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Yeah, I don't think Steve or Maurice had any particular dislike of any of the Carlys, but apparently they and Sarah Brown gave Lisa Vultaggio aka Hanna aka Mrs Jonathan Jackson a hard time because of her acting. You may be thinking of that Grrpants.


I think Steve (Mr. Blinky/Stare) and Maurice (King of the Pregnant Pause) are the last ones that should be judging, let alone making fun of, anyone's acting abilities.  LOL

Edited by LegalParrot81
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I don't blame SB for not wanting to kiss a smoker. It really is like licking an ashtray. Yuc


Oh, absolutely. There might have been more to it, though--something about not thinking Jason and Carly fit together or something? (Not that many viewers would disagree with him there, but still). 


Going back further, I've always wondered how well Tristan Rogers and Emma Samms got along when they worked together again years later, given their RL relationship in the 80's. I do remember reading that he and Fin weren't (and may still not be) exactly close, although for KMc's sake at least they were civil around her. They may be closer now, though.


Fin and Ian Buchanan, of course, are BFFs (as they also are with Susan Flannery). 

Edited by UYI

They were thick as thieves early on, but supposedly Burton or Benard were threatened by Sarah's popularity after a certain point - I remember after the recast, MB went out of his way to imply in the press that Brown was 'too aggressive' as a scene partner and that Tamara Braun, whose rise he had specifically helped to cultivate with the fans (her Carly was not intended to take off), was more responsive. This was in print, though I can't remember the exact words. I've never heard that Benard and Sarah ever had issues while she was there, but I really have no idea.


What I did hear about was the alleged clash between Braun and Benard later on. Tamara Braun was into the story with Ted King and wanted out of the S&C merry-go-round. Benard supposedly wanted Sonny to keep playing the field (Sam, etc.) but not have to worry about Carly's popularity with a hot new lead overtaking him. The story was killed, and Carly floundered around in Sonny's orbit until TB quit when it became clear they would not be moving Carly on.


I imagine they all get along now, as far as I know, but I think MB's power (and interest in power) has long since left him. He's gotten older, he can see people moving up, he just wants to do the job. And I think some of the stories may have been exaggerated, because MB - at least the Maurice Benard of the last ten, fifteen years at least - doesn't strike me as an openly aggressive guy, more passive-aggressive, talking to the writers or producer, perhaps. He's had a lot of life he's lived and he's made his share of mistakes.

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On the other side of the spectrum, I remember hearing that Tamara Braun, Ric Hearst, and Cynthia Preston were all really close.  


And as far as rumors go, was there ever any truth to the one that M'Fund Morrison is the reason Lindsey Leatherman was fired, and then he shortly and subsequently did something to piss off Mo and Steve and was fired himself?

Edited by Tiger

Oh, absolutely. There might have been more to it, though--something about not thinking Jason and Carly fit together or something? (Not that many viewers would disagree with him there, but still). 


Going back further, I've always wondered how well Tristan Rogers and Emma Samms got along when they worked together again years later, given their RL relationship in the 80's. I do remember reading that he and Fin weren't (and may still not be) exactly close, although for KMc's sake at least they were civil around her. They may be closer now, though.


Fin and Ian Buchanan, of course, are BFFs (as they also are with Susan Flannery). 


Emma said in an interview in 2006, that one of the reasons she agreed to come back was because Tristan was also going to be there.  I don't think their split was bitter. TR said that one of the big reasons they split was the age difference.  He was in his 30's and she was early 20's when they were dating.  He said he was turning into a homebody and she still wanted to go out an party.  

I had thought the guy in question re: the Lindze Letherman story (which did not involve her firing - this was a few years before) was a recurring player - one of the dudes who played Sonny's bodyguards, maybe it was Johnny. He was disposed of shortly thereafter. There is a version that has swirled around about Mfundo Morrison, who I'd never heard much about before, but I really disengaged from a lot of the show around then so others would know better than me (about everything).


I don't know that Steve had any issue with Sarah Brown personally, but he was really, really not into being paired with her Carly in the '90s. That was when he started beating the religious drum.


Tristan and Finola seem to get along awfully well these days. I'd had no idea there was trouble, I just knew they didn't like being paired romantically in the early '90s. The murkier stories about Tony and Genie, IMO, are the ones that are the saddest.

Edited by jsbt

Speaking of Genie, there are times when Kin Shriner is interviewed, and talks about his relationship with her in the 70's, and I can't help but wonder if a part of him is still in love with her and never really got over her. I could be completely off base here, of course, but sometimes I get that vibe from him. 

Edited by UYI

^^^Which, like I said before, must have been VERY awkward once JJ not only returned to GH, but their son Titus began playing Aiden. Because you know both of them were probably on set on the days their son was working. 


JJ just had a fan event with Steven Burton last year, and Steve has visited JJ in Nashville a lot. I don't think there are any hard feelings, if the rumors are in fact true.

Speaking of Genie, there are times when Kin Shriner is interviewed, and talks about his relationship with her in the 70's, and I can't help but wonder if a part of him is still in love with her and never really got over her. I could be completely off base here, of course, but sometimes I get that vibe from him. 


All I'm gonna say is I don't think there's any danger of Kin Shriner carrying a torch. I don't think there's any animosity, either, for the record.

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I just watched some of GF intimate portrait recently and I did feel badly for her.She finished high school on the set and was making more money than her father and everyone was older than her and her relationship with Kin and her drug overdose and Gloria monty claiming Luke made the show.


It had to be incredibly difficult for her parents to ask her to help them cover their mortgage.  That was a heavy load for teenager to carry.


We think ABCD sucks now, they really sucked when Genie had her coke habit and did nothing.


I've always admired her for realizing that she had a serious problem and needed help, so rather than signing a new contract, went and saved herself. 



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Was it Chad Brannon who got a talking-to for tonguing? I think it was BH who complained. She was pretty young when Liz and Zander were together.


That was Jason Thompson, back when Patrick was new-ish and all the ladies were fantasizing about making out with him. He got in trouble, though I don't think any of the actresses actually complained.


I never heard of any trouble between Chad Brannon and Becky Herbst. Anyway, she wouldn't have been that young when Liz and Zander hooked up. Becky was like 20 when she was hired and that was, what? 1997?

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JJ just had a fan event with Steven Burton last year, and Steve has visited JJ in Nashville a lot. I don't think there are any hard feelings, if the rumors are in fact true.


JJ and SB did an interview last year that seems to show that they are now very close. JJ sang and wrote the music to lyrics that SB wrote. This song was shown on Y &R.



Edited by Lillybee
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I still find it weird and hilarious that Steve got to plug Monavie on the damn show.

Did anyone other than Ron have beef with SK?

Also, the site ONTD had a blind item about a soap star that was leaving due to a newer guy coming in from a recently cancelled soap and stealing his thunder. Everyone guessed Steve hating Micheal Easton. It was released when McBain was on GH. Anyone know anything of that?

I think MB did feel threatened. TB and TK were smoking together, and Carly and Lorenzo were a good couple.


Word x 10000. I thought TB had chemistry with EVERYONE...excluding Mo. Loved her with Ingo and Chad Brannon, too.


Did anyone other than Ron have beef with SK?

Speaking of that beef, was this anything more than SK wanting more of a story and a romantic interest?

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I think and I'm guessing by the script- see when AJ and Monica talk again about how she saved him and she asks how are you are you eating well and he responds "Yes, don't I look I it!" Also while Tracy/AJ were fighting for ELQ, she made numerous fat jokes at AJ, including talking about locking the fridge doors from his midnight snacking. Very odd imo. Because while SK wasn't in his 90s karate shape, I'd heard in interview he'd taken prednisone for health problems (so has BM for that matter) which can make your weight go up and down. But he was no where near fat. He looked great! So I kinda think his weight had something to do with it. He has been working out and looks a million times better, minus the facial hair. But he looked great to begin with.

I think the main problem for SK was, they had a set idea of what they wanted to do with AJ, bring him back, then bring Jason back from the dead and have them redo the unending Cain an Abel.  At the time, Frank believed (or was deluding himself into thinking) that SBu would be back after a short break.  But the he signed on with Y&R.  So, they lost that story.  Next they'd have AJ be the third wheel in their Todd/Carly romance [/sarcasm].  However, they AGAIN lost the character of Todd, so that story was a nonstarter.  So, because the lost out on A and B and had no creativity to think of C which, rather ironically could have been what they are doing with CarSon  now, only with AJ, well, in came the fat jokes and , sadly, soon after, there goes SK.

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I don't know if I believe that Jason was the reason because if they wanted to do a Jason/AJ thing - why not keep AJ?  The let him go in March.  Jason is going to be back probably by November.  They couldn't have still done that story if RC was so set on it?  SK said that he went to FV regarding his concerns and they agreed to just wrap up his story.  Why not try to talk SK into staying if they wanted Jason/AJ so bad?  I still think SK was brought on to soften SB's leaving.


I think his weight played a part but I also wonder if SK actually wanting story and airtime pissed them off.  With RC's tweet about wishing SK just said thank you I wonder if they feel the vets should just be grateful for any minimal airtime and story they get because at least they have a job.


Because while SK wasn't in his 90s karate shape, I'd heard in interview he'd taken prednisone for health problems (so has BM for that matter) which can make your weight go up and down.



While watching him on GH I wondered if he was on some kind of medication because his weight seemed to fluctuate from episode to episode which just seemed bizarre.

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While watching him on GH I wondered if he was on some kind of medication because his weight seemed to fluctuate from episode to episode which just seemed bizarre.



That was probably due to block taping more than anything else. (Though it was clear SK started working out.) There were some scenes with shirtless Julian where he was in pretty good shape, then the next day (on the show) we see him with a bit of a belly, and that's because WdV had been on vacation in Italy and ate a bit too much pasta. Hee.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I admit it actually worries me with Miller coming on. I don't think it's right for writers/producers to make fun/judge any actor/actress' s weight for any reason. I hated when AW did it with Pauline, I hated when they did it with AJ recently. If it were them talking about Liz or Sam needing a cheeseburger, people would freak out. So it's definitely wrong to comment on the opposite. Why can't writers just focus on talent? The late James Gandolfini wasn't Abercrombie model thin, yet he was written as a viable lead in many films and a long running great rated series. You can write a role for talent, not good looks. Miller is talented. I hope he is allowed to show it with no backlash from immature writers or producers.

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I think it was a combination of things on SK.


The main thing is that Ron is way too wedded to his Ultimate Storylines - he will play them out on any cost, but if something is suddenly surplus to requirements or no longer needed in the same way, he loses interest or discards them. Case in point, A.J. He apparently seriously thought A.J.'s major value was to a story with Jason. Sure, that would've played very well, but A.J.'s return was a seismic shock to the canvas and meant a lot to a lot of people. You hardly needed Jason to keep playing him, as they did for a while. But when they couldn't keep Steve Burton and had no Jason for their planned story, A.J.'s value sharply dropped for Ron. Which is ridiculous, but there you are.


I also think they had issues with the actor and/or his politics, which honestly is totally irrelevant. By all accounts Sean Kanan is pretty right-wing and outspoken, and while I find his politics shitty I don't think they're remotely relevant to what I love about him as a performer or in the role of A.J. There were rumors here and there about drug issues resurfacing, but I don't know that I believe that at all (and it reminds me a bit of the loose talk they went around about Scott Evans on OLTL, after Frank Valentini canned him, which may or may not have only had a little basis in fact). In any case, B&B certainly picked SK up again very fast without a second thought.


Whatever the other issues, the way they treated him in the scripts was totally unacceptable. And he was great with both Becky Herbst and Laura Wright, but they apparently saw him as, at best, the spoiler for Carly and Todd Manning (before Todd Manning was taken away). Which is insane.

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In any case, B&B certainly picked SK up again very fast without a second thought.


Which to me says that any personal problems SK might have been having weren't affecting his work. Because that's more trouble than it's worth, and SK isn't that big a star to ignore/work around that stuff.


RC can be such a petty jackass.

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Whatever the other issues, the way they treated him in the scripts was totally unacceptable. And he was great with both Becky Herbst and Laura Wright, but they apparently saw him as, at best, the spoiler for Carly and Todd Manning (before Todd Manning was taken away). Which is insane.

Agree. It mostly kills me that they couldn't properly explore Carly/AJ. There was so much there. But instead it's Sonny/Carly Part 98. Sigh.

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I wonder if SK's chemistry with LW played a part in RC wanting him gone.  He was too set on LW and RH that he didn't want to acknowledge the better story with the most potential.


Also, I find the idea that SK's politics played a part in him being let go more reprehensible than the weight issue.  At least with the weight issue I can see since image is a major part of the medium but politics?  F that.  

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Did anyone other than Ron have beef with SK?

A female ABC exec sure did back in 1997 or 1998 when SK got drunk and sexually harassed her on the post daytime emmys flight from New York to LA. He was fired almost immediately afterwards, midstream in a huge storyline, and they even had to reshoot flashback scenes with replacement Billy Warlock.


Last time around? No idea, except that he could be hella annoying. Not necessarily a bad guy, but very un-self-aware, makes everything about himself, and thinks he hella more charming than he is.


All that said, he still got a raw deal, and I saw so much promise when he returned at Halloween time. Especially in his scenes with Chad and Laura.


Also, don't underestimate Frank in terms of having a beef with someone. He's just as judgmental, hard-nosed and vindictive, but with a personal assistant, intern, or the like running his twitter account.  He just flies under the radar more because he doesn't show his insecurities to the world on twitter.

SK probably wasn't having any problems and just had the bad luck of not being one of Ron's pets. He is getting buzz for playing Deacon now, so I'm sure Cartini feels stupid.

Carlivati would only feel stupid if you caught a typo in a script or tweet. Even then, he'd find someone else to blame.

Edited by Francie
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Sean Kanan is far from the first actor on daytime with an outsize personality. While I'm sure Kanan can be a handful even while sober - he has that kind of persona, from what I've seen - he was, IMO, worth the eccentricities. Just like a hundred other daytime stars.


Frank does have certain beefs, that much has been public knowledge for a while, and he can be ice cold if he freezes someone out. Unlike RC he tends to keep quiet about them. But I don't think they could have treated SK the way they did, from scripts onward, if it wasn't personal for both of them.

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Sean Kanan is far from the first actor on daytime with an outsize personality. While I'm sure Kanan can be a handful even while sober - he has that kind of persona, from what I've seen - he was, IMO, worth the eccentricities. Just like a hundred other daytime stars.


Frank does have certain beefs, that much has been public knowledge for a while, and he can be ice cold if he freezes someone out. Unlike RC he tends to keep quiet about them. But I don't think they could have treated SK the way they did, from scripts onward, if it wasn't personal for both of them.


Agreed. Especially about Frank freezing people out.


I think with SK it may have been part personality, and possibly politics, but I think the far bigger issue for FrankenRon is that he cost a bit more than some of the other actors. Not Burton/Benard/Geary money, but a lot more than the newbies and recurring vets. So, FrankenRon thought they were entitled to have SK look a certain way. And when he wasn't in shape, they felt like he wasn't living up to his end of their deal. 

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So, FrankenRon thought they were entitled to have SK look a certain way. And when he wasn't in shape, they felt like he wasn't living up to his end of their deal.



Or maybe they just wanted him gone to make room for the other hires.  Maybe they regretted bringing him on contract and not the way other returning vets have been signed.  Wally Kurth and Rick Herbst were returned as recurring and I don't think they have given a thought to giving those guys contracts.  I think they want their cake and eat it too.  Sign on vets but give them the bare minimum.  The problem with SK is that the signed him on contract and he actually wanted a real story (maybe what they promised him?).    I think the fact that he had somewhere to go and that he met with B&B's producer while on contract to them pissed them off. 


Also for what its worth, SK had a radio show around the time he joined GH and the impression I got from the guy was that he was happy to be back and happy to be working.  Whenever he had on another actor he always mentioned how hard it is to be a working actor.  I just got the impression he was grateful to have a job.  Based on that, I find it hard to believe he was anything but professional on set.  Maybe he just rubbed some the wrong way.  Not everyone is going to like you (and honestly if RC doesn't like you - that just brings you up IMO since I find that guy to be a complete ass).

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What I did hear about was the alleged clash between Braun and Benard later on. Tamara Braun was into the story with Ted King and wanted out of the S&C merry-go-round. Benard supposedly wanted Sonny to keep playing the field (Sam, etc.) but not have to worry about Carly's popularity with a hot new lead overtaking him. The story was killed, and Carly floundered around in Sonny's orbit until TB quit when it became clear they would not be moving Carly on.


I remember hearing that too. What a waste. TB's Carly outside of Sonny's orbit was great. Carly/Jax, Carly/Zander and especially Carly/Lorenzo. I rooted for them sooo hard.


SB needed to suck it up and be a professional. SBr's Carly reenergized Jason to many, including myself. Their chemistry was insane. 


What was the real story behind Sarah Brown quitting? I heard something about a fight with JFP.


What was the real story behind Sarah Brown quitting? I heard something about a fight with JFP.


The story I heard was that SBr and JFP got into a yelling match on the soundstage floor in front of cast and crew and SBr ended up calling her a bitch and walking off the soundstage.  What led up to the yelling match, no clue.

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That was the shouting match, yes.


FV and RC expecting Kanan to shape up and "subtly" putting it in the scripts is classic them, unfortunately. It's been done before. Not that he shouldn't have hit the gym while working on a soap opera (and did, for all I know) but they knew who they hired.

Edited by jsbt
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GH made the Soup - shocker! Maxie and Nathan's dead body clip made the clip of the week and also Felicia lamenting the Aztec treasure to Mac. The commentary was sadly spot on:


"I have no idea what's going on on General Hospital but the dialogue was amazing. It sounded like the writer ran out of time, said, 'screw it, I'll just copy an old Scooby Doo' episode."

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ABC SID has a little interview with Constance Towers about Helena's return.  Sounds like Hells has got some good story coming up, yay!




Also, how fabulous is this quote from CT:


But I thought, 'They shot me through the heart!' There was blood on that beautiful jacket. They ruined it. When your wardrobe goes, you think, 'Maybe they're really serious this time!'"



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