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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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I'm here to see JVP collect a nom and a trophy.  And to sacrifice anything to stop Franco from getting a nomination.  This is prenoms, right?  I hope the voters love CBS.  I can't deal with Emmy nominated Franco.  On the other hand, if Roger is nominated, maybe he will get a decent haircut.  I literally need to see the reels.  If BC' s has his last scene, I will die.  

Billy Miller must really be getting something from GH to stay with no nom this year and no wins since he's arrived.  

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19 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

I'm happy to see LW on that list

Same here—she was really, really good in the scenes after Morgan died.

I feel like MB gets nominated by habit at this point. Same with RoHo, TBH. I don't think either of them did work that was noteworthy.

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16 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Same here—she was really, really good in the scenes after Morgan died.

I feel like MB gets nominated by habit at this point. Same with RoHo, TBH. I don't think either of them did work that was noteworthy.

At least MB got to cry and all that jazz over Morgan's death. What did RoHo do besides eat on camera and look like a heroin addict?

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12 hours ago, HeatLifer said:


So, how did he get a prenom without submitting anything? Don't get me wrong, I think it's fucking hilarious, considering Brydog prolly agonized over which award winning performance he should submit, and here's Tequan - nominated with no reel at all!

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17 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

Just looking at that list...snore. Same GH actors. Why don't we just nominate the entire Corinthos clan? Where you at, Avery?

And poor Billy Miller. Still NOTHING to submit in what? Over TWO years? 

Eh.  BM had an entire episode of Emmy bait when he got his memory back.  Maybe if he woke the hell up and acted...

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4 hours ago, aw86 said:

Eh.  BM had an entire episode of Emmy bait when he got his memory back.  Maybe if he woke the hell up and acted...

There was nothing in that episode that was Emmy worthy, IMO. He has not been given ONE single scene to showcase anything dramatically. He has played the part of a jobless volunteer cop for over a year now.

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On 1/23/2017 at 10:57 PM, TeeVee329 said:

Whoa.  That's a big change for DOOL.  Curious to see what Ron does with it.

This is probably going to sound the death toll for GH. One thing that RC was really good at was delivering sizeable ratings bumps to the shows he penned and maintaining those ratings for goodly amounts of time.* It won't be hard for a Carlivati-fueled DOOL to leapfrog the ailing GH in viewership. And once GH becomes a perennial occupant of the ratings basement...

* - But once the audience turns on him... YIKES!!!

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1 hour ago, yowsah1 said:

This is probably going to sound the death toll for GH. One thing that RC was really good at was delivering sizeable ratings bumps to the shows he penned and maintaining those ratings for goodly amounts of time.* It won't be hard for a Carlivati-fueled DOOL to leapfrog the ailing GH in viewership. And once GH becomes a perennial occupant of the ratings basement...

* - But once the audience turns on him... YIKES!!!


Which I suspect will happen once RC gets comfortable. Hopefully the EP will be strong enough to contain it instead of letting him run hog wild like FV eventually did. 

I feel sorry for the actors on DooL if RC writing leads to the death of GH, as the actors (especially those young enough to work full-time, but too old that they would be make the leap to Prime time television) will have one less place to go if they are forced out of DooL.

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I'm not going to jump to the assumption that Ron alone means that DAYS can topple GH. He had a lot of help from Frank, who, sins aside, knows how to cut a budget to the bone and get value for his dollar if and when he wants to. (Though these days he seems to be spending more on outside stars instead of the essentials.) Together, working in what appeared to be sync at the time, they got GH's budget down and its ratings up because they were largely in concert about the creative vision of their show. They also were not taping six months out; if they were, GH would've probably gone off the air in '12.

Ron has more stumbling blocks to work with at NBC: DAYS has a ridiculous tape-to-air gap, its budget is bargain basement even below GH, and it has not one but several producers, including the show's heir who is notorious for being an ADD control freak who can't go longer than six months without reversing a decision or firing a writer to bring back one of his known hack friends. He had to be forced to fire Dena Higley at least twice. I can't see Ken Corday and co. vouchsafing for Ron the way Frank used to unless they are compelled to by Sony.

If the producers are told to facilitate Ron's vision (within reason) and do so, DAYS has a good shot. Frank has long since lost perspective and objectivity at GH, he's not the producer he used to be and the show is weak. But it's not where it was in early 2012, where people (me included) thought it was DOA. DAYS has been at death's door for longer than GH was and it is operating with several disadvantages. If Ron can both turn it around and manage to knock GH off its perch, that I will call a miracle.

Edited by jsbt
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1 hour ago, linsav said:

I don't think having an almost perpetual bitchface is a category. BH uses that waaay too much.

I don't think any human can stand this bullshit crap stories that Liz/BH has been told to do the past few years. Sweet Jebus, the whole damn story of Liz's rapist ended up being all about Franco! Tom Baker's release should've been a great story for Liz, Monica, Jason and even Tracy. Coping with his return to town. Having Jason recall and perhaps be tempted to threaten Tom. It would've interesting to have Nik around for this event too. With his involvement with both Liz and Emily.

But no. We get Tom Baker out and it was all about Franco and his hurt widdle feelings. Not about the Qs. Not about Jason. And certainly not about Tom's victim, Liz.

Does anyone really want to see rape survivor Liz date and prop up serial killer, Franco? I just don't understand what the obsession this show has with Franco. Christ. End the fiasco! Give RoHo another character. Let it be Todd or even an all new character. Don't care.

There is a shit ton of major problems  this show has with characters,  writing and pacing. But the idiotic coupling of Liz to Franco is just nightmarish. The writing is terrible for all women. Hell, it is bad for everyone, but women seem to have it the worst. 

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13 hours ago, gator12 said:

RoHo got a prenom but the actress who prop him couldn't?

The actress propping him is Becky Herbst. And we all know how much the shit-flinging monkeys who run this show (into the ground) value her and her fans.

It's also sickly hilarious how this nomination tacitly acknowledges what many here have said - the Tom Baker story was designed for the express purpose of showcasing Soap Superstar Roger Howarth as Franco. Baker's VICTIM, the person who by all rights this story should be ABOUT, wasn't even a consideration.

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19 minutes ago, yowsah1 said:

The actress propping him is Becky Herbst. And we all know how much the shit-flinging monkeys who run this show (into the ground) value her and her fans.

It's also sickly hilarious how this nomination tacitly acknowledges what many here have said - the Tom Baker story was designed for the express purpose of showcasing Soap Superstar Roger Howarth as Franco. Baker's VICTIM, the person who by all rights this story should be ABOUT, wasn't even a consideration.

Becky Herbst get no respect, she's always propping someone, being used as angst to some boring couple. Liz rape wasn't about her, her child dead wasn't about her, her rapist being release wasn't about her.  Everything is about propping the males and their emmy storyline, From Tony Geary, Jonathan Jackson, Billy Miller (what a flop he is) and now Roger Howard. She should have bounce when Frank tried to lowball her and push her out (like he did with Tyler).  

I get why she stayed since Hollywood ain't shit. Maybe she needs to star playing the backstage politics thing

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2 hours ago, gator12 said:

I get why she stayed since Hollywood ain't shit. Maybe she needs to star playing the backstage politics thing

Nah, it's way too late for that strategy to work for BH. 

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From all I've read, BH is very non confrontational. Elizabeth was backburned for years, and BH never said a word. As ulkis wrote, it's too late for that, and even if she did, I don't think being paired with Soap Legend Roger Howarth and getting major airtime is when to start complaining. They'd trash Elizabeth even more than they already have and stick her back behind the nurses station filing charts.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Does anybody remember the television series SINS, which was supposed to star Nathan Parsons and Rick Hearst and a bunch of other daytime and nighttime luminaries?  There was a blurb on it in (IIRC) SOD and it was listed on Parsons and Hearst's IMDB pages, complete with descriptions of episodes and the like.  Yet any search for an actual television network or streaming service or whatever hosting the show came up as a goose egg.  It was weird.

Well, now the weirdness has just gotten weirder.  I had reason to go on Nathan Parsons IMDB page today and the entry for SINS is gone.  Completely scrubbed off.  Same for Rick Hearst's page.  Same for the show page (it no longer exists).  Everything relating to this so-called television series is just... gone.

What the hell is the story here?


EDIT:  I take back the part about the show page being pulled, it showed up after a Google search, and, boy, does the comment section have a tale to tell.  Looks like SOD got punk'd - the whole thing was just a big scam.

Edited by yowsah1
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A lot to unpack here


As previously reported, Parsons was hired to play the role of serial killer

David Jagger Jr., while Hearst announced he has signed on to play the role of FBI agent Jack Bellows in the series that follows A.D.A. Sabine Evans (Fancy Macelli) in her decade-long quest to catch Jagger.

Sins also stars former Days of our Lives star Craig Tsuyumine (ex-Dr. Sanders) and The Brady Bunch's Florence Henderson.*

* - she dead

Edited by jsbt
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Uh oh...


Frank Valentini ‏@valentinifrank  2h2 hours ago

There's exciting GH News coming this week. Stay tuned #GH

Recall that "exciting GH news" in February announcements included the hiring of Rebecca Budig in 2015 and the rehiring of Michael Easton in 2016.

Edited by TeeVee329
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That's another spot-on guess.  Hold me, you guys, I'm scared!

ETA...oh god, I just had a horrifying thought - what if they cast Kristen Alderson to play Serena because, as Franco's sister, it would allow her and Roger Howarth to interact.  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Edited by TeeVee329
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11 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

That's another spot-on guess.  Hold me, you guys, I'm scared!

ETA...oh god, I just had a horrifying thought - what if they cast Kristen Alderson to play Serena because, as Franco's sister, it would allow her and Roger Howarth to interact.  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I hope not personally I've given up on them ever casting Serena.That said most of the time FV news is so disappointing.

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14 hours ago, Bwill3133 said:

Or Kristen Alderson returning! 

I think she's done with acting on a full time basis for a long, long time. She's back home in PA and got her real estate license recently. I know she recently said she wanted to cone back to GH, but she may not have been serious, or she could just have been talking about visiting her friends there back stage. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt here. 

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On 1/29/2017 at 3:21 AM, jsbt said:

A lot to unpack here

* - she dead

Apparently she was supposedly signed before she passed.

The big question for me is whether or not the actors cited  (or more likely, their representation), got tricked into signing on to this rather obvious scam or if the scamsters just used their names to trick other people into signing on.

I suspect the latter. Either way, I bet the lawsuits will be a'flyin' soon.

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