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The Kitchen - General Discussion

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This morning's episode was funny with Jeff mentioning he hadn't tasted anything in 3 weeks (or episodes, I forget exactly what he said). Meanwhile Katie eats EVERYthing. She must spend the entire rest of her day working out. It took a bit, but I feel like the hosts are really coming together. It's funny how I like GZ on here but not necessarily on other shows, and I also find Jeff personable but not too over the top. Sunny could take her voice down about 3 levels on the volume, but I like her otherwise. I like Katie and Marcella too - I think I've even gotten used to how exaggerated Marcella gets with pronouncing any words that are remotely Spanish sounding. I even took this one off my DVR for awhile, but I'm glad I put it back on.

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Sunny was on my last nerve this morning when she was doing her baguette with six eggs thing. (Totally doing that ASAP, by the way, though I'll be taking it a little farther than bread/butter/eggs because that seemed a little boring. Needs some garlic, herbs and cheese. Kickass presentation though.) Anyway, GZ was attempting to reel off a list of names people use to refer to "toad in a hole" and after every single one of them, Sunny had a "Uh huh!" or a "Mmmmm hmmm!" or a "Whaaaa?!?" and I absolutely hate that shit. Just let the other person finish whatever it is they have to say, dammit. You don't need to make a sound that adds nothing to anything every single time anybody pauses to take a breath. Pauses are good. They're helpful. Random noises? Not so much. All it does is create cacophony, and that's not pleasant.


Which is perhaps the biggest problem with this show. Too many people talking at once, far too often. It's amateurish. Bush league. Like a podcast produced by people who have never "done radio" before. The content might be (more or less) fantastic, but listening to it is frustrating, because nobody really knows what the hell they're doing as far as producing a show that doesn't make the audience's ears bleed. And they're obviously not getting a whole lot of guidance from... you know... Production. They just talk (or make sounds) whenever they get the urge, there's pretty much zero choreography to the dialogue. There's no flow. GZ is the only one who's not a bull in a china shop when it comes to knowing when to speak and when to shut up.


And to a degree, I suppose it makes sense that that would be an issue, given that 3 of the 5 are used to having their own show, where they're (or were) THE voice, THE face, etc. and suddenly they're all thrown into a big pot. It's a whole different dynamic, a whole different job. But this show has been on long enough now to where they ought to be a hell of a lot more tuned in to the cues to speak and the cues to keep their damn mouths shut for half a second while one of the other folks is doing their thing.


But it seems like all Production can come up with to at least mitigate the issue somewhat is to give each one a segment offstage, and do most of the show with a rotating 4 as opposed to a steady 5. Which I suppose might help to some extent, but it falls far short of a "solution" in my opinion. It might very well come down to a quite literal case of "too many cooks in The Kitchen" but I think it could work with all 5 if they'd just teach them to wait their turn.

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Uncle Benzene that is true! It sort of reminds me of how things go when you get too many cooks in your own kitchen, with everyone chiming in constantly and sometimes inappropriately. I liked that eggs in the baguette thing too but agree it seemed boring flavor wise. I cracked up when GZ almost couldn't help himself and put salt on them at the end. I can think of all kinds of herbs that would be really good on those.


The other thing that drives me a little nuts on this show is they don't just show "here's how I make this."  It's almost always a big long list of substitutions that you could use, to the point that I sometimes forget what they were originally using. Jeff with his peanut butter (I think?) "or you could use almond butter, or cashew butter, or sunflower butter, or..." I don't mind the substitutions but when it's pretty much every single ingredient I just want to scream. Even though she gave a ton of substitutions as well, I appreciated Katie breaking down her pancake recipe to explain the 3 basic ingredients, and then you can customize from there. And what's funny, back to your original point, is I still don't remember what the eggs-in-bread dish was actually called because they went through so many variations and talking over each other.

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I absolutely love this show. The 5 personalities are so distinct and each brings something important to the show, just like a good recipe (see what I did there??!). I learn from it and just thoroughly enjoy the fun atmosphere. They seem to truly like each other and wow they pack A LOT of info and demonstrations into each show. Big thumbs up.

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HyeChaps, I don't remember how many times they were going to show the egg, but I did spot it once on a shelf behind Marcella during the "It's 5:00 Somewhere!" segment.

MerBearHou, for the most part, I enjoy this show too. I often learn a new tip or two and generally like all of the hosts. I enjoy watching GZ get tickled by Jeff and although Sunny can be a tad loud sometimes, I'd like to be her friend. Katie Lee's monotone voice was offputting to me for a long time, but she is growing on me and she can't help what her voice sounds like. They all are personable and knowledgable hosts and the show is a better recipient of my viewing time than some other shows that personally offer nothing to me (side-eye at the Pioneer Chick).

My problem with this show is that it is a very poor imitation of "The Chew" which 5 days a week does a better job than they do 1 day a week for how many seasons they do. They act like every person has created something worthy of a James Beard award with a fake "audience" applauding that is obviously crew or whatever they have brought in off the street. "The Chew" with its live audience and superior cast just puts this show to shame.

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Same here Justspiffy, it took awhile to grow on me but it has.


I think these people would all be pretty fun to hang out with, which makes me enjoy the show. It definitely took them awhile to gel and I took this off my DVR for awhile, but now I enjoy watching them. If they ever all came over to my house I can imagine feeling like I could cook something they might like (even though I'm one of those dreaded 'home cooks'), and my cheeks would hurt by the end of their visit from laughing so much.  Also funny because I find GZ obnoxious and snobby on other shows and I used to really dislike him for it, but I feel like he lets loose on this one a bit and I bet he's got a good dry humor in person. The hosts are all pretty good about kindly ribbing each other, so it's fun without seeming like they're being nasty.


My problem with this show is that it is a very poor imitation of "The Chew" which 5 days a week does a better job than they do 1 day a week for how many seasons they do. They act like every person has created something worthy of a James Beard award with a fake "audience" applauding that is obviously crew or whatever they have brought in off the street. "The Chew" with its live audience and superior cast just puts this show to shame.


If I hadn't watched both shows I might go into this thinking I'd agree with you, but I don't.  I find "the Chew" cast to be insufferably loud and the subjects and advice better on "the Kitchen".  I loved "What Not to Wear" but  I'm not feeling Clinton on "the Chew" by comparison.  And I'd suffer through Katie Lee over Daphne Oz any day.  Michael Simon is OK but he is way too loud and should shut up more, and Mario Batali needs to get over himself (note that I once loved Mario back in the "Molto Mario" days).  I also once loved Carla Hall but this show somehow doesn't showcase her well enough for me.  The crazy loud live audience puts it over the top for me.  It's just too much.  Plus I can't devote an hour a day to any show, much less that.  Emeril used to say, "take it up a notch" - I'd be happy if "the Chew" took it down a few notches.  So "the Kitchen" wins for me.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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I tend to have a black thumb, but I enjoyed seeing how easy it would be to grow onions and garlic.

I have to admit had a serious giggle fit when Katie Lee did the celery though. 4-5 months later you would have this as she holds up the celery, maybe because standing in front of the clay pot made me think of a person waiting 5 months to eat celery again lol. Just run to the store lol, sorry it made me laugh.

I might have to try the onion/garlic though.

Edited by imjagain
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I've grown garlic myself before. It worked, but it took a pretty long time. If I remember right I planted them in fall and harvested in the Spring. They might grow faster indoors where it's warmer?  The other thing was you had to leave them out to dry for awhile, and the cloves were really tiny compared to the originals that I planted - which is fine, but it made for more peeling when it came time to use it. Could've just been me though, and I've only tried it once.  It was surprisingly easy.  At that time I also didn't know you could use the green part in cooking, so if I were to do it again I'd use the scapes to cook with.


I'm definitely trying the green onion thing. I might try radishes too. I don't currently have an outdoor garden area and we're in a serious drought right now, so I'm not sure I'd even be allowed to water enough to keep a garden alive. I'm trying to find things I can grow indoors, and these seem like good possibilities. It was fun seeing those ideas on the show.  I love the idea of reusing stuff that would otherwise be thrown out as waste, and especially love the idea of harvesting essentially "free," fresh grown food from my own rec room area (which might's well be a greenhouse, it's perfect in terms of sunlight).

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You're welcome imjagain! The show got me looking up other "grow from the grocery store" ideas and radishes came up a lot. They apparently don't root very deeply so they can be easily planted in containers. From what I've found they are ready to harvest very quickly - even from seed it's only 20-30 days. More Googling is needed for that one because I'm not too sure how the grocery store radishes get planted.


Garlic was fun and I'd do it again, but kinda like the celery, when you can grab it at the store for $.50 it's hard to justify spending months growing it. (I too laughed about the celery thing - looks like a fun project, but I can't imagine waiting 4-5 months for a usable celery stalk!). With garlic using the scapes would help justify the time, and also it's fun digging it up and realizing you grew the whole thing from a single clove of garlic.


Unless it's too far off topic, might be fun to follow how our The Kitchen-inspired gardening projects go.

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I find "the Chew" cast to be insufferably loud and the subjects and advice better on "the Kitchen".  I loved "What Not to Wear" but  I'm not feeling Clinton on "the Chew" by comparison.  And I'd suffer through Katie Lee over Daphne Oz any day.  Michael Simon is OK but he is way too loud and should shut up more, and Mario Batali needs to get over himself (note that I once loved Mario back in the "Molto Mario" days).  I also once loved Carla Hall but this show somehow doesn't showcase her well enough for me.  The crazy loud live audience puts it over the top for me.


I agree, Snarklepuss.  I loved The Chew for the first year or so except for Daphne Oz whom I loathed instantly.  Then everything seemed to go downhill.  Clinton got more and more self-centered to the point of being annoying and Mario started making off-color comments which gradually became commonplace.  More and more guests had nothing whatsoever to do with cooking and I had no idea who most of them were and didn't care.  When Daphne announced that she was pregnant, I knew she'd become more obnoxious then ever and I stopped watching. 


I see the similarities to The Kitchen but I do like Jeff and Geoffrey.  I also like Sunny but I wish she'd tone down the enthusiasm and yelling.  I didn't care for Katie Lee until I saw her on Chopped and saw her in a different light.  I don't mind her now although her voice is annoying.  Absolutely can't stand Marcella.  The show isn't great but they do stick to cooking and cooking-related stuff.

Edited by mlp
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I agree, Snarklepuss.  I loved The Chew for the first year or so except for Daphne Oz whom I loathed instantly.  Then everything seemed to go downhill.  Clinton got more and more self-centered to the point of being annoying and Mario started making off-color comments which gradually became commonplace.  More and more guests had nothing whatsoever to do with cooking and I had no idea who most of them were and didn't care.  When Daphne announced that she was pregnant, I knew she'd become more obnoxious then ever and I stopped watching.

Interesting how people see the same show completely differently. I think the Chew has really hit its stride more after the first year. Daphne has toned down her "health" obsession and parroting her snake-oil salesman of a father, Clinton has relaxed more and settled into his host role, and I don't really mind the occasional off-color comment from Mario. I think Mario has relaxed and the whole team has really gelled.



I see the similarities to The Kitchen but I do like Jeff and Geoffrey.  I also like Sunny but I wish she'd tone down the enthusiasm and yelling.  I didn't care for Katie Lee until I saw her on Chopped and saw her in a different light.  I don't mind her now although her voice is annoying.  Absolutely can't stand Marcella.  The show isn't great but they do stick to cooking and cooking-related stuff.

I like Jeff but he is too loud for my taste. That said, he is light years quieter than the screaming Sunny, whom I cannot stand. Katie Lee's drone is still annoying. And I actually really like Marcella, miss her Mexican cooking show, and cook from her cookbook fairly frequently. Different strokes!

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I never remember to watch this show, and I like most people on it. Today, I put Food Network on while cooking this afternoon. I was distracted, so I wasn't paying close attention, but all I heard was Sunny (who I've always liked). No matter who was talking, she was talking over them or interrupting them. At one point, I half heard some exchange and though, "Oh, does Jeff hate Sunny?" Then later, Zakarian was doing a segment and Sunny was interrupting constantly and I forget what he said, but I thought, "Oh, does Zakarian hate Sunny?" I kind of was starting to myself, I reluctantly admit.  

I know this is kinda off topic, but it's related to the episode where they talked about growing grocery store items in your kitchen.  They weren't kidding on the green onions! I can't believe I never tried to grow them before. I have done very little to care for them - just threw a bundle of them in water root-side down in a mason jar. I planned to move them to a sunnier spot but forgot about it while I was doing dishes, so they're in a window that doesn't even get great light.  They're growing like crazy so I just left them there - I don't even use enough green onions to keep up with them, so I've had to trim them down a couple of times. Unless the plants eventually fizzle out I don't think I'll ever have to buy green onions again.

I enjoyed today's episode about the spicy food, although I think the only things I might actually make would be the salmon with horseradish sauce that GZ did, and the mayo/adobo sauce that Katie Lee put on the fish tacos. The rest of it just didn't look or sound very good to me. Even though it was a little silly I liked Sunny's lesson on the anatomy of a pepper. I liked them talking about "blooming" the spices too, because I'll be honest, I usually throw the spices in last (say after the beef is browned), so I'll try that out next time I make something spicy. Maybe I can find some recipes to use up my abundance of green onions that I now have thanks to their last episode.

I don't miss Marcela one bit.


Wow. I didn't even realize she was gone until I read this. Oops. Can we get Katie knocked up and outta there?


How about Jeff?


I've never seen such dumbing down--outside of The Pioneer Woman--of cooking techniques as were presented today.  Wow, did you know that putting ice cream between cookies produced an ice cream sandwich?  Or that you could put plastic wrap on top of ice cream keeps it soft?  Get this, taking a thin slice off the bottom of a watermelon keeps it from rolling around.  Sunny, share your whole recipe, not your none ya stuff.  Next week will undoubtedly treat viewers on the intricacies of making jello or how to peel an apple.

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How about Jeff?


I've never seen such dumbing down--outside of The Pioneer Woman--of cooking techniques as were presented today.  Wow, did you know that putting ice cream between cookies produced an ice cream sandwich?  Or that you could put plastic wrap on top of ice cream keeps it soft?  Get this, taking a thin slice off the bottom of a watermelon keeps it from rolling around.  Sunny, share your whole recipe, not your none ya stuff.  Next week will undoubtedly treat viewers on the intricacies of making jello or how to peel an apple.

Wait a minute! Are you telling me you already knew how to make an ice cream sandwich? I mean, my mind was blown! Blown I tell Ya. Buy store bought ice cream and place it between two store bought cookies??

You coulda knocked me over with a feather.

I could do without Jeff as well. If Sunny dialed it down to 11 and a half, I could watch a show with just her and GZ. They seem so enamoured with each other. I imagine them as lovers lying in bed smoking cigarettes post relations and discussing their favorite crepe toppings.

Weird. Sorry.

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No mention of Marcela today.  Jeff's former classmate with the baking segment was boring.


Yes she was!  I couldn't wait for her to go away.  I usually watch all the cooking segments even if I'm not super into them, but I ended up fast-forwarding through part of hers and I still watched too much of it. I also thought that cheesecake-ish thing she made sounded nasty and like way too much work, although the topping looked good. (ETA: I should've said way too much work for what you ended up with as the final product - I don't mind labor intensive cooking but I want it to be worth all the time/effort)


I was surprised they didn't mention Marcela, not even a quick hello. I wonder if she's coming back?


I liked the blender bikes too. I love making cold soups in the summer and was thinking how that'd be a fun way to blend them. I definitely don't have room for one, but I still thought it looked like a fun way to make my cold cucumber soup.


I was also surprised to see all the ads for the new show with Sunny and GZ. Maybe it's just me but I don't see a ton of chemistry there. It'll be interesting to see if they can make a show work with just the two of them.

Edited by NikSac

I think this show is a blast. They pack more into an hour show than any I've ever seen. The 4 hosts (not missing the 5th, Marcela -- sorry, Marcela, but I think this 4-some is just right) have such a fun rapport and bring different strengths to the show. I am loving it. They've really grown as the show has gone along and have gelled nicely. I even enjoy Katie Lee now! I've come to really like her a lot. The only comment I'd make is that Sunny has got to stop yelling at times. I think she's a joyful presence -- it's just the yelling is a bit much. Adore GZ and it seems like he's having such a good time on the show. I think Jeff is funny, genuine, quick witted, smart and dear.

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I have definitely gotten more into each chef as time goes on. It's a little odd how  Marcella can be missing and yet not missed for so long -but I also think maybe at some point we (as viewers) get used to a certain chemistry. I think I could get used to her again.


Sunny can stop yelling/screaming, but I've gotten to like all the rest of them.

I've never sat down to watch this show. I usually put on Food Network or HGTV for background noise on Saturday and Sunday mornings while making breakfast.  I like the show.  I don't pay much attention unless something peaks my interest so I haven't noticed what a lot of you are saying annoys you.  Well, except for Jeff's maturity.  Yeah, sometimes that can be a bit much.  He seems so likable though that it doesn't really bother me.  I did wonder why Katie talks like.  I waz trying to place her accent until one day she said she's from West Virginia.  I have found some of segments to be useful.  The recipes do seem to be pretty basic, at least the ones I remember.


I'm hardly ever home to watch The Chew.  From the view episodes I've seen, the shows have a lot in common.  But they are different shows and I think that has to do with the interaction between the hosts and the energy of the show.  The live audience does change things.


Yes, she's entitled to maternity leave, & I get that she lives in California & the show tapes in NYC, & she probably really couldn't fly in her last trimester (if not before), but I wish she'd either go back to the show or they'd say she's not coming back already. I like the show, & the hosts as they are, but for some reason I'm getting a bit put off by the fact everyone else can be on the set to do the new shows but all Marcela has to do is a brief phone call towards the end of the show/some eps.

Sorry to be a grump. By the way, Julie Chen's, like, year-long maternity leave from CBS Morning News after she had her baby (after which I think she actually went straight to doing The Talk in LA, instead of back to the news in NYC), combined with the just barely 3-month leave of a colleague who was pregnant on the news at the same time as Julie Chen was, has made me really sensitive as to how long pregnant TV hosts' maternity leaves are (I think the Family Medical Leave Act, which most if not all employers use, allows for 12 weeks, aka 3 months).

Edited by BW Manilowe

I am usually able to tune any of the hosts (never been annoyed with Geoffrey!) as they annoy me, but holy crap......Katie Lee's voice was on my last friggin nerve by the last 20 minutes of the show yesterday.   When did this turn into the Katie Lee show?  I missed the memo, but if that is the future - I'm out.   Lots of others have mentioned Sunny getting a bit loud and over the top, but I finally noticed it yesterday.  She needs to dial that shit back a few as well. 

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I'm more interested in why they haven't even been doing the weekly 3-minute Skype segments here lately.


Meantime, it's television. Everything is negotiable. If Food Network considers her valuable enough to accommodate whatever her maternity needs might be, then that's really all that matters. On the other hand, perhaps the recent absence of the Skype segments indicate that Marcela isn't on the show anymore, for whatever reason(s). It's also quite possible that nobody's really sure at this point whether or not she's coming back, but I would assume that if that decision hasn't been made yet (regardless of which party ultimately does make that decision) they'll mention it just as soon as it is made, one way or the other.


I can't imagine why there'd be any hurry though. People go on sabbatical all the time. And is anybody really sitting on pins and needles wondering if/when Marcela is coming back to The Kitchen?


I'm not even sure she's been gone 12 weeks yet. It's probably been something pretty close to that. But I'm not sure why it even matters. We probably don't even know whether she's on paid leave, or is on an unpaid hiatus. For that matter, as often happens in the sports realm, Food Network might be telling Marcela "You're not ready to come back yet, and we don't want you back on the field until you're 100%." or something along those lines, for all we know.


I see no reason to assume it's based on any sort of sense of entitlement on Marcela's part. Unless she's violating a contract in some way, Marcela is free to do what she wants. And Food Network is free to either accommodate her, or part ways with her, depending on their perception of her value to the show/network. I don't see anything unfair or otherwise objectionable about any of that. If the actual truth of the matter (which, as far as I know, may or may not be the case here) is that Marcela is getting perks that others don't get, it can be for no other reason than that she's established enough value to her employers to have earned it (or at least have been able to negotiate it.) In which case, good for her. Meantime, I can't imagine Sunny, Jeff, Geoff, Katie or anyone else has the slightest problem with it, at least given how genuinely supportive they've all seemed on-air.


I mean, of course by no means do I begrudge you the right to be annoyed by whatever it is that might annoy you. I guess what I'm saying is that I just don't understand basis for the objection.

I noticed a popup thing in yesterday's show (aka the Katie Lee edition) saying that Marcela would be back on July 25, so I guess she's planning to come back. Maybe they realized watching her on Skype wasn't all that exciting after all?  Or she wanted a complete break until she came back?  Anyway that answered one question for me, because I too was wondering if she was off the show since she hadn't been mentioned in awhile.

I am usually able to tune any of the hosts (never been annoyed with Geoffrey!) as they annoy me, but holy crap......Katie Lee's voice was on my last friggin nerve by the last 20 minutes of the show yesterday.   When did this turn into the Katie Lee show?  I missed the memo, but if that is the future - I'm out.   Lots of others have mentioned Sunny getting a bit loud and over the top, but I finally noticed it yesterday.  She needs to dial that shit back a few as well. 


That was annoying as heck wasn't it?  The only thing I can figure out is they decided she's the "party girl" so they had her featured in the "party" episode.  Either that or maybe they are planning on rotating through episodes featuring the various hosts?  Her voice doesn't annoy me particularly, but that "hands on your hips I dip, you dip" twirl thing, I was just going "oh please STOP!"  I kept wondering if they had to tape that multiple times because I don't know how they could get through it without laughing.


One thing I like about this show normally is that each host contributes, so even if there's one I don't particularly care for I usually like the others in that episode. Focusing on just Katie Lee this episode made me really not like her or the episode at all. I'm also not a huge fan of the guest hosts unless there's an obvious reason to bring them in - I'm pretty sure the others can grill a steak so I'm not sure what the point of the Deen bro's was, although at least it took the focus off Katie Lee for a minute.

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"I'm also not a huge fan of the guest hosts unless there's an obvious reason to bring them in - I'm pretty sure the others can grill a steak so I'm not sure what the point of the Deen bro's was, although at least it took the focus off Katie Lee for a minute."

They were there to promote "Southern Fried Roadtrip." Is Food Network so bereft of ideas that they have to have shows with chefs driving around stuffing their faces?

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"I'm also not a huge fan of the guest hosts unless there's an obvious reason to bring them in - I'm pretty sure the others can grill a steak so I'm not sure what the point of the Deen bro's was, although at least it took the focus off Katie Lee for a minute."

They were there to promote "Southern Fried Roadtrip." Is Food Network so bereft of ideas that they have to have shows with chefs driving around stuffing their faces?


I should have clarified - I wasn't sure what the point was when it comes to The Kitchen.  It was definitely a Food Network/Drive Around and Eat commercial (doesn't Guy already do that?).


HyeChaps did you hear the mention about Marcela when they had the spicy rimmed cocktail, and then there was a popup about Marcela coming back July 25th?  I'm seriously starting to think I was hallucinating all of that. Not that I care much either way, but it stood out to me that she was finally mentioned again.

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I am catching an episode this morning for the first time in a while.  I have to wonder how Katie Lee got this job?   Her voice is grating, and she gives off a condescending air.  She was talking about arranging flowers and said that cutting the leaves off of roses gave them a more "chic" appearance.   She also came across a bit rude when referring to "grocery store" flowers.


Sunny is still good and Mauro still seems full of himself.  The guy in the suit is boring to me.  


Th show concept is good, but they really missed the boat with the casting.

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Wondering if anyone is still watching this - They were going on about how their kitchen "needed a makeover" so the cabinets were painted a very similar shade of blue.  Not sure why the cabinets on a set that isn't even a year old "need a makeover".  Seems like an excuse to charge Behr more for their sponsorship.  And BTW, I liked the original color better.

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