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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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I'm pretty sure #1 refers to the awful Vivian Jovanni from Days of Our Lives as someone else said. The actress (being kind here) may have some resemblance to screen mom Kristian Alfonso (Hope), but she generally has not improved as Ciara since she was hired.

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13 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

3.  I want to say Billy Miller, but I think he'd be welcomed back.   So, I'll go with MSt.   But there's no way Billy doesn't want back on Y&R.


None of these sound like they're RoHo tbh.   He just resigned a long contract, keeps to himself, literally doesn't gossip, and stays out of trouble.  When the story/character are decent, he can perform.   None of them are Mo, either.  Mo isn't that stupid tbh.  He will most likely go down with the ship. 

Heh, everybody keeps trying to get rid of BM. He just re-signed with GH though, so it appears he's not looking to leave.

I also don't think any of these are about GH. I've just got this feeling they've been told the show has an expiration date. And they can thank Michael Strahan - there's no way GMA hired that man and did all that advertising just to have him do a few segments. I bet all the money in my pocket plus a million dollars that he's getting either his own talk show or a third hour of GMA to headline, and GH will be sacrificed come Fall 2017. ABC renewed Uncle Frank's & Jelly's contracts for one year, so I think they'll make some kind of announcement after the holidays.

Y'all, what do I get if I'm right? Ooh, a puppy! Can I have a puppy?? I will love him and squeeze him and call him George. :)

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That is so depressing. The idea that GH might end with one of the worst writing/production teams that it has ever had is truly sad.

It's a good time to check back in to Y&R 

Edited by Oracle42
Dammit, spellcheck!
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That definitely makes sense bout Michael Strahan. If this is the case, I hope that they throw out all the current storylines and just go back to the way things used to be to close it out. Hell, even Ron wrote good farewells to shows.

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5 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

I wonder what the PP team would've done with GH

Hopefully replaced all of the writers, director, set designers, prop people, hair, makeup, and wardrobe people, social media intern, promo maker, and then killed off 37 characters at one time. 

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12 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Yeah, RC's writing for T&B and Rex as a Bike was a huge helping of NOPE.

I wonder what the PP team would've done with GH

I think it would  have been good but of course it depends who they brought in to write it. They hired old time OL writes who knew the history of both the show and characters which is why it worked so well. 

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9 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

That is so depressing. The idea that GH might end with one of the worst writing/production teams that it has ever had is truly sad.

It's a good time to check back in to Y&R 

I might as well do that too.  It plays at all of my doctor's offices, plus I'm sure that the sign of a good soap is being able to jump in and out.  I still say that CD needs to be hired by B&B to play SK's son. 

8 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Oh sure, as long as you're not a Todd & Blair fan. Cause he totally f***ed up that story! Thankfully PP fixed it.

Hey, we did get a few good scenes.  I'd settle for Brenda returning with Michael's baby.  End show. 

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14 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Steve Burton and Maurice Benard had lunch today. Dun dun DUN. 

I'm joking, I'm joking. (Not about them having lunch, they really did that.)

Mo's dad: You gotta get Steve to come back! He would never let Carly kiss on Jason!

Mo: I'm on it!

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17 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Steve never playing Jarly the way Guza wanted is forever my favorite part about him.

I wonder if Guza was afraid Steve wouldn't be his frien anymore if forced Jason/Carly on Steve. Poor Guza just wanted to be in with cool kid.

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5 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I wonder if Guza was afraid Steve wouldn't be his frien anymore if forced Jason/Carly on Steve. Poor Guza just wanted to be in with cool kid.

Probably. Steve wasn't playing. And Guza just let it be.

Edited by HeatLifer
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I'm underwhelmed by the information she gave.

I don't really understand why Nelle's going after Carly. Carly had no idea Jax secured a black-market kidney until he told her a few months ago. She's done a lot of crappy things, but this isn't one of them. Not that I want Jax taken down, but if Nelle should go after anyone, it's him.

20 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

found her remark that the letter from the EVUL DADDY might not have been addressed to Nelle herself to be semi-interesting.

I groaned when I read that. It probably means some relative of hers will come to town sooner rather than later. No, thanks. 

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14 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I groaned when I read that. It probably means some relative of hers will come to town sooner rather than later. No, thanks. 

I took it to mean the letter could have been written to someone we know - Carly, Bobbie, etc.  She did say there is history with/a tie to Carly.

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4 hours ago, ulkis said:

Nelle has strong feelings for Michael? Nelle would feel guiltier over consensual sex with Sonny than she does roofing him? What?

I honestly didn't understand a word of her interview in terms of Nelle's story or her motivations.

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5 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

I honestly didn't understand a word of her interview in terms of Nelle's story or her motivations.

It's most likely bullshit anyway. She's still a noob so she's in the stage of actually thinking her character has any kind of motivation whatsoever other than what the writers decide to have her do on any given day. Remember how KeMo used to talk about JT trying to find character motivation when filming their scenes? She basically told him there is no motivation, just say the fucking words and let's wrap this bullshit up for the day. She gone learn.

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8 hours ago, Melgaypet said:

Not an expansive resume to be basing his expert opinion on, I must say.

He's not wrong with the shooting pace; I've heard those measures elsewhere. Just about everyone who goes to a soap from elsewhere has remarked on how fast things move. It's why I'll always love Harrison Ford for saying he hugely respects soap actors for being able to make what they do believable, given the outlandish stories and single takes.

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3 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I'd be okay with Finn dying and John McBain taking over the PCPD from Jordan. 

I like Michael Easton. Sue me.

I will! I will sue you so hard! As hard as PP sued ABC! Or was it the other way around?

Poor Dante if McBain got to be commissioner over him. Well that's what he gets for not repudiating his dirtbag dad I guess.

Edited by ulkis
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16 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I'd be okay with Finn dying and John McBain taking over the PCPD from Jordan. 

I like Michael Easton. Sue me.

I don't like him, and I still wondered if McBain could come back to see if he still worked with Anna.

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28 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I will! I will sue you so hard! As hard as PP sued ABC! Or was it the other way around?

Poor Dante if McBain got to be commissioner over him. Well that's what he gets for not repudiating his dirtbag dad I guess.


I think Dante wouldn't want to deal with all the commissioner/politics b.s. He never struck me as having that sort of ambition. I can see him being a captain, but that's as high as he'd want to go. Speaking of ranks, it's funny that the PCPD has patrol officers, detectives, and then the commissioner. Where are the sergeants and lieutenants?

Edited by dubbel zout
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3 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:


I think Dante wouldn't want to deal with all the commissioner/politics b.s. He never struck me as having that sort of ambition. I can see him being a captain, but that's as high as he'd want to go. Speaking of ranks, it's funny that the PCPD has patrol officers, detectives, and then the commissioner. Where are the sergeants and lieutenants?

That's what I was thinking - that there doesn't seem to be anything between "detective" and "commissioner".

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