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If Dee was expensive or unavailable, put her in a coma until she could return.


[soapdish]"Actors don't like to play coma, they feel it limits their range."[/soapdish]


And as much as I think Dee did an amazing job in this fakakta storyline, she's better off away from GH. No one should be that in need of work or money.

  • Love 2

From the Daytime Confidential interview, Ron claims...


A lot of people jumped on this bandwagon. "It's a split personality! It's DID [Dissociative Identity Disorder]!", or that we were trying to say Luke is not responsible for the rape of Laura, or the killing of Jake. We didn't want that. We were very clear about not going down the DID path. This really was Luke giving in to the darker impulses he has.


But then he says this...


The memories came back to him and caused that dark side to take over, so that Luke didn't have to face what he'd done.
What we're saying is, as I said, there was this other part of him, this dark side of Luke that needed to act out. It was that side that left town and tracked down Julian Jerome and made a pitch to him to go into business together and take over Port Charles. There was this side of Luke that wanted what Sonny (Maurice Benard) had. He did it as a separate person.


Sooo....Luke was giving into his darker impulses?  Or he did all these heinous things as a "separate person".  Can't have it both ways.  And a darker personality taking over to protect the main personality from painful memories?  Isn't that textbook soap DID?


Ron can call it whatever he wants, he wrote another DID story.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 8

Also from that interview...


He has a lot he has to answer for, not necessarily to the law, but to the people he purports to love and care about. Can Bobbie (Jackie Zeman) accept this is her brother, albeit sick in the head? Can Tracy (Jane Elliot) accept the guy that treated her so badly was really Luke? Can Lulu (Emme Rylan) accept this man is the father she loves? Luke's journey going forward will be seeking forgiveness and redemption.


What?  Bobbie, Tracy, and Lulu have already all forgiven him.  They couldn't have forgiven him any faster, plus all their wailing at mean Dante and EVUL Valerie that Luke, I guess, shouldn't have to answer for anything.

Edited by TeeVee329

I think Finola, IB, RH (despite being Franco- he'll be more auditioning for another part more than Franco), Billy Miller, Chad Duell, Micheal Easton, MW, and LW, and JE will be great live.

I worry about any child, KeMo (f bombs will be dropped, but she'll come off fun), NLG, Will(he seems like he will do something), RP, MSt, and probably the rest of the cast.

I think some will be surprisingly good. Ones like TRi and HP that want careers out of this show might seize the opportunity.

I think NLG is an experienced enough actor in general that she won't be a problem. While live episodes have their specific problem sets, I imagine working on GH, where the one take is king, is probably decent training. I think it will be the technical side that will be the challenge. Not just the crew, but the cast remembering that they might be on camera longer in a live scene than they would be otherwise, that sort of thing.

  • Love 2

I think Finola, IB, RH (despite being Franco- he'll be more auditioning for another part more than Franco), Billy Miller, Chad Duell, Micheal Easton, MW, and LW, and JE will be great live.


Michael Easton isn't even great not live!


I think that honestly most of the actors are certainly capable of being great live, but I worry some of them, like RoHo, MSt, WdV, and NLG even, will be too much just because. Like mostly I worry about RoHo though because he's such a little shit.


And then the kids, RP, and MB are just not gonna be capable of doing it live IMO and honestly probably shouldn't even be forced to try, but I hope they all are for the UCG.

  • Love 5

Say what you will about RoHo hamming it up, but the man is a professional. He would never do anything to undermine the show or jeopardize his career. If he's directed to be a clown, that's what he'll be. If he's directed to tone it down, he will. I still believe he's capable of great work, even if he hasn't shown it much lately. But let's be honest: the character himself as written is a joke.

  • Love 4

I wish I believed that, but I don't. Like I guess he is being directed and written this way, but IMO he's taken this shit to a whole other level and I can easily believe he would be a big ass live. He doesn't come off that professional to me. But I don't know much about him as a person.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5
think Finola, IB, RH (despite being Franco- he'll be more auditioning for another part more than Franco), Billy Miller, Chad Duell, Micheal Easton, MW, and LW, and JE will be great live.




I think NLG is an experienced enough actor in general that she won't be a problem


Doing everything in one take is a helpful foundation.  But knowing that the performance is live -- there's absolutely no safety net if one goes blank or the set wall falls down -- is an entirely different experience.


This cast -- as opposed to the East Coast cast of OLTL -- has much more limited theatre experience. NLG's been around forever, but her nearly 40-year career has been in episodic television and daytime.  Kirsten, for instance, came from the Disney channel.  Not to say they won't do well, but the OLTL cast definitely had an advantage over this West Coast one in terms of being prepared for the very different world of live performance.


Tony Geary will be fine.  Finola's had theater experience as well and earned her acting stripes rolling with Tristan's adlibbing, so she'd be fine. But I wouldn't be surprised if she's written out of it because of her upcoming movie.  Ian just finished with a play last year, and has been doing them on and off for 25 years, but I doubt he'll be included.


Jane and Maura would shine.


Wright's only had three acting jobs, I think, and all are on soaps.  With her and Stafford, my concern would be that, on a scale of 1 to 10, they're going to go up to "11." Stafford may realize that no one can stop her from adlibbing and repeating her lines, and she'll do an 8-minute monologue through until the commercial, when Frank will then have her physically restrained.


Who knows if Howarth's going to show up.


And there better not be a mirror in any scene Julian appears in.  He may just get distracted and stare into it the entire time.


They better just make sure the set people have buckets all around, just inches from the cameras' views.  There may be a lot of last minute, ummmm, nerve-induced activity going on.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 8

Kelly Monaco (or anyone else) is not going to drop an F-bomb, unless there is some sort of major disaster. They're not going to let themselves be put in line for some sort of FCC fine, if those still happen. I don't anticipate anything that serious going down, it didn't at OLTL and it shouldn't here. Frank was there for that and he knows what it will take, he'll probably be drilling them on it well in advance. That being said, I think you're right that not enough of the current GH ensemble or star players are adequately prepared, and I think it will be a rough ride in different ways. I also think Michelle Stafford's ego or tics will not be able to contain her. That levity aside - I'm not totally joking about worrying about her - my major concerns are people like poor Maurice, the kids they're pushing so much on, Ryan Paevey, Bryan Craig, and also yeah, come to think of it, Kirsten Storms.


I think they could burn the sets down around Laura Wright (which someone may yet inadvertently do!) and she'd perform. I know she was discovered at a gas station or something and to my knowledge has no theater training, but she worked the NY soaps for over a decade and she has an intense drive and work ethic.


And since I think someone mentioned her, Kristen Alderson had no trouble back then; she came out of theater too, from the stage production of Annie. Amusingly, Kassie DePaiva, who was rightly lauded for her work that week on OLTL and never missed a beat, always treated the whole thing as an absolute nightmare and said she never wanted to do it again.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3

I wish I believed that, but I don't. Like I guess he is being directed and written this way, but IMO he's taken this shit to a whole other level and I can easily believe he would be a big ass live. He doesn't come off that professional to me. But I don't know much about him as a person.


His character was almost this much of a dick leading up to Live Week on OLTL, but he still came in and didn't go rogue. Yeah, the Todd character was near unwatchable at the time, but it was both their writing and his schtick feeding off each other. As abysmal as I think his current performance is, it is something they have asked him for; I'm not saying he secretly has a much wider range after 20+ years of playing variations on the same role, but at GH he's there serving their hash. As for the live show I just don't think he'd ever sabotage that out of spite. Franco would, though.

ETA: I assume they're not going to actually put the kids out there live. Like there's no way. Right? RIGHT?!


I do not think they will be able to resist. Spencer is one set of dangers, but I think Emma and Cameron might be even less prepared.


I forgot about William "Serpentine" deVry. That man's another joker in the deck!

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3

As for the live show I just don't think he'd ever sabotage that out of spite. Franco would, though.

Oh shit. They'll probably write Franco as 10 times more awful precisely because it's live, which will put RoHo at his worst

I do not think they will be able to resist. Spencer is one set of dangers, but I think Emma and Cameron might be even less prepared.

I know you're right. I mean really, there is little doubt that Spencer is going to be on. As much as I like Cameron, I think you're right that him and Emma would be so ill prepared.

Damn, at first I was thinking they had a lot of people who will most likely be up for the challenge, and they do, but there really are a number of cast members that are just not gonna be prepared for this. Whatta riot!

I think there are plenty of vets who will save their hash, especially Jane Elliot and, if they're smart, Finola Hughes. But I do worry they're going to be dying to showcase their beloved kids, and I do not think any of those kids except maybe Josslyn are ready for that. Nicolas Bechtel/Spencer is less inert than Cam or Emma, but he definitely is not ready.

  • Love 2

Oh man, I wasn't even thinking about Bryan Craig. He might actually be up there with MB and RP for the most ill prepared. Such fun!


I like Bryan Craig, but he has obvious trouble memorizing his lines. So yes, get him on the live show please hee hee.


And there better not be a mirror in any scene Julian appears in.  He may just get distracted and stare into it the entire time.


ha! You just know there is going to be some "hope nobody saw my boner" tweet after the show from him. 


Kelly Monaco (or anyone else) is not going to drop an F-bomb, unless there is some sort of major disaster. They're not going to let themselves be put in line for some sort of FCC fine, if those still happen.


Bah. Dream-ruiner. 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 8
Florencia Lozano (Téa) - she bailed out Patricia Mauceri as Carlotta, IIRC. I don't remember any other mishap, and Florencia covered pretty well. I do remember HBS saying they had to, like, run downtown to do that remote. It was honestly a pointless sequence in a bad story, but it showed off the city nicely. I don't remember the whispered swearing or the people waiting for their cues.


The one I remembered (though I remembered it a bit differently than it actually happened) was with Bo and Gabrielle, where Robert S. Woods completely blanked on a line, and Fiona was like "yeah, ummm... so, I'm not following you" until Robert finally remembered it:





But that's the thing about the pros like Jane, Tony, Finola, Ian, Maura, and I'd put Bradford in that list.  They can pull those moments off like it's the way it should be.


A wall falls, they don't just ignore it.  It's "Dammit, a car crashed into the building! Is everyone okay? Good, no one's hurt. Listen, before I deal with this [and line]."


Edited to add:


This was actually the scene I was thinking of. It's from the same episode, and this time Fiona just jumped in with the end of the line. But they totally made it work and hardly anyone seemed to notice:



Edited by Francie
  • Love 3

The one I remembered (though I remembered it a bit differently than it actually happened) was with Bo and Gabrielle, where Robert S. Woods completely blanked on a line, and Fiona was like "yeah, ummm... so, I'm not following you" until Robert finally remembered it:





But that's the thing about the pros like Jane, Tony, Finola, Ian, Maura, and I'd put Bradford in that list.  They can pull those moments off like it's the way it should be.


A wall falls, they don't just ignore it.  It's "Dammit, a car crashed into the building! Is everyone okay? Good, no one's hurt. Listen, before I deal with this [and line]."


Edited to add:


This was actually the scene I was thinking of. It's from the same episode, and this time Fiona just jumped in with the end of the line. But they totally made it work and hardly anyone seemed to notice:




Sigh, Fiona. No other daytime actress (or female character in Gabrielle) I've loved more. I miss her. I know this cast is bloated enough as it is, but I would give ANYTHING to see Fiona on a soap one more time. 

  • Love 2

well not exactly. it hit a new low last week, but it didn't go up this week.


Still bad either way you slice it.


Here's the full ratings if anyone wants to see:

Ratings Report for the Week of March 23-27, 2015


Numbers are based on Live+Same Day ratings


(Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)


Total Viewers
3. GH 2,764,000 (+5,000/-227,000)



3. GH 2.07/7 (-.04/-.21)


Women 18-49 Viewers

3. GH 481,000 (-7,000/-278,000) <—— new low (3rd straight week) *


* Previous low: 488,000 (March 16-20, 2015)


Women 18-49 Rating

3. GH 0.75/5 (-.01/-.44) <—— ties low * (3rd straight week)


* Rounded up to 0.8


Edited by ulkis
BOX305, ON 03 APR 2015 - 5:24 PM, SAID:

Yeah, this won't annoy/offend anyone Ron. Jesus. https://twitter.com/...077554472062976



See, this is why he should not be in charge of a hamster, let alone an entire show with decades of history.   He takes the stories to these dark places - which I don't appreciate and feel aren't necessary - but at least treat it with some gravity if you must make the show this depressing.  Instead, he mocks the situation like it's funny.   Making a joke about a burned child's mask that is also religiously insensitive?  Making jokes about how a kidnapped/tortured Robin at least had "three hots and a cot"?  Turning Dr. Obrecht and Franco and Nina into wacky caricatures who come out ahead no matter how many people they've sadistically tormented?  


This guy so badly wants to be writing American Horror Story: Hospital of Horrors.  So he's going to turn this show into a gruesome joke instead of respecting the genre.  

  • Love 4

CD deserves a win. Damn Chandler Massey hamming wins from him every year. Hell, CM hammed one from BC who deserved it last year. This year Tequan Richmond deserves it, and I'm interested in who actually gets it. Because the Emmys aren't always um very up and up from what the rumor mills say. I'm kinda pulling for TRi purely because of his non GH work. The 2013 film, being in the Oscar winning Ray film, that should elevate him to a win- also that he did Everybody Hates Chris. Yeah, it's awarding him for outside works, but his in GH works are good. Since the Emmys are televised, they'll want the media attention of "Actor Who Starred in Sitcom About Chris Rock's Life Wins". Which surprises me that Ron, who loves media attention, hasn't pimped Tequan Richmond to high heavens. Is it because the kid won't play the game? He literally does not list his character name on GH, just says "regular on General Hospital ". His instagram appears to have little to no pics with GH co stars. Considering how many outside pics we've seen of cast members hanging out, it makes me wonder.


CD deserves a win



Totally.  And if he does win, I hope he thanks SK.  A not so subtle fuck you to Ron.  Of course, if he does that, he really will become the new AJ.  I prefer Michael being the new AJ in the spiritual sense as of right now, as opposed to the literal, let's kill him because he's a fattie and won't praise my shit writing sense. 

Edited by sunflower
  • Love 3

I will say till the world ends and beyond- SK is not and never ever was fat. CD isn't a fattie either.

If Ron's writing of AJ being fat was written for a female actress (and I say this as a female), it would be protested by everyone, everywhere. How dare he call a woman fat?! But a man? Eh, whatever, who cares, right? How about being respectful to both genders and treating human beings with decency?

My bad. I brought up Ron treating human beings with respect and decency. What am I smoking?

  • Love 1
This year Tequan Richmond deserves it, and I'm interested in who actually gets it.


I know the pool of actors up for these awards is much smaller, but I am thrilled that he got the nomination with what little the show gives him. If he wins, I am going to put 50/50 odds that he will leave the show if the has the label "Emmy winner" attached to his name. Would serve RC/FV right.


On a side note, I wrote on the General Discussion thread, that allowing Mark Teschner to do his job allowed the anniversary episode to be salvaged. I might be the only one, but I am doubly made that RC killed off Rafe, because I the kid that played young Luke was good, even if he doesn't have the boy band good looks. There was nothing wrong with Rafe's character per say, and the back story was somewhat interesting, it was JD was a weaker actor who was not helped by Ron's directionless writing. 

  • Love 2

I'm of the mind that Rafe can be salavaged as wasn't Rafe because as someone who watched PC religiously I will say that kid was not Rafe. That Allison was not Allison Barrington, and that wasn't Stephen Clay. Stephen Clay was a damn plot device. Ugh.

But Young Luke actor would make an awesome Aged Cameron. They need a teen set. One glance at TRi's instagram gives you a slight insight into where he's headed. I think Emmy winner will be the attachment to his name he needs and he's out. Their loss. They had opportunities to write better stories for him.

I will say till the world ends and beyond- SK is not and never ever was fat. CD isn't a fattie either.

If Ron's writing of AJ being fat was written for a female actress (and I say this as a female), it would be protested by everyone, everywhere. How dare he call a woman fat?! But a man? Eh, whatever, who cares, right? How about being respectful to both genders and treating human beings with decency?

My bad. I brought up Ron treating human beings with respect and decency. What am I smoking?

I've been wanting to ask this for a long time now--when and in what context did Ron write AJ being fat?  I am assuming another character said it to/about him?

Oh God. Bryan Craig picked the absolute worst scene he could have possibly chosen.

I don't even get the significance of that scene to Morgan, the show, nor anything and I watch GH everyday. Someone not watching GH ever is surely going to be like wtf is this. Did he just literally get drunk and go whatever? TRi's scene made the most sense, even if was probably the only thing Ron gave him that was halfway decent. But hey, give the kid a bone and he'll make a meal out of it. The Academy seems to have been wanting to award Tequan Richmond for the past couple of years since he's gotten prenoms, so I think he has a decent shot at winning.

But damn, Bryan Craig, wtf. That dude is a box of hair, isn't he?

This was kind of a shock, that BC submitted this reel. It doesn't make any sense why he would. He had stronger and better material than this. He might have thrown his chances away completely. The only reason I can think is that he felt that the other stuff was too similar to last year, with Morgan raging against Sonny. So he submits where he's apologetic instead.

I've been wanting to ask this for a long time now--when and in what context did Ron write AJ being fat?  I am assuming another character said it to/about him?

Both. Two specific examples I remember are AJ returns and Monica asks "How are you? Are you eating okay?" " AJ replies "Don't I look like it?"

Another was a scene of Tracy arguing with him and she says she's locking the fridge because AJ eats all night.

There were a lot, but those two stick out. The weak references come from Sonny/MB believably beating AJ/SK in a boxing match when there was a storyline in the 90s where AJ was a boxer and irl SK is a black belt in various martial arts.

  • Love 1

So the Gold Derby site had "eight experts" chime in with their daytime emmy predictions.  The interesting thing: 7 were men and only 1 was a woman. When did the representation of female commentators and "experts" on daytime television sink to the level of tokenism? 


In case you're curious, they were:


Michael Fairman (Michael Fairman Soaps), Jamey Giddens (Daytime Confidential), Lynda Hirsch (Creators Syndicate), Dan Kroll (Soap Central), Roger Newcomb (We Love Soaps), Richard Simms (Soaps in Depth), and Gold Derby's own Tom O'Neil and Paul Sheehan.

All I have to say is   Kissey ,kissey, kissey . you know exactly where !

Oh God. Bryan Craig picked the absolute worst scene he could have possibly chosen.


The cuts every 30 seconds don't help. It really shows how disjointed the editing is on GH. Some stories can handle and maybe even need fast cutting, but others need to breathe. I highly doubt the young'uns watching are going to stop because the cutting isn't dynamic enough. The stories don't get better when they chopped into little pieces.

  • Love 3

That's where you can tell Tequan Richmond has an actual manager and agent because his reel is more put together. It flows better. I wonder if being a professional is why TIIC might have beef with him. He's not Frankenron's preferred Box O Hair.


I don't think Bryan Craig is getting much of a preferential treatment these days either.


I think tvgoddess is right and he probably chose it so it doesn't seem like he's only submitting "angry young man". I think it might have been a good choice too, if he wasn't gonna choose the day he yelled at Sonny in the Metro Court lobby. He hasn't really had much to do really, so with that in mind, I don't think it was a terrible choice.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3

I wish I believed that, but I don't. Like I guess he is being directed and written this way, but IMO he's taken this shit to a whole other level and I can easily believe he would be a big ass live. He doesn't come off that professional to me. But I don't know much about him as a person.


The man is a professional.  He wouldn't mess up things just because.  He wouldn't be a "big ass" on live television unless the script calls for it.  Then again, you said you don't know much about him as a person.  So, basically, you're saying that he's not a professional based on the stuff that he does on-screen.


That will probably just help Chad Duell more,  walking around the room, getting dressed, and being awesome cold.  I assume CD will have to choose the 11/7/ confrontation w/Sonny because he probably used the 11/4 reveal w/Carly to get the nom?


The voting for the winner and nominees is done at the same time with just one reel.  So, when the nominations come out, the winner is already chosen. 


They could submit different scenes for the prenom round.  Especially if they have a lot to choose from.  They could submit something for the prenom round and then something else for the final round.


But yeah, I think Kristen Alderson helped out her man with her reel.  Wonder if that was on purpose.

Edited by superdeluxe
  • Love 2

Who knows? It would be a funny last screw you to Frank/Ron. I know people have called her a pet, but things change. Your mind changes, your perspective changes as you get older. She's probably seen them screw a lot of her friends that are like family to her over the years. So when push came to shove and she had to submit reels, she may have went in the direction that favored CD.

Or she just liked that performance. The world may never know.

  • Love 1

The man is a professional.  He wouldn't mess up things just because.  He wouldn't be a "big ass" on live television unless the script calls for it.  Then again, you said you don't know much about him as a person.  So, basically, you're saying that he's not a professional based on the stuff that he does on-screen.


I'm fairly sure no one here knows him personally and the man doesn't do much press, so no one posting 'knows him as a person.' We only have what we see on screen and the little outside stuff we know to judge and to me he is awful in every single way on this show. His acting is terrible. He looks like a buffoon. And, sorry, but I think some of that is on him. I suspect if he's in the live shows he'll either be OTT or will look completely uninterested and like he's better than the show, which are his two default settings IMO on GH. I don't know if he's professional or not, but he certainly comes off to me like a bit of an ass and he's not a good actor IMO, so I don't look forward to him on the lives shows where the annoying things about him will be amped up to 11. Well, actually I do kinda look forward to it because I'm in this for the UCG!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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