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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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My adult son had said his double-t's like this ever since he could talk. He had 3 years of speech therapy as a child (not for that particular impediment), and I always wonder if the pronunciation came from the therapy or in spite of it.

I got sent to speech therapy in first grade because I couldn't get the hang of  words starting with "wh" vs "w". Also, I was having trouble differentiating between the two different "th" sounds (for example, "them" vs "think"). Not sure it did a whole lot of good.


People are pronouncing "didn't" weirdly, too, as of late.  Did-dint.

Still less annoying than going in the other direction with "di'nt", as in "Oh no you di'nt!"

Edited by riley702
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There's a Sensodyne ad with a dentist who says the word "tubuals" about 4,682 times during the commercial. For some reason, the way he says it really squicks me out.


I did some Googling, and "tubuals" isn't a word. Tubules is, but I don't know why they'd be talking about those in a Sensodyne commercial. So.....LOL, whut?

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There's a Sensodyne ad with a dentist who says the word "tubuals" about 4,682 times during the commercial. For some reason, the way he says it really squicks me out.

Is it the guy with the creepy eyes? That dude's not even a dentist. He is the marketing director or something. I have no idea why they are using him as the spokesperson.

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LOL! I knew I was spelling that incorrectly. Here's the ad:


Ah. That's a different guy. I think thinking of this guy: http://www.ispot.tv/ad/7iMQ/sensodyne-whitening-repair-and-protect


He's like a drug rep manager or something. His title changes every time he's in a commercial.

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Oh, I've never seen that guy, just the tubular dentist.

Why do all the Restasis eye doctor ladies sound as if they're all Valiumed up when they're telling their  patients about chronic dry eye?

Yeah, they sound like they have chronic wet tongue (from drinking). And why are none of the eye doctors male? Is this just a moderate to severe condition for women?

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I guess if they weren't parents, we could run them over with impunity? smh

CatTrans needs to make them wear signs so we can see whether or not they're valid targets.

Side note Someone once mistook my uncle for a CalTrans worker during an equipment service call and gave him a concussion with a Big Gulp full of ice. Afterward he learned that it's a really common occurrence for idiots to injure road workers by throwing crap at them at 70+ MPH.

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There is an ad that runs all the freakin' time for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) telling us we need to watch out for their workers because they're parents. I guess if they weren't parents, we could run them over with impunity? smh

We have the same type of ad here in Indiana. Only ours is about the Indiana State Police officers who are working along the various roads & highways in the state, & it uses (at least supposedly) the kids of different State Police officers. The kids in the ads--there are at least a couple of different ones--ask the viewers to be careful whenever they see the State Police along the roadside so the kid's State Police officer parent (at least 1 involves a State Police officer Mother, another a State Police officer Father) will be able to come home to them after their shift & have dinner, or do whatever else, with them.

Edited by BW Manilowe
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Side note Someone once mistook my uncle for a CalTrans worker during an equipment service call and gave him a concussion with a Big Gulp full of ice. Afterward he learned that it's a really common occurrence for idiots to injure road workers by throwing crap at them at 70+ MPH.

DAMN!  I swear, never in my long life have I ever entertained the notion of throwing something at a pedestrian.  Especially a road worker!  You got some sick fucks out there, anyone ever get license plates for these morons?

  • Love 8

I also have to say, those "(class action) lawsuit on behalf of people who've been harmed by taking (name of drug)" ads drive me batty. At least the ones where the spokesperson says something like "Have you, or a loved 1, died or been hospitalized by taking (name of drug)?

It's cool, I guess, if they target the loved ones of people negatively affected by whatever drug. That makes sense. So does targeting people who've taken the drug, been hospitalized as a result & (presumably) left with some sort of presumably permanent physical/mental damage as a result.

What doesn't make sense is when it sounds like they're targeting people who've already died as a result of taking the drug involved, as if said people were still alive. I mean, the people who've actually died from taking whatever drug(s) can't do a damn thing about it now, like file suit against the drug company/companies themselves. You know? I get they probably actually mean the estates of anyone who died as a result of using said drug(s), & that's what they should say--not sound like it's still possible for dead people to file lawsuits for themselves when it's not.

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Beyonce claims to have lost 65 pounds in 22 days!


No. She claims to have lost 65 pounds in total using a vegan diet plan. That is merely called the 22 Day Vegan Challenge.  It doesn't mean it only last 22 days. Just a catchy title hook. 


That being said, she HAD to have included her tippy-top pregnancy weight to truly claim a 65 pound weight loss.   

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Just saw a new ad for Kohl's with various people busting a move.  The annoying part is the Mom pushing the twins in the stroller when she breaks out into her dance in front of the stroller and sticks her butt out towards them (about 45 sec. in). 


It isn't quite so harsh when I watched it online, but from just a quick glance this morning I was like WTF?

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No. She claims to have lost 65 pounds in total using a vegan diet plan. That is merely called the 22 Day Vegan Challenge.  It doesn't mean it only last 22 days. Just a catchy title hook. 


That being said, she HAD to have included her tippy-top pregnancy weight to truly claim a 65 pound weight loss.

Yes, diet ads that give a weight loss number that includes pregnancy weight drive me crazy. In addition to baby and placenta, there is often a LOT of retained water during pregnancy. When before and after numbers are compared, the diet is getting credit for ALL of the pounds lost, which is deceptive.

Yes, diet ads that give a weight loss number that includes pregnancy weight drive me crazy. In addition to baby and placenta, there is often a LOT of retained water during pregnancy. When before and after numbers are compared, the diet is getting credit for ALL of the pounds lost, which is deceptive.


Yes--ugh those infomercials that show the "dramatic" before and after shots where the BEFORE is clearly, like the DAY the woman has given birth, drive me insane.  Talk about false advertising!

Edited by Duke2801
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Why do all the Restasis eye doctor ladies sound as if they're all Valiumed up when they're telling their  patients about chronic dry eye?


There's more than one?  I only remember Dr. Alison Tendler, who reminds me of Giada DeLaurentiis and for whom I have an irrational hatred.  (Coincidence?).


Yes--ugh those infomercials that show the "dramatic" before and after shots where the BEFORE is clearly, like the DAY the woman has given birth, drive me insane.  Talk about false advertising!


Yeah, I don't know how they get away with stuff like that.  Except the disclaimers all over the screen reminding us that "Results are not typical."


Worse, is when the before and after are clearly not the same person.  This is especially apparent in some of the Bosley hair replacement ads.  Not only can Bosley replace your hair, they can replace your entire face in some cases.

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What doesn't make sense is when it sounds like they're targeting people who've already died as a result of taking the drug involved, as if said people were still alive. I mean, the people who've actually died from taking whatever drug(s) can't do a damn thing about it now, like file suit against the drug company/companies themselves. You know?


I don't get why they just don't word it, "Do you know anyone who has suffered the consequences of [bad Thing]?"

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Giada DeLaurentiis and for whom I have an irrational hatred.


Oh Dear GOD I had to give up the food network because of her and her 14 zillion visible teeth and her over-enunciation of all things Italian!



Worse, is when the before and after are clearly not the same person.  This is especially apparent in some of the Bosley hair replacement ads.  Not only can Bosley replace your hair, they can replace your entire face in some cases.



This had me roaring!

I switch back & forth between NBC & ABC news while I'm having dinner & wonder, every night, why commercials for Celebrex, toe nail rot & other icky shit is blasted at me on BOTH channels.  What is wrong with these people?  Don't they have any common sense??  Or is it just me.


Yea it's enough to have NO appetite at all O_O.

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I wonder what is wrong with the people who "place" these commercials!  If it were up to me, I would be flogging pre-made dinners, food, food, food & more food.  Maybe even alcohol or cars/trucks.  But, that's just me!!!


Maybe they find it entertaining/funny. Or they figure they earn more money by airing them at that time? I would too!

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They show the ads at those times because of demographics.  Their target audience is one who *still* watches network news.  Or "Wheel." Or "Jeopardy!"  Those youngsters watching whatever the hell it IS that they watch don't care about vaginal mesh suits or being down with Crestor.


I pity the advertiser who has to try and sell suits made of vaginal mesh, to any demographic.  LOL!


And can I just add, that stupid lady who's all "I'm down with Crestor!" and dancing like a jackass all over the place - I could run low ride right over her and not feel a bit guilty.

  • Love 9

This AT&T commercial makes me feel bad for Emily the younger sister that gets the hand-me-downs.  Her sister Beth is freakin' smug.  The dad should've given the new iPhone to Emily instead!


I hate both those kids, really, the older one for bragging that her sister gets her cast-offs, and the younger one for being so snotty to Lily about bedazzling. The brat's standing there wearing a bedazzled sweatshirt and somehow she's surprised to be asked if she's into it? Rude.


Well, considering it's made of vaginal mesh, I'm thinking double-breasted.


I can see it now - Lady Gaga showing up at some event wearing a vaginal mesh suit. And carrying a Tena handbag.

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Those insurance commercials -- Liberty Mutual I think? -- with the people who don't understand how insurance works are driving me nuts.  Especially the young woman who's the "poster child for paying on time" who taps a bumper ("no big deal!" except it must have been a big deal for the other driver to make a claim) and gets upset when her insurance rates go up. "Newsflash! Nobody's perfect!"  Apparently paying on time should make up for any and all car accidents you cause.


Also, I think that is company that offers to replace your car with one a year newer and with 10,000 miles fewer on it.  That makes me want to sign up, just to challenge them to find a 2002 version of my car with fewer than 75,000 miles on it.

  • Love 10

Those insurance commercials -- Liberty Mutual I think? -- with the people who don't understand how insurance works are driving me nuts.  Especially the young woman who's the "poster child for paying on time" who taps a bumper ("no big deal!" except it must have been a big deal for the other driver to make a claim) and gets upset when her insurance rates go up. "Newsflash! Nobody's perfect!"  Apparently paying on time should make up for any and all car accidents you cause.


Also, I think that is company that offers to replace your car with one a year newer and with 10,000 miles fewer on it.  That makes me want to sign up, just to challenge them to find a 2002 version of my car with fewer than 75,000 miles on it.

Or my '99 Explorer with 75,000 kilometres!!  LOL.

  • Love 2

Those insurance commercials -- Liberty Mutual I think? -- with the people who don't understand how insurance works are driving me nuts.  Especially the young woman who's the "poster child for paying on time" who taps a bumper ("no big deal!" except it must have been a big deal for the other driver to make a claim) and gets upset when her insurance rates go up. "Newsflash! Nobody's perfect!"  Apparently paying on time should make up for any and all car accidents you cause.


Also, I think that is company that offers to replace your car with one a year newer and with 10,000 miles fewer on it.  That makes me want to sign up, just to challenge them to find a 2002 version of my car with fewer than 75,000 miles on it.


I hate them all, but the one that makes me stabby is the one where the guy has a his first accident and calls his insurance company "looking for some support."  Then - BAM! - he finds out the horrible fact that most of us other insured people have known all along - his rates are going up.  And he's all like "Don't these people know you're already shaken up?"  Like somehow his emotional state should change the rules of insurance. 


Hey, douchebag!  Newsflash!  The insurance companies are there to, you know, insure you.  They are not there to be your nursemaid in times of stress.  You need to hug it out, call your mom.

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Or the "how can my car depreciate before its first oil change?" guy. Has he never heard the phrase "a car begins to depreciate the minute you drive it off the lot"?

Here's a thought experiment, sir: do you think if you sold your car on Craig's List or to a used car lot, they would give you the exact amount you paid for it?  Under any circumstances?  Would you pay full price for a car you did not buy from a dealer?


Hate them all.

Edited by beadgirl
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That's why the "depreciation?" and "what are you supposed to do, drive three-fourths of a car?" ones piss me off so much.  Things are worth what someone will pay you for them now, not what you paid for them back when you bought them.  Some things appreciate in value.  Most depreciate.  Cars fall into the latter category.  Get over it, Liberty Mutual assholes.

Edited by Bastet
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