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Season 7: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion

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A lot of BTS shots in here.  Mostly characters in familiar/spoiled locations, though I believe one of them is Sansa in the crypts.  You can see Cersei and Ellaria in the throne room.

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2 hours ago, SeanC said:

A lot of BTS shots in here.  Mostly characters in familiar/spoiled locations, though I believe one of them is Sansa in the crypts.  You can see Cersei and Ellaria in the throne room.

Shots from the video:

1:07: Jon at Dragonstone.

1:11: Dany on her Dragonstone throne, in a costume with interesting blood-red, almost purplish fabric.

1:14: Cersei in her map room.

1:18: Sansa at Winterfell in a different dress from the other two we've seen (with an X pattern over the bust, likely another Bolton visual reference). Sansa's throwing a snowball, but it could be Sophie messing around BTS.

1:23: Closeup of Theon with an indistinct background.

1:25: Jaime in the map room with a red scarf and what look like red suspenders. (NCW taking off the heavier parts of his costume between takes.)

1:28: Dany with the Dragonstone map table.

1:31: Sam reaching up in the library to grab a book.

1:33: Davos at Winterfell (it's Liam playing around with a camera).

1:36: Tyrion walking on the beach.

1:41: Closeup of Sansa in Winterfell interior.

1:45: Arya in her traveling outfit in a forest setting.

2:00: The Hound in a cloak and new outfit, tossing some fake snow.

2:02: Frankengregor in his new Kingsguard armour, sans helmet.

2:05: Lyanna Mormont and Brienne at Winterfell (in what looks like the great hall meeting in 7x01).

2:07: Littlefinger in a doorway at Winterfell opening onto the courtyard. (Is this the entrance to the crypts?)

2:49: A great hall meeting at Winterfell, including Tormund, Pod, Brienne, Sansa, and Alys Karstark.

2:52: Arya riding her horse wearing her travel gear.

2:53: Dany at Dragonstone.

2:54: Sansa in the Winterfell crypts. (Someone on Reddit pointed out that an assistant appears to be carrying Needle in the background, so maybe Arya is in this scene as well.)

2:55: Cersei with a chained Ellaria.

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I don't think a scene with Cersei and Ellaria is in a throne room.


Also we now know that Sansa will have a scene with Arya in the crypts. There is Needle there inn that photo. 

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I like Dany's new clothes a lot. Way better than those glorified nightgowns from past seasons.

Jon's KITN cape is such a long way from his crow's furs.

Bella Ramsay (Lyanna Mormont) looks so cute and young in those BTS. Awww.

Edited by Raachel2008
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3 hours ago, nikma said:

Also we now know that Sansa will have a scene with Arya in the crypts. There is Needle there inn that photo. 

I wonder how much Arya will let people (in Winterfell) to know about her. Maybe she will find more about them than they about her.

Edited by OhOkayWhat
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7 hours ago, Eyes High said:

1:18: Sansa at Winterfell in a different dress from the other two we've seen (with an X pattern over the bust, likely another Bolton visual reference). Sansa's throwing a snowball, but it could be Sophie messing around BTS.

My first thought was that it might be an early Arya reunion moment, maybe something Littlefinger sees so he decides to start causing trouble between the girls. IIRC, Arya remembers hitting Sansa with a snowball and getting chased by her, so it might be a nod to that little bit from the books.

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Honestly I've only read the Lads spoilers through here so maybe I'm missing some things but the Winterfell plotline sounds so minor to me. This was mostly all wrapped up in 6x10, especially between Jon and Sansa. She apologized for not trusting him, he gave her a pass on the Vale thing, she seemed willing to cede power to him. I mean, I can see where hers and Littlefinger's scene ("who should they rally behind?") would make her second guess but that just doesn't seem like much of a plotline; she has said many times that she knows Littlefinger is shady. I don't know, maybe it'll play out better on screen with Arya in play.

As far as everything else, Jon/Dany has never interested me but I'm not too fussed about any of it. Predictable, but not a grating sort of predictable. I like the Arya/Sansa scene because both sides get to have their cake and eat it. I've personally always thought both girls would have survived in the other's storyline, but not nearly as well as the original did. So if you think they couldn't, Arya agrees with you (or is trying to be nice). If you think they could, Sansa immediately refutes it.

Mostly i am here for all the stories finally crossing over and meeting.

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9 hours ago, aslightjump said:

Honestly I've only read the Lads spoilers through here so maybe I'm missing some things but the Winterfell plotline sounds so minor to me. This was mostly all wrapped up in 6x10, especially between Jon and Sansa. She apologized for not trusting him, he gave her a pass on the Vale thing, she seemed willing to cede power to him. I mean, I can see where hers and Littlefinger's scene ("who should they rally behind?") would make her second guess but that just doesn't seem like much of a plotline; she has said many times that she knows Littlefinger is shady. I don't know, maybe it'll play out better on screen with Arya in play.

That's been a fairly common reaction to the spoilers.

But when you really look at it, I'm not sure how much there could really be to this story, because the writers have put Littlefinger in such a vulnerable position that the only thing standing in the way of Sansa getting rid of him is Sansa deciding whether or not she wants to be rid of him.

Well, perhaps that's not quite true; they could have built the drama around Sansa trying to make sure that getting rid of Littlefinger wouldn't lose the Vale's support, but even then that wouldn't be much of a story, because on the show the only person in the Vale who likes Littlefinger is Robin, and Robin has been played as a one-dimensional idiot, so anchoring a story around convincing him of something is going to feel fairly arbitrary.  So, really, it's the end result of a long chain of writing decisions.

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10 hours ago, aslightjump said:

Honestly I've only read the Lads spoilers through here so maybe I'm missing some things but the Winterfell plotline sounds so minor to me. This was mostly all wrapped up in 6x10, especially between Jon and Sansa. She apologized for not trusting him, he gave her a pass on the Vale thing, she seemed willing to cede power to him. I mean, I can see where hers and Littlefinger's scene ("who should they rally behind?") would make her second guess but that just doesn't seem like much of a plotline; she has said many times that she knows Littlefinger is shady. I don't know, maybe it'll play out better on screen with Arya in play.

I think Season 7 is going to be more like Season 1: there are so few storylines remaining--Sam at Oldtown, Team Cersei in KL, Team Dany at Dragonstone, and Winterfell--that there will be much more time devoted to the ones left, thus Emilia Clarke talking about all the dialogue she has to memorize. Rewatching the stately pace of Season 1 episodes as they air on HBO is a jarring contrast to later seasons, when the show had something like 10 or 11 separate plotlines in any one episode.

Accordingly, I think there has to be a good deal more to the Winterfell storyline than we've been told, at least between 7x02 and 7x06, because we don't know very much about what's going on, other than the odd scene here and there (LF and Sansa watching Arya and Brienne spar). I don't think that Lads left anything big out or misrepresented how the Winterfell plot ends in 7x07, but there are probably a lot of scenes here and there between the Stark siblings that Lads didn't think warranted a mention. Hopefully, we'll get some good character moments, instead of D&D's usual focus on plot, plot, plot.



But when you really look at it, I'm not sure how much there could really be to this story, because the writers have put Littlefinger in such a vulnerable position that the only thing standing in the way of Sansa getting rid of him is Sansa deciding whether or not she wants to be rid of him.

At the end of Season 6, D&D played up the idea that Sansa resents Jon's leadership and wants his recognition. We know that Jon vs. Sansa goes precisely nowhere in Season 7 other than the first couple of episodes, since Jon leaves Sansa in charge at Winterfell and heads off to Dragonstone in 7x02. Given what we know about Season 7, it seems like the central conflict will be framed as whether Sansa can bring herself to get rid of LF once and for all.  Lads1 also suggested that Arya would accuse Sansa of wanting to usurp Jon. I'm guessing D&D will be playing with that ambiguity over the course of the season. It will all resolve itself in the end according to Lads' spoilers, but I'm guessing they're pushing this "Sansa resents Jon" angle to maximize the tension around what Sansa will decide to do, and whether she'll align herself with her family or with LF.

I am curious as to whether LF, given his newly vulnerable position, is cooking up some grand scheme of which setting Arya and Sansa at odds is only a small part. D&D haven't been particularly invested in making LF look like anything other than an opportunistic bungler for the past few seasons, though, so I doubt it. 

Edited by Eyes High
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2 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

Accordingly, I think there has to be a good deal more to the Winterfell storyline than we've been told, at least between 7x02 and 7x06, because we don't know very much about what's going on, other than the odd scene here and there (LF and Sansa watching Arya and Brienne spar). I don't think that Lads left anything big out or misrepresented how the Winterfell plot ends in 7x07, but there are probably a lot of scenes here and there between the Stark siblings that Lads didn't think warranted a mention. Hopefully, we'll get some good character moments, instead of D&D's usual focus on plot, plot, plot.

Lads remarked that Bran knows about some events (Sansa's rape, Arya's list) without having to be told about them, so I kind of hope that's in the context of scenes where the characters get to talk about their experiences (to a supportive audience; I guess we've had Sansa chew out Littlefinger, for instance, but that's not really the same as talking about it with a brother or sister).

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Just now, SeanC said:

Lads remarked that Bran knows about some events (Sansa's rape, Arya's list) without having to be told about them, so I kind of hope that's in the context of scenes where the characters get to talk about their experiences (to a supportive audience; I guess we've had Sansa chew out Littlefinger, for instance, but that's not really the same as talking about it with a brother or sister).

The Jon/Sansa conversation where they told each other everything about what had happened occurred offscreen, but maybe with a more relaxed pace in Season 7 (and longer episodes, from what we've seen so far), they'll have time to have those conversations. 

I do get the impression from the spoilers that Bran is sufficiently out of it that proper conversations may not be expected from him. The references to Arya's list and Sansa's rape may just be cryptic one-offs from Bran in between sessions of warging out.

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1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

Hopefully, we'll get some good character moments, instead of D&D's usual focus on plot, plot, plot.

Don't hold your breath! The fact that Bran, who arrives at Winterfell in episode 3, wait to the last moment to tell Sansa everything that Littlefinger has done shows that plot is more important. 

Also the fact that Bran after seeing TOJ, needs to see R/L wedding to figuring out who Jon's father is! He knows that story well, he should be able to put 2+2 together. I understand the wedding/in love part is something that Bran couldn't known, but that Jon is, at least, a Targaryen bastard is just logic after last season vision.

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1 hour ago, Edith said:

Don't hold your breath! The fact that Bran, who arrives at Winterfell in episode 3, wait to the last moment to tell Sansa everything that Littlefinger has done shows that plot is more important. 

We do not know if he tells Sansa that info in the final episodes because he "waits" to the last moment. Two reasons:

- His "detachment" about anything or anyone (siblings and Littlefinger included) around him.

-The "downloading" of info from the past-present-future, as far we know, does not follow an order.

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3 hours ago, Eyes High said:

I am curious as to whether LF, given his newly vulnerable position, is cooking up some grand scheme of which setting Arya and Sansa at odds is only a small part.

I think Littlefinger's plan remains the same: influence-isolate Sansa to use her as a pawn to take the North and later to take the Iron Throne.

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On 6/6/2017 at 9:31 AM, aslightjump said:

Honestly I've only read the Lads spoilers through here so maybe I'm missing some things but the Winterfell plotline sounds so minor to me.

It will be like WF's storyline in S1 when Ned left in E2. There will be a lot of characters development and interactions. 

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22 hours ago, Edith said:

Don't hold your breath! The fact that Bran, who arrives at Winterfell in episode 3, wait to the last moment to tell Sansa everything that Littlefinger has done shows that plot is more important. 


Maybe that has something to to with "past is already written, the ink is dry". Since Bran knows the past and the future, he knows that LF will die, he knows when and how, and he is just waiting for that right moment to set the chains of events leading to his death. 

Someone form the production said that Bran now has a different time perception. 



Also the fact that Bran after seeing TOJ, needs to see R/L wedding to figuring out who Jon's father is! He knows that story well, he should be able to put 2+2 together. I understand the wedding/in love part is something that Bran couldn't known, but that Jon is, at least, a Targaryen bastard is just logic after last season vision.


It's not about Bran. It's about the audience, the general audience, because for the majority of them it is not clear who the Jon's father is after 610. Since Jon is the main character D&D want to be sure that absolutely everyone understands who his parents are. 

There were references to Lyanna and Rhaeger since S1, but until the general audience sees them that means nothing to them. They saw Lyanna as a girl, they saw her statue in a crypt, they saw her dying. It's time for Rheager to get the same treatment. Well, not the same, but I'm sure Dany and the rest will speak more about him this season.  And we will see him, so that's very important. 

Edited by nikma
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42 minutes ago, nikma said:


Maybe that has something to to with "past is already written, the ink is dry". Since Bran knows the past and the future, he knows that LF will die, he knows when and how, and he is just waiting for that right moment to set the chains of events leading to his death. 

Someone form the production said that Bran now has a different time perception. 



It's not about Bran. It's about the audience, the general audience, because for the majority of them it is not clear who the Jon's father is after 610. Since Jon is the main character D&D want to be sure that absolutely everyone understands who his parents are. 

There were references to Lyanna and Rhaeger since S1, but until the general audience sees them that means nothing to them. They saw Lyanna as a girl, they saw her statue in a crypt, they saw her dying. It's time for Rheager to get the same treatment. Well, not the same, but I'm sure Dany and the rest will speak more about him this season.  And we will see him, so that's very important. 

This doesn't make sense. Littlefinger is  responsible for everything that happened to the Starks, but he's going to wait to the end of the season, after he continued with his games, to tell Sansa everything Littlefinger has done? 

Again how this is not D&D not putting first the plot (to have an explosive ending) instead of character development? Yes, the audience doesn't know Rhaegar is but that doesn't mean that Bran, who grew out listening to the story about Lyanna's kidnapping, does not know either. In fact from Bran perspective, he should know that Rhaegar is Jon father, etc; only to be reveal at the end, when he has his vision, that it was a mutual affair.

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5 hours ago, nikma said:


Maybe that has something to to with "past is already written, the ink is dry". Since Bran knows the past and the future, he knows that LF will die, he knows when and how, and he is just waiting for that right moment to set the chains of events leading to his death. 

Someone form the production said that Bran now has a different time perception. 


4 hours ago, Edith said:

This doesn't make sense. Littlefinger is  responsible for everything that happened to the Starks, but he's going to wait to the end of the season, after he continued with his games, to tell Sansa everything Littlefinger has done? 

Yes. To bring this back to Bran being referred to as "Dr. Branhattan" during S7 production (a reference to Dr. Manhattan of The Watchmen)...Dr. Manhattan is a character who gradually becomes detached from his humanity due among other things to his godlike powers and his non-linear perception of time. That character explains that he can't change the future, because to him, it has already happened. This causes no end of frustration to the human characters around him, who can't understand his passivity in the face of pending catastrophe.

So if Bran's characterization is moving towards "Dr. Branhattan," his failure to tell Sansa everything about LF immediately is justified, because he will always know that Sansa will eventually come to him and get the whole truth, and he will always know that LF will be neutralized in good time. There's no changing that series of events, because to Bran, that series of events has already happened, so why would he?

With all that said, I think in the EW article the writers described Bran's grasp of his new powers as imperfect. He likely can't sort through the vast amount of information he received from Bloodraven as effortlessly as he would like, so he may not in fact connect all the LF dots right away.

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Episode minute counts for all seven S7 episodes are out:

Episode 1: 59 minutes
Episode 2: 59 minutes
Episode 3: 63 minutes
Episode 4: 50 minutes
Episode 5: 59 minutes
Episode 6: 71 minutes
Episode 7: 81 minutes

These are all on the long (or very long) side, with the exception of 7x04 (the episode featuring the ambush). The season is 442 minutes long in total, with an average episode length of 63 minutes, a full eight minutes longer than the usual average episode length per season (55 minutes). In fact, Season 7 has the equivalent of eight 55-minute episodes.

HBO Nordic released a featurette on GOT shooting in Spain and Iceland. I expect it should come out on the official HBO GOT channel soon. Not much of interest in terms of new S7 information, but I am looking forward to seeing the stunning scenery when the new season airs.

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On 2017-6-6 at 3:56 PM, Edith said:

Don't hold your breath! The fact that Bran, who arrives at Winterfell in episode 3, wait to the last moment to tell Sansa everything that Littlefinger has done shows that plot is more important. 

Wait, maybe I missed something but where does it say that Bran is the one who tells Sansa everything Littlefinger has done? Does he even know what Littlefinger has done?

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2 hours ago, Raachel2008 said:

Wait, maybe I missed something but where does it say that Bran is the one who tells Sansa everything Littlefinger has done? Does he even know what Littlefinger has done?

According to Lads2, Bran informs Sansa of all of LF's dirty dealings in an offscreen meeting, after which she lists off LF's crimes in public--which will include orchestrating the attempt on Bran's life in Season 1 and betraying Ned--and sentences him to death.

It's not clear when Bran realizes that LF is bad news, since despite his Season 6 omniscience download and intuitively knowing certain things in Season 7 (Arya's list, Sansa's rape), his command of his powers is supposedly imperfect according to the writers. Lads2 said that LF gives the dagger used in the attempt on Bran's life to Bran, who then gives it to Arya. I have no idea why LF would think that Bran would have any use for the dagger, unless Bran fixates on it without quite understanding why and LF gives it to him as a gift to butter him up, but that's what Lads2 claims will take place. Maybe it's the dagger which allows Bran to see everything that LF has done, including (apparently) trying to have him killed in Season 1.

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8 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

According to Lads2, Bran informs Sansa of all of LF's dirty dealings in an offscreen meeting, after which she lists off LF's crimes in public--which will include orchestrating the attempt on Bran's life in Season 1 and betraying Ned--and sentences him to death.

It's not clear when Bran realizes that LF is bad news

So there is no reason to say Bran waits until the last moment to tell Sansa, right? 

Those shots of Iceland are magnificent. Kit looks like he is freezing and K Hivju is totally in his element, isn't he?

Edited by Raachel2008
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18 hours ago, FemmyV said:

Weren't there spoilers claiming Bran spends most of the season in his own head, more or less?

Yes. The Lads leaks said that Bran is no longer "Bran"; he's spaced-out and distant, and Meera bitterly claims that the real Bran died in the cave. 

3 hours ago, Haleth said:

Has it been revealed who was cast as Raegar?

No. There has been speculation, based on things like Aisling Franciosi following him on Twitter, that the actor is Welsh actor Wilf Scolding.

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My husband has finally started watching GoT this weekend.  He's about halfway through season 2 now.  Not sure he'll catch up for season 7, and I don't think I want to wait for him when he's waited 7 years to start the show.  He does like it though. He's never read the books so he has no idea what's coming.

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I downloaded recent stills and discovered that some of them actually included the tags for filming dates and information (wolf/dragon unit, King's Landing map room/exterior Dragonstone and so on). The Jaime/Cersei map scene is 7x01, Jon in the snow is 7x02 (SC20, sounds like the first half of the episode has the Winterfell scenes), Dany in the throne room and on the walls of Dragonstone is 7x03 (SC07 and SC16, maybe the second is the walk with Jon that was the first time we saw them together during filming). No surprises, but it was still nice to see those official tags again since a couple of years ago, before the major leaks started, I remember them offering nice clues about what would happen when.

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Lads2 strikes again! 


"…Nothing exciting happens in this scene, we just have a conversation and that’s kind of it.”

Of the filming, Sheeran says, “I was outside in the winter in England for about 10 hours…So it was cold.” Given that the show primarily films in Belfast, Northern Ireland, I’m guessing that his mention of England was just a mistake.

It’s interesting that he was filming outside though- many had wondered if Sheeran was present in the scene showed in the photo where Arya appears to be in an inn, staring at someone. I guess not?"



Ok, so here's the skinny on this.

Halfway through the first episode Arya meets some Lannister soldiers on the Kingsroad. As the soldiers enter the scene, one of them (Ed) is singing a song for the others. 

The lyrics are as follows:

He rode through the streets of the city, Down from his hill on high, O'er the wynds and the steps and the cobbles He rode to a woman's sigh

For she was his secret treasure She was his shame and his bliss And a chain and a keep are nothing Compared to a woman's kiss.

(and the rest of the soldiers join him for the chorus)

For hands of gold are always cold but a woman's hands are warm

So they meet Arya, and we're supposed to think she will kill them, but they invite her to join them for supper, and she shares a meal with them. They talk about recent events, and how they are on their way to help fortify the Twins, and she realises that they have no love for their Lannister masters, and are just a bunch of fishermen who would rather be back at their work. So she sits and enjoys having some pleasant company for the evening.

The scene where he sings is outdoors. And she isn't awestruck by him either.

No, as I said before the Ed Sheehan cameo is an outdoors scene - he plays a Lannister soldier that she encounters with his compatriots on the road to Kings Landing. And yes, he's singing.

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I accidentally put this in the season 8 thread!  I'm moving it to the right place:

OK, take this for what it's worth (and possibly an Everest-sized grain of salt!) but Emergency Awesome just posted a new video Jon Snow's True Name Revealed.  

According to the video, Empire Magazine did a preview spread on the upcoming season and when they did an interview with Isaac Hempstead-Wright, and talked about Bran's big secret and revealed what (according to this preview) is Jon's true name:  



 Jaehaerys Targaryen

(I know that this is a spoiler thread but just in case someone doesn't mind most spoilers but really, really doesn't want to know this in advance, I decided to err on the side of caution.  Mods, I apologize if it was the wrong thing to do.)

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It sounds like Empire just stated as fact a fan lipreading theory. After 6x10 people were guessing Lyanna might have said Aemon or Jaehaerys, but no one bet on Aegon. Even in the books, I'd say Aegon is more likely than Jaehaerys: Aegon at least has the speculation that Lyanna might have tried to revive Rhaegar's precious three heads prophecy after the first baby Aegon died, while Aemon is the name of both a famous warrior and a character Jon interacted with for extra irony, but Jaehaerys is just a very cheesy fantasy name previously used by historical Targs without any meaningful connections to the present day.

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Stretch Jon Arryn into Jaehaerys--maybe that's the closest name Ned could come up with.  (I saw this theory on some You Tube I watched the other night.)  Ned named Jon after Jon Arryn.  Is that because it kind of sounds like Jaehaerys? 

On edit:  it occurred to me that Ned may have named Jon for Jon Connington.  So this theory might be completely off base.

Edited by Tippi
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48 minutes ago, Tippi said:

On edit:  it occurred to me that Ned may have named Jon for Jon Connington. 

Why would Ned ever have done that?  He never even met Connington, as far as we know.

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23 minutes ago, Tippi said:

I was trying to remember which Jon it was that Ned stayed with as a boy.  From your reply I am supposing it was Jon Arryn.  Sorry for the confusion.

Yes, Ned was fostered with Jon Arryn as a boy. 


And GRRM confirmed that Ned named Jon most likely after his foster father Jon Arryn. 

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New video released by HBO Espana offering glimpses at Season 7 BTS footage. Most of it is of scenes already seen in the trailer, but there is some new stuff:

-Daenerys in the Dragonstone caves

-Pod and Brienne sparring (could be fighting for real, but I assume it's sparring) in a courtyard

-an Unsullied falling off the ramparts of Casterly Rock after being hit with an arrow from a Lannister soldier

-Jon telling the Northern lords that the North needs to unite

-Lannister soldiers set on fire during the ambush

-a white-haired Maester in the Citadel library (Jim Broadbent?)

-Lannister soldiers firing arrows during the ambush

-Frankengregor drawing his sword

-a two-on-two fight (Theon and Yara vs. Ironborn attackers) during Euron's attack on their ships

Some new BTS and screencaps have surfaced as well.

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26 minutes ago, Clawdette said:

Terrific new trailer out:  It's real

Another link

Some great stuff in there. I giggled at Dany ripping down Stannis' banner.

Leak Watch: The 4chan leaker said that Bran would control a flock of ravens, which we see in the trailer. I believe the 4chan leaker was the one who said that Jaime during the ambush would ride towards Dany to try to kill her after Drogon is downed by the anti-dragon ballista weapon, and indeed we see a determined-looking Jaime riding through a burning battlefield in the new trailer. I believe 4chan leaker was the one who said there would be a wight polar bear, so we'll see, heh.

Everything looks fantastic, and the use of "Light of the Seven" was inspired. Can't wait!

I know this whole business with Beric battling wights with his flaming sword is completely off-book, and you know what? I don't care, it looks amazing. 

Edited by Eyes High
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That Jaime shot feels the first time ever that he's gotten to look like a badass on the show; the season 1 fight with Ned was nothing compared to later stuff, the season 3 fight made Brienne look good, and his handless fights have consisted of training with Bronn and the Dorne debacle. Of course, if Drogon is down for the moment and he's only charging a helpless Dany, that would make the charge less brave in context.

Aww, another creepy Littlefinger shot. Sansa's getting the "lone wolf" speech, I'd guess that's from 7x07 when she finally chooses the Starks over LF.

Could the closeup of Drogon be from the execution of the Tarlys?

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