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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

And I just found out there's an opossum in my basement so I wish it was better so I had something to distract me from that nightmare!

Name it James and start plotting some revenge. ;)

2 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

2.  Jeff said Corey doesn't really know what's going on, and Derrick said Corey still thinks he's in sequester.

I don't think Corey is as unaware as he pretends. He homes right in on whoever is in power and tries to become their bro, and he's a big enabler of doucheyness while being sure not to be the Big Douche. It's one reason I don't want him to win.

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Corey can thank all of us for his win because we all doubted him. 


Corey is the best case scenario for this week. There's a chance they might turn on Paul and Victor. They have to out Paul and Victor on the block so one can't save the other in veto.  

If Paul won there would be a lesser chance because Victor is super duper loyal. 

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I never doubt Corey had this.  It all depended on if he had good balance, but his stride and weight alone were in his favor, and he's a runner like Nicole, played sports.

Against Victor?  Sure, but Vic wasn't playing.

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Wow! That HOH sucked. Not enough butter on the track? They needed rain or some deterrent. Also, the smaller jar needed more incentive with cash or a special perk. I'm assuming production didn't think that Corey would fly thought this comp.......literally.

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1 minute ago, Auntie Velvet said:

Some folks were saying on Twitter that it doesn't matter who's on the block this week because it's all about Veto, but isn't that true at F5 is it? (I'm bad at game logistics, I admit.) 

It matters, but it's not like final 4 where VETO winner is the only voter.

This week, if Corey doesn't put up Paul and Vic, he could be forced to nominate Nicole.

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Just now, Auntie Velvet said:

Some folks were saying on Twitter that it doesn't matter who's on the block this week because it's all about Veto, but isn't that true at F5 is it? (I'm bad at game logistics, I admit.) 

It is not true. F4 is more important. F5 still has two people voting. F4 has only the veto holder voting. 

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

It is not true. F4 is more important. F5 still has two people voting. F4 has only the veto holder voting. 

Thanks, that's what I thought. The big question (assuming they want V/P out) is whether to put James up now in hopes of a backdoor that gets them both up, or just risk a straight V/P at nominations. 

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Just now, Auntie Velvet said:

Thanks, that's what I thought. The big question (assuming they want V/P out) is whether to put James up now in hopes of a backdoor that gets them both up, or just risk a straight V/P at nominations. 

They're idiots if they don't put up Vic/Paul. Because if James is evicted this week, it's 2v1, and Nicole could win it, or she could lose it. It's better to get James on their side and get out one of Vic/Paul.

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Just now, zenithwit said:

I have a feeling Victor knows they (Paul/Vic) are screwed this week.  He looked really nervous throughout the HOH competition.  

He knew Nat should stay, but he didn't fight for it.

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3 minutes ago, AndreaK1041 said:

Ok I revoke my previous statement. If Corey dumps Nicole, I'm in. I'm SO in. 

This would be AMAZING and I would totally and happily root for him to win. It would be even better if he dropped the Corey the Vapid Jock persona and revealed that he is a genius Austrian physicist (with a husband named Felipe, to tie into the same idea posted above).

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Screen Shot 2016-09-08 at 8.56.45 PM.png

Why is Nicole so worried about Natalie thinking she was going? Maybe it's just because she read the room.

Is there like an actual game reason this concerns Nicole? If she's worried Paul/Victor told her, it doesn't really matter now. Or is she looking for A REASON?

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4 minutes ago, mooses said:

Screen Shot 2016-09-08 at 8.56.45 PM.png

Why is Nicole so worried about Natalie thinking she was going? Maybe it's just because she read the room.

Is there like an actual game reason this concerns Nicole? If she's worried Paul/Victor told her, it doesn't really matter now. Or is she looking for A REASON?

Maybe she wonders if James told Natalie but she actually figured it out all on her own.

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Just now, bbaddict said:

Maybe she wonders if James told Natalie but she actually figured it out all on her own.

I haven't been watching lately - did they tell James he was staying? Last I heard, they wanted to surprise them both.

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1 minute ago, mooses said:

Screen Shot 2016-09-08 at 8.56.45 PM.png

Why is Nicole so worried about Natalie thinking she was going? Maybe it's just because she read the room.

Is there like an actual game reason this concerns Nicole? If she's worried Paul/Victor told her, it doesn't really matter now. Or is she looking for A REASON?

Yeah, I was wondering that myself. I haven't been watching the feeds but I read that James took part in some Nat bashing recently so he had to have known that they were keeping him and maybe Nicole is wondering if James told her? Who cares either way, it's not like you have her jury vote. Although, with Day's comment that "Nicole is running the house" I'm starting to worry.

How ridiculous was Nic's goodbye message to Nat in which she pretended to be upset about being the only girl left in the house? Don't act like you haven't been working towards that this whole time. I see you, girl. God, I want her to get Britney'd sooo bad this week.

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Nicole likes to read into things even if they aren't there. I think she was hoping Natalie would be blindsided & hysterical by being voted out. Natalie wasn't and now Nicole wants to know WHY????? I'm not sure why she would even want to think about it now. Maybe, she is trying to avoid the choice she & Corey have to make this week. 

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Nicole is just a petty bitch who wanted a blindside. And doesn't realize that people know when no one talks to them that they are the ones going. 

Also, my typing can be a bit spastic, and whatever I first tried to type for Nicole turned into 'sniffle'. It's like my iPad knows me.

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1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

Nicole is just a petty bitch who wanted a blindside. And doesn't realize that people know when no one talks to them that they are the ones going. 

Also, my typing can be a bit spastic, and whatever I first tried to type for Nicole turned into 'sniffle'. It's like my iPad knows me.

She wants to find someone to blame for spoiling her fun.

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At first I was bummed that Corey won HOH because I hate him, but then I realized that I hate everyone and I wasn't really rooting for anyone, so, whatever. At this point, I'm happy for James to be kept from going to JH so he can't pursue Natalie and to see Paul (hopefully) or at least Vic go home this week. There's no way that Nicorey will target James because that would be moronic and Nicole isn't a moron. It sucks that Nicorey are cruising to F2, but the upside is that everyone they worked with and burned will feel like dumbasses.

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1 hour ago, AndreaK1041 said:

Ok I revoke my previous statement. If Corey dumps Nicole, I'm in. I'm SO in. 

That would be glorious!  It would make me very happy.  Executives Unite!!!!  Nicole did make it clear that she would boot Corey to keep James, right?  So, he'd have a good reason.

I still believe Nicole and James have a final 2 deal from before the season, so I want both of them out.  But I have plenty of other reasons to want both of them out as well.

I haven't watched the feeds enough to see Paul and Victor do the bad things people talk about, so I'm rooting for either of them to win.

I suspect Corey will nominate Paul and Victor.  

This season has intrigued me only a couple of the weeks.  I find I have a short fuse with the sound of their voices and their conversations - many of them bore me.  So I watch the feeds less and less and become less invested in the outcome, which makes me watch even less.  Too bad.  I was looking forward to this year.  Now, I'll look forward to the All Access version.  

1 hour ago, Marie80 said:

How ridiculous was Nic's goodbye message to Nat in which she pretended to be upset about being the only girl left in the house? Don't act like you haven't been working towards that this whole time. I see you, girl. God, I want her to get Britney'd sooo bad this week.

I agree.  

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20 hours ago, kathybgd said:

Am I the only one that is so damn sick of Nicole and Nat using the word "literally" in every fuckin sentence! GEZUS!!

I noticed most of the houseguests seem to use the word that I have dubbed the, "Millennials go to word", which is super.  Every damn millennial I know uses literally and super in every sentence.  It drives me up the wall. 

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5 hours ago, Umbelina said:

So, no, no future for James and Nat, and she's MUCH too good for him anyway. He can go back to threesomes with hookers.

James did NOT have threesomes with hookers.

James had *a* threesome with a stripper.

I'm a stickler for the details, donchaknow.  ;>


4 hours ago, J.D. said:

It's an eagle.

With wing nipples.  God, the placement on that tattoo sucks.


4 hours ago, gunderda said:

Wow Natalie is a loud talker lol 

Natalie gets loud when she gets excited, and she apparently is a major fan of Julie's.  Which I totally understand.

Just had a mental image flash: a month after Finale, and James stumbling around the streets of NYC with bleeding ears saying, "What didja say?  What...?"


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So, my prediction is that Corey puts up Vic with James as the pawn and Vic is evicted. Then Paul will go up with James as a pawn and Paul will be evicted. Then Nicole and Corey will be final two...and Corey wins. Unless Nicole wins lol, it's pretty clear that production wants Nicole to win so idk....

But, if Corey really does go with the executives and ditches Nicole...omg that would be the best day of my life! 

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2 hours ago, Umbelina said:

Vic and Paul going up.  Vic is the target.  James is all in with Nicorey.

That's just how it looks on the surface, I think. I really do believe it's possible for Corey to turn on Nicole and on Wednesday night we'll have a F3 of Corey, Paul and Victor.

Edited by TimWil
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10 hours ago, gunderda said:

Eviction on Tuesday and live eviction on wed. 

I can't remember if this means the feeds will be cut at a certain time for them to tape the Tuesday eviction? 

James is going for the big bowl now. 

He seems to have the hardest time with the slippery lane 

I noticed that too.  Nicole was running down the aisle.  Corey and Paul had no problem either.  Only James was having a hard time.  Weird.

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11 hours ago, bbaddict said:

When she [Natalie] came back from the DR she was in a much different mood.

Maybe because she had a chance to get it all out in a therapy-like situation? She was one-on-one with someone not in the house, someone she could vent to in complete privacy, with the (foolish) expectation of confidentiality, that it wouldn't get back to any of the other HGs.

This is Paul's chance to get Vic out without getting blood etc. etc. etc.  If they're both put up, and I think they will be, Paul needs to win the veto or be very, very influential with the veto winner.  He also needs to talk the rest of the HGs into voting Vic out, and he's very good at that. The ones he can't convince on the basis of game play, he'll just browbeat into submission.

LOL - I'm sure James shirt was so tight because sitting around losing comps, whining about how "his woman" done him wrong,  and eating has probably fattened the little guy up.  I'm indulging in images of fairy tale witches and gingerbread houses here.  Offer him a prize and he'll climb into the oven all by himself.

I loved Natalie's eviction interview with Julie.  It came very close to a "perky" overload, but she was so excited, so alive it was a thrill to watch.  I think she was relieved that it was all over, and looking forward to being with nice people, people who weren't obsessed with her boobs or her relationship,  for a change.  I hope, for her sake, Paulie left his misogynistic douche-bro personality back in the house. And I think that the biggest relief is getting a break from James. 

Dayum, that boy could smother a rock!  I've heard of helicopter moms, but he's like a helicopter boyfriend, always there, always hovering, taking the air out of every moment with his insecurities and pathetic attempts at strategizing.  Everything he said, every "insight" of the past few weeks was wrong, wrong, wrong.  I have no interest in whether or not they make a couple outside the house, but he'd better man up, grow up a whole lot, or any relationship - with or without Natalie - will be doomed. 

Edited by Skycatcher
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