". So come to think of it, LuAnn is with the kind of man she deserves - ha.

Oh and as far as whether Tom's date was going well (as some have speculated)  - the one he dumped on the spot for LuAnn? According to Lu's own story Tom was holding the woman's hand and dropped it to hold LuAnn's. Now LuAnn of course shared this tidbit to show how irresistable she was to Tom. But all it showed was how little class Tom has, and how they are totally suited to each other.

  • Love 6
22 hours ago, OhGromit said:

Agree with a lot of your post- just wanted to say that I've gotten UTIs b/c of extreme stress (trial lawyer).  Agree sex causes them too, but sometimes it's stress related, and when it is, you can just tell.  I don't know how to explain how you can tell, but you really can.  And as neurotic and unhappy as Bethenny is, even though we might question whether she's under such significant stress it could give her a UTI, I can see how it could, especially with the health stuff that was freaking her out so much (even if her reaction was over the top to most of us, she's still feeling that scared b/c she's just that intense/ neurotic).

And I'm no longer a Bethenny fan, so that's not where I'm coming from.  I thought it was ridic how they showed her with the freaking IV like she's an invalid. Just saying, I buy the story that her UTI was stress related.

 I have to also confess that a UTI can be precipated by stress. I got a uti a couple of years ago within the first 90 days of taking on my most stressful job to date. Just to give you perspective ( most new hires left often by the third day). I left after 1 year but that was not before seeing about 17 coworkers say peace out. I digress, but in all seriousness, my uti was so painful that I had backpain where I could barely walk and struggled to climb up the stairs.

Edited by SparkleznConfetti
It should be obvious as to why. Lol.
  • Love 4
1 minute ago, ElDosEquis said:

Well, we can only hope that Radar Online, The Daily Mail or some other reputable media outlet gets a hold of the Other Woman and gets her side of the story out?

Yeah but then it will make her seem like scorned  jilted bride who didn't have the "it factor" to lock Tom down. I did want a never ending story of telephone even if it means there's three sides to this story.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, izabella said:

I'm actually with Lu on that.  My fiance used to date a mutual acquaintance back in the day.  I don't care in the least.  We've both dated multiple people over the years, and we don't really care who each dated before.  I'm actually not sure why Lu is supposed to care that Ramona or Sonja had "some kind of relationship" with Tom before her.  Seriously - why is she supposed to care?

Well I think it is because her good girlfriend Sonja and Bethenny by implication make him out to be a RH hunter.  Sonja puts Luann in a difficult place by claiming to have been in a relationship with Tom.  Luann and Tom had obviously had the talk prior to the Berkshires what he and Ramona had shared as far as a relationship.  As to the press, I truly believe Tom was doing Ramona a favor.  She had launched a book, had been unceremoniously dumped, been giving interviews saying she would be married in two years (she has a year left on that prediction).  Ramona lives and dies by her Page Six mentions.  So when Ramona made it a bigger deal and Know-it-all Bethenny claimed Tom was smitten with Ramona after running into them at dinner (did Bethenny bother to mention there were other people at Ramona's table).  So then Sonja drops her shady bomb and it is open season on this guy.  Even Carole wanted some clarification.   

14 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Exactly.  Sonja never told Lu this prior to Joanne's as far as we saw. Of course, Lu doesn't care what happened "BL". Sure Lu, just keep telling yourself that. Tell yourself that as you are prepping your boyfriend to give interviews denying these claims. Keep telling yourself you don't care until maybe you start to believe it. 

I think Luann knew Tom and Sonja had hooked up.  Here she is at Dorinda's request hanging out with the others, after at least two mentions in the press she is about to be engaged, she tells the others and Sonja thinks it a good idea to mark her territory.  Sonja who had been exiled up to this point by Bethenny.  To me, what I would care about is being put in the position to clarify the situation.  Luann trusts Tom's account and after Sonja's missteps when it comes to romance and commitment who would want to have to correct a friend?  it is a tough spot to be in.  By Ramona's claims and Sonja's claims it gives the impression they are looking down at the marriage.  I look at this way if Tom was good enough for Ramona or Sonja-doesn't it say more about them bringing down someone they didn't move forward with?   I don't think Luann primed Tom for any interviews-he initially declined an interview when the Ramona dating situation was published.

3 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Both Dorinda and Tom talked about it at the dinner where we first met Tom. Can't remember off hand what epi that was. It was the epi though where Dorinda and Lu were running down Ramona, and at one point Tom rolled his eyes at them. Made me think that Ramona's stories were likely as factual as Tom's changing stories have been.


Oh and as far as whether Tom's date was going well (as some have speculated)  - the one he dumped on the spot for LuAnn? According to Lu's own story Tom was holding the woman's hand and dropped it to hold LuAnn's. Now LuAnn of course shared this tidbit to show how irresistable she was to Tom. But all it showed was how little class Tom has, and how they are totally suited to each other.

 Ramona had made John and Dorinda very angry.  All Tom said about Ramona is she was humble.  I believe he was referencing her very public dumping by Mario.  I thought it was a nice way to put things.  He didn't get involved with the John/Ramona fight he just gave his opinion as to the Ramona he had met.

I believe Ramona said, "he was holding hands with the woman and you took his hand."  Luann corrected Ramona and said, "no he took  my hand."

  • Love 4
16 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

Hmmm, Another way to look at it is ATCTPITFT - After The Count, Then Pirate In Between, Then Finally Tom?

Or the ever popular every Tom, Dick and Harry.

So we have a Tom and a Harry. Who’s Dick or should I say whose dick? (Please don’t yell, I am not dick shaming)

Ba Dum Dum

Who’s on First, What’s On Second

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

Well, we can only hope that Radar Online, The Daily Mail or some other reputable media outlet gets a hold of the Other Woman and gets her side of the story out?

If I were asking Luann a question about Tom, the question I would ask, "how many times has Tom been engaged before?"  I would probably follow up with, how many women has he cohabitated?"  That would be far more informative than hashing over the woman at the Mark Hotel or when he banged Sonja.  

  • Love 4
40 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Exactly.  Sonja never told Lu this prior to Joanne's as far as we saw. Of course, Lu doesn't care what happened "BL". Sure Lu, just keep telling yourself that. Tell yourself that as you are prepping your boyfriend to give interviews denying these claims. Keep telling yourself you don't care until maybe you start to believe it. 

But hasn't she made it clear she's aware of him being on the scene? What's the big anvil that's supposed to drop on Lu's "unsuspecting" head? I think she's well aware that he much like she probably wasn't the most graceful or tactful with EVERY hook up. That's the nature of the scene. Some hook ups are pleasant, others are bumpy and some are throwaway fails. Sorry I know that sounds callous but that's how it is on the dating scene especially after 40. I don't think she's worried about anything because there isn't anything to worry about aside from the basic pitfalls of a relationship. I'm guessing she's well aware of the dynamics of his days on the prowl because she herself was a player in that game so if she knows she's sincere about wanting to stick with Tom I'm sure she's taking his overtures with the same amount of sincerity. As a player she knows that it's possible that even players may want to quit the game and I think that's where her head is at. She not some clueless twenty something college kid she's a worldly siren herself that is taking all those things into account  and saying "Welp, he's taking a chance on me too so it's an even leap of faith on both our parts". This whole narrative that Lu's ignoring red flags confounds me because nowhere in Lu and Tom's pairing was anyone not aware of the others status as single and dating. Aside from the slighty messy night they left a party together I don't see how anything in Tom's past makes him some terrible dude women need to be weary of. What? A single man that's been on the dating scene forever? Well sure that obviously causes concern for certain types but even then concern over what? I would think the only thing to be concerned about is that he's a terminal bachelor and that's far from the worst thing. The women are making it out to seem like he's got some serious dirt on him when I don't see certain details surrounding his dating life as dirt.

  • Love 4
57 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Exactly.  Sonja never told Lu this prior to Joanne's as far as we saw. Of course, Lu doesn't care what happened "BL". Sure Lu, just keep telling yourself that. Tell yourself that as you are prepping your boyfriend to give interviews denying these claims. Keep telling yourself you don't care until maybe you start to believe it. 

I still go back to my original question of are Sonja and Luanne really “friends”? Wouldn’t a friend have told her before Joanne’s or better yet told her in private and never on camera. After all, Sonja said everything was on the down low…they were never photographed together or in the press so there was never any reason to say this in her TH or at Joanne’s as it is hurtful.

Is “The Countess” a professional moniker or was she allowed to keep the title when she divorced? If she marries Tom, what happens to her Countess Collection clothing and her Countess dinnerware?

  • Love 1
53 minutes ago, izabella said:

I'm actually with Lu on that.  My fiance used to date a mutual acquaintance back in the day.  I don't care in the least.  We've both dated multiple people over the years, and we don't really care who each dated before.  I'm actually not sure why Lu is supposed to care that Ramona or Sonja had "some kind of relationship" with Tom before her.  Seriously - why is she supposed to care?

More like why is it supposed to bother her?

27 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

Well, we can only hope that Radar Online, The Daily Mail or some other reputable media outlet gets a hold of the Other Woman and gets her side of the story out?


  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

  (Ramona) had launched a book, had been unceremoniously dumped, been giving interviews saying she would be married in two years (she has a year left on that prediction). 


I believe Ramona said, "he was holding hands with the woman and you took his hand."  Luann corrected Ramona and said, "no he took  my hand."

Predicting you are going to be married is akin to predicting the winning lottery numbers twice in a row.

The story about the 'hand holding' is funny. It went from being something like "Luann grabbed Tom and ran off" to "Tom was the one who grabbed LuLu's hand"....Does it really matter who touched who?

I am glad that I have never fallen for a woman's wiles.

I have for her OTHER parts, tho.....

  • Love 2
23 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

If I were asking Luann a question about Tom, the question I would ask, "how many times has Tom been engaged before?"  I would probably follow up with, how many women has he cohabitated?"  That would be far more informative than hashing over the woman at the Mark Hotel or when he banged Sonja.  

I see what you did there!

Remind me never to try to be sneaky when you are around? ; )

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

The reason the Tom Luann story is so full of conflicting stories is essentially these women are not paying attention to the calendar.

Luann and Tom met right before Thanksgiving 2015, let's call it November 24, 2015-a few days after the Tipsy Girl Party.

Tom is first mentioned with Ramona in a RadarOnLine story on September 17, 2015:    http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/ramona-singer-boyfriend-dating-thomas-dagostino/  Notice several months, not exclusive, out to dinner.  Ramona in the Hamptons in December said a couple of dates, it then grew to seven and eventually 12 once the show aired.  In her Bravo blog she said she had six dates from August to September of 2015. 

So at the time of the Hampton's confrontation, Ramona had not "dated" Tom for three months, at the time Luann met him, she had not been with him for at least two months.  That is when Luann downplayed the great romance as she had Tom telling her he and Ramona had dinner a couple of times with friends.  In any event, Ramona had no expectation of Luann checking in with her.  Now Ramona's story has changed and Tom was dating the woman he arrived at the Mark Hotel for THREE MONTHS at the time Luann and Tom met at the Mark Hotel.  So that would mean Ramona was also dating Tom while he was dating unidentified woman. 

Add next and for purposes of this post, all the women knew of Ramona's dating Tom.  Sonja has said she would not have been with Tom if he had been dating Ramona.  So Sonja by her own admission was probably not with Tom during the three months prior to him meeting Luann.  Unless of course upon seeing the article Sonja intentionally contacted Tom. 

So on December 8, 2015, Luann announced to Sonja and Ramona her dry spell was over.  December 14, 2015, was the Hamptons blow out.  The last time these women got together in 2015 was Ramona's December 19, 2015, Christmas party.  Luann did say she had a date, sadly she was wearing the red lace jumpsuit.

On January 4, 2016,one of the nighttime Hollywood shows runs a blurb, the Countess is dating again and an engagement is not far off.  The next time Luann films with anyone is Ramona on January 6, 2016, when Luann cops to really liking Tom and Ramona drops the old girlfriend/gold bracelet bombshell.  On January 13, 2016, Luann films with Bethenny before Tommy Tune and she tells her she is over the moon in love.  Luann returns to Palm Beach and misses the stainless steel pizza party.  Luann is LA filming a show with Christy Teigen around Febraury 1st.  Another story appears on February 5, 2016, Luann getting hitched.  Between returning from LA and February 9th (Luann is now in Vail) the story appears in Page Six.  Bethenny starts trouble February 11th by announcing Tom had "bedded" both Ramona and Sonja.

My point is I think the relationship picked up steam after Ramona's holiday party.  So when Ramona is saying she has only known Tom four weeks it is really closer to 2 1/2 months.  Do I think Tom and Luann became exclusive on November 24, 2015?  No.  I do think by the time the new year rolled around they had become exclusive and these unwell wishers were really grasping at straws to try and diminish their happiness.  One of the harridans said, Luann had been married two or three times and he was just a playboy.  Reality is Luann had been married once and he has not been married.  When Ramona was going on and on about living four season with someone-well they will have been together for 13 months when they tie the knot. 

Anyway between exaggerate accounts of how they met up at the Mark Hotel, Ramona's ever changing story of how many dates.  I have to go with Tom's account of how vested he was in the relationship with Ramona (not) and the reality of his Sonja years.  Dorinda who arguably has know Tome the best seems pretty clear where he stood prior to meeting Luann. 

zoeysmom - This is a GREAT timeframe report!!  It's a good thing you don't work for the producers as a continuity checker - nothing would ever get aired!!  This is all so perfectly perfect!!    :-)

  • Love 6
41 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Or the ever popular every Tom, Dick and Harry.

So we have a Tom and a Harry. Who’s Dick or should I say whose dick? (Please don’t yell, I am not dick shaming)

Ba Dum Dum

Who’s on First, What’s On Second

Your post offends me greatly from the standpoint that I didn't think of the joke, first.

  • Love 3
On July 18, 2016 at 3:02 PM, Yours Truly said:

But hasn't she made it clear she's aware of him being on the scene? What's the big anvil that's supposed to drop on Lu's "unsuspecting" head? I think she's well aware that he much like she probably wasn't the most graceful or tactful with EVERY hook up. That's the nature of the scene. Some hook ups are pleasant, others are bumpy and some are throwaway fails. Sorry I know that sounds callous but that's how it is on the dating scene especially after 40. I don't think she's worried about anything because there isn't anything to worry about aside from the basic pitfalls of a relationship. I'm guessing she's well aware of the dynamics of his days on the prowl because she herself was a player in that game so if she knows she's sincere about wanting to stick with Tom I'm sure she's taking his overtures with the same amount of sincerity. As a player she knows that it's possible that even players may want to quit the game and I think that's where her head is at. She not some clueless twenty something college kid she's a worldly siren herself that is taking all those things into account  and saying "Welp, he's taking a chance on me too so it's an even leap of faith on both our parts". This whole narrative that Lu's ignoring red flags confounds me because nowhere in Lu and Tom's pairing was anyone not aware of the others status as single and dating. Aside from the slighty messy night they left a party together I don't see how anything in Tom's past makes him some terrible dude women need to be weary of. What? A single man that's been on the dating scene forever? Well sure that obviously causes concern for certain types but even then concern over what? I would think the only thing to be concerned about is that he's a terminal bachelor and that's far from the worst thing. The women are making it out to seem like he's got some serious dirt on him when I don't see certain details surrounding his dating life as dirt.

I understand the realities of dating after a certain age, and get that a person's priorities change as the years go by and needs change. I just don't understand how in the world there wouldn't be a problem when one of your closest friends - a person you have been a very good friend to (I think that Lu has been an excellent friend to Lu) is telling you she has been banging your boyfriend for a decade, and he is saying it is not true. Who to believe? Someone is lying. Lu might not think she cares, but I would find it incredible to believe that if it ends up being true - the part about Sonja and Tom - that she just honestly wouldn't care, considering Tom had told her something else. Am I crazy, or wouldn't this be something that would bother a person - be they 25 or 52. That is the part of the story that has me the most fascinated. Lu is either being lied to by her very close friend for some reason that is horrendous and means that Sonja is not this "nice person" that people say that she is, or she is being lied to by her boyfriend. Maybe I'm crazy and as others say Lu just wouldn't really care, but I find that idea amazing. 

  • Love 8
55 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I still go back to my original question of are Sonja and Luanne really “friends”? Wouldn’t a friend have told her before Joanne’s or better yet told her in private and never on camera. After all, Sonja said everything was on the down low…they were never photographed together or in the press so there was never any reason to say this in her TH or at Joanne’s as it is hurtful.

Is “The Countess” a professional moniker or was she allowed to keep the title when she divorced? If she marries Tom, what happens to her Countess Collection clothing and her Countess dinnerware?

I didn't get why Sonja had to bring it up.  She made it sound as if it was bound to come out publicly.  Only two people knew what happened between them and I don't think Tom was talking.  Sonja with  her doe eyed innocence makes it sound like she is doing Luann a favor.  Sonja has always been a bit competitive when it comes to Luann.  Remember when she wanted Luann to enter a room behind her because Luann was taller than she was?

Luann explained the Countess situation like this:  I was a nurse and I will always be a nurse.  Once I marry I will no longer have the title but my Countess brand will continue, so the name Countess will always be a part of me.  So I guess she will go from Countess Luann de lesseps to Luann D'Agostino founder of the Countess Collection. 

  • Love 6

Why would these women assume anyone in there 50's wouldn't have had a history of dating? Seriously....Who he/she dated in the PAST is in the PAST. Move on. If I met a guy who had NEVER dated another woman & was in his 50s???? Lets just say I doubt he's be interested in me!

Bethanny (who is behaving badly but still..)is dating a guy who went to high school with someone she knew (maybe) 30 some years age. She wasn't a friend who was at Bethannys house every day or anything. They went to the same high school. Shrugs---Big Deal

One more rant and I'll be on my way-Why is the fact that they (Bethanny & her boyfriend) are married such a big deal? I mean there both legally separated and dating is kind of what separated people do. It's not like there living with there spouses and trying to cover up a affair. There separated and free to date whom ever they wish.

  • Love 5
52 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I still go back to my original question of are Sonja and Luanne really “friends”? Wouldn’t a friend have told her before Joanne’s or better yet told her in private and never on camera. After all, Sonja said everything was on the down low…they were never photographed together or in the press so there was never any reason to say this in her TH or at Joanne’s as it is hurtful.

Is “The Countess” a professional moniker or was she allowed to keep the title when she divorced? If she marries Tom, what happens to her Countess Collection clothing and her Countess dinnerware?

There was a reason for Sonja to announce this at Joanne's though............ She wanted to get back into good graces with Bethenny and a sure fired method to do so is to side with her or give her dirt against whoever she is currently ticked off with. Sonja tried to mitigate what she said by saying nice things about Luann/Tom as a couple after she said it but she fed info to Bethenny to use against Luann, which pleased Bethenny to no end and the next thing we know is that Bethenny welcomes Sonja back into the fold. LOL IMO, they are friendly, friendly co-workers but not much more than that.

I think she will no longer be able to "use" the title Countess in social circles after she gets remarried but she still get to keep using Countess for her clothing line and dinnerware.

  • Love 4
57 minutes ago, ihartcoffee said:

All I have to say at this point is I'm still highly annoyed that Bethenny is making Jules eating disorder about her.  Bethenny has high jacked this show,  it's all about her it seems.  And her mean girl clique with Carole is so grating.  Those two feed off each other.  Both are stuck up B's IMO. 

To be fair, Jules turned Luanne's right to happiness and privacy into her stupidity, eating disorder and marital issues (which on camera to date we have only heard vocalized by Dorinda and Jules - the marital issues that is)

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I understand the realities of dating after a certain age, and get that a person's priorities change as the years go by and needs change. I just don't understand how in the world there wouldn't be a problem when one of your closest friends - a person you have been a very good friend to (I think that Lu has been an excellent friend to Lu) is telling you she has been banging your boyfriend for a decade, and he is saying it is not true. Who to believe? Someone is lying. Lu might not think she cares, but I would find it incredible to believe that if it ends up being true - the part about Sonja and Tom - that she just honestly wouldn't care, considering Tom had told her something else. Am I crazy, or wouldn't this be something that would bother a person - be they 25 or 52. That is the part of the story that has me the most fascinated. Lu is either being lied to by her very close friend for some reason that is horrendous and means that Sonja is not this "nice person" that people say that she is, or she is being lied to by her boyfriend. Maybe I'm crazy and as others say Lu just wouldn't really care, but I find that idea amazing. 

I guess if she considers the source, Sonja, Luann might have reason to doubt the stories Sonja told about Tom. LOL These stories (10 years of secret hookups) are coming from someone that insists that Madonna was at her first fashion show even though Madonna was in London at the time, who insists that PDiddy has been on her yacht and that she owns a Nigerian Football Team! It may be as simple as Tom is not prone to exaggeration, whereas Sonja is to put it mildly. LOL

3 minutes ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Why would these women assume anyone in there 50's wouldn't have had a history of dating? Seriously....Who he/she dated in the PAST is in the PAST. Move on. If I met a guy who had NEVER dated another woman & was in his 50s???? Lets just say I doubt he's be interested in me!

Bethanny (who is behaving badly but still..)is dating a guy who went to high school with someone she knew (maybe) 30 some years age. She wasn't a friend who was at Bethannys house every day or anything. They went to the same high school. Shrugs---Big Deal

One more rant and I'll be on my way-Why is the fact that they (Bethanny & her boyfriend) are married such a big deal? I mean there both legally separated and dating is kind of what separated people do. It's not like there living with there spouses and trying to cover up a affair. There separated and free to date whom ever they wish.

Is there such a thing a "legal separation" in NY, I am not sure if there is or not (not all states have it) but neither he or his wife have filed for divorce yet. As far as being friends with the wife, Jill, or not, we only have Bethenny's word on that and, for me at least, I am not willing to go on her word alone. Bethenny has mentioned an old HS friend named Jill before and we don't know if this Jill is the same person she talked about or not, which is why this seems shady, at least to me. 

  • Love 5
12 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I understand the realities of dating after a certain age, and get that a person's priorities change as the years go by and needs change. I just don't understand how in the world there wouldn't be a problem when one of your closest friends - a person you have been a very good friend to (I think that Lu has been an excellent friend to Lu) is telling you she has been banging your boyfriend for a decade, and he is saying it is not true. Who to believe? Someone is lying. Lu might not think she cares, but I would find it incredible to believe that if it ends up being true - the part about Sonja and Tom - that she just honestly wouldn't care, considering Tom had told her something else. Am I crazy, or wouldn't this be something that would bother a person - be they 25 or 52. That is the part of the story that has me the most fascinated. Lu is either being lied to by her very close friend for some reason that is horrendous and means that Sonja is not this "nice person" that people say that she is, or she is being lied to by her boyfriend. Maybe I'm crazy and as others say Lu just wouldn't really care, but I find that idea amazing. 

Well considering the source and the competitive nature with Sonja and her guys.... It's not something I would allow to get in the way. I mean I think Lu understands that Tom hooked up with her but I also think it's safe to believe that Sonja's the type to hype up the affair in order to trump Lu and have that saucy piece of info in her hat cause Sonja like's that sort of thing. So I think it's easy to believe it's a little bit of both. Lu understanding that Tom has shared privates with other women and on occasion Sonja's privates played a role in his previous equation. I too don't believe that it was more than casual hooks up and probably not that many. Plus Sonja HERSELF has painted that picture of how NON committal her sexual encounters are so why should it be such an issue to any of them? So I guess yeah, there are those who wouldn't be bothered by it cause I for one don't see it as that big a deal really.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

If I were asking Luann a question about Tom, the question I would ask, "how many times has Tom been engaged before?"  I would probably follow up with, how many women has he cohabitated?"  That would be far more informative than hashing over the woman at the Mark Hotel or when he banged Sonja.  

See this is what I was thinking and wondering. Like is Tom famous for leading a woman on and stringing them along then returns to his terminal bachelor status? Somehow I think that's the impression the others are trying to imply but then I'm thinking Lu's been a player herself so I would expect her to at least be aware of those bits and pieces and if it is true it just mean Lu's thinking of Tom as a challenge she just may be able to win so either way Good for her. It'll work out however it works out but one thing you can't say about Lu is that she's a shrinking violet.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 1
50 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I understand the realities of dating after a certain age, and get that a person's priorities change as the years go by and needs change. I just don't understand how in the world there wouldn't be a problem when one of your closest friends - a person you have been a very good friend to (I think that Lu has been an excellent friend to Lu) is telling you she has been banging your boyfriend for a decade, and he is saying it is not true. Who to believe? Someone is lying. Lu might not think she cares, but I would find it incredible to believe that if it ends up being true - the part about Sonja and Tom - that she just honestly wouldn't care, considering Tom had told her something else. Am I crazy, or wouldn't this be something that would bother a person - be they 25 or 52. That is the part of the story that has me the most fascinated. Lu is either being lied to by her very close friend for some reason that is horrendous and means that Sonja is not this "nice person" that people say that she is, or she is being lied to by her boyfriend. Maybe I'm crazy and as others say Lu just wouldn't really care, but I find that idea amazing. 

What Sonja has done is put her sometimes good friend in the position of having to chose who to believe.  The last time Sonja and Luann went their separate ways began with Sonja and her facialist making up stories about Luann and a short Frenchmen and Luann chasing him around Le Cirque.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-6/videos/did-sonja-sleep-with-caroles-ex  Carole was none too please either, with Sonja's coquettish denials of her sleeping with Carole's ex.  Luann and Sonja ended that season not speaking.  (Season 6). 

I think Luann over the years has accepted Sonja and her delusions.  Here is an old bog of Sonja's (kind of a poor, poor pitiful me) some interesting comments about Ramona, Luann and Adam.  Essentially the fallout from the Season 6 with Sonja and her delusions.   http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-7/blogs/sonja-morgan/sonja-no-matter-what-i-do-i-cannot    Sonja has done so much bullshitting, she can't understand how her bullshit undermines relationships.

I believe you are counting on Sonja producing evidence to the contrary or Tom breaking down admitting things went down differently.  I think what Luann is saying is she just doesn't want to open an investigation.  If it were something really big like Tom swindling money out of a girlfriend maybe Luann would be more interested.  Luann can't undo Tom's past so she has to accept it or toss him back in the ring.   

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 4
39 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I didn't get why Sonja had to bring it up.  She made it sound as if it was bound to come out publicly.  Only two people knew what happened between them and I don't think Tom was talking.  Sonja with  her doe eyed innocence makes it sound like she is doing Luann a favor.  Sonja has always been a bit competitive when it comes to Luann.  Remember when she wanted Luann to enter a room behind her because Luann was taller than she was?

Luann explained the Countess situation like this:  I was a nurse and I will always be a nurse.  Once I marry I will no longer have the title but my Countess brand will continue, so the name Countess will always be a part of me.  So I guess she will go from Countess Luann de lesseps to Luann D'Agostino founder of the Countess Collection. 

Thank you for explaining the Countess moniker.

Sonja's action to me was not of a "friend". I would have wanted to know this information in private and Sonja had plenty of time to do so. It was not necessary to say this repeatedly in her TH's or at the Joanne dinner.

  • Love 5
On July 18, 2016 at 4:45 PM, zoeysmom said:

What Sonja has done is put her sometimes good friend in the position of having to chose who to believe.  The last time Sonja and Luann went their separate ways began with Sonja and her facialist making up stories about Luann and a short Frenchmen and Luann chasing him around Le Cirque.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-6/videos/did-sonja-sleep-with-caroles-ex  Carole was none too please either, with Sonja's coquettish denials of her sleeping with Carole's ex.  Luann and Sonja ended that season not speaking.  (Season 6). 

I think Luann over the years has accepted Sonja and her delusions.  Here is an old bog of Sonja's (kind of a poor, poor pitiful me) some interesting comments about Ramona, Luann and Adam.  Essentially the fallout from the Season 6 with Sonja and her delusions.   http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-7/blogs/sonja-morgan/sonja-no-matter-what-i-do-i-cannot    Sonja has done so much bullshitting, she can't understand how her bullshit undermines relationships.

I believe you are counting on Sonja producing evidence to the contrary or Tom breaking down admitting things went down differently.  I think what Luann is saying is she just doesn't want to open an investigation.  If it were something really big like Tom swindling money out of a girlfriend maybe Luann would be more interested.  Luann can't undo Tom's past so she has to accept it or toss him back in the ring.   

I am definitely not counting on Sonja for anything. She lies when the truth would sound better, no doubt about it. I just don't understand how there is not a conflict between the boyfriend and the friend, and how it is no big deal, if both relationships are to continue. I can easily believe that Sonja is lying, but then how does Lu go on and have a relationship with her? At all? There is a clip of them laughing and joking, clearly loving each other on the Bravo site right now. Lu is talking about her wedding. It is recent. If Lu believes that Sonja is lying - and would do so in such a way - how do you get past that? How are you not bothered that someone would say something like that about your Intended? I guess the answer is that they probably aren't really friends at all, which is as most people would say. The "living together" was just a plot line, and maybe they plotted this whole boyfriend drama. I guess this explains why Lu didn't understand why Carole would take the things she said about her so personally. Lu can get past being called a whore, a fuckdoll, and having her man called a liar. It really is just a job, which maybe is as it should be. 

  • Love 2
35 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

See this is what I was thinking and wondering. Like is Tom famous for leading a woman on and stringing them along then returns to his terminal bachelor status? Somehow I think that's the impression the others are trying to imply but then I'm thinking Lu's been a player herself so I would expect her to at least be aware of those bits and pieces and if it is true it just mean Lu's thinking of Tom as a challenge she just may be able to win so either way Good for her. It'll work out however it works out but one thing you can't say about Lu is that she's a shrinking violet.

One thing about fame?

The more you are exposed in the media, the better chance you have of your past catching up with you?

If there was something untoward about Tom (or Lulu) we would have heard about it? 

If Tom was a player, someone would have shown up in the media ready to tell the world about his antics.

One thing about Luann?

If she has the sexual appetite she is accused of? There would be a trail of carcasses that would lead to her door. I get the idea that she chooses very carefully and you'd be lucky to catch her with her pants down (pun intended).  She doesn't foul her eating area by taking a dump on the table?

  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I am definitely not counting on Sonja for anything. She lies when the truth would sound better, no doubt about it. I just don't understand how there is not a conflict between the boyfriend and the friend, and how it is no big deal, if both relationships are to continue. I can easily believe that Sonja is lying, but then how does Lu go on and have a relationship with her? At all? There is a clip of them laughing and joking, clearly loving each other on the Bravo site right now. Lu is talking about her wedding. It is recent. If Lu believes that Sonja is lying - and would do so in such a way - how do you get past that? How are you not bothered that someone would say something like that about your Intended? I guess the answer is that they probably aren't really friends at all, which is as most people would say. The "living together" was just a plot line, and maybe they plotted this whole boyfriend drama. I guess this explains why Lu didn't understand why Carole would take the things she said about her so personally. Lu can get past being called a whore, a fuckdoll, and having her man called a liar. It really is just a job, which maybe is as it should be. 

But this is how I think Lu rolls. No need for dramatics when it comes to conflicts she's having with the others. Sometimes you have friends that act out but you roll your eyes get pissed then Get Over It. She's also got this thing about moving passed stuff. She's of the variety that doesn't fuel something cause she knows by fuming about it only gives it merit and momentum therefore she's more about pish poshing it away. I think we've also seen when something hits a nerve with Lu and then her pish poshing away isn't as seamless and she would like (aka Adam/Carole). I don't think she's immune to being upset about shit her castmembers/friends do but I do think she'd rather not give it more fuel by allowing herself to react too strongly especially on camera. I don't think that's her style so again I'm not surprised that she's just trying to roll passed that awkwardness and not put too much into it. I'm sure she speaks on it if she feels she has to get it off her chest. She did just fine letting Ramona have it at that dinner so I doubt she just completely takes it in stride she's just doesn't like to make a spectical of the issues she's having with the women if the subject is personal and very important or dear to her. I highly doubt she wanted to express her feelings about Adam/Carole to that degree while filming for the show. Some believe otherwise but the choppiness of her hot and cold behavior toward Carole told me she was struggling with her emotions and couldn't manuever that particular maze like she's done with other personal subjects in the past.

  • Love 4
28 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I am definitely not counting on Sonja for anything. She lies when the truth would sound better, no doubt about it. I just don't understand how there is not a conflict between the boyfriend and the friend, and how it is no big deal, if both relationships are to continue. I can easily believe that Sonja is lying, but then how does Lu go on and have a relationship with her? At all? There is a clip of them laughing and joking, clearly loving each other on the Bravo site right now. Lu is talking about her wedding. It is recent. If Lu believes that Sonja is lying - and would do so in such a way - how do you get past that? How are you not bothered that someone would say something like that about your Intended? I guess the answer is that they probably aren't really friends at all, which is as most people would say. The "living together" was just a plot line, and maybe they plotted this whole boyfriend drama. I guess this explains why Lu didn't understand why Carole would take the things she said about her so personally. Lu can get past being called a whore, a fuckdoll, and having her man called a liar. It really is just a job, which maybe is as it should be. 

I think that is what is at the core of many of the RH relationships.  Kyle accepts LVP even though she has found her to be  manipulative and possibly duplicitous.  Heather Dubrow accepts Vicki even though she is untruthful,.Vicki accepts Heather even though she can be pretentious.

I see Sonja this way, these women, Ramona having known her before her marriage into great wealth but not during, Luann knowing her before but not friending her until after they were on the show, has decided to accept the fact Sonja can be delusional and competitive.  Luann went to the wall over Sonja with Bethenny, at great personal humiliation, and the only time Luann broke down and cried was when she was talking about worrying about Sonja meeting an unsavory demise because of her behavior. 

I do think Sonja and Luann living together was a bit of a plotline, in that they needed to have something other than events excluding Sonja and Luann and the powers that be at Bravo thought the Grey Gardens angle would be hysterical.  Who knows perhaps instead of compensating Luann for a hotel room during shooting, they paid Sonja to put her up.    I don't think you plot a boyfriend angle and work a wedding date and 8 carat engagement ring into the mix.  Tom and Luann are in Switzerland right now-so I think the relationship is real.  I do think Sonja went of on one of unreality tangents when she accused Luann of going off alone with Harry just because Sonja is delusional.  I think at this point in her life she has decided to be accepting of Sonja.   

Luann has said her defense in the past against unfounded allegations is to stand silent.  When the open marriage allegations were made, she never addressed the allegation, she (wisely in my opinion) fired back with how those allegations hurt her.  The don't speak of my marriage routine.  Different people have different ways of coping with conflict.  Sometimes Luann handles it head on and sometimes she doesn't.

Ultimately it is kind of Luann being accepting of someone in spite of their flaws. (not that Luann is flawless).  She is happy and doesn't see the need to bring unhappiness into her life.  It may happen that if Sonja doesn't STFU, she won't be extended a wedding invitation.  What Luann can forgive may not pass muster with Tom and his family or Luann and her family.  I would hate to think Sonja would be excluded because of the delusional nature of her personality.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 7

Man, I so woulda loved for Gaga to have shown up at Joanne and dump a plate of meatballs over the Bethenny monster's head (& maybe squish a few meatballs in ass-muncher Carole's fugly Steven Tyler mug -- just cuz).  And I'd have loved to see Gaga scream SHUT THE FUCK UP right up in the Bethenny monster's now fucked-up-looking face.  OK, I know this really ain't Gaga's style to do.  And I vaguely remember her saying to Satan Andy she liked the Bethenny monster.  But that might have been before she morphed into the Godzilla monster we now see every ep.  Well, Gaga does defend underdogs.  I kinda think she would hate to see the way the Bethenny monster is cruelly treating poor Jules -- mocking her & laughing at her so hatefully & horribly.  

I'd like to think Gaga would totally sympathize with Jules & wanna come to her rescue & defend her -- particularly cuz the Bethenny monster is doing all this hateful, nasty, horrible shit in her family's nice restaurant.

Btw, real nice of you, ass-muncher Carole, to address a viewer as "moron" on your Twitter.  You really are quite the asshole, hun.

At this point, monster Bethenny, I'm mostly done with your Godzilla act, chewing up & spitting out anyone/everyone near you.  But if you admit you're ragging on Jules completely & totally because she makes you think about you're own eating disorders, which you still suffer from, then you might get me back.  And that's just maybe.  I still think you're nasty, mean, vicious & cruel as all shit.

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

One thing about fame?

The more you are exposed in the media, the better chance you have of your past catching up with you?

If there was something untoward about Tom (or Lulu) we would have heard about it? 

If Tom was a player, someone would have shown up in the media ready to tell the world about his antics.

One thing about Luann?

If she has the sexual appetite she is accused of? There would be a trail of carcasses that would lead to her door. I get the idea that she chooses very carefully and you'd be lucky to catch her with her pants down (pun intended).  She doesn't foul her eating area by taking a dump on the table?

I don't think Tom is out of the woods yet as far as skeletons rolling out of the closet.

I have often wondered if Luann has done all these guys, why haven't they lined up to tell or sell their stories? 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I am definitely not counting on Sonja for anything. She lies when the truth would sound better, no doubt about it. I just don't understand how there is not a conflict between the boyfriend and the friend, and how it is no big deal, if both relationships are to continue. I can easily believe that Sonja is lying, but then how does Lu go on and have a relationship with her? At all? There is a clip of them laughing and joking, clearly loving each other on the Bravo site right now. Lu is talking about her wedding. It is recent. If Lu believes that Sonja is lying - and would do so in such a way - how do you get past that? How are you not bothered that someone would say something like that about your Intended? I guess the answer is that they probably aren't really friends at all, which is as most people would say. The "living together" was just a plot line, and maybe they plotted this whole boyfriend drama. I guess this explains why Lu didn't understand why Carole would take the things she said about her so personally. Lu can get past being called a whore, a fuckdoll, and having her man called a liar. It really is just a job, which maybe is as it should be. 

Sonja’s first TH shot, with the “My Tom?” spliced in when she was having a conversation with Luanne in her kitchen.  Sonja revealing they were friends with benefits and were just together sexually overlapping with when Luanne was with him around Thanksgiving was a shiddy thing to do.

Especially because at that point, Luanne was the only one in her corner – filming with her, hanging out with her, and defending her. Luanne stood up for her in the Berkshires and made it known she was fragile and being excluded. Luanne was also the one who ran after her at Ramona’s party.

Bethenny wanted nothing to do with her.

Ramona did not want to hang with her because she was drinking too much and already distanced herself from her before the Tipsy Girl thing.

Dorinda did not invite her to the Berkshires and met with her to tell her I’m having a party and NOT inviting you.

Carole invited her to the ridiculous Dog Wedding – big whoop

Jules was shoving mutilated Pre-Pistachio Restoration pics at her. Just eww

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

Well, it's fairly obvious that Lulu would deny leaving a function with someone else - someone who wasn't her date at the start of the evening?

It just adds to the Legend of the Countess.

(As told by me.........)

There once was a Countess who loved sex.

It was told that she loved pirates, anal and, for good measure, was a squirter.

The Countess never denied the fact that she liked to bump uglies, but she never advertised it, she had a little decorum when it came to sex.

And one day, she came to her friends to tell them she was in love and was engaged.

This threw some of the other harpies into a tizzy.

Three of the harpies were in 'relationships' already, One was divorced and the worst of the group, who was working on her 'unconscious uncoupling' was furious.

She huffed and puffed and called the Countess a whore, slut, liar and fuck doll. But what the rest of the group didn't know is that the soon-to-be divorced slut-cake was seeing and dating a married man!!!

Of course! She was projecting her own unhappiness on being in a 'relationship' with a man who was married to someone she knew....Her own guilt at being a slut and whore just manifested itself into a red hot hatred because the Countess COULD tell people she was getting laid, She didn't have to lie or hide the fact that she was seeing a 'married man' - the Countess was free to consort with whomever she chose, She didn't have to hide or be ashamed she was getting a little something-something.

While the Countess WAS a little over the top with her profession of love, But it's up to her beau, if he is ready for eggs 'a la francaise' for the rest of his life, because that is the only breakfast dish that she could cook...

and they lived happily ever after, the end, Fin and no mas.......

And here I thought Lu would be getting her ouef a la Francaise scrambled pour la vie by Jacques.


I certainly hope that Beth's high school acquaintence comes after her with the same ferocity that Beth came after Lu.

  • Love 4

The 'funny' part about the declarations that Lu stole Tom the night she met him is that none of these women were actually there.  This all came from some anonymous friend of Beth's.  Did we ever learn that this friend of Beth's even knows Tom? 

Just a side note:  It was Lu who introduced Sonja on the show.  Lu came to Sonja's townhouse.  I have no idea of why I remember that.

Lu, Sonja and Ro all seem to get their timelines and memories screwed up.  So I don't take any of them at their word.  I really don't care about this whole thing about Lu and Tom.  Really.  If they're happy, so be it.  But it's gotta be about drama - this is a RH's franchise.  In truth, neither Sonja or Ro were 'affected' by Tom and Lu's relationship.  And certainly not Beth or Carole. 

  • Love 3
On 7/15/2016 at 6:48 AM, WireWrap said:

Well, according to Bethenny, she is the one responsible for bringing Jules on the show, not Dorinda. That she knew Jules, they met at a mutual friends parties several times, long before Dorinda brought her name to Bravo and that Bravo asked her about Jules and if she thought Jules would be a good fit for the show, she then gave Bravo her blessing ok on adding Jules. She also said that she knew their marriage was in big trouble before Bravo asked for her opinion, which makes me think she also knew Jules suffered from an ED as well. So, Bethenny is too blame for Jules getting on the show.

I doubt that Dorinda knew that Bethenny would come after her/John's relationship like she did as Bethenny didn't say squat about John last season, only Ramona did. Jules is using the show to launch a product, a colonic, like may HWs have before her. I don't think Jules is a "twit" but I do think she struggles expressing herself when she get nervous and most HWs are nervous their first season, they are all too aware of the cameras and wanting to make a good impression to the other HWs and too us, the viewers. As for her calling out Bethenny, and to a lesser extent Carole, she was spot on about both of them.

Read this as John launching a colonic and did a double-take. I didn't realize Jules' product was a colonic. Damn. I think Jules joined the cast because A) she wanted to be a reality TV star- she admitted such. & B) She knew a divorce was coming and was looking for a paying gig- reality TV, a launching pad for her colonic, etc.

On 7/15/2016 at 10:16 AM, rhygirl720 said:

I cringe when I watch Bethany and Carol talk about Jule's eating disorder. Let's face it neither one of them have a normal relationship with food. There seems veto be almost a competitive edge to how this is discussed.." I am naturally thin and don't need to resort to these odd eating behaviors"  the discussions about weight. ... which are odd. Maybe that is why they are so uncomfortable...too close to home.

Yes! I have been thinking this for a long time. I think there's an underlying jealousy from B and C regarding Jules' weight. They probably don't realize it, but there's definitely something going on there.

On 7/15/2016 at 10:17 AM, izabella said:

Honestly, even if she had the worst childhood in the world and suffered so much damage, that doesn't mean she has license to be an asshole to other people.  It doesn't even help to make her assholery understandable.  Many, many people have had horrible childhoods AND adulthoods, and yet, they can still function politely in society and don't run around screaming "Whore!  Plastic Fuck Doll!  Get off my jock!"  at people.  They even manage to go to therapy or otherwise work through their issues and develop loving, long-standing relationships with people.

Love this.

  • Love 4
On 7/15/2016 at 3:02 PM, LIMOM said:

It is either bullshit that Beth is spewing or Jules is so fucking stressed and confused that she revels intimate details of her marriage to strangers either ways Beth is an asshole for blackmailing her.

I assume that Jules reveals intimate details of her marriage to everyone, since she's revealed some very intimate details on TV (THs, dinner with Dorinda). Not a slam on Jules, just an assumption based on her what I've seen of her behavior. Loved the snippets of her blog that were posted here.

  • Love 3

I haven't seen this mentioned (unless I missed it). Was anyone else amused by Ramona's "We're going to FOXWOODS!" idea? I live in New England and while Foxwoods (and nearby Mohegan Sun) is a nice enough casino, casinos seem a bit downmarket for Ramona. This is someone who ordered steamed vegetables at a boxing match, after all...I can't see her hanging at the Tanger Outlets or getting a hot dog.

I can see her saying "Connecticut? Who goes to CONNECTICUT? No one I know!" Foxwoods isn't part of the Gold Coast or near anywhere you'd expect to see people with money.

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19 minutes ago, archer1267 said:

I haven't seen this mentioned (unless I missed it). Was anyone else amused by Ramona's "We're going to FOXWOODS!" idea? I live in New England and while Foxwoods (and nearby Mohegan Sun) is a nice enough casino, casinos seem a bit downmarket for Ramona. This is someone who ordered steamed vegetables at a boxing match, after all...I can't see her hanging at the Tanger Outlets or getting a hot dog.

I can see her saying "Connecticut? Who goes to CONNECTICUT? No one I know!" Foxwoods isn't part of the Gold Coast or near anywhere you'd expect to see people with money.

Had husband's fiftieth bday party at the bowling alley at Foxwoods!  I kind of love when people on TV go there, cuz I'm like, "yup, me and celebrities...we have the same exact life."

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