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S01.E15: Solitude

Tara Ariano

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I like that Winn had something productive to do this episode. Having your own black-ops team is awesome unless said team just lets a random arm choke you without trying to pull it off of you or anything.

The fortress of solitude was very cool.

Indigo was also cool, but her hair was terrible and she got caught monologuing.

Thank goodness James didn't get a chance to give up Super girls identity to Lucy.

I couldn't care less about Kara and James , I'm all about Hank/J'onn and Alex. Yes, they should go have coffee.

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I prefer Kara's relationship with Alex and Hank although some of her scenes with Cat are good. It's just that anything romantic between Cat and Kara reminds me of the Swan/Queen ship on OUaT, especially seasons 1 - 3 when Regina was doing terrible things to Emma and trying to kill her family. Heightened dramatic tension does not equal romance to me every time.

I don't watch a lot of comic books shows but I can't recall anyone other than Skye/Daisy and maybe Ward having daddy issues on Agents of Shield nor anyone on Agent Carter. Nor anything out of the ordinary on the sci fi shows I used to watch like Star Trek or Bablyon 5. Normally on group shows one or two people may have parental issues but on Arrow every single member of the team except for Diggle (i.e. Oliver, Thea, Roy, Felicity, Laurel, plus Nyssa and Tommy) had parent problems.

I wonder if Lucy is going to leave now or stick around to work at Catco (speaking of people with daddy issues). Now that they no longer pushing the James/Lucy relationship and making him look like a cheater, she could be an interesting addition to the Catco team.

I see almost every comic book show and a lot of showd, not all. But you want to extend things - izombie Liv is estranged from her mom and found her hard to deal with. Veronica Mars with her mom. Lost see everybody. Heroes - multiple parents had touchy relationships with their children. Gotham - Bruce Wayne plain and simple. Lucifer has it, Sleepy Hollow has it. It goes on and on is my point. Not a Berlanti thing.

James really has no purpose, he can't help Lucy with anything but he has Kara carry him to the arctic or watches as Wynn does actually work to help?

I prefer Lucy than James and she actually did a lot to help this episode. She deserves better than James. I really could care less to see the forced James/Kara love.

Wynn should go to DEO.

James has a purpose. He's Superman exposition.
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Now that we've had Helen Slater and Laura V., are there any more former Supergirls that should be appearing on the show?

I think Animated are the only other ones left.


She's not quite the same character (she's Kara In-Ze from Krypton's sister planet Argo, and not related to Kal-El at all), but in the DCAU shows, she was played by Nicholle Tom (you may know her as the daughter on The Nanny). 


There are video game voice actresses too, but that would be going a bit too far. Nicholle Tom though had almost a dozen "appearances" as the character though, between JLU, Superman The Animated Series, and The New Batman Adventures.

Oh, Summer Glau did the voice for one of the direct to video DC animated movies though (one of the non-Bruce Timm ones). And Nichole Sullivan (the one from MAD TV) did Supergirl for those "Super Best Friends Forever" animated shorts DC did partly online and partly on TV. But the first of those was a one-off and the second very short timewise (in total).

That's IT for Supergirls as far as I know. I don't think there was ever one on radio either, because by the time she first appeared in comics (1959) radio dramas had kind of moved to TV.  The Adventures of Superman ended in 1958, before she even existed at all, so she was never on that.

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Once again, Supergirl's powers rise and fall to preserve some drama. The Supergirl in this show has been clocked at Mach 2 -- and that was not necessarily her top speed. I would think that she would be able to catch the missle easily. Once she caught it, there would really not be much to disarming it, I would think. Just break off the nuclear warhead and throw it into space. 


Actually, an ICBM flies at somewhere pretty close to escape velocity which is about Mach 32. This was one case where I was actually surprised that Kara caught up to the missile (then again, it didn't really have time to get up to full speed).

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From reading around the Internet, it seems some ICBMs can go as fast as like 20x the speed of sound.

While that may be true we know this missile was not flying anywhere even close to that speed.   First of all we know that Fort Pemberton is not far from National City.   I mean look at the facts General Mathers lives in National City and works at Fort Pemberton,  it's close enough that Hank at least considers sending a strike team to stop Indigo (before not since its obviously still more than just a minutes away), and the biggest thing is that when we first see the still rising missile we can see that National City skyline is not too far off in the distance.


The other fact we know for sure is that from the time the missile is launched it will take 3 minutes to reach National City.   So let's look at roughly how far a missile can travel in 3 minutes going at various speeds.

Mach-1 - 38 miles

Mach-2 - 77 miles

Mach-3 - 115 miles


No need to elaborate further as there is no chance that Fort Pemberton is any farther away than that.  I mean consider that the following distances are around 100 miles (straight line) give or take ten.   Los Angeles to San Diego,  Indianapolis to Cincinnati,  Chicago to Milwaukee,  Pittsburgh to Cleveland, NYC to Philadelphia...you get the point.   Leave in an airport from one of those places and you can't exactly clearly see the skyline of other city in the distance almost immediately over the horizon even on the clearest of days.   So really I'd say it is pretty safe to assume that Fort Pemberton is likely located under 70 miles  (Personally I'd lean towards somewhere around 30-50 mile range) away from National City which means the missile could not have been traveling any faster than Mach-2 and possibly only Mach-1.   So nope...Kara really should not have had any trouble keeping up since we know she can easily fly at Mach-2.




On a different but somewhat related note a couple things I noticed while re-watching to try to figure out this missile thing that I had missed the first time around.


The first is that we got pretty solid confirmation that National City is indeed in California and it appears to be somewhere between Los Angeles and San Francisco based on the maps briefly show at the DEO.  Which certainly makes sense given that Supergirl actually lived in San Francisco for awhile in the comics, and the show itself films in LA.


The second thing I noticed is that the show cheated yet again.  All the screens at the DEO initially show the missile and Kara coming from right to left towards National City...which again makes sense since it's located on the coast a military base some 30-50 miles away would have to be coming from the other direction.   Yet at the moment that Kara disables the missile it drops straight down into the water and a map at the DEO shows it dissapearing from the left of the city.   For that matter the two times we get a view of the missile headed towards the city it certainly looks like there is nothing but rock/trees between it and the city no water.   I guess someone in editing decided that having the nuke fall straight down and hit solid ground could potentially detonate it....so they had it fall harmlessly into the ocean on the other side of the city instead.  Pffft


Now that we've had Helen Slater and Laura V., are there any more former Supergirls that should be appearing on the show?
There definitely wasn't one on Adventures of Superman, or Lois and Clark  IMDB doesn't list one as ever appearing on Superboy.  So that pretty much leaves those strange Justice League serials which I highly doubt there was ever a Supergirl on there, but its so old with no copies seemingly existing anywhere so I can't find a way to totally confirm. Although really if there was she would likely be too old to want to do anything now not to mention no one would even get the reference.  So that means that is probably it for live-action Supergirls that can appear....unless you count the retired "actress" from the Supergirl XXX parody film.  Which although it would be absolutely hilarious for them to sneak a tiny cameo appearance by an unsuspecting CBS/WB I just don't see it happening.

I definitely would not mind Nicholle Tom appearing though and she is still doing a lot of guest actor work on TV shows.   Keep Summer Glau far away....the ratings are not good enough to chance letting that show killer anywhere near the set :P

Edited by Xenith22

The first is that we got pretty solid confirmation that National City is indeed in California and it appears to be somewhere between Los Angeles and San Francisco based on the maps briefly show at the DEO.  Which certainly makes sense given that Supergirl actually lived in San Francisco for awhile in the comics, and the show itself films in LA.

We've known for a while it was California, because they've shown the Pacific Ocean a number of times. It's relative placement in the state is new though. It certainly always looked like Southern Cali due to the Palm trees (we saw them a lot in the Pilot). One mismatching bit to your current observation though is that we've also seen it has desert REALLY close to the city limits--which I don't know how well that matches anything right on the ocean, but is a closer match to further south, isn't it?

Edited by Kromm
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Man this show sucks. And it's a shame because some of the actors are really knocking it out of the park. But they're doing it in a vehicle that's tired, derivative, clunky and... worst of all... boring.


Watching this I suddenly realised what is most wrong with this show - it's nothing more than a Smallville mashup. And SMALLVILLE did this episode better. Smallville had a better representation of nuclear missiles. Smallville had a main character that was smarter, more driven, more proactive and more capable. SMALLVILLE. The home of the dumbest, whiniest superhero ever.

Watching this I suddenly realised what is most wrong with this show - it's nothing more than a Smallville mashup. And SMALLVILLE did this episode better. Smallville had a better representation of nuclear missiles. Smallville had a main character that was smarter, more driven, more proactive and more capable. SMALLVILLE. The home of the dumbest, whiniest superhero ever.


It's been awhile since I watched a Smallville episode....wasn't it one of the missile episodes where Clark got blown up and while still wearing the badly burnt clothes then proceeded to go have an conversation with Lana somewhere else in which she'd have to be a complete idiot to not realize he was special (which fortunately she was because the Smallville writers loved writing people as absurdly stupid.).


Anyways, while I definitely think this show feels like a spiritual successor to Smallville as far as the amount of stupid and contrivances in the writing (also the Clark/Kara, Lana/Jimmy, Wynn/Chloe comparables)...what you said about Clark compared to Kara no freaking way.


Smarter?  Not even close.  Smallville Clark was nicknamed the "Big Dumb Alien" online for a reason.  He was by far the dumbest character on that show and most of the time lacked anything resembling common sense.  The amount of times he rushed into things.  The amount of times he was deceived over and over again.  The amount of times he made terrible decisions that bit someone else in the butt.  The amount of times he said insensitive things and had no clue there was anything wrong with it...   There's been a lot of stupid going around on Supergirl...but really I think Kara herself has avoided most of it and not been anywhere near that bad?   What really dumb things has she done other than being a little naive about Winn's feelings and her Aunt?  


More driven and proactive?  Smallville Clark who was constantly whining about wanting to be normal, who repeatedly tried to run away from his destiny both figuratively and literally?   Meanwhile Kara has pretty much been all about embracing her destiny, wanting to help people, etc.  For most of the series the only thing Clark was really driven to was moping over Lana.  Kara may have a crush on Jimmy but she doesn't spend all her free time moping about it.  Wasn't it established in one of the first episodes that Kara actually already goes out on patrol at times?


Capable?  The Clark who could not fly because he was not mentally ready.  The Clark who had other make all the big decisions in his life? He hardly ever used his brain in fights...it was just Clark SMASH and watch as his foe gets impaled on the nearest garden tool, flag pole, pointy stick followed by not being the least bit phased that someone died.


So I'm sorry but Supergirl's Kara is a much better hero character than Smallville's Clark was and it is not even remotely close.

Edited by Xenith22
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To be clear, I was referring specifically to Kara in this episode. She spent the entire thing wondering what to do and several times just stood there like a lump instead of doing something. So, yeah, in this episode she was kind of pointless. She had no clue what to do at any point. She flew around the missile for a while looking worried instead of doing something about it, could barely catch up to it, and it was somebody else who brought Indigo down. In fact, she didn't need to be in this episode at all. This could have been the Adventures of the DEO and friends. She is a lackluster and unremarkable 'hero' at the best of times but especially in episodes like this. But, you know, she is a girl so what can we expect?

Loved this ep, apart from Siobhan and Winn, they can both take the longest walk of the shortest pier please. Then can Jeremy Jordan and Italia Ricci go take some acting lessons, boy are they needed.

When Toyman junior was watching Doctor Who did he think Joshua Naismith in The End of Time looked familiar?

Chyer Leigh killed it in the final scene with Kara.

I'm beginning to hate Cat, am I supposed to think it funny she treats people like crap, because it's not.

Finally, some movement on Karolsen, and about time. I swear if they put another roadblock up or sideline it like they did Westallen. The next roadblock to Karolsen and Barry 'cry baby' Allen showing up are the two things I'm not looking forward to.

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To be clear, I was referring specifically to Kara in this episode. She spent the entire thing wondering what to do and several times just stood there like a lump instead of doing something. So, yeah, in this episode she was kind of pointless. She had no clue what to do at any point. She flew around the missile for a while looking worried instead of doing something about it, could barely catch up to it, and it was somebody else who brought Indigo down. In fact, she didn't need to be in this episode at all. This could have been the Adventures of the DEO and friends. She is a lackluster and unremarkable 'hero' at the best of times but especially in episodes like this. But, you know, she is a girl so what can we expect?

Okay so then let's compare Clark in Smallville's 5x03 "Hidden" to Supergirl's 1x15 "Solitude":


Chloe is warned of the impending missile attack by Gabriel (the kid responsible for it).  Clark goes with Chloe to Gabriel's house.  Chloe breaks in using a credit card.  Chloe discerns Gabriel's motive.  Clark does come up with the idea of using Gabriel's interest in saving Chloe to find him.  Score one for smart Clark.


Of course once they do find Gabriel the rest of Clark's brilliant plan is to simply reveal himself and demand Gabriel tell him where the silo is.  It should be noted that Clark had no powers at this point.  He also had no weapon or anything that could potentially convince Gabriel to confess or help him.  Gabriel who they knew had already killed his father and was willing to kill everyone in Smallville because he hated meteor freaks.  Gabriel who was armed with the gun he used to take over the missile silo.  Clark gets shot and Chloe gets kidnapped because this was a REALLY REALLY TERRIBLE PLAN. (Big Dumb Alien at his finest).


Clark dies and is brought back to life with his power by Jor-El.  This act means that one of his loved ones will have to die to balance the scales.  Clark heroically tries to trade his life back (ignoring the fact that a freaking missile will wipe out all of Smallville including ALL of his loved ones if he is dead and not around to stop it.  Again...BIG DUMB ALIEN) 


Clark finds the launching missile by just stumbling upon it seeing it launching behind some trees.   Fortunately the thing is the size of a large space shuttle, and so is quite a bit slower taking off allowing him to run over to it and leap up to catch it before it has gotten out of his range.


The missile goes straight up into space with Clark climbing it the entire way.  When it reaches space the various stages drop away leaving only the cone with the warhead.  Clark rips open its shell and somehow manages to tear out the warhead without setting it off (although even if he had there would not really have been consequences with it exploding in the vacuum of space.)   He throws it further into space where it now explodes for some reason.  Day is saved.  


Although Clark does totally forget to check to see if Chloe needs rescuing since last he saw she was being taken away at gunpoint by Gabriel. (Fortunately she was able to get away and take him down on her own, a fact he does not know until she later shows up at his barn.)  Also he feels the need to lie to his parents about there being a consequence of being brought back from the dead for some reason.  Total stupid dick move... Oh and I almost forgot he also decides yet again that he needs to continue lying to Lana (whom he had now just slept with and was dating) because he does not want to risk how she would react to the truth.



So to recap Clark found the missile by dumb luck, Kara has it pointed out to her.

Clark bruteforces his way to disarm the missile on his own, while Kara is much more cautious not wanting to risk blowing it up near the city and thus seeks help.  So not really going to fault her for that.   Sure disarming it could have probably gone smoother but she got the job done... The DEO could not have taken down that missile on their own.  Neither Clark nor Kara took down the person responsible for the missile launch. 

Still even if Kara may not have had any real independent wins in this episode, at least she did not do anything stupid that resulted in someone being kidnapped by a murderer, got herself killed, or that will result in someone else dying... Nor did she forget to rescue anyone, or lie unnecessarily about something that was sure to come back to bite someone hard in the butt.  Instead she selflessly gave Jimmy permission to reveal her identity to try to save his relationship with Lucy (even though this made no sense...her heart was in the right place at least) and seemingly forgiving her sister for have lied to her for the past week or so about Astra.


Supergirl Kara > Smallville Clark.

Edited by Xenith22
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To be clear, I was referring specifically to Kara in this episode. She spent the entire thing wondering what to do and several times just stood there like a lump instead of doing something. So, yeah, in this episode she was kind of pointless. She had no clue what to do at any point. She flew around the missile for a while looking worried instead of doing something about it, could barely catch up to it, and it was somebody else who brought Indigo down. In fact, she didn't need to be in this episode at all. This could have been the Adventures of the DEO and friends. She is a lackluster and unremarkable 'hero' at the best of times but especially in episodes like this. But, you know, she is a girl so what can we expect?


If Kara wasn't in this episode, there would have been a smoking crater where National City was and 7 million dead. Also, Winn would not have had the time she bought him to upload the malware, and Indigo would have a) launched more missiles and b) probably just snapped Winn's neck once she became aware that he was up to something rather than having to reserve some of her focus on Supergirl.

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BTW, nice job, rando soldier in letting Indigo know that two people need to turn the keys. Death before dishonor indeed.


That was essentially public knowledge back in the 80's; if Indigo had happened to watch War Games on Netflix while she was haunting the Internet she would have known how it works.  I remember a piece, I think on 60 Minutes, where they went into one of the control rooms and talked to the airmen who manned them; the "two keys" thing was brought up then.  So, I don't view it as "dishonor" so much as "filling the younger viewers in on something we old codgers are well aware of."

  • Love 1

That was essentially public knowledge back in the 80's; if Indigo had happened to watch War Games on Netflix while she was haunting the Internet she would have known how it works.  I remember a piece, I think on 60 Minutes, where they went into one of the control rooms and talked to the airmen who manned them; the "two keys" thing was brought up then.  So, I don't view it as "dishonor" so much as "filling the younger viewers in on something we old codgers are well aware of."


Indeed.  Didn't Indigo respond by saying that she already knew that two people needed to turn the keys?

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The way I read the soldier's statement wasn't just as explaining to the audience how these systems work, but as basically "You need me alive to help you turn the key." And thus a plea to not get killed like the rest of the folks.


That might be unfair, but that's what I heard.


I don't see how it's unfair. In fact, I think you hit the nail right on the head.

The way I read the soldier's statement wasn't just as explaining to the audience how these systems work, but as basically "You need me alive to help you turn the key." And thus a plea to not get killed like the rest of the folks.


That might be unfair, but that's what I heard.

It was awkward exposition by the writers. Yes. There was no message being sent there other than "we're going to awkwardly illustrate how merciless she is, but also why she's going to, in a moment, do this strange thing with her arms".

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One little moment I liked was when Kara saw Superman's Kryptonian escape pod, she got excited and starts to say something along the lines of, "This must be the ship that took Kal to Earth," but she catches herself and corrects it to Clark. I think it says a lot in one line about how she still defaults to thinking of him by his Kryptonian name even though he obviously prefers his human name that he was raised with and she's trying to respect that. She would have known him as "Kal" for a few months on Krypton compared to a decade of knowing him as Clark on Earth, but she still thinks in Kryptonian terms.

Edited by Perfect Xero
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One little moment I liked was when Kara saw Superman's Kryptonian escape pod, she got excited and starts to say something along the lines of, "This must be the ship that took Kal to Earth," but she catches herself and corrects it to Clark. I think it says a lot in one line about how she still defaults to thinking of him by his Kryptonian name even though he obviously prefers his human name that he was raised with and she's trying to respect that. She would have known him as "Kal" for a few months on Krypton compared to a decade of knowing him as Clark on Earth, but she still thinks in Kryptonian terms.

I would have liked this moment a lot better if she hadn't made the opposite slip-up in her imaginary Krypton world. There, she calls him Clark initially, and then corrects herself.

I'm assuming that she didn't call him because if it was merely a reception issue, when they flew back to civilization, Jimmy would have then seen that there were X missed calls from Lucy and not been caught completely unaware like he was that he'd blown off their dinner.

Usually if you don't have service then you won't see a missed call unless that person leaves a message.  A lot of people in my life have a tendency to call but not bother leaving a message if I don't answer.


In fairness, Cat is not the police and has no legal obligation to try to turn over evidence of a crime to them. A moral one maybe.

That doesn't sound right.  Destroying evidence of a crime sounds like a crime as well.

I'm presuming that a normal person with a cell phone who knowingly goes somewhere there's no reception would eventually check to see if there were messages once reception was restored. I'm also presuming that for many phones, it would automatically notify the user that there were X messages waiting upon reception being restored.


Destroying evidence of a crime with intent to assist the perpetrator of a crime is a crime. Intent is a crucial element for most crimes. For instance, people at a body shop that fix a car that was involved in an aggravated DUI do not commit a crime in doing so unless they have the appropriate "mens rea," or "guilty mindset." 


Here, Cat wasn't trying to help the hacker escape justice or anything similar. If you take what she said at face value, she just didn't want to participate in the hacker's game and thought it was beneath her. 


Furthermore, when you factor in the 1st Amendment, it would theoretically offer additional protection against her as a member of the press being forced to turn over evidence to the government or face criminal charges.

Destroying evidence of a crime with intent to assist the perpetrator of a crime is a crime. Intent is a crucial element for most crimes. For instance, people at a body shop that fix a car that was involved in an aggravated DUI do not commit a crime in doing so unless they have the appropriate "mens rea," or "guilty mindset." 


Here, Cat wasn't trying to help the hacker escape justice or anything similar. If you take what she said at face value, she just didn't want to participate in the hacker's game and thought it was beneath her. 


Furthermore, when you factor in the 1st Amendment, it would theoretically offer additional protection against her as a member of the press being forced to turn over evidence to the government or face criminal charges.

Well, she also knew or ought to have known that a crime was committed and she was illegally destroying evidence.

And there's no guarantee the courts would take what she said at face value, particularly since she ought to have known her actions were illegal.


No idea about the first amendment, though.

Not to belabor this too much, but a) she could not really know what was on the flash drive. She could only suspect that it was what the hacker purported it to be -- data from the hack. It could just have easily been an attempt to load a virus onto the Catco servers, a prank that was from someone other than the hacker, or something else.


b) Again, she clearly destroyed evidence. The question is, was it illegal for her to do so? My initial take was no. A look at the elements of the crime of destroying evidence supports that:




Every person who, knowing that any book, paper, record, instrument in writing, or other matter or thing, is about to be produced in evidence upon any trial, inquiry, or investigation whatever, authorized by law, willfully destroys or conceals the same, with intent thereby to prevent it from being produced, is guilty of a misdemeanor


Emphasis added by me.


As far as we saw, Cat had no intent to prevent the flash drive from being produced in the investigation. Therefore what she did was not a crime under this law.

  • Love 1

I can't speak for anyone else's phone, but if I am somewhere without service and someone tries to call me it goes directly to voicemail. It is then up to the caller to leave a message. if they don't there is no record of there ever having been a phone call. So if Lucy tried to call James, it went directly to voicemail, and she didn't leave a message he might never know she called until she tells him.

As far as we saw, Cat had no intent to prevent the flash drive from being produced in the investigation. Therefore what she did was not a crime under this law.

It's a sticky point.  She may not have destroyed the flash drive in order to prevent it from being produced in the investigation but there is no way she could have not known that destroying it would prevent it from being produced.


She may not have gone against the letter of the law but she did go against its intent, which is to prosecute those who commit illegal acts.

I can't speak for anyone else's phone, but if I am somewhere without service and someone tries to call me it goes directly to voicemail. It is then up to the caller to leave a message. if they don't there is no record of there ever having been a phone call. So if Lucy tried to call James, it went directly to voicemail, and she didn't leave a message he might never know she called until she tells him.

The same thing happens with all phones.  Like I mentioned upthread, several people in my life don't bother leaving messages because they assume I'll see that I missed their call and I'll call them back.  However, I'm guessing if she called more than once then it's likely that she would have left a message on a follow-up call.  

Finally managed to see this episode. I thought it was a lot of fun for the most part.

I still wish Siobhan was Irish but she is starting to grow on me a little, especially since she seemed slightly more human this episode (other than her name hating her father is probably the only similarity she has with comic Siobhan.) 

Good to see the 'who really killed Astra plot resolved so quickly'.

Indigo was fun, though if Superman didn't face Braniac (and the context I got was that Indigo was unfamiliar to everyone except Kara) then who has he actually fought? Give us Lesla Lar I say! Okay it might be hard to manage her without Kandor, but she is Supergirl's original arch-nemisis.

I did wonder how the 1000 ton key was sitting on the ice without passing straight through it (and since it was said to be made of Neutronium, it really SHOULD weigh that much - and barrel right through not just the ice but the Earth's crust, too). But hey, it's superhero physics - I might just as well ask how a yellow sun gives Kryptonians the ability to fly.

Thoroughly sick of Kara putting her personal issues ahead of the security of the Earth, so I'm glad she's back with the DEO. I understand that she was pissed at J'onn (OK, wrongly, but that's not her fault) but the point at which she discovered that Indigo was trying to access nuclear missiles, you might realise that possibly it's time to get over your personal shit and realise that every person you know is about to get fried. I'm sure James is very capable, but he doesn't have the resources of a government agency. Most people have worked with other people that they can't stand - but they do it, because that's life. Or at least call your cousin (even if he's inconveniently "off planet" at the moment) so you have somebody to help you avert the apocalypse!



Chicago Redshirt Lucy still didn't fit in. Her role is legal counsel, and her being pulled in to help cover stories has nothing to do with her job.


Particularly when she had no opinion on the legality (or otherwise) of publishing information that might have been illegally obtained beyond, "Yeah, I can't stand cheaters - they should all be punished!" Way to do your job there, Miss Lane.



miracole Indigo was also cool, but her hair was terrible and she got caught monologuing.



Well she IS a comic book character. If you can't build an iconic image (though I also thought "What's Mystique doing in a DC show?") and explain your EVIL plan to your enemies, what's the point being a villain?




Jeff Alexander (Recap) In other words, would you like to restart the program in Safe Mode? [Y/N]



Surely Non is looking to restart Indigo in UNSAFE mode!

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