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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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jenkait, don't you think after 5 days a week for like 8 years, you might backhand Mika?  I wouldn't judge you if you did.

I cannot believe Joe and the regular guests don't slam their own faces into the shared desk daily.  I would.


LOL!  Well first of all, Joe said that to Mika more like...4 years ago.  Honestly I'd have to say no... but if I were Mika I would punch Joe in his gross, beady-eyed, bloated face!  Mika is annoying but I forgive her so much for sitting next to him all those years.  I think in RL she might be relatively normal (ie, not an asshole) but puts on a weird/crazy/immature act as a way to distance herself from the insanity. 


I'm with you on the guests, though.  They must just be like, "What am I doing here?!" and experiencing all kinds of awkwardness and second-hand embarrassment for Joe and Mika.

Edited by jenkait
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OMG I was screaming, literally screaming at my tv this morning. I don't watch the show much anymore but I made the mistake of turning it on today and there was Joe being his belligerent bellowing assholeish self again screaming over and over again that looters should expect to be treated harshly by the police. Not once, not fucking once, did he ever mention that policemen who execute unarmed 18 year olds in the street shouldn't be surprised the victim's community is upset, nor did a single one of the white people at the table speak up. The mayor of Baltimore (I think she was from Baltimore) was the only one who was able to get a word in and even still she had Joe bellowing his racism and nonsense over her. She looked pretty pissed off at the end and I don't blame her one bit - I was too.


And now he's on to making excuses for Rick Perry and they're doing the victim blaming stuff by showing an old video of the Democratic official during her arrest (which she has paid her penance for). Excuse me while I go and change the channel before I kick the tv screen in.

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And now he's on to making excuses for Rick Perry and they're doing the victim blaming stuff by showing an old video of the Democratic official during her arrest (which she has paid her penance for). Excuse me while I go and change the channel before I kick the tv screen in.



Poor, misunderstood Chris Christie and "just doing his job," "nothing to see here" Rick Perry are obviously suffering from a miscarriage of justice while evil, manipulative Andrew Cuomo is highly suspicious and probably guilty of something.... That's the Morning Joe script.


(And I don't even like Andrew Cuomo.)

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mini recap.


Mika is back today after dropping off her daughter at college. Mika was vey distraught about letting her daughter go. They showed footage of Mika's pickup truck & Emilie near her dorm room. It's odd that they would have camera crews there.


Cackles & Halperin were on set. Joe was mad at the looters in Ferguson.


Joe was mad at Gov Perry being indicted. They showed clips of the drunk attorney.


Joe said the GOP should thank Obama for offering air power to the kurds against ISIS. Joe said Obama is doing a good job in Iraq.


Cackles hates Kale.

This whole morning has been so weird (or weirder than usual). Frankly I can't tell which side Joe is coming down on in the Michael Brown killing. He seems to argue both sides and of course, damning reporters who become the story. I guess being a pundit gives you a free pass to be the story when you are hundreds of miles away, but he's mad at the looters, mad at the Governor and of course mad at Eric Holder and President Obama. Of course Cackles believes the new Police Captain (aka Black person) should have had the legitimacy to stop the demonstrations.

As I looked at the latest press conference with the Police Captain front and center with no less than 15 old white guys in uniform surrounding him I can only imagine what a terrible position the Captain is in. I have a hard time listening to rich white people talking about protecting property as if that's of equal importance to shooting African Americans. They did discuss the convenience store video being released on the same day as when they named the policeman that shot and killed Michael Brown as if one justified the other. No one actually knows at this point the sequence of events

And to add a surrealistic point to the whole discussion they show some cat video and Cackles asks Mika if that is her cat? Mika turns white and then red and admits the cat(s?) are dead. She and Cackles break into hysterical laughter...really snot running down their faces kind of laughter. Joe mumbles something about the kittens being born with a virus but Mika and Cackles continue their table pounding laughter. Yup, dead RESCUE kittens always makes me laugh especially after discussing the killing of an unarmed 16 year old.

Not to worry after the commercial break they show Mika dropping off her daughter at college and she mumbles something about how they went overboard on packing "stuff" for college (it didn't look like too much to me) and *sniff, sniff* it was harder then she thought. I can't remember who mentioned it here a couple of days ago that her daughter has been at boarding school the past couple of years so the "tears" were just a set up. Too bad the kittens didn't get any fake concern.

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Oh that was me! Her daughter has been at The Madeira School in Virginia, and NOW she's sad?

At least Willie looked puzzled and horrified at the hysterical laughing about the dead cat. Wasn't the virus story just a cover for the kids? I wonder if it just got run down in traffic (or suffocated in Mika's purse). Or maybe Joe just left it home alone when he went beaching all summer. At any rate, they're very slap-worthy.

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Weird that they talked about how you don’t settle political differences with indictments, because I remember in Texas, a bunch of Democratic legislators left the state because they didn’t want to approve a redistricting plan.  Perry issued warrants for their arrest to bring them back.


 I got the feeling that the Group didn't even approve of they hovering feelings for their kids.  The old, grey-haired guy pretty much summed up my experience in college. Once a week phone calls on the pay phone after 11 pm, when the rates go down. Since long distance rates didn't go down for decades, my roommate knew that when the phone rang at 11:01pm it was for me

Weird that they talked about how you don’t settle political differences with indictments, because I remember in Texas, a bunch of Democratic legislators left the state because they didn’t want to approve a redistricting plan.  Perry issued warrants for their arrest to bring them back.


And isn't the GOP in the House trying to either sue the President or impeach him because they don't agree with what he's doing?  Which, correct me if I'm wrong, has been completely legal? 


Pot, meet the kettle. 

Edited by teddysmom
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Thanks EmeraldGirl...I knew someone smart had pointed out that Mika's daughter had already left home but Mika probably read that parents have a difficult time sending their kids off to college and wanted to be part of the "real" America. I remember when my son left I was soooo ready to get him out of the house. I said goodbye to him in the driveway as his Dad drove him 1,200 miles to an out of state college. I thought I was fine until I went into work and the receptionist asked how it went and I burst into tears and cried for three solid days! Of course I hadn't shipped my kids to a boarding school for high school. My husband said he had to pull over on the drive back because he couldn't stop crying.

Okay I was a bit confused about the kittens. I thought Mika gave Joe one of the RESCUE kittens from the same litter as her kitten. I thought they both died (hilarious, don't you think?). EmeraldGirl, you are right that Willie looked stunned and sick to his stomach when they were doubled up with laughter. Joe even had the decency to try and explain the reason. Having had a kitten die from a virus she was born with, I can tell you that there is absolutely nothing funny about it. We tried everything to save our cat but finally the Vet said it was always going to be fatal and we had to put her down. It was some sort of kidney/liver virus (not feline leukemia).

To recap--fake tears sending your daughter to college BUT real belly laughing over the death of a pet. Both Mika and Cackles should be ashamed...although they really showed their true colors. Heartless.

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So after Claire McCaskill points out that we should be talking about the good people in Ferguson trying to help the situation and not get distracted by talking about the President's tone, Joe turns to Joy Reid and says "So Joy, what do you make of the President's tone?".  Does he even listen to the people he is interviewing?


I am so sick of the whiny crybabies in Congress bitching about how they can't do their jobs because the President isn't schmoozing with them and doesn't invite them golfing.  I think I'll use that excuse with my boss and see if I have a job the next day!  Last I checked, all of the members of Congress are on a month long vacation and are relying on the President to run the country.  Maybe if they actually did something, the President might be more inclined to give them their coveted photo-op.  At least Thomas spoke up and pointed out that the American public elected the President twice because they wanted something different in Washington.

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I am so sick of the whiny crybabies in Congress bitching about how they can't do their jobs because the President isn't schmoozing with them and doesn't invite them golfing.  I think I'll use that excuse with my boss and see if I have a job the next day!  Last I checked, all of the members of Congress are on a month long vacation and are relying on the President to run the country.  Maybe if they actually did something, the President might be more inclined to give them their coveted photo-op.  At least Thomas spoke up and pointed out that the American public elected the President twice because they wanted something different in Washington.



The president has enough on his plate without having to be the moderator of a bunch of spoiled politicians who have done jack shit for 8 years. These people think they want someone like Clinton, who involved himself in this stuff due more to his ego and wanting to take credit for everything than anything else. But if the President stuck his nose into everything they fight about, then they'd bitch that he doesn't trust them to do their jobs. 


And great timing, Harry Reid.  Ferguson Missouri is blowing up, we're dealing with Iraq, Russia, Syria and these dipshits are whining because the President won't play golf with them or slap McConnell and Boehner into submission.


Maybe Harry should stop worrying about the Koch Brothers and do his job.  His little tirades re the Kochs aren't going to stop them.  

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Did you guys catch the clip of Chris Hayes getting hit with a rock while reporting from Ferguson? I thought it was interesting because the crowd was behind a temporary chain link fence and Chris was out in the open. Chris brushed it off (while those in the crowd yelled at them to report on the real story). Joe *sigh* once again congratulated Chris for not making the incident the story...except MSNBC was showing it making it PART OF THE STORY.

He's tried inviting them to dinner, to the WH to watch LINCOLN, etc. They wouldn't take a life vest from him if they were drowning.


Exactly.  The level of disrespect and vitriol that this president has been subjected to by members of Congress and their surrogates has been unlike anything I've ever seen.  They don't even have the decency to step up (with the rare exception of Senator McCain) to put people in check when President Obama is smeared as being anti-American, etc., etc., etc.  Hell, they couldn't even open their mouths to rebuke one of their own when he yelled, "You lie!" during the State of the Union Address.


So, Joe and his ilk need to spare me the faux outrage.  Nor, do I understand why the corporate media wants to pretend that they don't know that even when the president is on vacation, he is still working and that the White House is mobile.  Nary a peep was made about Presidents Bush II or Reagan and their numerous vacations.  Oh, but let the uppity Black guy take one--in Martha's Vineyard, no less!--and they start squawking and speaking in barely concealed code to imply that he's lazy, weak and disconnected from what's going on.

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Stop the presses, everyone! Hillary is not as popular as she was before her book tour. She's made a lot of money through speaking fees. Her poll numbers are down and she once said Bill and she were dead broke. Yes, this was once again talked about like it was breaking news and not something they drag out on an almost daily basis. Some columnist/journalist writes "a story," regurgitating the same messages and they use that as a reason to repeat it again and again like a mantra.


Changed the channel.

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First post here - nice to see everyone again! - and I am NOT a fan of Joe in the least but I am liking him today. He thanked President Obama for taking on ISIS, calling it a scourge that needs to be eradicated. And he made some really good points about Ferguson - imagining if a white teenager had been shot down in the street of a white suburb and left there for hours, how enraged everyone would be. And taking Ferguson's mayor to task on his complete cluelessness in the interview with Tamryn Hall.

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I was stunned to hear Joe say that Ferguson was 70 percent African American and only two out of 52 police officers were African American and they have a white mayor. How DOES that happen, is right. I pray that a get out the vote campaign is organized for the next elections and the community can elect people that represent them. The Brookings Institution has an interesting article about the growing demographic changes in first and second ring suburbs. Ferguson being a prime example of the dramatic shift in under 20 years. While the population in Ferguson is around 21,000 the poverty level is over 20 percent for all of it's census tracts and unemployment is higher then the national average.

But hey, not to worry Paul Ryan has the answers and it isn't spending our way out of poverty!!!! It's ...wah, wah, wah...sorry I couldn't listen.

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But hey, not to worry Paul Ryan has the answers and it isn't spending our way out of poverty!!!! It's ...wah, wah, wah...sorry I couldn't listen.


I almost vomited when he was introduced as the "intellectual leader of the Republican party." That is a sad, sad, sad statement of affairs right there.


The man says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE. He just repeats the same platitudes over and over again: "We need to customize solutions for states....people need jobs..." All of which is true, but there is a difference between simply saying something is needed and actually proposing a way to get the shit DONE. And as far as any substantive proposals, he has none. Oh, except tax cuts. Because tax cuts solve everything!!

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I was stunned to hear Joe say that Ferguson was 70 percent African American and only two out of 52 police officers were African American and they have a white mayor. How DOES that happen, is right. I pray that a get out the vote campaign is organized for the next elections and the community can elect people that represent them. The Brookings Institution has an interesting article about the growing demographic changes in first and second ring suburbs. Ferguson being a prime example of the dramatic shift in under 20 years. While the population in Ferguson is around 21,000 the poverty level is over 20 percent for all of it's census tracts and unemployment is higher then the national average.

But hey, not to worry Paul Ryan has the answers and it isn't spending our way out of poverty!!!! It's ...wah, wah, wah...sorry I couldn't listen.


I also understand that the police department had been charged with numerous civil rights violations over the course of several years.  It certainly goes a long way toward explaining the simmering rage of Ferguson's residents and why they are still protesting.  It also explains why the residents don't trust the police or the prosecutor.  I'm still stunned that Michael Brown's body lay in the street for several hours.  I've seen dogs hit by vehicles treated with more dignity!  It was explained on Ed Schultz' podcast that Ferguson holds its elections in April--instead of November--when most people would be inclined to vote.   From what I heard on Rachel's show last night and elsewhere, there is an effort behind the scenes to get people registered to vote.  Of course, you don't hear about that in corporate media.  


Don't even get me started on the weasel Boy Blunder and his magic numbers that never quite add up!  I still take great pleasure in watching Vice President Biden eviscerating his ass during the debate.  Lyin' Ryan couldn't and still can't explain the tax deductions that would be eliminated for middle-class families in order to balance his magical Ayn Rand-based budget.  This, while giving tax cuts to his wealthy benefactors.  It's frightening that this fraud is hailed as some kind of financial guru.  Math has always  been my weakest subject but even know that 3 + 3 doesn't equal 10!

Edited by MulletorHater
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I was only half listening but did Paul Ryan really try to make the point that the biggest challenge facing a single mother making $20,000 to $40,000 is that she is paying too much in taxes?  Gee, I thought her biggest challenges were affordable child care, affordable housing and making a living wage.  Paul Ryan is the king of using a lot of fancy words to say very little of substance.  Even Joe was trying to get him to give a specific policy proposal and Ryan just kept on with vague BS.


I did appreciate Thomas speaking up about the misogyny of the McDonnell coverage.  He pointed out that the headlines today screamed "Maureen vs Maureen" while the real story is that Johnny Williams gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Governor.  Bob McDonnell was photographed showing off his Rolex and sportscar and now claims it was all his wife's fault.  Way to take responsibility like a man Bob!

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But hey, not to worry Paul Ryan has the answers and it isn't spending our way out of poverty!!!! It's ...wah, wah, wah...sorry I couldn't listen.


I didn't even stay around for his segment. I knew that I'd be throwing things at my TV and yelling really loud this early in the morning is never good. The guy's family was saved by the government's largess when he was a kid. Typical, pull up the ladder once you get yours.


The Devil must have been wearing a parka this morning. I agreed with a number of things that Joe said this morning about the racial make up of the police force v population.  That even Mika was calling the may of Ferguson "unaware", wow!


Joe - stop trying to sell Christie at us.

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I almost vomited when he was introduced as the "intellectual leader of the Republican party." That is a sad, sad, sad statement of affairs right there.


Considering the state of the GOP, this is probably a true statement.  The best they can do is a guy who thinks fake dish washing and posing with a dumb bell can get him elected. 


Nice to see Christie is still a bully.  Yelling at people during a town hall always gets you more votes.   I'd love to hear Springsteen tell Christie if he plays another one of his songs at an event, he'll be hearing from Bruce's attorneys. 


Yes, Joe, stop trying to make Christie happen!  That ship has sailed. 

Edited by teddysmom
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teddysmom, the world must be spinning backwards because I absolutely agreed with Donnie that Christie isn't doing himself any favors by his pugilistic style. I honestly thought that it was a reporter asking the question and was floored when they clarified it was a citizen. You could tell that Christie was delighted to be the angry bull again and wouldn't stop ranting, pointing, and pacing.

So Joe asks Paul Ryan "Should President Obama be impeached?" and Ryan said "no" (this after discussing the horror of poor Rick Perry being indicted) but shouldn't the follow up question be "Should the President be sued for doing his job?" I swear Perry's mug shot had a drape behind it. It reminded me of a good elementary school photo. Joe even said it's not Annie Lebovitz but it's a pretty darn good mug shot. I just wish he'd been in an orange jumpsuit. Gawh, all the Republicans are screaming how the democrats are playing politics with Perry (and yes, I think they are and it's stupid) but nobody circles back to the Republicans trying to both impeach and sue the President?

I did get a kick out of Joe commenting on how everyone was wearing a suit at the table and he was wearing his faithful fleece. I think it was Ryan who said when he saw Joe coming into 30 Rock he thought for sure Joe just threw something on and was going to change for his show. Joe just dead panned that not only had he thrown it on but he'd also slept in it. Meanwhile Mika is wearing a sun dress (sleeveless with a deep V-neck) tsk, tsking over Joe's unprofessional look. Ahem, Mika you look like a hostess for an outdoor restaurant serving two for one margaritas.

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I honestly thought that it was a reporter asking the question and was floored when they clarified it was a citizen.



Same here!


You could tell that Christie was delighted to be the angry bull again and wouldn't stop ranting, pointing, and pacing.



He was Ralph Kramden 2014.  I was waiting for "Because you're a blaaaaaaaaaaabbermouth!"

Edited by sugarbaker design
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I was only half listening but did Paul Ryan really try to make the point that the biggest challenge facing a single mother making $20,000 to $40,000 is that she is paying too much in taxes?  Gee, I thought her biggest challenges were affordable child care, affordable housing and making a living wage.  Paul Ryan is the king of using a lot of fancy words to say very little of substance.  Even Joe was trying to get him to give a specific policy proposal and Ryan just kept on with vague BS.


I did appreciate Thomas speaking up about the misogyny of the McDonnell coverage.  He pointed out that the headlines today screamed "Maureen vs Maureen" while the real story is that Johnny Williams gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Governor.  Bob McDonnell was photographed showing off his Rolex and sportscar and now claims it was all his wife's fault.  Way to take responsibility like a man Bob!


Instead of staging photo ops for himself and his wife "washing" already cleaned dishes at a shelter, perhaps Mr. Ryan should actually take time time to talk with the women there.  Or better yet, he should try living on the bi-weekly or monthly salary of a person earning $40,000 a year.  That's without perks such as preferred boarding on commercial airliners and free use of the congressional gym.  Oh, and that's without having a spouse who earns a large salary.  I dare him to try it for at least a month!  Then his smug ass can get back to me.


I live in D.C. and everyday, we are regaled by the Tales of the Greedy and Griftin' on the front page of The Washington Post and on the evening news.  What astounds me is that Maureen O'Donnell would allow herself to be thrown under the bus by her husband and his defense team.  Evidently, it's a strategy they agreed on and they have even shown up for court separately.  She's been painted as a quasi-adulteress and a greedy, mean-spirited and needy Jezebel while her hapless goober of a husband just went along to get along.  Of course, no mention is made of the fact that they were heavily in debt when he was elected; that he made it his mission to cut safety net services while telling those affected that they had to live within their means; and yet he and his whole dang family had their own hands sticking out.  I never realized that being a submissive wife entailed having one's husband holding open the door to a jail cell with the key in one hand and a "Get Out of Jail Free" card for himself in the other.  But, evidently, there's no honor amongst thieves or grifters.  At least former Prince George's County, Maryland Executive Jack Johnson attempted to get a lighter sentence for his wife after he famously exhorted her to hide at least $60,000 in cash in her underwear when the feds were pounding on their door.

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I honestly thought that it was a reporter asking the question and was floored when they clarified it was a citizen.


Which makes Joe's follow-up comment even more nonsensical: "If someone wants to challenge Chris Christie they should have their own town hall!"


Isn't the whole PURPOSE of a town hall to challenge politicians?


I notice Joe didn't have a problem with town halls when they were being used as forums to pummel congressfolk who supported the Affordable Care Act in 2010.

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I'm pretty well fed up with THs who report only a portion of an event. Nothing new, right? I was sure it was an unjustified shooting for the first couple days but then the facts started emerging. The perp may have been unarmed but he was 6'4" and weighed in at 292. If he wasn't obstructing traffic by strolling down the middle of the street, carrying the cigarillos he obtained 10 minutes earlier by strong-arming an elderly 100-pound man, he wouldn't have been noticed and told to move to the sidewalk.  If he'd moved to the sidewalk the LEO would have continued on his way, except that the BOLO came over the radio just then. There is infrequent mention of the LEO being pummeled inside his vehicle and sustaining an orbital blowout fracture while the perp tried to take his weapon. The LEO is lucky he was able to see his shooting target, let alone hit it.


It seems like Scarborough can't decide which side of the event to support. Pfffffttt.

Wow. If the unarmed 18 year old who had no police record nor any juvenile record either, who had just graduated high school and should have started college last Monday really did pummel the police officer and cause him a serious eye injury, you can be sure a picture of his beaten and bruised face would have been released and replayed over and over and over again on tv as part of the police departments efforts to smear his character as they did with the video and the tidbit from the toxicology report. To go along with the 'friend' who went on the radio to give the police officer's version of events which have been contradicted by at least a half dozen eye witness reports.


And being "6'4" and weighed in at 292" plus black is reason to be shot at least six times? Your comment "The LEO is lucky he was able to see his shooting target, let alone hit it." is just over the top. How you can state that anyone is lucky in this sordid police shooting of an 18 yr old kid who was trying to run away from a madman with a gun is unbelievable. Scarborough isn't taking anyone's side, he's reporting what happened and what happened is tragic.

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The group got OUTRAGED at the optics of Obama laughing it up on the golf course after talking about the execution of the journalist. Optics. I supposed Obama should have sat shiva for him? Or how about clearing brush on a ranch he doesn't own?


I swear, Q-tip looked like a happy puppy during a bit where Blowhard was going off. It as weird.


Another reference to "when I was in Congress in '94". It is way to early to start drinking!

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They showed footage of Mika's pickup truck & Emilie near her dorm room. It's odd that they would have camera crews there.

Don't you know?  No matter what the topic du jour, everything on MJ eventually comes back to being all about them.


Paul Ryan the 'intellectual leader of the Republican Party?'  Well, I guess that explains a lot.  But of course, as another poster cited, he's got a paper door-stop to sell.


Is Mika going for the total Joey Heatherton look?  Tho her ice-white hair is way beyond platinum blonde.

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Don't you know?  No matter what the topic du jour, everything on MJ eventually comes back to being all about them.


And yet Mika and Joe sit there crowing about the story re Have We Turned Our Kids Into Narcissists.  Maybe somebody can send them a dictionary so they can understand the definition of "irony".


Loved how when Joe was trying to defend McDonnell and Thomas kept hammering him about "he was wearing the Rolex and sitting in the Ferrari", and all of a sudden Joe tries to change the subject with "OMG Look how handsome Thomas and Peter are, look at those square jaws!"   Thomas wasn't having it. 


WTF?   Yeah that might work with Mika. Hell you could shake car keys in front of her to distract her from something. 

Edited by teddysmom
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So Joe asks Paul Ryan "Should President Obama be impeached?" and Ryan said "no" (this after discussing the horror of poor Rick Perry being indicted) but shouldn't the follow up question be "Should the President be sued for doing his job?" I swear Perry's mug shot had a drape behind it. It reminded me of a good elementary school photo. Joe even said it's not Annie Lebovitz but it's a pretty darn good mug shot. I just wish he'd been in an orange jumpsuit. Gawh, all the Republicans are screaming how the democrats are playing politics with Perry (and yes, I think they are and it's stupid) but nobody circles back to the Republicans trying to both impeach and sue the President?



Another great follow-up question for Rep. Ryan would have been, "Does this mean then that the plot you and others hatched at that Caucus Room dinner back in January 2009 to obstruct everything this president does will cease?"  Whatever answer he gives will be either a lie or an evasion, so the next question would be about Senator McConnell's telling reporters that he'll use the threat of a government shutdown to force President Obama's hand should the GOP take over the Senate.  Since Lyin' Ryan voted to shut down the government the last time (while whining that he wasn't able to use the congressional gym), he should be asked if he would be willing to go along with this strategy again.

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I flipped over to MJ and saw him ranting about how he wouldn't have played golf while in Congress (drink) and how President Obama was Spock in that the President has no emotions.  Mika was looking at him adoringly.  Changed the channel and didn't return.

It's such faux outrage.  Such horse shit.

If they complain about "how it looks," because in and of itself they know that the 4hrs the President spent outside with aides and phones is irrelevant, then they are complaining that the President should do a better job of telling them what to talk to us about.  Joe forgets he's the interpreter and disseminator of the Obama Golf Narrative, not Obama.  Joe knows golfing is innocuous - a non-issue, yet condemns the President because now Joe must tell everyone how bad it is that the President played golf.

It's a surreal, self-referential parlor game that the President refuses to play, and it enrages Joe, so he explicates meaningless acts in media, thereby giving them weight.  "Optics" of phenomena only matter if Joe focuses on the meaningless phenomena and gives it meaning.

It's like Joe believes the President is forcing him to condemn the President for going to have lunch.  "I wouldn't do it.  Not at a time like this," Sanctimony Joe.


Also, it's odd Sanctimony Joe doesn't blame GWB for the Rodney King Riots.  Odd.  That was orders of magnitude more violent and out of control than Ferguson, but, oh well.  Obama is black and golfs, I suppose.  Lazy and indifferent.  When zero handicap Ike golfed, that was Presidential.

Odd that Joe ignored that one time when His Angelic Holiness Ronnie Reagan ordered CHP, local police and the National Guard to attack peaceful protesters of the Vietnam war at Berkeley while Reagan was Gov of California.  So odd that this has gone unmentioned.  'Reagan called the Berkeley campus "a haven for communist sympathizers, protesters, and sex deviants."'

Some fun reading re: Reagan http://www.thenation.com/article/158506/remembering-reagans-record-civil-rights-and-south-african-freedom-struggle

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Interesting thing about Joe now calling Spock.  I read an article yesterday in the Foreign Policy where the article complemented Obama and considered him very cold and calculating in how he dealt with policy.



We are now cracking the code of where Joe gets his talking points.If he references the Godfather tomorrow or the Road Runner, we will have confirmation.


ETA: name of mag and it was yesterday.

Edited by Dagny
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And yet Mika and Joe sit there crowing about the story re Have We Turned Our Kids Into Narcissists.  Maybe somebody can send them a dictionary so they can understand the definition of "irony".


Loved how when Joe was trying to defend McDonnell and Thomas kept hammering him about "he was wearing the Rolex and sitting in the Ferrari", and all of a sudden Joe tries to change the subject with "OMG Look how handsome Thomas and Peter are, look at those square jaws!"   Thomas wasn't having it. 


WTF?   Yeah that might work with Mika. Hell you could shake car keys in front of her to distract her from something. 

Mika, is a door mat on morning Joe.I can't stand to watch anymore.their ratings are very low.

Edited by fgoldberg

I flipped over to MJ and saw him ranting about how he wouldn't have played golf while in Congress (drink) and how President Obama was Spock in that the President has no emotions.  Mika was looking at him adoringly.  Changed the channel and didn't return.

It's such faux outrage.  Such horse shit.

If they complain about "how it looks," because in and of itself they know that the 4hrs the President spent outside with aides and phones is irrelevant, then they are complaining that the President should do a better job of telling them what to talk to us about.  Joe forgets he's the interpreter and disseminator of the Obama Golf Narrative, not Obama.  Joe knows golfing is innocuous - a non-issue, yet condemns the President because now Joe must tell everyone how bad it is that the President played golf.

It's a surreal, self-referential parlor game that the President refuses to play, and it enrages Joe, so he explicates meaningless acts in media, thereby giving them weight.  "Optics" of phenomena only matter if Joe focuses on the meaningless phenomena and gives it meaning.

It's like Joe believes the President is forcing him to condemn the President for going to have lunch.  "I wouldn't do it.  Not at a time like this," Sanctimony Joe.


Also, it's odd Sanctimony Joe doesn't blame GWB for the Rodney King Riots.  Odd.  That was orders of magnitude more violent and out of control than Ferguson, but, oh well.  Obama is black and golfs, I suppose.  Lazy and indifferent.  When zero handicap Ike golfed, that was Presidential.

Odd that Joe ignored that one time when His Angelic Holiness Ronnie Reagan ordered CHP, local police and the National Guard to attack peaceful protesters of the Vietnam war at Berkeley while Reagan was Gov of California.  So odd that this has gone unmentioned.  'Reagan called the Berkeley campus "a haven for communist sympathizers, protesters, and sex deviants."'

Some fun reading re: Reagan http://www.thenation.com/article/158506/remembering-reagans-record-civil-rights-and-south-african-freedom-struggle


I remember waking up to the news featuring President Obama's address to the nation, announcing that Osama bin Laden had been captured and killed.  It was doubly shocking to me because hours before all this occurred, the president, wearing a tuxedo, was skillfully heckling his detractors like Wig Trump at the White House Correspondents Dinner.  I wonder if Joe and his ilk screamed about "the optics!" then.  More than likely, they grudgingly gave him a thumbs up because he trashed their narrative that he's lazy, disengaged, aloof and weak on national security.  Of course, some in Congress didn't want to believe it at first and demanded proof.  Of course, killing bin Laden still hasn't quieted their claims that the president has a "Muslim outlook."


I was also surprised to learn last night that there was a rescue mission to save Mr. Foley and the other hostages, but the intelligence was wrong.  I also learned that ISIS/ISIL demanded several millions of dollars in ransom for Mr. Foley's release, which was wisely refused.  For all the screaming about the president's "vacationing while the world burns," he has repeatedly shown that he is on the job no matter his location.  


Joe's dissembling about "the optics!" is akin to some on the right actually blaming President Obama (and "his henchman, Eric Holder") for stirring up the race issue the moment he came into office--as if he could help the skin he was born in.  Never mind that they are the ones doing the race-baiting and openly suppressing the vote of people who don't look like them.  It's one of those classic "WTF?!" moments that makes you laugh to keep from crying.  

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Interesting thing about Joe now calling Spock.  I read an article yesterday in the Foreign Policy where the article complemented Obama and considered him very cold and calculating in how he dealt with policy.




Hmmm....let's see...what do I want? A president who is cold and calculating about policy or a hothead who makes rash decisions and gets us into unnecessary wars based on his "gut instinct"?

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Hmmm....let's see...what do I want? A president who is cold and calculating about policy or a hothead who makes rash decisions and gets us into unnecessary wars based on his "gut instinct"?


Exactly. Remember way back when, before the edict had come down to publicly trash and insult and denigrate every single thing the President said or did, the neo-cons were pretty impressed with the cool Barack Obama who had the Seals kill the pirates on the high seas off the coast of Africa? Cool was good then.

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WTF is wrong with Mika? On the parade of papers segment (sidebar: Including Thomas Robert's in the discussion is a big win) Robert's was telling the story of the 11 hour pay it forward thing at Starbucks in Florida (378 people paid for the drinks for the person behind them). Robert's described it as "heartwarming" and Mika piped up that she didn't think it was heartwarming at all...after all it was just a $2 cup of coffee (who's been buying her coffee?). Joe pointed out that Starbucks coffee costs like $7 or $8 and was she just so rich she doesn't get it? Mika said it was just an advertisement for Starbucks...while drinking a huge cup of Starbucks in front of her...tone deaf, TONE DEAF.

They covered the American doctor treated for Ebola being released from the hospital. When they showed the doctor hugging the entire medical team Joe mumbled he wouldn't hug the guy. Way to go Joe. It does sort of bug me that this doctor thanks god for sparing his life but doesn't seem to point out that the medical advances saved his life. I did like the doctor pointing out that this press conference and his case brings much needed attention to the epidemic in West Africa.

Okay the next segment is on the "Culture of Narcissim" and I just can't watch...physician heal thyself?

PS I did laugh when Mika and Joe both showed up wearing the same bright blue colored shirts so Joe changed into a red fleece and asked Mika and Thomas if that was better? Thomas put his hand on Joe's shoulder and said he thought Joe's blue shirt brought out his (Thomas') eyes better. I swear the side eye Joe gave Thomas was like...Dude don't touch me.

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WTF is wrong with Mika? (Should be the name of Thomas' tell-all book about life on the set of MJ)  In the same week she makes the empty gesture of having water sort of poured on her in the guise of charity and faux goodwill, she dismisses smaller acts of actual charity?

Her pouring water on herself is sooo important to her image as a celebrity, but helping her fellow man/woman in an actual sense in a manner that is supposed to become habit or repeatable is beneath her?  WTF indeed, Mika.  You unlikeable cow.

Edited by Landsnark
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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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