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Late Show With David Letterman - General Discussion

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The cake girls would have been worth it only if they were grinder girl and grinder girl 2.


I don't want to be spoiled so I'm going to have to do something like clean my house until 11:30.

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Yeah, I thought the cake girls were going to be the grinder girls.  Were they really someone from the show's past?  (sorry, not a regular Dave viewer although I love his show)

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I generally only post about shows I can be sarca sarcastic or complain about, hence why I haven't posted about Dave. I just love him. I don't remember not watching him. My father worked midnights but if he worked an hour longer he'd go in at 1am and I was up at all hours due to medical issues so I'd sit with him in the living room and watch. One of my regular night nurses was a Dave fan so she'd put it on on the little TV in my room. I probably understood very little at those times, though i guess things being thrown off the roof and the animals i "got", and that I wanted to watch past needing said nurse and with or without my father. My brother didn't rat to mom about me putting the TV on for Dave and i in turm didnt rat him putting on various sports. When I was 13 I had a serious surgery and the OR was overbooked so it didn't happen til the evening. My family always loved to remind me that when the Dr. Came to my ICU room after, I asked her to come back after the Monolog, so it was clear to everyone I was fine.

April 1st of this year my father and I went, Al Franken and Billy Eickner were the guests. We had such a great time just hearing the band play full songs was worth it. I didn't ask a question but Dave's pre-show audience interaction was awesome. I feel so lucky I got to go.

I have no idea what I'm gonna do tomorrow night! The NY news tonight was outside the theater and showing classic clips and that alone was getting to me!

Edited by Gigi43
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Reporters on Twitter are saying that the show runs 15 minutes long (1 hr 17 min), so adjust DVRs accordingly.

Whoa, *that* is useful information to have!  But I'll be up until the last pixel evaporates.  I view this last show as being more for the staff and Dave than for us, but we are certainly the beneficiaries of their wishes.  I'm sure they could have done three hours, but this finale definitely needed NOT to happen in prime time. 

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I've been in a mild funk all day. I don't remember my life without David Letterman.I was 21 and a half, just a dumb crazy kid, looking for something to watch while sweating out finals at EKU, when I read about this new Letterman guy hosting a show after Johnny. I watched the first night, and was instantly charmed by this sardonic guy in the scruffy little studio, accompanied by his hip bandleader Paul,whom I was happy to see again, thanks to his time on SNL.

So many memories.Just Shades/Just Bulbs. Stupid Pet Tricks/ Stupid Human Tricks. Larry "Bud" greeting travelers at the Port Authority and offering them hot towels, director Hal Gurtner(excuse me, that's 'Gurnee'}, Teri Garr in the shower, the 360 degree show, Dave visiting Colleen Boyle at Sears so she could improve his footwear, the Dancing Waters, Dave's Record Collection, Fabulous Babe Connie Chung, The Guy Under The Seats,Kathleen The Library Lady and her driver, Gruff But Lovable Gus.

And my all-time-never-fails-to-make-me-laugh-Christmas-Tradition:Christmas WIth The Lettermans, Starring Dave's Wife, the Lovely Audrey Daniels Letterman.

And that's just NBC.


You did and did and did for us kids, and this is the thanks that you get:

Thank You, David Letterman.

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I'm not sure I care about being spoiled, but I wonder why they didn't communicate to the special guest(s) involved to maybe hold back their selfies until later this evening. I'm still excited.


I cannot believe the level of sadness I feel. I would feel silly about tearing up a few times today, except I remember how people reacted when Johnny retired.

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I am still not spoiled (hurrah, busy day at work), so probably will need to sign off here until very late on the West Coast.  I can tell a lot has leaked.  I really wanted to know the Dylan song in advance last night, but no one was peeping about it in advance.  Today sure seems different!


I love all your stories of Dave in your lives.  I've just always (always?  seems like it!) appreciated knowing Dave would be on the screen no matter where I moved or what was going on.  He has been a real anchor and a constant, often weird little home that I could always find in the box and now screen I watch.  We are lucky to have grown up in a time of "always", because this kind of legacy will be virtually impossible to match.  He arrived at the right time, and alas, is leaving at the right time for him.  Not for me. 


Have a great evening, my Dave peeps!  This has been a few weeks of fireworks building up to this final grand splash of sparkling blazing sky! 

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I was a relative latecomer. Late Night had already been on the air for nearly six years when I was born. I didn't start watching him with any regularity until the mid-90s, but I immediately saw in him a style of humor that I couldn't resist. Two things that immediately come to mind are how Dave, Paul, and Alan would constantly repeat each letter number (getting longer with each letter) during the CBS mailbag, and how Dave looked for just about any excuse to use the phrase "Ass-Kicking President" around the time Air Force One was coming out. I was through watching Dave that I recognized this indisputable fact: Self-aware stupidity is the highest form of comedy.

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I was only spoiled by one guest. An NYPD officer took a photo with somebody special* to Dave. And then a bunch of media people I follow retweeted that photo.


*okay, probably not that special.


UPDATE: oh, shit. USA Today just posted everybody who's visiting Dave. I tried to look away. I'll have to get off this damn internet.


Edited by nowandlater
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Our long national nightmare is over!


I am already tearing up.  What will I do with the extra 5 hours.  I have recorded this show since the mid 80s.  Love you Dave!  

Edited by auntieminem
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I'd forgotten how great Dave's segments with kids always have been.  It's not really something you think about first with Dave, but I'm glad they reminded us.


P.S. - one downside of actually watching this LIVE?  Having to actually see that commercial for that HORRIBLE looking Adam Sandler movie.  Blerg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Baba Wawa need to go back to retirement.  Just walking out took her twice as long as anyone else, and THEN she missed her mark.

Hmm.  if NOBODY else appeared (and you don't count the musical guest) would this once more make Bill the final guest?

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Speaking of Bills... I wonder if Cosby might have been in the original plans for the finale.  You know... before Hannibal Buress' joke got noticed.

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OMG I am crying with laughter at the Taco Bell bit.  What will I do without Dave to watch?  No one else makes me laugh like this.  At really horrible times in my life - the loss of a family member, really bad medical news, a crappy day at work - Dave helped me through it all.  

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Hee.  I feel SO vindicated that Dave and I share an opinion on how great that Taco Bell piece is.

Please note I had NO clue this was gonna be in the finale.  I wish I had.  I could have gloated a LOT more then.

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Ew.  Did they HAVE to show Jay Leno's ugly face in a commercial for the LLS during Dave's goodbye?  BAD BAD BAD CBS.  BAD CBS!


Larry Bud!  Whoooooooo!  Thank goodness they showed that.

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I wish they'd shown more of Dave warming up the audience (rather than having some lame warm up comedian).  There are examples of it online, but it's actually enough of his legacy we should have heard a bit of it here.  


Oh lord.  Dave makes his joke about the Scientologists and the fucking nutters actually had paid for a commercial during his broadcast!  That's as goddam nuts as CBS showing fucking Leno's face during a commercial during Dave's final show (which they DID!).



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Not sure I'm believing this, but I'm enjoying this day in the life. I like the idea of Dave standing in corners soaking in the atmosphere.


RIP, Calvert


Unpopular opinion: no Martha Stewart in this final batch of shows or the finale? Dave screwing around with people (i.e. Taco Bell), Jack Hanna, the kids and Martha Stewart were some of my favorite segments.


Edited to add: Oh boy, more tears! Just the thought of him never returning to the theater. Ugg.

Edited by JinNashville
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Tears really flowing now - may God bless you and your family now and always, Dave.  Thanks for the laughs, the tears, the craziness.  I'm going to miss you.


Holy crap, am I going to be a mess at work tomorrow.  

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That was a goddamn AMAZING montage.  


Perfect.  Just perfect.

And that final series of photos of the show staff?  That's Dave in a nutshell too.  I bet that was his idea.

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End of an era. Such a great ending though. Especially with Everlong (one of my favorite band and songs). I'll probably have more to say tomorrow but man, end of an era.

Edited by Matt K
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I think I lost it when Dave named each of the band members and Felicia looked like she was going to cry..My favorite part was seeing Harry look a bit embarrased....

Great show..great finish....and I think I saw John Denver in the collage video at the end...or maybe wishful thinking...

Still, I am so gonna miss this show....my tradition is gone...and I am older...but the laughs were worth it...Thanks Dave...

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What a wonderful finale. I held up through most of the show but seeing Bud Melman and the montage of photos caused the tears to flow.

No matter how tough a day you may have had, Dave was always there at the end of the night. Going to be so different. Just so sad right now.

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I would have liked Dave to do the last Top 10, and Paul should have had a spot in what was done.

Other than that, great show! Great tributes not just to Dave but all the people who had a role (Larry Bud!)

The national nightmare isn't over, a hole in nighttime has just been opened.

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Time passing has kind of veiled how loved Larry Bud/Calvert was, so I'm glad to see that love expressed here.


And Dave did him justice too.  We saw his face probably more times in that montage than any other person aside from Dave and the band (and Chris Elliot got a few good shots too).

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Just a few things before bed, Those segments with the kids and their science experiments was always a favorite of mine growing up (also Will It Float, kind of sad not to see it this past week). Loved Seinfeld's expression on JLD's part of top ten list, so "what they hell". Hilarious.

I started watching in middle school, just up to the top ten list and sadly stopped when I went to collage (no tv). But every once in a while I'm checked in and it's hard to believe but he's every bit as funny now as when I'm first started watching. Sad, but tonight's show was amazing. As I said above Foo Fighters and especially Everlong are favorites of mine as well and really shows another thing I've love about Dave, so willing to embrace modern music (although Foo Fighters aren't that modern anymore) and such a variety of music that's been on their show.

(Sorry for any typos my tablet seems to be on an auto correct spree).

Edited by Matt K
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Yes, thanks to youse guys, I had warning on the west coast, and was able to change my PVR settings. But I think lots of folks will be searching it out online.  Kind of stupid they didn't just allot the time as they clearly knew, since the show was not live.


I have watched Letterman since his daytime show.  I loved this final show.  It was done just right.

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I'm a wreck. I'm still crying and it's been over for almost an hour. I'm glad to know I'm not alone.


The images were going by so fast and the tears made it impossible to catch everything. You guys were talking about the thorough alt.fan.letterman guy. I think I remember those from my job in 2001 where I frequently had nothing to do but surf. Anyway, I was happy to spot Teri Garr in there. I hope she's doing OK. ETA: I had a point in mentioning the thorough recapper, and that is: I'm sure someone will compile a complete list of who was shown. Please share if so.


I've been watching since the '80s, before I was even 10. I've known my husband for 20 years but my love of Dave even predates that. He's just always been there.


Enjoy every sandwich, Dave.

Edited by dcalley
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I thought that was a terrific finale.  Glad it ended with the Foo Fighters, Everlong is one of my favorite songs too, and I remember when they were on after Letterman came back from his heart surgery.   It was a perfect ending.  I think I'm going to miss the show more than I thought. 

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The thing that really got me was the shot of Zevon in the montage. That part of the montage was showing a bunch of deceased people, but he was the last one of the group and they held on him for slightly longer. I whelped when that happened.


I'm kind of curious of Foo Fighters actually played the whole song live or just the first bit of it prior to transitioning into the montage. I feel like it would've been hard as hell to get that montage to line up so perfectly with a song being played live.

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