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The Kitchen - General Discussion

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I only saw two minutes of this episode, but my cable guide said that in honor of the season 7 premiere the kitchen was given a make over in fall colors.  Um, season 7?  While I know it feels like much, much longer this show's only been on a year and a half!  Apparently a "season" is 13 weeks.  They already had the outdoor area made over and now the kitchen.  Who built this place?  Do they need to send Mike Holmes over from HGTV to fix this place?  (Is he even on there anymore?  I doubt it since he doesn't have a realtor's license).  And since when is blue a fall color?  

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Marcela is Giada's counterpart with her over pronunciation.


Also? It feels like a full hour of sucking up to one another...all of the ohhhs and ahhhhs and faaaaabulous (Jeff's accent) ...I just can't anymore lol

THIS re: Marcella = Giada! It would have been fine with me if she had stayed at home with new baby and Fau forever. She is my least favorite. I wish Jeff and Sunny would turn it down a notch but I would want to be friends with them and will keep watching. I often learn some neat shortcuts or recipe ideas and I just FF if a certain segment doesn't interest me. The staff does a pretty good job in coming up with ideas that haven't been milked to death in my opinion. Katie's monotone voice baffles me. I've never known anyone other than Ferris Bueller's teacher (Ben Stein??) speak in such a measured, boring way.

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So, today Valerie Bertinelli was a guest and she made a chocolate sauce. She's very pleasant as a guest and I enjoy her. When GZ was going to taste the ice cream and chocolate sauce he said, "I'm going down." Valerie had a little smirk and said, "Excuse me?" and kept on pouring her creme de menthe over the dessert. GZ snorted and looked as if he might spit out the ice cream, but stopped, and the others looked a little bit uncomfortable. I laughed out loud. Wonder if Valerie got a "talking to." I love moments like that.

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Also? It feels like a full hour of sucking up to one another...all of the ohhhs and ahhhhs and faaaaabulous (Jeff's accent) ...I just can't anymore lol


I attempted to watch a few minutes today and had to put it on mute because all of  the self-congratulating and canned applause got on my fucking nerves.  Did Katie Lee have to sell her soul to the devil to be a cooking personality?

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THIS re: Marcella = Giada! It would have been fine with me if she had stayed at home with new baby and Fau forever. She is my least favorite. I wish Jeff and Sunny would turn it down a notch but I would want to be friends with them and will keep watching. I often learn some neat shortcuts or recipe ideas and I just FF if a certain segment doesn't interest me. The staff does a pretty good job in coming up with ideas that haven't been milked to death in my opinion. Katie's monotone voice baffles me. I've never known anyone other than Ferris Bueller's teacher (Ben Stein??) speak in such a measured, boring way.



Well I cut Katie a break voice wise....I am born and raised in Brooklyn. I have not lived in Brooklyn for 20+ years but I still love Brooklyn and I still retain my accent...and I am proud of it. Her voice is the least of the issue...sometimes we're just given the voice we have.  But I DVR it and every damn day....they blow smoke up each others ass...that bothers me more...as if none of them can do something wrong.

Fun episode of tail-gating. Enjoyed it! As always, learned a little in each of the segments. I've grown used to Katie Lee's voice which is saying alot! I'm a huge fan of Jeff Mauro and find him to be the VIP of this fivesome. I'm fond of all of them (Marcela the least -- her voice is the one that bugs me the most, but I can see why she's on the team) but feel that Jeff's quick wit, willingness to be corny, cooking chops and warm humor are just invaluable. Geoffrey is elegant and Sunny is "sunny", though definitely a little too loud.

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I really enjoyed today's episode...everything looked good and I will finally give spaghetti squash a try since it looks so easy. Jeff's meat loaf looked good, although it wasn't that much out of the ordinary. Ooh, GZ's mussels...OMG! Looked awesome! I wasn't that crazy about the tailgate portion. Really....a chandelier and tapered candles to decorate your tailgate with? You'd get your butt kicked and left in the car trunk if you tried that at the tailgates we've had! But whatever. During the tailgate portion I got a look at what Katie was wearing. Egads! It looked like a flannel nightshirt that was 4 sizes too big so she knotted it at the bottom and called it good. It swallowed her. Come on, Katie, you have a darling figure that I would kill for...flaunt it, baby! Maybe I am getting used to Jeff's and Sunny's loudness because I didn't notice it as much. Oh, and I love a good whiskey drink!

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I have no idea why I enjoy this show, but I do. I guess for the same reason I liked Martha Stewart's talk show. Katie Lee can go kick rocks, though. She's boring, has no personality, and has no business hosting a food show. Sunny has no culinary background, but she was at least a radio personality. Katie Lee...was married to Billy Joel.


I don't quite get why a show called The Kitchen does anything focusing on decoration. FN's sister channel, HGTV, exists for that purpose. 

Since when did kitchen tips and tricks become "hacks"?  I hate it when suddenly a dumb word comes into fashion meaning something new and gets overused by the media.  And hack is an ugly word, usually meaning something sinister so I'm not in love with it.  They are always using that word on this show and everywhere else suddenly, so it seems.  I didn't get the memo on this so I don't get it.  I suppose that's a petty complaint but it really grates on my last nerve.

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Since when did kitchen tips and tricks become "hacks"?  I hate it when suddenly a dumb word comes into fashion meaning something new and gets overused by the media.  And hack is an ugly word, usually meaning something sinister so I'm not in love with it.  They are always using that word on this show and everywhere else suddenly, so it seems.  I didn't get the memo on this so I don't get it.  I suppose that's a petty complaint but it really grates on my last nerve.


Are you sure you didn't get the memo?  I think it was probably the meme that you missed. (meme is the word irritating me right now)


It bugs me too!

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I loved the snark yesterday when Martha Stewart told Katie, "You can come work at my next party." Katie didn't miss that and made a remark back about that vs. being invited.

Damn! I don't watch The Kitchen - very bad knockoff of The Chew - but I want to see Martha take down Katie Lee. :) You go Martha!  I'll keep an eye out for the endless repeats.

Edited by chessiegal

Ugh, on Katie Lee seasoning her turkey with a packet of Ranch seasoning. Did she steal that from Aunt Sandy.


I know!  For a split second I was thinking well.. maybe it's good and I'm not giving it enough of a chance?  But, just, no. I might try it on a chicken, but I just spent a bunch of money on an expensive turkey from a local farm. There is no way I'm even risking the ranch packet idea on that. I was so confused when she kept talking about how it already had all the typical seasonings in there. Most of what's in Ranch is not what I typically season a turkey with at all.

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Ugh, on Katie Lee seasoning her turkey with a packet of Ranch seasoning. Did she steal that from Aunt Sandy.


That segment was sponsored by Hidden Valley Ranch.  You must've missed it when they flashed it on-screen, along with showing the Hidden Valley logo several times.  If that kind of thing is going to be a regular feature, I'm totally giving up on this show.  Even the stars are starting to look as if they're over it.


Was it just my TV, or did all of those turkeys look really dry when carved?  And everyone was making a point of saying how moist each one of them was?

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That segment was sponsored by Hidden Valley Ranch.  You must've missed it when they flashed it on-screen, along with showing the Hidden Valley logo several times.  If that kind of thing is going to be a regular feature, I'm totally giving up on this show.  Even the stars are starting to look as if they're over it.


Was it just my TV, or did all of those turkeys look really dry when carved?  And everyone was making a point of saying how moist each one of them was?

Nope. Not your TV. They all looked pretty dry to me, especially the fried turkey.

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That segment was sponsored by Hidden Valley Ranch.  You must've missed it when they flashed it on-screen, along with showing the Hidden Valley logo several times.  If that kind of thing is going to be a regular feature, I'm totally giving up on this show.  Even the stars are starting to look as if they're over it.


Yeah the sponsorship/commercial was a little hard to miss!  I thought it was funny that she never said it out loud - just kept calling it Ranch Mix in typical Food Network style where they call things something like "cheese flavored orange snacks" for Cheetos, but in this case it was so obvious.

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I caught some of this today. Really really stupid crafts (that wreath made of boxes. yikes.) and odd food ideas (a pizza croquembouche? making pizza slices into Christmas trees? what?). Plus they are all so impressed with every. single. thing.

Really really really stupid crafts! A wreath made of clothes pins?!? I am way too old for this. All the wreaths sucked donkey balls. Hey, how about a wreath of donkey balls! (Just kidding, I love donkeys.) I also did not care for the odd food ideas, but please, show, stick to kitchen stuff. Nuke these crafty segments. I usually like the kitchen short cuts and I like most of the dishes but today's show was awful. And Sunny's fake eyelashes looked like tarantulas.

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 Yeah, WTF up with the crafts?  A clothespin wreath?   At least bring in Aunt Sandy and her tablescapes.  She's more fun to snark on that Marcella and they have some tangential relationship to food.  I had a bad case of second-hand embarrassment for the hosts--except for GZ.  I don't care him for him so I love seeing him squirm.  But his thinly-veiled contempt for the whole thing did give me a chuckle.  He just gets to where he can hide is disdain for Jeff and they start throwing crafts at him.    

Geez I finally just caught up on the latest episode and the crafts were out of control!  Did they even cook anything? 


I must say I did think the clothespin and box wreaths both looked better than the paint chip one, but that's not saying much.  I know someone who'd like the jewelry box one and, funny enough, I think she's making one like it this year - she's all excited about her square wreath. I figured she saw it on Pinterest or something.   Also, if I owned a hardware store I think I'd be pissed if someone wiped out a ton of paint chips just to make a wreath.


Oh wait, just remembered they did cook - I think the roast beef looked pretty good. The snack mixes made me laugh, because everyone was cringing while they tasted them. The other stuff looked kind of terrible in the "prep" part and then of course looked good when it came out of the oven. It always makes me wonder if these people can actually cook or they're just better on camera than the ACTUAL cooks/chefs.

Just when I thought that this show couldn't get any louder, today's episode with Duff must have broken the decibel level.

Amen to this. This episode wins my award for the lamest and loudest they've ever had. And none of the food or other ideas interested me. The cookie recipes were retreads for me and how about Katie Lee's idea of folding a paper plate in half as a cookie vehicle. Triple yawn. And what is up with Marcella's GZ eyeglass frames? But really, I cannot believe that the producer doesn't ask Jeff and Sunny to dial down the volume.

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 I cannot believe that the producer doesn't ask Jeff and Sunny to dial down the volume.


It seems like they're being asked to dial it up, if anything.  Somebody apparently thinks it's cute or entertaining.  Nobody in my house, though.


I agree, virtually nothing worthwhile in this episode, certainly nothing worth getting a headache over.  Their days are numbered with me.  And I used to really enjoy this show.

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OH my...today's episode was the last straw for me. Jeff was SO freaking loud and childish..."here comes the ham train!" And he was high fiving GZ and then turned it into pattycakes! Really?! Oh, and when GZ added paprika to his fig chutney, Jeff let out the longest, most exaggerated gasp. How old are you? Or was he high? And all his obnoxious "singing" was in reality just screaming to me. It may have been my imagination but I thought GZ was gritting his teeth the entire show. I did enjoy Emeril's lamb and Sunny getting emotional when talking how he invited her on his show ten years ago. But I have officially deleted this mess off my DVR.

Edited by Spunkygal
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I haven't even been able to bring myself to watch the 12/12 episode yet - sounds like maybe I'll just skip it. Just when I start to like the show they make me not like it anymore.  Did they make any tree garland out of strung cranberries, popcorn, or construction paper? That's what I was kind of expecting.


I don't think I get The Chew, or if so I haven't been able to find it. Oh well... I can at least free up some DVR space for other stuff if I delete this one.

I haven't even been able to bring myself to watch the 12/12 episode yet - sounds like maybe I'll just skip it. Just when I start to like the show they make me not like it anymore.  Did they make any tree garland out of strung cranberries, popcorn, or construction paper? That's what I was kind of expecting.


I don't think I get The Chew, or if so I haven't been able to find it. Oh well... I can at least free up some DVR space for other stuff if I delete this one.

The Chew is on broadcast TV - ABC weekdays at 1 pm ET. You don't need cable to see it.

Oh my, how wonderful to find that the snark is still going strong on this page - I too am annoyed with the crafts plus WTF is wrong with Jeff?  It's like he's regressing further back into childhood with every episode.  I get the feeling they sort of put up with him just like the audience.  I was actually sort-of liking him for a while but, gah, what happened?  And Sunny may have learned to turn it up a notch from Emeril, but she's gotten even louder than he ever was.  Although I was kind of touched by how he discovered her - I didn't know that.  I was never a "Chew" fan because I thought the hosts were too loud by comparison with this show.  Well now it's 50-50 as to which show is louder and Sunny and Michael Symon are both just as loud and obnoxious now, and Jeff is louder than anyone on both shows.  Ugh.

As I mentioned in my last post, I no longer DVR this show and unless I am beyond desperate for a show to kill some time, I won't make a conscious effort to watch it. I just came to this thread to read any ensuing snark from today's episode!! And like NikSac, I only knew of KL as Billy Joel's previous wife. I do wonder if today's episode was a lot of shouting and making stuff from Popsicle sticks and macaroni. Come on, people, snark away!!

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Yeah Katie Lee was Billy Joel's wife for awhile (2004-2009). At least that's what Wikipedia said. Also a food critic, though I've never heard of her in that realm.


Apparently no one else was willing to suffer through Saturday's show either. I can't sleep, so I went ahead and watched it. I honestly thought I'd deleted it off my DVR awhile back but apparently I didn't.


Jeff was loud and making up extra fake words. He was also making all kinds of weird gestures. I was starting to like him a lot better previously but he was just plain weird in some of the more recent episodes and especially this one. I was actually concerned about drugs, frankly.


All of them did crack me up making fun of Marcela way over-emphasizing her "Rs."  I don't mind someone doing that if it's how something is supposed to be pronounced but she's so over the top about it and only on certain words, I think it's weird.


They were making up "clubs" for slow cooker recipes which reminds me of about fourth grade. Which I guess helps explain the craft projects on previous episodes.


The slow cooker segment they were talking about adding stuff after x hours - 2, 4, 6, etc (if I remember right, I can't make myself rewind).  To me the whole point of slow cooking is being able to let it go for hours unattended. Sunny even SAID that, about "set it and forget it," shortly after describing how she adds stuff to her slow cooker every few hours. That said the stew looked good. I'd make it or some variation on a day when I'm already going to be home. Maybe while I'm wrapping gifts in the next few days.


I was gagging on the oatmeal segment. The texture on all of them looked awful. I like oatmeal, but basil in oatmeal?  No!  


But at least they were cooking... I didn't see any macaroni or popsicle sticks, surprisingly enough.

I may be the only person left watching this show... but did anyone see the New Year special one?  Voodles?  I'm not against the IDEA of "vegetable noodles" but the name seemed very unappetizing.


Kudos to Marcela for trying something new, I guess, but I'm really not a fan of her new glasses. I know that's superficial but they pretty much wipe out her entire face.


Katie Lee's going to be so sad that her beloved Kale isn't the veggie du jour anymore (apparently). She seemed so proud every time she announced how much she looooved Kale. (really, is it possible to love Kale? I mean like it, tolerate it, even enjoy it maybe, but fave food love it?). Wonder what her next favorite will be.


I keep telling myself I'll stop watching this show and I keep watching less and less of it (only took me like 15 minutes to watch it this time), but somehow I keep hoping it'll get better again.

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I barely watch and then only if nothing else i on.  Today was the mandatory new year's healthy food episode (Trisha and Damaris had them too).  I caught the tail end of Jeff doing some kind of beet burgers that ended up looking like raw hamburgers.  There was some annoying vegan woman on who had been on Cupcake Wards.  She had vegan cookies can cream ice cream that had a secret ingredient:  Kale.  No wonder Katie was gushing over her.  

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I barely watch and then only if nothing else i on.  Today was the mandatory new year's healthy food episode (Trisha and Damaris had them too).  I caught the tail end of Jeff doing some kind of beet burgers that ended up looking like raw hamburgers.  There was some annoying vegan woman on who had been on Cupcake Wards.  She had vegan cookies can cream ice cream that had a secret ingredient:  Kale.  No wonder Katie was gushing over her.  


Oh my I had forgotten the beet burger. That grossed me out. I like beets, and I like burgers, but something about the raw hamburger appearance was so nasty.


And yes, no wonder Katie Lee liked the vegan lady. I forgot she was so into the Kale too.

Why don't they say "it's 5 o'clock somewhere" during the last segment anymore? I notice the show is also running a contest to rename the segment.  Did they get threatened with a lawsuit?  Or is this GZ's idea to change the name? I noticed he would often cringe every time his co-hosts would sing "it's 5 o'clock somewhere" extremely loudly.

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