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Small Talk: I Like Them All, I Just Can't Choose!


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(((Cricket and Joe))). I hope the blood clot issue resolves quickly. Dh had one years ago  (he had lymphoma about 13 years ago) and spent a few days in the hospital. 

Big trees scare me anymore, especially after the ones that fell after the tornado. My neighbor has one and if it ever falls, it will probably hit our driveway and take out one of our cars. 

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2 hours ago, Cricket said:

Hello all. Been a busy few days... storm came through day before yesterday and I just got home when I heard a huge crack! The winds caused my Bradford Pear to split up the middle! The branches came down on the power lines to the house so we had to wait for the power company to come and chain saw them off. Fortunately, power lines are intact. Not so with my pear tree... Booney, I feel your pain. Took the bird house, which was occupied, with it. :(  Yesterday I spent over an hour with loppers cutting off the limbs and DRAGGING them a good distance to the woods. About 20 trips... I was beat. The idea was that Joe would use the chain saw and cut the rest for firewood.

Well... while I was outside, he was in the ER. Now he has a deep vein blood clot behind one of his knees. they said it is from the chemo. He has to take injectable blood thinners now twice a day. But he has to reduce the dose a bit because he is scheduled for surgery in two weeks. If he makes it in at this rate, I will be surprised. One thing after another. Now I have my wood guy coming over to give me a price to take down the tree!! Joe thinks it can be saved. It can not.  Wishful thinking, we lost half the tree! It needs to come down as soon as possible before another storm brings it down completely.

Anyway, that is why I have not been here... or there.... will tackle there tomorrow night LOL. 

Oh, Cricket. I'm sorry for your Joe and sorry for your tree. 

Many here have had struggles for too long. A Bible passage that makes me feel better is "Behold, I am making all things new." 

Edited by TexasTiffany

Cricket - I'm sorry to hear about Joe's latest setback.  I'm glad that they caught it, for something so small blood clots can be so destructive.  Hopefully his doctors will be able to adjust his meds in order for him to have his surgery as scheduled. 

 I totally understand how you feel about your tree.   Lighting hit a large 40 foot hickory that was in the corner of my backyard, it split right down the middle.  I was fortunate in that it didn't hit anything but unfortunately there was no salvaging it.  My neighbor was an arborist and he was able to get couple of guys to cut it down/remove it for free.  Because it was hickory, even though it was split (and charred in places) there was still a lot of value in the actual wood.  By counting the rings they estimated it was probably close to 100 yrs old.

You and Joe remain in my thoughts, keep taking it one day at a time.  


Edited by zoemom
because her name is Cricket - not "Ricket"
4 hours ago, Cricket said:

My daughter took a picture of the storm that took out my tree.. Scary looking. It came up fast too. Taken on one of the routes I take some nights.


OMG that is scary! Beautiful photo, but terrible in showing the power of a storm. I'd be curled up in a little frozen ball if I saw that thing bearing down on me.

Sorry about your pear tree. It looks pretty much destroyed. You and Booney will be planting new trees this fall.

I'm glad they caught Joe's blood clot in time. Hope he will be all right. Take care of yourself -- don't get so worn down hauling wood that you get sick.

9 hours ago, ennui said:

Are you certain that tree can't be saved? I would try. The remaining tree looks fine to me. 

I'm envious of you all that live in rural areas, with wide open spaces. If I want space, I have to head for the ocean.

I love the ocean as well! I would move to the west coast of Fla if I could. Lovely here in summer but winter is brutal here.

1 hour ago, Day2Day said:

          Vkif2qr.jpg       Cricket,  you are in our prayers.   yes... sending hugs   7vXpJ1x.jpg

this is so sweet. thank you all!!

9 hours ago, ennui said:

Are you certain that tree can't be saved? I would try. The remaining tree looks fine to me. 

I'm envious of you all that live in rural areas, with wide open spaces. If I want space, I have to head for the ocean.

My tree guy hasn't see it but said he hates these trees because they rot with age due to the formation of the limbs. They case areas for water to pool, then rot. I did not know this until I read this myself last summer. :(   There are more darkened areas in the pits between more branches which indicate further rot.  Here is a picture of it last fall. It really is pretty in fall.

DSCN0734 (2).JPG

Just now, Cricket said:


meant "cause"

53 minutes ago, TexasTiffany said:


@Bronx Baby, good to see you. Have you searched for an avatar photo yet? 

Thanks so much, @TexasTiffany.

I'm still looking for an appropriate avatar but if and when I do really not sure how to go about putting it up.

Scrolling backwards on this thread I see that my original name of Bronx Babe is still here, with a lighter colored background.

It makes it seem as though there are two different Bronx posters which is not the case.

20 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

(((Cricket and Joe))). I hope the blood clot issue resolves quickly. Dh had one years ago  (he had lymphoma about 13 years ago) and spent a few days in the hospital. 

Big trees scare me anymore, especially after the ones that fell after the tornado. My neighbor has one and if it ever falls, it will probably hit our driveway and take out one of our cars. 

I hope your neighbors have insurance. 

2 hours ago, kittygirl said:

@Cricket, I too send prayers and healing thoughts to Joe and you.

Bradford pears are known for splitting...we lost three in last few years and replaced with other types.

What breed of puppy? Looks like our Australian Shepherd. They are great dogs who love to play and run. Whatever he is, he's precious.

Yea I had no idea that Bradfords were prone to this until I read this article last summer!! Well, they were right about that. I won't be replacing it. I don't want the extra leaves to rake or worrying about it growing into the house wires, but I will miss it. It was a lovely tree. :(

This is a German Shepherd, German lines.  Red and black. We just got home from visiting them all, will post pictures later once Joe downloads them for me. We cinched the deal tonight to take this one with the green collar.  I have a friend who has had Australian Shepherds all her life and she adores them; they are very intelligent. She does trials with them.

12 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

And that, Cricket, is a good omen.  Hold that thought close to your heart in these trying times. 

I'm so sorry for all these challenges you and Joe are facing; I hope you can feel all the support and hugs from your PTV family.

Yes, it is wonderful

SEVERE storms heading our way in upstate NY. Hanging home to wait for damages... tried to find in a spot in the long driveway away from falling tree damage  - Ha! Not easy and probably no where is really safe. Can't get in the garage, it is small enough without 2 Cub Cadet lawnmowers and a rototiller in there hogging all the space! Might be losing the rest of the pear tree any moment but at least the Camry will be on the other side so I can get outta here.


June had the highest amount of rainfall in over 100 years down here at over 22 inches. It rained for 21 out of June's 30 days. The rain from TS Cindy's outer bands was a big part of that. There were 2 to 3 tornadoes in the past couple of weeks and lots of warnings. There are only bathrooms and closets to hide in this far down South.  

I woke up today and thought it felt weird temperature wise in my house. When I got up to pee the floor felt kind of damp under my feet so after I was done I checked the digital thermostat temp on the wall in the hall. It showed that he house temp was 3 degrees higher then what I had it set to. It was up to 4 a few minutes ago. If the AC was going to do something I wish it could have waited until a weekday. If I contacted anyone today they'd probably want additional money since it would be a weekend call. Ugh. Not a happy camper. I wish today was one of those rain days so the temp would be pushed down.

Edited by Jaded
19 minutes ago, PearlClutcher said:

@Jaded  That's awful.  Why do appliances and anything else mechanical break down on the weekend or holiday?  Hopefully you have a fan or two to help you.

@Cricket. That fur baby is adorable.  What a beautiful face!

Because appliances are cunning little devils!  "It's a long holiday weekend, so I think I'll break down. Bwahahaha!"

Appliances can also communicate and work in packs. Say it's Thanksgiving weekend. Refrigerator:  "I think I'll break down." Oven: "Cool, let me break down at the same time! That'll be fun!" Toilet: "Hey, don't leave me out. I want to break down too!"

14 hours ago, Coffeecup said:

Because appliances are cunning little devils!  "It's a long holiday weekend, so I think I'll break down. Bwahahaha!"

Appliances can also communicate and work in packs. Say it's Thanksgiving weekend. Refrigerator:  "I think I'll break down." Oven: "Cool, let me break down at the same time! That'll be fun!" Toilet: "Hey, don't leave me out. I want to break down too!"

bwahaha - yeah, when it rains it pours.....

14 hours ago, Coffeecup said:

Because appliances are cunning little devils!  "It's a long holiday weekend, so I think I'll break down. Bwahahaha!"

Appliances can also communicate and work in packs. Say it's Thanksgiving weekend. Refrigerator:  "I think I'll break down." Oven: "Cool, let me break down at the same time! That'll be fun!" Toilet: "Hey, don't leave me out. I want to break down too!"

I had a summer like that a few years ago. I replaced my roof (planned) and then a few weeks later the a/c broke down, followed by the refrigerator. It's even more fun when the car decides to join in. Everything is so computerized anymore that there are no cheap repairs. Everything costs a few hundred dollars. 

Appliances and cars fail when they are under stress. That's why your car has problems when you head out for a long journey as opposed to running back and forth to work and the grocery store.

I went shopping today for the first time in a few months (as opposed to online). There's a lot to be said for wandering around, looking at stuff. I found a Patricia Nash wallet that I really like. Kudos to TJMaxx.

And I came home and washed the car. For some reason, I really enjoy detailing cars. 

1 hour ago, ennui said:

Appliances and cars fail when they are under stress. That's why your car has problems when you head out for a long journey as opposed to running back and forth to work and the grocery store.

I went shopping today for the first time in a few months (as opposed to online). There's a lot to be said for wandering around, looking at stuff. I found a Patricia Nash wallet that I really like. Kudos to TJMaxx.

And I came home and washed the car. For some reason, I really enjoy detailing cars. 

Me too. Cash washing is relaxing for me, and even waxing the car. You get absorbed in the task, and it takes your mind off stressful things. Plus, your car looks great when you're finished.

19 hours ago, ennui said:

Appliances and cars fail when they are under stress. That's why your car has problems when you head out for a long journey as opposed to running back and forth to work and the grocery store.

I went shopping today for the first time in a few months (as opposed to online). There's a lot to be said for wandering around, looking at stuff. I found a Patricia Nash wallet that I really like. Kudos to TJMaxx.

And I came home and washed the car. For some reason, I really enjoy detailing cars. 

I recently purchased two Patricia Nash items from TJMaxx too!  I was so excited as they are in one of my favorite prints.  Still more money than I would usually spend, but I splurged on that beautiful floral print.

Edited by Thumper
1 hour ago, walnutqueen said:

Yeah, money laundering ranks right up there with my Saturday afternoon bank heists for a relaxing weekend.  ;-)

LOL!  That's what I get for not paying attention to Autocorrect. Car washing/cash washing.

I have accidentally laundered cash -- couple of bills and coins in the jeans pocket, stuff like that.

Back from a nice weekend trip to Seattle.  Great concert, and great weather. I didn't do much shopping, but found a nice pair of Sketcher high tops at Ross for $20, and a Baggallini cross-body bag that will be great for travel for $30.

I did look for some slacks for work, but couldn't find ANY. I guess even for office wear, capris are the style for summer. However, even tailored versions are just too casual for me, so I'll have to wait until fall.

I hope everyone is having a relaxing and/or fun 4th!

34 minutes ago, MichelleAK said:

Back from a nice weekend trip to Seattle.  Great concert, and great weather. I didn't do much shopping, but found a nice pair of Sketcher high tops at Ross for $20, and a Baggallini cross-body bag that will be great for travel for $30.

I did look for some slacks for work, but couldn't find ANY. I guess even for office wear, capris are the style for summer. However, even tailored versions are just too casual for me, so I'll have to wait until fall.

I hope everyone is having a relaxing and/or fun 4th!

Did you look at Calvin Klein? CK has dressy full length pants for office wear. I have several pair and really like them.

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