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The Real O'Neals - General Discussion

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Didn't even realize this joke made it on the show because I don't really pay that much attention to Kenny's stories but kudos to Sara Ramirez for calling them out on it.

Gay, white male showrunners need to get with the program or stop producing content. This is ridiculous.


Noah's apology was horrible as well (“I'm sorry if we offended anyone. I hope you know our show fights for visibility and inclusivity and we will do better in the future. BUT, we also have to remember, it's a comedy.") WTF. He should have said, “I'm sorry for offending the bisexual community and we won't do it again."

Noah is a tool.

Edited by maraleia
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On 2/16/2017 at 10:51 PM, maraleia said:

Didn't even realize this joke made it on the show because I don't really pay that much attention to Kenny's stories but kudos to Sara Ramirez for calling them out on it.

Gay, white male showrunners need to get with the program or stop producing content. This is ridiculous.


Noah's apology was horrible as well (“I'm sorry if we offended anyone. I hope you know our show fights for visibility and inclusivity and we will do better in the future. BUT, we also have to remember, it's a comedy.") WTF. He should have said, “I'm sorry for offending the bisexual community and we won't do it again."

Noah is a tool.

I'm bi and I thought the joke was funny.  People in general need to grow a pair and learn to take a joke.  All these snowflakes getting offended at every little thing is pathetic.

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Really liked Jimmy as the Uber driver and Shannon figuring out how to make money off of him. Also liked Shannon snagging the free hotel room. Would love to see more of her. 

I think they have made Jimmy less dopey and more lovable since the pilot. Conversely, I liked Kenny early on but he now comes on too strong and is insufferable for me. 

I do think that Pat and Eileen are endgame. 

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I am completely surprised at how much I enjoy this show! I fear for it's longevity because I NEVER hear anything about it, except on here. But, as much as I've liked Martha Plimpton in other roles, my eyes glaze over when she and VP are on the screen. I wish they'd ditch that story line and concentrate on her and Pat coming to terms with their new status. And I know Noah Galvin is problematic but I can't help it, I think he's so excellent in this, he really makes me laugh. Both Kenny and Jimmy are great, and I'd be perfectly happy if the show just focused on those two. I hope they do some tweaking and feature less of the parents, and more on the siblings.

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Ah, the awkwardness of the unreciprocated "I love you".  I've been in both Brett's and Kenny's shoes, and there's always that embarrassed/hurt/vulnerable/awkward moment for the initiator, but getting an "I love you" take-back has to smart even more.    

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Oh, VP Murray. He should know by now that Shannon always has an ulterior motive. And he doesn't want to know what happened to Fredo!

I love Clive and think Matt Oberg is killing it.

I hope that's not the last we see of Brett. I like the actor and think there are good "first boyfriend" stories left to mine.

Edited by Lord Donia
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VP Murray really did step up for Shannon.    While its often recommended to pick one of your godparents as your sponsor to reinforce the connections between Baptism and Confirmation, you don't have to; the only requirements I know of is that your sponsor cannot be one of your parents and must be a confirmed Catholic over age 18.  I asked my best friend's mother.   I think Shannon could have just picked VP Murray as her sponsor without the additional godfather storyline (unless that's a tradition in their family) especially since it didn't sound like Uncle Brendan lived near by.

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Yeah, but then we wouldn't have gotten the Fredo line.  :)

I also appreciated that they did have a bishop in the processional for the confirmation mass.

Edited by Scott
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 I fear for it's longevity because I NEVER hear anything about it, except on here.

TVbytheNumbers has it listed as a likely cancellation, the ratings are the weakest among the Tuesday sitcom block. I hate to say it but I suspect the "mainstream" audience that tunes in for all the other ABC shows is put off by a show centered around a gay kid.

That's too bad because I find it consistently the funniest of all the sitcoms I watch that night. It's so sharp and the cast is so good. Jimmy and Shannon are priceless. Loved Jimmy trying to impress his old baby-sitter. Poor Jimmy!

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On 2/22/2017 at 0:44 PM, iMonrey said:

TVbytheNumbers has it listed as a likely cancellation, the ratings are the weakest among the Tuesday sitcom block. I hate to say it but I suspect the "mainstream" audience that tunes in for all the other ABC shows is put off by a show centered around a gay kid.

ABC is looking to add one, possibly two hours of comedy this coming fall, and at least as of about a week ago, planned to renew the nine currently-airing that hadnt been renewed yet.  

There is also the 'gay' factor, that its produced by ABC Studios, and has a much weaker leasin than the other :30 comedies.  

At the same time, Libby & Malcolm and a new show starring Carol Burnett have already been picked up.  They are also developing spinoffa of Blackish and Goldbergs.  Ans while I think Imaginary Mary will bomb, who knows.  

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My dislike for the Shannon character has been slowly growing and I'm afraid the Godfather episode cemented it. She just uses people and look down on people. It's boring and mean and I don't enjoy watching her scenes. Even her choice of a Godfather is only because of what he can do for her. I know others here seem to like her, but for me, I like all the other characters except her (even VP Murray, who took a while to grow on me). 

It was nice to see Kenny's imaginary friend Jesus again.

I hope Brett comes back.

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Back to the episode where Jimmy becomes an Uber driver. Nitpick, but... you can't just become an Uber driver like that. You go through a background check, have to register with the TLC; I doubt Shannon could've just pulled it off like that.

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The major red flag for renewal chances is that they didn't get a full back 9 episode order to finish out the season, ABC ordering only 3 additional episodes. Usually when this happens the show is just being used to patch the hole in the schedule until something else is ready to replace it.

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I hope Brett comes back.

I was thinking it's kind of ironic that Kenny being honest about his feelings at the risk of ending the relationship is probably the most mature thing he's done since the show started. He's been insecure about himself and about this relationship from the start so even though it took him a beat, being frank with him and telling him he didn't know whether or not he was there yet was surprisingly grown-up for him. Maybe there's hope for him yet.

They probably weren't the best match anyway - Brett seems a lot more sure of himself, and I think they're both in just very different places emotionally and mentally.

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The whining from Kenny  was just too annoying . The plot was funny, but he can be so irritating ! Must they write him so over the top and obnoxious? 

Edited by snowydaze
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I agree Kenny was pretty annoying in this one. But I always enjoy the little fantasy musical numbers they do - even if that damn song was stuck in my head for the next two hours.

Jimmy for MVP as usual - the visual gag of him running around the kitchen trying to find a spatula was hilarious, but best moment of the episode was him yelling out "my dad is really good in bed" to the women who walked past them.

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Kenny may have been more annoying than usual in this episode, but IMO it was not unrealistic. He's a teen who broke up with his first boyfriend right before Valentine's Day, coupled with the fact he's newly out and has always had a flair for the dramatic. 

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Very strong episode, especially everything Jimmy.  

On 2/26/2017 at 3:17 PM, Perfect Xero said:

The major red flag for renewal chances is that they didn't get a full back 9 episode order to finish out the season, ABC ordering only 3 additional episodes. Usually when this happens the show is just being used to patch the hole in the schedule until something else is ready to replace it.

I dont think the shorter order means anything either way.  It was partly in response to Noah's obnoxious interview and partly because the network had to make room for midseason orders.

It's a bit funny, the show has pulled its best numbers of the season, last night and back in November, when it aired at 830 leading into special programming and not against This is Us.  

Edited by Tiger
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They are still running promos for the show, so they haven't totally given up on it. I'm glad, and I hope it comes back. I really like it, despite its flaws, and there's nothing like it, and I doubt there will be, so it's not like when the 56th cop/lawyer/doctor procedural bites the dust and you can just hop over to any other channel and watch the other 55 of them instead.

I really liked this episode.

Shannon and her boyfriend cracked me up. I hate that style of communication (it just sounds like passive aggressive bullshit to me), but the fact that they seriously enjoyed it made it more funny than annoying to me within the show (I still would hate it if anyone started talking tome that way, like a cross between a robot and a trampoline and a sandbag).

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I missed the significance of why Shannon and her date were talking to each other that say.


There's nothing like it, and I doubt there will be, so it's not like when the 56th cop/lawyer/doctor procedural bites the dust and you can just hop over to any other channel and watch the other 55 of them instead.

Totally agree; and in comparison to other sitcoms specifically it's not your usual generic family show about the fat, lazy stupid guy married to the hot wife. I can't believe pablum like Kevin Can Wait and Man With a Plan get decent ratings while this show struggles.

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I missed the significance of why Shannon and her date were talking to each other that say.

I think it's just a thing some people do. There's an actual method to it. I find it culty and repressive and incredibly annoying, but adherents have told me it makes them feel validated and heard, that it prevents conflicts and creates intimacy. This always strikes me as insane, but maybe how they communicated before then was worse? I have never seen it be used among teens, but I know a lot of adults who seem to think it's The Only Correct Way to communicate, and who try to force it onto others because they think it's "more evolved." It's called "non-violent communication" and there are classes where they teach you how to do it. The guy who first marketed it is named Rosenberg-- I forget his first name. Marshall maybe? Marshall Rosenberg?

To be fair, I think it can actually work in some situations, especially when people are aggressively defensive and not listening to each other AT ALL, or are stuck in a repetitive conflict where they lack empathy and insight into each other to an extreme degree. It kind of forces everyone to slow down and find out what the other person is feeling and to figure out their motivations, instead of just going off their own internal stuff and a boatload of reflexive assumptions.

But if it's ALL you do ALL the time, it can become absurd.

I thought Shannon and her bf were funny because I really do know people who find it delightful, and I thought it was nice that they were truly getting along... but to anyone who's not into that way of interacting, it induces eyerolls, like what we saw from Eileen.

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6 hours ago, jcin617 said:

 I didn't know shirtless Pat was something I needed on TV until I saw tonight's episode.

No wonder Clive wanted to "pound his meat".

Another really strong episode.  

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9 hours ago, jcin617 said:

 I didn't know shirtless Pat was something I needed on TV until I saw tonight's episode.


3 hours ago, Tiger said:

No wonder Clive wanted to "pound his meat".

Another really strong episode.  

More shirtless Pat please. I liked that he was well-built, but not gym-perfect. 

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Wow - Jay R. Ferguson is in great shape. Who knew? Between that and Cheyenne Jackson guest-starring this was one fine looking episode. Love the Sound of Music parody. I didn't catch why the Bishop was having dinner at the O'Neal's house, though. The priest said some other divorced couple died in a murder-suicide so the O'Neals were next on the list but why did the Bishop specifically want to have dinner at the home of a divorced couple? 

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Definitely pleased to see Cheyenne on my screen, and I enjoyed the take off on "Do Re Mi".

Catholic nit-pick: VP Murray addressed the bishop as "Your Eminence".  That would only be if he were a cardinal, and I'm sure status-conscious Eileen would have been referring to him as "the cardinal" the entire time, instead of just "the bishop".  A bishop would be "Your Excellency".  

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I'm not normally a fan of teenagers using any variation of "do you know who my parents are?" but I wanted to high-five Jimmy when he told the new teacher "You mean the guy we just had breakfast with? While he was wearing our mom's robe? No problem!"

I like that Kenny was able to find a gay mentor. Steve the colorist is great. (But I'll never not see him as Luthor, so I'm taking the "how old do you think I am" line as a shout out.)

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If this show gets canceled I'll blame Noah's horrible interview for driving viewers away. I really like it but their horrible joke about bisexuals was also problematic and I blame having a white gay showrunner who is ignorant of the rest of the LGBTQ community. The same thing happened with Ilene Chaiken (The L Word, Empire) and I. Marlene King (Pretty Little Liars). Queer people stopped watching their shows as time went on. It's a real problem.

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This felt like a series finale to me. Everything not quite wrapped up, but with hope for the future as each character prepared to tackle the next chapters of their lives.

Why would Aunt Jodi take a pregnancy test at the O'Neals' house other than for plot contrivances? She has her own house right next door.

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2 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

This felt like a series finale to me.

It really did. Not to be a bummer, but in advance of the likely cancellation: Jimmy, I'm going to miss you the most, ya big fish-hugger.

Peace and love to Clive and his new pickleball court, Pat and his tiny house, Shannon and her business empire, Eileen and her burgeoning acceptance, Jodi and Uncle Dwayne's lust. And to Ethan -- I hear what you're saying and I feel sad, too.

Peanut brother sandwich!

Edited by Lord Donia
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I really appreciated this episode. If it is the series finale, then everything is wrapped up in a nice little bow. If it isn't then we've got some good jumping off points for next year. I liked that Jimmy wasn't ready to move out yet. Some kids aren't and next year could be a community college year (which fiscally can be a good move). 

10 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

She has her own house right next door.

In two seasons, I've never realized she lives next door. 

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What the heck is a pickleball court?

Agree this felt like a potential series finale so good on the producers for giving us some closure in the event of a (likely) cancellation. Eileen's speech to Alison's parents showed real character growth - maybe more than she deserved for what we've seen over the past two seasons. Might have been a little rushed for the sake of expediency. Same with Clive's proposal. But I enjoyed the jewelry store clerk's confusion over Pat and Clive and everything to do with Alison. The actress who plays her played an identical role on the Netflix show "The Santa Clarita Diet" so she seems to be carving out a career of playing deadpan.


If this show gets canceled I'll blame Noah's horrible interview for driving viewers away. 

I think it's more than that. I doubt most casual viewers were even aware of it. I just think that among the block of generic white-bread American family ABC sitcoms on Tuesday night this was a little too smart and a little too progressive for the flyover states, frankly. 

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19 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

It really did. Not to be a bummer, but in advance of the likely cancellation: Jimmy, I'm going to miss you the most, ya big fish-hugger.

Peace and love to Clive and his new pickleball court, Pat and his tiny house, Shannon and her business empire, Eileen and her burgeoning acceptance, Jodi and Uncle Dwayne's lust. And to Ethan -- I hear what you're saying and I feel sad, too.

Quoting myself because I just noticed that my family roundup didn't include Kenny! I never disliked his character, but it does indicate how his status had changed for me from star of the show to just one of a talented ensemble.

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11 hours ago, joanne3482 said:

In two seasons, I've never realized she lives next door. 

I'm pretty sure it was established Aunt Jodi lives next door. She was in and out all the time.

7 hours ago, iMonrey said:

What the heck is a pickleball court?

From Wikipedia:


Pickleball is a racquet sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis, and table tennis.



I think it's more than that. I doubt most casual viewers were even aware of it. I just think that among the block of generic white-bread American family ABC sitcoms on Tuesday night this was a little too smart and a little too progressive for the flyover states, frankly. 

I think it's a little unfair to tar all residents of "flyover" states with the same brush. ABC sitcoms also include "Fresh Off the Boat," about Chinese immigrants, and "Black-ish " about an African-American family; both are highly rated. Iowa, a "flyover" state was the fourth state to legalize same-sex marriage.

44 minutes ago, Perfect Xero said:

If that was the series finale the last scene with the 3 siblings was the right note to end on.

Yes, they had the strongest relationship among all the family members.

14 minutes ago, Lord Donia said:

Quoting myself because I just noticed that my family roundup didn't include Kenny! I never disliked his character, but it does indicate how his status had changed for me from star of the show to just one of a talented ensemble.

I think Kenny had growth too -- he seemed to be less obnoxious when he was talking to Allison's family, unlike how he'd been previously about his homosexuality. (Also,  kudos to the show for Kenny referring to Cheyenne Jackson's character last week as a "homosexual.")

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Great episode that hit the right notes as both a seaaon ans potential series finale.  Given that ABC wants to expand its comedy imprint, the show is produces by ABC Studios, and is the only show on broadcast with a gay lead, I think it'll be back.

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I found the Brett-Kenny breakup unrealistic. A day or two before brett says 'I love you' and when Kenny is honest with his feelings he just dumps him, in the middle of his sister's confirmation, and goes off? that's very self-centered and immature.

Why didn't Kenny try to talk to Brett after that? He just accepted the breakup liek that and moped and mourned for days inestaed?

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I think it's a little unfair to tar all residents of "flyover" states with the same brush. ABC sitcoms also include "Fresh Off the Boat," about Chinese immigrants, and "Black-ish " about an African-American family; both are highly rated. Iowa, a "flyover" state was the fourth state to legalize same-sex marriage.

Well I live in one of those flyover states, and Iowa didn't legalize same-sex marriage by a popular vote, it was decided by a court. Bebe Wood needs to pick a sitcom next time that doesn't feature a gay lead because her last show, "The New Normal" only lasted one season as well, and I suspect for the same reason. 


Why didn't Kenny try to talk to Brett after that? He just accepted the breakup liek that and moped and mourned for days inestaed?

Because logic and maturity aren't strong suits in high school kids. 

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

 her last show, "The New Normal" only lasted one season as well, and I suspect for the same reason. 


Honestly, and I realize this is just opinion, but The New Normal was just... not good. I desperately want more representation of the LGBTQ+ community, especially as leads, but I did not mind losing that show.

This show I'd be sad to see go. Still-- it might not be the worst thing for it to end before it gets worn out. Obviously the best situation is it stays on the air and stays good, but my experience with television makes me wonder how likely that is. If it ends at two seasons, at least it was a decent two and not, like, a decent two and mediocre one.

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5 hours ago, Ikki said:

Honestly, and I realize this is just opinion, but The New Normal was just... not good. I desperately want more representation of the LGBTQ+ community, especially as leads, but I did not mind losing that show.

This show I'd be sad to see go. Still-- it might not be the worst thing for it to end before it gets worn out. Obviously the best situation is it stays on the air and stays good, but my experience with television makes me wonder how likely that is. If it ends at two seasons, at least it was a decent two and not, like, a decent two and mediocre one.

"The New Normal" was "not good" -- from the reason they wanted a baby (the more effeminate partner saw a baby sailor suit he thought was adorable) to Ellen Barkin's cartoonishly bigoted grandmothet character.

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It felt like a series finale to me too although I am hoping that it was done this way "just in case". I really enjoy this show. I think they've done a nice job with guest stars: Allison, Brett, Susan Sullivan as Clive's mother. They even made Clive into a multi-faceted character instead of a one-note. Love the relationship between the siblings as well as Pat continuing to live in the garage. I really thought they would go the route of Pat and Eileen getting back together - and still may go there if the show continues - but very pleased to see Eileen on her own for now. 

I don't think that Noah's interview had anything to do with the ratings because likely most potential viewers unaware of it. 

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23 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Bebe Wood needs to pick a sitcom next time that doesn't feature a gay lead because her last show, "The New Normal" only lasted one season as well, and I suspect for the same reason.

This show just finished its 2nd season, so she's trending in the right direction at least.

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