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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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13 hours ago, simplyme said:

I wonder if James will go or Natalie? I can see Vic nominating James/Nat and if veto doesn't get used then Corey and Nicole vote out Nat.

I believe that is exactly what they would do. That would keep James as a big target in case Paul wins HOH next week.

  • Love 1
24 minutes ago, J.D. said:

Just the other day I was telling my dying aunt, "Hey, you already had  chemo twice and  bounced back into  remission.  What more do you want? Other people with cancer don't get multiple  chances to bounce back from the brink of death.  I'm  not  going  to  praise  you  for your valiant effort and remarkable  strength. You  had  your chance --- just like Victor. Now be gone with you, dying  aunt."

Paulie? Is that you?

1 hour ago, CheetaraThunder said:

I mean, it's not Victor's fault that this season had so many twists. He just played with the hands dealt to him and fucking dominated it all. 

I think there are three camps of thought here.

1. Victor was evicted twice and that's two times too many for a "real" winner.

2. Victor was evicted twice, fought back twice, and deserves a win for his dominance.

3. Victor plays a strong comp game, used twists he had no control over to come back from two evictions, and appears to be well-liked by most jurors. On the other hand, he screwed up his social game enough to get evicted twice and appears wedded to the one person he may not be able to beat. He's neither The Horrible Usurper of Power nor The Amazing Dominator Who Walks on Water.

Er, yeah. I think you can tell I'm in camp 3. Obviously, peeps may disagree. The guy has played a great game in some ways and has screwed up in some. He's benefited from twists. That's part of the show, and I'm not blaming him for it. On the other hand, I think pointing out that the cards dealt to him have been pretty good, maybe making his run a bit easier than some others, is also fair. I'm not going to praise him for needing to fight his way back in twice, though being able to do it obviously works in his favor. :) Would I cheer for him at the end? Quite possibly. We'll see how things go.

  • Love 11
6 minutes ago, bbaddict said:

I believe that is exactly what they would do. That would keep James as a big target in case Paul wins HOH next week.

Victor said he wants James out and told Natalie she was not the target.  Nicole wants Natalie out because she hopes the bond she has with James could still possibly be there and might be a help.  But will she go against what Victor wants?  Unlikely. 

Edited by wings707
12 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

But if there was no buyback, would it have been that big of a mistake? Nicole wins HOH still, she puts up Natalie/Michelle. Michelle still goes, most likely, but Paul could have as well. 

Natalie took a risk but because of buyback, it backfired. She knows it's a huge mistake now because Victor came back. She would not be saying that otherwise. She made a huge game move, despite the fact that she likes Victor and hates Corey. Nicole made a personal move that, this week, ended up being more to her benefit. But at the time, it was personal. 

So I'd say Natalie's a better game player but game circumstances got in the way. 

She also said


6 hours ago, me5671 said:

I totally disagree that she is a poor player and was never going to win.  The ONLY reason that she's in this predicament at all is because her HOH was negated by the juror buyback twist.  If Victor had been evicted and stayed evicted (which is how the game is supposed to work, Producers!), she would have had a far better shot at winning.  The twist screwed her and Michelle more than anything.  If Vic wasn't in the house right now, he wouldn't be HOH this week and maybe Natalie would've won this comp instead.

The only way that both James and Natalie stay this week is if production does a Pandora's Box re-instating the teams like earlier in the season, so James and Natalie can veto themselves both off the block.  It's crazy, but it has happened in the past!  I wouldn't be opening Pandora's Box if I were Victor this week...

Come on Pandora's box.

5 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Natalie says she wants to win the next HOH so she can put Nicole OTB. She also wants to sit next to Victor in the end. It's not a horrible plan. Of course, this all depends on James going home this week. I just want Natalie to win HOH so the game won't be another boring week. If Nicole, Paul or Corey win it will be Dead Man Walking for Natalie. That is a long week of feeds being about..............nothing.

If Natalie stays I believe Victor and possibly Paul will want to keep her over Nicole and Corey.

4 hours ago, zenithwit said:

Not so sure about this.  If one of those three win HOH next week, it would be in their best interest to break up the remaining pair (i.e. Paul nominate Nicorey and Nicorey nominate Paul/Victor).  If they don't do this, then the F4 HOH would be the other pair versus half of their pair.  

Maybe it would be in Paul and Victor's best interest to throw POV to Natalie.  If Natalie and James are on the block together at the end of the week, Nicorey controls the votes.  But if Natalie comes down, Paul/Victor control the votes and get out their target.  Hopefully they think through this and not just blindly throw the veto to Corey.

Natalie has been saying over and over again that she would use the veto on James. I understand why she feels this way but I do not agree with her on this decision. James has also repeatedly told her not to do this and she has a better chance of going further if she stays. I agree with James on this because he stated that the 2 pairs would go after each other before her. If he is still there they will target him.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Not necessarily. Even Natalie/James said that they'd vote for Victor if he got to the end. I think Victor has just as much of a chance as anyone, possibly more. People see it both ways. I'm in the middle, but some people see that he shouldn't win the game because of his evictions, and others see it as another reason to. 

I think James and Natalie are saying that because who is left to vote for in their eyes. They have Nicole and Corey who screwed them over and Paul who they can't stand. Victor is their ONLY choice.

  • Love 1

The Returning Juror was going to screw Natalie/James no matter what they did. Assuming the HGs performances were the same no matter how the week had gone - if they got rid of Nicole, she'd be returning, would have won HOH and Natalie/James could have gone over Michelle. If they got rid of Corey, Paulie would have come back, Nicole wins HOH, and they probably would be up and gone. But if Victor had stayed evicted? They could've been in a great place if Nicole still went after Michelle (which she probably would have, considering they really don't like each other).

Michelle, on the other hand, should have played the middle more between Victor/Paul instead of going all in on Natalie/James, but, with Nicole winning HOH, she was screwed either way. If anyone else had won, she'd probably still be in the House.

Michelle was so entertaining, though. Fans hate when HGs go out with a whimper, but when they go out with a bang they're unstable, have no dignity, etc. I thought it was hilarious and so Michelle. Plus, she was a huge Zach Rance fan, so I imagine she got some inspiration from him.

I'm assuming Natalie is in big trouble this week since Nicole/Corey will control the votes but I haven't watched the feeds or read too many updates. I can't take another week of them, so I'm checking in and out (but mostly out unless Julie Chen's magnetism pulls me back in).

Edited by mooses
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, CheetaraThunder said:

I mean, it's not Victor's fault that this season had so many twists. He just played with the hands dealt to him and fucking dominated it all. I think the only juror that could be bitter is Michelle, especially with how her eviction went. 

If Vic can continue to worm his way out of eviction and get to the final 3, I think he can win. Though, I wouldn't be shocked if Paul evicted Vic to take someone like Corey with him.

Honestly, for everyone, they should keep James. He is pretty much a lame duck in competitions, and the perfect goat for a final 2. I can also see Nic/Corey pushing for a Nat eviction if they don't win veto ( so sickening sweet that Nat and James would give the other the veto and sacrifice their game for one another....god kill me lol)

Next week's HOH could possibly be another tiebreaker, depending on who is on block.

i kind feel for jury: that whole dynamic is about to change and not for the better. hurricane Meech is coming and she is coming in hot. She is going to do everything to latch back into Day/Z like the two faced girl she is....hopefully if she goes emotional basket case, they'll ignore her. I do hope they check her suitcase, just in case she did take anything not belonging to her from the house.

Paragraph 3: I think it is sweet that they would sacrifice for each other. Just personal feeling and not for game reasons I am saying that.

1 hour ago, Cutty said:

I don't think it was that terrible of a move. They flipped to get Paul out, which was not a bad play as he's the best player in the house. They didn't exactly play it the smartest, and he won veto putting them in a real bind, but it wasn't a bad idea to get him out.

I agree with this. And remember, James wanted her to throw that HOH but stood behind her and let her make her own decisions. I am personally happy that she did win the HOH and did make the decisions. They are just seeing the outcome of those decisions now.

1 hour ago, wings707 said:

Hindsight says there were missteps.  James failed to keep Nic and Corey close with the plan, assuring them Corey as a pawn was safe.  James almost voted him out!  That is what alienated Nicory and destroyed their F4 plan.  And James continued to think everything was in place!  

 Exactly. James has told Natalie before that when you make a decision stick to that. He was absolutely right in voting Victor out with the information he had. What James and Natalie should have done last week was talk with Nicole and Corey and get everything straightened out as soon as Nicole won HOH. Hindsight is what James and Natalie are going through now but even if they stuck with Victor and Paul the 1st person they would have turned on was James and that would have alienated Michelle and Natalie. We can all second guess but none of us will ever know what would have happened if someone did this or that.

1 hour ago, CheetaraThunder said:

James and Nat talked last night how they are not going to campaign against one another and that they are going to try out for Survivor together. Can you iamgine these two on Survivor?

Day/Z will only be bitter if they see James in the finals. And they have that right cause they got "blindsided" by him. Michelle might do everything in her power to make sure Vic nor Nicole wins the money. Paulie me HT have turned into a complete douche at the end, he is someone that won't be bitter and vote for the best player too. 

Paragraph 1: Not Survivor. No way. I would love to see them on TAR though.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Cutty said:

Everyone should want to sit next to Victor. He's been evicted not once but twice. Seems like a nice guy but he doesn't deserve to win the game against anyone, even a useless sack of shit like Corey. 

Just the fact that Corey could be a useless sack of shit and still make it to the end makes him a better player than a twice-evicted HG. No, it's not Victor's fault he was brought back from the dead (twice!) since it's Productions "twist" (can you even call that a "twist" anymore?), but it's an inseparable part of his game. Once, sure, let's have a conversation about it. Twice? You blew your second chance as well? C'mon.

He's likeable, I get it! I like him best, second to Natalie. But I liked Cody more than Derrick as a person, and still knew Derrick should have won that whole thing because he's a better player. I almost can't believe it's a question of whether a twice-evicted HG is a better player than 5 others who all had a hand in evicting him (twice!).

ETA: Everyone knows when a player is playing for second. Victoria was never going to win, even though she got to the end the only way I think would've worked for her. Victor should be playing for second. But, especially if he wins that final HOH competition, I think he'll take the whole thing - unless it's against Paul.

Edited by mooses
  • Love 6

It still boggles my mind that people are so adamant that Natalie going after Paul was a bad game move. Like that is honestly insane to me.

14 hours ago, Umbelina said:

Nicole gets her dream of last girl standing. 

That's literally the worst part of this situation. Fuck you, Victor, for winning HOH and allowing this to happen! May karma come around and cause you to lose the game for this!

5 hours ago, AbsoluteShower said:

Fuckleberry Dim


3 hours ago, Cutty said:

There are no mulligans in the US Open. 

Oh thanks for the reminder that I can watch tennis instead of this shit fest this week.

3 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

I agree.  Before, I was on the fence about her because as annoying as she is, I figured she had emotional problems and I gave her a pass.  Now, I can't stand her.  She didn't steal Pablo to advance her game, or as a joke, or for any other reason except that she knew Paul was attached to it and she wanted to hurt him.  She really needs extensive therapy.

If Paul is honestly attached to a fucking pool floaty then I think he probably needs therapy more than even Michelle. That's actually really sad.

23 minutes ago, wings707 said:

There is nothing much to show on Sunday so we should get a good long clip from the jury house.  That will be the most exciting event this week and next and the week after that.  Should I go on? 

They never show jury clips on any eps but the live shows.

ETA: Paul just now: "I love to argue." You don't say!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 8

I'm of two minds about Michelle.  I don't mind that she stirred things up, but she also slept like 18-20 hours a day and did nothing to try and stay in the house.  I know Nic/Corey shifted their alliances, but Michelle deserved to be eliminated the second she stayed in bed all week whining about the possibility of being eliminated without even attempting to change the situation.  James too.  James just assumed they would be good, I think largely based on a pre-game alliance with Nicole.  Michelle basically set there all week whining that Nicole wasn't coming to her to tell her the plan and she never once went to plead her case or try and shift things in the house.  She did nothing to try to stay. Look at the difference between how Michelle approached this week and all the scrambling that Paul/Vic tried to do last week to flip the house, which they almost made happen.

I also think that was part of James/Natalie's downfall and it rests largely on James.  I think he was so caught up in the alliances he made pre-season that he just refused to believe that anything could have changed or that he might need to put in some work to keep Nic/Corey close.  James screwed up when he just assumed everything was going his way.

Michelle might try to sway the jury against Victor, but I don't really understand what her argument is going to be or how she's going to spin it to the rest of the jury besides the obvious of that they shouldn't award somebody who got evicted 2x.  Victor didn't really do anything to her this week.  He didn't evict her.  He just chose to align with the people that didn't put him on the block and weren't the deciding vote to get him out of the house.  The guy didn't really have many other options since he had no power this week.  She's mad that he didn't hang out with her the 2-3 hours per day she was awake?

  • Love 9
6 minutes ago, spanana said:

She's mad that he didn't hang out with her the 2-3 hours per day she was awake?

He hung out with her while she was asleep, even if she didn't know it!

(Er, that sounded creepier than intended. I was thinking of the BB Nature Watch segment Vic did.)

Edited by simplyme
Extra words floating around
  • Love 6
16 minutes ago, mooses said:

ETA: Everyone knows when a player is playing for second. Victoria was never going to win, even though she got to the end the only way I think would've worked for her. Victor should be playing for second. But, especially if he wins that final HOH competition, I think he'll take the whole thing - unless it's against Paul.

The thing is, some players get to a point where the best they can hope for is playing for second and their best play at that point is to take the surest route to getting to F2. Victoria is a great example of that situation. If things had worked out a little differently, Derrick would have taken her to F2 and she would have gotten the $50K, so it would have been stupid for her to flip on Derrick at any point because there was no way she'd win first place or even make F2 without Derrick. Cody, on the other hand, could very possibly have won the $500K, so it was dumb of him to basically give up and play for second instead.

Victor is absolutely in the Cody situation. He still has multiple options at this point that could result in him winning the game. The most important thing he needs to do for that to happen is to get rid of Paul. If the situation were reversed, Paul would be scheming night and day to get Vic out (friendship notwithstanding). Vic is chilling and continuing to follow Paul's orders. He's proud of their bromance and the fact that they've "never thrown each other under the bus" (Paul has actually thrown him under the bus numerous times), so he (apparently) is happy to take second place + an awesome BFF. It's frustrating because with his comp prowess and current position in the house he actually could make a decent run for the $500K. In contrast, Natalie (to name one) basically has no chance. He's happily handing his game over to Paul for no real reason. At least the others (except James) are trying to win (to the best of their abilities).

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, spanana said:

I'm of two minds about Michelle.  I don't mind that she stirred things up, but she also slept like 18-20 hours a day and did nothing to try and stay in the house.

She did a shit ton to stay in the house the first time she was nommed, flipped the house to keep Tiffany, and was instrumental in Paulie's power coming to an end, so it's not like she did nothing all game. Honestly I think she gave up last week, maybe subconciously. After she stayed over Bridgette she seemed to shift from gamer to follower anyway and then she just gave up last week. I'm not sure why. She's not mentally stable so!

Why is she the way she is? It's just so awful and embarrassing. I hate that she's going to get her lifelong dream of being the last woman standing on BB.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 9
5 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

How long did the chicken wire comp run? Glad to wake up and see that Victor has won. Yeah, I know.  The next week will be a bro-fest + Nicole.  Interesting that her family called her Coco.  And "Jamesy" and Natalie can go back to bed for the week.  Who are the have-nots?

No have nots.  It was the first 3 to get an egg in a slot were have nots - that was Corey, Paul and James.  Natalie was immune which left Victor and he won HOH (and Nicole was immune due to not competing).

The comp last about 2 hours.

  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Why is she the way she is? It's just so awful and embarrassing. I hate that she's going to get her lifelong dream of being the last woman standing on BB.

I know. She's so annoying and I dislike her a lot. She's not a very good game player at all. She says things like this (I wonder what James would say if he heard this; I bet he'd laugh and inform her of what PTSD actually is) and then whines that she hasn't done anything wrong. She plays the victim, but not well at all. She does it the most out of everyone, even above Natalie! 

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I know. She's so annoying and I dislike her a lot. She's not a very good game player at all. She says things like this (I wonder what James would say if he heard this; I bet he'd laugh and inform her of what PTSD actually is) and then whines that she hasn't done anything wrong. She plays the victim, but not well at all. She does it the most out of everyone, even above Natalie! 

Obligatory 'Fuck You, Nicole!' post...

  • Love 12
6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I know. She's so annoying and I dislike her a lot. She's not a very good game player at all. She says things like this (I wonder what James would say if he heard this; I bet he'd laugh and inform her of what PTSD actually is) and then whines that she hasn't done anything wrong. She plays the victim, but not well at all. She does it the most out of everyone, even above Natalie! 

It pains me to say that her game isn't bad this season, although she's still not the gamer she thinks she is. Still, she did have a great week last week and kudos to her. She played dead until exactly the right time. 

But I'm not a fan anymore. I remember her saying something like this three times this season - Tiffany (because Tiffany found out things that Nicole/Corey said behind her back, which was Tiffany's fault in Nicole's brain for some reason - probably because Corey is the nicest, most perfectest man), Da'Vonne and Michelle. I mean, Frank was a serial butt-slapper and I don't remember her being so dramatic about him - she tried to work with him until the very end! 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 6

Vic has become more affectionate towards Nicole ever since Corey confided in him that he didn't want a relationship with her after the show. I don't know if he actually is crushing on her, if he is trying to create a crack between Nicorey or both. 

I can't hate Nicole's game either, with the exception of her being such an annoying little martyr. Always playing the victim card kind like Nat does. But, she has hear boys keeping her safe. Can't hate her for that gameplay. It's that wholesome Small town Taylor Swift act she has going on. 

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, CheetaraThunder said:

I can't hate Nicole's game either, with the exception of her being such an annoying little martyr. Always playing the victim card kind like Nat does. But, she has hear boys keeping her safe. Can't hate her for that gameplay. It's that wholesome Small town Taylor Swift act she has going on. 

And that makes perfect sense. I love this analogy, and it explains why I can't stand Nicole this season. I don't like Taylor Swift either. I mean, Nicole's game has gotten her this far so it's worked, but I guess I just can't stand this side of her. 

  • Love 1
21 minutes ago, judie said:

Well, I'll say this for her, Nicole knows how to manipulate the guys in the house perfectly. She's currently got Victor wrapped around her finger. They all know she's not trustworthy, and yet she convinces them to trust her anyway. I don't know how she does it, but she's good!

Yet she's a nice girl and Natalie's an evil whore. Fuck you, Nicole!

  • Love 14
55 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

It still boggles my mind that people are so adamant that Natalie going after Paul was a bad game move. Like that is honestly insane to me.

This. It cannot be said (or seen) enough. That was the best move she could have made for her game. Circumstances and bullshit ruined it for her but trying to take out the biggest threat in the house and taking out his buddy instead is not a bad game move. It's like the opposite of what Nicole did this week. Sure, Michelle was talking shit about her and pissed her off personally. But can you really beat Paul in a final 2 situation? 

  • Love 14

If James goes home this week isn't a loss.

He's tanked enough games, GTFO!

Nat has a good chance if this is Morph.  She likes faces and pays attention to them, and has all game. 

IF Nat makes it until next week, she's in a good spot.  2 couples will have to strike at each other.  James won't be there to fuck up her game. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

If Paul is honestly attached to a fucking pool floaty then I think he probably needs therapy more than even Michelle. That's actually really sad.


Maybe "attached" isn't the right word, but he liked that floaty and joked around with it a lot.  Heck, maybe he considered it his good luck charm or something. Regardless, it was a very low move of Michelle's to take it out of the house--something I would expect of an eight year old but not a grown woman.  Oh wait, we're talking about Michelle.

  • Love 3

honestly, the only pairs I want to see on Amazing Race is Vic/Paul and Day/Z...that would be hilarity x100.

I still think James downfall was evicting both Day/Z. He completely lost both their votes and that led to Paulie dropping major seeds about him, which worked in my eyes. I hated his douchey ways at the end of his run, but guy played the game till he lost the buyback. 

I think Vic can get votes from the majority: Day/Z/Bridge/Paulie, if he is against everyone except Paul. In my eyes, Paul is the number 1 choice for winner. I know next week, Vic is in deep doo if Paul or James/Nat don't win HOH, but man I feel like those people are going to regret not getting Paul out next week. 

Paul in my eyes is Dan-lite. Both were on the outside/pawns in the beginning, and they manipulated/scrapped their way to the top. While Vic is kind of like a male Janelle/Rachel/Daniele in a comp beast like way, back is against the wall, he'll find a way to win.

  • Love 3

James biggest mistake was throwing the HOH to Nichole.  When the game is down to that many players, you have to play for yourself and trust no one.  He's gotten by all season by throwing comps and became too complacent and blind to the dynamics in the house.   He so deserves to go. 

I'd love to see Nat play without James. But pretty sure queen Nichole will want her gone. 

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

James biggest mistake was throwing the HOH to Nichole.  When the game is down to that many players, you have to play for yourself and trust no one.  He's gotten by all season by throwing comps and became too complacent and blind to the dynamics in the house.   He so deserves to go. 

I'd love to see Nat play without James. But pretty sure queen Nichole will want her gone. 

Totally. And after the person you just evicted reenters the game? That was foolish. If I were Natalie, I'd be giving him a lot more crap about that move. 

If Corey won HOH (which he didn't want to), James would leave unless he won Veto. But, yeah, Nicole wants Natalie out. Mostly because it'd make her mad to see her get to the Finals. *eye roll*

Edited by mooses
  • Love 3
22 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

Maybe "attached" isn't the right word, but he liked that floaty and joked around with it a lot.  Heck, maybe he considered it his good luck charm or something. Regardless, it was a very low move of Michelle's to take it out of the house--something I would expect of an eight year old but not a grown woman.  Oh wait, we're talking about Michelle.

Well joking around with a floaty is also something I would expect of an eight year old and not a grown man, so it goes both ways lol. I don't know, it's a dumb toy so I found it pretty funny. I think people are just upset about it because they like Paul so much. It's like when Victoria took her stupid pink hat back from Zach and destroyed it. People were enraged but it was HER hat in the first place and therefore she could do whatever she wanted with it. I found that whole incident pretty funny as well so maybe I'm just a spiteful bitch too! Hahahaha.

ETA: Let's not forget this man called her the C word right to her face! He's lucky all she did was steal his stupid pool toy.

Edited by Marie80
  • Love 18
16 minutes ago, Marie80 said:

Well joking around with a floaty is also something I would expect of an eight year old and not a grown man,

Given the level of mind-numbing boredom in the house, I'd expect just about anything, from anybody, just to fill the endless time.  I'd especially expect it as a play for more TV time.  Paul is very, very good at giving good TV.

  • Love 3

James and Nat are finally realizing all the mistakes they made in the game. And the next set of comps are going to be mental, which I don't have faith in either one beating Vic or Paul. Vic and Paul have been studying their asses off for weeks, preparing themselves. And, next veto has to be morph.

Cody has been doing a younow and it's really interesting:

- He agrees that Natalie was way too obsessed with Paulie/Zakiyah. But he also said that she was a good gamer for using a flirting strategy with James. She is using him for game and can't fault her for it. 

- He does believe the Paulie edit was skewed, but said that Paulie gave them the ammo to use it, and doesn't think that CBS slandered him.

- He believes that Nicorey and Jatalie have little to no shot outside the house.

- He was on Zakiyah side during that jury fight, he didn't use it for Z and he fucked her game over. Said that he brought it on himself. But said that she was a bit too agressive in the fight and didn't like it when she called him a bitch ( ..in my eyes, I was hoping Z would have bitch slapped him, she went light on Paulie)...he later said that he believes they can work things out.


  • Love 2
37 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

James biggest mistake was throwing the HOH to Nichole.  When the game is down to that many players, you have to play for yourself and trust no one.  He's gotten by all season by throwing comps and became too complacent and blind to the dynamics in the house.   He so deserves to go. 

I'd love to see Nat play without James. But pretty sure queen Nichole will want her gone. 


2 minutes ago, CheetaraThunder said:

But he also said that she was a good gamer for using a flirting strategy with James. She is using him for game and can't fault her for it.

I've seen this before (obviously) in regards to Nat and James and I honestly don't get it. How is she using him for game? Is it because she's not committed to marrying him/being his girlfriend after the game? To me, "using someone for game" is lying to them, pretending to like them/have their back/want a future with them after the show just to get their help in the game. How is Natalie doing that with James?

31 minutes ago, Marie80 said:

ETA: Let's not forget this man called her the C word right to her face! He's lucky all she did was steal his stupid pool toy.

Exactly. He called her a cunt on national TV, so I feel like taking his pool toy was fair retaliation.

  • Love 8
42 minutes ago, Marie80 said:

Well joking around with a floaty is also something I would expect of an eight year old and not a grown man, so it goes both ways lol.

YUP. Also, this show has seen HGs who are proudly bigoted, physically violent, prone to threats of rape and murder, eager to demonstrate their ability to lactate after having an abortion, etc. Watching one player take away another's pool toy doesn't even register to me. 

Edited by JediDVguy
  • Love 13

- He agrees that Natalie was way too obsessed with Paulie/Zakiyah. But he also said that she was a good gamer for using a flirting strategy with James. She is using him for game and can't fault her for it. 

I'll always believe that Natalie was cast in mind for being Paulie's showmance this season and maybe she thought so too as why else would she yammer on and on and on and on about him & Zakiyah so much.     Why she was so obsessed is beyond me.

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1 hour ago, Gemma Violet said:

Maybe "attached" isn't the right word, but he liked that floaty and joked around with it a lot.  Heck, maybe he considered it his good luck charm or something. Regardless, it was a very low move of Michelle's to take it out of the house--something I would expect of an eight year old but not a grown woman.  Oh wait, we're talking about Michelle.


That was purely a hate filled move.

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1 hour ago, CheetaraThunder said:

honestly, the only pairs I want to see on Amazing Race is Vic/Paul and Day/Z...that would be hilarity x100.

I would love to see Vic and Paul on TAR.  I know.... SHOCKER!

I think Day and Zak would be an interesting pairing too, but definitely not Paulie and Zak.  I couldn't stomach him strong-arming her all season, "No, stupid! That's not how you fasten a harness.  Do you want the zipline to throw you a hundred feet to your death?!?!?!  Pay attention and pretend like you got a brain in your head or I'mma leave you on the side of the mountain!!!!"

*rolls eyes* 

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28 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Still no After Show with Jeff and Special Guest Michelle. It's usually up by now. I can only imagine why there's a delay. 

She was caught with her mic pack in her luggage?  Jeff might have not been available? 

Edited by wings707
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