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Small Talk: I Like Them All, I Just Can't Choose!

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Funny Word Misuse: Little Sister of our forum Word List

I read a lot of news articles on the Internet, and read the comments too if I have time. I always love it when I see funny word misuse, because it gives me a laugh. Comments sections can be a real basket of howlers. Today's example:

Comment on an article about a person getting arrested in a foreign country for doing something that wouldn't be illegal in the U.S. : "Americans do not realize... and regrettably, ignorance does not pass mustard."

Hey, Iggy, pass the mustard please, I gotta finish eating before they haul me off to jail! LOL

(Should be: "does not pass muster." From grammarist.com: "Pass muster vs pass mustard. Pass muster means to be acceptable, to sufficiently meet expectations. Pass muster is an idiom that has its roots in military parlance. Muster means to assemble a group of men for a variety of reasons, including inspection. If one passed inspection in an acceptable manner, then one passed muster. Related terms are passes muster, passed muster, passing muster. The word muster comes from the Old French word mostrer, which means to show or reveal.)

Granted, sometimes you see this kind of error because of Autocorrect, but all too often it happens because the writers don't know the correct words/spelling.

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4 hours ago, Bronx Babe said:

Oh, @Byteme I'm so sorry to hear this news about your second mother.  My thoughts and prayers go out to both of you.  May she have a peaceful and pain-free transition.

Thank you so much BB!  

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59 minutes ago, Coffeecup said:

Comment on an article about a person getting arrested in a foreign country for doing something that wouldn't be illegal in the U.S. : "Americans do not realize... and regrettably, ignorance does not pass mustard."

Hey, Iggy, pass the mustard please, I gotta finish eating before they haul me off to jail! LOL

(Should be: "does not pass muster." From grammarist.com: "Pass muster vs pass mustard. Pass muster means to be acceptable, to sufficiently meet expectations. Pass muster is an idiom that has its roots in military parlance

Coffeecup, isn't that the truth!  I volunteer at one of our local animal rescue groups and sometimes work in the office in addition to doing adoptions.   Last week I was working with a woman that does PR for the shelter (she's in her late 20's and has a journalism degree). She's always asking me how to spell words, (consequence, liability, ordinance) were just a few I remember from last week.  She often asks me to proofread her press releases, which have had errors similar to the "pass the mustard" one you mentioned.  I don't know if it's a generational thing, but it seems like I've been asked how to spell what I think are "easy" words that I think anyone should know from several "youngsters" her age.  (or maybe I'm just becoming a crabby "old" lady!)

Edited by zoemom
because I'm not perfect either!
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3 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

Ditto on the self-driving cars. Along those same lines, Elon Musk wants to build tunnels under L.A. so cars/buses can be put on sleds that yank them around at up to 125mph. No thank you!

Yeah, he's a real forward thinker.  I can just imagine how well the earth below Southern California will stand up to a tunnel dig.  Maybe they'll get that secession they're wanting, courtesy of The Boring Company.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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38 minutes ago, zoemom said:

She's always asking me how to spell words, (consequence, liability, ordinance)

Good spelling comes from reading. People don't read anymore; we live in the video age. I remember in the olden days, when talk shows would have transcripts. Now, they just post the show on the 'net and you can watch it for yourself.  

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4 hours ago, Thumper said:

BronxBabe, I've been " off the grid" for a few days.  I am so happy you found such a great hospice for your mom, and that you could be with her until the end.  What a gift to you and to her.  My sympathies on her passing. ❤️

Oh thank you so much, @Thumper  I was grateful to be at Mom's side when she slipped away peacefully and without pain.  The hospice experience was indeed a blessing, for her and for me.

I've been handling all the necessary arrangements and paperwork with a clear head and deceptively calm exterior, getting the "job" done as my mother would have wanted me to, then retreating into my inner child, ordering pizza and watching From Hell It Came on TCM, which gave me great comfort in its own way. (a murdered man seeks revenge on his enemies by turning into a tree monster)

7 minutes ago, Raspberry Streusel said:

@Bronx Babe, I'm sorry for your loss. You did your best for your mom and that's all we can do. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

@Raspberry Streusel, you sound delicious.  Thank you for your kind words.

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5 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

@Bronx Babe - you need to take some time for yourself.  All this internet/friend feedback is delaying the inevitable - the only human being who has known you since your inception is gone.  I realize we all grieve differently, and i respect however you need to get though these dark days, but your life has shifted in an incomprehensible way, and we traverse this strange path as explorers in a new inexplicable universe.  Please don't get so wrapt up in sharing your experience that you forget how to feel it for yourself.

Thanks for your thoughtful words, @walnutqueen

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5 hours ago, ennui said:

I'm so sorry for your loss, Bronx Babe. May you find comfort in your memories.

Thank you so much, @ennui  

It took me a long time to "grow up" and now with my mother's passing I think I've finally become an adult.

Or as close to one as I can be.

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1 minute ago, Bronx Babe said:

@Day2Day and @Cricket  Forgive me, my friends, I saw your condolences on my PM but for some reason I'm unable to respond there.

So until I can figure it out, please accept my thanks for your kind words.

You're welcome. You're a brave woman to share your soul with us all. I wish I had that strength as things with Joe's cancer is not going as hoped. I am terrified and not at all brave. I think you did an outstanding job in all of this. I wish we could hug and share a cup of coffee or tea with one another.

27 minutes ago, Bronx Babe said:

Thank you so much, @ennui  

It took me a long time to "grow up" and now with my mother's passing I think I've finally become an adult.

Or as close to one as I can be.

Being a grown up is sometimes overrated... I think we need to embrace out inner child more.

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44 minutes ago, Bronx Babe said:

I've been handling all the necessary arrangements and paperwork with a clear head and deceptively calm exterior

I imagine you are numb. You were in a state of emergency, and the crisis is over. Sometimes, all we can do is breathe in and breathe out.

6 minutes ago, Cricket said:

I wish I had that strength as things with Joe's cancer is not going as hoped. I am terrified and not at all brave.

I'm sorry, Cricket. You are stronger than you think, and you can be strong for Joe. Sometimes we can be strong for someone else. 

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3 minutes ago, Cricket said:

You're welcome. You're a brave woman to share your soul with us all. I wish I had that strength as things with Joe's cancer is not going as hoped. I am terrified and not at all brave. I think you did an outstanding job in all of this. I wish we could hug and share a cup of coffee or tea with one another.

@Cricket  I cannot tell you how sorry I am about your Joe.  I am sending love and prayers for a healing outcome.  Yes, it's terrifying beyond belief, but you'll be amazed at how much strength and courage is within you.  Your generous words touch me very much, thank you my friend.

Hugs to you.  I will be making us a good strong cup of Darjeeling tea along with a plate of Stella D'Oro Breakfast Treats for dunking.


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9 minutes ago, ennui said:

I imagine you are numb. You were in a state of emergency, and the crisis is over. Sometimes, all we can do is breathe in and breathe out.


I don't really think the enormity of it has hit me yet.

I just hope a nervous breakdown will not be part of any delayed reactions. 

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3 minutes ago, Bronx Babe said:

I don't really think the enormity of it has hit me yet.

I just hope a nervous breakdown will not be part of any delayed reactions. 

Hospice may also have grief support (therapists or a group), if you are so inclined. 

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32 minutes ago, Cricket said:

Being a grown up is sometimes overrated... I think we need to embrace out inner child more.

My inner child has always been alive and well. (I guess that's painfully obvious to anyone who reads my silly posts on a fairly regular basis)  It loves crummy old horror movies, which is the first thing I reach for when dealing with life's twists and turns.

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44 minutes ago, Cricket said:

You're welcome. You're a brave woman to share your soul with us all. I wish I had that strength as things with Joe's cancer is not going as hoped. I am terrified and not at all brave. I think you did an outstanding job in all of this. I wish we could hug and share a cup of coffee or tea with one another.

Being a grown up is sometimes overrated... I think we need to embrace out inner child more.

@Cricket - I wish I was close by so I could give you this in person.  {{HUGS}}

25 minutes ago, Bronx Babe said:

I don't really think the enormity of it has hit me yet.

I just hope a nervous breakdown will not be part of any delayed reactions. 

@Bronx Babe - A good tear jerker movie helped me.  I'm normally a crier (Hallmark card commercials make me burst into tears) but when MamaCarpeDiem died I just couldn't cry.  I was too calm.  So a couple of weeks later I watched Love Actually, trying to cheer myself up, ironically, and the ending with everyone hugging their loved ones in Heathrow whilst the Beach Boys sang "God Only Knows" sent me over the edge.  I sobbed for a couple of hours and felt so much better afterwards.

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@Bronx Babe - much affection and caring for you and heartfelt condolences on the loss of your mother.  There is never a good time or age to lose one's mom.  We never stop needing them and I know you will miss her terribly.  Your love and affection for your mom has shone through all of your posts in these forums.

Always remember that when the time came for you to make hard decisions, you didn't shy away from making them.  You made your mom's last days as comfortable and happy as you possibly could.  She must have been so proud of you, even though she couldn't tell you so.

Now take good care of YOU for a little while as you heal.

Edited by Denver Hoosier
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1 hour ago, Cricket said:

You're welcome. You're a brave woman to share your soul with us all. I wish I had that strength as things with Joe's cancer is not going as hoped. I am terrified and not at all brave. I think you did an outstanding job in all of this. I wish we could hug and share a cup of coffee or tea with one another.

@Cricket you are so much stronger then you think you are. You're there with him by his side and caring for him too. That takes a lot of strength. Being scared and strong at the same time is completely normal. ?

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26 minutes ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

@Cricket - I wish I was close by so I could give you this in person.  {{HUGS}}

@Bronx Babe - A good tear jerker movie helped me.  I'm normally a crier (Hallmark card commercials make me burst into tears) but when MamaCarpeDiem died I just couldn't cry.  I was too calm.  So a couple of weeks later I watched Love Actually, trying to cheer myself up, ironically, and the ending with everyone hugging their loved ones in Heathrow whilst the Beach Boys sang "God Only Knows" sent me over the edge.  I sobbed for a couple of hours and felt so much better afterwards.

There is nothing like a good cry which as we know releases all those pesky stress hormones.  I am a major blubberer (if there is such a word) myself, although when my father died I didn't shed a tear.  But I did break down afterwards when I first saw A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. 

I also need an entire box of Kleenex for the 1943 Lassie Come Home.

Everyone tells me how good Love Actually is.  I need to see it.

22 minutes ago, Denver Hoosier said:

@Bronx Babe - much affection and caring for you and heartfelt condolences on the loss of your mother.  There is never a good time or age to lose one's mom.  We never stop needing them and I know you will miss her terribly.  Your love and affection for your mom has shone through all of your posts in these forums.

Always remember that when the time came for you to make hard decisions, you didn't shy away from making them.  You made your mom's last days as comfortable and happy as you possibly could.  She must have been so proud of you, even though she couldn't tell you so.

Now take good care of YOU for a little while as you heal.

@Denver Hoosier  I cannot tell you how touched I am by your generous, kind, gracious, loving comments.  Thank you so much. 

Edited by Bronx Babe
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1 hour ago, Bronx Babe said:

@ennui, yes, the hospice center did tell me I could avail myself of their services at any time. 

I just hope I don't need it.

@Bronx Babe, grief support can be a great help, even if you don't think you need it now. When my first husband died in 2012, it was sudden and unexpected. I was in a fog at first, and then all of the painful emotions - sadness, pain, fear, despair, and many others - hit me with a wallop and I was in a really dark place. I joined a grief support group and I also had individual sessions with the grief counselor who led the group. It really helped me - not only the support the counselor provided, but also being with other people who had been through what I had and who understood. I know losing a spouse is very different than losing a mother, but I think the grief support process can help anyone who has experienced loss. Even if you think you don't need it, it may be worth exploring.

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4 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Lock & Lock "clearance" stuff for you fans - dunno if they're deals, just passing it on


Gawd help me, I can never understand the obsession with Lock&Lock.  I must be missing some gene.


2 hours ago, Cricket said:

You're welcome. You're a brave woman to share your soul with us all. I wish I had that strength as things with Joe's cancer is not going as hoped. I am terrified and not at all brave. I think you did an outstanding job in all of this. I wish we could hug and share a cup of coffee or tea with one another.

Being a grown up is sometimes overrated... I think we need to embrace out inner child more.

@Cricket - Cancer Sucks.  I make a mean cup of coffee, and can brew some pretty good tea (although I like spilling it, too!).  I am also up at irregular hours, so if you need an ear, or shoulder, or other non-Xrated body part, I'm here.


1 hour ago, kittygirl said:

I'm really picky about movies and Love Actually is so good. It's on broadcast a lot and streaming too. We watched it again couple weeks ago.

One of my favorite movies.  Especially at Xmas.   Why "they" don't seem to air it then is beyond my comprehension.

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I just noticed we're back to the default generic silhouette icons instead of initials. Maybe it's temporary because of the UI  upgrade, but I went to the damned trouble of modifying my username so I'd have two initials and a different background color. Take that, you who dare to job the system!

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25 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

Gawd help me, I can never understand the obsession with Lock&Lock.  I must be missing some gene.

I'm not obsessed yet. I just want to try it to see if the seal is good enough to keep stuff put in it from going stale as quickly. I'm eyeing a couple sets on ebay that I'll have to choose between. Getting tired of making cookies, biscuits and etc. only to have them start tasting hard and/or stale after a couple days of being stored in the Rubbermaid and Glad storage things I have. 

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I buy my L&L type containers at TJM and Ross. Cheaper and work as well for me. Have round and rectangular pieces of all sizes with maybe $30 invested.. 18 or maybe 20 containers. Colors too. I stopped buying from shopping channels couple years ago. Snark and idea watcher now.

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Oh Bronx Babe! I just found out about your Mom's passing. My sincerest condolences on your loss. I'm not usually on this thread; I saw a sympathy post to you on the shopping thread and wondered what had happened.

You always wrote of her with affection in the tone of your posts, so I know this is going to be a hard time for you. No matter how old we are, losing our mom hurts. If the hospice offers grief counseling, please take advantage of it. I thought that I could power through my grief when my Mom died, but looking back over the past 10+ years, I can now see how much of a depression I slid into for too many years.

You are in my prayers, my friend.?

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7 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I must be missing some gene.

We are apparently missing the Storage gene.  I think it's located in the 18th chromosome.

6 hours ago, Jaded said:

I'm not obsessed yet. I just want to try it to see if the seal is good enough to keep stuff put in it from going stale as quickly. I'm eyeing a couple sets on ebay that I'll have to choose between. Getting tired of making cookies, biscuits and etc. only to have them start tasting hard and/or stale after a couple days of being stored in the Rubbermaid and Glad storage things I have. 

I'm probably wrong, but I've always kind of thought that the staleness is caused by the air that's in the container when the lid closes, not so much air getting in after the fact.  I know some cheaper stuff doesn't seal well at all, I think the ones you mentioned do a pretty good job.  

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56 minutes ago, PearlClutcher said:

I'm in a real mood.  People not getting the L&L idea, hate for Iris, and other assorted crappola.  I loathe the Skunk for obvious reasons.  Over at the Q board there are azzhats criticizing people for making suggestions in the Suggestion Box for jeebus' sake. Agree that Iris has gaudy joolery and L&L is just storage.  LR takes pics of shifty looking food and her and her crew are nuts. Why do I even care?  We have real first world probs.   I wonder if watching the Q and the heat is getting to me.  I'm finding myself getting stabby with myself.  Anyone have one of those days?

I'm sorry you're feeling crabby..........or stabby!  Frankly, I'm having one of those weeks!  I'm not feeling particularly snark-ish about anything to do with QVC so haven't posted much the past day or so.  

I sometimes try and find correlations to what's going on in the world with my own little existence of being, whether it's at work or with my circle of friends and perhaps even on Q boards and this forum.  Everything feels so topsy turvy, if that makes sense.  People seem angry and impatient and rude everywhere you go (I am NOT, repeat, NOT, saying people here are angry, rude ad impatient), whether it's the grocery store, the doctor's office, on the road driving, in parking lots, in stores, everywhere - it's crazy.   When did it become acceptable to be, as you say, an azzhat?  It exhausts me. 

For me, I'm worrying about those REAL first world problems and I guess I can't really get too hot and bothered about LR or Shawn Killinger or any of them at this point in time.

Edited by lovemesomejoolery
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9 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

I just noticed we're back to the default generic silhouette icons instead of initials. Maybe it's temporary because of the UI  upgrade, but I went to the damned trouble of modifying my username so I'd have two initials and a different background color. Take that, you who dare to job the system!

Oh, the dreaded Rainbow Baby - I hate that little mo'fo soooo much!  I do hope TPTB fix it, lest y'all have to rely on the kindness of strangers to get an avatar, like I did (not really a stranger, some kind fellow PTVer read about my technophobia and helped me out).


45 minutes ago, PearlClutcher said:

I'm in a real mood.  People not getting the L&L idea, hate for Iris, and other assorted crappola.  I loathe the Skunk for obvious reasons.  Over at the Q board there are azzhats criticizing people for making suggestions in the Suggestion Box for jeebus' sake. Agree that Iris has gaudy joolery and L&L is just storage.  LR takes pics of shifty looking food and her and her crew are nuts. Why do I even care?  We have real first world probs.   I wonder if watching the Q and the heat is getting to me.  I'm finding myself getting stabby with myself.  Anyone have one of those days?

Most days find me in a stabby mood.  I've learned to live with it without killing anyone (or becoming suicidal).  It is a constant exercise in self control.  ;-D

But if I ever DO lose my shit & Break Bad?  I want Keith Morrison to narrate my Dateline episode.

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2 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Hahahahahahaha!  I know that's right!


FUNNY!  And true!

1 minute ago, walnutqueen said:

Oh, the dreaded Rainbow Baby - I hate that little mo'fo soooo much!  I do hope TPTB fix it, lest y'all have to rely on the kindness of strangers to get an avatar, like I did (not really a stranger, some kind fellow PTVer read about my technophobia and helped me out).


Most days find me in a stabby mood.  I've learned to live with it without killing anyone (or becoming suicidal).  It is a constant exercise in self control.  ;-D

But if I ever DO lose my shit & Break Bad?  I want Keith Morrison to narrate my Dateline episode.

That is the key, isn't it? 

Loved your comment about Keith Morrison!

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I got a heating pad for my cat Captain which I have wrapped in a towel for him to lay on. I placed it on the side of my bed where I don't sleep against the wall. Had to do something to try and stop him from wanting to lay over the side of my laptop keyboard for warmth from the fan and etc. when I'm online in my room...


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15 minutes ago, Jaded said:

I got a heating pad for my cat Captain which I have wrapped in a towel for him to lay on. I placed it on the side of my bed where I don't sleep against the wall. Had to do something to try and stop him from wanting to lay over the side of my laptop keyboard for warmth from the fan and etc. when I'm online in my room...


My Babalu CONSTANTLY nudges his little face onto the edge of my keyboard (when he's not walking all over it, or my solar plexus - OOMPH!).  He then stretches one paw up onto my screen - which was a real PITA when I was using my dead Mum's tablet thingy with a !@#$% touch screen. Now I just have a slightly scratched "wannabe laptop" screen, and a tired left hand from pushing him away - for hours on end (he's a determined little bugger).  Cats don't give up.  :-)


ETA - Your Captain looks just like my beloved (dearly departed and still much missed) Da Boy  Ooh, that pretty, pretty face!

Edited by walnutqueen
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 Last one today...

He woke up right after I took that picture of him sleeping and immediately started giving me the side eye.


Edited by Jaded
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2 hours ago, PearlClutcher said:

I'm in a real mood.  People not getting the L&L idea, hate for Iris, and other assorted crappola.  I loathe the Skunk for obvious reasons.  Over at the Q board there are azzhats criticizing people for making suggestions in the Suggestion Box for jeebus' sake. Agree that Iris has gaudy joolery and L&L is just storage.  LR takes pics of shifty looking food and her and her crew are nuts. Why do I even care?  We have real first world probs.   I wonder if watching the Q and the heat is getting to me.  I'm finding myself getting stabby with myself.  Anyone have one of those days?


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49 minutes ago, Jaded said:

I got a heating pad for my cat Captain which I have wrapped in a towel for him to lay on. I placed it on the side of my bed where I don't sleep against the wall. Had to do something to try and stop him from wanting to lay over the side of my laptop keyboard for warmth from the fan and etc. when I'm online in my room...


Great idea!  And, it goes without saying, Captain is a cutie-bug.

9 minutes ago, PearlClutcher said:

Now for some canine fun.


What a beauty!  Is he/she yours?

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I don't know why I do this to myself, knowing that I'm in a "I feel sorry for myself and the world" sort of mood, but I read this article about a young woman whose fiancé was killed in a car accident a few months before they were to be married.  She had a photographer take pictures of her, in her wedding dress, and since this photographer had also taken pictures of them when they announced their engagement, the photographer was able to photoshop her fiancé in the wedding picture.  The young woman said it helped her with closure.  I can see how that would be.  Just incredible to me, and has me crying.

Here's the story:


Bride 2.jpg

Edited by lovemesomejoolery
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My setter gives me the exact same look as the golden is giving the lady in the picture above!  He usually does it when I have a tasty morsel and  am 0not sharing (yesterday it was a Snickers ice cream bar).  If I can ever catch him doing it with my camera I will post it here.

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2 hours ago, PearlClutcher said:

Read to me Mr. Morrison.  I'll get the marshmallows. anigif_enhanced-4832-1400100533-7.gif

Oh no @lovemesomejoolery.  I wish.  I'm petless right now.  Probably why I'm so dayum grumpy.  I just saw that face on the web and had to post it.  I love dogs and cats so much.  Such wonderful creatures.

Oh Hell Noes,  @PearlClutcher!!!  Get thee to the ASofPCA (or any other rescue org) STAT.  A life without critters is not worth living, IMHO.  I have some spares & heirs hanging around my back door  - "call me".  ;-D

They also all enjoy the dulcet narration of one Keith Morrison.  So, there's that.  :-)

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What the fresh hell is going on?

I'm stabby too.  Just left the glue gun hell hole that is Hobby Lobby, shopping in 80+ degree heat for over an hour, dripping wet, get to the checkout line (now 6 carts deep), hear the cashier call for help over the PA 3 times, to no avail.  The manager shows up to help her void a transaction, then proceeds to walk away...and the Irish/German redhead in me kicked in.  I yelled, yes yelled at her to tell me where she would like me to leave my cart full of ($160 bucks) merchandise, since she wasn't interested in taking my money, and apparently no one else was either.  She sweetly invited me over to lane 12 (we were in lane 1) and checked me through.  

We finished as besties.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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6 hours ago, PearlClutcher said:

 I'm finding myself getting stabby with myself.  Anyone have one of those days?

Yes. Even the radio in the car irritates me, and lately I drive without it. I listen to the engine's hum, and it's like being in the womb. Very calming, actually. 

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5 hours ago, lovemesomejoolery said:

I'm sorry you're feeling crabby..........or stabby!  Frankly, I'm having one of those weeks!  I'm not feeling particularly snark-ish about anything to do with QVC so haven't posted much the past day or so.  

I sometimes try and find correlations to what's going on in the world with my own little existence of being, whether it's at work or with my circle of friends and perhaps even on Q boards and this forum.  Everything feels so topsy turvy, if that makes sense.  People seem angry and impatient and rude everywhere you go (I am NOT, repeat, NOT, saying people here are angry, rude ad impatient), whether it's the grocery store, the doctor's office, on the road driving, in parking lots, in stores, everywhere - it's crazy.   When did it become acceptable to be, as you say, an azzhat?  It exhausts me. 

For me, I'm worrying about those REAL first world problems and I guess I can't really get too hot and bothered about LR or Shawn Killinger or any of them at this point in time.

You and @PearlClutcher perfectly stated how I have been feeling lately.  Add to it three 98 degree days out of nowhere.  On a positive note my husband and I both celebrated birthdays this week.

I do chuckle everytime I see "azzhat".  I don't know if I ever heard that before coming here.

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