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House Hunters International - General Discussion

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Loved the couple moving to Panama, especially the writer who eschewed all forms of exercise and liked "her wine".  More real people like this please, HHI.


I was laughing so hard when she said at the end that she could sit outside for 5 or 6 hours and write her book while Trish "kayaked to...another country or something.."

Trish and Greta in Panama were a real treat!

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Those two were possibly my all-time favorite HHI people.  I was laughing over the comments they were making, and it was such a nice change of pace not to have the heavy false drama that the producers usually inject into the show.  It was like they just turned the camera loose on those two and let the show go wherever they took it.


Definitely check out that link that sandwoman posted!


Looks like Greta is self-publishing her books: http://www.bizapedia.com/ky/LOEUF-PUBLISHING-COMPANY.html

Edited by DownTheShore
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I loved the Louisville to Panama episode.  Greta's comment about not liking being a teacher was funny as were their comments about living in SE Asia.  We have often wondered about people moving to far away places with great expectations for life there and questioned whether it worked out for them.  Here are two people who can attest to the fact that it isn't all that they hoped.  Yes, I would like to have them as neighbors.

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WTF with the surfer dude moving to Bali???  I absolutely hated his girlfriend.  He needs to drop her right away.  Who the hell did she think she was when she didn't even live with him telling him he had to have a house with a pool.  The guy doesn't even have a job and only has $10,000 to his name so why does he need a villa with a pool and more than one bathroom?  OMG I hated her so much.  Dude!!!!

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I just saw the NYC - to - Costa Rica and opening a B&B couple. I don't know, I don't see that ending well, a couple with absolutely zero experience in hotels or hospitality deciding to move to another country and invest their life savings in a B & B. Maybe I watch too much Hotel Impossible but I am already imaging the intervention with Anthony Melchiorri trying to explain to them what a maintenance schedule is and that guests don't like sleeping on moldy pillows. On the other hand, they seemed like nice people (apart from naming their daughter - what was it, Julep? They were calling her JuJu anyway which is weird IMO) so I wish them luck.

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I was amazed they were spending $1M on a B&B in a foreign country with their first baby on the way.  Since it wasn't some kind of life long dream, I wonder how they came up with the idea.  B&B's are a lot of work, aren't they?  It sounds like a lot of work to me.


I liked the one they chose.  It seemed like a fun kind of place to live

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B&Bs are a lot of work. I think people see it as a way to bring in high income and meet all sorts of people, but don't think a whole lot about all the cooking for, cleaning up after, accommodating tourists who might expect top-rate service 24/7. And she has a newborn? He had that unique life philosophy that "you only live once" and he's going for it. Well, good luck getting any time on that bicycle or spending more time with your family.

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Just watched an older episode of an American couple moving to Hong Kong. The woman was of Chinese descent, but had always lived in the US.   They were obsessed with their dog, Lucy. The realtor kept explaining that pet dogs weren't really a "thing" in Hong Kong (insert obvious joke), that dog parks were rare, etc.  They focused on which apartment Lucy would like, and in the closing shot, the female HH was at a yoga class. With the dog.  FFS.

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WTF with the surfer dude moving to Bali???  I absolutely hated his girlfriend.  He needs to drop her right away.  Who the hell did she think she was when she didn't even live with him telling him he had to have a house with a pool.  The guy doesn't even have a job and only has $10,000 to his name so why does he need a villa with a pool and more than one bathroom?  OMG I hated her so much.  Dude!!!!



Oh, I know!  Within about two minutes I wanted to punch that little girl.  She's dated him for two months and now he's moving to Bali and she thinks she should have a major say on where he lives, pushes his budget way over because of what she wants, and just generally has an entitled spoiled air about her that just makes me stabby.  He seems like such a good kid, and she's latched on to him like a lamprey. Hated her.  I hope his life works out for him. He's not fully mature yet and his own mother must be going crazy watching him make these decisions from afar. I know I would be.  


If you're interested, their actual story was much different than what tptb filmed.  It was discussed extensively, upthread, after the episode's initial airing.  No, he's definitely not slaving away at some little factory.  Surfer dude is well-known within those circles and the couple had been together for much longer, IIRC. 


In fact, they were living together in another pad, i.e. not the place that was filmed.  (Guess the episode's unique, given that factoid.)  He had retired and was working in pr, along with her brother.  IIRC, the episode was essentially bought and paid for as Bali travel marketing.


JMHO, from my memory of what they'd posted on social media ... tptb produced a little drama on that episode, right? 

Edited by BearCat49
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Thanks Bearcat.  I had no idea.  Instead of just some small tweaking by the producers this one was a full on swerve with no part of the episode true except for how the villas looked.


I agree with Andyourlittledog2 in that she sucked me in too.  Maybe she was a really good actress but the producers made her look pretty bad in the episode and remember it's not just our little group that are watching..there are millions that do NOT know the real story behind it.

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I really enjoyed the couple moving to Panama. They seemed genuine and it was neat seeing them adjust their expectations. Also, they had a funny dynamic, go-with-the-flow Trish and very vocal Greta.  I found this little article about them http://insiderlouisville.com/lifestyle_culture/louisville-couple-featured-hgtv-house-hunters-international/.   I hope they enjoy their adventure!


Thanks for locating this article, sandwoman on the Panama episode.  Don't know why but the link doesn't work - it comes up "page not found".  Am pretty sure (??) this is the same article:



Edited by BearCat49
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Those two were possibly my all-time favorite HHI people.  I was laughing over the comments they were making, and it was such a nice change of pace not to have the heavy false drama that the producers usually inject into the show.  It was like they just turned the camera loose on those two and let the show go wherever they took it.


Definitely check out that link that sandwoman posted!


Looks like Greta is self-publishing her books: http://www.bizapedia.com/ky/LOEUF-PUBLISHING-COMPANY.html


Oh, IMHO it had its fair share of false drama, according to the Louisville article's information.  I believe the difference was that it was basically lighthearted and inconsequential for the primary purpose of moving the story along within its allotted 22 minutes of air time.  And that's fine - it's necessary within the constraints of a reality television program.


If we compared it to the Bali episode, besides possibly demonstrating 2 extremes (!), the Bali episode inserted false drama for both promotional and other unknown purposes, appearing to falsify the story to an extreme level for even more press and pr.  (Incidentally, in the islands, locals employed in factories pretty much never live in the types of vacation villas toured during the Bali episode!)


WRT the two Louisville/Panama women, however, I can't blame them for calling a little attention to the "murder book", lol.

Edited by BearCat49
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I don't know, I don't see that ending well, a couple with absolutely zero experience in hotels or hospitality deciding to move to another country and invest their life savings in a B & B.


They didn't invest their life savings, the million came from the sale of their NYC apartment.  They were going to use other funds for start up, renovation and staff costs.

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HHI Chicago to Sao Paulo, Brazil


Two Americans. She spent most of her life in Japan. He's spent his life living in Chicago. She said something you don't hear a lot of people say on this show. I paraphrase:


SHE (speaking of the one-bedroom apartment as opposed to the other two-bedroom apartments) : Well, we're all the way down here, there won't be many people visiting us anyway.


I got the feeling that this couple resisted all the criticizing and unreasonable demands that HH undoubtedly encourages in its participants.


I wonder if they ever quit filming when a couple fails to go along with the script?

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Even though I know that everything is scripted, I still get sucked into the drama all the time and treat the show as if it was a soap opera, talking to the screen, telling the people what to do and pointing out when they're being stupid.


Though I'm sort of tired of the various missionaries-in-disguise couples who drag their kids off to some third-world country to supposedly "experience other cultures".  Those I tend to watch with a sort of morbid fascination, i.e., to what primitive housekeeping level will the wife allow the family to sink to, just to allow her husband to fulfill his dream of whatever brought them to that particular country?

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To me, this show is best watched just going along with what is depicted and not focusing on the scripted aspect of the show. It's just that the repetitive "angles" get tiresome. It's OCD. It's weird idiosyncrasies. It's wanting homes with architectures that aren't the style of the region. People seem to overwhelmingly like the Panama couple. And why? Because they were normal people with a sense of humor.


The Chicago to Sao Paulo were not humorous, but they approached the hunt like adults.


Maybe that's the thing. We need more adult behavior on this show.

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What we really need are people who are actually hunting for houses to live in.  Not ones who have already been living in the country for months or years.  Not people who are only going to be renting for the duration of a spouse's short-term employment.  Not people who've already put money down on a place and everything else is just a ringer.


I want people who've done their homework on the country they're moving to.  I want them to ask, when they're viewing an apartment to buy, "Does this building have roaches?", "Where are we supposed to do our laundry?", "Who keeps the halls and stairways clean?" and "What are the city services regarding garbage collection?"


I want people who aren't looking for a place close to bars and restaurants.


Or, if they are renting and they're having a hard time compromising on the location, I want one of them to say, "well, the lease is only for a year so if you really don't like it, we'll find someplace else when the lease is up".

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What about the couple moving to the Virgin Islands because they liked it there. She was going to waitress and he was going to study for his CPA and not work. They had very little money. They were just going there because they liked it and figured they could rent out their houses and home and have a little extra to live on. The budget was terrible for St. Thomas, around $900 a month. The husband says "Of course there has to be amenities like stainless steel applicance and granite countertops"- it was so silly and such a bizarre thing to say. I wonder did the producers force him to say it? He looked a little strange when he was saying it. I mean they were not buying and they knew their budget was awful  He was not going to be working. The wife let us know several times that SHE would be paying the rent. Then he made a big stink about how on a "study break" he's have to drive 5 minutes to the beach, GET out of the Car, and walk from the parking lot to the beach! This was going to be a big hardship...Such a weird episode. 

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Then he made a big stink about how on a "study break" he's have to drive 5 minutes to the beach, GET out of the Car, and walk from the parking lot to the beach! This was going to be a big hardship...Such a weird episode.


I didn't see the episode, but...you're on an island with a 5 minute drive to the beach, so just get a bicycle and enjoy the trip!

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He'd have to drive in St. Thomas. It's treacherous enough for cars.


I couldn't believe this idiot's protests about having to drive and get out of the car. Talk about clueless.


That episode was ridiculous, I agree with everyone else. It's as though this couple did no research in advance on the island. Being a tourist is one thing, you'd have ready access to an okay resort beach. But access to the best beaches requires a drive. The island's a whopping 13 miles long, 4 feet wide.


It kills me how so many Americans/statesiders go to these tropical places with a sort of Peace Corp attitude, as though their presence will bring new enlightenment, services, and help to the "locals". 

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From what I heard in the exchange with her parents, they didn't think much of their idea to quit their jobs and move to a place where she had only vacationed.  There had to be more to this episode than met the eye.  Of course, that's the case with most of this show, but this episode especially.  This one reminded me of one about a year ago where the wife/girlfriend was going to vet school at a university in that area and her boyfriend/husband was going along for the "free" vacation while she was in school and she was financing everything with student loans.     

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Thanks Bearcat.  I had no idea.  Instead of just some small tweaking by the producers this one was a full on swerve with no part of the episode true except for how the villas looked.


I agree with Andyourlittledog2 in that she sucked me in too.  Maybe she was a really good actress but the producers made her look pretty bad in the episode and remember it's not just our little group that are watching..there are millions that do NOT know the real story behind it.


Any time, you're welcome, NYGirl.  Agree, that one goes beyond the pale WRT the fakery.


I'm amazed at the millions who remain sucked in by reality television.  It's one thing to play along with the drama for fun but to believe that everything is true "reality", wow!  My fave comment was when the HH casting team indicated that potential participants call them and ask to sign up so HH can "help them find them a house"!  Say, what?  That function is performed by a "casting" agency for a reason.

They didn't invest their life savings, the million came from the sale of their NYC apartment.  They were going to use other funds for start up, renovation and staff costs.


Without reviewing their personal balance sheet, it's tough to say definitively if they invested their "life savings".  For many people, however, their equity in a home is their life savings.


B&B's are tough, as mentioned upthread and I agree - good luck spending time with that beautiful baby.  There's a reason that B&B's are readily available for purchase!

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HHI Chicago to Sao Paulo, Brazil


Two Americans. She spent most of her life in Japan. He's spent his life living in Chicago. She said something you don't hear a lot of people say on this show. I paraphrase:


SHE (speaking of the one-bedroom apartment as opposed to the other two-bedroom apartments) : Well, we're all the way down here, there won't be many people visiting us anyway.


I got the feeling that this couple resisted all the criticizing and unreasonable demands that HH undoubtedly encourages in its participants.


I wonder if they ever quit filming when a couple fails to go along with the script?


Rerun so it's been awhile since I saw that episode.  For some reason I remember it as boring.  I do remember them criticizing their choices, somehow.


Good question - have wondered about that, myself.  From participant accounts, it's sounded as if they wear people down with the long filming days and pressure.  These people just want to get it over with so they utter the standard lines to finish up.


From what I've heard, the contract's tough so I'm sure they've relinquished all creative control to tptb.  I can see the camera crew continuing to try and get the shot.  IMHO, the participants would be more likely to try to quit!


Anybody have more information about the details of the standard contract?  Someone mentioned on one of the threads that their friend passed on participating based on the fact that they needed to bring in their attorney to review it!  (Or after their attorney reviewed it!)  I suspect they could incur some penalty if/when they walked out during filming.

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Even though I know that everything is scripted, I still get sucked into the drama all the time and treat the show as if it was a soap opera, talking to the screen, telling the people what to do and pointing out when they're being stupid.


Though I'm sort of tired of the various missionaries-in-disguise couples who drag their kids off to some third-world country to supposedly "experience other cultures".  Those I tend to watch with a sort of morbid fascination, i.e., to what primitive housekeeping level will the wife allow the family to sink to, just to allow her husband to fulfill his dream of whatever brought them to that particular country?


If you enjoy the drama, good for you, DownTheShore!  Personally, I try to ignore it and don't get overly excited at the idiocy and repetitive plots.  I enjoy the scenery, local color and real estate.


The missionaries annoy me, too!  Wish tptb would relax and get over that one and simply fess up their true reason for relocating.  It's fine with me (and I understand) their desire to avoid disclosure of each family's particular religion but they could simply admit they're missionaries.

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Michigan to Guam. Pilot and former airline scheduler plus 7 year old daughter. Wife kept going on about not wanting to 'maintain' a large home. They looked at 2 and 3 bedroom condos. The 3rd bedroom was way too much house for her. Eye roll. And why does the daughter need to be home schooled? Easier to make friends in a new place thought school. Wife was a pill.

I loved on Guam for 4 years. The public schools are worse than anything you'd come across in American inner-cities. If I moved back to Guam (would like to one day) and my kiddo was school age, I'd homeschool her too.
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I loved on Guam for 4 years. The public schools are worse than anything you'd come across in American inner-cities. If I moved back to Guam (would like to one day) and my kiddo was school age, I'd homeschool her too.


IIRC, the issues with the schools were discussed upthread, after the episode's initial airing.

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What we really need are people who are actually hunting for houses to live in.  Not ones who have already been living in the country for months or years.  Not people who are only going to be renting for the duration of a spouse's short-term employment.  Not people who've already put money down on a place and everything else is just a ringer.


I want people who've done their homework on the country they're moving to.  I want them to ask, when they're viewing an apartment to buy, "Does this building have roaches?", "Where are we supposed to do our laundry?", "Who keeps the halls and stairways clean?" and "What are the city services regarding garbage collection?"


I want people who aren't looking for a place close to bars and restaurants.


Or, if they are renting and they're having a hard time compromising on the location, I want one of them to say, "well, the lease is only for a year so if you really don't like it, we'll find someplace else when the lease is up".

I do agree, DownTheShore.


I have to give tptb credit for one thing.  Have noticed over the past year (according to participant blogs or other objective information, e.g. linked in) or so that fewer participants have already lived in the episode's location for the previous x number of months or even years.  It's more common these days that the move date actually corresponds (within a month or two) with the filming date.  Gives me the impression that they're receiving more casting applications and have less need to fake that part of the story.


WRT short-term rentals while one of the spouses performs a s/t assignment for their employer, that situation is so common for U.S. expats that I'm sure we'll continue seeing them on HHI.  And, WRT those who've placed deposits, I'm sure they require that for the same reason HH participants must have previously closed escrow, i.e. tptb don't want to invest $$$ filming in a remote location only to have someone change their mind and decide not to move. 


I'm sure many and probably most of the participants have done far more homework on the locations than tptb share with us.  In their defense, they can't squeeze all their information into 22 minutes of television.  It's just easier for them, IMHO, to select a few themes and repeat them during the episode.  (Yes, like a soap opera, they do repeat and repeat and ...)  And don't ask me why but for some reason, tptb believe that viewers prefer the illusion of nightly clubbing in local bars and restaurant than dealing with roaches and garbage collection, lol. 


Also, if they simply acknowledge that the homework was completed, they can't film the process.  For example, think of the silly scenes aired with some househunter walking into a government agency and immediately, presto, receiving a green card or other papers!  Isn't that far more exciting for us stupid viewers than simply explaining that the participant spent x number of months prior to moving securing all the necessary paperwork?  Hahahahaha ...


I wish they could inject more actual reality into the process, too.  Unfortunately, nothing succeeds like success.  So, tptb will continue using the same tropes, treating viewers in the same fashion, until ratings suffer.  So far, it doesn't sound as if that's happened.  And, if/when it does, can they conduct focus groups to determine the actual cause?  And, would that cause ratings to suffer?  So far, tptb get away with repeating the same plots, ad nauseum.


So, we'll see.  Hopefully, at least a few viewers will vote with their remotes, soon!


All of the above is JMHO.

Edited by BearCat49
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I saw that Virgin Islands episode and thought that couple was strange - strange beyond what scripting usually does to the participants.  I was thinking to myself, "you can't get a part-time job while you're studying for your CPA and help out with the costs?"  If you've got enough time during the day to go to the beach, you can put in a few hours of work and pull your weight.


It just seemed like he wanted her to support him in the style to which he thinks he should be accustomed.


Driving around the twisty island roads can be a pain in the neck, but hey, it isn't NYC rush-hour traffic and the surroundings are much more visibly pleasing even if you're stuck in traffic.

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I loved on Guam for 4 years. The public schools are worse than anything you'd come across in American inner-cities. If I moved back to Guam (would like to one day) and my kiddo was school age, I'd homeschool her too.

Not too long ago, I read an extensive article about Guam. IIRC, it's a pretty poverty-stricken island. I was surprised because it didn't seem to be as well off as its Caribbean counterpart, Puerto Rico.


As for this being a rerun, I think if a show has recently aired, one does not have to review the entire board for previous comments to ensure being up to date with board discussions. Chances are, if the episode is new to you, it's new to others, too.

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Regarding the desire for actual house hunters to be on the show:


I'll need someone to help me with this, but I seem to remember very early episodes- can't remember if it was the domestic or international version- where the couples were doing actual hunting. I also seem to remember very few deals actually done.Conclusions where "the couple continues to search for their perfect home", and lines to that effect. I always thought that the format was changed to cast people already under contract in order to have a house that was "chosen" at the end of the episode.


If anyone remembers this period of the show, please chime in. Especially if you remember it differently, lol!

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Not too long ago, I read an extensive article about Guam. IIRC, it's a pretty poverty-stricken island. I was surprised because it didn't seem to be as well off as its Caribbean counterpart, Puerto Rico.


As for this being a rerun, I think if a show has recently aired, one does not have to review the entire board for previous comments to ensure being up to date with board discussions. Chances are, if the episode is new to you, it's new to others, too.


Do you have a cite for the Guam article you mentioned, mojito?


WRT reruns and posting, I am unaware that posters "have to" or must review the entire board and be up to date on previous board discussions prior to posting about a rerun.  Have never heard that - was it previously posted?  Do you have a cite for that, too?  I've heard of other boards suggesting that posters review a certain number of pages to avoid excessive duplication.  Was such a rule mentioned in a previous post (please quote it, if possible) or mod posting?  Or, can you reference the board rules, please?


You said, "if a show has recently aired" - did you mean the initial air date or rerun date?  If the episode is new to me but actually a rerun, personally, I would appreciate knowing that.  Then, if I was particularly interested in that location, I could easily pull previous posts for information.  Otherwise, I wouldn't know to search upthread.  It'd be nice to learn add'l tidbits of info from other posters who may or may not be currently active on the boards.


In fact, to test that practice, I did a search using the icon (top right) and previous posts appeared in approximately 1/2 of a second, literally.  Nice to learn that the entire board need not be searched as you indicated - not that I previously thought that was required.


I am unaware of any restrictions on posting vis-a-vis reruns.  Again, please provide a cite to either a previous post or board rules.  It's my understanding that posters may post at will.  I hope they do because additional opinions are always welcome - at least IMHO.


Incidentally, I can't even remember which episode you're referring to, lol.  Guess I need to read back in the thread, myself!   If you can provide a previous post or other information, it'd jog my memory.  Gee, hope the board doesn't have a quiz, later!       hahahaha ...

Edited by BearCat49
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Regarding the desire for actual house hunters to be on the show:


I'll need someone to help me with this, but I seem to remember very early episodes- can't remember if it was the domestic or international version- where the couples were doing actual hunting. I also seem to remember very few deals actually done.Conclusions where "the couple continues to search for their perfect home", and lines to that effect. I always thought that the format was changed to cast people already under contract in order to have a house that was "chosen" at the end of the episode.


If anyone remembers this period of the show, please chime in. Especially if you remember it differently, lol!


I don't go back to Day 1 (except for HHI) although it's closer than I care to admit, TVForever but haven't ever seen episodes that failed to result in a transaction.  Can't remember what season they were actually on but am curious if they experienced production problems during their HH S1 so they changed their casting criteria. 


Also, in the early days, perhaps they had difficulties finding sufficient participants so their rules weren't as stringent.  Or, they may have aired fewer episodes, pending the ratings.  Fortunately for tptb, HH is extremely cheap to produce.  At that time they filmed in the LA area, only, IIRC.  (Yep, I go back that far!)   


Because it was a spin-off, I don't believe they ever filmed w/o finalizing a transaction on HHI.  By that time, their procedures were set, IMHO.  They did, however, engage in other types of fakery on HHI but that's another story!


Incidentally, it's my understanding that the casting agency requires that escrow must have actually closed, i.e. the sale must have been consummated / finalized and title transferred.  Many RE deals that are "under contract" fall out of bed for one reason or another, failing to result in a sale.


BTW, is it possible you're thinking of a HH clone?  For example, Property Virgins, another HGTV series, plans for either 1 or 2 "no sales" per season, simply to spice things up.


All, JMHO and to the extent IRC.

Edited by BearCat49
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There was definitely one, in California, maybe a military couple? where they didn't wind up in the house at the end. Something happened at the closing and the whole thing fell through. But that was one rarity. Does anyone else remember? Maybe it was before they required that you were actually already in the house and you just had to have a solid contract. 

Edited by Bellalisa
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He'd have to drive in St. Thomas. It's treacherous enough for cars.


I couldn't believe this idiot's protests about having to drive and get out of the car. Talk about clueless.



It kills me how so many Americans/statesiders go to these tropical places with a sort of Peace Corp attitude, as though their presence will bring new enlightenment, services, and help to the "locals". 

In fact, I watched another Virgin Island episode, in which the guy was going to start a business but he didn't know what business. At one point he said "I want to be able to start a business that will improve people lives..or deliver a service that will help people have better lives" or some such crap. I thought- no dude, you want to start a business that is going to make a profit!  The music on that episode was so weird. I never notice the music. When she walked out onto the balcony in this one house with this great view it was all like - AAAHHHHHHH- I've seen the light - God is great--type of music (I don't know how to describe how the music was in writing) but it was so overdone and even funny like the editors were having fun with her---

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At that time they filmed in the LA area, only, IIRC.  (Yep, I go back that far!)

Remember how, when they were in the LA area, they initially didn't tell you the price of the homes? I wonder if there was some kind of restriction, because when they started venturing out of state, they would quote home prices. Once they started quoting the prices of homes in CA, I'll bet millions of people felt better about their dinky 1000 sq ft homes, which cost $300K less and wasn't next to the airport or didn't come with bars on the windows.



At one point he said "I want to be able to start a business that will improve people lives..or deliver a service that will help people have better lives" or some such crap.

And prayers of thanks were offered throughout the islands because their savior had arrived. That's probably where that angel music you heard came from.


I just saw an episode where the couple moved to Ecuador. For their $300 budget, they found a grungy place in town. For $400, they found a nicer place in town. The husband balked at the price and then asked for a place near the ocean! This was the first episode that I recall seeing where it was suggested that this couple get a roommate, and they did.

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I also seem to remember very few deals actually done.


There were certainly early episodes in the domestic version where the couple didn't buy a house, but they weren't the majority.  I can't say for sure that it has never happened in the international version; there have been a couple "buy land and build" conclusions.

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Hello everyone, I'm new to the HHI forum and relatively new to HH and the other HGTV forums (thanks again, DownTheShore, for the recommendation.


Pretty much all my HHI-specific comments have already been made by you smart people here.


I do have one quibble-comment. In one of the Paris episodes, Adrian showed the woman-buyer all three apartments in the Marais. And of course they were very pricey.  In a previous episode, she had steered the buyer to the bordering 11th arrondissement, saying it was getting very hip and popular but was cheaper than the Marais. So why didn't she show the poor Marais-only woman any apartments in the 11th, where she would have gotten more for her money but still have been near cool restaurants, shops, etc.? The woman hadn't specified that she wanted the Marais.

Edited by Apprentice Ilisidi
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well the reason the realtor didn't so that is because it is all fake. She wasn't actually showing the woman property to rent. The woman was already living in one of them and the other two properties they showed were either what they could scrape up for filming And/Or what would make for an interesting fake story. 

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Remember how, when they were in the LA area, they initially didn't tell you the price of the homes? I wonder if there was some kind of restriction, because when they started venturing out of state, they would quote home prices. Once they started quoting the prices of homes in CA, I'll bet millions of people felt better about their dinky 1000 sq ft homes, which cost $300K less and wasn't next to the airport or didn't come with bars on the windows.


And prayers of thanks were offered throughout the islands because their savior had arrived. That's probably where that angel music you heard came from.


I just saw an episode where the couple moved to Ecuador. For their $300 budget, they found a grungy place in town. For $400, they found a nicer place in town. The husband balked at the price and then asked for a place near the ocean! This was the first episode that I recall seeing where it was suggested that this couple get a roommate, and they did.



In the early days of HH, some of us viewers believed tptb were attempting to protect participants' privacy.  We assumed that by the time they'd started filming out of state that they'd realized that both listing prices and closed home sales figures are published and viewers researched them.  We also assumed they realized viewers wanted that info so they stopped hiding it.  BTW, never heard if our assumptions were correct.


IIRC, they've had a few roommate situations, recently.  It might have been a couple episodes filmed in the Marshall Islands.  Anyone remember?

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There were certainly early episodes in the domestic version where the couple didn't buy a house, but they weren't the majority.  I can't say for sure that it has never happened in the international version; there have been a couple "buy land and build" conclusions.


Land deals have occurred recently, too.  If their casting procedure was followed, then tptb would have required that the participants had already closed on that property / committed to that decision, prior to the inception of filming.  It's not the type of RE that matters but the fact that tptb require consummation of a transaction so they don't waste time and production $$$, using a camera crew on an unresolved housing search.  

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In response to a question upthread, no, there is no "15/15" rule (about reading recent posts before posting in order to avoid repetition) here as there was at TWoP.


Thanks for the info, Bastet.  News to me that an unidentified poster stated the entire thread must be reviewed!  Ouch!

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IIRC, the issues with the schools were discussed upthread, after the episode's initial airing.

I commented to the poster who was being responded to in the above post that it was not necessary to backtrack posts, that it was okay to make a comment on a show recently aired, regardless of whether or not the show was a rerun. And what followed....well, you can see for yourself.

Edited by mojito
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Hello everyone, I'm new to the HHI forum and relatively new to HH and the other HGTV forums (thanks again, DownTheShore, for the recommendation.


Pretty much all my HHI-specific comments have already been made by you smart people here.


I do have one quibble-comment. In one of the Paris episodes, Adrian showed the woman-buyer all three apartments in the Marais. And of course they were very pricey.  In a previous episode, she had steered the buyer to the bordering 11th arrondissement, saying it was getting very hip and popular but was cheaper than the Marais. So why didn't she show the poor Marais-only woman any apartments in the 11th, where she would have gotten more for her money but still have been near cool restaurants, shops, etc.? The woman hadn't specified that she wanted the Marais.



well the reason the realtor didn't so that is because it is all fake. She wasn't actually showing the woman property to rent. The woman was already living in one of them and the other two properties they showed were either what they could scrape up for filming And/Or what would make for an interesting fake story. 


Not sure which episodes you're referring to ApprenticeIlidisi but Bellalisa's correct, IMHO - it's not an actual house hunt.  Show participants frequently tour properties that weren't available during their actual, previous RL house hunt.  In fact, depending on the plot, as Bellalisa mentioned, that neighborhood may not have even been considered during their RL house hunt. 


Filming dates may vary, too between the episodes in question, given the numerous reruns aired by tptb.  If so,  different decoy properties may have been available.  Incidentlally, IME, the filming dates are approximately 6 months prior to the TV air dates.


I've been told that tptb require exclusive access to a decoy home for 12 hours.  That's extremely inconvenient for most homeowners.  If their property's for sale or rent, filming, in general, doesn't help them market the property.  (Most sellers finalize a deal in less than 6 months!).  And, if they receive compensation, it's typically insignificant, in my understanding.  Sure, a few attempt the "As Seen on HHI" routine!


Also, another consideration could be Adrian's day job.  If you check out her website, you might recognize a few HHI properties.  (She rents vacation homes.)  I'm sure she has a contract with tptb to highlight those properties on the show.   So, she probably prefers to change up the decoys used.


Hope that info helps ...

Edited by BearCat49
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IIRC, the issues with the schools were discussed upthread, after the episode's initial airing.



Not too long ago, I read an extensive article about Guam. IIRC, it's a pretty poverty-stricken island. I was surprised because it didn't seem to be as well off as its Caribbean counterpart, Puerto Rico.


As for this being a rerun, I think if a show has recently aired, one does not have to review the entire board for previous comments to ensure being up to date with board discussions. Chances are, if the episode is new to you, it's new to others, too.



I commented to the poster who was being responded to in the above post that it was not necessary to backtrack posts, that it was okay to make a comment on a show recently aired, regardless of whether or not the show was a rerun. And what followed....well, you can see for yourself.


Note:  for unknown reasons, the second post was omitted from the previous post on this topic.  The three quotations are listed in the order of their appearance on the thread.


Please explain where or how my single sentence (see first post, above) either states or implies that posters "have to", i.e. must backtrack posts or actually "review the entire board for previous comments to ensure being up to date with board discussions".  Also, please indicate how my single sentence either states or implies that comments on reruns are prohibited.


I do not understand how or why anyone would make those two conclusions after reading the initial post, a single sentence, as follows:   IIRC, the issues with the schools were discussed upthread, after the episode's initial airing.  (repeated for emphasis)


If I had seen the rerun and had an interest in either Guam or its schools, I would be thrilled to read that single sentence and learn that I could do a quick search for additional information.  The sentence neither states nor implies anything about board rules. 

Edited by BearCat49
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A little reminder: This is not TWoP, meaning there is no 15/15 rule (scanning the prior 15 pages of posts) where people must review the threads when posting. It may annoy those of you who have discussed it, but then others who haven't may want to. If a repetitive post does come up and you have read about it already, simply scroll and move on.


Thank you and happy posting to all.

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Another question I always wonder about, especially in the Paris episode where Adrian is selling someone on an apartment in an old building and she's telling them that they can knock out a wall, or buy the apartment upstairs and install a staircase between the two apartments.  Now, these buildings, for the most part, are very old to begin with, and hundreds and hundreds of people have lived in them over the centuries, all making their little tweaks and adjustments.  I wonder if there is a code requirement that a structural engineer has to check out the renovation plans in buildings that are over X number of years old, just to avoid having a main support accidentally removed and the whole building collapse?


Talking about neighborhoods, I find it interesting in some California episodes of HH how they'll show a cute Spanish-style or Craftsman bungalow, but keep the camera shot very tight on the property.  Usually though there's one scene or two that gives away the fact that there's a multi-story apartment building right next to the property, and that's why the property is somewhat affordable.  Or they show those very plain and utilitarian one story box-like homes with the fresh sod that you just know six weeks ago was a run-down abandoned home.


I was thinking about HHI the other day and wondering what countries they haven't visited yet - other than obvious war-torn areas?  There haven't been any set in India, have there?  No, wait.  I think there were two - the Australian girl who married the Indian guy, and an older American/Canadian/European couple somewhere in southern India.  I'm in the mood for another Moroccan one; I think those riads are neat.  We haven't seen much of Portugal lately, either.  I'm tired of the Australian shows.  I'd like to see some shows in Japan, but having no connection with Tokyo.  Hong Kong is always interesting; or Macau, now that would be a good one.  Or a non-big city Scotland one.


Basically, I think, what I want is somewhere where the architecture is interesting and not a plain box apartment or a house that could be Anywhere, Earth with the only difference being a kangaroo or an iguana passing by.

Edited by DownTheShore
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