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S03.E19: Failed Experiments

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Smooth plug-in there, Hive Ward!  Only thing that would have made that better would be if he turned to the camera and said "Hopefully, we'll see that war on Friday!", and then wink to the camera.

Poor Mack.  I get that you are loyal to Daisy to a fault, but that was bound to end badly.  Whatever Hive had done, she doesn't seem to be able to snap out of it.  I do hope getting his ass kicked means he's less likely to be the "death" the show keeps hyping.  It is weird though that she really doesn't seem mind-controlled, but like he's brought something hidden out of her, and she does feel this way about SHIELD, her powers, etc.   It makes me wonder if there is truth to this ending with them not saving her, but her being set-up as an antagonist next season.  She certainly isn't coming off all that sympathetic, since Hive's thing is almost making her come off like a rebelling teen.

I truly hope the show actually keeps with Fitz and Simmons not letting their new relationship effect how they work and disagree with each other.  It was refreshing to see them disagree, and not have someone pouting for the rest of the episode. Don't let me down, show!

I thought that was Vazquez from Supergirl!

Lincoln, you big dummy.  I get it, but that was so stupid, and it end up not even mattering.  All you got was a time-out from Simmons. 

Not exactly the best work from the Kree.

Dr. Radcliffe can stay.  John Hannah is awesome.

Curious to see how next week's episode will be after a certain little spat is hopefully resolved over the weekend, from certain characters in this universe.

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5 hours ago, FineWashables said:

We saw Ward in an earlier episode reveal his true face to his followers; hence SquidWard.  Where does a squid face fit into the origin story we saw last night?  At no point did anybody look like a squid.

Hive showed the Hydra followers the face of the one Mallick called the Hydra God. He showed them what they wanted to see. I don't think Hive ever showed his true face, because I don't think he has a face of his own -- mostly because Hive is not really a he. Hive is a them. Those little icky bits of whatever-they-are that Hive infects (or eats) others with, they're what Hive is made of -- they are Hive. Everything else is just the suit Hive wears.

3 hours ago, romantic idiot said:

Well, I will say in both cases it is not a metaphor - they come out and say it's addiction, so it's text, not subtext :o)

OT: But Mutant Enemy talked about Angel's vampirism and Willow's dependence on magic (outside the four corners of the shows) as if they were metaphors for real-world addictions. The fact that the metaphors were both crudely made and fumbled doesn't make them cease to be metaphors, it just make them amateurish and insulting. (Angel also implied (in the text of the show) the possibility that vampires could become "bloodaholics" (whatever the Kree that was supposed to mean) over and above the usual vampire shtick, so in that show, it was even worse.)

And, oh, God -- I hope that Explodo or Angry Aussie or whoever doesn't become Daisy's new boytoy, because I'm tired of him already.

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19 hours ago, kitlee625 said:

Someone here was calling her that. Said that it was going around Reddit. I assume that it's a sillier version of Darth, but not totally sure.

I was calling her that and yeah, I found that on Reddit (I even mentioned it in my thread). 

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They should have used a splinter bomb on Hive. Sure, it's based on the diviner and the diviner didn't attack inhumans but Hive's body is human. They made a point of it and that he could only eat humans, or at least non-inhumans now that he's eaten a Kree. At the very least the body will turn to dust and then they can stomp on the worm/leech/slug thing that's left wiggling in the remains.

There was speculation last week that something was up with Simmons with her Chekhov's Cold Hands. This week she told Lincoln that the anti-Hive experiment was not successful...so, was it?

Haven't the Kree heard of wide-angle directed energy weapons? Or nuking them from orbit? It's the only way to be sure.

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2 hours ago, Terrafamilia said:

They should have used a splinter bomb on Hive. Sure, it's based on the diviner and the diviner didn't attack inhumans but Hive's body is human. They made a point of it and that he could only eat humans, or at least non-inhumans now that he's eaten a Kree. At the very least the body will turn to dust and then they can stomp on the worm/leech/slug thing that's left wiggling in the remains.

There was speculation last week that something was up with Simmons with her Chekhov's Cold Hands. This week she told Lincoln that the anti-Hive experiment was not successful...so, was it?

Haven't the Kree heard of wide-angle directed energy weapons? Or nuking them from orbit? It's the only way to be sure.


Yeah, why was Mack the only one who brought a splinter bomb with him to that small town? They knew that Hive will be there so why not just see if it will work on him? Also, it seemed that May was really pissed off at everyone that she came into contact with during the episode and I was half expecting her to yell the words, "idiot" to just about everyone that she talked to. 

As with Simmons, I have no idea what the writers want to do with her. First, she tells Fitz that she wants to restart their relationship at the friendship level, then all of a sudden she wants to sleep with him, and now she is just being moody.  As with her hands could that just be a thrown away line?

Didn't Vin-Tac from Season 2 have a hand-held ax or hammer that was stated that only he can wield or something? 

On another note, can't they ask for Lady Sif and/or Vin-Tac to come back and help them with the SquidWard problem? I know that they can't outright tell the Kree that Inhumans exist on Earth but doesn't Vin-Tac already kind of knows that there are Inhumans on Earth?




We saw exactly who we was when they took him, at the beginning of the episode. He was young but looked to be an adult, certainly no kid.

What is weird about Ward's accent? Certainly doesn't sound British. He just sounds to me like he's speaking very deliberately and with clear diction, like he's very calm and in control and also eeeevil. But it doesn't sound like an "accent" at all.[/quote]




Truthfully, I miss the first 4 to 5 minutes of the episode and didn't see that, until I caught up on what I missed. 

Edited by TVSpectator
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Am I the only one that is expecting/hoping to see Lash take out the Hive? It seems the most likely endpoint for his Inhuman-killing tendencies.

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I can understand why Coulson wouldn't want to use Lash.  Two reasons:  1., what if Hive could take control of Lash? and 2. even if Lash beats Hive, how are they going to recapture him?  He only got captured this time because Blair Underwood turned himself in.


Of course, that's head-canon.  It'd be nice if they said that on the show if they're not going to use him.  Which makes me think that they are going to use him and aren't addressing it now so it'll be a surprise.

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On 5/4/2016 at 9:09 PM, SnoGirl said:

God I hope Shield takes him out next week. I cannot handle another season if Hiiiiiiiiiiiive.

Can they please take out Daisy or whatever the hell her name is as well. I did not care for her before and now I really don't give a shit about her. Especially after what she did to Mack!

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On 5/4/2016 at 8:51 PM, Sandman said:

I haveGod knows it's not the subtlest comparison, but it's less creaky than some addiction metaphors Mutant Enemy's tried to put over in the past. Ahem.


I have no idea what you're talking about, unless it's that Alternative Universe where they made a Season 6 of Buffy.


9 hours ago, KirkB said:

First of all the Kree DO have powers of their own. They are far stronger and more resilient than humans.

In the same way that Storm Troopers shoot with "such precision and accuracy"!  They fought off Projection Girl, but mostly because she was a weak-ass fighter.  One couldn't hold its own against Daisy.  SMH

Any time someone says "We must fear [X]", I know that [X] is going to be about as effective as the Fear Demon [actual size].

10 minutes ago, hello said:

Did Daisy offer her blood like the recap said?

Yes -- she opened her arms wide and told SquidWard to "drain me".

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23 hours ago, tankgirl73 said:

Lash's purpose totally makes sense now. He wanted to kill Inhumans -- so that Hive wouldn't have an army when he got back. I absolutely agree with the theory that he's the only thing that can kill Hive. Note the 'rip its heart out' parallel in this episode, too... that's probably the only way to kill Hive, rip the heart out of the body, and whatever zap thing that Lash does kills the parasites or whatever it is that Hive uses to transfer itself to another host whenever one dies. Because that's something our Shield folks seem to have forgotten -- they can't just kill HiveWard. Even if they'd succeeded in killing Ward's body, Hive would have just jumped into someone else.


I called this last season, guys. But then again: Why would Lash NOT kill Daisy? For some reason she was "worthy" of non-obliteration. Maybe he sees, deeeeeeep in her soul (just like Mac), that she weally, twooly, is a good egg.

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On 5/4/2016 at 10:09 PM, SnoGirl said:

What is with Hive's/Brett's accent this week?? Ugh, it was taking me right out of the show. I think a stronger actor could have carried the Ward/TraitorWard/Hive gig, but I don't think Brett is carrying Hive well.

God I hope Shield takes him out next week. I cannot handle another season if Hiiiiiiiiiiiive.

Honestly, I think Dalton is trying to make the best out of the craptastic dialog he's given; and to me, he's the strongest actor in the series.  While the writing hasn't allowed him to showcase it much lately, he does have more than one expression.

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On 5/4/2016 at 10:43 PM, KirkB said:

It was also odd to hear Coulson talking about not letting their emotions get the better of them when it comes to Daisy, even though that is literally what he has been doing the whole time. Not that hypocrisy is a new thing for him. Man, if Gregg wasn't so much fun to watch Coulson would probably be thoroughly unlikable. 

Oh, that annoyed me to no end; plus the fact he called her one of his "best" agents.  Really?  After less than two years, Daisy is one of your best?  When you have the likes of Bobbi, Mae, and Mack around?  No wonder S.H.I.E.L.D. gets its arsed whipped on a regular basis.


And of course Mack had to say that Daisy was "special" and "strong enough" to resist Hive's mind whammy.  And dude, I get she's your partner (for all of five minutes) and you feel responsible for not seeing her conversion to the Hive collective; still you don't deal with a mentaly unstable, mind whammied, earth shaking, girl with authority issues unarmed.  Especially after she choked out Fitz.


Lincoln, just when I think you hit the bottom of the idiot barrel, you manage to scrape some more idiot into your actions

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13 minutes ago, OakGoblinFly said:

She's enough of herself to know what she's doing and she is absolutely responsible for her mistreatment of Mack this week and Fitz last week.

To me this is one interesting thing that the show is doing. It would be easy to write this off as a brainwashing like Bucky Barnes, or as a hive mind like the Borg. But the writers and characters are clear that Daisy is still in control, but she has different priorities now, getting her drug (Hive). She's an addict, not a mindless follower. It would be interesting to see the fallout/withdrawal if they are able to destroy her drug.

Edited by kitlee625
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Just got around to watching recording episode and Jeebus, this show makes my ass ache. What incentive is there for me to continue to watch these poor schlubs (except May) repeatedly get beat by The Big Bad?

Where's the hope? And more importantly, where's the FUN??? for fuck's sake.

This and too many other shows on episodic TV seem to think we the audience are attracted by negativistic "dystopic" plots. No wonder ratings are down almost across the board.

And I never did give a good god***n about Skye/Daisy, who apparently the suits at ABC believe will attract the all-important 18-49 demographic that will spend money on shit they advertise.

Edited by grannygeek
thought of something else
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7 hours ago, jhlipton said:

In the same way that Storm Troopers shoot with "such precision and accuracy"!  They fought off Projection Girl, but mostly because she was a weak-ass fighter.  One couldn't hold its own against Daisy.  SMH

Okay, you're right.  :)  Let me rephrase. The Kree are SUPPOSED to be much stronger than normal humans. Last season one was able to go toe to toe with Sif and fought May and Bobbi with little problem. I think the idea here is not that the Kree are weaker than we thought but it's supposed to show how powerful Hive is. And Daisy, well, I suppose anyone would have a hard time having earthquakes concentrated into their extremities. Which makes the fact she didn't kill Mack mean she probably wasn't really trying to. These guys are just lucky Mar-vell (Hey, I didn't name him) isn't around.

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They also mentioned that because of their Hive euphoria or something, Hive infected Inhumans are extra strong and resistant to the ICERs. So that's one reason why Hive and Daisy could defeat the Kree while May and Sif had so much trouble.

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Okay here's what I don't understand about the Kree. So the Kree slavers - sorry, "reapers" came to Earth and captured slaves -- sorry, "soldiers" and experimented on them. They were trying to create soldiers by transfusing Kree blood into the humans. What kind of soldiers were they trying to create? Kree-lite? Apparently they did NOT want to create Inhumans, so they set about trying to kill all the Inhumans they themselves created. And then...they left Hive a beacon just in case he maybe in future wants them to come back and kill him? Did I miss something key in the exposition dump that explained why they continued to create creatures they wanted to immediately kill?

And anyway, not every human can become Inhuman, right? So Daisy thinking she can transform Mack into "what he should be" despite his own will is a crapshoot, right? Unless they have figured out offscreen how to tell if people have the mutated genome necessary for Terragenesis to take place. Am I understanding the magic-en-scene of this world?

Aside from that, the Mack/Daisy confrontation was so hackneyed and cliche-ridden. From the second Mack tried to talk Daisy out of following Hive - that simple decision told me how far the show has fallen even in plot, let alone characterization.

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6 minutes ago, rubyred said:

And anyway, not every human can become Inhuman, right? So Daisy thinking she can transform Mack into "what he should be" despite his own will is a crapshoot, right? Unless they have figured out offscreen how to tell if people have the mutated genome necessary for Terragenesis to take place. Am I understanding the magic-en-scene of this world?

So I think that's what they were trying to do. Right now, the Inhumans are the descendants of those original experiments, so they inherited from their parents the Human-Kree DNA combo that somehow equals Inhuman. However, Hive believes that by recreating the experiment that was done to him and others, and by infusing pure Kree DNA into humans, they can create new Inhumans. Yeah, it doesn't exactly make a lot of sense. Plus there's gotta be more to it than just mixing Human + Kree DNA because they did that to Coulson, and Coulson did not become an Inhuman (that we know of).

Edited by kitlee625
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18 minutes ago, kitlee625 said:

So I think that's what they were trying to do. Right now, the Inhumans are the descendants of those original experiments, so they inherited from their parents the Human-Kree DNA combo that somehow equals Inhuman. However, Hive believes that by recreating the experiment that was done to him and others, and by infusing pure Kree DNA into humans, they can create new Inhumans. Yeah, it doesn't exactly make a lot of sense. Plus there's gotta be more to it than just mixing Human + Kree DNA because they did that to Coulson, and Coulson did not become an Inhuman (that we know of).

Coulson isn't an inhuman because he hasn't been exposed to terrigen.  If he were to take one of those tainted fish capsules, who knows?

Rubyred - I think we were told a few seasons ago that the Inhumans turned out to be more dangerous than the Kree expected for soldiers and there was factional strife on their homeworld, which led to them abandoning the project. At the time, I thought it was because earth people (particularly superpowered ones) didn't enjoy being slaves.  As for the beacon, it wasn't left for Hive.  It was just a beacon abandoned by the Kree.

The thing about Hive's plan that doesn't make sense yet is ... if you need Kree blood, don't you need a way to manufacture/farm/breed/grow more Kree blood, a lot more Kree blood, if you want to turn the whole world into Inhumans?  Unless he has that capability, Hive is not really a threat to mankind at the moment. He's a threat to Inhumans' free will but that threat may also come with genetically coded advantages that would make many of them choose it independently.

As for the argument about whether Daisy is doing this or is just a brainwashed zombie --- I don't trust the show's writers for a second to have a really clear idea of what's going on or to stick to it next season.  Whichever interpretation makes for better story hooks is the one they'll go with and the actress will have to do her best with it as it comes. I would normally say immediately that Daisy and the telekinesis guy (what ever happened to him?) are just brainwashed but ... there's this "all inhumans are off-kilter and genetically programmed" stuff.  What if this is the new version of Daisy?  And what if, just like exposure to terrigen gave her powers, exposure to Hive-spores has triggered the part of her brain hard-wired to identify strongly with all Inhumans?  ------ I don't think that's actually what they are doing because no version of her original personality would ever bludgeon Mack to near-death but it otherwise fits hat they are doing

Edited by rab01
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8 minutes ago, rab01 said:

Coulson isn't an inhuman because he hasn't been exposed to terrigen.  If he were to take one of those tainted fish capsules, who knows?


Well he did grab that terrigen crystal, and his hand started to turn to stone. Whether he would have emerged as an Inhuman though or would have crumbled into dust like Trip was never established since Mack chopped off his hand before it could spread.

Edited by kitlee625
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good point.  I'd totally forgotten how he'd lost his hand. But don't make me think too hard about continuity in this show ;)  (or else I might start wondering why coulson's medical scans don't flag him for having alien DNA in his body.) 

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3 hours ago, kitlee625 said:

To me this is one interesting thing that the show is doing. It would be easy to write this off as a brainwashing like Bucky Barnes, or as a hive mind like the Borg. But the writers and characters are clear that Daisy is still in control, but she has different priorities now, getting her drug (Hive). She's an addict, not a mindless follower. It would be interesting to see the fallout/withdrawal if they are able to destroy her drug.

I hope they don't try the Patty Hearst Defense tactic.

8 minutes ago, kitlee625 said:

Well he did grab that terrigen crystal, and his hand started to turn to stone. Whether he would have emerged as an Inhuman though or would have crumbled into dust like Trip was never established since Mack chopped off his hand.

Mack is the best...I can't even be mad at him for chopping off a hand.

14 hours ago, TVSpectator said:

Also, it seemed that May was really pissed off at everyone that she came into contact with during the episode and I was half expecting her to yell the words, "idiot" to just about everyone that she talked to.

Well, May's always been pissed at everyone.

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Coulson isn't an Inhuman because the GH325 drove him insane. Remember the carving on the walls? Daisy didn't have any of those side effects because she is an Inhuman. 

I need to rewatch this episode. I missed the first five or so minutes because I was having internet connection issues. But that Daisy/Mack scene was painful to watch.

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4 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

I hope they don't try the Patty Hearst Defense tactic.

Mack is the best...I can't even be mad at him for chopping off a hand.

Well, May's always been pissed at everyone.

I can't blame Mack for chopping off the hand either. We can't know for certain whether Coulson would have survived, and I think Mack did the safest thing.

3 minutes ago, DeepPoet117 said:

Coulson isn't an Inhuman because the GH325 drove him insane. Remember the carving on the walls? Daisy didn't have any of those side effects because she is an Inhuman. 

I need to rewatch this episode. I missed the first five or so minutes because I was having internet connection issues. But that Daisy/Mack scene was painful to watch.

The Daisy/Mack scene was so painful. It was just brutal watching her attack him when he was reaching out to her, and when she was punching him and using her powers on him, it seemed like she really was lashing out all the anger and frustration she felt at SHIELD and at his refusal to submit to her/Hive's plans.

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I hope the show kills off Coulson.  Coulson is a terrible leader and he's been very ineffective.  He has that bionic hand which gives him near superhuman strength and can also project a force field.  Yet he doesn't go in the field.  He sends people with guns against Daisy, who is fairly powerful.  Why don't they just kill him off?  I'd love to see Mack or May be the director next season.

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Okay here's what I don't understand about the Kree. So the Kree slavers - sorry, "reapers" came to Earth and captured slaves -- sorry, "soldiers" and experimented on them. They were trying to create soldiers by transfusing Kree blood into the humans. What kind of soldiers were they trying to create? Kree-lite? Apparently they did NOT want to create Inhumans, so they set about trying to kill all the Inhumans they themselves created. And then...they left Hive a beacon just in case he maybe in future wants them to come back and kill him? Did I miss something key in the exposition dump that explained why they continued to create creatures they wanted to immediately kill?


Think of it this way:  The Inhuman experiment was a Kree government program.  After a few years of trying, the Kree Department of Defense probably wanted to end the program because they weren’t getting the results they wanted – soldiers with random unpredictable abilities, Hive, etc. 


Unfortunately, some Kree defense contractors with deep pockets were already invested in it, and funneled a lot of campaign contributions to their Kree congressmen to keep the project funded despite it having no actual value.


Eventually, those Kreengressmen lost reelection, and when their opponents took control of the government, they shut down the program.  Everyone was embarrassed that they wasted so much time and effort on this unsuccessful experiment that they abandoned it without adequate clean-up.  “Yeah, don’t worry about finding the diviners that are scattered over the planet.  The odds of modified humans finding them are pretty low.  And leave a beacon they can use to summon a couple of frozen reapers in case Hive shows up.  That’s enough, right?  When is my tee-time this afternoon?”

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On May 5, 2016 at 8:06 AM, kitlee625 said:

It would be easy to write this off as a brainwashing like Bucky Barnes, or as a hive mind like the Borg. But the writers and characters are clear that Daisy is still in control, but she has different priorities now, getting her drug (Hive). She's an addict, not a mindless follower.

But Hive also told Daisy (in the conversation that also had her say "I'm not Skye; I'm Daisy," as I recall) that she and Hive were part of the same organism. I think that's consistent with a lot of what we've seen, to the extent that it seems probable that Hive was not speaking metaphorically. I think it's a little from Column A, a little from Column B. I can't tell yet if the writers are just wanting to have it both ways, but it seems clear (well, clear-ish) to me that the line between mind-controlled / acting on her own volition isn't as clear as in the case of, say, Barton in The Avengers, or Bucky in The Winter Soldier. Some aspects of Daisy are unchanged; but at least some of what we are told about Daisy's still being in control is coming from Daisy herself, and her perspective may be compromised. Then again, it does seem in character for Daisy to want to try to spare Fitz's life, if possible. And I have to say I found Mack's and Coulson's reasoning about how easily Daisy was to find through the facial recognition software fairly persuasive about an indication of her wanting to be found, on some level.

On May 5, 2016 at 9:50 AM, kitlee625 said:

They also mentioned that because of their Hive euphoria or something, Hive infected Inhumans are extra strong and resistant to the ICERs.

This is another aspect that strengthens the addiction parallel, I think. (Though clearly other posters got the drug metaphor well before I twigged to it.)

On May 5, 2016 at 11:06 AM, rubyred said:

Okay here's what I don't understand about the Kree. So the Kree slavers - sorry, "reapers" came to Earth and captured slaves -- sorry, "soldiers" and experimented on them. They were trying to create soldiers by transfusing Kree blood into the humans. What kind of soldiers were they trying to create? Kree-lite? Apparently they did NOT want to create Inhumans, so they set about trying to kill all the Inhumans they themselves created.

I thought the Inhumans were created so that the Kree would have an army that they could treat as more or less disposable? In other words, it wasn't that the Kree weren't trying to create Inhuman powers, but that the army had served its purpose, and was no longer needed? I ... don't know. Parts of this storyline haven't really made whole bunches of sense to me, I freely admit.

On May 5, 2016 at 11:30 AM, rab01 said:

As for the argument about whether Daisy is doing this or is just a brainwashed zombie --- I don't trust the show's writers for a second to have a really clear idea of what's going on or to stick to it next season.  Whichever interpretation makes for better story hooks is the one they'll go with and the actress will have to do her best with it as it comes. I would normally say immediately that Daisy and the telekinesis guy (what ever happened to him?) are just brainwashed but ... there's this "all inhumans are off-kilter and genetically programmed" stuff.  What if this is the new version of Daisy?  And what if, just like exposure to terrigen gave her powers, exposure to Hive-spores has triggered the part of her brain hard-wired to identify strongly with all Inhumans?  ------ I don't think that's actually what they are doing because no version of her original personality would ever bludgeon Mack to near-death but it otherwise fits what they are doing.

My fear is that the writers will treat it as an expediency in the way you suggest, but I hope that there is a clearer idea in some head or other. The "new version of Daisy" option is my least favourite.

What did happen Giyera? Damned if I can remember. Did Hive kill him? Or was he among the crew who landed in Hive-ville?

Edited by Sandman
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22 hours ago, K.M. said:

Am I the only one that is expecting/hoping to see Lash take out the Hive? It seems the most likely endpoint for his Inhuman-killing tendencies.

Oh, no, you are not the only one. Fans have predicted this since SquidWard showed up in Maveth (and got back to Earth) here and on Reddit (and I am also predicting that Lash will take out SquidWard). 

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12 hours ago, kitlee625 said:

They also mentioned that because of their Hive euphoria or something, Hive infected Inhumans are extra strong and resistant to the ICERs. So that's one reason why Hive and Daisy could defeat the Kree while May and Sif had so much trouble.

Plus they have the BEST plot-armor!

10 hours ago, DeLurker said:

I hope they don't try the Patty Hearst Defense tactic.


That's better than the Twinkie Defense.  (Isn't the Patty Hearst Defense the first major case of Stockholm Syndrome?)


6 hours ago, mac123x said:

Think of it this way:  The Inhuman experiment was a Kree government program.  After a few years of trying, the Kree Department of Defense probably wanted to end the program because they weren’t getting the results they wanted – soldiers with random unpredictable abilities, Hive, etc.

This whole post is too freakin' awesome for words.

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1 hour ago, jhlipton said:

That's better than the Twinkie Defense.  (Isn't the Patty Hearst Defense the first major case of Stockholm Syndrome? 

It is the first case I heard of for Stockholm. But Daisy's would have to be called The Snowflake Defense ( which amuses me greatly).

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1 hour ago, DeLurker said:

It is the first case I heard of for Stockholm. But Daisy's would have to be called The Snowflake Defense ( which amuses me greatly).

Not Delirium Tremors?

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5 hours ago, jhlipton said:

Not Delirium Tremors?

I think that's what's going to happen once they get Hive's mood-enhancing parasites out of her brain.

Edited by kitlee625
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On 5/5/2016 at 4:50 PM, DeLurker said:

I hope they don't try the Patty Hearst Defense tactic.

Mack is the best...I can't even be mad at him for chopping off a hand.

Well, May's always been pissed at everyone.

That's why she looked so 'different' when she was faking being Hydra security and pretending to chat up James in the bar!

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Did everyone dope up on Stupid Pills this episode? Coulson sends a squad of soldiers to attack an immortal guy using weapons he knows he is immune to. On this mission, his soldiers decide the best way to investigate is to all go into the mysterious barn together - if only they had some sort of Digital Robot device (or "Drobe", for short) that could find out where the needed to go (obviously such an outlandish device is too far fetched for anyone to believe might exist). On top of that, once they find their target, they go, "Oh look, he's busy, well we wouldn't want to assassinate him when he's distracted - that would be unsporting!" (even if their weapons are ineffective, Hive does seem to notice being shot and the distraction would probably help the Kree in his fight). If all that wasn't enough, Mack goes AWOL in the middle of the mission to try to talk somebody who's been brainwashed (kinda glad he got the crap kicked out of him for that stunt). And just in case there wasn't enough stupid to go around, once everyone is aboard their escape capsule, May spends a few seconds staring down Hive. Priorities woman! You have a critically injured agent that needs Medivac right now, establish your Badass credentials some other time.



mac123x  But overall, I liked the episode, especially with Lincoln's sacrifice for lurve being futile.


Yes, but I felt it was his choice to make. Essentially, Coulson sent a whole squad of people in to fight an unkillable foe, but wouldn't sacrifice Lincoln who he doesn't even like!? But nice to see that the sacrifice didn't pay off, though I suspect it will turnout to be of some use.



kitlee625 Does anyone else think that the doctor may have something up his sleeve?

 I did wonder if the deaths of the HYDRA guys might be deliberate, though you'd think he'd stress that his experiment was "Less than 100% certain" if that was the case. I do think he's playing his own game to undermine Hive, though I don't know if it succeeds or not. Maybe it will involve Lash and/or Lincoln in some way.

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