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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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I wish her good luck and in fairness to her, I think that RC saddled her with a poorly written and plotted character. I wonder if having KimMc floating in and out of GH while completing her director's program inspired to stretch her wings and pursue other things .

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Saw this on Twitter and just had to post it here since it goes to the heart of what we've all been saying:

When #GH stars talk about Fluke being "amazing tv", I figure someone has a gun to their head. They have to say it's good. It's their job.

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I honestly think Kristen Alderson spoke her honest opinion whenever she talked about anything on the show being awesome. Maybe Will de Vry too, heh.

Edited by ulkis
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Ron's fighting with people on Twitter about the Fluke story. He claims it's a six-month story. Sure, if six months = a year.

MoRon truly thinks we are stupid! How does he think anyone wouldn't notice that he completely reset the story once TG returned.

Why does he always argue the obvious. He needs to get off twitter and learn how to write a multi generational soap opera with all the beats and decent pacing.

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Why does he always argue the obvious. He needs to get off twitter and learn how to write a multi generational soap opera with all the beats and decent pacing.


There's a better chance of me becoming pregnant naturally with quads within the next year. (I'm currently 40 and single so, yeah, no.)

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Ron's fighting with people on Twitter about the Fluke story. He claims it's a six-month story. Sure, if six months = a year.

I think he means, the amount of time we've spent watching the Fluke story totals six of the last twelve months.

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This part was particularly interesting:

But it is an issue. Rare is the actress who can stay busy into her forties, fifties, and beyond—daytime, primetime, anytime—which makes what’s happening at GH something close to a miracle.

Grahn: Things didn’t change on our show until Vicki Dummer took over [at ABC Daytime]. She and Frank and our head writer, Ron Carlivati, are age-blind. And now the ratings are up.
Hughes: They find older, powerful women sexy instead of something to fear. When women are in charge at the network, it doesn’t become a question.
Elliot: I’m not so sure about that. Over the years, we’ve had several women running ABC Daytime and executive producing GH, and they were quite male-centric. They were very busy sucking up to the guys on the show and would dismiss the rest of us.


Makes me like JE even more for not letting JFP off the hook for her older-women-hating ways.

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Wasn't that before they left the show the first time? She left because Monty refused to give her a raise. Plus lots of actors thank people they don't particularly care for, I'm sure.

Gloria Monty told Genie Francis to get over herself once when she had some problem due to her heroin use. She said if anything happened to her it didn't matter because Luke was the real star. Gloria Monty put out good product but she favored the men.

Edited by ulkis
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Monty fucked with a lot of people who'd owed her a lot. She iced Finola Hughes pretty fast in the early '90s when Finola made it clear she wanted to do other things; she didn't even get to finish out her exit story.

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Ignore what I said previously: I just read the GH women interview, so now I'm thinking that Jane thanking Gloria (who refused to nominate her) was a polite way of giving her the finger. 

Edited by rur
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Gloria Monty told Genie Francis to get over herself once when she had some problem due to her heroin use. She said if anything happened to her it didn't matter because Luke was the real star. Gloria Monty put out good product but she favored the men.



What, what, whaaaa......?   Genie did heroin??   I'm trying to picture sweet, plucky little Laura doing heroin ...

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Oh, it was probably cocaine, I don't know 100% sure.


What, what, whaaaa......?   Genie did heroin??   I'm trying to picture sweet, plucky little Laura doing heroin ...



Yeah, she did, she talked about it on her lifetime intimate portrait I believe. And there's more shady stuff about the network covering it up or helping her up in order to make sure she could keep going on the show, but I don't know the details, others would know better.

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GM really seemed to idolize TG.Yeah She was horrible to GF.What I remeber is Genie had a drug overdose and was in the hospital and she either told Genie or someone told her that she said it that luke and Tony was the real star of the show.Everyone was pretty much on drugs back then and GM covered it up.

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Am I misreading or does Michael Fairman think Robin being kidnapped and her death faked was her "seemingly leaving Patrick in the dust"?


Also, I'm surprised #1 Sabrina Fan Michael Fairman didn't ask any questions about their "epic" romance.

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That was a great interview but poor JT is clearly begging for the writers to delve in what his character has been through, and GH clearly has no interest. It's just plot, plot, plot.

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He's not the only one, based on Emme's twitter chat yesterday she's looking for Johnny&Lulu or basically anything that gives her something more meaty and has drama to play. She wants drama and lots of it, she also wants a fling with Johnny if it gives it to her.


I don't blame her at all. 

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It's exactly what I was saying the other day. JT talks about the trauma his character is going through and he should talk to a psychiatrist, but on-screen he's all, "Lalala Sam so pretty." He has to know by now that the writers don't care about the character and it's all a plot point for the Jason reveal.

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Well, I don't blame Emme, because she's on her first contract and she probably didn't know the daughter of Luke and Laura had been regulated to a side character, but at this point I don't really feel too sorry for JT. He doesn't have any kids to support, he should have left after his first contract, let alone his second.

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I don't think he should lose it, I think he should have quit.


(Although to be honest, my heart wouldn't bleed much if JT had lost his job. He's an able bodied man who can find other jobs, and he has other businesses on the side.)

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I'd love to see JT do other things, especially because they're not giving him much to do on the show IMO. But I don't know what's in his head. Maybe he really loves the show and the time off and whatever. I dunno.

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I'm sure. I don't blame him for staying. I'd stay for all that money and time off too, but I just don't feel too sorry for him if he's frustrated with lack of character motivation. He knows the score by now.

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Airtime, a story, etc. But now in all his interviews, it's just, "I like working with KeMo because we're friends." He doesn't go deep into them as characters. He's still all about Patrick as an individual and Patrick/Robin.

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That's why I kinda laugh when I see ER or other actors think an affair or something "dramatic" happening will necessarily lead to airtime/material. Ron will do half the plot off-screen if that's what he feels like doing.

Edited by ulkis
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