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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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I was listening with half an ear and missed a couple things. The 45th anniversary of the release of Abbey Road was mentioned (sandwiched between Joe with guitar/Joe in recording studio photos) and Barnicle made a rude remark about Yoko after Joe delivered a Beatles synopsis. They referred to it later a couple times, after Barnicle left, and Joe said his remark ruined the moment. Anybody catch what that was about?


Also, they said goodbye to their interns? A tall smiley brunette and a petite blonde who seemed shy and uneasy. Which was Mika's daughter?



Barnicle made a rude remark about Yoko after Joe delivered a Beatles synopsis. They referred to it later a couple times, after Barnicle left, and Joe said his remark ruined the moment. Anybody catch what that was about?


IIRC, Barnicle made a crack about a billboard in fracking country that said "Would you take energy advise from the woman that broke up the Beatles?." Something about her anti-fracking campaign.

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Yikes, did you read the comments under that article? The general concensus seems to be that Cackles is a well spoken moderate that the left loves.

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Yeah, I'm perfectly fine with Galore gone for good. Joe can go all d-baggy for sure, but at least l believe he worked to get this gig, and at least knows how to bullshit (number one rule in politics).

I'm slightly fascinated by his reporte with Dreamy. Dreamy is one cool customer and certainly knows how to handle him. But I did laugh when Joe said that straights shouldn't be allowed to marry. And I thought back to his married days when we'd constantly hear that Kate was watching the show and people had to behave. I guess that stopped - not so cool for daddy to make marriage jokes about mommy, is it?

Not to worry Jessie Q, Mika is on this morning to squeal that she actually watched Mork and Mindy...so she's the expert.

I have such mixed emotions about his death. I felt as though I took a punch to the gut when I heard the news but I'm so angry that he committed suicide. You hope in these situations that more attention and resources is brought to the table about mental illness (instead of being the ugly step-child of "real" medical diseases). The media covers mass shootings as the product of evil, horrible people and yet in most cases the evil culprit is untreated mental illness. I realize that Robin Williams must have felt such unrelenting despair that he thought he couldn't go on but I'm angry that we, as a society, don't put enough resources in treating mental illness.

Perhaps the suicide of Robin Williams will spark more attention and resources towards new treatment and medications...but after a flurry of attention I doubt much will change. It's just so sad but everyday countless unnamed people commit suicide leaving behind devastated families and friends. I think we can do better.

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Why the hell is Mika so gleeful when everyone else looks devastated? Because Mork and Mindy was the one tv show she got to watch?

She's reading with that damned breathy drama voice, but then she's smiling and laughing about all the Robin clips and stories. Too soon! That is one chick who manages to always play the room wrong.

Why DID they have to dig her up today? Can't handle a big news day without Mika? Believe me, Mika - we were ALL enjoying your vacation. And as I'm typing and they're talking about Iraq? She's smiling and smirking into the camera. Wtf?

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I thought Joe was actually quite good about the subject today. Of COURSE he knows people with mental illness who committed suicide (one of the few times I've actually believed him), but he really did seem to want to make points about it, and not just nod and flirt like the loon who was just proud to have heard of Mork. And she managed to tell her "kidnapping" story somewhere in there too - all about MEEEEKA!


I love The World According to Garp - so it sort of warmed my heart that Joe mentioned it so many times because that one seems to be pretty forgotten in the Robin Williams filmography.

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"The Birdcage" seems to be the one that's always lost when discussing Robin Williams.  He's so easily hiliarious in it for so many reasons.


The site didn't work for me today until now (a virus?) and I'd have commented like 9hrs ago when Mika B was acting like a fucking idiot about the sad news.  What is WRONG WITH HER????  How is this person a chat show host?  Why does she talk over people and divert the flow of conversation for no purpose?

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I was surprised at how sensitive Joe was being about Robin's death.  I tune out Mika, it's like the teacher in Charlie Brown (blah blah blah blah). 


I liked Garp too.  I forgot about all the serious movies he made. Birdcage and Good Will Hunting are my favorites.


He's got Night at the Museum 3 coming out at Christmas, saw the trailer at Guardians of the Galaxy over the weekend.  Hope the premium channels run some of his movies in the next couple months as a tribute to him. HBO should air his stand up specials. 


I just wish they hadn't played "Keep Me In Your Heart" going to commercial. That's what finally did it for me.  Now I have that song in my head all day and I was wandering around Target on my lunch hour on the verge of tears. 

Cackles, who is pretending to be a Hillary Clinton expert today, is speaking very shrilly in order to talk over other people. I'm surprised dogs all around New York and in New Jersey and Connecticut aren't howling in response.



I saw this too. WTF   The only thing Nicole Wallace could be considered an expert on is being an idiot.  

Edited by teddysmom
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LOL.  Being Mika's understudy has got to be the worst situation in show business.

I presume Mika wants to catch an Orioles game because her daughter is at Johns Hopkins, which is about 1 mile up a single street from the Inner Harbor.


Has Scarborough mellowed?  Is he detoxed?  Re-toxed?  On meds?  Off meds?  In love again?  Finally free of a relationship?  Just relaxed from vacation?  He seems more genial.  And I hate it.  I like disliking him.

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another idiot as someone qualified enough to be one heart attack away from the presidency.


Speaking of, have you seen the video of Palin talking about fast food workers, from her online show.  Whatever she was on at that Denver convention of conservatives, she's upped the dosage about 200%.  She cannot even string two sentences together.  


Something about liberals hating fast food workers because they work at fast food restaurants, and trying to turn them into vegans or send them to Purgatory.   Palin 4.0 (now)  makes Palin 1.0 (2008)  look like the President of Mensa. 

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I've been watching this show for almost a half hour and they haven't mentioned Ferguson once. It's all about Israel dissing the White House, politics, especially the North Carolina senate race, and Joe taking that ice bucket challenge. THEY have their priorities! (Oh, and Hillary.)

Edited by Nidratime

They talked about it at the top of the show, complete with cellphone footage from Wesley Lowery getting asked by a cop in full military gear to leave a McDonald's.  Joe followed with a "why can't people listen to police" rant.  Of course Willie didn't offer any kind of debate.  Thank goodness for Confessore (can't remember his first name), he's today's lone voice of reason.  

Edited by sugarbaker design

I call total bullshit on Mika's ice water challenge. She jumped away and never even got her hair wet. Way to take one for ALS-such a chicken shit poser. At least Joe took the full force.

Edited to add that Mika's daughter & boyfriend (?) were there with the buckets along with Joe's kids.

Edited by stafford
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Speaking of, have you seen the video of Palin talking about fast food workers, from her online show.  Whatever she was on at that Denver convention of conservatives, she's upped the dosage about 200%.  She cannot even string two sentences together. 


Something about liberals hating fast food workers because they work at fast food restaurants, and trying to turn them into vegans or send them to Purgatory.   Palin 4.0 (now)  makes Palin 1.0 (2008)  look like the President of Mensa.

Something about liberals all being vegans, so why do we care about people who work in fast food? Besides, it's only a part-time throw away job for kids so who cares! Yeah, except for all the people who actually DO have to live on that salary past just fooling around in high school. What a first class Galore.


So why is Mika so devastated that her daughter is going to college when the daughter has been in boarding school? I'm guessing when Gene Robinson made that comment about how heart-wrenching it is (and I did it - it IS), he was probably talking about his child who spent 18 years under his roof. Mika already sent this girl off to Northern Virginia years ago.


Mika somehow managed to not get her whole head wet. I'm sure everyone knew to target Joe and just give her the shoulder and back bath.

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I missed the part about the group talking about Ferguson (no way am I getting up at 3am). I did catch the last hour and have issues (surprise!):


  • Jefferey Sachs wrote a piece about Clinton and Obama always reacting to events in the Middle East, messing up everything and always resorting to force. Has he not been away for most of the past decade? We don't want to always get involve. We are finally pushed to get involved because the Repubs and McCain haven't found an incident that they didn't think could be solved by arming people and forcing our will on others. McCain gets to skate - REALLY!!!


  • Oh, why does Qatar & Saudi Arabia get no blame for supporting ISIS or other groups causing problems? Because they have their own internal issues, OIL and we have thousands of military personnel (maybe an air base) in Qatar. When we left SA, we set up shop locally. I think the British lady knew the answer, but decided not to air it.  She had that look of "I know the answer, but you don't want to know the truth". It will lead into a half hour discussion of regional politics/history/religions minorities when we have 10 seconds to tisk-tisk time.


  • How nice of the CEO of Business Insider to come on the side of a strong middle class and how great it used to be. Too bad every CEO who reads his mag believes in busting the unions, raiding the pensions, loading the company with debt, getting the golden parachute and massive stock options for destroying the company. Just enough for the executives and everyone is taken care of changed to more for me, squeeze everything for profits for the shareholders. Screw the workers, they are just components. Brought up how great Ford was to raise wages, but they transitioned to praising a start-up company that had partime workers and students doing menial work. I bet the aren't getting paid double the minimum wage.


  • Word on Mika bailing on the Ice bucket challenge and boo to both of them for coming back and trying to get everyone wet. You want to get them wet, you challenge them!  Gah!
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Wesley Lowery, one of the reporters who was briefly arrested in Ferguson last night, calls out Joe Scarborough while being interviewed on CNN for the remarks Scarborough made about how they should've listened to police and moved along more quickly. (By the way, I hope it's okay to post a link to a youtube video. Wasn't sure about that.)


Wesley Lowery unloads on Joe Scarborough

Edited by Nidratime
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OK, Wesley Lowery is my new hero.  We'll see how Joe reacts tomorrow.  Will he have the good sense to apologize or will he double down on his stupidity?  Will he have the balls to have Lowery on the show or better yet, actually go to Ferguson!  They always have the money to do the show from Fenway Park or some diner in New Hampshire, maybe they could go to where some actual news is happening.  


Chris Hayes and Rachel have been doing a great job pointing out the increased militarization of the police.  The police officers in Ferguson are dressed like they are the Green Berets being dropped into Iraq.  Maybe Joe and Mika could have "a conversation" about that!

Edited by ShuFace88
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Where is the Libertarian furor about Ferguson?  Odd.

Rand Paul and the Tea Party political movement have been entirely quiet on this.  A hyper-militarized governmental body shot a young man for walking to his grandmother's house.  That ticks every single tenet that underpins Libertarian philosophies... especially today's Tea Party rhetoric.

Awfully, awfully quiet, save for the hypocrisy, which is deafening.

If the kid had been wealthy and white (actually, wealthy wouldn't matter), there would be militias in Ferguson and O'Reilly and Hannity would be broadcasting live from helicopters above the protests, praising them.  But he wasn't white, was he?  Ergo, his murder is his own fault.

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re: Wesley Lowery #micdrop Joe knows full well that there is a huge difference between ordinary citizens being given an order (lawful, unlawful or dubious) by officers and members of the press (covered by that pesky 1st Amendment and the ACLU) covering an active story without interfering. What REALLY got my blood boiling was his saying that he would have chastised his own son by saying ,"Joey, you should have done what the nice police officers asked you to do [paraphrased]", and essentially left him in jail until the system worked it out. BULLSHIT, Joe would have been on the phone to ever crooked politician and sheriff that he has ever met, glad-handed and back-slapped in his travels and lives from the Florida Panhandle to MS, to AL, etc. to get his son out of jail. OK, he would have had an intern make the calls while he continued to sip his Starbucks then snapped his fingers and barked "Give me that damn phone....Well, hellooooooo, Sheriff {blank], been a while. Boy those people down in MO just don't understand law and order and the process..."


ETA: No MTP for Joe and Mika!!! Chuck Toad to replace David Gregory.

Edited by renard
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Chris Hayes and Rachel have been doing a great job pointing out the increased militarization of the police.



Chris was AMAZING last night. Two live shows, interviewing all those people in Ferguson.  I was glued to the tv.  And Rachel did a great job bringing context to various aspects of the situation.   Just riveting television. 

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Apologies is I'm in the wrong place but I haven't found a generic MSNBC thread like on TWOP nor other specific shows beside Rachel's. Slept in a bit this morning and turned on the TV about 8:15CDT to see The Dauphine  sitting in for Chuck. PLEASE, for the love of God, someone assure me quickly that Chuck's promotion does NOT mean that this twit gets a regular show. There isn't enough personal security in the world to protect the network executives if they pull the trigger on that. Let's start crowdsourcing to see who else is on the bench that could take that spot. My first guess would be Ari Melber since he has been everywhere subbing for Lawrence and others while still ostensibly a regular panelist on The Cycle. That would leave his chair open and I don't see Luke fitting in that group dynamic permanently.

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OK, Wesley Lowery is my new hero.  We'll see how Joe reacts tomorrow.  Will he have the good sense to apologize or will he double down on his stupidity?  Will he have the balls to have Lowery on the show or better yet, actually go to Ferguson!  They always have the money to do the show from Fenway Park or some diner in New Hampshire, maybe they could go to where some actual news is happening.  


I set my alarm for 4am and watched about 30 minutes before I fell out. No specific response, although he did say that if cops were acting up on his street/in his yard he'd tell them to "get the fuck out of here." Umkay ...

I can't say I hate Chuck Todd's guts or anything.  I actually have fond (?) memories of TDR when he and Savannah Guthrie hosted together.  She seemed to bring out his personality or something, and it was good with the two of them IMHO.  Also, I found the show refreshing after Morning Joe, because there was no fighting and Chuck never threatened to "backhand" Savannah or anything.  I really haven't watched it since, though...so if Chuck's been annoying I'll take everyone's word for it.  In any case, I'm OK with him getting MTP, I think he'll be better than David Gregory.

Edited by jenkait
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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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