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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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I am a big energy

Hee. I love that she knows it. Which makes her work as the Spencer mom that much more impressive—she could dial it back and be believable as an abused wife.


I don’t think Carly is attracted to Jake.  Of course, she has mentioned a few times he is a good-looking guy.  I think their friendship has evolved more.  Carly has her hands full with Sonny and Michael right now, and Jake has this whole thing with Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) and Hayden (Rebecca Budig).  I just think Carly has this instant connection and friendship with Jake.  I think the point of that storyline-wise is she is always going to feel that connection with Jason, even though she doesn’t know this guy is Jason.  For me, I don’t think being attracted to Jake is a factor in Carly’s head.  I think she truly loves this man as a friend.  When Carly considers someone a friend, she becomes mama bear, no matter what.


I don't agree that Carly isn't attracted to Jake. Why else would she be friends with him? He held her best friend's widow hostage, and he tried to blow up a boat with her son on it. If she weren't attracted to him, she wouldn't be so quick to forgive the brainwashing. I think it's more that Carly doesn't know why she's attracted to him, but she's got enough other stuff going on at the moment that she's not going to pursue him.

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I don't agree that Carly isn't attracted to Jake. Why else would she be friends with him? He held her best friend's widow hostage, and he tried to blow up a boat with her son on it. If she weren't attracted to him, she wouldn't be so quick to forgive the brainwashing. I think it's more that Carly doesn't know why she's attracted to him, but she's got enough other stuff going on at the moment that she's not going to pursue him.


Beyond that, it isn't as if Carly hasn't forgiven worse. *gives Franco and Sonny the stink eye* I wonder if Laura is as delighted to work with Billy Miller as she was to work with RoHo.

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The last week of ratings were tied again with the series low. I don't remember what was happening the week of the 6th thru the 10th and I have no desire to try to find out. It still amuses me they're wasting airtime trying to promote this garbage and it's still not working. Most of the tweets now are of the mocking and disgusted variety but I read even those have fallen off quite a bit from what it used to be.

So do we think the network will even bother with a new showrunner or are they just waiting to put it out of its misery once and for all?

I think Laura Wright didn't like the obsessive one-sided nature of Carly and Jason's relationship. I remember she said not long after Steve Burton left that Carly would have gone insane when Jason died under Guza and it was a relief that it didn't play like that under RC.


I understand that, but I also don't agree with it. Carly and Jason's relationship was unhealthy and one-sided (and I think he loved lording it over her and others), yes, but pathology is pathology and given that unfortunate history Carly should've had a much bigger reaction. Instead that phantom breakdown was latter retconned into explaining her relationship with Franco, which... almost covers it, really, to be fair.

Edited by jsbt
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I think Laura Wright didn't like the obsessive one-sided nature of Carly and Jason's relationship. I remember she said not long after Steve Burton left that Carly would have gone insane when Jason died under Guza and it was a relief that it didn't play like that under RC.


I am of two minds here. I agree with LW that it is nice that Carly could be less of a Borg groupie because, let's face it, that fixation boxed the character in. She couldn't ever progress. (Not that Carly has ever progressed, but at LEAST the potential exists where it wouldn't under Guza.)


However, like it or not, the Jason fixation helped shape the character from inception. It was part of what made Carly...well, Carly. Not saying it's right or good, just that it happened. So in that scope, LW - after all this time, a decade now? - doesn't seem to really grasp Carly's neediness and total blind spot regarding Jason, annoying as it is or not.

  • Love 7

The last week of ratings were tied again with the series low. I don't remember what was happening the week of the 6th thru the 10th and I have no desire to try to find out. It still amuses me they're wasting airtime trying to promote this garbage and it's still not working. Most of the tweets now are of the mocking and disgusted variety but I read even those have fallen off quite a bit from what it used to be.

So do we think the network will even bother with a new showrunner or are they just waiting to put it out of its misery once and for all?

Sam has to cry a few more million times over Jason before the show ends.

Instead that phantom breakdown was latter retconned into explaining her relationship with Franco, which... almost covers it, really, to be fair.


I get why LW was relieved not to play a breakdown—it would have been really tiresome for everyone—but I can't buy that Carly would get involved with the man responsible for her son's rape. IMO, Ron's really lucky he could tie it to Jason's death. I don't buy it, but I can also see that it's a reason not entirely pulled out of his ass.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 6

My big takeaway from that interview is that they've already filmed the scene where Carly finds out Morgan about drugging Michael.


Oh? What makes you think that? (I skimmed the interview.)


ETA: nevermind she said it outright lol. I hope Carly finally hates Kiki. Carly's niceness to her drives me nuts.

Edited by ulkis
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I actually don't think Carly was ever attracted to Jason after those first few years. She put Jason on a pedestal, she deified him far above a level of physical desire. Even during the period when Sarah Brown was Carly and Carly and Jason were living together and she made a play for him, it came across more to me as her using what she thought she was good for to try to get him. With that said, she and Jason would also never be pals or buddies, if that is what the show is trying to go for now. 


I don't really think Laura Wright has ever believably played any strong physical desire or attraction with a man in recent years - not as Carly, or in her last few years as Cassie on GL. Carly in recent years comes across more to me as the, "Close your eyes and think of England," variety. 

  • Love 1

Wasn't TB's Carly the one the least obsessed with Jason, though? Was that more of how TB played her or what the writers were going for back then? Because whatever growth her Carly had away from Jason was gone once JB and LW came along. 


I think it was just that Sonny and Carly were in full throttle back then, as was the Frons-ordered Courtney and Jason, so Carly and Jason's friendship wasn't focused on as much.

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Looks like soap writers weren't invited to the Emmy kick off party. NATAS said it was up the soaps to submit invitation lists, and only those on the list could attend. Why would the shows NOT invite their writing teams?



Edited by Sake614
  • Love 1

Looks like soap writers weren't invited to the Emmy kick off party. NATAS said it was up the soaps to submit invitation lists, and only those on the list could attend. Why would the shows NOT invite their writing teams?




Well, imagine you're the boss of GH.  Do you really want to deal with the fallout of letting Ron Carlivati & Company (Scott Sickles, I'm eye balling you.  Kate Hall, you get a pass) loose at a cocktail party? Can you imagine whom they might offend and how often they'd do it?


In all seriousness, I doubt the shows even thought about it. When they think of the people they have representing them at events, they likely just automatically think of the actors.  They probably didn't put any of the technical people on the list either.

  • Love 3

Looks like soap writers weren't invited to the Emmy kick off party. NATAS said it was up the soaps to submit invitation lists, and only those on the list could attend. Why would the shows NOT invite their writing teams?




I want to say in GH's case because the network knows RC sucks, but in reality, who knows?

  • Love 3

Francie, believe it or not, RC is really a very nice person. You'd never know it from the way he writes and acts on twitter, but when I met him in NY, he was just the sweetest guy. As was Scott. Of course this is before they both went crazy at GH. So maybe there's something in the water? LOL!


Seriously though, there is no show without the writers, good or bad, and I just think it's bad precedent to not invite them.

Seriously though, there is no show without the writers, good or bad, and I just think it's bad precedent to not invite them.


I agree, but maybe it was a money thing, not wanting to fly out the NY-based writers? It seems kind of unfair that the L.A. ones could go just because of geography. Or vice versa, depending on where the party is.

Edited by dubbel zout

Francie, believe it or not, RC is really a very nice person. You'd never know it from the way he writes and acts on twitter, but when I met him in NY, he was just the sweetest guy. As was Scott. Of course this is before they both went crazy at GH. So maybe there's something in the water? LOL!


Seriously though, there is no show without the writers, good or bad, and I just think it's bad precedent to not invite them.

Fair enough.  I was mainly joking, although I will admit that I find Ron's twitter persona extremely disagreeable. In addition to there being his knee jerk condescension, juvenility, and deliberate obtuseness, I have no respect or patience for people who raise straw man arguments like he does.  I don't respect it when I come across it in my practice, and I have no patience for it when it's used to attack on social media.


Do any of the writers even live in the Los Angeles area? Technically, they would have been invited, but ABC or Frank didn't think to or decided not to include them. Their beef is with their bosses, not the organizers of the event.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 3

Oh, I agree completely with your assessment of his petty, juvenile behavior on Twitter. I only met him once, at an OLTL party, and he was just the sweetest guy. He wasn't really on Twitter back then, or if he was, I didn't notice him as much, and he seemed to genuinely care about his show and what people thought.


I'm not sure who, if anyone, lives in LA, but am sure they're all (or many) there for the Emmy ceremony. And really, the article could apply to any or all of the four remaining soaps. It didn't single out GH. I'd be interested to know if NATAS gave each show an allotment and said 'this is all there is, divvy them up as you see fit.'

I don't know if this is unpopular or not, but I really don't think it's right or fair to blame an actor/actress for the crappy writing/treatment that their character gets once they leave the show (yes, I'm talking about Kimberly McCullough).  Crappy writing should not be blamed on them because they don't want to return full time. And Kimberly is not the first actress to have left a show when part of a popular couple. It's not that hard to write/explain her absence. Oh wait. I forgot what show I was talking about.

  • Love 4

The actors talk in the press about what they advocated for, and sometimes they get what they want. Very rarely, I'd wager. But when KMc says she wanted Robin to die as her exit but was talked out of it, I wonder how many people take that to mean she has some control. I doubt she really does. But it could sound like she does.

I'd love it if KMc, FH and JT took a stand against the writing that has wrecked characters they've worked hard on for YEARS before the current writers. But it's their paycheck and not mine so I get why they don't. I totally believe they all have way more fun together on set than I do trying to watch this drivel.

The sadistic nature of the Robin story (and my girl Anna getting written as a moron in the process) has totally destroyed the show for me in a way that decades of Sonny crap never quite accomplished. But I hope the actors are happy and well paid.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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My understanding was that Wolf was going to kill her off; that instead, the fuckwit currently in charge, didn't and did some last minute writing, so it would appear she died, and then two weeks later, we, the audience, saw she was still very much alive, a la Lucky in '98.


Regardless, it's not Kimberly's, (or any other actor who has left), responsibility or job to ensure the writers do their job, something they get paid for, to make sure the story works, etc.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 5
The actors talk in the press about what they advocated for, and sometimes they get what they want. Very rarely, I'd wager. But when KMc says she wanted Robin to die as her exit but was talked out of it, I wonder how many people take that to mean she has some control. I doubt she really does. But it could sound like she does.



It wouldn't surprise me if, on the subject of her exit, they were willing to hear her out, as she'd played the character for decades and all, but I don't think they give her any input beyond that, and it wouldn't surprise me if, even if she remained adamant that she wanted Robin killed off, Ron still left it open ended, because it was what he wanted to do.  Because, honestly, Ron does not strike me as the type who will hesitate to do exactly what he wants to do, regardless of what anyone else says to him.  


I think a lot of actors have a point where they'll speak up.  Whether they're heard or not is another matter entirely.  I really don't think anyone at GH these days has the power to make a change unless they can make it appealing to Ron/Frank.  And KMc is definitely not holding the show hostage to her whims.  She left with ample notice, she agreed to short term returns where TIIC knew they were only short term.  If the show can't handle writing those returns creatively, then they shouldn't do it at all.  She's an actress accepting a paying job, it's not her job to tell the show how to write her visits or tell them whether her visits are what's in the best interest of the show.  Those decisions are up to Frank and Ron, and they make crappy ones when it comes to the Robin story lines. 

  • Love 9

Oh, totally agree. I'm just speculating as to why some fans might take an actor's commentary about the writing as an indication that the actor influences story.

And KMc's absence didn't box the writers into this fucked up mess they've created. My understanding is they had plenty of lead time to plan for her exit, and knew she would only be available for temp returns after that. There were a million other, better ways.

  • Love 2

To be honest, it would have been better if they had 'killed' Robin off but then convinced her to come back later. Well... to a point. Given that she had the explodey death scene and then we saw her being held down and a bite guard forced into her mouth as she fought and struggled against 'shock therapy' while Patrick was being pursued by two newbies... it made everything that much worse. You knew Robin was being held captive and tortured which doesn't make anyone inclined to root for the husband getting involved with anyone else. I mean, it's typical Ron in a way... "I'm going to show Robin being tortured... now root for my sparkly princess to find true love with Robin's husband! Yay!"


Then he gives lip service to Robin and Patrick's love story being so strong and powerful that they couldn't just be apart by their own choices... that completely ruins their romance! Except what he's written instead has actually DONE that. But Ron's always doing shit like that... he gives a line that's meant to suggest he really cares about a story or a character or a lovestory and then he burns it to the ground and salts the ashes... then is all perplexed that the audience takes issue with any of it. "What? I SAID they were an amazing lovestory! What is your PROBLEM! Stupid audience."


I like to think that Mac has figured out that shit ain't right and he's working to find and free Robin.

  • Love 9

Intellectually, that wouldn't be the worst storyline ever... because shit is connected. Robin went missing in the hopes of finding Jason and bringing him back to Port Charles but little does he know that Jason is actually back with a different face because MAD SCIENCE! And he and Sam grow closer even though he knows that Robin went missing trying to find Jason. SECRETS! And Jason doesn't know shit because he got hit by a truck... or a moose... or whatever he got hit by. AMNESIA!!


The ingredients are there, really. Sam, Patrick, Robin and Jason are all connected and it could actually be a good story. It really could!


But Ron blew his wad on a far lesser earlier version that had no such connections to make it worth the investment. So why would anyone trust that he's going to get it right now? You can put frosting on a pile of shit but that doesn't make it a cake.

  • Love 7

Like I say... the ingredients are there. The execution of it all is an atrocity but that's Ron for you.

Yes, it could work if: Robin hadn't JUST got back from being kidnapped. Characters could actually be concerned, looking for info on Robin. Patrick had a POV, like feeling guilty that he's drawn to Sam while still loving/ worrying about Robin. The story wasn't dragging on for over a YEAR with no resolution... Ugh.

And WHY drop a bunch of clues just to have the characters do nothing? Like, what was the point of Faison saying something? To show once again that villians are cool and everyone else is hapless and dumb?

  • Love 5

I could swear that Wolf's original plan was for Robin to die in a car accident or something, to expire onscreen and really milk it for emotion. When Frank arrived he vowed Robin would never be killed off, that she was a central generational heroine and that it would be like cutting out the show's heart. I think he was absolutely right about that, but I think he's wrong in how they've handled it since, at least since 2014.

Edited by jsbt
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