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3 hours ago, BigMamaThorton said:

Now that I have some time.....

LVP:  I can't help but admire that this woman will not cave.  In truth, I adore her all the more for it.  If she is regarded as manipulative, guarded, cagey, calculating by those who feel victimized by same, then at what point does the adage "fool me once" not apply?  Given that this is reality TV, and as such, presumes a simple understanding that drama is the point, I think it equally beneficial to understand that the format precludes simply accepting people as they are and dismissing their messy bits.  IOW, there has to be some designated villain, and LVP remains the easiest and widely accepted choice because she, for all her supposed machinations, remains largely above the fray.  I also believe the aforementioned characteristics go hand in hand with women who in no small part contribute to their own wealth and security, be it through business ventures, or carefully constructed associations with people of influence.  The accusations of hardheadedness, frigidity, and yes, outright statements of "She's a certified bitch," in my estimation, say quite a bit more about the speaker, than the subject to which they refer.  The suggestion that she criticized ED for her admissions regarding her past involving domestic violence is a small, and largely unfounded IMHO, example of such.  Her admission to suffering for a time the same form of abuse was simply that; An admission which was not at all necessary, but which was provided as a means to say we have some measure of simpatico here, regardless of the nature in which it is acknowledged or presented.  Between the two women, each chose their own way to deal with the past, and each should be allowed to do such without risk of judgements or blame.  As it stands, the issue, that being domestic abuse, loses the agency it could have had as a means of empowerment for those who have suffered the same---Presently, its simply another "issue" in which the participants salivate over the opportunity to screech, "See!  Do you see?!  I was Right!"  Far be it for me to suggest that life lessons are best learned through the avid viewing of reality television, but in certain cases I believe that examples of persons for whom similar circumstances have been overcome can lend itself to those in the viewing public currently experiencing the same might provide small measure of strength, or a glimmer of hope if they squint really hard, and tune out the superfluous, juvenile noise that often comes with it.  In this, LVP, again, provides the best example in that she chose not to make it an issue defining her life, nor a niggling point from which she could not release herself, nor demean it as a means to gain sympathy or means to engender herself to anyone.  It was something that happened, she prefers not to discuss or meditate on it; It was real and remains all the more authentic because she doesn't draw attention to it, bastardizing her past experience for personal gain presently.  Yeah, I'm looking at you ED.

Yolanda:  Sister, if you want to stick capsules filled with every homeopathic pharmacy in the known universe up your clean shaven and bleached posterior that is certainly your right, as is posting selfies on every social media driven venue depicting yourself as a human pop tart.  Whatever, and giddy'up.  Social media cuts both ways, so with this in mind, might I suggest that, very much like a pop tart, you are less palatable without the frosting?  I'll not engage in the arguments re: Lyme Disease, but I should think it obvious that leaking silicon implants, nee any artificially enhanced body augmentations involving substances not naturally found in the human body, might have something to do with your decline in health.  And while you are sitting waiting for everyone to apologize for not being the friend to end all friendship searches far and wide, you might want to consider that each of those women avoided saying the most obvious to your face;  That being, menopause combined with leaking silicon combined with what may or may not be Lyme Disease coupled with a level of narcissism matched only by Narscisis himself, and the arrogance in believing that it had to be something more, something unique, something worldly and deserving is why you were feeling rather poorly.  Sadly, you are the same as the rest of us and subject to the insecurities, vanities, and fear of aging the rest of us attempt to reconcile everyday.  In an odd twist, it was, in fact, LVP who attempted to broach the aforementioned, even going so far as to suggest that in her experience it was perfectly natural for hormones to go a bit wonky, etc., but no, you are YOLANDA, and not for you this base and common recitation on the problems of little people.  Woe betide those who do not acknowledge that a kind word or show of support from this self appointed moderator as she decides for all who has a right to what feeling, what action, what thought, and genuflects with a whispered "Go with God, daughter of Eve."  I see you, and you are one nasty piece.

LR:  To use the common vernacular, "Honey, you so thirsty you a parched and crusty desert."  Save your side-eyeing and full throated accusations...even if I could find two fucks, I wouldn't waste them on you.

ED:  The phrase "Cutting one's nose off despite one's face" seems to apply.  Your vocal defense of yourself, and by association LR, lost you the war, if such is the correct term for what you chose as your specific storyline.  In effect, you've won little by way of ground or supporters outright, but can claim complete victory for those of us that simply acquiesce for want of silence and a definitive end.  Here's a question:  If all of the housewives agree, and the audience agree, and the twitterites agree, and your blog supporters agree---WHY IS THAT NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU!  Again, you may not be as outright thirty as LR, but you are not far from it, and well done LVP for not handing you what you so desperately crave--Her attention in the form of demanded apologies.  Fuck you twice you conniving, whining harpy.

Kathryn:  Girl, run!  A life wherein you are not categorized as "a good fit" within the confines of this show is not without its considerable benefits.  Just sayin'

Erika:  I see you.  I see you all day.  I see you try to affect an aura of dismissiveness, unattached, above the silly games these moneyed women play.  Here's the thing, outside of Kathryn, you didn't have any fundamentally distasteful interactions with any of them.  Yet, your distrust of LVP came across as immediate, as in, I'm just waiting for the opportunity to correlate actual interaction to gossip overheard or bestowed upon me by third parties.  I'm looking at you, Yolanda.  So, not really so dismissive, or unattached, or above the silly games these moneyed women play. No, not so much at all.  In fact, being either the topic or cause of derision appears to be your default position, one which you have cultivated and tell yourself makes you the brightest bulb in the box, keenly aware of what others think and believe, ready for all comers, as it were.  You're a smart cookie, to be sure.  But, being such does not preclude that you are also vulnerable to being seen as just as manipulative and calculating as the rest, because really, I'm sure you just adore the Chief of Police, and not what it suggests in knowing him as a dear friend.  P.S.  If LVP had her own plane, or was in any way inclined to announce it in likewise gauche manner, she would be instrumental in maintaining its upkeep financially;  She wouldn't, by that virtue, be reduced to borrowing it from her husband.  I think you have this idea that being street smart invalidates instances of blatant stupidity, and allows you some added feature which enhances your ability to really see people for who they are, or bestows upon you some added admission the areas found behind the curtains.  I come from a fair amount of street smarts and if I've learned anything its this:  People will show the face they want you to see, and tell you the things they want you to know.  Anything beyond that is guessing, and at best, self presumptions that you might know better.  Its best, in these circumstances, to allow more rope, and if you are looking for someone from whom to learn that skill, best you cast your eyes away from the glowing sphincter that is Yolanda, and rest them on LVP, still standing and measurable untarnished.  Or don't, your choice.  But you can't cultivate an aura of glamorous, well turned out sexual being and not be reduced in some measure to not being regarded as more than such.  I don't want to give the impression of slut shaming or the like, because it reduces me as much as the person of interest.  But there is a difference between gorgeous and smart, and gorgeous and calculating.  You've conquered calculating, perhaps now it would be best to attempt to address the higher calling of smart, is all.

Kyle:  I'm indifferent.  Well.....Nope.  Indifference.  

Please take some time more often, BigMamaThorton, because I am loving every inch of this delectable post.  Brava!

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On 5/7/2016 at 9:08 PM, njbchlover said:

I personally feel that what is in her past is none of our business, until LVP makes it our business.  I feel like she was forced to do that during the reunion by Eileen.  

I feel like this sets up a double standard though - if Eileen should have simply said, "I don't want to talk about this" when Lisa was questioning her about "the affair," then LVP is more than capable of shutting down any conversation of her abuse if she doesn't want to talk about it. No one "forced" her to do anything. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

On 5/6/2016 at 2:06 PM, MatildaMoody said:

Lisa did not Mock Eileen in her blog. Not once. Here is all she said in her blog in relation to Eileen (very randoml sharing her abuse story (and it was random it seemingly came out of nowhere): 

My issue with LVP's blog is the passive-aggressive way she says, "I was surprised Eileen would share this since she seemed so uncomfortable sharing personal details of her life." That is not what Eileen said. It's very similar to how LVP snickered, "I am sorry for asking too many questions." LVP knows damn well what she was doing (and it wasn't innocently asking too many questions) - she was intentionally talking about Eileen's marriage in a way that highlighted the more scandalous parts of how it started, probably to pay Eileen back for abandoning her at the hotel. Eileen was uncomfortable with the third degree and with the careless use of the word "affair." That is not the same thing as "not wanting to share details of her life." The fact that LVP trotted that out as a way to discredit her story of being abused is just kind of tacky, IMO.

It really is interesting to go back and watch the Season 2 reunion with current hindsight. Everything Kyle and Adrienne were saying against Lisa predicted what would be discussed this season. The way LVP deflects Adrienne's issues with "The Maloof Hoof," and "unwittingly" insults her all over again, is like a carbon copy of the way she dealt with Eileen at her birthday lunch. Also interesting to hear Brandi say, "She has never said a bad word about any of you," almost a word-for-word foreshadowing of Kathryn taking the same stand at the Season 6 reunion. I remember thinking Kyle was a huge ass at the time for going in on LVP, but now everything she articulated makes perfect sense.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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6 hours ago, BigMamaThorton said:

Now that I have some time.....

LVP:  I can't help but admire that this woman will not cave.  In truth, I adore her all the more for it.  If she is regarded as manipulative, guarded, cagey, calculating by those who feel victimized by same, then at what point does the adage "fool me once" not apply?  Given that this is reality TV, and as such, presumes a simple understanding that drama is the point, I think it equally beneficial to understand that the format precludes simply accepting people as they are and dismissing their messy bits.  IOW, there has to be some designated villain, and LVP remains the easiest and widely accepted choice because she, for all her supposed machinations, remains largely above the fray.  I also believe the aforementioned characteristics go hand in hand with women who in no small part contribute to their own wealth and security, be it through business ventures, or carefully constructed associations with people of influence.  The accusations of hardheadedness, frigidity, and yes, outright statements of "She's a certified bitch," in my estimation, say quite a bit more about the speaker, than the subject to which they refer.  The suggestion that she criticized ED for her admissions regarding her past involving domestic violence is a small, and largely unfounded IMHO, example of such.  Her admission to suffering for a time the same form of abuse was simply that; An admission which was not at all necessary, but which was provided as a means to say we have some measure of simpatico here, regardless of the nature in which it is acknowledged or presented.  Between the two women, each chose their own way to deal with the past, and each should be allowed to do such without risk of judgements or blame.  As it stands, the issue, that being domestic abuse, loses the agency it could have had as a means of empowerment for those who have suffered the same---Presently, its simply another "issue" in which the participants salivate over the opportunity to screech, "See!  Do you see?!  I was Right!"  Far be it for me to suggest that life lessons are best learned through the avid viewing of reality television, but in certain cases I believe that examples of persons for whom similar circumstances have been overcome can lend itself to those in the viewing public currently experiencing the same might provide small measure of strength, or a glimmer of hope if they squint really hard, and tune out the superfluous, juvenile noise that often comes with it.  In this, LVP, again, provides the best example in that she chose not to make it an issue defining her life, nor a niggling point from which she could not release herself, nor demean it as a means to gain sympathy or means to engender herself to anyone.  It was something that happened, she prefers not to discuss or meditate on it; It was real and remains all the more authentic because she doesn't draw attention to it, bastardizing her past experience for personal gain presently.  Yeah, I'm looking at you ED.

I agree with your entire post except for this bit I copied and highlighted - I think don't think her admission was done in such a nice way, but rather to score points against Eileen.  If I were in their shoes, I would be the type to keep it to myself like LVP, but when she threw it out there in her blog she was doing so to - I wouldn't use the word "mock", but to show that she's somehow better than Eileen.  That's how it came off to me anyway, which is why while I feel compassion for them both at having gone through it, I can't get all hot and bothered about LVP being quizzed about it on stage and having to answer questions.  (And for the record I thought that the way Eileen threw it out there at that dinner  party was weird and stupid too :)

Edited by princelina
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2 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

I hereby call to order the North American Lack of Gluteal Attributes Society for it's inaugural gathering.

N.A.L.G.A.S. (look it up NALGAS on the interwebz)

homeperm is present.

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13 hours ago, BigMamaThorton said:

Now that I have some time.....

LVP:  I can't help but admire that this woman will not cave.  In truth, I adore her all the more for it.  If she is regarded as manipulative, guarded, cagey, calculating by those who feel victimized by same, then at what point does the adage "fool me once" not apply?  Given that this is reality TV, and as such, presumes a simple understanding that drama is the point, I think it equally beneficial to understand that the format precludes simply accepting people as they are and dismissing their messy bits.  IOW, there has to be some designated villain, and LVP remains the easiest and widely accepted choice because she, for all her supposed machinations, remains largely above the fray.  I also believe the aforementioned characteristics go hand in hand with women who in no small part contribute to their own wealth and security, be it through business ventures, or carefully constructed associations with people of influence.  The accusations of hardheadedness, frigidity, and yes, outright statements of "She's a certified bitch," in my estimation, say quite a bit more about the speaker, than the subject to which they refer.  The suggestion that she criticized ED for her admissions regarding her past involving domestic violence is a small, and largely unfounded IMHO, example of such.  Her admission to suffering for a time the same form of abuse was simply that; An admission which was not at all necessary, but which was provided as a means to say we have some measure of simpatico here, regardless of the nature in which it is acknowledged or presented.  Between the two women, each chose their own way to deal with the past, and each should be allowed to do such without risk of judgements or blame.  As it stands, the issue, that being domestic abuse, loses the agency it could have had as a means of empowerment for those who have suffered the same---Presently, its simply another "issue" in which the participants salivate over the opportunity to screech, "See!  Do you see?!  I was Right!"  Far be it for me to suggest that life lessons are best learned through the avid viewing of reality television, but in certain cases I believe that examples of persons for whom similar circumstances have been overcome can lend itself to those in the viewing public currently experiencing the same might provide small measure of strength, or a glimmer of hope if they squint really hard, and tune out the superfluous, juvenile noise that often comes with it.  In this, LVP, again, provides the best example in that she chose not to make it an issue defining her life, nor a niggling point from which she could not release herself, nor demean it as a means to gain sympathy or means to engender herself to anyone.  It was something that happened, she prefers not to discuss or meditate on it; It was real and remains all the more authentic because she doesn't draw attention to it, bastardizing her past experience for personal gain presently.  Yeah, I'm looking at you ED.

Yolanda:  Sister, if you want to stick capsules filled with every homeopathic pharmacy in the known universe up your clean shaven and bleached posterior that is certainly your right, as is posting selfies on every social media driven venue depicting yourself as a human pop tart.  Whatever, and giddy'up.  Social media cuts both ways, so with this in mind, might I suggest that, very much like a pop tart, you are less palatable without the frosting?  I'll not engage in the arguments re: Lyme Disease, but I should think it obvious that leaking silicon implants, nee any artificially enhanced body augmentations involving substances not naturally found in the human body, might have something to do with your decline in health.  And while you are sitting waiting for everyone to apologize for not being the friend to end all friendship searches far and wide, you might want to consider that each of those women avoided saying the most obvious to your face;  That being, menopause combined with leaking silicon combined with what may or may not be Lyme Disease coupled with a level of narcissism matched only by Narscisis himself, and the arrogance in believing that it had to be something more, something unique, something worldly and deserving is why you were feeling rather poorly.  Sadly, you are the same as the rest of us and subject to the insecurities, vanities, and fear of aging the rest of us attempt to reconcile everyday.  In an odd twist, it was, in fact, LVP who attempted to broach the aforementioned, even going so far as to suggest that in her experience it was perfectly natural for hormones to go a bit wonky, etc., but no, you are YOLANDA, and not for you this base and common recitation on the problems of little people.  Woe betide those who do not acknowledge that a kind word or show of support from this self appointed moderator as she decides for all who has a right to what feeling, what action, what thought, and genuflects with a whispered "Go with God, daughter of Eve."  I see you, and you are one nasty piece.

LR:  To use the common vernacular, "Honey, you so thirsty you a parched and crusty desert."  Save your side-eyeing and full throated accusations...even if I could find two fucks, I wouldn't waste them on you.

ED:  The phrase "Cutting one's nose off despite one's face" seems to apply.  Your vocal defense of yourself, and by association LR, lost you the war, if such is the correct term for what you chose as your specific storyline.  In effect, you've won little by way of ground or supporters outright, but can claim complete victory for those of us that simply acquiesce for want of silence and a definitive end.  Here's a question:  If all of the housewives agree, and the audience agree, and the twitterites agree, and your blog supporters agree---WHY IS THAT NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU!  Again, you may not be as outright thirty as LR, but you are not far from it, and well done LVP for not handing you what you so desperately crave--Her attention in the form of demanded apologies.  Fuck you twice you conniving, whining harpy.

Kathryn:  Girl, run!  A life wherein you are not categorized as "a good fit" within the confines of this show is not without its considerable benefits.  Just sayin'

Erika:  I see you.  I see you all day.  I see you try to affect an aura of dismissiveness, unattached, above the silly games these moneyed women play.  Here's the thing, outside of Kathryn, you didn't have any fundamentally distasteful interactions with any of them.  Yet, your distrust of LVP came across as immediate, as in, I'm just waiting for the opportunity to correlate actual interaction to gossip overheard or bestowed upon me by third parties.  I'm looking at you, Yolanda.  So, not really so dismissive, or unattached, or above the silly games these moneyed women play. No, not so much at all.  In fact, being either the topic or cause of derision appears to be your default position, one which you have cultivated and tell yourself makes you the brightest bulb in the box, keenly aware of what others think and believe, ready for all comers, as it were.  You're a smart cookie, to be sure.  But, being such does not preclude that you are also vulnerable to being seen as just as manipulative and calculating as the rest, because really, I'm sure you just adore the Chief of Police, and not what it suggests in knowing him as a dear friend.  P.S.  If LVP had her own plane, or was in any way inclined to announce it in likewise gauche manner, she would be instrumental in maintaining its upkeep financially;  She wouldn't, by that virtue, be reduced to borrowing it from her husband.  I think you have this idea that being street smart invalidates instances of blatant stupidity, and allows you some added feature which enhances your ability to really see people for who they are, or bestows upon you some added admission the areas found behind the curtains.  I come from a fair amount of street smarts and if I've learned anything its this:  People will show the face they want you to see, and tell you the things they want you to know.  Anything beyond that is guessing, and at best, self presumptions that you might know better.  Its best, in these circumstances, to allow more rope, and if you are looking for someone from whom to learn that skill, best you cast your eyes away from the glowing sphincter that is Yolanda, and rest them on LVP, still standing and measurable untarnished.  Or don't, your choice.  But you can't cultivate an aura of glamorous, well turned out sexual being and not be reduced in some measure to not being regarded as more than such.  I don't want to give the impression of slut shaming or the like, because it reduces me as much as the person of interest.  But there is a difference between gorgeous and smart, and gorgeous and calculating.  You've conquered calculating, perhaps now it would be best to attempt to address the higher calling of smart, is all.

Kyle:  I'm indifferent.  Well.....Nope.  Indifference.  

agree with all of this except/however:

her leaked silicone did not cause any of her central nervous system complaints (it also doesn't cause autoimmune disease)


I like Kyle (my favorite)

otherwise brilliant post

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Did anyone else notice the pasties on Brandi's nipples?  Sorry to gross you out this early in the morning and I wasn't looking intentionally, but my new ultra HD tv picked it up.  She really is sooo very classy.

Also, Rinna, ED, Yolanda and Erika can all take a seat.  I especially wanted to slap the smirk off of Yolanda's face.

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1 hour ago, NewGranny said:

Did anyone else notice the pasties on Brandi's nipples?  Sorry to gross you out this early in the morning and I wasn't looking intentionally, but my new ultra HD tv picked it up.  She really is sooo very classy.

Also, Rinna, ED, Yolanda and Erika can all take a seat.  I especially wanted to slap the smirk off of Yolanda's face.

I noticed the pasties too.   Did a rewind to make sure I saw what I saw.  So strange.

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On 5/7/2016 at 0:10 PM, ElDosEquis said:

And if you do take up that dare you are met with the "I can't believe YOU are asking me that" attitude?

One of the 'lost outtakes' in next weeks show is KT getting botoxed. Lisa says, "Ken is getting botox, like it or not" with a cut to Ken in the chair complaining about it. Now, There is NO FUCKING WAY that I am going to get needles stuck in my face - for love, sex, money. I'd rather be poor, alone and celibate than to let my wife peer pressure me into shit like that. Nope, no way, no how.

About the ask me anything. I don't think I've ever seen a season where these women have just started a casual NON LOADED conversation with LVP and actually took the opportunity to ask her anything.  Keep in mind the only times this issue of LVP's non sharing comes up is usually during a conversation criticizing her lack of this that or the other so of course she isn't going to go into anything when it's coming across as a demand as opposed to during a comfortable and trusting interaction where the information will come out more genuinely and authentically. My issue is that they make demands of LVP in the most random and calculated ways. You can see that shit coming a mile away and LVP shuts that shit down. This sort of dynamic is imposed during their gatherings and LVP is obviously aware that it's not some braiding hair, bonding, sharing moment. There's an agenda involved obviously so I can understand why there doesn't even seem to be any real moments where she would feel that they deserve such an intimate window into her life. I have a strong feeling that if she has created some sort of trusting connection with any one of the cast that she would be more willing to have sensitive conversations about her life. Maybe not too many and maybe only to a certain depth but definitely meaningful. It's just that the women try so hard to steer the plane directly into restricted airspace instead of just riding along, getting a feel and then gradually drumming up some intimate stuff through honest and safe communication over time. Oh no, these women want to bombard with sweeping declarations, peppered with indignation and disappointment over not getting exactly what they are demanding in the moment. Then labeling such an encounter as proof that no you can't ask her anything.

I know that LVP says ask me anything but I take that to mean that she isn't completely opposed to fielding questions about how they started their businesses, her experiences with her children or even how it was in the beginning with Ken considering the age difference. It's in the way these conversations come up. If people are sitting there watching her expectantly and there's a specific "theme" on the table then no. Of course I don't expect her to give in to that. And I think it's her right to manage her time and presence on the show the way she does. These other housewives get so damn messy with they way they try to bring out other wives shit or how they respond, react and defend their own personal stuff. It's gets so damn hurtful and unnecessary so yeah I can appreciate a housewife who does stop and think and is a bit reserved with regards to how they approach a situation or respond. Now the fact that LVP is a bold one and will initiate conversation that could be rather loaded I will concede is a part of the game but hey she has made it clear that these women can answer or not answer. She's mentioned more than once that they should shut shit down whenever they feel she's gone too far. Stop being hurt little lambs and take control but don't put all that shit on her. I personally don't think she does it to be malicious. I do think that her teasing goes a bit passed the neutral point and I do think that she loosens the reigns a bit on her good sense when the cameras are rolling in order to kick off some candid "realness" but I don't think she masterminds anything. I just think her role and stamina put her in the position that she's in. She's basically got a feel for the process so the fact that she's better at manuevering within it just make her come off as calculating but I just think it naturally plays out that way due to how well adjusted she is to being on the show. I really don't think she sets out to really have a go at any one particular cast member. However if she's not feeling you it will be pretty evident and I don't see why that would be such a big deal.

Edited by Yours Truly
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22 hours ago, BigMamaThorton said:


LVP:  I can't help but admire that this woman will not cave.  In truth, I adore her all the more for it.  If she is regarded as manipulative, guarded, cagey, calculating by those who feel victimized by same, then at what point does the adage "fool me once" not apply?


I agree. It stuns to watch the cast allow themselves to become riled continually by a woman they have deemed a manipulator.  Keep an emotional distance.  

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4 hours ago, NewGranny said:

Did anyone else notice the pasties on Brandi's nipples?  Sorry to gross you out this early in the morning and I wasn't looking intentionally, but my new ultra HD tv picked it up.  She really is sooo very classy.

Also, Rinna, ED, Yolanda and Erika can all take a seat.  I especially wanted to slap the smirk off of Yolanda's face.

Oh, man, I first read that as "parasites"!

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6 hours ago, NewGranny said:

Did anyone else notice the pasties on Brandi's nipples? 


2 hours ago, izabella said:

Oh, man, I first read that as "parasites"!

At least it wasn't "pustules".  ;-)

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3 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

About the ask me anything. I don't think I've ever seen a season where these women have just started a casual NON LOADED conversation with LVP and actually took the opportunity to ask her anything.  Keep in mind the only times this issue of LVP's non sharing comes up is usually during a conversation criticizing her lack of this that or the other so of course she isn't going to go into anything when it's coming across as a demand as opposed to during a comfortable and trusting interaction where the information will come out more genuinely and authentically. My issue is that they make demands of LVP in the most random and calculated ways. You can see that shit coming a mile away and LVP shuts that shit down. This sort of dynamic is imposed during their gatherings and LVP is obviously aware that it's not some braiding hair, bonding, sharing moment. There's an agenda involved obviously so I can understand why there doesn't even seem to be any real moments where she would feel that they deserve such an intimate window into her life. I have a strong feeling that if she has created some sort of trusting connection with any one of the cast that she would be more willing to have sensitive conversations about her life. Maybe not too many and maybe only to a certain depth but definitely meaningful. It's just that the women try so hard to steer the plane directly into restricted airspace instead of just riding along, getting a feel and then gradually drumming up some intimate stuff through honest and safe communication over time. Oh no, these women want to bombard with sweeping declarations, peppered with indignation and disappointment over not getting exactly what they are demanding in the moment. Then labeling such an encounter as proof that no you can't ask her anything.

I know that LVP says ask me anything but I take that to mean that she isn't completely opposed to fielding questions about how they started their businesses, her experiences with her children or even how it was in the beginning with Ken considering the age difference. It's in the way these conversations come up. If people are sitting there watching her expectantly and there's a specific "theme" on the table then no. Of course I don't expect her to give in to that. And I think it's her right to manage her time and presence on the show the way she does. These other housewives get so damn messy with they way they try to bring out other wives shit or how they respond, react and defend their own personal stuff. It's gets so damn hurtful and unnecessary so yeah I can appreciate a housewife who does stop and think and is a bit reserved with regards to how they approach a situation or respond. Now the fact that LVP is a bold one and will initiate conversation that could be rather loaded I will concede is a part of the game but hey she has made it clear that these women can answer or not answer. She's mentioned more than once that they should shut shit down whenever they feel she's gone too far. Stop being hurt little lambs and take control but don't put all that shit on her. I personally don't think she does it to be malicious. I do think that her teasing goes a bit passed the neutral point and I do think that she loosens the reigns a bit on her good sense when the cameras are rolling in order to kick off some candid "realness" but I don't think she masterminds anything. I just think her role and stamina put her in the position that she's in. She's basically got a feel for the process so the fact that she's better at manuevering within it just make her come off as calculating but I just think it naturally plays out that way due to how well adjusted she is to being on the show. I really don't think she sets out to really have a go at any one particular cast member. However if she's not feeling you it will be pretty evident and I don't see why that would be such a big deal.

When you aren't allowing flyovers in your restricted airspaces, be prepared for some asshole to drop a few CBUs on your airstrip.

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I think Andy expected Brandi's videotaped "appearance" on the reunion to spark lots of outrage among the women and instigate a heated discussion.  Instead, they all gave a collective yawn and moved on.  Perfect.

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On May 4, 2016 at 8:46 PM, wings707 said:

I liked Rinna's new hair style; her old one was too close to Dorothy Hamill.    It is a much needed change. Curious how it would look in real life without the stylist.  

I bought it, too.  Stand proud!  Be who you are!   Well,  I did hide the cover on a flight. I actually glued a piece of printer paper on it.  ***slinks away with tail between legs***

I got it on kindle, so no one would ever know.  But I do.  And I'm ashamed of giving that trollop money.  (If we can't use the common sneers, we have to be creative - and I think trollop suits Brandi to a T.)

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On 5/9/2016 at 1:25 PM, ElDosEquis said:

When you aren't allowing flyovers in your restricted airspaces, be prepared for some asshole to drop a few CBUs on your airstrip.

I'll CBU and anyone else who tries to flyover my airspace or drop anything on my airstrip.

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