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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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So in soap Opera Digest Genie Francis apparently says there are certain forces that don't want her at GH. I can only assume this is someone higher up at ABC who doesn't want older people on contract, and/or Tony Geary. Or maybe Genie is just playing the blame game, who knows.

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So in soap Opera Digest Genie Francis apparently says there are certain forces that don't want her at GH. I can only assume this is someone higher up at ABC who doesn't want older people on contract, and/or Tony Geary. Or maybe Genie is just playing the blame game, who knows.


Well, from seeing how they treat some of the other older actors (non-evil category) I don't doubt there's some truth to what she's saying. 

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I have a hard time believing Tony would actively campaign to keep her gone. He's said some stupid shit but he's always seemed somewhat forthright, at least publicly, when it came to any criticism of Genie. He never tolerated it in the public eye, as far as I know. Judging by some stories he'd have been within his right to.

Edited by jsbt
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My first thought was honestly these supposed ABC people who don't want to give people over 50 a contract (supposedly) but a ton of people said Tony Geary so I thought, maybe?


But all the other actors seem to love Tony, so yeah I have trouble believing he's exclusively a jerk to Genie too. I dunno.

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I can't help but wonder if part of the "love" for certain actors is that they know which side the bread is buttered on.  Sort of like LW praising RH to high heaven or all actors wanting to work with MB.

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I don't know that I believe Frank is petty enough to keep her off. He knows what Genie Francis means to the show. Would he arbitrarily decide to suddenly use and recast Kevin Collins for a day because recurring Jon Lindstrom had the nerve to take other work? Yes, I think so. Genie, I have my doubts.

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I always hate when actors and actresses are vague when speaking on situations like this. If someone or something is actively keeping you from the show, why not name them? What does she have to lose? Burning bridges at GH? If they don't want her back, that seems like a nonissue. And if she's worried it would cause bigger issues for her in Hollywood in general, that still seems like a stretch. At this point, who's paying attention to the backstage drama at soaps besides us and the five employees keeping Soaps In Depth afloat?

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"Not wanting her at GH" could mean a number of things: They don't want to give her a contract, they won't give her enough days/decent shooting schedule, she doesn't like the story, etc., etc., etc. I have a very hard time believing TG has enough power to keep her away. The show did just fine when TG was on medical leave for six months. It's not as if Luke makes or breaks the show any longer.

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There's no point in bringing Laura back if they're going to write for her as shittily as they do so many other once-great characters. Luke is ruined at this point, Lulu is not herself anymore, Lucky's not around, and the only way to get ahead in PC is to be an insane villain. Oh, and Nik is ... kinda ruined at this point, too.

I never felt like Luke was necessary for the show to work. But then I started watching in the era of Robert/Anna/Frisco/Felicia/Sean/Tiff/Qs etc.

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 It's not as if Luke makes or breaks the show any longer.


You wouldn't know that given the fact that he's been chewing up the screen for the past few years, in addition to this Fluke nonsense that is going on its second year.


That said, GF's passive aggressiveness doesn't win her any points with me. Spit it out or shut up. I don't think she is bitter about it anymore, if she ever was, but passive aggressive interviews like those aren't a good look for her.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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More "shove it, haters!" propaganda from Michael Fairman:




Whether you love or hate, Fluke, Puke, Luke, whatever you want to call the character, this has truly been a showcase for the extraordinary talents of seven-time Daytime Emmy winner, Anthony Geary.  When all is said in done, its hard not to believe his eighth one is about to be added to his record-breaking collection!

Edited by TeeVee329
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Oh, please! I love/d Anthony Geary as an actor. Really, I truly do. I think he has probably been one of the greatest actors GH has had, and one of the greatest characters. I loved Luke, even when he was treating my other favorite character like dirt (Nikolas) because the writing and the acting for the character were so good. But he's just plain mediocre this year. Whatever he used to tap in to, he just hasn't been able to access it. So please just stop talking about an Emmy, Michael Fairman, especially now when we just probably had the most embarrassing daytime emmys ever.

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Oh, please! I love/d Anthony Geary as an actor. Really, I truly do. I think he has probably been one of the greatest actors GH has had, and one of the greatest characters. I loved Luke, even when he was treating my other favorite character like dirt (Nikolas) because the writing and the acting for the character were so good. But he's just plain mediocre this year. Whatever he used to tap in to, he just hasn't been able to access it. So please just stop talking about an Emmy, Michael Fairman, especially now when we just probably had the most embarrassing daytime emmys ever.

Tony can act. But his work as Fluke has been laughable. That said, i thought his work on the "I did it my way" episode was embarrasing, and he won an Emmy for that so what do I know. They industry seems to love The Staff, RHo, and "Spencer" too, and I think all three are terrible actors.

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I'd have to re-watch the "My Way" stuff, it's been so long now. I remember liking it . . . or at least the stuff when he wasn't singing . . . but the singing itself was terrible schmaltz. I suspect if I went to re-watch now though all I'd be able to concentrate on is Greg Vaughan's greasy ass mop during those episodes.

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I think they've already decided to bring back Spencer's mudda and the others are for show.


Yup.  For what it's worth, I voted for Serena. 


Also?  The graphic on that page is ridiculous.  Nathan?  Really?  Over Dante or Lulu or Liz?

Edited by TeeVee329
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I wish there was a write in. Who gives a fuck about Mike Corbin?

No. We don't want to see Sonny's dad. We want the man Sonny killed. By killing off AJ Quartermaine, Ron has inadvertently made him and SK more popular. It's like CM Pun. I do not remember exactly why I like him, just fuck Sonny. Fuck Ron. Viva Los AJ Quartermaine!

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I'm fine with a cameo (and nothing else) for Courtney. I'm not fine with just that for Stephen Nichols, or for Serena Baldwin. The problem is Nicolas Bechtel has thus far shown little acting range for emotion, and the super-campy writing isn't helping him either. They're writing for Sean Hayes.

Edited by jsbt
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No. We don't want to see Sonny's dad.


I don't want to see Ron Hale because, if we do, they'll bring back poor Ilene Kristen for some more "You look so familiar!" meta jokes and I am at my limit with those.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I'm fine with a cameo (and nothing else) for Courtney. I'm not fine with just that for Stephen Nichols, or for Serena Baldwin. The problem is Nicolas Bechtel has thus far shown little acting range for emotion, and the super-campy writing isn't helping him either. They're writing for Sean Hayes.


I've decided I'm for it if that cameo involves Spencer being given a spanking by him.

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. The problem is Nicolas Bechtel has thus far shown little acting range for emotion, .

After seeing him on Grey's, the problem is all him. I hate to be so mean about a little kid, but he is just terrible.

The Emma & Joss actresses are really good, but the show has got to recast Spencer & Cam.

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I got curious so I checked out the Grey's episode on Hulu (how do people watch that show, BTW?). I thought they wrung a fair bit of emotion out of him at the end, but he's very young and has a way to go, and I don't think GH does anything but rush him along and tell him to go big. In fairness, they do that to most adult castmembers.

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Michael Logan

HELP THE NEEDY. Please watch NLG's# show. If you don't we will ALL pay for it.abc.go.com/shows/general-…@ @GeneralHospital



?? Does her show actually affect GH or is it just him begging for his buddy?

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