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Cutthroat Kitchen - General Discussion

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So...how many FN competitions shows do you have to appear on before you're relegated to the All-Star version?  This Robyn woman y'all are talking about, who is on my tv yet again right now- it seems unfair to put her up against newbies.  Yet each time I see her I don't remember her by name, just as "that annoying one."  


They need, like, a junior varsity level all-star show, I think, with all the "hey it's that guys/gals."

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I know I'm in the minority, but I've actually gotten to the point, after seeing Robyn in three shows-Chopped, CK and CC- in the last few weeks I can tolerate her, and even root for her, depending on who's competing with her. I thought the CK with the guy who knew her from Florida was a real jerk. She does seem to have some nervous tics, though. She kept moving her right shoulder up and down every so often.


Please don't hate me, guys....

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Damn... Chef Robyn has almost made a career out of appearing on food competition shows. Cutthroat Kitchen, Camp Cutthroat, Chopped, Hell's Kitchen.... What hasn't she been on?


She also was a judge (a judge!) on Food Truck Face Off, a Canadian-produced show that aired on Cooking Channel. She was a pretty good judge, by the way.

Psychobunny, I believe that ep of CCK was a repeat from just a few days prior.

If Robyn could tone down that weird "energy" she has, she would, imo, be much less annoying. On CK, she was explaining in great detail what she was doing with the food and why. Crud, she even used liquid nitrogen while making ice cream.

Of course, the fact that the guy she was competing against was someone she knew, and he was a jackass, and she didn't appear to be as derogatory as he was, helped amp up my opinion of her. However, that is strictly my two cents. :)

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They said that the Camp Cutthroat competitors were all prior contestants but then I saw Robyn on Sunday night.  Was that a rerun or were they just out of order?  Also, kudos to Alton for "I'd ask you a question but I'm afraid you'd start talking".


 I think some of the Camp Cutthroat contestants must have filmed regular episodes that haven't aired yet.  Chef Nom de Porn was on Camp Cutthroat but I don't think he's been on the regular show yet.  Seems like he's just been on Chopped.


 I wonder if they're planning another All Stars with a judges round.  I noticed they had Cat Cora on a episode, which is what they did with Zakarian before they dropped him in.

I loved this week's episode. The poor guy with the trail mix to create chili from, and Jet saying how well the beef was ground and seasoned. And that other guy in the water, thinking he saw eyes... I was waiting for a shot of a gator.

I don't agree with the choice of the winner, based on that snot-sized piece of cornbread. I think the guy who lost all of his ingredients and still made a delicious chili should have won.

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I don't know the guy might have lost all of his ingredients but the trail mix bag had everything you needed to make corn bread (which he didn't technically make) and chili. The other guy had to make chili and corn bread while trying to stay afloat in freezing cold water. I think they both had equally bad sabotages.



I have to say, I love the one with the grandmas. I wish Chef Nancy was my grandma. I also think the ending was the right one but I hated the sabotages.

Edited by corinne
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Maybe I'm overreacting, but when Alton took a bite of the gross fruit cake and then let it fall out of his mouth like a child, I was really turned off.  Alton seems to get worse with each season of whatever shows he hosts.  There was a block of Good Eats episodes on The Cooking Channel Saturday night, and it brought me back to how awesome he used to be.  I miss 'Good Eats' Alton.

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Kind of makes you wonder if the Alton we're seeing now is more like the real Alton. He reminds me of how Paula Deen was so nice and rather subdued in her early days, but the more famous she got, the more raunchy she got - like she could let the real her come out. I've read some not so nice things about Alton from people who have met him.

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Alton always seems so grouchy. He makes fun of FN programming, but he hosts the shows that he loathes so much. The money he gets must be nice.

Kind of makes you wonder if the Alton we're seeing now is more like the real Alton. He reminds me of how Paula Deen was so nice and rather subdued in her early days, but the more famous she got, the more raunchy she got - like she could let the real her come out. I've read some not so nice things about Alton from people who have met him.

Do you mind telling the stories you've read about him? I know he loves to put down a lot of people who work at FN.

Suzy, I have some vague recollections from TWoP days about people meeting him in public places - I think one have been an airport and one at one of his appearances that people paid to attend. My memory is that he was less than friendly. I realize it could get tiring for a public figure to have people approaching them, but on the other hand, seems to me a public figure would do well to be gracious to the folks who have helped them become a success in the public arena. For example, I've read accounts of Sandra Lee being absolutely lovely in public encounters.

Suzy, I have some vague recollections from TWoP days about people meeting him in public places - I think one have been an airport and one at one of his appearances that people paid to attend. My memory is that he was less than friendly. I realize it could get tiring for a public figure to have people approaching them, but on the other hand, seems to me a public figure would do well to be gracious to the folks who have helped them become a success in the public arena. For example, I've read accounts of Sandra Lee being absolutely lovely in public encounters.

He seems to have this air about him, like he is better than everyone else. He puts people down for hosting stupid shows in FN, but he is doing the same thing.

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Last nights episode really irked me.  To take away all the cheese for cheesecake, with a wheel that only has one saving grace (the bagels with cream cheese), was OTT.  The poor guy didn't have even the slightest shot in hell with scalloped potatoes.  Alton said "These potatoes contain goat cheese and ricotta cheese.  If he separates them from the potatoes, he's good to go!".  There was no way to separate the cheeses from the potatoes because it was baked into one adhesive hunk of potatoes and cheese.  I don't know, it felt like more than the usual sabotage.


Phew, needed to vent that!

Edited by cherry slushie
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I like DAG, but for these sabotages with the missing ingredients I wanted to hear a chef judge on the after show discussing more about what they would have done. He works for the comedic aspect of the show but not the scientific one.


Suzy, I have some vague recollections from TWoP days about people meeting him in public places - I think one have been an airport and one at one of his appearances that people paid to attend. My memory is that he was less than friendly.

Don't forget, Alton's the one who published a "Fanifesto" a few years ago describing the rules for approaching him in public.  (For example, no camera phones because too many people didn't know how to use them.)  He's clearly not the most approachable.


On the other hand there are good stories from people who met him at book signings, so I'm given the impression he wants to treat his career as "job" vs "off the clock".

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cooksdelight, on 12 Aug 2015 - 8:16 PM, said:cooksdelight, on 12 Aug 2015 - 8:16 PM, said:cooksdelight, on 12 Aug 2015 - 8:16 PM, said:cooksdelight, on 12 Aug 2015 - 8:16 PM, said:

If you aren't watching Camp Cutthroat tonight, you are missing the hottest thing to happen to these FN shows in years.... Emmanuel.... he's French.... sigh.....


My 11-year old daughter asked me to watch this episode with her tonight and she said "Oh, mom, that French chef's voice is sooo dreamy!"  I was thinking in my head "Yeah, and you have no idea how badly this guy crushes ass ..."          (I'll be seeing myself out now, thank you).

Edited by beesknees
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Wasn't it hilarious watching the urbane, always-under-control Geoff Zacharian making breakfast in the mini-kitchen?  He found a stockpot to flip over and sit on so he could cook.  Here's Tiny Cabin:




I am obsessed with the tiny cabin and now they trotted out an entire 2-story mini dollhouse for people to cook in?  Love!  The dollhouse's kitchen looked so small (and it was uber-narrow).  How could any adult fit in it to cook?  And then the person would some how have to jump up to the second story of the house to get in the kitchen because the kitchen was upstairs on the 2nd floor.


I had to turn the TV off so I didn't actually get to see someone navigate that dollhouse but I will try to catch the rest of that episode at some point.

Cutthroat Kitchen: Superstar Sabotage" Tournament Returns with Brand-New Roster of All-Star Competitors


The primetime event begins Wednesday, November 4, and culminates in a final showdown between the four heat winners on Wednesday, December 2, where the grand prize is awarded.


HEAT 1 (11/04/2015) : Richard Blais, Cat Cora, Melissa d'Arabian, Aarti Sequeira
Judge: Simon Majumdar


HEAT 2 (11/11/2015) : Josh Elkin, Eric Greenspan, Kelsey Nixon, Justin Warner
Judge: Antonia Lofaso


HEAT 3 (11/18/2015) : Rocco DiSpirito, Duff Goldman, Claire Robinson, Fabio Viviani
Judge: Jet Tila


HEAT 4 (11/25/2015) : Bobby Deen, Alex Guarnaschelli, Marcel Vigneron, Sherry Yard
Judge: Jet Tila

Kind of makes you wonder if the Alton we're seeing now is more like the real Alton. He reminds me of how Paula Deen was so nice and rather subdued in her early days, but the more famous she got, the more raunchy she got - like she could let the real her come out. I've read some not so nice things about Alton from people who have met him.

I think it's very easily both. Alton is cerebral and funny, but also, I suspect, an introvert and intensely private. I've enjoyed him since his "Good Eats" days but think he is only finally having fun again in CK, because it tickles his sense of humor and also requires contestants to use their skills as well as their brains to figure out the best solutions. His commentaries are rewarding and he's often very hands-on and willing to give hints to contestants when he does so (which they almost always ignore! so funny and weird!).


Alton always seems so grouchy. He makes fun of FN programming, but he hosts the shows that he loathes so much. The money he gets must be nice.

Do you mind telling the stories you've read about him? I know he loves to put down a lot of people who work at FN.

I know people who have met him under intense working conditions as far back as the first season of The Next Iron Chef, and the worst they could say was that he was quiet, standoffish, and grumpy if approached unawares. Under the best, he was generous and kind. So I don't mind any of this. He became a FN star under a completely different era, and even uses the same rules for media coverage as fans. He simply doesn't like people messing with him or surprising him. I'm okay with that. It doesn't make him a bad person. He entertains me and that's enough. To me, his job is done when the show is taped.


He seems to have this air about him, like he is better than everyone else. He puts people down for hosting stupid shows in FN, but he is doing the same thing.

I don't think he thinks he's better than everyone else. I think he knows he's smart -- and probably smarter than most (thank goodness, the world needs more of 'em), he's sick of 100 people per day accosting him, every single one going, "But I watch you on FN! That means I own you!" etc.


I just don't necessarily agree that people who work on TV or film are owned by the viewers 24/7. No one would hold up well under such circumstances. So if Alton is a private person, I'm fine with that. I still think he's one of FN's smartest and most interesting personalities and I'm always going to be a fan. Honestly, sometimes his grumpiness (translated as his unwillingness to suffer fools lightly) is even a plus to me. (I adored him on FN Star for precisely those reasons -- he was consistently the best and most helpful mentor to contestants, and his occasional frustration with FN was evident to the eye. What's not to love?)


I like DAG, but for these sabotages with the missing ingredients I wanted to hear a chef judge on the after show discussing more about what they would have done. He works for the comedic aspect of the show but not the scientific one.


Don't forget, Alton's the one who published a "Fanifesto" a few years ago describing the rules for approaching him in public.  (For example, no camera phones because too many people didn't know how to use them.)  He's clearly not the most approachable.


On the other hand there are good stories from people who met him at book signings, so I'm given the impression he wants to treat his career as "job" vs "off the clock".


Alton has been very public with the media and with fans on how he wishes to be approached. I have no problem with it. Social Media has meant a world in which all intrusions are OK or people are "mean" or "grumpy." I have friends in media, gossip, film etc., and some of their encounters have meant nobody was happy (I'm including the wonderful and famously patient Tom Hanks among those who were "grumpy" or "mean" just so you take me seriously). Again, I just don't agree that a celeb who isn't a fan of "yes please accost me now for phone pictures and 15 minutes of discussion in the middle of my private dinner" means they're pure evil. 


Meanwhile, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed Camp Cutthroat, which I just watched as a guilty pleasure while working, and I loved almost everything except that I wished there hadn't been so many 10-minute time-sucks. Other than that, it was adorable and tons of fun. Chef DeMarco proclaiming (with every bit of false cheeriness he could muster) "I love the water" in the finale was so funny and so awesome. I loved everyone and was fine with whoever won.


Also, if you aren't checking out the "After" shows, you're really missing out. Alton occasionally puts the judges through the actual challenges, and some even change their tunes about who they eliminated. Lots of fun. 

Edited by paramitch
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I just don't necessarily agree that people who work on TV or film are owned by the viewers 24/7. No one would hold up well under such circumstances. So if Alton is a private person, I'm fine with that. 

Agreed, I think these expectations are a negative aspect of our current society.  Actually I've theorized that we didn't evolve with the concept of celebrity. Historically if you knew who someone was, they knew you too. So seeing a celebrity triggers the "friend" receptors in our subconscious and we expect them to act as such.


On the other hand, I also heard an interesting bit of trivia about Louis C.K. He doesn't take pictures with fans, but instead says "but I'd be happy to have a five-minute conversation with you."  And people tend to respond with something like "oh, um, thanks but I'm in a hurry". So that certainly says something about fandom if people want a souvenir but not a connection.


Back on topic: I thought the Halloween episode was hilarious with Simon in a different costume each time. But I don't know why they played it so early in the month. It made me wonder if it's from last year, except that the listings put it under the current one.

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Damn...Chef Robyn has almost made a career out of appearing on food competition shows. Cutthroat Kitchen, Camp Cutthroat, Chopped, Hell's Kitchen...what hasn't she been on? Of course, I could say the same about Chef Emmanuel, but he's A LOT more tolerable.



....And he's smoking hot, too, which doesn't hurt, to put it mildly.

Edited by DollEyes
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I'm a Food Net addict, and I always wonder "where have I seen him/her before?"  My default answer is Chopped.


I agree - I liked the guy and I'm glad he won.


BTW - Cutthroat came in for a lot of criticism when it premiered, but it's one of my favorite shows.  A lot of other shows have gotten so gloomy with the sob stories, and I love seeing a chef run around the kitchen dressed as a blueberry.

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I'm glad I'm not the only fan of this show.  I've seen so many criticisms that it's just stupid and granted some challenges are but I love to see how the chefs can innovate to overcome obstacles and I also like when Alton tells us how to solve some of them (like the baking in a paper bag where he suggested filling it partway with flour before pouring in the batter and baking it).

They really blew the shell game this time, though.  The three coconuts were clearly not identical so I knew which one had the clam chowder, which seemed to me to be the easiest of the three substitutions.  Also, was there a rule that they had to have tomato sauce with their stuffed shells?  If not, someone could certainly prepare theirs with a cheese or pesto sauce instead.

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I don't believe I'm typing this but Blais did not annoy me as much as he usually does. When he

is a judge on shows, he seems to be trying SO hard to come up with witty quips...but during CC, he was rather amusing. He actually made me chuckle with his love for the suit of armour...before he had to wear it, of course.  That dessert he made looked yummy! 


I like the all stars--I'm not looking forward to Justin Whatshisface, but I will watch the episodes. I like that they do it for charity and stuff. 

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I'm not looking forward to Justin Warner either.




He is such a little...everything, heh, and he really is off putting to me. I wonder if he'll feel the need to try and impress "Daddy Alton" being on his show specifically. Hopefully he will end up the first to go, just clear the air straightaway.


I didn't mind the bunch last night.


I knew Melissa was screwed from the get go, she was so far out of her league it almost seemed cruel, so I wasn't worried she'd hang around, Arti was just a filler choice to come in third, and I just figured it'd be Cora and Rich at the end, especially since she was his mentor once upon a time. 


He has always been hit or miss with me considering his personality, more misses than anything, but I did find him tolerable and actually entertaining. The food looked quite good and interesting and he got some pretty strong sabotages as well.


I think it was clear he really enjoyed the challenge of being forced to think on his feet and having to push himself each and every round to find solutions. 

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Chefs, especially at this level, should be ashamed of themselves for being so small-minded and outdated with their "tofu is gross" attitudes. It's called cornstarch, breading, and/or marinade, chefs. It's not hard.


I've always loved Blais for how excited, inventive, and talented about food he is, which is why he immediately knew what to do with the tofu. I love that he did it justice with his attempt at Ma Po Tofu. Also very impressive how he worked around the sabotages for his angel food cake.

Edited by anonymiss
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Like you guys I've never been thrilled with Blais as host or judge, but I was impressed by him as competitor. He knew his ingredients and tools, and even featured my favorite thing: Stupid Microwave Tricks. (Last seen in Grandma-tage.)  The show is really at it's best when someone can match Alton on his knowledge of food science.

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Like you guys I've never been thrilled with Blais as host or judge, but I was impressed by him as competitor. He knew his ingredients and tools, and even featured my favorite thing: Stupid Microwave Tricks. (Last seen in Grandma-tage.)  The show is really at it's best when someone can match Alton on his knowledge of food science.



I truly believe that is Alton's favourite type of contestant as well; someone who is not only skilled but also unafraid to try all sorts of off the wall solutions or tricks to tackle and tame whatever challenge is thrown their way. 


Alton has this really devious mad scientist way about him, imo, and when he meets a kindred spirit he really seems to enjoy watching them at work, especially when he commends them and says they're doing something he might try or attempt.

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Right there with you, mlp.  This episode had me cracking up.  I can't believe Air Force just did a scrambled egg with the steak for the first challenge..at least Marine tried something a little different with the Hollendaise.   I wish he hadn't gone out first.  


I loved the Private Bob sabotage...this was a totally fun episode. 

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I loved the military episode just over although I hated to see the Marines go out first.  James looked very familiar.  I wonder if he's been on Chopped.  Brad is hilarious.  I've added him to my fantasy Komedy Kitchen with Yaku and Sammy.



I thought it was a blast, heh, and I really got a kick out of Brad as well, he was quite a character. I thought he and the navy chef were both deserving to go through to the end and really both did well enough to win, but since it was Antonia judging I had a feeling she'd feel overly sweet was a bigger flaw with a dessert than too much booze, heh.


I have always enjoyed the military episodes on this show more than any other for some reason, I guess because it really allows them to tap into their fighting spirits, but they also remain respectful of each other, mostly, while being extremely competitive and, pun intended, cutthroat.


Brad talking abut his PTSD at the end was very touching, especially with seeing the big guy tear up and get emotional while encouraging others that they too can overcome it and continue on with their lives. I thought it was a great Veterans Day special. Makes me wish they'd been playing for double the money.



I loved the Private Bob sabotage...this was a totally fun episode.




I think that sabotage was one of the best of the whole season, heh, but really who gives it to the 20 year army vet? That's his wheelhouse, barking orders and giving directions, especially to the scared and fearful. And apparently Private Bob had skills, not surprisingly.

Edited by CPP83
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