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Reunion Predictions: Seating? Fights? Will Yolanda stay all day?

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Knowing nothing of makeup and wardrobe why is it they get there and spend 3 hours or something utterly ridiculous time wise  in hair and make-up?  Since Yolanda doesn't want to wear any makeup and insists on the stupid ponytail I think she could shave a good 2 1/2 hours off there.  Since she ruins everyone's lunch I think she could settle for an IV and a nap.  If she pulls I am too sick like last time and then went home and tweeted about her daughters on the runway, it is time to let her go.  BH is the worst about Reunion attendance. 

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No way can I see Lisa R. and Yolanda on the same side. The Twitter feud a couple weeks ago was the most clearly drawn divide I've seen in the press.

Kyle was pissed about Lisa R.'s comments about Kim, but she still stood up for her to Yolanda.

Katherine is the only one that could go either way in my mind.

Reunion is taping a week on Monday!

Really? Andy always puts a post on his FB page asking for questions for which ever reunion is about to be filmed (about 2 weeks before filming it) and he has yet to post anything about the BH show. He posted asking for the Atl. show Feb. 14th, so it should be filming it either this week or next week, not BH.

Really? Andy always puts a post on his FB page asking for questions for which ever reunion is about to be filmed (about 2 weeks before filming it) and he has yet to post anything about the BH show. He posted asking for the Atl. show Feb. 14th, so it should be filming it either this week or next week, not BH.



March 7th. Atlanta is taping today, so only about ten days since he posted that about Atlanta.

Edited by nowcheckthat
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March 7th. Atlanta is taping today, so only about ten days since he posted that about Atlanta.

I did see that Atlanta IS taping today BUT I do NOT believe that BH will film their reunion next week. As I said, Andy ALWAYS asks for viewer questions at least 2 weeks before filming any reunion and he has NOT asked for BH questions as of yet. ROL and their "sources" are more often wrong than right about anything HW related IMO.  

I did see that Atlanta IS taping today BUT I do NOT believe that BH will film their reunion next week. As I said, Andy ALWAYS asks for viewer questions at least 2 weeks before filming any reunion and he has NOT asked for BH questions as of yet. ROL and their "sources" are more often wrong than right about anything HW related IMO.  

There is a bigger gap between today and March 9th than when Andy asked for Atl questions so I guess he doesn't 'ALWAYS' ask at least two weeks before but it's whatever. It will have to film around that week anyway because it will air in early April. Don't forget last year it was filmed late february and aired at the beginning of April so March 9th makes complete sense.

Edited by nowcheckthat
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I did see that Atlanta IS taping today BUT I do NOT believe that BH will film their reunion next week. As I said, Andy ALWAYS asks for viewer questions at least 2 weeks before filming any reunion and he has NOT asked for BH questions as of yet. ROL and their "sources" are more often wrong than right about anything HW related IMO.  


Can we ask if Yolonda's vault is crystal clear glass, lit from the inside and filled with lemons like her fridge?


And I use the colloquial term "fridge" because I know it would just piss her off......

  • Love 6

And so it begins.  Radar (I know) is reporting that Bravo wants Kim at the reunion, but she is holding out for "big bucks"




Supposedly Bravo is "desperate" to have Kim at the reunion (I doubt that) but:


"Kim knows how much the network wants her, and she is hoping to score a hefty payday," the source revealed. "She has bills to pay!' (that I don't doubt!)

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 2

And so it begins.  Radar (I know) is reporting that Bravo wants Kim at the reunion, but she is holding out for "big bucks"




Supposedly Bravo is "desperate" to have Kim at the reunion (I doubt that) but:


"Kim knows how much the network wants her, and she is hoping to score a hefty payday," the source revealed. "She has bills to pay!' (that I don't doubt!)

They might pay her $30k.  It would serve very few purposes.  Kim will admit nothing and not really apologize and turn around and talk about her privacy being violated-meanwhile her new show premieres Tuesday night on Lifetime right after the RHOBH.  If Kim's sobriety was boring Seasons 3 & 4, and Yolanda's Lyme Disease has lapped Kim in boring "invisible diseases" why encourage any return?  I look at this way they would have a pretty good foundation with LVP, Kyle, Eileen, Rinna and maybe have the newbies return until they find fresh meat. 

  • Love 6

Waste of resources IMO.

30k would be better used by getting a second person to host the reunion.

Get somebody cheap who needs the exposure to be the mouthpiece of the critics.

Cohen is a total waste of space during the reunions, IMO he needs an attack minion.

He is too much of a pussy to get anywhere.

  • Love 8

So. Who pulls out the first documentary evidence? Or should I be asking how long into the reunion before Yolanda whips out proof of illness, for herself or the kids?

And will her health advocate be on standby to get her through?

Yo is going to have her own seat, next to her will be a big stack of all of Lyme binders and her silicon Brest implant. Later in the show Yo will throw the 3ft intestinal parasite on the coffee table. Edited by Dblue705
  • Love 9

She will be unable to be there in person, so she will Skype from her bed.   Daisy will be there to hand her documents that she can wave as proof of her illness.   Brandi will be off camera, screaming FU to anything Kyle or LisaV says.   She will maybe wash her hair, but she can't look too good - well, unless her "I need huge amounts of alimony because of my brain disease" case is settled.  yolanda-foster-hospital-bed-iv.png

  • Love 2

Waste of resources IMO.

30k would be better used by getting a second person to host the reunion.

Get somebody cheap who needs the exposure to be the mouthpiece of the critics.

Cohen is a total waste of space during the reunions, IMO he needs an attack minion.

He is too much of a pussy to get anywhere.

I wish I could like this a thousand times.


I'm not sure who would make for a good co-host but I've long wanted Andy to either be replaced or to have help because he sucks at asking the tough questions. 


Wendy Williams doesn't know how to be impartial but at the same time she wouldn't be afraid to go there. Still I disagree with her on so much that she'd probably adore Yolanda. (IIRC though she couldn't stand Brandi.)  

  • Love 4

Yo is going to have her own seat, next to her will be a big stack of all of Lyme binders and her silicon Brest implant. Later in the show Yo will throw the 3ft intestinal parasite on the coffee table.

This just reminded me of the time when they gave Dana her own chair for her reunion segment. Lol, has this ever happened to another housewife. I just remember her sitting there with her orange spray tan trying to be happy and bubbly while knowing that she so wasn't going to be asked back. Meanwhile she gets to see Brandi be there for more of the reunion while she has a proper seat on the couch. Fast forward to next season where Dana makes a cameo in a stained dress and is drunkenly telling Taylor about how much she hates "that bitch" Brandi while she lights her cigarette out of one of the votives. That scene gave me life.  

  • Love 8


I wish I could like this a thousand times.


I'm not sure who would make for a good co-host but I've long wanted Andy to either be replaced or to have help because he sucks at asking the tough questions.


Wendy Williams doesn't know how to be impartial but at the same time she wouldn't be afraid to go there. Still I disagree with her on so much that she'd probably adore Yolanda. (IIRC though she couldn't stand Brandi.)


Me too.  Andy checked out of these reunions seasons ago. 

  • Love 3

I don't know about LVP and Kyle.  What's the deal in the promo with Kyle saying she won't lie for LVP.   Joyce has been tweeted to LVP that she hopes this season isn't a gang up again, and LVP is tweeting that it is. So other than Kathryn and LVP on the same couch, I don't know for sure who else would be on the couch.  Rinna goes where the wind blows.  Maybe her.  She hasn't had it out with either of them really - I mean the lunch comment about eating.  And maybe they get into it again at Girardis?  There were rumors that Rinna and LVP have a falling out, but we haven't really seen that on TV.

  • Love 4

Can we ask if Yolonda's vault is crystal clear glass, lit from the inside and filled with lemons like her fridge?

And I use the colloquial term "fridge" because I know it would just piss her off......

I think they should wheel the famous fridge out, filled with symbols of all the secrets in the "vault" - and let her explain each lemony tidbit. To be followed, of course, by rebuttals from everyone else. That would make for an interesting segment! Edited by nexxie
  • Love 2

I wish I could like this a thousand times.


I'm not sure who would make for a good co-host but I've long wanted Andy to either be replaced or to have help because he sucks at asking the tough questions. 


Wendy Williams doesn't know how to be impartial but at the same time she wouldn't be afraid to go there. Still I disagree with her on so much that she'd probably adore Yolanda. (IIRC though she couldn't stand Brandi.)

Wendy would be fun. Jeff Lewis is another option if tptb want to keep things Bravo-centric. I know JL from his WWHL appearances only, but he seems like he might excel at cutting thru all the BS while delivering a healthy dose of The Bitchy.

  • Love 5

My prediction is Yolanda will come armed with all sorts of new information ALL ABOUT HER and her chronic condition and her latest visit to Dietrich Klingon will be filled with contradictions. 


I wish someone had the guts to tell Yolanda that asking how she is doing or the non-Gigis is not meant to be a dissertation into every aspect of her journey. Most people consider it an intrusion into their medical privacy if one asks questions about their health.  Yolanda wants to make it required reading for all RHOBH.  I can see her with her 10 four inch binders, labeled by year propped next to her on the set and demanding Andy and the rest read them.

  • Love 6

Bella was on the cover of this month allure

This season was filmed in August last year. Bella may have gotten Allure, but Gigi got Vogue Netherlands and Vogue Italia November 2015, British Vogue January 2016 and Vogue China and Vogue Paris March 2016 . Bella can't win.

Bella walked for Chanel pre-fall, Chanel couture, and Rihanna's Puma show, that's it for the last 3 months or so.

Edited by Kokapetl
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Yeah, but the season was filmed in August last year. Bella walked for Chanel pre-fall, Chanel couture, and Rihanna's Puma show, that's it for the last 3 months or so.

I am just amazed how quickly she is picking up steam, the interview was "cute"

She plugged her mom. Lol

I am not as much in touch with men publication/fashion but if Bella and Gigi are an indication, Anwar might be on the cover of uomo before the end of the year.

  • Love 2

How tall is he?

I think that he is kinda cute but this is such a dumb job, IMO

He comes from wealth and can travel on a whim, why bother with that type of work?????

If he is that thirsty he might as well some type of entertainer...,

Pretty vain bunch of people..,

6 feet 2 inches according to his agency page

Anwar can't compare with Diego Miguel, who I think is the hottest man (and model) alive.




Spoilered for maybe being NSFW.


Victor Nylander, super attractive:



Unless Anwar has a ripped body, he's got no hope.

Edited by Kokapetl
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If the Bravo facebook pages are any indication, Yo may sit out the reunion.  Lots of negative posts over there.  Of course, Andy does whatever he wants, so he could ignore all the negative feelings re: Yo.


I agree they need a host who will go and ask the hard questions.  Andy is such a fangirl and a pussy, so he won't do that.  Now his pitbull BFF Bethenny, yeah I could see her going there, except she does interact with the HW's at different functions, but honestly, why would she care about these HW's?  They need someone neutral who does not give a damn to be asking the questions.

  • Love 6

Yo is like the Lance Armstrong of housewives. She could have left last season and gone out on top but her ego made her sign up for one more season.

Armstrong lost his nuts and rode a bicycle 2000+ miles every year he 'won', He may have been a cheater and a liar but didn't sit about twiddling his thumbs??

Edited by ElDosEquis
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I don't get why people don't' think LisaV/Kyle are friends off camera/off season. They tweet each other even when they aren't filming and they are seen together after the cameras are long gone. I admit, they don't spend as MUCH time together when filming is over but that is to be expected because they see each other so much during filming. AND, like most friends, they do have spats but both are able to get past it. LOL

  • Love 5

I think seating will be Kathryn, Erika, Kyle, Lisa, Andy, Yolanda, Eileen, Lisar. Kathryn and Erika don't play too much into the main story so they can sit on the sidelines. Kathryn especially. Erika has a friendship with Kyle so it makes sense to sit her next to her and across from Lisar directly, who she's had tension with and screamed at. Also it'd be fun to have Kyle in the middle when LVP and Erika inevitably get in to it. On the other couch Yolanda and Eileen have the most tensions with LVP so it makes sense to have them across from each other. Rinna worked well third on the couch last season, she mixed it up a lot this year so it's a good place to have her, kind of on a little shit stirring island by herself. She gets on with Eileen pretty well so it makes sense to seat them next to each other. Also like the Kyle in between LVP and Erika, Eileen in between Lisa r and Yo will be fun when they get into the Munchasen talk. And Yo had tensions with Kyle so it makes sense for them to be close across from each other. I think this seating makes the most sense of their dynamic.

Edited by georgekush

I think seating will be Kathryn, Erika, Kyle, Lisa, Andy, Yolanda, Eileen, Lisar. Kathryn and Erika don't play too much into the main story so they can sit on the sidelines. Kathryn especially. Erika has a friendship with Kyle so it makes sense to sit her next to her and across from Lisar directly, who she's had tension with and screamed at. Also it'd be fun to have Kyle in the middle when LVP and Erika inevitably get in to it. On the other couch Yolanda and Eileen have the most tensions with LVP so it makes sense to have them across from each other. Rinna worked well third on the couch last season, she mixed it up a lot this year so it's a good place to have her, kind of on a little shit stirring island by herself. She gets on with Eileen pretty well so it makes sense to seat them next to each other. Also like the Kyle in between LVP and Erika, Eileen in between Lisa r and Yo will be fun when they get into the Munchasen talk. And Yo had tensions with Kyle so it makes sense for them to be close across from each other. I think this seating makes the most sense of their dynamic.

Always possible BUT...LOL....Erika is Yolanda's closest "friend" on the show and has been dishing incomplete/incorrect gossip said about Yolanda to her. So, I think Yolanda with Erika right next to her holding her hand and handing her tissues as needed, with "nurse" Daisy sitting directly behind Yolanda with an IV and Oxygen at the ready should Yolanda become flustered when confronted with her ever changing/shifting stories/lies. LOL

  • Love 2

I think the seating is going to be:


Kathryn / Kyle / Lisa V // Andy // Yolanda / Eileen / Lisa R / Erika


I think this is going to be another 'turn on Lisa Vanderpump' season, so I think she'll get the seat next to Andy. Lisa has been saying plenty of nice things about Kathryn on Twitter and in public, and she and Kyle are clearly still close based on their tweets, so I think they'll be sat together. Yolanda has been too prominent in this season not to have the other seat next to Andy, and Eileen clearly has a major beef with Lisa and is fairly 'Team Yoda', so I think they'll sit together. There is definitely an alliance between Eileen and Lisa R, and I can't think of any major problems between Lisa R and Erika. I did dabble with the idea of Kyle being next to Andy (as usual), but I haven't seen her having a huge involvement in the storylines since Brandi and Kim left.

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It'll be blonde couch with Yolly closest to Andy, then Eilleen, then Erika and Kathryn maybe. On the brunette couch there will Kyle closest to Andy, then Vanderpump, then Lisar. If Lisar flips allegiance, Erika will be bumped to outermost blonde spot, Lisar will take her spot, and Kathryn will go to Lisar's brunette couch seat.

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