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I also will say that the only opinions he pays any attention to, other than to attack with vitriol are: Logan, SODRichard, Jamey, Michael Fairman, Nelson Branco, and Dan Kroll. He is positively vicious to the female soap bloggers.  Granted, they pull no punches either.


I used to tear into him with very disorganized (and sanitized) rambling about the rape stuff at OLTL in 2008-2011, back when I wrote at one of those sites. Supposedly he read my column, so I was told later on, but as I am not on social media at all he had no opportunity to block me. I started the job because I loved his early tenure and wanted to promote it, and then it slowly slid into something deeply critical over time.

If the trend continues and especially if GH falls below Days, changes will be made.


No, they won't, IMO. ABC is not putting any more major money into this show unless their entire daytime line-up collapses in some major new way and they desperately need to help it out. They're letting Frank run it and Frank and Ron are a relatively tight unit. I think the best you can hope for is a co-writer, but I don't think that'll happen either. I'm not convinced they'll give it another 2-year pick-up, either. But I didn't expect the last one.

Edited by jsbt

I actually don't think Ron likes any of the female characters, including the grand dames like Viki and Dorian. I think he likes a vision of larger-than-life female caricatures that, as JSBT said, can do anything and who sweep in with a flourish of satin and cigarette smoke and terrible bouffant hairdos. But that's not a character; and it's certainly not a character anyone in my age-group or gender can identify with. The Alexis Carringtons and Erica Canes had their way in the 80s; but it's freaking 2015 now. Enough has been written and said about feminism and portrayal of women in media; enough new shows with strong female protagonists that address women's actual lived experience have arrived; there is no excuse to still be writing this way. Ron is still writing like it's 1985. Far too much has changed in terms of media representation, media criticism, and social norms (i.e. enough with the rapes and the use of women as incubators.) Soaps don't exist in a vacuum or outside of time, but that is how Ron writes. I remember watching soaps when I was younger and loving the strong, flawed, complex women on those shows - women like Anna Devane and Blair Cramer and Dorian Lord. I wanted to be those women and be friends with those women. There are no characters like that anymore; even Anna Devane isn't like that anymore. Where are the strong female friendships? Where are the families? Where are the relationships (of all kinds) that the audience could watch grow and change? Where are the repercussions - good, bad, and otherwise - for anything these characters do? 

Having watched Ron's writing for longer than I really wanted to (hanging around only for the acting of some of my faves), I genuinely believe he doesn't like strong women; MMV obviously. I'll only speak for myself; but, as a woman, not only do I not feel like Ron "gets" how to write for female characters, I feel like he actively distains them. He especially seems to dislike stronger women who aren't enthralled to his male characters (see Robin on GH and Blair on OLTL, for example.) He seems incapable of empathizing with women or seeing them as human beings with motivations and interior lives. The extent of Ron's female characters seems to be "chase after men." And he flat out can't write women I can identify with. He's not doing a bang-up job with the  male characters either, but I do think he - like many writers - still sees the male characters as people. By and large, the male characters are given sympathy and protection in his writing that is not afforded to female characters. It's long been a subject of media criticism that female audiences are expected to empathize with male characters, particularly violent ones, while the reverse is rarely if ever demanded. That is definitely true of RC's writing. The male characters look stupid, but that's because they are forced to look stupid because of plot point writing. The female characters seem to have no inner life and are batted around between the male characters Ron is so fond of. GH is dropping in the demos because that is not the audience they are writing for; and that audience, thankfully, has a lot more choice in terms of media  consumption now. 

For what it's worth, I don't think any change is coming at GH either. Imo ABC doesn't care enough to actively interfere to change anything. GH will be kept around until a suitable/less expensive replacement is found. 

Edited by kristabell
  • Love 7
Where are the strong female friendships?



There used to be bonding between the nurses and some of the doctors and doctor's wives.  Mob wife hires the ex-mob mother (who is pregnant with another mobster's kid) for work.  We have maxie/lulu - Maxi is now the 'alpha' in the Maxie/Lulu relationship and those actresses have little chemistry.  There is an ex-DEA agent working with a former super-duper secret world spie organization and current department of justice agent who was just given her DOJ position because she was being investigating for torturing a torturer.  Even Emma and Joss don't get a long.  The only two females who get a long are an attorney who is sleeping with a mob boss and their daughter who is about to be reunited with her mob thug who was previously thought to have been murdered.

No, they won't, IMO. ABC is not putting any more major money into this show unless their entire daytime line-up collapses in some major new way and they desperately need to help it out. They're letting Frank run it and Frank and Ron are a relatively tight unit. I think the best you can hope for is a co-writer, but I don't think that'll happen either. I'm not convinced they'll give it another 2-year pick-up, either. But I didn't expect the last one.

Oh, I realize we're stuck with Frank & Ron. I was thinking more along the lines of Dummer, Varni, and whoever else is over the show at the executive level ordering some stories such as Jake being wrapped up quickly, characters such as Liz put on the backburner, and no more hiring of expensive ex-stars of cancelled soaps. Not a single one of these folks has helped the ratings and though I'm sure none of them are getting paid what they were on their former shows , these people are still expensive and that money is better spent elsewhere on either true GH vets like Genie or on production so the show doesn't look so cheap.

ETA: I am hoping the downward trend continues and specifically that this coming week's Wed show actually ticks down. The show got a promo not only during primetime but during one of the net's biggest hits and I hope the numbers reflect a 'we don't care about Luke's secret' attitude.

Edited by Tiger
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Ron writes for himself. He writes stuff that he finds entertaining and assumes/expects the audience will agree. The problem is most of what amuses him doesn't jibe with the type of show GH is supposed to be.


I started watching OLTL shortly after Ron took over, and I have to say, while I wouldn't call the writing excellent, or even good a lot of the time, that stuff seems like The Wire or Breaking Bad level writing compared to what he's doing now on GH. What happened? 

  • Love 3


I didn't mean to imply that I buy Liz/Jake as a grande romance or even traditional romance when I said the theme of the promos was Romance. We may not see the appeal but the suits clearly see the storyline/pairing as something to be proud of thus the back to back promos.  Ratings is what speak to them and GH reached its lowest points within those two weeks. The general audience isn't connecting with them either.


I can't speak for others, but my issue is that I know, despite those promos, there is no reason to get involved in Jake/Liz.  As soon as the truth about Jason is out, Sam and Jason will begin working their way back to each other and Patrick and Liz will be road kill.  I like Liz and I liked Liz and Jake initially, but even then I knew it wouldn't end well for Liz.  I was glad when it looked like they were putting her back with Ric and leaving Carly and Sam to deal with Jake.  If we didn't know who Jake really was and there was a chance that he and Liz would be a real couple, I would probably care more about the story.

Edited by Mrs. Stanwyck
  • Love 6
ETA: I am hoping the downward trend continues and specifically that this coming week's Wed show actually ticks down. The show got a promo not only during primetime but during one of the net's biggest hits and I hope the numbers reflect a 'we don't care about Luke's secret' attitude.


The thing is -- does it matter what Luke's secret is?  We know something tragic happened to him when he was a boy.  Does it matter whether it's that he accidently killed his own mother?  Maybe even with a baseball bat?  Or that he walked in on his father assaulting his sister?  Nope, not at least in my book.


Whatever it was, it gave him a dark side. Check.  We know that.  And whatever it was, it won't be the catalyst for anything new. Check.  We know that too.  Luke will cry a river of tears at the end of Wednesday's show when he's forced to re-live the experience, and then Tony will take another vacation.  It certainly won't be the [say it with me now] the event that changes Port Charles forever.


It was a McGuffin all along, and to pretend that it's something more just is silly.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 6

I can't speak for others, but my issue is that I know, despite those promos, there is no reason to get involved in Jake/Liz. As soon as the truth about Jason is out, Sam and Jason will begin working their way back to each other and Patrick and Liz will be road kill. I like Liz and I liked Liz and Jake initially, but even then I knew it wouldn't end well for Liz.

IMO, another problem is you can take out the above names and fill them with the various other multitude of triangles. There's way to much heavy handed writing and propping with basically all the pairings are being preordained.

Outside of Brad/Lucas no pairing seems to be based upon chemistry but who Crapitini thinks should be paired.

I wanted to see the flashback scenes with JT, RyCa and BH yet don't care about Luke's story, so I may be skipping Wednesday's episode. I'm so tired of TG.

ETA: Francie, exactly and well said.at th is point, I think this story has been nothing but a vanity project for Ron and TG.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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They're letting Frank run it and Frank and Ron are a relatively tight unit. I think the best you can hope for is a co-writer, but I don't think that'll happen either. I'm not convinced they'll give it another 2-year pick-up, either. But I didn't expect the last one.


Jsbt, you don't think that, if push came to shove, Frank would throw Ron under the bus in a heartbeat if it meant getting a pick up? I used to think they were a unit, too, but if the female 18-49 demos keep sliding, I could see Frank suggesting that a change could turn things around.


Then again, it may just be wishful thinking on my part.  Watching Ron's head explode if he's pushed out would finally be the event that changes Port Charles forever!

Fin is going to be on "The Chew" on Wed.


But yet she won't be featured on the actual anniversary show itself!  So, they trot her out for publicity's sake and then dismiss her.


In fact, this'll be the third anniversary show in a row that they've excluded her completely. Which, is their right, and not surprising given their cast of 70 characters.  But for those of us (however few or many) who watch the show because of her, it's certainly no motivation to tune in.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 3

I don't see Frank tossing Ron. Not unless he was under direct orders, and even then I think he'd fight tooth and nail to keep him. They've worked together for years and appear to enjoy their working relationship. By all accounts, Frank has complete confidence in Ron's ability or he would have done more to reign him in by now.

  • Love 1

I don't see Frank tossing Ron. Not unless he was under direct orders, and even then I think he'd fight tooth and nail to keep him. They've worked together for years and appear to enjoy their working relationship. By all accounts, Frank has complete confidence in Ron's ability or he would have done more to reign him in by now.


Frank is obviously stubborn as hell and like a dog with a bone when it comes to letting go of epic fails (see: RoHo as Franco, which passed its fail-by date nearly two years ago -- in other words, pretty much instantaneously).  So he'll probably torture all of us with Ron until the lights go out, sadly.

Edited by magnolia11
  • Love 2

Rapemance and Ford aside, the first few years of OLTL was watchable under Frank and Ron. 


Before FV gets rid of Ron, I suggest a co-writer. But more than that, take away his toys, Franco, Nina, Obretch and cartoon characters he created. I like BM but his casting has been a colossal failure. He too can go. At this point, making him Jason, Lucky or whatever legacy character won't help. They let him him a dough for far too long.


I can't speak for others, but my issue is that I know, despite those promos, there is no reason to get involved in Jake/Liz. As soon as the truth about Jason is out, Sam and Jason will begin working their way back to each other and Patrick and Liz will be road kill. I like Liz and I liked Liz and Jake initially, but even then I knew it wouldn't end well for Liz.



Casual viewers will not think so given the way this Jakeson story has been written. Even onliners who follow spoilers and social media can't say for sure Jasam are forgone conclusion. 


Sam is hardly a blip on his radar. 

I don't see Frank tossing Ron. Not unless he was under direct orders, and even then I think he'd fight tooth and nail to keep him. They've worked together for years and appear to enjoy their working relationship. By all accounts, Frank has complete confidence in Ron's ability or he would have done more to reign him in by now.


This probably is  reined in Ron, which is scary.

Edited by ulkis
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I think Frank would cut Ron if he was told he absolutely had to to save the show, but I don't see that happening. I also think he'd fight it. They're tight.


I think he's reigned him in sometimes, but not enough. And I think FV's primary focus is on putting the show out on time and on budget, and letting his longtime friend and co-worker's muse fly is part of that process. You can tell how much his cutting philosophy in the editing room has evolved over the years - they hammer away at stuff in the cutting from story to story everyday, to highlight future developments or the 'moral' of whatever. Frank watches it all, clearly, and is supposedly very involved on the floor. But he just thinks they're a great team doing good work, and they don't have much time to reexamine that. But they clearly need someone from outside the both of them, at least a co-HW.

Edited by jsbt
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They won't hire anyone who hasn't been through the soap wringer already, and I can't think of anyone who would be better than Ron at this point.


Gary Tomlin just became available. [/laughing manically] 


And am I total douchebag or only a partial one for saying that when someone gets too unwieldy, you rein them in, like the reins on a horse?

Edited by Francie
  • Love 5

Yes, but you knew I meant I can't think of anyone better than Ron among the writers who have already been through the soap wringer :p


I know, but you know I just had to say what I did!




Gary Tomlin just became available. [/laughing manically]


Manically? or Maniacally?

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 5

Gary Tomlin just became available. [/laughing manically] 


And am I total douchebag or only a partial one for saying that when someone gets too unwieldy, you rein them in, like the reins on a horse?


I knew that! Went and edited. I do confuse those two a lot, because my brain is already separating "rain" and "reign" and sometimes "rein" just doesn't make it in there :) 

  • Love 1



Casual viewers will not think so given the way this Jakeson story has been written. Even onliners who follow spoilers and social media can't say for sure Jasam are forgone conclusion.

Sam is hardly a blip on his radar.


If Jason was hardly a blip on Sam's radar, I might not be so certain that JaSam are end game.  But, we've had lots of talk about Danny not knowing his father, how much Sam loves and misses Jason, the wedding ring discussion, etc.  And as recently as a few months ago, Sam wasn't sure she could be in a relationship with Patrick because of her feelings for Jason.  Plus, there was the little matter of Sam being to only reason that Jake could overcome Helena's programming.  Maybe I'll be surprised but I'm not counting on it.

  • Love 3

I knew that! Went and edited. I do confuse those two a lot, because my brain is already separating "rain" and "reign" and sometimes "rein" just doesn't make it in there :) 


I think because we're so far removed from horse and buggy days, "reign" seems to make more sense.


But, God forbid if RC ever stumbled into this thread. He'd immediately dismiss all points just for a manical [sp] typo. ;) 


Then again, he's dismiss all points that are critical anyway.  Haters gonna hate, you know.

I think because we're so far removed from horse and buggy days, "reign" seems to make more sense.






I've read far too much historical fiction for that to be an excuse for me :)



Well, according to a legitimate, not 'legit' grammar site, the proper spelling for reining this asshat in, is rein.


What? I'm bored today.

The funny thing is, I think Ron has always, always gravitated to and preferred the female characters, especially older female characters more: Viki and Dorian on OLTL, Tracy, Anna, Heather, Obrecht on GH. That started out well in his early years as a HW on another show, then grew into something more cavalier and lazy. Because I think he particularly has more of an affinity for females, but now it's more for his favorite females, especially if they're "wild" characters - crazies like Heather or Obrecht, Nina or, in the past, Ava or Connie; Tess/Jess on OLTL, etc. Women who he feels can do anything, so they will, because it's fun and it's no big deal, the actresses are great and the audience can handle it and they'll bounce back, he'll write them out of any hole. But he doesn't, or he gets angry if you don't accept it.


I think he has a weak spot for campy women that he can, in his mind, "humanize" (Obrecht and Heather, especially Obrecht's endless pity parties), but I haven't seen all that much love for Tracy or Anna in his material. Anna is unrecognizable to me, essentially MIA with her daughter and granddaughter in order to get barked at by another generic "antihero," and Tracy is stranded for many months on end when Geary's time off could have been a perfect time to explore her character beyond being Fake Luke's patsy.



I can't believe it. Poor Olivia. Foiled again.


Choose your own adventure.


1) They were going to give him SO many stories if he'd stayed. So many stories. 


2) Ned was always scum anyway!


3) Ned is a fat pig with a big old tire gut! Who needs him?


4) The role of Ned Ashton is now being played by Ricky Paull Goldin...

  • Love 11



I can't believe it. Poor Olivia. Foiled again.


And we're down another Quartermaine, booo.


And I assume Ron will blame Wally Kurth.  "OMG, you guys, we had so many awesome Quartermaine stories and Ned/Olivia stories, but Wally accepted a full-time job, that bastard."

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 11

Haha, what dumbasses. Good grief. You'd think they'd learn after what happened with Tristan Rogers, but noooo, we have to keep laying down money for Franco and Nina and Silas' renewal.


I think Ian Buchanan/Duke has stuck out like a sore thumb since his return but I would have vastly preferred him and Wally on contract over RoHo and Stafford. If I weren't at level: apathetic (to quote Morgan somewhat) I'd be infuriated that these two are still on the show. Although the real infuriating thing is, if the show is cancelled in a year or two with Stafford and RoHo still on it, you know Ron and Frank are gonna be like, gee, what could have possibly been the problem?

  • Love 6


4) The role of Ned Ashton is now being played by Ricky Paull Goldin...


Is this the wrong time/place to suggest James DePaiva as Ned? No? Alright, just doing my regular fangirl representation. Carry on...


(and with his wife on DAYS/both of them mostly based in New York, that would probably never happen. I think JDP is mostly into theater now anyway. But hey, I can dream...)

Edited by UYI
  • Love 2

I actually wouldn't be surprised if they spitefully try to recast this time. I know Frank prefers the originals whenever possible, but that Kevin thing a few months ago still strikes me as gratuitous after not using him for the better part of a year, and this is the exact thing Tristan Rogers did, which they took personally despite having the power to hire him on contract themselves. Ned is not Scorpio, and Kurt McKinney (or someone else) could always use a job.


Gary Tomlin is a nice guy but not exactly a creative genius. I think the only man who can keep this show running at cost and possibly secure another renewal is Frank - Ron's creative vision aside, Frank made financial miracles for OLTL when they wanted that show dead. Frank worked with a number of HWs, good and bad, including Michael Malone, but what he cares about in the end is facilitating whoever's vision (though he did not like Dena Higley) and overall keeping the thing running. I'm not saying he's the greatest EP or guy on Earth, because he's not, but he knows his job and he does it with sometimes brutal efficiency. (Having said that, he also has his major blind spots - like the OLTLers, and now Michelle Stafford.)

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 1

Tomlin doesn't have contempt for soaps, the way Ron does. Tomlin has often been wildly erratic and in recent years downright bad/terrible at DAYS, but when he is good, he's better than anything Ron has camped out since about 2008.


But at this point I think Ron will be there to the end, which, judging by current ratings, won't be much longer, especially if ABC finally manages to find a dirt cheap show (maybe they will have Tom Bergeron selling Tupperware with Suzanne Somers and Lara Spencer).

  • Love 2

I think Ian Buchanan/Duke has stuck out like a sore thumb since his return but I would have vastly preferred him and Wally on contract over RoHo and Stafford. If I weren't at level: apathetic (to quote Morgan somewhat) I'd be infuriated that these two are still on the show. Although the real infuriating thing is, if the show is cancelled in a year or two with Stafford and RoHo still on it, you know Ron and Frank are gonna be like, gee, what could have possibly been the problem?


Oh, I'll never be not infuriated that they (particularly RoHo/Franco) are still there.  Whenever I hear about anyone leaving that isn't Franco, I think my head spins and steam comes out of my ears.  Just let it go, Cartini.  Your pissing match with Prospect Park is no longer relevant.  It's fine (and long past time) to let go of Howarth and your Franco fiasco that's been a fungus on this show for two years now.

Edited by magnolia11
  • Love 8

Is this the wrong time/place to suggest James DePaiva as Ned? No? Alright, just doing my regular fangirl representation. Carry on...


(and with his wife on DAYS/both of them mostly based in New York, that would probably never happen. I think JDP is mostly into theater now anyway. But hey, I can dream...)


Do you really want an actor you like on this show? You're braver than I am. 


Didn't they not ask him back for OLTL's final year? I can't remember.

  • Love 1

Ron doesn't have contempt for soaps. The problem is that Ron has contempt for anyone who doesn't see that he is the way and the truth for the future of soaps, and contempt for the building blocks of the soap storytelling he grew up with.


Frank has his blind spots, but he didn't try to sign every nice person he met or cute guy that came through the door to a contract, which Gary did at OLTL when he was EP. Nor have his various positions at DAYS left me brimming with confidence.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 7

Choose your own adventure.

1) They were going to give him SO many stories if he'd stayed. So many stories.

2) Ned was always scum anyway!

3) Ned is a fat pig with a big old tire gut! Who needs him?

4) The role of Ned Ashton is now being played by Ricky Paull Goldin...

Choose? This is MoRon he won't choose he will use all 4!!!

  • Love 2

Do you really want an actor you like on this show? You're braver than I am. 


Didn't they not ask him back for OLTL's final year? I can't remember.


Good point. It's been long enough since he's been on TV, though, that I'm almost willing to make the sacrifice. Almost.


No, they didn't ask him back, which broke my heart, and I don't even buy the "Max doesn't have enough ties to Llanview" crap either--he could've easily gone to visit Cord, Tina and Renee. 


At least he came back in 2007 for Asa's funeral, that was nice. 


That said, I do think he actually would be a VERY good fit for Ned, lookswise and agewise. 

Edited by UYI
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