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S07.E05: Baby Sister Is Born!

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On 6/5/2016 at 6:43 PM, Christi said:

When Robyn was birthing her new calf, Sol was hiding around the corner chewing on a CHRISTMAS LIGHT BULB!!!like the big 50's ones!

I dont have kids, but Im pretty sure thats not ok

that whole scene was weird, Im glad I FF it, I'm thinking that is the last on camera SW birth video. Unless of course #5. I'm glad the kid is ok of course, I'm just not into watching others spawn or whatever. It makes me feel like I'm watching that other channel, the one where we watch animals in the wild. Maybe people who are in the medical or midwifery fields get something out of it, but it just seems like watching something a little too intimate and well, ick factor.

On 6/5/2016 at 6:53 PM, Christi said:

Yeah...Cody kept calling her "Mrs Brown"

Way to twist the knife Homeboy

 prob some version of 50 shades with them. Hence the safe, lol. Or it could just be cause he's a dork. In their heads, all of them are Mrs Browns of one sort or another. I kinda get the vibe they aren't too worried about silly stuff like legalities, unless it's to their advantage of course. Otherwise , if it ain't magical, it ain't real. What was up with all this 'Esmeralda' stuff?

On 6/5/2016 at 7:09 PM, mamapajama said:

I LOVE when the kids push Kody's buttons. 

 The kids are getting to be more interesting than the adults. I loved Gwen's sarcastic-y comment, and even funnier was that the intonation was just like her mom, only incisive.  I hope they give her more screen time.

On 6/5/2016 at 8:44 PM, ChicksDigScars said:

 Interesting. I did enjoy the old photos and the background on the Brown babies. Mostly, because there is no way that part can be about Robyn and her sainted spawn, AriSol, or the clingers, DayunAuroraBrianna.   But, Kody did mention them once, as if realizing that there was a topic of conversation that didn't include them, and he felt obligated to bring them up. Relax, Doucheboy. We got an excruciatingly drawn out labor and delivery featuring your "legal" wife and kids.

Meri breast fed Madison. Huh. Interesting. Maddie was failure to thrive until Meri stepped in with her boob? Now, you'd think that if Madison was that tiny, and Meri's milk helped (and the pictures they showed seem to back it up) that Janelle and Meri would be closer. That saving your child might wash away some of the resentment over kitchen rights. 

And yeah, Robyn's parents planted at the foot of the bed with box seats to their daughter's hoo-ha? Seriously creepy. 

And I couldn't help but LOL over the portrait in Robyn's room of Robyn and Kody posed with Kody's white midlife crisis sports car. The car being the focal point of the portrait, and Robyn and Kody being dark, shadowy figures on the hood.

 YES on the seeing all the old photos of the kids and them-   surprised Meri said feeding Janelle's baby was weird. I don't think it is all that weird, since then at least they were kind of like a little tribe or something, and their kids are related. It was a kind and smart thing to do.  Blah on the extended 12" mix of the labor, I FF through it as well as when #4 started whining about 'but the pee-pull at home n stuff, I don' wanna..' You just know that whole thing paid for the Hawaii trip.

Oh and triple yes on the super creepy parents, especially step-dad in the room. I don't know, I mean, I'm near San Francisco and have seen a lot of weird sh*t but man I would not want a stepdad hanging out in the room.. just no.  And..  quadruple yes on that awful poster which just screams everything high school cheesy.  And now folks, Ktel presents "take a look at me now' by Phil Collins themed prom.. . there was also some weird statue couple thing in the purple bathroom with purple flowers around it.  It's like the taste of Fast Times at Ridgemont high mixed with home shopping/pimp my funeral home.. I don't know.. let's hope that is some weird spare room and real people don't sleep in there. It's purple cause we're royull and baby 'Ima treat yew liike a king! ' can we see Kodfish in a burger king hat? Oh wait, I think we already did years ago.

On 6/6/2016 at 4:59 AM, 3girlsforus said:

I would love to know more details on this too. If Maddie was failure to thrive, did they go to the doctor too or just have Meri breastfeed her? Did Meri have to wean Mariah to feed Maddie? I have a hard time seeing Meri breastfeeding two babies at once, round the clock, especially one who is failure to thrive. She would need to eat very frequently. I wonder if this is something Meri lauded over Janelle or for which Janelle resented Meri. 

And how did Kody react? Did he ridicule Janelle for being "insufficient" for Maddie? Did Meri see it as a way to get Kody's attention? She was the first wife but didn't have the first child and her child was sandwiched between two other kids born within a few months. 

I think these "sister" wives have spent their whole lives jostling for position and attention. 

    from what I've seen, I would bet Janelle doesn't really give 2 youknowwhats about the whole milk thing, she seems to take a more pragmatic approach to everything. I did my part, I produced all these kids, I worked, I did the budget or whatever, it's seems to be the interaction part that is the problem as far as maybe feeling talked down to, or however Meri may have spoken to her. Meri may not have even done all of it intentionally, but you know how it is when someone makes you feel crappy but then you just don't want to deal with them, because you feel like they aren't going to change and they aren't going to get what your gripe is and they might even get worse....this crap is probably even more intense when they were younger and living in closer quarters and cared more about keeping score of how many kids or who is top dog and all that BS.

On 6/6/2016 at 5:39 AM, ghoulina said:

Gwendelyn is Christine's little snarklepuss who said something like, "Yay! There's ANOTHER baby" - all sarcastic like. I flove her.That was so freaking weird. I didn't even notice the people for several minutes and kept laughing at the idea that Kody has a giant picture of a sports car in their bedroom. 

 this, again. Seems like many of us noticed that and I usually don't notice the background stuff, until I saw that, then I saw the weird bathroom statues lol. Gwen is awesome, I like her eccentric and biting sense of humor.

On 6/6/2016 at 6:46 AM, laurakaye said:

Count me in as one who had to do a double-take when Dayton appeared - wow, he's a handsome boy.  And I tend to listen to everything he says, because I think he's by far the smartest, most sensitive and intuitive person in that entire cul-de-sac.

Hunter is also growing up handsome.  I'm thinking the same will happen with Paedon, Garrrison, etc.


They are aren't they, all in different ways.  Dayton stands out because he is one of the few with logic skills who actually thinks things out before running with the bulls, so to speak.  Hunter is built like a brick youknowwhathouse, though the hair makes me think of some cartoon show my oldest watched in the 90s, but who cares, right?  Logan is cute as well, and he and his gf make an attractive couple. All the other kids we hardly get to see that much, the younger group. The one kid is humongous. Who does he take after?

On 6/7/2016 at 4:33 AM, TeeMo said:

I often forget how stealthily witchy Robin is and then we get a scene where they are all on the couch talking about Kody's awesome labor coaching skills and Robin puts on her concerned face, turns to Meri and asks "are you feeling left out with all of us talking about our birth stories and you missed out?"

 That was sh*tty even if she didn't mean it to be.  Ackk try to be a pal off-couch , not when you're playing to the camera.

On 6/7/2016 at 2:04 PM, ghoulina said:

That was SO stealth. It was a dig, masquerading as sympathy. Meri actually seemed to be doing alright. And then Robyn asks that and she becomes choked up and speechless. 

 The watching of the Sol birth video and Meri tearing up after wasn't even about the whole baby thing but more how she thought things were going to go with their friendship and reflecting on how things went after that, sometimes looking at old stuff will do that, even if one isn't a plyg of course.  It sucks to see photo or video of people you aren't friends with anymore. It must suck harder to live next door to them. Etc, etc...

On 6/7/2016 at 6:09 PM, RazzleberryPie said:

One of the few times I've seen Robyn caught off guard and sort of hateful was when Meri told her she and Kody had discussed it, and she really didn't want another baby. Robyn looked ticked off. Broke out of Sweet mode for a second with an 'oh really.'

I think that bummed her out because maybe SHE didn't want to have to keep cranking out kids she would have to take care of and Meri saying no meant she would have to start having more kodlets, pronto. Having one she could hand off would satisfy the spirit baby provider thing , but then she could go back to the little deal of just her first three and Sol, and Kodfish, and buy herself another couple years before that would even come up again.   Saying she was holding out on making more kodlets waiting for Meri to decide is just another buying time device. I bet she is done after making such a drama of this last one. That was probably the point of the "I fill weird, like somthin' ain't right, worried'  stuff.  That whole thing put Meri on the spot when Meri may not have ever broached the subject (surrogacy) with her at all.  I thought by now #4 would have had like 3 more kids.  Eh whatever. #5 is on the horizon, they are already building that foundation with the '#4 and I are sorta in a rough patch'  thing..maybe that part is even true. It must be tough to keep that geisha girl 'every day is a honeymoon' thing when you're huge and feeling gross. 

Christine looks great , especially liked when she had her hair in that kind of straight surfer/brigitte bardot semi-messy look. She and Aspyn have that 'flaxen' shiny golden blonde that is fairly impossible to fake, you have to be born with that kind of hair.

Even when I don't agree, I love reading the comments here. I might even have to add more to the role-play thread just for the sheer silliness of it all.

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On 6/8/2016 at 9:18 PM, Absolom said:

I think I'll reserve judgement on that.  I know with my newborn that had a shoulder dystocia the nurse told me that I was lucky to have the doctor that I did because he was so good at it and didn't end up with broken clavicles.  She could have been wrong or it could be experience.  It sounds like the baby and Robyn went through a lot in that delivery.

Probably not wrong, my nurse told me the same thing about my doctor. Also, Robyn's midwife had no assistance. I know when it happened to me, I had one nurse pushing on my belly, one doing something else and the dr trying to maneuver the baby's shoulder. Without assistance, Robyn's midwife pretty much had no choice but to fracture the baby's clavicle (which is done intentionally for shoulder dystocia when the other maneuvers don't work).

  • Love 1
On 6/8/2016 at 8:59 AM, RazzleberryPie said:

Robyn drew out the spacing between Sol and Areola for much longer than Kody wanted. I doubt if she has any more. She has her heir and spare, and she's almost 40. 

Well you know she couldn't have a baby because she was SO BUSY with MSWC.  She had to have a helper.  Then she kept her legs crossed until the legal wife papers were signed.  This shit takes time, people.  

No more babies?  Mission accomplished. 

  • Love 4
19 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Brady blatantly ignores Robin and Rosemarie.  They seem miserable.  Plus, he doesn't hide the fact that Rhonda is his favorite.  I would have to go with the Kodster.  I think he would be easier to manipulate or ignore

Brady works. I think he'd be easier to ignore. Kody is always rushing around the cul de sac, and I think it would be a lot more obvious if he were at someone else's house all the time. 

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I usually lurk, but I created an account because I had to say this somewhere: 

Aria's clavicle is broken. Robyn gasps. Baby proceeds to be passed around to 20+ people. Does no one see a problem with this?? I couldn't imagine being passed around with a broken clavicle. Never once did I hear a 'be careful of the broken collar bone'. I was furious.

  • Love 22

Never once did I hear a 'be careful of the broken collar bone.

Let's face it,  the welfare of the children in this circus is secondary to the almighty dollar provided by TLC. They had to go for the group of Kody's spawn all cooing at the poor newborn,  No good TV in just admiring her from afar.  Shame on the Browns and shame on TLC. I wouldn't put it past either of them to have slipped the kid some Benadryl just to keep her from crying and disrupting the touching family scene.

  • Love 8

I know the baby's real name is not aria.  But nothing says klassy like naming your baby after a Strip hotel.  I'm reasonably sure that the baby is not named for the musical term.  Of course these are the people that named their child truely Brown.

They should have gone full on Vegas with the middle name.  I think ceaser' s palace would be PERFECT!!

Off topic-I've mentioned that i in Vegas.  I had a free night at ceaser' s last week.  They have a statue of David in all his glory that's about 10 feet tall.  I took a picture and accidentally posted it to my Facebook.  Long story short, my very sweet elderly aunt chastised me for posting obscene pictures. Lol.

  • Love 4
On 6/6/2016 at 0:46 AM, fountain said:

I can see the point of the quiet concentration during labour.  Without meds you really need to focus to not let the pain take hold of your mental state.  So I get what Robin's mom was getting at and screaming can tense you up. If it works for Robyn, great, since she has delivered 5 without drugs.  I admit I laboured quietly, when I said "okay really for my epidural now the nurse said I didn't need one yet since I didn't scream at all (but after some arguing about it, it was ordered).

Kody was most annoying in the talking heads with the "this is how you push".  With Robyn in labour he wasn't that bad.  

It was funny the conversation about Kody always being there and a great coach when on camera he wasn't even at the hospital the whole time for Christine's L&D for Truly.

Yeah, Christine spoke about Kody's excellent skills as though he had coached her for the Olympics. That was really weird.

Odder still was Robyn's hand wringing (well, not really; does she ever show any genuine emotion?) over the baby's no-name status, and her attendant remark: "I'm really stressing..."  and then, "This little girl needs a name."  
"This little girl?  How strangely impersonal. Then again, after seven straight months of "Baby Sister,"  maybe anything is preferable.

Edited by StayingAfterSunday
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If they had not put up a caption under Dayton's picture I would never have known that was him! Wow, he has changed.  He looks great. Good for him.

I don't know how Robyn kept from punching Kody in the balls.  There is coaching someone through a delivery, and then there is being a goddam nag.  You are supposed to support the woman giving birth, not annoy the living piss out of her.  

Passing that poor baby around to fifty different people was just ridiculous.   So many germs, and a broken collar bone.  Why?  And then in the next breath talk about all the precautions you are going to take when people come into the house.  Did they make people change their shirts and wash their hands the night she was born?  If they did, I saw no sign of it. 

I cannot believe how self-absorbed Kody's endless narrative was.  I got so sick of listening to him.  He wasn't really talking about Robyn or the birth.  He was talking about his reaction to it.  He is the very definition of a narcissist.  The making himself the center of attention when they announced her name, when he told them all about Hawaii.  He is so exhausting.  And it is so obvious everyone has his number, too, lol.  

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On 6/5/2016 at 6:53 PM, PupCal said:

I really hope they give this kid a name beyond "baby sister". (Also telling your son to marry his girlfriend of 9 months? Terrible.)


I know this is an older episode but I'm just catching up on this season. 

I agree.  It was a little sickening to hear them talk about how Logan and his girlfriend living together is against their morals.   Kody sleeps with four women,  essentially cheating on his wife with three other women and they have the nerve to say that living together without marriage is immoral. 

I've been living with my "other" for 27 years and I can guarantee you that we are more in love,  more committed and more moral than any of these people. 

How dare they judge anybody! 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Maharincess said:


I know this is an older episode but I'm just catching up on this season. 

I agree.  It was a little sickening to hear them talk about how Logan and his girlfriend living together is against their morals.   Kody sleeps with four women,  essentially cheating on his wife with three other women and they have the nerve to say that living together without marriage is immoral. 

I've been living with my "other" for 27 years and I can guarantee you that we are more in love,  more committed and more moral than any of these people. 

How dare they judge anybody! 

No matter how committed you are to your one mate, you couldn't possibly be more committed than kody is to his FOUR wives.  You are a monogamousist after all and you just don't understand.  The Browns tell us that all the time so it must be true.  Judgey mcjudgersons have no problem whatsoever judging other people.

Edited by toodles
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I would love the opportunity to flip Kodouche off the way he did us last night.  How fucking rude to the people that have watched your shit show and enabled you to have the lifestyle you have.  Asswipe.  I really hope this show is cancelled now.  I just can't with the his arrogance any longer.

Edited to add that I would also like to hold up the picture of Meri assaulting the banana in front of his face while I flip him off. 

Edited by tabloidlover
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11 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

I would love the opportunity to flip Kodouche off the way he did us last night.  How fucking rude to the people that have watched your shit show and enabled you to have the lifestyle you have.  Asswipe.  I really hope this show is cancelled now.  I just can't with the his arrogance any longer.

Edited to add that I would also like to hold up the picture of Meri assaulting the banana in front of his face while I flip him off. 

That would be great. I haven't seen the banana picture or the bathtub picture...I know that if I do - It cannot be unseen...YUCK!

Kody was positively giddy about the thought that Baby Sister might be born at the end of December. "That way, you don't have to pay for her the whole year, but you get the tax deduction for the whole year." Which is probably the REAL reason why the divorce from Meri and the legal marriage to Robyn. Meri has only Mariah as a tax deduction. Now that Robyn's kids are officially adopted by Kody, there are five tax deductions. Bleed that beast, baby.

Edited by MarkySnark
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On 8/21/2016 at 11:38 AM, Celia Rubenstein said:


I think you may actually have come up with the real reason Kody married Robyn, MarkySnark!  Kadooze!

I agree they looked to where the largest tax benefits were and presto chango the divorce/marriage.  Speaking of, CofCinci, PLEASE explain how you know that tidbit about anal.  I love a good bit of dirt.  I suspect Robyn has pronounced jaw bones for a reason so no wonder she is his fav.  She gives it all from top to bottom :).

Kadooze Celia Rubenstein and fellow RHNYer!  My husband, not a regular watcher, has started saying Kadooze!  It makes me laugh every time.  

  • Love 1

I haven't heard anything about Robyn liking anal (wouldn't be surprise though, anything to get and keep her man's attention away from the other wives). However, someone on another site had mentioned Kody and Robyn joking about 69 during, I think, the boat building episode (I didn't watch that one so I cannot say for certain if it is true).

I think Kody's fascination with Robyn comes from the fact that she was new as well as more "skilled" than his other wives. I am assuming Meri and Christine had their "purity"  when they married Kody. And that Kody was "pure" when he married Meri. Janelle was married before but (and I could be wrong here) she does not look as if she would be adventurous in the haystack.

If the conversation on politicsrusprinciple.tumblr.com is true about her ex being way into porn, than Robyn may know a whole lot of moves to keep Kody interested.

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, Rainflower said:

I haven't heard anything about Robyn liking anal (wouldn't be surprise though, anything to get and keep her man's attention away from the other wives). However, someone on another site had mentioned Kody and Robyn joking about 69 during, I think, the boat building episode (I didn't watch that one so I cannot say for certain if it is true).

I think Kody's fascination with Robyn comes from the fact that she was new as well as more "skilled" than his other wives. I am assuming Meri and Christine had their "purity"  when they married Kody. And that Kody was "pure" when he married Meri. Janelle was married before but (and I could be wrong here) she does not look as if she would be adventurous in the haystack.

If the conversation on politicsrusprinciple.tumblr.com is true about her ex being way into porn, than Robyn may know a whole lot of moves to keep Kody interested.

Thanks for the article!  Interesting!

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I thought part of the reason Robyn left the first husband is that he was into anal, porn, etc. My personal opinion is a lot of women would put up with uh, stepping out of comfort zones, if they're living well. Robyn was in poverty.

i don't see any evidence that she was that skilled in anything out of the ordinary, but Kody was just extra horny and she knew how to play him. That bitch is stealth.

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