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Little People in the Media

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8 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

go to beating50percent.com or aujpoj.com

To be FAIR - she never uses the word fuck but she totally refers to lovemaking being a form of worship of Jesus, and that she sometimes will have Jer pull over for a quicky and in her marital advice being sexy for her man and putting out is a very big part of her marital commitment.

She also discusses how she is certain that the baby was conceived in North Carolina in a boutique tree house where you know, she fucked Jer on Dec 6. Because America needed to know this.

And apparently it's Christian modest to make it very very clear on social media that on Dec 6 2016, Jeremy Roloff climaxed in her vagina in a treehouse.

Such an inflated sense of her own importance. I can't imagine that either Zach or Tori would have the time of day for her. Or her vagina monologues.

I was watching a bunch of LPBW "extras" on TLC, and one was Jeremy and Audrey announcing the baby's gender. They both said, "It's a..." and then Jeremy held up a cupcake and said "girl" in the same dejected way you'd expect him to say "fungus." 

I feel sorry for Baby Girl Roloff. But I'm so happy, for little Jackson's sake, that he won't have to compete in the "look what my boy can do!" Olympics with a mini-Jer.

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I admit, I was pleased about that as well. Whether the kid is an LP or not, if Jer's kid was a boy, I suspect the entire family would force the "THIS ONE IS LITTLE AND GOLDEN BOY JER'S BOY IS TALL SO OMG ITS THE SAME EVEN THO THEY ARENT TWINS!" dynamic on them.

And honestly, I think Auj at least will delight in her producing the first grand daughter. And I genuinely wonder how anxious she'll be to have a second.

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3 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

I'm the recapper there :(

I know it's a sickness :(

I read there all the time, but I have never posted.    If you are Rap, pardon me while I fangirl out for a minute.  I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!  *squeeeeeeee*  

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Because I am ridiculous, I was creeping in the comments section of Amy's latest Instagram post, and again, it's filled with women who are chastising Amy for not saving her marriage.

WTF am I missing? She did try, repeatedly, to get Matt to reconsider. But he wasn't about to, because he was already fucking the help.

Are these people watching a different show?

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No, they're watching the show where Christian marital experts Jeremy and Auj are still actively on "Team Matt and Amy". Remember, per Jeremy and Auj, marriage is a battle and they do't believe as Christians in throwing away a marriage, so Amy needs to FIX IT. And if she's not FIXING IT, then she's a slutty whore. Seriously. There's a weird little faction of Christian fans who firmly believe Amy needs to shut her mouth and spread her legs on command for Matt as Matt is a Christian MAN and she is a wife and her only utterance should be "Yes Matt" and now "Yes, Jeremy".

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It's also nothing new.

He didn't like being filmed. He didn't like being portrayed as a storyline. He doesn't feel its hypocritical to demand being paid for the work he did on the show from age 6-18 (I agree with him there). He likes doing his own videos because he's in total control of the presentation.

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Did anyone see the tidbit of Tori and Zach holding Jackson? It was during or right after the show.  Jackson looks very small, imo.  His head didn't look very large either.  Hard to imagine he weighed 9 pounds at birth.  My goodness. Very cute though.  

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4 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

I saw it too. He did look small but I think it was weird camera work.  He is adorable!  A very handsome fella.

Maybe, he lost a little weight after birth.  That sometimes happens, but, he sure looked tiny to me.  Even though he's an infant, he resembled Tori more than Zach in that video.  Of course, at that age, that doesn't mean much.  Except with me.  I have looked just about the same since birth! lol 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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You guys. We've had this conversation before, but I'm shaking my head. I'm home early from work today to meet the air-conditioner guy, so I've got some time on my hands and was scrolling through some Roloff-related stuff on radaronline.com. And the anti-Amy trolls are not only ever-present and vocal, they're revisionists. 

In response to the clip in which Caryn shows up to Zach and Tori's gender reveal, folks are insisting that Amy "deserves that because she divorced Matt to date her new boyfriend." Also this: "At least Caryn is a nice enough person to be willing to care for Matt's medical needs after Amy couldn't deal with that and dumped him."

What. The. Flying. Fuck.

Edited by Literata
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I agree they're batshit, but these are usually the same folks who think everything Matt does is a blessing from Christ. Personally, I think spending a few days with Matt would cure them.

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I'm of the you adore the ground he walks on, then you deserve to put up with a whiny raging narcissist.  I've been there done that, but it was only my MIL.  Once you've done it if you have any sense at all, you never do again.  Moving across the country from them is SO helpful. 

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If it is a house for him and not just a place he is flipping - I think its good. Frankly the living situation at the farm is awkward and if he's been genuinely unhappy with the double wide then this is a good solution.

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That's his new house.......?  Okay.  Odd, but, maybe, there's something else gong on.  Like someone said above. Maybe, he's flipping it.  A lot people are flipping houses now days. If Matt were buying a house for him to live in, I would think that it wouldn't be right on the street, like the one shown above.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I would just imagine Matt building or renovating a house that has a nice view, country, long drive, room to stretch out and not right on a street just a few feet away.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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2 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

Did I read that right...he's the most blessed man in the world because he got his roof paper on before the downpour?  

I hate to defend Matt since he is a major butt most of the time, but I read that comment as tongue-in-cheek!

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18 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

Maybe it is for Caryn and Matt.

Yep. He's not getting Amy to approve for their love nest at the Farm - so they have to look elsewhere. 

It would be in Amy's financial interest to fire Caryn. 

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Or he's house flipping and just being coy. Based on how things get dropped on social media, no one is gonna get fired if Matt reveals he's bought a house to live in but rather than be upfront, he makes a vague post and is no doubt grinning like a smug fool at all the "MATT??? DID YOU LEAVE THE FARM! OMG!" posts.

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15 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Looks like Jackson is in the middle of filling his diaper in that picture.  It's a facial expression we've ALL seen, right?

He's adorable & yes, it looks like he's 'thinking real hard'.

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On 7/14/2017 at 7:45 PM, galax-arena said:

I don't recall if the following has been brought to the forum's attention, and I wasn't sure where to put this since it's really just LPBW by proxy, but if anyone's interested, Jeremy's bff Jacob Mueller and his wife Destiney have a youtube channel

I feel like I know all I need to know about them from that header, 'The Mueller's.' 

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32 minutes ago, Diane M said:

What nasty feud?  There's no explanation.

I trolled around and found reference to Jer and Oddj being difficult with Amy over the divorce. but we knew this. It seems to be what Radar is blowing out of proportion.

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29 minutes ago, Diane M said:

What nasty feud?  There's no explanation.

Once the link fully loaded, there was a series of pictures with captions. One of them mentioned that Jeremy and Audrey disapproved of Matt and Amy getting a divorce; that was pretty much all of the feud. J+A were said to be unhappy with Amy because of her relationship with Chris. The article mentioned that Matt is now dating his assistant, but nothing was said about the redheads disapproving of that.

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