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S03.E04: Losing at Love

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10 hours ago, Literata said:

Eating represents different things to different people. For me, it's an addiction, and I have no choice but to be mindful every meal, every snack, every moment, really. I daresay Whitney's addicted as well, and she has to decide she's willing to try to get control over food if she doesn't want to die.

Giving up and saying she likes being fat is shorthand for "I don't want to do the work."

Whit is an extrovert . She was engaged eating the pizza but only with her friends. .and just mindlessly putting away the slices. She looked embarrassed to be eating alone or eating unhealthy food with the camera watching every bite.  Also she left her bowl on the counter--which means she's a slob (well we knew that from wrappers in her car and plates in her room), or she was planning to go back for more--probably the latter. 

  Intuitive or Mindful eating is very important for learning abt your eating habits. There's a book and a website.  You are supposed to eat slowly,  with no distractions,  concentrating on your chewing,  mouthfeel of the food,  and taste.  Kind of like meditation where you appreciate your body and where the food came from, that you can afford to eat healthy food,  etc. It's a good process, but research does not show it facilitates weight loss--I was studying weight loss data all last year.  Learning nutrition,   how to cook healthy,  keeping a journal of what you eat and the points/calories  daily, enjoying your food plan (diet), having pre-prepped healthy food available for cravings,    exercise,  and friends/family support are the keys. Yep,  it's alot. 

  • Love 5

We know the majority of reality TV is scripted but the true reality of Whitney's life that came through this episode and last is a bit alarming. 

What really stood out to me in this episode was the Lenny dynamic. It's clear her family doesn't approve of him and barely knows him. That's highly unusual considering they've been together for a year. Whitney and her family seems close and you'd think their opinion would carry a little more weight. Independent of her family's opinion is Lenny's behavior. The seriousness of what the trainer was conveying to him about the role he plays in Whitney health seemed to not register with him. Also, it kind of bugged me that he didn't stand up for Whit or say anything when Buddy was fighting with her during game night. It's great that he loves Whit for who she is, how she is, but there are a lot of little things that make me understand why her family isn't on board with the relationship.

Whitney is dismissing a lot red flags in her life  - Lenny, weight gain, health (fainting, Doctor warnings), deteriorating activity/functionality levels, work (threatened by a substitute). Any one of these thing would get a lot of people to reflect and make some changes. Whitney's half-hearted attempts or complete dismissal is real-life scary  

  • Love 11

The "intuitive eating" thing can actually be very helpful. I've been 15-20 pounds over for a while and it's started to come off now that I simply ask myself, "Am I really hungry, or do I just want to eat?" There is a difference, and I think that's the one Whitney doesn't understand (or doesn't want to understand.)

You can do a "gut check", almost literally, and think on how hungry you really are. Very often just some coffee or tea or lemonade (no sugar) will do nicely and I'll wait a few hours before getting any food - and feel just fine. Much better, in fact.

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, Morgalisa said:

It really concerned me the way she zoned out when eating the pasta. They've shown her eating in a restauranf before and eating pizza with others and she seemed present and engaged. But that was frightening watching her eat the pasta that way.

She seemed intent on getting in every bite, of the entire pot.  No looking at her phone, or a magazine, or multitasking, just trying to put away a lot, fast.  When her parents came in, she kept on eating, speeding up with a miffed look when her Dad asked her to come into the living room for a chat.  I love the snark, but get no joy from moments like that, or when we see her hiding her food from strangers who pull alongside her as she eats in her car.  I feel bad for her, in moments like that.  She was zoned out, eating mindlessly, focused on volume, not savoring or really tasting, probably.  It's fun to hate on her when she is being a brat, but not when she shows us her sickness.

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, mamey2422 said:

Also, it kind of bugged me that he didn't stand up for Whit or say anything when Buddy was fighting with her during game night. It's great that he loves Whit for who she is, how she is, but there are a lot of little things that make me understand why her family isn't on board with the relationship.

Yes!  He didn't even stand up.  Buddy's GF was trying to restore order, but Lennie just sat there.  What man wouldn't at least SAY something when another man, (BFF, Boo Bear, whatever,) tells his GF to go  f#*&  herself?  She didn't say so, but that probably factored in to her decision to cool it with the moving in plans.  It would have for me.

  • Love 6
49 minutes ago, okerry said:

The "intuitive eating" thing can actually be very helpful. I've been 15-20 pounds over for a while and it's started to come off now that I simply ask myself, "Am I really hungry, or do I just want to eat?" There is a difference, and I think that's the one Whitney doesn't understand (or doesn't want to understand.)

You can do a "gut check", almost literally, and think on how hungry you really are. Very often just some coffee or tea or lemonade (no sugar) will do nicely and I'll wait a few hours before getting any food - and feel just fine. Much better, in fact.

Congrats on your weight loss!! Your hard work is paying off. I know too asking "Am I really HUNGRY (compared to sad/mad/stressed/bored/anxious)?" Is a big thing regarding the emotional aspect of weight loss, but IMO there's a big biological as well as emotional difference between attempting to lose 15-20lbs (someone in your position), someone attempting to lose 50-100lbs (someone in my position) and someone who needs to lose 100-200lbs (Whitney). I find mindful eating will stop me from GAINING, but to lose consistently, week after week for over a year that's not enough- and when you're at the point Whitney is where your mobility is effected and you can't even shave your own legs, it's a multi-layered process. 

Trust me I don't know all the answers, I'm living and learning right along with Whitney, about myself, fitness and all that, which is what drove me to the show. To see a woman my age trying to live and get healthier but I admit I just started watching the show this season, and I'm seeing all sorts of red flags about Whitney's commitment to being a better her. Even if she loses only 100lbs she would be much more comfortable and healthy. 

  • Love 6
18 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I'm seeing all sorts of red flags about Whitney's commitment to being a better her. Even if she loses only 100lbs she would be much more comfortable and healthy. 

I think the 'gut check' thing is a factor in why there are more morbidly obese people without diabetes (as I've mentioned previously) than one would think. While I'm not perfect, as diabetic, I have to think about what I'm eating. Will I need to take insulin? How many carbs? Fast or slow acting? If I'm craving chips, should I buy the big $4 bag of chips or the little one at the checkout? There's very little mindless eating.

I don't see any choice-making with Whit. I just happened to see the show where she went to the doc for the 2nd time after the diabetes scare. Her bloodwork was good, but she seemed to think it was going to stay that way forever. It probably won't. I run into a lot of pre-diabetics online and mostly they realize they have to address food differently and make some changes. You'd think that Whit would have had the fear of God put in her, instead of seeing the good test results as a license not to worry about food.

I'm gonna have to search for the pasta-eating scene. Pasta is probably the last thing she should be stuffing her face with.

Re the bike ride - I noticed she had a few almost-spills. Was that a weight issue or balance issue from not having biked in awhile (I guess balance is a weight issue as well)? 

  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, aliya said:

I think the 'gut check' thing is a factor in why there are more morbidly obese people without diabetes (as I've mentioned previously) than one would think. While I'm not perfect, as diabetic, I have to think about what I'm eating. Will I need to take insulin? How many carbs? Fast or slow acting? If I'm craving chips, should I buy the big $4 bag of chips or the little one at the checkout? There's very little mindless eating.

I don't see any choice-making with Whit. I just happened to see the show where she went to the doc for the 2nd time after the diabetes scare. Her bloodwork was good, but she seemed to think it was going to stay that way forever. It probably won't. I run into a lot of pre-diabetics online and mostly they realize they have to address food differently and make some changes. You'd think that Whit would have had the fear of God put in her, instead of seeing the good test results as a license not to worry about food.

I'm gonna have to search for the pasta-eating scene. Pasta is probably the last thing she should be stuffing her face with.

Re the bike ride - I noticed she had a few almost-spills. Was that a weight issue or balance issue from not having biked in awhile (I guess balance is a weight issue as well)? 

I don't quite follow you regarding the "gut check" leading to fewer morbidly obese people with diabetes than one would think.....are you saying as a diabetic you are already mindful? So "mindful eaters" are less likely to have diabetes?

I know if I have a big plate of pasta, I'm going to be sleepy and hungry 2hrs later. For fullness I need protein and fat....oatmeal for breakfast keeps me fuller than a crossaint does, I'm not sure if that's me being "mindful" or just hating being hungry ????. I don't think Whitney thinks about these things AT ALL. Not even a baby toe......She wants to eat what she wants to eat when she wants to eat it, and nothing else matters. Of course it's absolutely wrong to call someone names, or harass them because of their weight (that's where I think the No Body Shame comes from, these days it's better to be a mean asshole than a fat person), but people have been calling me fat my ENTIRE LIFE. ENTIRE LIFE. For me it's the same as having brown skin- I care more about my feet aching after a day at Disney World and wanting to stay healthy than I do about hecklers. I would think Whitney should focus on her weight for HER and not others, because you're never going to make others happy. 

  • Love 7

Whit is not stupid, although I think she eats to stuff her emotional issues. In mindful or intuitive eating and gut checks,  I've heard that  when you feel hungry, you should ask yourself if you cd eat baked chicken and broccoli ( or the protein and veg of your choice) . Then,  if you want, go for it.  Mostly when we feel hungry, we  want a highly-processed fat food. Another hint is to ask yourself how you are feeling emotionally and journal when you feel hungry.  What's eating you?  

Regarding her lack of balance on her bike,  I believe that comes from lack of practice. She could always walk instead.  When Whit says that she can't do turns in dance class , Wtf does that mean?  Couldn't she do slow turns? 

Excuses.  We all do it, but when do you start telling yourself the truth?

 Food diaries are helpful cuz we tend to minimize our portions and types of food we consume.  

Seems like Whit has accepted herself as fat, so that's that.  She's making money,  got a boyfriend  (kinda), friends, and fame.  Why should she change now?  

Edited by Tosia
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I don't quite follow you regarding the "gut check" leading to fewer morbidly obese people with diabetes than one would think.....are you saying as a diabetic you are already mindful? So "mindful eaters" are less likely to have diabetes?

I know if I have a big plate of pasta, I'm going to be sleepy and hungry 2hrs later. For fullness I need protein and fat....oatmeal for breakfast keeps me fuller than a crossaint does, I'm not sure if that's me being "mindful" or just hating being hungry ????. I don't think Whitney thinks about these things AT ALL. Not even a baby toe......She wants to eat what she wants to eat when she wants to eat it, and nothing else matters. Of course it's absolutely wrong to call someone names, or harass them because of their weight (that's where I think the No Body Shame comes from, these days it's better to be a mean asshole than a fat person), but people have been calling me fat my ENTIRE LIFE. ENTIRE LIFE. For me it's the same as having brown skin- I care more about my feet aching after a day at Disney World and wanting to stay healthy than I do about hecklers. I would think Whitney should focus on her weight for HER and not others, because you're never going to make others happy. 

I meant that when people become diabetic, they tend to make an effort to take care of themselves and less likely to become morbidly obese. If you never get that wake up call, you keep doing what you are doing.  

I never became tired after pasta until I became diabetic, then I started noticing that I would practically nod out after our usual spaghetti dinner. Fortunately, around that same time, I had some routine blood work done and found out the cause. 

I guess Whit watches the videos because she comments on them during the extended version, but I guess nothing is sinking in. You'd think that a  superficial review of the show would indicate she can't do what she thinks she can. I would find it hard to accept her as my spokesperson for size acceptance. I much prefer someone like Gabourey Sidibe, Queen Latifa, etc. I'd even be more interested if she were designing clothes for bigger women and not so focused on showing how much like everyone else she is in these failed physical endeavors.  

  • Love 4
21 hours ago, Morgalisa said:

I notice that she almost always drives (except for Lennie's truck) and I think she is maybe subconsciously holding very tightly on to that. Usually when obese people have to give up driving it represents a giant step toward being house bound.

I thought maybe it was so that she could be sure of fitting easily.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Tosia said:

 When Whit says that she can't do turns in dance class , Wtf does that mean?  Couldn't she do slow turns? 

I think she said she couldn't do pirouettes or chaines turns.  This doesn't surprise me. We saw last season when she was preparing for her performance at the Dance Museum that she couldn't balance on one leg, and I'm sure it's harder for her now. So that would make pirouettes impossible. As for chaines, they are usually pretty fast and require rapid shifting of balance from one leg to another while spotting. Again, not something I think her body could manage.

  • Love 2
On 6/30/2016 at 7:43 PM, Morgalisa said:

Bab"s has probably googled him and knows that Lennie is not his real name. Who changes their name to Lennie and why?  If he's doing this to promote his art, he's not doing a very good job of it. And he's not bad looking without the beard, but his eyes are very intense. Kind of serial killerish.

It embarrasses me that I took the time to figure this out, but "Lennie Alehat" is almost an exact anagram for "Nathan Lee," the name others here have surmised is his real name. Three letters -- L, E and I -- are left over.  So, my guess is he's Nathan Eli Lee. 

ETA: He signs his originals "N. Lee."


Edited by Literata
  • Love 14
11 hours ago, okerry said:

The "intuitive eating" thing can actually be very helpful. I've been 15-20 pounds over for a while and it's started to come off now that I simply ask myself, "Am I really hungry, or do I just want to eat?" There is a difference, and I think that's the one Whitney doesn't understand (or doesn't want to understand.)

You can do a "gut check", almost literally, and think on how hungry you really are. Very often just some coffee or tea or lemonade (no sugar) will do nicely and I'll wait a few hours before getting any food - and feel just fine. Much better, in fact.

This works for most people but there are those who suffer from never feeling satisfied, or needing a lot more than they really need to feel satisfied.  There is a condition where a person's body over-produces the hormone ghrelin, which is what makes people feel hungry.  It can happen as a result of an out of whack metabolism and just the act of dieting itself, plus other reasons which I forget right now but the topic interests me because I often fight the hunger monster and I think I'm far from alone.  If I ate every time I was really physically hungry I'd be Whitney's weight by now for sure.  I wonder if she suffers from this herself.  I wouldn't be surprised if this or something similar were a factor.  She doesn't have half the discipline I have to fight it, of that I am sure just from what I have seen on the show.  The business of her not eating for long stretches and then eating is really bad too because while she may not actually feel hungry when she doesn't eat, she allows herself to work up a terrific appetite and then probably eats way more than she would have if she spread out her meals over the course of a day.  She needs to learn how to force herself to eat regular meals as it can actually help tame the hunger monster from working against her.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Literata said:

It embarrasses me that I took the time to figure this out, but "Lennie Alehat" is almost an exact anagram for "Nathan Lee," the name others here have surmised is his real name. Three letters -- L, E and I -- are left over.  So, my guess is he's Nathan Eli Lee. 

ETA: He signs his originals "N. Lee."


Oh wow, you are excellent - I plugged his last name into Intelius last night and when it didn't turn up anyone in the entire country with that name I knew it was totally made up, but you just figured out the entire ruse. 

  • Love 4

Great point, Snarklepuss!  Whit seems to be doing the old school diet of not eating as long as possible,  and  then saying,  F-it, eating mass quantities of whatever.  I did that in high school 40 years ago.  Plus she smokes.  

Lost cause, until TLC decides to give her the heave-ho. She's getting took much positive attention from "fans" to try to be healthy.  It's like having veritable eating buddies.

  • Love 2

Great point, Snarklepuss!  Whit seems to be doing the old school diet of not eating as long as possible,  and  then saying,  F-it, eating mass quantities of whatever.  I did that in high school 40 years ago.  Plus she smokes.  

Lost cause, until TLC decides to give her the heave-ho. She's getting took much positive attention from "fans" to try to be healthy.  It's like having veritable eating buddies.

On 7/3/2016 at 0:43 AM, Snarklepuss said:

The business of her not eating for long stretches and then eating is really bad too because while she may not actually feel hungry when she doesn't eat, she allows herself to work up a terrific appetite and then probably eats way more than she would have if she spread out her meals over the course of a day.  She needs to learn how to force herself to eat regular meals as it can actually help tame the hunger monster from working against her.

I think you're right. Plus, I wonder if she is being realistic about what she's not eating. That coffee she had before seeing the trainer might have been hundreds of calories. She may be starving herself all day or eating in a way that's not registering as a meal for her. For example, she might eat a sausage and biscuit, which is food, but may not register the same way as sitting down to a plate of eggs, biscuit, bacon, etc. This would make it easy for her to say she hadn't had a 'meal' all day. 

I felt a little sorry for her saying that people looked at her while she ate (tho she needs to stop eating in the car). It's like the people on My 600 lb Life - they have to eat like everyone else, but you know when they go to the store people see them and think that they shouldn't be eating. I used to follow this guy on YT who needed a scooter when shopping. It was awful seeing people just stare at him and the comments he said people made, as if he didn't have the right to go to the grocery store.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, aliya said:

I felt a little sorry for her saying that people looked at her while she ate (tho she needs to stop eating in the car). It's like the people on My 600 lb Life - they have to eat like everyone else, but you know when they go to the store people see them and think that they shouldn't be eating. I used to follow this guy on YT who needed a scooter when shopping. It was awful seeing people just stare at him and the comments he said people made, as if he didn't have the right to go to the grocery store.

Yesterday in the supermarket parking lot near me I saw a morbidly obese man eating in the driver's seat of his huge SUV and it reminded me of Whitney with the way he was shoveling it into his mouth.  It was clear to me that he went to the hot food bar and ordered something like fried chicken or ribs and mac and cheese, which is the usual fare for that food bar.  I wonder when I see stuff like this whether this is supposedly "secret" eating that they are trying to hide from family and friends, which is why they're doing it alone in the car.  Just the way they do it looks like they're sneaking it.  Unfortunately when they sit in their cars and eat it, it's not any secret from the public, so what do they expect when they make a spectacle of their eating?  Of course people are going to look.  I very rarely eat in my own car alone.  I only do it when I'm absolutely ravenous and on the run, which is rare because I usually plan eating around what I'm doing especially because sometimes the options out in the world are not the healthiest or best.  But Whitney eats alone in her car like she does it all the time.  It just seems like very dysfunctional eating behavior.

  • Love 4
On 6/30/2016 at 3:19 PM, Brooklynista said:

I don't know you, but I really dislike you.  My brain is burnt from the immediate visual of Whitney using said chair.  I'm thinking you should make it up to me with some tuna, pasta and mayo.

LOL!!!  Sorry, Charlie! (Get it, Charlie Tuna?) :)

On 7/3/2016 at 2:05 AM, Snarklepuss said:

Oh wow, you are excellent - I plugged his last name into Intelius last night and when it didn't turn up anyone in the entire country with that name I knew it was totally made up, but you just figured out the entire ruse. 

My goodness...those are dreadful!

  • Love 1
On 6/30/2016 at 4:36 PM, RCharter said:

I just can't....how is sex every spontaneous and fun when you have to break out your "sex furniture" from the local storage facility.

The girl is in her early 30's....its the time to enjoy sex without having to pre-plan for it.

Although, at this point I don't understand how she enjoys sex, because I'm sure her body is hurting, and I don't know, and I don't want to know what positions she can do that alleviate pain and.....well....work logistically. 

Sex Furniture....

I'm very sorry I brought it up; I didn't mean to permanently fry anyone's eyeballs, imagination, or brain. :) 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, LocalGovt said:

Sex Furniture....

I'm very sorry I brought it up; I didn't mean to permanently fry anyone's eyeballs, imagination, or brain. :) 

I had to look that up. I couldn't even wait until I left work, I was so curious. Fortunately, working on a campus, I can look at almost anything at work and call it research. : )  Jebus H.

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, aliya said:

I had to look that up. I couldn't even wait until I left work, I was so curious. Fortunately, working on a campus, I can look at almost anything at work and call it research. : )  Jebus H.

I know, right?  Don't ask me how I came upon it.  I think I was in a "let's spice up our lovelife" phase, and visited a website. :) And then I couldn't stop looking at things. Like when you pass an accident scene. I left the website empty-carted. :)

  • Love 3

I really think the only solution for Whitney is going to be weight loss surgery and therapy and it still might not help unless she wants to change. 

The only explanation I can come up with after watching Ms. Trainwreck continue to spiral downward is that TLC is planning to create a "crossover" series.  Next we'll be seeing Whit being featured on a new show "My 600 lb. (not so fabulous) Life".  Dr. Nowzardin would have no patience for her whining, tears and empty excuses. 

  • Love 5
On 7/1/2016 at 11:12 PM, Literata said:

IMHO, Whitney can't be emotionally healthy while doing the kind of eating she has to be doing to weigh 400 pounds. She just can't.

According to this website, she'd need to take in about 3,000 calories a day to maintain a weight of 400 lbs with a sedentary activity level. Some kinder than me might rate her as "lightly active" but there was no qualifier for "only when the cameras are on."

  • Love 7
On 6/30/2016 at 7:18 AM, Alapaki said:

 She would not be "interviewing" for the position of answering the phone for the "Hey, be the 101st caller on Hot 101 for tickets to the Rick Springfield "Daddy's got Alimony Payments Tour"" promotions.

Heh. So, I'm a huuuuuuge Rick fan, and he's still married to his first and only wife, Barbara. Since the early 80s. Just fyi ;-)

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, lordonia said:

According to this website, she'd need to take in about 3,000 calories a day to maintain a weight of 400 lbs with a sedentary activity level. Some kinder than me might rate her as "lightly active" but there was no qualifier for "only when the cameras are on."

Also, while no doubt it took a lot of food for Whitney to get to 400lbs, it doesn't take that much "extra" food/calories to keep her at 400lbs. 3000 calories a day, while high (especially for someone with a sedentary lifestyle) is no way "difficult" or impossible. A venti frapp from Starbucks plus a piece of cheesecake for dessert every night will take you from a more reasonable 2000 calories a day to 3000, as far as volume goes that's not a LOT of extra food....it's easier than that if you're someone that loves sugary drinks (like pop/sofa/lemonades, sweetened teas etc). Which is why it's going to take intentional changes on her part to cut her calories. 

Edited by Scarlett45
  • Love 3
7 hours ago, lordonia said:

According to this website, she'd need to take in about 3,000 calories a day to maintain a weight of 400 lbs with a sedentary activity level. Some kinder than me might rate her as "lightly active" but there was no qualifier for "only when the cameras are on."

YMMV, but I don't believe it's 3,000 - for Whitney it's probably more like 2,000 because as we've seen posted here before, a lot of factors go into how many calories a person needs to eat to maintain weight and it is influenced by everything from age to medical condition, to medications, to even how many times the person has dieted and systematically lowered their metabolism, etc.  I think even being borderline diabetic lowers the caloric intake to maintain.  Plus as much as I think that a lot of what we see Whitney do on this show is manufactured, I don't believe that she has a sedentary lifestyle as it is usually defined.  I don't think she could even do the stuff we see her do on the show if that were the case, even with scheduled breaks.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, zoemom said:

The only explanation I can come up with after watching Ms. Trainwreck continue to spiral downward is that TLC is planning to create a "crossover" series.  Next we'll be seeing Whit being featured on a new show "My 600 lb. (not so fabulous) Life".  Dr. Nowzardin would have no patience for her whining, tears and empty excuses. 

I have two wishes for TLC : 1. That Dr. Now doesn't put up with Twit's nonsense and bitch slaps some sense into Twitney.  2. That another network would do a behind the scene's tell all about TLC and their downward spiral from The Learning Channel to the crap fest it's showing now. 

Oh and Lennie "Nathan Lee" Asshat may or maynot be a paid actor but he's there only for the tv exposure and TLC pay.

  • Love 6
12 minutes ago, greekmom said:

I have two wishes for TLC : 1. That Dr. Now doesn't put up with Twit's nonsense and bitch slaps some sense into Twitney.  2. That another network would do a behind the scene's tell all about TLC and their downward spiral from The Learning Channel to the crap fest it's showing now. 

Oh and Lennie "Nathan Lee" Asshat may or maynot be a paid actor but he's there only for the tv exposure and TLC pay.

I think TLC now stands for Trainwrecks, Losers, and Cretins :)

  • Love 11
On 7/1/2016 at 11:24 PM, CarolMK said:

At one point, Weight Watchers had an option called "Simply Filling" which was supposed to be based on intuitive eating. I think they got rid of it because it failed for most people, in that most overweight people (myself included) aren't always aware of being able to eat  just to the point of satisfaction. Weight Watchers succeeds for many people because it involves some type of restriction, in counting points, or otherwise weighing and measuring portions. It would probably not work for Whitney because she would have to be really disciplined to follow a program like that, and it's been shown she really doesn't want to.

I lost about 84 lbs on Weight Watchers over a 2 year period starting in 2009, stayed at goal for awhile, then slowly gained back about 50 the next 5 years. It only works if you follow it 100% of the time and I admit I got tired of constantly weighing myself and measuring my food, and seeing the scale creep up. I really think the only solution for Whitney is going to be weight loss surgery and therapy and it still might not help unless she wants to change. 

My heart is with you. I hope you're proud of having proven to yourself that you could lose the weight and don't spent too much time beating yourself up about the regain. You'll lose it again when you're ready. (I tried Simply Filling, too, and no dice -- I have no "off" switch and need my portions controlled.)

I hit Lifetime in 2013 on WW and gained back 20 of the 70 I lost, and I'm within 5 lbs. of goal again, thankfully. But it's f-ing HARD. Every moment of every day, it's hard. And it's daunting to think I'll have to do it forever, but that's my chemistry and my wiring. I can't blame PCOS or metabolism or faulty genes or whatever our girl Whitney is throwing out there today. (And I know PCOS can make weight loss more difficult; if you're struggling with that, I don't mean to make fun.)  

I was in Whitney's corner until it became obvious that she's obnoxious, lazy, disrespectful, sloppy, underachieving and resentful. I don't like her.

Am I coming from a place of superiority? Hell, no. I'm a DQ Blizzard away from a total loss of control daily. But even at my heaviest, I didn't blame others for my choices. 

6 hours ago, greekmom said:

Oh and Lennie "Nathan Lee" Asshat may or maynot be a paid actor but he's there only for the tv exposure and TLC pay.

Word. I'd love to ask Whitney why her "no BS" credo doesn't apply to her "relationship." 

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Tosia said:

Thanks for sharing. ...You're inspirational!  Im having gall bladder surgery tomorrow, so I hoping to be back on the diet /exercise track in a week or so. 

I think many of us were hoping for Whit to be a role model for losing weight in a healthy way,  but that train had left the station and crashed on its own.  

Hope this goes well for you and you get on the road to recovery quickly. :)

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, greekmom said:

I have two wishes for TLC : 1. That Dr. Now doesn't put up with Twit's nonsense and bitch slaps some sense into Twitney.  2. That another network would do a behind the scene's tell all about TLC and their downward spiral from The Learning Channel to the crap fest it's showing now. 

Oh and Lennie "Nathan Lee" Asshat may or maynot be a paid actor but he's there only for the tv exposure and TLC pay.

I also immediately think "Asshat" when I see that, Alehat, such a wanna be pseudo hipster name that screams of pretentiousness.  Only a self-ingratiated idiot loser could think "Alehat" was a good choice when creating their 'Where's Waldo?' type name.

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Also, while no doubt it took a lot of food for Whitney to get to 400lbs, it doesn't take that much "extra" food/calories to keep her at 400lbs. 3000 calories a day, while high (especially for someone with a sedentary lifestyle) is no way "difficult" or impossible. A venti frapp from Starbucks plus a piece of cheesecake for dessert every night will take you from a more reasonable 2000 calories a day to 3000, as far as volume goes that's not a LOT of extra food....it's easier than that if you're someone that loves sugary drinks (like pop/sofa/lemonades, sweetened teas etc). Which is why it's going to take intentional changes on her part to cut her calories. 

Truth. I could probably do it pretty easy, and if it's in stuff like carbs (which of course are good to eat) then no sweat. She could put away that many calories easy with Starbucks, pizza and/or pasta. I <3 carbs, which is why I am trying very hard to stay away from them unless they're in the form of leafy greens. Whitney could probably lose a lot of weight if she'd just change her eating habits to avoiding refined carbs.

(Yeah, I'm a relatively new convert to that way of eating so I stand on the street corner preaching it lol)

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

YMMV, but I don't believe it's 3,000 - for Whitney it's probably more like 2,000 because as we've seen posted here before, a lot of factors go into how many calories a person needs to eat to maintain weight and it is influenced by everything from age to medical condition, to medications, to even how many times the person has dieted and systematically lowered their metabolism, etc.  I think even being borderline diabetic lowers the caloric intake to maintain.  Plus as much as I think that a lot of what we see Whitney do on this show is manufactured, I don't believe that she has a sedentary lifestyle as it is usually defined.  I don't think she could even do the stuff we see her do on the show if that were the case, even with scheduled breaks.

I'm active in my day to day life in that I go to the store, go to work, do household stuff, etc but I still classify myself as sedentary. Unless she's really getting out there and being active 5x a week for 30 minutes plus, she's sedentary IMO. If she cut to 2000 calories a day she'd lose weight. What are her stats? I put 5'3 and 378 lbs, age 30? 

  • You need 2,884 Calories/day to maintain your weight.
  • You need 2,384 Calories/day to lose 1 lb per week.
  • You need 1,884 Calories/day to lose 2 lb per week.
  • You need 3,384 Calories/day to gain 1 lb per week.
  • You need 3,884 Calories/day to gain 2 lb per week.
  • Love 1
38 minutes ago, Stripper Glitter said:

I'm active in my day to day life in that I go to the store, go to work, do household stuff, etc but I still classify myself as sedentary. Unless she's really getting out there and being active 5x a week for 30 minutes plus, she's sedentary IMO. If she cut to 2000 calories a day she'd lose weight. What are her stats? I put 5'3 and 378 lbs, age 30? 

  • You need 2,884 Calories/day to maintain your weight.
  • You need 2,384 Calories/day to lose 1 lb per week.
  • You need 1,884 Calories/day to lose 2 lb per week.
  • You need 3,384 Calories/day to gain 1 lb per week.
  • You need 3,884 Calories/day to gain 2 lb per week.

Yeah, that may be true for the average person, but Whitney may have destroyed her metabolism with eating disorders, yo-yo dieting, bingeing/fasting, etc., plus just the fact of being borderline diabetic.  Once all that happens it takes amazingly fewer calories to maintain one's weight than if all those things weren't factors.  I'm a case in point myself for my own reasons.  I go on doctor supervised diets plus exercise and lose ten pounds then plateau for the rest of my life.  I have had to endure nutritionists telling me I must be sneaking food or lying about what I'm eating or doing.  Insulin resistance does freaky things to one's metabolism.  It isn't just an excuse.  It might take monumental effort for Whitney to lose by this point and she is finding it an uphill battle she's not even confident that she'll ever win, so she gives up.  I can actually understand that, and I personally think gastric bypass might be her best option because of all of the above.

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